Impressions Summer 2022, Issue 24

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It Is Written TV theReachesWorld ITISWRITTEN.COM SUMMER 2022 This Is Your Time God’s Spirit withdrawn0624 Grounded Coming this October to your church! 16PAGE Using the latest technology to share the gospel

04 President’s Page 08 Mission Report 10 Escrito Está 20 My Place With Jesus 22 Community Connection 27 Staff Highlight 30 Devotional aspects 06 Grounded Coming this October to your church! notes 12 Partnership Highlight 14 Resources 26 Impressed 28 Planned Giving 29 Tributes & Memorials 31 Broadcast Schedule This Is Your Time God’s Spirit withdrawn24 It Is Written TV theReachesWorld It Is Written TV launched five years ago. Learn how God has grown this channel to reach a global audience. cover feature 16

® impressions magazine SUMMER 2022 ISSUE 24 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw MANAGING EDITOR Cassie Hernandez ART DIRECTOR Nestor Rasi GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2022 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written, Escrito Está, My Place With Jesus, and SALT are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Except otherwise noted, scripture taken from the New King James Version® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT SUBSCRIPTIONS Itimpressions@iiw.orgIsWritten,P.O.Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGNED TO SHARE This Impressions magazine is designed to be shared with your friends, family, and neighbors. When you are done reading it, please pass it on. calendar REGISTER TODAY 1-800-479-9056 ® Partnership Coming this fall! 1 — 6 Evangelism First Church, Washington D.C. D 3 — 6 ASI Convention Orlando, FL J W 12 — 28 Mission Trip, Addis Ababa & Arsi Negele, Ethiopia J W 19 — 27 SALT Training Nampa, ID E 27 — SEP 3 Conference-wideEvangelism, Chile R 3 Evangelistic Rally Grand Junction, CO E 9 — 11 Partnership Gatlinburg, TN E J R W 16 — 18 Partnership Gettysburg, PA E J R W 23 — 25 Partnership Orlando, FL E J R W 24 High Point Chinese Church, Ooltewah, TN D 24 — OCT 8 Evangelistic Series Grand Junction, CO E 1 South Bay Church Chattanooga, TN W 1 — 8 Evangelism Albuquerque, NM R 8 Harrison Church Harrison, TN W 19 — 22 Grounded Evangelistic Series, Knoxville, TN J W 24 SALT Training Collegedale, TN W OctSepAug J John PRESIDENTBradshaw E Eric ASSOCIATEFlickingerSPEAKER R Robert SPEAKER/DIRECTOR,Costa ESCRITO ESTÁ W Wes EVANGELISMPeppersDIRECTOR D Douglas Na’a SALT DIRECTOR speaker key SUMMER 2022 3

Areas that never used to see rattlesnakes, such as the coastal counties of Marin, Sonoma, and Monterey, are becoming what one snake removal specialist described as “rattlesnake boomtowns.” Which might be enough to make many people shudder. It’s hard for me to imagine heaven throbbing with rattlesnakes, although one might expect that when Planet Earth is cleansed of sin, snakes would assume the beauty and disposition they possessed before the fall. But the truly good news is that the arch serpent, Satan, will soon be bound for a thousand years, before ulti mately being destroyed. Revelation 20:10 says, “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.”

“Areas that never used to see rattlesnakes…are becoming… ‘rattlesnake boomtowns.’”

S everal years ago, we produced an It Is Written televi sion program in which we took a close look at rattlesnakes. I spoke with Dr. William Hayes from Loma Linda University’s Earth and Biological Sciences department, a rattlesnake expert, who was gracious enough to show me several serpents. We also ventured into the wild, where another snake expert allowed us to get up close and personal—but not too close and personal—with a rattlesnake.

Watch rattlesnakethe episode at

While we’re still very much in a sinful world, the good news is that sin, and the devil himself, will one day soon be gone forever. It Is Written continues to boldly proclaim the blessed hope of the soon return of Jesus. There are wonderful days ahead. Keep looking to Jesus!

They’re fascinating creatures—some would say magnificent creatures—and although they have a fearsome reputation, they are solitary animals who really only want to be left alone. The San Francisco Chronicle reported recently that in California there is cur rently a rattlesnake population explosion.

John Bradshaw PRESIDENT President’s

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Rattlesnake Explosion!

® Explosion!

Feature 6 It Is Written impressions

Grounded will air live on It Is Written TV, 3ABN, Facebook, and YouTube. It Is Written invites you and your church to personally be a part of this powerful Bible study adventure. We would love to see churches on every continent Broadcast live from Knoxville, TN October 19–22

19–22 live from Knoxville, Tennessee.

R ebecca recently accepted Jesus through an evangelistic series held in her local church. She is thrilled about what she has learned and is hungry for more. Bill is a long-time church mem ber and officer, stuck in a spiritual rut but praying that God will return him to his first love. Mary has been in the church for over 10 years. While she loves and believes God’s message, she struggles to understand how it is relevant to her daily life. She feels there must be more and wonders how Jesus can become closer than ever. Perhaps some thing similar has been your experience. It Is Written wants to provide a transforma tional opportunity for your local church that will present the truths you’ve always known in a fresh, Christ-centered way. This fall, Pastor John Bradshaw and our ministry team are excited to share a much-needed revival and evangelism series. Grounded will broadcast October Join us for Grounded, a global revival and evangelism series!

