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Tell Them That!

An age-old question continues to rise year after year: Does evangelism still work? In more than 30 churches across Oregon and Washington, the answer is a resounding “yes!” In February, the It Is Written evangelism team ventured to some of the most secular cities in the United States, partnering with the Oregon Conference to share the everlasting gospel during the month-long Revelation Today: The Great Reset. Pastors John Bradshaw, president, and Wes Peppers, evangelism director, co-preached in Portland, Oregon. SALT director Douglas Na’a spoke in the capital city of Salem, while associate speaker Eric Flickinger taught in Vancouver, Washington. Over two dozen churches livestreamed the Portland series to their locations. More than 2,000 people pre-registered for the series, and hundreds attended, experiencing a transformation attributed only to God’s marvelous grace.

In the summer of 2021, Pastor John spoke at the Oregon camp meeting on the explosive potential of soul-winning for every believer who surrenders their life to God. He described how God’s Spirit would immensely bless every church when they actively share Christ in their communities. Following Pastor John’s meetings, the It Is Written team held numerous in-person and online training sessions for church leaders, pastors, and laypeople. Evangelism is hard work. It is not something to be taken lightly, nor does it happen in a vacuum. It is the mission of every church and disciple of Christ. Oregon Conference churches stepped up to the task! Congregations large and small went to work utilizing the resources It Is Written provided to make an eternal impact all across the conference.

When opening night finally arrived, people flooded into the various locations to hear the powerful, Bible-based messages. Pastor John preached words of life that both gave intelligent answers to the mind and spoke directly to the heart. Each speaker gave messages filled with heaven’s power and freshly presented hope to all who were open to receiving it. Scott Michael Bennett and Marion Peppers provided heavenly music during the series that warmed attendees’ hearts to receive the topics of truth. Attendees from far and near texted in Bible questions answered during each evening’s program. A similar sentiment consistently rang from community attendees: “This is the most Christ-centered, Bible-based study series I have ever attended.” In Vancouver, the entire series was organized by the church’s youth. Now that they have participated in the It Is Written series, they plan to preach their own series in the near future!

“This is the most Christcentered, Bible-based study series I have ever attended.”

Transformational Testimonies


Lori* is a church member who met Gail at a knitting club in their local apartment complex. They became fast friends, and Lori invited Gail to attend church. They began Bible studies, and Lori asked Gail to attend Revelation Today: The Great Reset. They came every night together, and Gail responded to the invitation to give her life to Jesus. Lori had at one point expressed a consideration and need to be re-baptized. After responding to an altar call, Gail went to the back of the church and encouraged Lori to come forward. Taking her by the hand, she brought Lori to the front to connect her with Jesus. They were baptized together as sisters in Christ on March 5 and are now rejoicing in their new friendship with Jesus and each other! When you invite someone in your life to follow Jesus, you gain friends for eternity, both for yourself and Him. This is a reminder to us all that we just have to ask—whether it be to church, a Bible study, or an evangelistic series!




Ted, a Vietnam veteran, had lived a rough life and had no fear of God or man. While on duty, his wife sent him a large ring as a token of her love. He was wearing it when combat ensued. As he raised his rifle to fire, an enemy bullet struck the ring on his finger and deflected away from him. His hand was directly beside his face when the strike happened. Without the deflection, the bullet would have struck him in the head. His finger was lost in the trauma, but his life was spared. “I knew that God was with me,” he said. “Following this close call, I reflected on my life’s purpose. I knew my past wasn’t something to be proud of, but I began to believe that God had a plan for me.” Despite that encounter, he continued to live opposite God’s plan for several decades until Revelation Today: The Great Reset. His wife, Hanna, told him about the meetings, but Ted was adamant that he would not go. He finally agreed to drive Hanna to the meetings, who told him that she would only attend if he went with her. Ted reluctantly agreed. On the first night, the greeter welcomed them warmly: “We are so glad you are here!” Ted replied, “These meetings are the truth, “Well, I’m not glad to be here at all!” Night and I have lived too long in after night, he gave this response, but each meeting riveted him. He sat in the opposition to God and His ways.” pew, leaning forward with intense interest, eyes widened and hardly ever blinking. Gradually, his heart began to soften, and he broke down in tears when we visited him at his home. “I want to give my life to Jesus through baptism,” Ted said. “These meetings are the truth, and I have lived too long in opposition to God and His ways.” We prayed together, and Ted gave his life to Jesus. He was baptized on the final Sabbath of the meetings. His family was thrilled as their decades of prayers were answered, and Ted became a new man in Christ!


Renae was invited to attend a lifestyle program by a local church member while living in Virginia several years ago. Following the program, the couple who asked her gave a second invitation to do Bible studies. Renae truly enjoyed the studies and began to keep the Sabbath. She also discovered It Is Written TV and watched the weekly program for almost ten years! However, she drifted away from the truth for a season when she moved to Portland to be near her sons. Four years ago, she became convicted once again about the Sabbath and requested from her employer to be free from work on that day. She saw an ad on Facebook advertising for Revelation Today: The Great Reset. Upon exploring it, she was amazed to learn that Pastor John Bradshaw would be speaking live in Portland. She registered right away and attended every night despite working a daytime security job! Renae found the whole picture of Jesus and Bible truth during the series. She loves Jesus with all her heart and was also baptized. She is ecstatic to have found a loving church family close to her home and has already made many friends. A church member sat beside her the first night, prayed with her, and took her number. This intentional effort is a testimony to the power of personal evangelism!

These are just a few of the hundreds of stories across the Oregon Conference of lives transformed by Revelation Today: The Great Reset. More people attended this series who had previously watched It Is Written TV than any other series we have ever conducted; this is a testimony to the growing effectiveness of our media programs and It Is Written TV. Evangelism still works when we combine multiple means of outreach and use God’s method of reaching lost people.

When the truths of the Bible are proclaimed publicly, Christ is uplifted, and prophecy points to a message of hope and urgency to accept Jesus as Lord and coming king. Hearts are opened and transformed by the love of God in a providential way. There is a synergy that comes which cannot be replaced by any other form of ministry. Revelation Today: The Great Reset demonstrated this tangibly at the many participating locations. More than 150 decided to follow Jesus through baptism, with more who are continuing to study! People today are hungry for God’s Word. It Is Written continues cutting-edge evangelism, assisting the church with its mission to carry the gospel to the world.

There is nothing more thrilling to witness than people who give themselves to Jesus and become a part of God’s church. However, some continue to spread the false idea that “evangelism doesn’t work.” To those people, the response is, “Tell them that.” Tell Gail that. Tell Lori. Mention it to Ted or Renae or the countless others who came to Jesus through Revelation Today: The Great Reset. They will tell you it is what led them to the most profound journey with Jesus they have ever experienced. Evangelism still works! *All names have been changed.

Renae found the whole picture of Jesus and Bible truth during the series.

WES PEPPERS is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects online and around the world. Wes is married to Marion, and they have two children.

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