Impressions Summer 2017, Issue 11

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impressions PAGE

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The Reformation revived through evangelism and media

Called By Conviction

Pastor Douglas Na’a accepts position as new SALT Director


What to do between now and then

on the cover


The Reformation revived through evangelism and media This October will be 500 years since Martin Luther defiantly nailed a copy of his 95 Theses to the Castle Church door. In honor of this anniversary, It Is Written created the TV series, 500, and is planning two major evangelistic series.

aspects 04

Director’s Desk


Mission Report


Escrito Está


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight




Called By Conviction

Pastor Douglas Na’a accepts position as new SALT Director


What to do between now and then


impressions magazine SUMMER 2017 ISSUE 11 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Annalyse Hasty



John Bradshaw, Speaker/Director SEPTEMBER 8 — 10

Partnership Weekend in Gatlinburg, Tennessee


Partnership Weekend in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania


Partnership Weekend in Orlando, Florida


3ABN Camp Meeting in Thompsonville, Illinois


ASI Europe Convention in Lisbon, Portugal

OCTOBER 25 — 31

Evangelistic Series in Rome, Italy

ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2017 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written and My Place With Jesus are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Escrito Está is a trademark of It Is Written, Inc.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA

notes 12

Partnership Highlight






Planned Giving



Eric Flickinger, Associate Speaker JULY 31 — AUG 2

Preaching Training at Cohutta Springs Conference Center in Crandall, Georgia


Prayer Rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


Evangelistic Series in Kyustendil, Bulgaria

OCTOBER 13 — 29

Evangelistic Series in Stuttgart, Germany

SALT 365 Learn how to effectively share your faith with It Is Written’s practical, engaging, free online evangelism training.

Director’s Desk

Baggage John Bradshaw

Speaker & Director

“Son, you’ll never get through that gate like that. Not with all that baggage.”


It Is Written impressions


irport security screeners are used to finding strange items in the carry-on baggage of passengers passing through airport security checkpoints. Recently, a man traveling through Logan Airport in Boston was caught transporting a cooler containing a live lobster that weighed more than 20 pounds! As a young man, I traveled to live for a time in England. When I arrived at Victoria Station in London, I was carrying so many bags I couldn’t fit through the narrow gate that led to the station platform. A man from the London Underground saw my predicament and called out to me. “Son, you’ll never get through that gate like that. Not with all that baggage.” It wasn’t until I set aside my baggage that I could make it through the gate and on to catch my train. In Matthew 7:14 Jesus said, “Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Many people are not going to be able to make it through that narrow gate because of their baggage. Anger, lust, jealousy, hate, unforgivingness, pride: these are things people carry with that will keep them from heaven. But God is willing to take your baggage and replace it with the grace of Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” The promises of God are given so we can set our baggage aside. The Holy Spirit works to separate us from our baggage and restore in us the character of Jesus. If there’s baggage you need to set aside, let God take it and make you new.


Breaking New Ground

Continued on page 22



Called By Conviction Pastor Douglas Na’a accepts position as new SALT Director


t Is Written and Southern Adventist University are proud to announce Pastor Douglas Na’a as the new SALT program director. Pastor Na’a is joining the SALT team from the Hawaii Conference. He has conducted more than 20 evangelistic meetings, planted several churches, served as a Bible worker, youth pastor, senior pastor, and currently as a district pastor on the island of Kaua’i. “I’m really excited Douglas Na’a is our new SALT director,” It Is Written Speaker/Director John Bradshaw said. “He knows evangelism inside out, he’s a soul-winner with a love for people, and he has a great vision for what SALT can do to impact the world. We have great days ahead. God has blessed us.” As the SALT program director, Douglas Na’a will be responsible for teaching SALT classes, promoting and recruiting students, coordinating evangelism efforts, and guiding the strategic development of the SALT program. Although he will be leaving beautiful Kaua’i, Douglas knows Tennessee is where God wants him next. “We are moved by conviction, not by how beautiful a place is,” Douglas said. “I love evangelism in all its phases. I am so excited to teach young people about evangelism and to disciple them in a transformational way.” Pastor Na’a is a popular speaker on and has conducted numerous prayer conferences in the United States


It Is Written impressions

Douglas was born and raised in New Zealand and has been married to his wife, Waterlily Meliana, for 12 years.

and abroad. He has a Masters of Divinity degree from Andrews University, and his colleagues consider him both astute and passionate about evangelism. “We are thrilled to welcome a capable evangelist with a heart for people and a passion for teaching,” current SALT director Dr. Alan Parker said. “I believe Pastor Na’a will be a tremendous asset to us as we seek to grow the SALT program. Douglas is very personable and easy going, blending evangelistic zeal with pastoral compassion. He has a desire to mentor young people and to engage them in sharing the gospel.” Pastor Na’a will begin working at SALT this fall. Dr. Parker will shift his focus to the development of the Evangelistic Resource Center at Southern Adventist University, of which SALT is a part.