The series will focus on five essential components of the Christian experience: Scripture, Salvation, the Second Coming, the Sabbath, and the Sanctuary. Rather than merely using proof-texts to con vince, each component will be relevant and practical, demonstrating how they are grounded in Christ and a vital part of daily life. Grounded will be uplifting and inspiring, sharing the hope of Jesus through the beautiful gifts of promise God has given in these precious truths.

A deeper, more meaningful relationship with Christ will result in the heart of everyone who participates!

SUMMER 2022 7

WES PEPPERS is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects online and around the world. Wes is married to Marion, and they have two children. Learn how your church can partner with us at


participate as a hosting site. Small groups in homes are also encouraged. Church members can invite neighbors, friends, co-workers, and family into their homes. The series will be ideal for active mem bers desiring revival, missing members, newly baptized members who need to be grounded in their new life, and Bible study interests who are growing and learning in faith. In short, Grounded is ideally designed for you! Several interactive components will make the series exciting and engaging. World-class music will also be provided by our It Is Written musicians. The series will run Wednesday, October 19, through Saturday night, October 22, at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time with a replay at 10:00 p.m. EDT (7:00 p.m. PDT). It will also include a Sabbath morning message at 11:00 a.m. It Is Written will provide all promotional materials for churches to invite their com munity. Advertising kits will also be avail able. To become a participating site, visit the website, where you can register your church or small group and find all the details and materials you need to share with your church and community. Put it on your next church board meeting agenda, communicate it to your church family, and join us for this thrilling experi ence that will leave your church grounded in the gospel and prepared for Jesus’ soon return! We can’t wait to partner with you and witness God work miracles through revival and evangelism in your territory.

The series will focus on five


More than 600 community guests came through the clinic over several days, with more than 450 people saying yes to the invitation for Bible studies. The church is currently following up on those interests. Many people who came through the clinic will eventually become members of that new church family and worship in the building where they were first introduced to Jesus!

Gideon Dominicanin the BY WES PEPPERS, evangelism director

The mission team also funded and painted the newly constructed church inside and out, which significantly shortened the move-in date. The conference graciously dedicated the new building to It Is Written for substantially advancing this mission goal. A special thank-you to you, our Partners. Without your prayers and support, this trip would not have been possible. God receives the glory; we receive the joy! In addition to medical clinics and church renovation, our team also con ducted four evangelistic meetings and children’s programs. Several hundred attended the meetings, and more than 40 made decisions to follow Jesus in baptism! Hundreds of children participated in the G od is never limited by the number of people or resources available to accom plish His purpose. Over and over in Scripture, God does mighty things through little. He brings beauty out of ashes and glorifies Himself through the weak things of this world. He did this again during the It Is Written mission trip to the Dominican Republic in May. It Is Written partnered with the Southeast Dominican Conference in an initiative to reach a previously unentered territory by the church. A church plant is developing, and the church building is almost finished. Our mission team partnered with church members to conduct a medical clinic for the neighborhood right in the unfinished church building. Hundreds waited patiently for the free healthcare offered, which included dentistry, general medical care, cardiology, neurology, pediatrics, and more. Patients also received gifted items of soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, socks, vita mins, and much-needed medication. Every person received Bible-based literature, and many began asking questions immediately as they waited.

Mission Report

This is the word of the Lord… “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,”

Says the Lord of hosts. —Zechariah 4:6

SUMMER 2022 9

One young man made his decision after wrestling for several years. His hesitation was due to the impres sion that God was also calling him into full-time ministry. “I did not want to be baptized because I did not want to be a pastor,” he said. “Yet, God softened my heart through these meetings, and I surrendered to the call to be saved and serve others.” What a joyous moment! Another lady had been considering baptism for more than 10 years. God moved her heart through the preaching. She said, “Jesus is coming soon! I can’t afford to put Him off any longer. Christ is calling me now, and I am answering.” These are just a few of the 40+ testimonies of God’s greatness. The conference also owns a radio station that reaches the entire country of 11 million people. It is the third most listened-to station of any genre, and several influential business owners and high-ranking government officials listen to the programs daily. I shared my personal testimony, “The Atheist Who Found God,” live on their afternoon program, and we received several callers in response. Indeed, it was like Gideon’s army again! The Lord did mighty things through just a small handful. This trip was a prelude to a more significant effort in August 2023. The conference will celebrate its 25th anniversary with 25 evangelistic series. It Is Written will conduct another mission trip with clinics, VBS, and possibly construction. Pastor John Bradshaw will preach a city-wide evangelistic series, and his live presentations will be broadcast on the radio station, reaching every home in the Dominican Republic! We are also recruiting speakers for all 25 meet ings. Perhaps God is calling you to be a part of this trip, a different one, or sponsor someone you know to go. We invite you to join us for a life-transform ing experience! God is calling; are you ready? Visit or call 423-362-5846 to sign up. “Christ is calling me now,and I am answering.”

nightly VBS meetings, and many learned about Jesus for the first time.

When asked how they found out about the event, they said they saw an ad on TV and mentioned that one of their favorite programs was Escrito Está. At that point, one of the organizers had the brilliant idea of contacting Pastor Robert Costa to ask him for a personal video greeting for this couple. Pastor Costa gladly agreed to do it.

