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Partnership Highlight

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Staff Highlight

Debbi and I met a couple of years ago at an It Is Written Partnership event, and we bonded right away with our love for leopard print. We both had leopard print on our dresses and shoes! Even though we live in separate states, I still felt a closeness to her through the inspirational messages she would post on social media platforms or email. It’s what we need more of these days—to be lifted up to God and all His glory. To be affirmed that He will “supply every need.” Here is a devotional she wrote I believe will do just that.

—Jocelyn D. Anderson, interim development director



Springtime in the mountains is a delightful reminder of how our God truly supplies our every need. The emergence of the color palette is sublime. Beginning with the snowdrop flowers, life emerges with a tender quietness. The lightening of the grass to a bright shade of green and the changing blue color of the sky refreshes the mind. The pastel yellow of the forsythia shrub brings a vitality of life to the slowly disappearing blanket of snow covering the ground. The squirrels playing chase on the trunk of the oak trees, birds singing their tunes while building their nests, and the woodland animals emerging from burrows is a story told of how our creator supplies the needs, but the creature works to fulfill the goal.

The springs of the mountain come to life as the winter thaw slowly melts. The deer, fox, raccoon, opossum, duck, and occasionally a cougar inspect flowers, bushes, or trees in hope to find a reward or home. The bees begin their task of pollinating the blossom for the development of the fruit. A doe places her fawn on our porch for safety; we watch in awe through the window as she lifts her tiny head at each sound. The well-orchestrated book of nature is on display for us to observe how God supplies our every need.

The Word of God tells us in Philippians 4:19 (ESV), “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” This promise is for all of God’s creatures. Grand are the lessons of nature displayed for us to observe and learn of how important work is, in order to produce the fruit of labor for us and for God.

The world is growing darker and many people are uncertain about the future. Looking to our God brings us hope—the hope of eternal life. Isaiah 58:11 tells us, “And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, The well-orchestrated book and like a spring of water, whose of nature is on display for waters fail not.” What a beautiful us to observe how God promise to know supplies our every need. that Jehovah will guide us. The daily toil of labor and working for the Lord will bring a harvest of fruit for the heavenly kingdom. Like the springs that return to a flow after the coldness of winter, there is a renewing of life. We are to keep the fountains flowing for Christ. Ours is the hope in our Lord Jesus, and we have the responsibility to proclaim His name to all the world. He has given us the Word, privilege of prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit to help us in our daily lives and witnessing. Together, let us spread the gospel to each generation until we see the Lord returning in the clouds. The smallest deed can benefit the harvest. Every day is a new beginning, an opportunity to be the example of a son or daughter of the King. Flourish your God-given gifts, your unique colors, and let your will be one with Christ’s, that all you do may be for the glory of God. DEBBI ROMANO is an It Is Written Partner who lives in Virginia with her husband and two daughters. Jocelyn, left, and Debbi pictured at a Partnership event.

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