“He knows evangelism inside out, he’s a soul-winner with a love for people, and he has great vision for what SALT can do to impact the world with the gospel.”

SALT is an evangelistic training program from It Is Written and Southern Adventist University. SALT offers college accredited courses, short summer sessions, and free online training. To find out more about SALT, Summer SALT, or SALT 365 visit SUMMER 2017


Mission Report



120 volunteers, 70 baptisms, one special boy

“Have you heard? Foreign doctors are coming to a local community center!” Hosoo’s neighbor enthusiastically announced. This was great news for Hosoo and his family because they lived in area of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, where services like running water, paved roads, and access to good medical care are desperately lacking.

May 2017 Medical Clinics: 2150 Surgeries: 56 Eye Surgeries:


Dental Patients: 405 Vision Patients: 1110 Patients who received glasses: 1400


It Is Written impressions

Several years earlier, Hosoo’s family, along with hundreds of thousands of other people, left everything behind in the countryside and moved to the city in the hope of finding a better life. Instead, they were greeted by an equally hard life. When Hosoo went to see the foreign doctors he was hoping they would be able to help him with his big problem: he couldn’t talk. After a thorough examination, the doctor who saw Hosoo determined he had a congenital oral anomaly called ankyloglossia (tongue-tie). Unfortunately, none of the doctors present could do the procedure to free his tongue. Even though Hosoo was greatly disappointed, he was impressed by the kindness and love exhibited by everyone he encountered at the clinic. When the doctors invited him to evening meetings, he and his family eagerly attended. There they heard about someone they had never heard of before: Jesus. Hosoo’s heart was deeply touched by what he heard and felt at the community center. He soon discovered that this

When Hosoo went to see the foreign doctors he was hoping they would be able to help him with his big problem: he couldn’t talk. community center was actually a church, a Christian church. When the meetings ended, the pastor of the church regularly met with Hosoo and his family to tell them more about Jesus and the Bible. A few months later Hosoo and his mother were baptized. Even though Hosoo could not communicate verbally, he invited his friends and neighbors to come to church and hear about the One who had given him hope and peace. Four other people were baptized over the course of a year because of his fervent and faithful invitations. What a missionary for Jesus! In addition to Hosoo and his family, It Is Written’s Mission: Mongolia has impacted thousands of people in a country that is 97 percent non-Christian. Our latest mission trip in June included over 120 volunteers who worked in 8 locations, including Hosoo’s church. We provided medical, dental, and vision services. Every single person who came to one of our clinics was invited to a special series of Bible presentations in a large auditorium located in the heart of Ulaanbaatar. Every night an average of 725 people came to hear Pastor John Bradshaw preach about Jesus. At the end of the series, 70 people were baptized, and over 100 are preparing for baptism later this year. While Hosoo was enthusiastically inviting everyone in his neighborhood to come to the clinic, where almost two years earlier his life had forever changed, his own prayer was about to be answered. One of the doctors on the returning team was an oral surgeon. He successfully operated on Hosoo and loosed his tied tongue forever. With the support of his church family, Hosoo is now going through speech therapy to learn how to use his tongue and talk. He can’t wait to share the good news of Jesus loudly with his own words. YVES MONNIER is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.

John Bradshaw with Hosoo and his mother and sister.

UPCOMING MISSION OPPORTUNITIES Volunteers are needed for medical and preaching opportunities. Call today! Moldova


Need 20 volunteers for preaching and vision clinic Mongolia


Need volunteers for preaching and medical clinic Philippines

JULY 13 — 29, 2018

Need 500 preachers South Africa

OCTOBER 5 — 21, 2018

Need 30 volunteers for preaching and medical clinic

Contact Us

423-362-5846 SUMMER 2017


Escrito Está

Escrito Está Shares the Gospel in Mexico City


ver since he could remember, Miguel had wanted to be an attorney. For years he worked and studied. His tenacity paid off when he finally landed a position at the attorney general’s office in Mexico City, Mexico. Miguel was well-liked and highly respected in leadership circles. It seemed like he had everything he wanted. He also had great respect for the law and a deeply ingrained belief in the importance of fairness in all his dealings. But something troubled him. For a long time he had struggled with the idea of the fairness of God. He wanted to believe in the religion of his youth, but as an attorney, he couldn’t come CAROLINA BONILLA is the administrative assistant for Escrito Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanishspeaking community with the gospel.