Escrito Está SurpriseA Beautiful

In May 2022, Pastor Costa was invited to preach in Spain. He arrived in Colmenar Viejo, a city almost 20 miles away from Madrid, to hold an evangelistic series in a beautiful sanctuary that had been purchased two years prior. These would be the first public meetings in this new church, because just five days after it had been purchased, all public gatherings had been prohibited due to the pan demic. During the first night, a couple approached him and introduced themselves saying, “Hello, Pastor Costa. We are José and Elena. We heard you would be coming This was the first time we saw each other in person, but it felt like we had known each other for years.

A friendship began that day, and they kept in touch. Pastor Costa would diligently send José and Elena short devotional thoughts, Bible verses, and digital Bible study material. He also answered the couple’s Bible questions and took time to pray with them over the phone.

T oday’s story dates back to 2020, when a small church in Madrid, Spain, organized a special outreach event for its community. Members of the congregation were encouraged to invite their friends and family members who had no previous connection to the church. Among the attendees were José and Elena, a Spanish couple who had long been exposed to the message of God’s Word through a local Christian media ministry.

to these meetings, and we didn’t want to miss any of them. In fact, we’d like you to baptize us.” What a beautiful surprise! Pastor Costa said, “What a joyful moment. This was the first time we saw each other in person, but it felt like we had known each other for years. Our first reaction was to hug!”

Next, they began to review what they had learned during the last two years of exchanging messages and prayers. The couple shared that they had been studying the Bible with a local pastor and had accepted the gospel message.

SUMMER 2022 11

On the last weekend of the meetings, Pastor Costa had the privilege of inaugu rating the baptistery that he had donated to help this church. José and Elena were the first to be baptized in the new build ing. In addition to the newly-baptized couple, 27 visitors attended throughout the week, and 14 of them came forward during the altar call to prepare for an upcoming baptism. The Escrito Está television programs have been welcomed by the people in Spain and are available in Europe through multiple networks, including Logos TV and Hope Media, as well as TBN Enlace with subtitles in 12 languages! Escrito Está programs can also be found on social media and several radio stations in northern Spain.

Pastor Costa with José and Elena at church and on their baptism day. Pastor Costa makes an appeal for people to be baptized. CAROLINA BONILLA is the administrative assistant for Escrito Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanish-speaking community with the gospel.

A cts 16:14–15 (NLT) says, “One of them was Lydia from Thyatira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth, who worshiped God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying. She and her house hold were baptized, and she asked us to be her guests.”

Karmyn and Boyd arrived on Friday in time for the evening service, but Sabbath morning would be the time when, as Boyd listened, the Lord opened his heart. Immediately following Pastor John Bradshaw’s sermon, Boyd turned to Karmyn and said, “How do I become a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church?”


Things were too secretive, and my God has no secrets!

This was also the experience of Michael “Boyd” Bennett, an executive music producer and financial supporter of Christian film writer and producer Karmyn Jones.

Back in November, I was scheduled to attend the Partnership event in Rancho Mirage with friends but had an emergency that prevented me from participating. As I thought about who I could get to take my place, as well as be blessed by the ministry, my friend Karmyn came to mind. I arranged for her to attend, but she would not be alone. Along with a few others, Karmyn invitedBoyd’sBoyd.only connection to the Adventist Church was through associating with Karmyn and her friends, who were long time members. “I studied the Masonic order,” said Boyd, “but I decided it wasn’t for me. Things were too secretive, and my God has no secrets!”

Opened A Heart

Partnership Highlight 12 It Is Written impressions

YOU’RE INVITED Each year, It Is Written Partners make a vital impact for Christ by committing $1,500 or more to help us take the gospel to the world. Become a Partner and join us this fall for an exclusive weekend of fellowship and spiritual encouragement. Invite a guest to join you! ® Partnership Gatlinburg, TN December 2–4 Rancho Mirage, CA November 4–6 Orlando, FL September 23–25 Gatlinburg, TN September 9–11 Gettysburg, PA September 16–18 2022 LOCATIONS Monterey, CA November 18–20 Stevenson, WA November 11–13 NEW LOCATION REGISTER by calling 1-800-479-9056 or visiting online at IMELDA HATCHETT-MITCHELL is the administrative assistant for Planned Giving and Trust Services. For more than 30 years she has addressed audiences at women’s conferences, marriage and family enrichments, and other ministerial events. SUMMER 2022 13

As soon as Boyd returned to Chicago, he and his family found a home at my former church, the Shiloh Adventist Church. He has been attending church every Sabbath since. “I love my new church home,” said Boyd. He will soon begin Bible studies and said, “I would love to be baptized into full mem bership in the Adventist Church. In fact, I can’tJoinwait!”mein earnest prayers for Boyd’s new found walk in Christ Jesus, that through His grace, Boyd will find the peace that surpasses all understanding and be reborn again in the Lord!

After the close of the service, Karmyn introduced Boyd to Pastor Bradshaw who greeted him warmly, followed by an extended chat at the breakfast table Sunday morning. Boyd commented, “People were so kind to me. They spoke to me as if I had been a part of the Adventist Church forever!”

