Impressions Spring 2024, Issue 24

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ITISWRITTEN.COM SPRING 2024 Small Things They make a monumental difference 24 06 United in Service Mission to the Dominican Republic Explosive Results Idaho Initiative Sparks 16PAGE Reaching the Gem State for Jesus
04 President’s Page 10 Escrito Está 20 My Place With Jesus 22 Community Connection 27 Staff Highlight 30 Devotional aspects 06 United in Service Mission to the Dominican Republic notes 12 Partnership Highlight 14 Resources 26 Impressed 28 Planned Giving 29 Tributes & Memorials 31 Broadcast Schedule Small Things They make a monumental difference 24 It Is Written partnered with the Idaho conference to launch large-scale evangelism and reach the Gem State for Jesus. cover feature 16




Cassie Matchim Hernandez



Copyright © 2024 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written, Escrito Está, My Place With Jesus, and SALT are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc.

Except otherwise noted, scripture taken from the New King James Version ® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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calendar 2 Dallas First Church Dallas, TX J 6 — 9 Revival & Training Berrien Springs, MI D 8 — 9 Evangelism Training Mexico City, Mexico R 16 Chattanooga First Church Chattanooga, TN J 20 — 31 Alaska Medical Mission Trip Anchorage/Bethel Village, AK W 23 — 30 Evangelism Montevideo, Uruguay R 28 — APR 1 Inland Empire Church Camp Lake Perris, CA D 30 Evangelism Training Anchorage, AK W 4 — 12 Evangelism Ooltewah, TN E 5 — 6 Evangelism Rally Lubbock, TX R •5 — 20 •5 — MAY 11 Hope for Humanity Evangelistic Series Anchorage, AK J W 19 — 21 Evangelism Davenport, IA E 26 — MAY 5 Evangelism Beirut, Lebanon E 4 Anderson Church Anderson, IN D 11 Chattanooga First Church Chattanooga, TN D 12 — 18 Summer SALT Program Collegedale, TN J D 19 — 21 ReCharge: Texas Conference Pastors Training, Clifton, TX W J D 29 — JUN 1 Georgia-Cumberland Conference Camp Meeting Collegedale, TN J Mar

Filming six programs on two continents thousands of miles from home, where you can neither read nor speak the local language, can present some challenges. But filming “The Seven Churches of Revelation” in Turkey and Greece went incredibly smoothly. There were zealous security guards in Laodicea, curious children in various places, hoards of cruise ship tourists in Ephesus, threatening dogs in Sardis, and in Philadelphia, a tree. Growing on the grounds of a mosque, the tree was minding its own business when our filming drone got tangled in its highest branches. As the tree couldn’t be climbed, we had absolutely no chance of retrieving our drone. Losing a drone would be bad enough, but losing the footage we had captured would be even worse. As soon as we had prayed and asked God for guidance, a man approached us and told us—in English—that he had a friend with a cherry picker who “could be here in 45 minutes if I gave him a call.”

The Gospel Legacy of Turkey

Few people realize just how prominent a role Turkey has played in Bible history.

Thirty minutes later, the cherry picker was stretching up towards the top of the tree, and our friend was soon holding the drone in his hands. God is gracious!

Few people realize just how prominent a role Turkey has played in Bible history. Turkey is home to two biblical Antiochs, one where believers were called Christians for the first time, and one where Paul announced he would take the gospel to the Gentiles (see Acts 13). Paul’s hometown of Tarsus was in Turkey. Paul and Barnabas ministered together in Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Pamphilia, and Phrygia, all in Turkey. The churches of the Galatians and the Colossians were both in Turkey, Colossae a short distance from Laodicea. Hierapolis—also near Laodicea—Miletus, Cappadocia, and still other towns mentioned in the Bible were all in Turkey. And the seven churches—to whom the book of Revelation was written (Revelation 1:11)—are all in Turkey. Some believe the final resting place of Noah’s Ark is in Turkey.

I hope you will enjoy our series on the seven churches of Revelation. Without our It Is Written Partners, the series could not have been filmed. My prayer is that through these programs, Turkey will continue to influence people on behalf of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

President’s Page 4 It Is Written impressions

THE Seven Churches


The book of Revelation comes alive as ancient messages from Jesus speak to a world awaiting His return.