It Is Written impressions

to terms with what he perceived to be God’s harsh treatment of the guilty sinner. How could man’s laws be more compassionate than those of his Creator? One day he heard that the speaker of a program he often watched on television would be holding meetings in a large hotel

For a long time he had struggled with the idea of the fairness of God. in downtown Mexico City. The program was It Is Written’s Spanish TV program, Escrito Está, and the speaker was Pastor Robert Costa. Miguel had always liked the program, and he trusted Pastor Costa’s honest and straightforward approach to Bible truth, so he decided to attend.

Pastor Robert Costa met with Miguel and his wife after they both responded to the call for baptism.

Night after night, as each message was presented, Miguel readily accepted the truth from God’s Word. But then the subject of the final judgment was presented, and something clicked for Miguel. He said: “As a lawyer and not a regular student of the Bible, there were things I heard in churches that contradicted each other and raised my doubts in the Bible and God. It seemed God wasn’t fair. The subject that touched my heart like no other was the one on the good news about the final judgment. This messaged clicked in my mind. It was the subject that I needed to understand and see that all biblical subjects are in harmony and make sense. It was the piece of the puzzle that I needed. I now see the gospel clearly. God is justice, but He is also fair and compassionate. “I finally understand that the issue of God’s fairness is an accusation that has been pending before God’s throne since Lucifer’s first claim. It is an accusation that God has been answering since the fall of man. Now the cross has a new significance for me because it is the most brilliant and love-filled response God could give.” At the close of the series, Miguel, his wife, and his sister-in-law responded to the call for baptism and were baptized. “We had baptisms every night, and I talked and prayed with Miguel several times,” Pastor Costa said. “He had an intense struggle due to deep-rooted social commitments, but biblical truth triumphed in his heart. If anything, Miguel’s story reaffirms my conviction that we must present the three angels’ messages clearly and

without fear. If we don’t, we may deprive someone of the joy in Jesus, and a chance at eternal life.” The series also helped to encourage the local church leadership and members, who often struggle in this complex and secular city of more than 9 million people. “We should never be intimidated by numbers because we are not working alone,” Pastor Costa told the pastors and churches. “God does not ask that we be successful. He only asks that we be faithful, and He will take care of the rest.” Please keep the ministry of Escrito Está in your prayers. If you wish to learn more about Escrito Está or to view resources in Spanish, please visit

Robert Costa, Speaker/Director JULY 1—8

Evangelistic Series in Dallas, Texas

JULY 14 — 16

Evangelistic Rally in Anchorage, Alaska

JULY 21 — 23

Evangelism Training in Kansas City, Missouri

SEPT 27 — 30

Evangelistic Series in Kingston, New York

OCTOBER 25 — 28

Evangelistic Series in Las Palmas, Canary Islands SUMMER 2017


Partnership Highlight


Partner Turned


Traveler I

n 1988 the Iraq War was just ending, a computer mouse by Logitech cost $89.90, laser eye surgery had just been invented, and Dr. Gordon and Carol Guild began supporting It Is Written on a recurring basis. Twenty-nine years later, the doctor and his wife couldn’t be happier. The Guild’s Partnership with It Is Written is much more than an annual financial commitment. Dr. Guild has been a champion of It Is Written’s mission to Mongolia since it began over three years ago. He has traveled with the medical missionary teams and brought hope and healing to hundreds of sick people. While in Mongolia this year, Dr. Guild was invited to make a house call to the home of a 29-year-old mother with terminal neck cancer. After doing a limited physical examination, Dr. Guild knew that the only procedure available was for her soul. He set his medical bag aside, sat on the edge of the young lady’s Dr bed, and told her about her heavenly Father’s desire to .G o rd d spend eternity with her. He told her about heaven, where o n a n d a ro l G uil C there would be no more suffering or death, and he explained how Jesus died so that she could enjoy eternal life. Dr. Guild invited 12

It Is Written impressions

“In volunteering for It Is Written we are the ones most blessed.”

Pictured above: Dr. Guild with a terminally ill patient in Mongolia who accepted Christ during this visit.