RESOURCES It Is Written Bible Study Guides Share the gospel in more languages! Break language barriers with the It Is Written Bible Study Guides available in Arabic, English, Farsi, German, Hindi, Hmong, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, and Turkish. Arabic • $14.99 English • $10.99 Farsi • $14.99 German • $14.99 Hindi • $14.99 Hmong • $14.99 Italian • $14.99 Korean • $14.99 Mandarin • $14.99 Spanish • $10.99 Turkish • $19.99 BIBLE STUDY GUIDE SETS 14 It Is Written impressions

SPANISH RESOURCES Check out Spanish-language resources from Escrito Está at THE ALMOST FORGOTTEN DAY (EL DIA CASI OLVIDADO) The solidly documented facts that appear on the pages of this book reveal fundamental truths about the most important, yet least understood day in all of history. Book • SALE $0.99 A HOPEFUL FUTURE (UN FUTURO CON ESPERANZA) BIBLE LESSON BOOKMARKS This boxed set of 24 bookmarks (one study per bookmark) is perfect as a gift for your Bible-study interests or as a quick reference during your individual or group Bible study time. Bookmarks • SALE $2.99 TURNING OBSTACLES INTO VICTORIES The Bible guarantees that life is going to present some significant challenges, even to the most committed believer. How you deal with those challenges is often the difference between spiritual success and spiritual failure. Rather than dragging you down, even the toughest trials can be stepping stones to better things. Turning Obstacles Into Victorie s will show you how the challenges of life can open the door to blessings you have never imagined! Pocket Book • US $0.99 Business hours: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. ET Order online at or call 888-664-5573 SUMMER 2022 15

On It Is Written TV, all It Is Written programs are available on demand, meaning they can be watched any time, anywhere. This includes our seven ongoing series and multiple limited series in English. We also produce six programs in Spanish through our Escrito Está ministry, and one program in American Sign Language. Our 24/7 livestream features current ministry programs, plus episodes from past It Is Written speakers and programs from other ministries. Although our programs are also available on YouTube, one of the benefits of watching on It Is Written TV is that content is available earlier, and there are no third-party ads or interruptions. This summer, It Is Written TV received a facelift, making it even more user-friendly and attractive to a global audience. In addition to a new look and playlists organized by topic, we have also published a schedule Is Written TV Reaches the World USING THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY TO SHARE THE GOSPEL

16 It Is Written impressions

® It

MATCHIMCASSIE HERNANDEZ is the Tennessee.Collegedale,theytoCassieItassistantmarketingforIsWritten.ismarriedChris,andlivein

Cover Feature

I t Is Written began over 65 years ago with the idea to use the latest technology available—television—to share the gospel. Since then, we have continued that mission, expanding our reach to wherever and however people communicate, whether through printed resources, online websites, or mobile apps. It Is Written TV launched five years ago with the goal to reach people the way they watch television now, through stream ing and on-demand content.

For more than six decades, the transforming teachings of the Bible have been shared directly from God’s Word through It Is Written, the flagship program of the It Is Written ministry. Every Word Every Word is a one-minute, Bible-based devotional presented by John Bradshaw, designed to provide a daily dose of spiritual reflection in the midst of a busy schedule. Every Word in ASL Melissa Jordan presents this American Sign Language interpretation of the one-minute Every Word devotionals. Sabbath School Hosted by Eric Flickinger, Sabbath School features authors and contributors of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide as they dig deeper into each week’s lesson.

In the future, we will introduce additional features like user accounts, notifications, and more. While the new look currently only applies to watching on the It Is Written TV website,, the IT team is currently in the process of updating the other video streaming apps that feature It Is Written TV. It Is Written TV can also be found on Roku®, Amazon Fire TV ®, Apple TV ®, Google Play ®, and the It Is Written mobile app. It Is Written TV has grown tremendously since launching five years ago. When we first started, the channel was only available on our website, Roku, and Apple TV. We had just introduced our new programs Line Upon Line, Conversations, and In the Word. Now those programs are going strong, with new episodes being released regularly throughout the year. Sabbath School has become increasingly popular among our viewers. Two years ago, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we launched Sabbath School so people could still study and worship from home. While there are other Sabbath school programs “We’re excited to launch a brand-new, redesigned It Is Written TV website.” It Is withWrittenJohnBradshaw

It Is OriginalWrittenPrograms SUMMER 2022 17

for our livestream. Now viewers can see what program is playing currently, as well as what’s coming up. Richard Ramont, media production director, worked with his team and the IT department to create the new changes. “We’re excited to launch a brand-new, redesigned It Is Written TV website,” he said. “People will enjoy an improved user experience. It’s easier to browse and discover new content. We’re also really thrilled that, for the first time, viewers will be able to see a schedule of upcoming programs on our 24/7 channel.”

Conversations Inviting you into the heart of inspirational experiences and unforgettable testimonies, Conversations will spark your curiosity and encourage you in your walk with God. Line Upon Line Pastors John Bradshaw and Eric Flickinger look to the Bible to answer questions submitted by It Is Written viewers. In the Word Taking you deep inside the Scriptures, In the Word presents inspirational preaching on a wide range of biblical subjects.

“It Is Written TV is an evangelism tool with massive potential,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “We created the channel to enable It Is Written to reach more people than ever before with the three angels’ messages, to present Christ and Him crucified, and the good news of the soon return of Jesus. Time is short, and we simply have to reach as many people as we possibly can.”

Additional presentations that may be watched on the 24/7 channel are history documentary show Lineage, health programs from Heartwise Ministries, cooking segments from Chef Ani, Christian music from various artists, sermons by multiple preachers, educational episodes from Science and Faith, and much more. As our channel has grown, so has our viewership. Viewers watch It Is Written TV from 164 countries around the world. Most visitors are from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia, but we also have people watching from Slovenia and French Polynesia!

out there, It Is Written is the only ministry to produce a Sabbath school program that features the authors of the quarterly lesson.

