3 minute read

Escrito Está

A Battle,

Not a Picnic

During the last week of January, Pastor Robert Costa visited Costa Rica, located in Central America, to hold a series of evangelistic meetings entitled “Don’t Give Up, There’s Still Hope.” Costa Rica is a small country, smaller than West Virginia, also known as the ecological paradise of Central America. Religiously speaking, it is the only nation in the North American continent that has Catholicism as its state religion. The law requires the state to

contribute to the Catholic Church’s maintenance. Nevertheless, people in Costa Rica are free to practice their own religion. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been working diligently through various radio and television networks to air programs that teach about the love of Jesus and His soon coming.

In preparation for the meetings, local church members were asked to pray for their relatives and friends who had not yet accepted Jesus as their personal savior. Pastor Robert Costa’s meetings were aired through three television networks, as well as 15 radio stations reaching both Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

During the meetings, a series of small incidents took place. One afternoon, a thief climbed up the roof of one of the television stations. He ripped out the cables, intending to sell the copper in them, which sells at a very good price. Thankfully, the signal was restored just in time for the meetings. Another day, as people were arriving at the auditorium where the meetings were being held, the central wooden panel that decorated the platform mysteriously flew about 15 meters above the seats, destroying two TV monitors. There was no wind. Thankfully, no one was injured, and the program continued. This was a serious reminder that evangelism is no picnic—it’s a battle. Satan tried to put up a fight, but God’s great news of everlasting salvation continued to draw people to the meetings.

The event concluded with over 3,500 baptisms performed in churches, homes, rivers, and bathtubs. Pastor Robert Costa had the joy of baptizing a family of four

Satan tried to put up a fight…

Not a Picnic

The audience listens to Pastor Robert Costa as he preaches in Costa Rica.

who had been faithful followers of the halfhour Escrito Está television programs that are broadcast by TBN-Enlace. When the family found out that Pastor Costa would be in the area, they attended and asked to be baptized. Among attendees were business people, senators, and even an actress/journalist, showing that the gospel can reach all social groups.

Local pastors from Nicaragua also reported on the effort local church members were making in order to share the meetings with their communities. Some small churches started streaming the sermons on the streets using their computers, so bystanders could stop and listen. One church used the back of an 18-wheeler truck as a screen projector! In remote villages, some traveled two to four hours on horseback with their cell phones, to share the message with others. We received multiple pictures of entire families tuning in from their cell phones, turning their homes into small churches.

From Honduras, we also learned that the president’s sister has been listening to the daily devotionals, Una Mejor Manera de Vivir. She is currently enrolled in Bible studies. Another beautiful testimony comes from a

Pastor Robert Costa baptizes meeting attendees.

public school where 20 teachers gather each day to watch the daily devotional before the start of classes. This after a young girl began sharing the devotionals with her mother who works as a teacher. The mom became so impressed by the message that she showed it to the school principal, who then allowed the videos to be shared with others.

We are very thankful to see what God is doing in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and many other corners of the world, where the gospel is spreading in unimaginable ways. Thank you for your support of Escrito Está, which allows for miracles like these to be shared.

CAROLINA BONILLA is the administrative assistant for Escrito Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanishspeaking community with the gospel.

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