ELLEN METCALF is the development director for It Is Written. Ellen and her team plan the yearly Partnership weekend events.

her to accept Jesus into her heart, and for the very first time, she did. After a moving prayer, the lady’s three-year-old daughter thanked Dr. Guild for visiting and praying for her mommy. Dr. Guild left with tears in his eyes. “I never expected to make a hospice call on this trip. To have someone accept Jesus on her deathbed and know she will soon sleep awaiting Jesus’ return was more than payment-in-full for making this trip to Mongolia,” Dr. Guild said. Carol is a prayer warrior while her husband travels. She uplifts the patients, her husband, and the whole It Is Written team. Carol and her grandchildren also volunteer by doing work in the It Is Written office or responding to ministry emails from home. “In volunteering for It Is Written we are the ones most blessed,” Carol said. “Using our God-given skills for the glory of One who has given His all for us and sharing our financial blessing makes us feel like we are joining with our Master in saving souls.” In addition to his passion for Mongolia, Dr. Guild also traveled to Moldova this year with the It Is Written team. He shared briefly about his experience: “In Mark 16, Jesus gave His disciples a challenge to take the gospel to every individual. Carol and I have had the privilege to be present-day disciples. It Is Written is a vehicle that allows us to travel to countries like Mongolia and Moldova and follow Christ’s example of ministering to people’s physical and emotional needs which opens doors to share spiritual truths. I would take a patient’s hand and pray with them and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit surrounding us. This makes all the travel worthwhile.” When you Partner with It Is Written, you Partner with Jesus Christ. The opportunities to share salvation are endless. Consider becoming a ministry Partner today, join us on an upcoming mission trip, or become a prayer warrior for this ministry. Your support is invaluable. SUMMER 2017




It Is Written is committed to preaching the everlasting gospel to “every nation, tribe, tongue, and people” (Revelation 14:6). The It Is Written Bible Study Guides have now been translated to Turkish, Arabic, and Farsi. Combined, these languages are spoken by approximately 335 million people. Use these studies to help fulfill the Great Commission and spread the good news of the gospel to people around the world. Bible Study Guide Sets Arabic • ABSGSET • $14.99

Spanish • SBSGSETL • $9.99

Farsi • FBSGSET • $14.99

English • BSGSETL • $9.99

Turkish • TBSGSET • $19.99

More languages are coming! Visit for updates


To order, call 888-664-5573 It Is Written impressions

Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EDT

or visit SUMMER 2017


Cover Feature




eformation Day is often overlooked in today’s world. After all, October 31 is dominated by costumes, carved pumpkins, and candy. However, for the Christian, October 31 should be a day of great celebration for a very different reason. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther walked to the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and defiantly nailed a copy of his 95 Theses to the church door. The 95 Theses, or the list of 95 questions and topics Luther was proposing for debate, would later become the foundation of the Protestant Reformation. This October will be 500 years since that iconic day. The Protestant Reformation was a religious and political revolution that would forever alter religion, art, music, and politics. It would also claim many Reformers’ lives as they dared to stand for the Bible. Today, we can thank God that Martin Luther followed His leading and brought Bible truth to light.


It Is Written impressions

In honor of this anniversary, It Is Written has created the TV series, 500, and is planning two major evangelistic campaigns— one in Germany where the Reformation began, and one in Rome, where much of the Reformation centered. Nine On-Location TV Programs The 500 series was filmed earlier this year in Europe and the United States. John Bradshaw and a small production team traveled to Ireland, Britain, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, and New England. This series of nine on-location programs is a unique journey in the footsteps of the Reformers. “This series is going to take the viewer into the experience of the Reformation,” Speaker/Director John Bradshaw said. “It will explore the reason for the Reformation, some of the main characters involved, and more importantly we’ll study the great principles of the Reformation and how they still apply to us today. We’ll see the Reformation isn’t yet finished and that God’s greatest work in reaching the world with the message of the Bible is still to be done.” Sharing the Gospel in Rome From October 25 to 31 in Rome, Italy, John Bradshaw will be preaching an evangelistic series titled Solo Cinque (The Five Solas). Solo Cinque will focus on the five premises of the Reformation, known as the Five Solas. These are five Latin phrases that emerged during the Reformation to summarize the Reformers’ theological convictions about the essentials of Christianity. Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); Sola Fide (faith alone); Sola Gratia (grace alone); Solus Christus (Christ alone); and Soli Deo Gloria (to the glory of God alone). An It Is Written Bible work coordinator has been working with the four

During the 500 series filming, video drones were used to capture dramatic aerial shots. Pictured above, John Bradshaw and the production crew film at the William Tyndale monument in Gloucestershire, England.

participating area churches since June 2016. Solo Cinque will be hosted at one of the churches, fittingly only a little over a mile from the Vatican. “It Is Written is excited to be responding to God’s call and share the gospel with the people of Rome this year,” It Is Written Evangelism Director Yves Monnier said. “Imagine, going to the place where thousands of Christians died as martyrs during

“This series is going to take the viewer into the experience of the Reformation.” Nero’s persecutions and where centuries later Martin Luther’s eyes were opened regarding the false teachings of the church as he climbed Pilate’s staircase. We pray that we will exhibit the faithfulness of the early Christians and the courage of Luther as we boldly proclaim the love of Jesus in a city that over time has become very spiritually dark.” SUMMER 2017


Right: John Bradshaw and one member of the production team set up a shot outside of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, where Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses 500 years ago.

“Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther kindled the fires of a reformation that has impacted nearly every area of life in the Western world”


It Is Written impressions

Evangelism in Germany In Stuttgart, Germany, Associate Speaker Eric Flickinger will be presenting an evangelistic series titled Hier Stehe Ich: Was Luther Heute Sagen Würde (Here I Stand: What Luther Would Say Today). The series will run for three weekends from October 13 to 29. Pastor Flickinger will look at the origins of the Reformation and the similarities between Luther’s time and our world today. “Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther kindled the fires of a reformation that has impacted nearly every area of life in the Western world,” Eric Flickinger said. “This coming October we have the privilege of carrying his torch forward in Germany, the very birthplace of the Reformation.” Continuing the Impact Five hundred years later, does the Reformation still influence us? We know that the Reformation is a fascinating and deeply foundational time for modern Christianity. But how is God’s plan, that began so long ago, still being carried out? To answer these questions and more, the threepronged approach by It Is Written is designed to draw many people to Jesus during this special time in history. Through two live evangelism series, and one television series, It Is Written will follow the Reformers and declare Bible truths to the world.



500 years later... It was the greatest revolution of the last 1000 years. Learn the story of the Reformation and why it matters today more than ever. Join Pastor John Bradshaw on a unique journey in the footsteps of the Reformers with nine new, must-see, on-location programs titled 500. 500 airs nightly on 3ABN at 10:00 EST / 7:00 PST during October 23–31, and on other networks.*




*Check listings for times. Copyright © 2017, It Is Written, Inc. All rights reserved.

My Place With Jesus

Go Light Your World “His lightnings lit up the world: the earth saw and trembled.” PSA LM 97:4


n explosive clap of thunder boomed just seconds after the blinding flash of lightning lit up Jenny’s room. For a moment it was as bright as the middle of the day! She pulled the bed covers tightly around her neck as she lay wide awake, wondering how long the storm was going to last. Lightning—I have seen some spectacular displays of this force of natural energy. Lightning happens when electrical power stored up in clouds bursts free with a tremendous flash of energy. Although lightning can do a lot of damage, controlled energy can do great amounts of good. The most common lightning occurs inside a cloud. That is called “intra-cloud lightning.” The most dangerous lightning is “cloud to ground lightning.” Each year 1.5 billion lightning flashes occur in our atmosphere. About one out of four of these flashes strikes the ground.

MELISSA BRADSHAW is the My Place With Jesus coordinator at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area.


It Is Written impressions

A single bolt of lightning can release as much energy as a ton of dynamite exploding! That is a lot of power! So how are we like lightning? If you’ve ever been stuck inside during a period of rain or snow, you can feel as though you have a lot of energy that needs to be released. Sometimes releasing all that energy can get you into a little trouble! What would it look like if we channeled our energy into something good? Psalm 97:4 says, “His lightnings light the world; the earth sees and trembles.” If we allow our lives to store up the love and character of God, we will produce a light that would bring glory to Him­—a light that the whole world would see. Just think how beautiful it would be if all God’s children would shine for Him! Try to think of ways you can use your energy to light the world around you with lightning of the very best kind!

Guide the energy from this bolt of lightning safely through the maze to light up the Earth!

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Jesus! SUMMER 2017


Community Connection

It Is Written Groundbreaking Ceremony July 10, 2017

It Is Written BREAKS GROUND for New Ministry Headquarters


groundbreaking ceremony for the new It Is Written ministry headquarters was held on July 10, 2017. More than 300 attended the event that took place in Collegedale, Tennessee. The groundbreaking ceremony featured It Is Written representatives, local government and business leaders, and church leadership. It began at the nearby Collegedale Korean Church; then guests were invited up to the land site for the ceremonial turning of the soil. Guest speakers welcomed the ministry to Collegedale with open arms. You “bring a legacy of providing hope and life to millions of people around the world and now that is centered right JOCELYN MEJIAS is the associate director of Development. Jocelyn helps coordinate all the Partnership events each year and enjoys connecting with donors. Her greatest achievement in life is her beautiful daughter Chelsea.