The expansion of It Is Written TV has been purposeful, said Pastor Bradshaw. “We have intentionally grown It Is Written TV slowly, giving our selves time to iron out some of the inevitable creases and work out how best to present the channel,” he said. “We have had to increase staffing, as airing a channel is a completely different proposition to creating one program for someone else to broadcast, as we used to do until relatively recently. But as word has spread and more people learn about the channel, our audience

Another change is the expansion of programs made available on our livestream. About two years ago, volunteers and media production staff completed the digitization of all old It Is Written programs from mag netic, D2, and Betacam tapes to digital files that are now broadcast online. Since we are already set up for this process, we are also helping other ministries digitize their archival footage. These programs may be watched on the livestream at various times throughout the week.

Access throughinspirationalourline-up24/7theItIsWrittenTVlivestream. 18 It Is Written impressions

ROKU is a registered trademark of Roku, Inc. Amazon Fire TV is a trademark of, Inc. or its affiliates. Apple TV is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google LLC.

Another person from Massachusetts said, “Pastor Bradshaw and associates—Thank you for your continued daily influence over my spiritual life. My walk toward salvation is more enlightened thanks to your ministry’s consistent expository teaching and preaching.” “One of my fave channels,” another said, “And I’m not even religious.”

We regularly receive feedback from viewers who are blessed by the It Is Written TV programs they watch.

“You are JesusforprogrammingproducingandteachingtheWordthatleadsusintoadeepergratitudeandloveourpreciousLordChrist.”

A couple from Michigan wrote, “During COVID and the time when churches closed in America, we turned to TBN. It is during this time that we first watched It Is Written and came to appreciate your program and you. We love your blend of history and God’s Word. There must be times when you question whether your ministry is impacting lives. We are here to assure you that you are producing programming and teaching the Word that leads us into a deeper gratitude and love for our precious Lord Jesus Christ.”

Isn’t that incredible? We thank God for blessing His channel and allow ing us to reach people around the world with the gospel. “It has been exciting to see our audience grow and to hear from more and more people about how It Is Written is impacting their lives,” Pastor Bradshaw said. “This is a fantastic outreach opportunity, and we are seeing God work in powerful ways. It’s getting late in the history of the world, so our team is pressing hard to bring the gospel to more people. In the future, I believe we can expect to see God do even more amazing things through It Is Written TV.”

has grown exponentially, and includes people of many different faith backgrounds. A Lutheran couple wrote to tell me they no longer attend their church but stay home and watch It Is Written TV because they’ve found solid Bible teaching that is changing their lives. One woman called to say It Is Written TV is keeping her life together. As you can imagine, testimonies like that drive us forward.”

SUMMER 2022 19

S unflowers are one of my favorite flowers. They are so bright and cheery. Seeing a sunflower makes me smile. Our family has grown various types of sunflowers over the years. Once we planted Mammoth sunflowers that grew up to be 12 feet tall! Last year, we grew smaller sunflowers. Each stalk was about five feet tall and had several smaller sunflowers. Sunflowers are not only enjoyed by us but also by the local wildlife. It is always a joy to watch the honeybees, bumblebees, and goldfinches enjoy the sunflowers as well!

John 8: 12

One spring day I noticed two voluntary sunflowers growing from seeds the goldfinches had dropped. I was so excited as I watched them getting taller as the days went by. Until one day… Remember what I said about sunflowers attracting wildlife? Well, on a trip to the mailbox, I noticed the sunflowers had attracted deer, who had nipped off the tops of my sunflowers! Oh no! This did not make me happy. Then a few weeks later, I noticed the plant was putting out new growth on the stalk just beneath where the deer had munched off the tops. “We are going to get some sunflowers after all,” I thought to myself. Then it happened again! I know what you are thinking: “Ms. Melissa, you should have put a cage around them or something else to keep the deer away!” As I reflected on the state of my damaged sunflowers, I thought of some valuable lessons they teach us. First of all, sunflowers are heliotropic. That means they prefer to face the sun and grow in its direction. While they are young and maturing, sunflowers will follow the sun across the sky, turning in the sun’s direction during the day. Once they have matured, they only face the east.

Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12), and while you “I am the light of the world.”

theFacingSon My Place With Jesus Like us on Facebook!

MELISSA BRADSHAW is the children’s ministries director for It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area.

AN IT IS WRITTEN MINISTRY are young, you should be heliotropic too! You can follow the Son—Jesus—wherever He leads you. Then when you become a mature Christian, you will be in the habit of always looking in His direction. Just like sunflowers and other plants can be harmed by pests—even by beautiful animals like deer—you will encounter challenges as you grow with Jesus. The Bible speaks of the devil as a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8), but we can be encouraged by the promises in the Bible. 1 John 4:4 says: “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Even when times of hardship seem to “prune” you a little, you will experience new growth and strength (James 1:2–4). This is what we can learn from the sunflower. At the beginning of your day, be sure to face the Sun of righteousness by reading your Bible and talking to God in prayer. Follow Jesus throughout your day, and He will bless your life with the beauty of His character.