Céleste Perrino is a hospice nurse, end-of-life doula, professional author/editor, and occasional artist. This was her first (but certainly not last) mission trip.

When Tiffany Cranney signed up for an It Is Written mission trip to the Dominican Republic last August with her two young sons, Jacob, 11, and Greg, 10, she faced impossible hurdles that made her doubt they could go at all. But each was miraculously resolved. Then, just an hour and a half from the airport in Salt Lake City, the family’s car broke down. When the roadside mechanic she called didn’t show, Tiffany worried they would miss their flight.

“I told the boys, ‘Let’s pray! I believe God will find a way for us to get there,’” she said. Shortly after, a couple pulled over to help. While the couple had not originally planned to travel on that road, providentially, not only was the woman going to be passing the airport in Salt Lake City and could drop them off, but the man also offered to fix Tiffany’s car and hold it for her until she returned.


When they arrived in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Tiffany and the boys joined a group of volunteers from far-flung locations. Their mission was to help the Southeastern Conference celebrate its 25th anniversary with conference-wide ministry comprised of an evangelistic series, medical and dental clinics, and construction projects.

In 2021, the Southeastern Conference partnered with It Is Written for a massive evangelistic initiative that would involve over 400 churches and 50,000 members. They conducted 10,000 Bible studies, distributed literature, and trained 30 full-time Bible workers to provide support.

This effort led to 40 evangelistic meetings that were preached in August. Pastors Robert Costa, Eric Flickinger, and Wes Peppers preached at the three largest sites, with attendance reaching 4,000 at the main site, a soccer stadium at the city center. Other key speakers included leaders from the General Conference, North American,


and Inter-American Divisions. Several It Is Written volunteers preached at other locations. In addition, the main meetings were broadcast on the conference radio station that reaches all 11 million homes in the Dominican Republic and is the third most listened-to station of any genre in the nation. God worked miracles in the lives of thousands as they heard the gospel and found hope in Christ, many accepting Him for the first time! Hundreds left in tears nightly, finding joy and peace in their hearts. At the conclusion of the series, over 1,500 were baptized!

In five days of operation, clinicians treated 1,300 people.

Teams of medical professionals and support staff conducted medical and dental clinics in the mornings while volunteers on the construction crews painted newly planted and constructed churches to prepare them for occupancy. The medical and dental clinics were hosted by public schools in Boca Chica that opened their doors to the community. In five days of operation,

clinicians treated 1,300 people. Each clinic consisted of spiritual care, ophthalmology, pharmacy, obstetrics/gynecology, physical therapy, pediatrics, dental, general physicians, nutrition, and benevolence, where donated items were given to people in need.

The primary goal of the medical and dental clinics was to connect people with the local churches. “We help individuals through their medical challenges,” said Dr. Mark Herscher, “but we want them to think of the church as a resource where they can get help for their problems.”

The team’s focus throughout the trip was not only holistic but also eternal. Dr. Marty Kelly treated a 70-year-old man for a wound on his leg but quickly realized something

SPRING 2024 7
Céleste Perrino checks a patient's vitals.

Join a trip and make an eternal difference.

Preachers, medical staff, construction workers, and children’s staff needed!

Indonesia: June 18–29

Puerto Rico: October 16–27

Timor-Leste: Nov. 20–Dec. 1

malignant was going on. Believing the man probably had cancer, Dr. Kelly urged the patient to see a doctor and get an x-ray, but the man couldn’t afford either. Dr. Kelly knew he might be the last physician the man would ever see, and he led the man to the Great Physician. After praying for him, Dr. Kelly took the man to the local pastor, who also prayed with him. The man was given an invitation to accept Jesus, and he made that decision. The church is now following up to care for his needs.

Prayer was a vital component of healing in each clinic. Support staff prayed with people while they were waiting to be triaged. Mission volunteer Marteal Lamb noticed that even if the prayer team was busy, people sat and waited for prayer before moving on to medical treatment. Many patients asked spiritual questions, and our spiritual counselors were there to assist and gather their information


for follow-up. All were given literature and invitations to the evangelistic meetings.