It Is Written impressions

here in Collegedale,” said Dr. Ben Wygal, assistant to the president of Southern Adventist University. Originally headquartered in California, the 61-year-old media ministry moved

You “bring a legacy of providing hope and life to millions of people around the world and now that’s centered right here in Collegedale.” to Tennessee in 2014 and has been leasing office and warehouse space in Chattanooga. In 2016, It Is Written selected the nearly nine-acre lot in Collegedale, Tennessee, as its permanent location because of the proximity to Southern Adventist University, a strong partner of the ministry.

In preparation for the groundbreaking ceremony, Speaker/ Director John Bradshaw felled the first tree on the property and an area was cleared. A larger portion of the land will be cleared in the coming months and construction is expected to begin this fall. Construction of the new ministry headquarters is targeted for a 2018 completion, with excavation beginning in August 2017. The two-story building will be 40,905 square feet and include office, studio, and warehouse space. The new ministry headquarters will also house a resource shop and mission museum. River Street Architecture of Chattanooga has completed architectural plans and P&C Construction of Chattanooga will serve as the general contractor on the project.

Help us build the It Is Written of tomorrow — one brick at a time. Leave a legacy and have your name on the new ministry headquarters. Purchase a commemorative brick for a donation of $200 or more. Call the It Is Written Development office to inquire about other naming opportunities, at 800-479-9056. Join us by filling out the enclosed envelope with your one-time, annual, or monthly gift of any amount.

Visit to learn more.


BY JOHN BRADSHAW, Speaker/Director

“A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, ‘Occupy till I come’.” Luke 19:12,13


hen my brother was baptized, he believed he was the last one in the door. He had studied the Bible and was familiar with the signs of Jesus’ return and was sure he had been baptized just in time to be ready for the second coming. The year was 1975. If you’ve been a believer in Jesus for any length of time, you likely expected that He would have returned before now. However, the truth is the timing of Jesus’ return isn’t terribly important. That is, we know when He is coming again: soon. We might even say, “Very soon!” But how soon is soon? The Bible says it is the evil servant that says, “My lord delayeth his coming” 24

It Is Written impressions

(Matthew 24:48). We still have every reason to believe the return of Jesus is imminent. The fact is, every person alive is only a heartbeat away from the second coming. But more important than the precise timing of Jesus’ return is what His people should be doing in the intervening time. Jesus said something truly significant to a group of people whose experience mirrors that of Christians in Earth’s last days. In Luke 19 He taught a parable, “because they thought the kingdom of God should immediately appear” (verse 11). Notice what Jesus said: “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them

ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come” (Luke 19:12,13). Jesus didn’t address the question of the timing of the setting up of His kingdom. Instead, He spoke to what his people should do while they wait for Him to come. He said, “Occupy till I come.” The Greek word translated into the English “occupy” means, essentially, “keep yourself busy.” The New King James Version renders the phrase, “Do business till I come.” The idea Jesus is attempting to convey is obvious. Irrespective of the timing of His return, His people are to use their money—their talents, their capabilities— for His glory for as long as they have. Imagine a church where all of God’s people did what they could to advance His kingdom! While she didn’t have the same means as someone like Joseph of Arimathea, the widow cast her two mites into the temple treasury as an offering to God. The little boy who gave Jesus five

loaves and two fish had a great deal less than Levi, the publican, who made for Jesus “a great feast in his own house” (Luke 5:29). The young boy did what he could with what he had, and made a huge impact for the glory of God. A couple of years ago I met with an old friend. I admired the beautiful walking stick he was using. My friend told me how his walking stick opened the door to an effective ministry. “I wanted to do something to reach people with the gospel.” Larry had served God faithfully all his life. He was 91 years old. “As I was reading the story of Moses, I saw where God said to him, ‘What is that in your hand?’ It was his walking stick. Then I realized my walking stick was an opportunity. Everywhere I go people comment on it. I already had what I needed to reach people for Jesus.” Larry prepared a tract. On the cover was a picture of his walking stick. Inside was the story of Moses, his testimony, and a gospel appeal.