Things you will need : 5 Slice of bread or rice cake 5 Nut butter of your choice 5 Raisins and sunflower seeds 5 Mandarin orange slices 5 Round cookie cutter 5 Stalk of celery Preparation: • Cut a circle from the bread • Spread nut butter on one side of the bread • Sprinkle a mixture of raisins and sunflower seeds over the nut butter to create the center of the sunflower • Arrange mandarin slices around the bread for the sunflower petals • Add celery to the base of the bread for the stem SUNFLOWER MUNCH SUMMER 2022 21

W hether at home or abroad, people continue to find the truth of the Bible through It Is Written resources. Read on to discover how people are using these tools to impact their communities. AT HOME In May, the Sunnydale, Missouri, church held an evangelistic series in conjunction with the local academy for their students.1 Each night featured a topic from the It Is Written Revelation Today series. After each presentation, small groups went through the It Is Written Bible Study Guides. Although the event wasn’t mandatory, up to 60 students attended at one time. The series concluded with 15 students interested in baptism and 13 desiring to continue Bible studies!

When the series ended, Victoria Tobing, assistant chaplain, and other leaders collected 12 remaining, unused Bible study sets and prayed about what to do with them.

The next day, Elisabeth Cowan, a leader of a youth group in Kansas City, reached out, expressing interest in holding a similar seminar. This was an answer to prayer, and the team shared the extra study sets and sermon notes with Elisabeth’s youth group so they can continue to bless others.

CHRISTINE MAGNUSON is the communications intern for It Is Written. She studied English with an emphasis on professional writing. She enjoys sharing with others how a relationship with Christ makes all the difference.

The group was originally created for Hmong speakers living in the United States, but women from communist countries have also joined, as well as non-Christian friends and family. The Holy Spirit has been at work in the meetings, leading more women to join each month!

It Is ResourcesWrittenWORKat Community Connection 22 It Is Written impressions

Many students were table leaders, facilitat ing discussions on the Bible studies. Other students, like Jinelle Gallen, junior, were series presenters with an assigned topic. She 1 brings-multiple-students-to-baptism-decision/, “This evangelistic series really helped me because it was an opportunity to spread what I learned [at Sunnydale] about God.”

ABROAD On March 9, Nhou Her requested prayer in the It Is Written Official Facebook Community as she and her friend were about to launch the first nationwide women’s Bible study in the Hmong language via Zoom. Nhou had assisted in translating the It Is Written Bible Study Guides into Hmong, and now she would use them to create a space where women from around the world could dive into the Bible together.

While [Sua] thought she was blessed to have found us, I was even more blessed seeing God’s hand in all of this.”

Some names have been changed. “Little did I realize I would be teaching my Hmong sisters… with the very Bible

Nhou shared the story of a young woman I will call Sua, in Vietnam, who previously attended a Sunday church with its leader, her older brother Alang. One day, Alang was invited to Bible meetings nearby, and he brought along Sua and her boyfriend Cai. They learned about the Sabbath truth. When their church back home became aware of these “strange doctrines,” the head elder accused Alang of being possessed by the devil. The church turned against Alang, and he and Sua were expelled.


SUMMER 2022 23

Alang, Sua, and Cai found a community in another village that kept the Sabbath, and soon after, Sua and Cai got married. Life in a poor village in Vietnam is not easy, and they struggled at times to feed their family. Any work they could find demanded labor on the Sabbath and only provided unclean meat for meals. They stayed faithful to God and relied on Him to provide for their needs. The three began witnessing to their former church members. A few families started asking questions, and soon they all began worshiping together on Sabbath in Alang’s bamboo hut. Two families turned into 14 families, prompting Alang to build a bigger home!

Alang was invited to join a worship session over Zoom with Hmong church members in the United States. That’s how Sua was introduced to the women’s group. Sua had studied with other Christian groups over Zoom but had stopped when she realized they weren’t teaching according to the Bible. She had now found her community. Impacted by Sua’s story and others from the group, Nhou said, “As I reflect on God’s calling for my life, through the gifts He has endowed me with, little did I realize I would be teaching my Hmong sisters in my own native tongue, with the very Bible study guides I was instrumental in translating!

I n recent times, the world has witnessed events that just a few years ago might have seemed unbelievable. Flooding, record temperatures, and devastating fires have given evidence that our planet is fragile. Traditional moral values have been turned upside down, while defenders of biblical standards have been ridiculed. Social media has become an ocean of unbridled anger and malice. Cancel culture ruins lives, careers, and reputations. Politics has become openly hostile, seemingly devoid of the collegi ality which once characterized political discourse. The lingering COVID-19 crisis revealed that in no time at all the attention of the entire world can be fixed on a single, polarizing issue. A raft of restrictions was swiftly implemented, impacting everything from one’s ability to work to 1 a congregation’s ability to assemble for worship. Riots in our nation’s streets left a trail of damage and death. Recent data from the CDC states that the U.S. has just experienced its largest single-year murder rate increase in more than a century, rising 30 percent between 2019 and 2020.1

BY JOHN BRADSHAW, president YourIs Time God’s Spirit Withdrawn

The logical question to ask is, “What in the world is going on?” While murder, immorality, abortion, and natural disasters are almost as old as our planet itself, what we are witnessing today is a fulfillment of Jesus’ words in Matthew 24. Speaking of the signs of His return, Jesus said in Matthew 24:8, “All these are the beginning of birth pains” (NASB). Just as contractions increase in frequency and intensity prior to the arrival of a baby, the signs of Jesus’ return are increasing as we approach the second advent.