Although they came from diverse backgrounds and locations, the mission volunteers quickly coalesced into a supportive team. Halfway through the trip, Tropical Storm Franklin caused major flooding in Santo Domingo and shut down the country for two days. All of the evangelistic meetings and clinics were canceled by order of the government. Despite this, God still worked the unexpected. The conference arranged for Pastor Wes Peppers to share an evangelistic message for the two nights from the soccer stadium that was broadcast to every guest and church member. More than 25,000 people watched those two nights. Even in a tropical storm when no other earthly activity could happen, the gospel went forth in the power of God!

When the clinic reopened after the storm, Valerie Mitchell, a nurse, found that the storm soaked some of the equipment, and it wasn’t working. There were only four people to do triage and a backlog of patients due to the day of the missed clinic. “Everyone worked together to fix the equipment so the work we came to do could be accomplished,” Valerie said. God truly worked a miracle to get things moving again.

“We needed everybody to be successful,” Dr. Roger Bautista agreed. His wife Carol, a physical therapist who hadn’t formally practiced in some time, was hesitant about what she had to offer and prayed for God to use her hands. Not only did she help many patients, but she also alleviated the neck pain of one of the nurses, which enabled her to spend the day bent over patients in triage.

In addition to the hearts they touched and the bodies they healed, the mission team made a lasting impact on the schools in which they served. The first school had been told by the government they must now have a classroom for special needs children

but weren’t given supplies or funding. Our It Is Written team donated funds and took the principal shopping for the needed supplies. At the second school, a weed eater was purchased, and the young people worked on landscaping and property clean up, labor for which the school would have had to pay and likely couldn’t be done otherwise. In addi-

“Everyone worked together to fix the equipment so the work we came to do could be accomplished,” Valerie said. God truly worked a miracle to get things moving again.

tion, nearly all cafeteria tables were broken and unsafe for students. The team was able to purchase the supplies needed to fix every table. Both schools were overwhelmed with gratitude, and this gave us an opportunity to point them to the One who really made it possible! Some staff also expressed interest in Bible studies.

Many think they cannot attend a mission trip for any number of reasons. The reasons were running out for Pastor Wes’s mother, Gina, who has stage four lung cancer. She believed God was calling her to do something for Him with whatever time she had left. So, despite having never been out of the United States, Gina took a leap of faith and ventured on her first trip. Simply put, she experienced God in a miraculous way as He gave her daily strength to touch the lives of hundreds who were in need. “If you can go, go! If you can’t, help someone who can. It truly changes lives. It did mine,” said Gina. So, friend, let Jesus use you. Join us on a future trip and impact the world for Jesus.

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Blessed Bless to Stories from the Field

Serving in Ukraine

Last year, Pastor Robert Costa held an evangelistic series in Pasto, Colombia, where a man by the name of Yonny was baptized. Yonny is a retired member of the Colombian military. During his earlier years, he had worked as a Catholic chaplain for the Colombian armed forces. A local pastor in Colombia recently reached out to Escrito Está to inform us that after his baptism, Yonny decided to become a volunteer chaplain for the war in Ukraine. He’s been giving Bible studies to Spanish-speaking soldiers while putting himself in danger. In one of his messages, explosions can be heard in the background as Yonny leads Bible studies. He has vowed to stay in Ukraine until he has baptized all of the soldiers.

CAROLINA BONILLA is the administrative assistant for Escrito Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanish-speaking community with the gospel. Watch uplifting Christian television in Spanish.
Está 10 It Is Written impressions

Zoom DevotionalS

Another testimony came to us from Nidia Contreras, who lives in Bogotá, Colombia. She has been volunteering in a Zoom group that started at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. After not having a church to attend, a small group of families decided to hold virtual meetings every morning to pray and have a short devotional. Three and a half years later, over 60 families continue meeting online seven days a week! Nidia has been sharing our daily video devotional. Little by little, more families are joining to pray and start their day with the Word of God. Nidia’s dream is to have Pastor Robert Costa join them live on a Zoom meeting to share a short devotional.

Comm U ni Cation S in Chile

Another recent story took place in August 2023, during a visit Pastor Robert Costa made to Santiago, Chile, for an evangelistic series. There he was approached by Simón Ponce. Simón had previously reached out to the ministry requesting prayer in May 2021. At the time, Simón had been struggling with listening to voices from a dead loved one who would communicate with him. For a while, Simón thought this was a special gift he had received, but after watching an Escrito Está episode on what the Bible teaches happens after people die, Simón was confused. Could he be communicating with demons?