More important than the timing of Jesus’ coming is what we do between now and then. Ninety-one years old, praying for a ministry and sharing his faith. I saw him recently. He’s still actively witnessing, at the age of 94. It has been 42 years since my brother was baptized. He has a granddaughter who is a junior in college. When is Jesus coming back? Although we’ve been saying it for years, the answer is still the same: soon. More important than the timing of Jesus’ coming is what we do between now and then. This is a time to occupy, to be about our Father’s business until Jesus returns. SUMMER 2017



Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

“I want to take a moment to thank you for your commitment and dedication to It Is Written and for providing a ministry that has changed my life. I start my day with Every Word and sometimes I feel like the message is meant specifically for me. I appreciate all of the work that you do to make this possible.” — USA “I listen to Every Word before breakfast. Thank you for your thoughts and especially the biblical accounts.” — USA “What joy and strength we get from your daily devotional. Your subject matter, your voice, and smiling face warm the soul. Blessings to you and your team.”

“Your Bible studies are by far the best. I like the modern pictures and notes included. I have received the most decisions for truth with these studies than with any others.” — USA

— New Zealand

“I just wanted to tell you that the ASL (American Sign Language) Every Word is just ingenious! What a wonderful resource to add to these videos!” — USA “I love your program! It is always very informative and has spiritually motivating messages.” — California, USA

“Thank you so very much for your very inspiring and heart-touching sermons that I watch on It Is Written and Every Word. I am so blessed. I have been watching It Is Written since Pastor Vandeman. What a rich blessing that your words are reaching so many souls!” — Toronto, Ontario

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Staff Highlight


As editor and social media coordinator for It Is Written, Annalyse Hasty is no stranger to hard work and ingenuity. She sets a high standard of excellence for herself and inspires her coworkers to do the same. “Annalyse operates outside the box by always bringing us innovative ideas and never taking no for an answer,” said her supervisor, Development Director Ellen Metcalf. “She has brought so much vision, energy, and organization to our team.” As the designated public relations person for It Is Written, Annalyse has to remain creative and organized. “My day usually includes gathering stories for our Impressions magazine, posting news and media online, and editing publications. I also order promotional items for conventions, plan events, and handle projects like the It Is Written calendar,” Annalyse said. Sometimes working here can be “pretty crazy,” she says. “There is always some massive event on the horizon that we are preparing for in addition to juggling daily tasks.” But Annalyse is not daunted by the demands put on her. She prioritizes and aims to set realistic deadlines. By doing her part to ensure correctness, Annalyse makes things the best they can be. “When our message is most appealing,” she says, “it has the greatest chance of connecting people with Jesus. That is the ultimate goal.” A mass communication graduate from nearby Southern Adventist University, Annalyse took action when she heard that BY ARIEL WARREN, Associate Graphic Designer

It Is Written had moved to Chattanooga. “I wanted to work in ministry, so I showed up and spoke with Charles Reel, the treasurer.” She then serendipitously attended an It Is Written Partnership meeting where she was able to meet with John Bradshaw. The rest is history. “It’s a joy to have Annalyse in the office,” said Charles Reel. “Her positive, can-do attitude makes even difficult tasks seem possible. If we ask Annalyse to take care of something, we know she will come through with flying colors.” Annalyse works at It Is Written because what she does matters. “Yes, you can find purpose in all kinds of work,” Annalyse explains, “but I feel called to use my talents to communicate the most important message of all.” We’re blessed to have her talents, her attitude, and her smile on our team.

Get to know Annalyse: What is your favorite meal? Pretty much any kind of pasta, but macaroni and cheese is a classic. What was your first job? Working at Burnt Hickory Arabians horse farm. It was a breeding and training farm where I worked with the young horses, riding them for the first time. I was even able to be a horse mid-wife several times.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving 101


lanned giving gives you powerful tools to support what you value most, both during your life and after. It’s a smart way to help you meet charitable, family, and financial goals. Planned gifts can provide lifetime income for the donor or any number of family members. Legacy estate planning can provide for charity and heirs in ways that increase your gift’s value. Your planned gift can make a world of difference— for your family and the kingdom of God through your gift to It Is Written.

“Why should I consider a gift plan?” • Charitable gift annuities offer fixed payments for life. • Plans include tax and capital gains incentives (depending on the plan). • Charitable bequests are exempt from estate tax.

“What assets can I include in my plan?” • Many types, including cash, stocks, real estate, IRA rollovers, precious metals, art, jewelry, business interests, and collectibles.

“What are the benefits of working on my plan with It Is Written?” • We have many years of experience and many satisfied partners. • Plans require the assistance of qualified specialists.

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It Is Written impressions

This information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.

Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone please go to or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Allen, Charles by Mrs. Stacie Hand Akers, George by Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote Bivens, Rolland by Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Bivens Burks, Annelies by son Ronald K. Clymer Burtnett, Larry by Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote; by J. Rita Vital Candela, Claude by Anne Marie Ritchie Cronin, Carl by Carolyn S. Cronin

Isaak, DeLane by Joanne S. Isaak

Vandeman, Anna by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper

Krause, Rudolf M. by wife Mrs. Shirley Krause

Vandeman, George E. by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martin

Meredith, Margaret by Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Meredith

Wallington, W.G. and Iria Mae by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sowler

McGinnis, Helen Marie by Delbert Conrad; by Janet Miller; by Mr. and Mrs. John Heiser

Watts, Vernita by Kathleen D. Hanson

McKibbin, Rolland D. by Martha Calhoun; by J. Rita Vital; by Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote Novy, Alta by Geraldine Hill

Weakley, John by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weakley HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Miranda, Iris by Mrs. Iris Miranda HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Davis, Chip by Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Daniels

Nutt, Bill by Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote; by J. Rita Vital;

Denton, Paul by Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dodds

Olson, Harry E. by Janet M. Olson

White, Nicole by Mr. Matthew White

Fortner, B.D. and Myrtle Ellen by Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Fortner

O Malley, Robert and Barbara by Sean O Malley


Fogg, Damon by Mr. and Mrs. David Fogg

Parks, David by Mr. Otis W. Parks

Bansal, Ramesh Chander by Judith E. Jones

Gaitor, Welsey by mother Yhasmine Albury

Pitt, Bill by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper

Emde, Brad by Dr. Shelly Shaw

Geschwind, Betty by daughter Ms. Pamla Geschwind

Post, Lloyd by Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote

Pierson, Mrs. Kenneth W. by Melissa Harness

Hansen, Ina by Mr. and Mrs. Fay McPherson

Ratliff, Hoyt M. by J. Rita Vital

Suelzle, Wilbert and LaVaughn by son George E. Suelzle

Hertzmann, Alvina by Mrs. Olga Lang-Rodin

Stonger, Naomi by Donna K. Henderson

Siddiqui, Danish Suboot by Judith E. Jones

Robinson, Marianne by Mrs. Marianne Robinson

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written Your honorary or memorial gift is helping spread the gospel around the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient's name and address.


Greetings from the Autobahn

131.7 miles per hour. That’s the imperial equivalent of 212 kilometers per hour.

It’s also the top speed of a Ford Mondeo when it is carrying me, my cameraman (Thomas), and our video equipment. At least, that’s all we were able to get out of it as we traveled along the autobahn between Stuttgart and Wittenberg, Germany. We were on our way to film some promos for our upcoming series, “Here I stand: What Luther would say today” (read more on page 16). Now, bear in mind that driving on the Autobahn in Germany is very different than driving in the United States. The roads are built to exacting standards never matched in the States. German drivers must also pass a rigorous $2,000 exam in order to have the privilege of receiving their driver’s licenses. The cars in Germany must be maintained to a standard that would send most American cars to the salvage yard. And the reason certain sections of the autobahn have only a “suggested” speed limit? Because it has been deemed those sections of German roads are safe to travel at higher rates of speed. I’m kind of glad that I got my first driver’s license when I lived there. However, riding down the autobahn going over 130 miles per hour made me think about evangelism. It seems that in some churches the gospel message is being shared at the speed of a dialed-in Mercedes Benz; while in others it just seems to be putting along like a jalopy. Church “A” is clipping along, winning souls left and right, while church “B” can’t seem to get out of first gear. What can be done to transform the rattle-trap into greased lightning? Often, a turnaround just takes a small group of members who decide that they’re going to initiate the change that needs to happen. They begin to take ownership of the great commission that Jesus gave them—and then it spreads. The change you long to see in your church could begin with you. With a few simple steps, you could soon leave the country road behind and be cruising along the autobahn. Which reminds me… the top speed of that ERIC FLICKINGER is the Ford Mondeo once the unnecessary weight of associate speaker for It Is Written. the associate speaker and his luggage have been Eric’s passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced dropped off at the train station? Thomas tells by thousands across North me it’s 138 mph. Which makes me wonder America and around the globe. what would be possible with a Porsche.

What can be done to transform the rattle-trap into greased lightning?


It Is Written impressions


the It Is Written of Tomorrow

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As Christians, we have more work to do than ever before. Our current leased space is not adequate for our growing staff. We need office, studio, and warehouse space under one roof. This new headquarters will enable us to efficiently reach more people for Christ. Stay connected to this project, get involved, and continue to pray for God’s leading.





ou’re invited to join It Is Written for an unforgettable Partnership experience. Become a ministry Partner today and plan to attend a Partnership weekend retreat this fall.

Become a Partner by making an annual investment of at least $1,500 ($125 per month) to support sharing Jesus around the world.

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