Feature 24 It Is Written impressions

For years thinking people have asked where society was heading. We now know. Yet as sinfulness increases, it is vital to remember that what we see around us reflects a solemn truth. The Holy Spirit is being withdrawn from the earth, just as He was in Noah’s day (Genesis 6:3–5). History is Therepeating.temptation for Christian believers today is to seek political, civil, or economic solutions for the serious challenges the world faces. However, elections, protests, and legal decisions cannot remedy what currently ails our world. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 10:3–4, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds).” We wrestle today, “not with flesh and blood” (Ephesians 6:12), but with a jealous devil whose millennia-long campaign against God is rapidly gaining ground. Caught in the midst of a great controversy, as the Spirit of God is being withdrawn from the world, Planet Earth sinks ever deeper into the morass of sin. The larger question is no longer, “What can we do about the state of our world?” The world is on a trajectory that cannot and will not be altered. Before long we will face “a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation” (Daniel 12:1). Recognizing that it is in a crisis that character is revealed, the vital question we must now ask ourselves is, “What character are we manifesting in this time of crisis?” Revelation 18:1 says, “And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.” The nearer we draw to the return of Jesus, the nearer we approach that time when God’s people will demonstrate to the world the character (glory) of Jesus. Though it may be easy to become frustrated with the condition of the world, we must remember where we are in the stream of time. The same people who have excitedly looked forward to the return of Jesus must bear in mind that Scripture has only ever promised that society will decline in earth’s last days. Jesus assured us that prior to His return, “iniquity shall abound” and “the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:12). Paul said people in earth’s last days would be “covetous,” “blasphemers,” “unholy,” “without natural affections,” “despisers of those that are good,” and “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:2–4). Now that we are witnessing the fulfillment of 2,000-year-old promises, the appropriate response is not anger and despair, but hope and assurance in the God whose Word has again proven unerring. The inquiring world is to know that God’s people possess assurance, not malice and bitterness. As difficult as it is to digest current events, the God who is “upholding all things by the word of his power” (Hebrews 1:3) can uphold you. As Jesus fills your life with His presence, the universe will see the final and full display of the power of the gospel in all who have continued to surrender their lives to Him. Christian believer, this is your time. We were told what to expect from our world. Now that we are seeing that which was promised long ago, it is time to let the world witness the power of God in the lives of His people.

SUMMER 2022 25

The vital question we must now ask ourselves is, “What character are we manifesting in this time of crisis?”

I consider [It Is Written] to have the best teaching programs. —Honduras Amazingly educational and attractive to the generation who doesn’t attend church. It Is Written is like food to me and many I know who consider Pastor Bradshaw a magnetizing historian. I am so happy that God brings His Word to our homes when we can’t reach a church. —San Bernardino, California

I look forward to the videos by Pastor Bradshaw. God instructs and corrects with loving-kindness. His truth is as sweet as hon ey and is good for the soul! —Denver, Colorado

It Is Written offers insightful and inspiring programs. —Unknown Our Happy Hearts Homeschool watches It Is Written “reruns” each morning for our breakfast with God time. We LOVE it and we thank you all for all the work that goes into each episode—especially the ones where he goes out in the field! We learn so much about science, history, and, most importantly, about God!!! The connections are awesome! Thank you! :) —United States Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed Impressed

Happy Sabbath! I’m from Brazil. Through this program I am returning to the church. Please pray for me and my family. Thank you for everything! God bless you all! —Brazil

It is the SIMPLICITY of God’s words supported by Scriptures. Thank you for the extension of our teaching…so that we can teach others. —Mississippi

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This was one of the most powerful messages that hit home to me and my husband. We have been going through a dark time, but He is always at work. We listen daily and are so thankful to be reminded of His eternal promises! —Birmingham, Alabama

I just love to share Every Word when doing business on the phone or with your little business cards. God bless you and your ministry. I so much enjoy Every Word every day! —Missouri

What is your favorite meal?

Get to know Maria:

Maria came to It Is Written three years ago and saw God’s clear leading in bringing her here. “I was not look ing for a job,” she said, “but was considering transitioning to full-time work after having the opportunity to stay home and raise our four children. I saw the job ad in a magazine and briefly thought, that sounds like something I would enjoy doing. It was only a thought until, on three separate occasions, friends asked if I had seen the ad. I knew at that point that God was trying to tell me some thing and I better at least apply.”

My first official job was at McDonald’s during my freshman year of high school.

BY CASSIE MATCHIM HERNANDEZ, marketing assistant

Thai and Mexican What was your first job?


Maria sees her team as the front lines of the ministry, with the opportunity to share Jesus’ love with each person they interact with. She enjoys speaking with and helping customers, even praying with them when they share their burdens with her. Although it can be challenging to hear someone’s pain on the phone, Maria said she gets through it by focusing “on all the positive interactions and continu ing to pray for all the people we talk to on a daily basis.”

What is the best advice anyone has given you? I tend to be a worrywart, and a customer once told me that “If we fill our hours with the regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, then we have no today in which to be thankful.” It is such a statementpowerfulandonethatIwillforeverbegratefulfor.

Hardworking and empathetic, Maria Ford makes every customer feel cared for. In her role, Maria takes customer orders, oversees the It Is Written Bible school, and works closely with shipping to make sure orders are completed. “She always goes above and beyond to make sure the customer is taken care of,” said Chad Starr, publishing director and Maria’s supervisor.