Simón prayed to God and asked for an answer. He was desperate. The demon would wake him up during the night through terrible nightmares and

manifestations, but due to the pandemic, churches were closed, and he didn’t have anybody to talk to for guidance. He contacted the ministry because Pastor Costa’s words made an echo in his mind: “Voices can fool you… the dead know nothing.”

After receiving Simon’s prayer request, we invited Simon to read Psalm 91 and to get rid of anything that could be interfering with his relationship with God. Simón came to the realization that rock music had played an important role in his life. He had spent a lot of time and resources paying for frontrow concert seats, buying merchandise, and even meeting with famous rock bands. After praying, Simón was convicted that he needed to throw away all of his music and merchandise and finally surrender every aspect of his life to God. Eventually the voices left.

In March 2023, Simón and his wife Esmirna were baptized and have been ministering at a local church. After finally being able to meet Pastor Robert Costa in person, Simón shared, “Pastor Costa is the servant that God used to minister to my wife and me, and Escrito Está is the channel of blessing that I now get to share with the rest of my family.”

This year Escrito Está is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Please continue to pray for the work Escrito Está is doing across the Spanish-speaking world. Thank you!

Esmirna, Simón, and Pastor Costa


I’ve often wondered how Elisha, at the close of his ministry and life, reconciled his slow, lingering descent into illness and, ultimately, the grave. Years earlier, he had seen his mentor ascend to the heavens in the most dramatic fashion, complete with celestial pyrotechnics, wind, chariot, and horses. Yet, here he was, sick and slowly dying.

Recently, a friend of mine was in a car accident. He was hit head-on by another vehicle but miraculously walked away without a scratch. In January of 2023, I was involved in an accident on icy roads in the early morning, heading to a church to give a sermon concert. I sustained catastrophic leg injuries, was airlifted to a trauma unit, received six blood transfusions, underwent five surgeries, and spent over two weeks in critical and acute care. Once back home, I spent three months in a wheelchair and, since then, have been learning to walk again. My prognosis is good, and someday I may even run again. I have yet another friend who, also recently in a car accident, is now permanently paralyzed.

We all prayed for protection and God’s traveling mercies. All of us are active disciples for Christ, and we all have a very real faith journey, so why did we have such different outcomes?

I recall that well-meaning saints have told me more than once: “Everything happens for a reason, and you just have to figure out what God is trying to tell you.”

SCOTT MICHAEL BENNETT is a Partner and former Partnership musician. Scott lives with his family in Michigan.
Partnership Highlight

But is this really how God “tells” us things? God, our tenderhearted Creator, giving us illnesses, injuring our bodies, paralyzing us to “get our attention”? On the contrary, in my Christian experience, I have found that our adversary, Satan, causes humankind all sorts of misery, and unfortunately, God gets the blame sometimes. God has never promised our lives in this unseen war would be easy, but He has always promised He would travel our journey with us, closely. God created us in His image, with His own hands. He didn’t speak us into existence like the rest of creation. He literally formed us. He’s tactile, hands-on.

“ I vividly remember realizing that I could die in that highway ditch. So I asked God one simple question: ‘God, are we good?’ ”

follow his voice because we can’t see where we’re going. Sometimes He’s alongside us, that Companion and Friend who makes the long journey seem a little shorter. Sometimes He’s behind us, pushing us to go further when we are reluctant to forge ahead. And sometimes, when we can’t even take another step, He carries us.

I felt His touch in the darkness that fateful morning as I sat in my van waiting for firefighters to arrive. As I drifted in and out of consciousness, alone, aware of the seriousness of my injuries, I vividly remember realizing that I could die in that highway ditch. So I asked God one simple question: “God, are we good?” And God hugged me in the front seat of that van and said to me, “Son, we’re good.” At that very moment, I was assured of my salvation. I was convinced that regardless of the outcome of the next hours, days, and months, someday, I’d have all the time in the universe to ask God all the questions I’ve ever had.