Although each department has its own unique task, Maria sees one united picture in the way the It Is Written staff work together to share the gospel. “There are so many pieces of the puzzle that need to come together, but we all work very well as a team to produce a top-quality product,” she said. We are glad to have Maria as part of the team!

Staff Highlight SUMMER 2022 27

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IN LOVING MEMORY OF Abbott, Eva Marie Estrada by Ed Abbott Arnibal, Abraham by Cora Arnibal Benitez, Virgilio R. by Rowena D. Benitez Berreth, Kelsey by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Berreth Burgess, Debbie D. by James Burgess Chung, Hoyoung by Elizabeth Chung De Sagun, Roberto and Crispina by Rachel Galera Dial, Lynette by Joe Dial Duke, Glenda by Shasta Coburn Durichek, John by Rita Vital Faimann, Herbert by Widad Faimann Flemmer, Leo by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schumacher Gabbert, Eula May by Rita Vital Geigle, Lorraine by Gary Geigle Gober, Sonny by Connie Martin Hallock, Keith by Anna Clithero Hooper, David by Lynda D. Hooper Kirkland, Mary Ann Hampton by Burl Kirkland Kline, Ed by Elder and Mrs. Gary L. Jensen Kuykendall, Angela by Fred Kuykendall Medina, Robert by Patricia Tempel Potter, Myrtle A. by Larry Potter Reid, Army Veteran Vernon C. by Vickie Unrue Reyna, Wilfred by Gloria E. Reyna Smith, Elsie by Elizabeth Hawkins Suarez, Frank C. by Nancy Stark Thompson, Verle B. by Verle and Deborah Thompson, Jr. Van Hoy, O.D., John H. by Carolyn Van Hoy Velez, Pilar by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Anderson Villarreal, Herbert P. by Renee Shook Youngberg, David by Rita Vital Youngberg, Elizabeth Jane by Rita Vital IN HONOR OF Allen, Kelly by Michael Gibson Anderson, Deborah by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Anderson Gibson, Howard D. by Michael Gibson Leonor, Samuel by Iris Miranda Lutz, Cheri by Gary Lutz Mitchell, Jean M. by Barrie Mitchell Mitchell, Shirley Happy 80th birthday! by Christopher L. Mitchell To see the complete list of tributes and memorials, please

Tributes & Memorials

SUMMER 2022 29

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written. Your memorial or honorary gifts help share the gospel with the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be listed on the Tributes web page and may be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient’s name and address. If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone, please visit or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation.

As we pulled up to the bus stop, Mark jumped out. He came back with a grin all over his face as he told me: “The sneakers were there, but the bag they were in is missing!”ItwasMark’s turn to pray. “God, thank you for leading this man to be my driver this morning and for finding my sneakers.”

A fter nearly 20 years as a professional fundraiser, I found myself driving strangers to their appointments in my car as an Uber driver. One day I was feeling discouraged. How was God using me? After all, I had been a professional. I had raised money that had helped educate future pastors, teachers, andMydoctors.daybegan at 3:00 a.m. I had given about five rides before I was called to pick up Mark. I pulled into the designated area at Chattanooga State University, and a panicked young man jumped into my car. “I have to get back downtown,” he said frantically. “I left a bag with my sneakers in it at the bus stop! I am a PE major on a basketball scholarship, and I don’t have money to buy another pair of shoes.” As I drove, I asked Mark if he believed in God. He nodded. “Have you prayed about it?” I “Yes,said.Iam a believer, and no, I haven’t— they are just sneakers,” he said. “Important sneakers,” was my reply. I began to pray, “Heavenly Father, this may

I had to brush away my tears. God hadn’t led me to be his driver, He had led Mark to be my passenger. I was reminded of the text in Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV), “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not beIdiscouraged.”wasstillbeing used by God, and I was right where I needed to be—just like Mark’s sneakers.

The Bag Was Gone

Devotional 30 It Is Written impressions

ROB RANEY is a customer service representative for It Is Written. Rob is married to Carol Odell Raney and is the proud father of two adult children. seem insignificant, but Mark needs those sneakers. Please allow us to find them.”

Broadcast Schedule Great Characters of the Bible: Solomon 14 A Day to Remember 21 Prequel of the Bible: Part 1 The Selfishness Paradigm 28 Predictions You Can Trust Ancient Wisdom, Present Power Part 2 11 From Grief to Hope Your New Name 25 My Hometown: True Confessions Depression Can Be Beaten! Depression: Thinking for a Change 16 Innocents Lost Dancing With the Devil 30 500: The Reformation NEW 7 NEW 4 NEW 18 NEW 2 NEW 9 NEW 23 2022 Amazing3ABN Facts TV Better Life Broadcasting Network Blue Mountain Television Good News TV Hope Channel TotalTBN Living Network WDEF WSJLWHMB(Chattanooga)(Indianapolis)3ABNRadioNetworkLifeTalkRadioNetworkRadio74NetworkStrongTowerRadioNetwork–“ElijahRadio”88.1FM (AL) WHNJ – 95.7 FM (FL) Find It Is Written on these channels: TVRadio Aug Sep Oct Airdates may vary. Consult your local station's schedule for details. ® Watch It Is Written 24/7 on: or SUMMER 2022 31

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