I’m learning to worry less about why things happen and, instead, look for God in the middle of it all. Sometimes He’s ahead of us, leading the way in the darkness, and we

We know through inspiration that Elisha was uplifted by heavenly messengers until his last breath, and when the time came, he was “ready to rest from his labors.” My family and I have seen and felt the fingerprints of God on us during this journey, through the hundreds of cards, calls, and messages of encouragement from Christians all over the world. His peace has been granted us via the ceaseless prayers of friends, family, and strangers. His character has been manifested in the most tender care my wife and my children have shown me these past months. His strength has been my inspiration as I engage in the most intense rehabilitation. My hope in Him has reminded me that whether I ride a chariot of fire or I’m called to endure heavy burdens, the Lamb wins. Full stop. He wins. God is good. And thanks to that…we’re good.

SPRING 2024 13
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SPRING 2024 15

SIdaho Initiative Sparks Explosive Results

omething special happens when the members of 14 churches pray for wisdom on how to reach their community for Christ. As they prayed, the Idaho Conference leadership felt a growing desire to share the gospel with the entire state. They realized God was leading them to get help and reached out to It Is Written with an invitation. There was something dynamic about assisting a smaller conference in their mission, and we sensed God calling us to say yes! The partnership began and became an unprecedented evangelistic initiative to reach much of Idaho and parts of Oregon through Revelation Today: The Great Reset. More than a year was invested in training, discipleship, and community outreach that culminated in a live evangelistic series in Nampa, Idaho, last spring.

WES PEPPERS is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects online and around the world. Wes is married to Marion, and they have two children.


The first steps included strategic planning with pastors and conference leadership to develop and deepen a Great Commission culture in each participating church. When It Is Written partners with a church or conference, our goal is to make a lasting impact in any location, not just a shortlived splash. We teach principles of church growth that will revitalize even the smallest church. We ensure that churches are trained and equipped to continue impacting their community when we leave. Five key concepts are emphasized when developing a strategy:

1. Educate churches in the cycle of evangelism

2. Develop a missional culture in the church through training and outreach

3. Seek to achieve Total Member Involvement

4. Develop a structure of leadership that leads to systematic, consistent mission

5. Create a master plan of evangelism for long-term mission

In order to accomplish this, churches must recognize their need to intentionally focus on mission and not merely be

Cover Feature 16 It Is Written impressions

satisfied with membership. Preaching to the converted once per week does not reach the community. Members must become missionaries. The Idaho Conference embraced this vision and responded to God’s call!


More than 80 members and leaders from varying churches attended a 10-day It Is Written training intensive and returned to their local congregation empowered to take action. Every church sensed the importance of doing something and moved accordingly. Many churches mailed out the It Is Written Mega Mailer cards and began Bible studies. Others engaged in community outreach to meet needs unique to their local context. They also shared what they had learned from the training with their church boards and fellow members, which sparked a greater fire. One member said, “This training has awakened in my heart a sense of what God’s heart bears as He seeks to reveal His love to the world. I can’t wait to be used by Him to reach as many people as He leads me to. I know there are many in my own

community who are searching, and I now feel equipped to share more than before.”

Several rallies and weekend trainings were conducted by Pastors John Bradshaw, Eric Flickinger, Wes Peppers, and Douglas Na’a. Inspiring messages led to heartfelt appeals, and revival led members to renew their relationship with God and desire to be used by Him to reach another for Christ. More than 500 people benefited from the various trainings over the year.

As ministry took place over months, preparations began for the upcoming evangelistic meetings. The churches used a systematic approach shared by It Is Written to pray for and invite members. They prayed corporately during times when they were already together, such as Sabbath School

“This training has awakened in my heart a sense of what God’s heart bears as He seeks to reveal His love to the world.”
SPRING 2024 17

classes, divine worship, and prayer meetings. The evangelistic meetings became an intentional focus of prayer. Members also wrote down the names of neighbors, friends, and co-workers and prayed that God would influence the lives of each individual. As the meetings approached, a seven-step invitation plan was implemented, and members began inviting those they had previously prayed for.

One member said, “It works! One of my co-workers came to the meeting because I invited them using the plan. I never realized it often takes more than one invitation to get someone to come, and the seven-step plan provided by It Is Written was a non-threatening way to be persistent when inviting. I’m so thankful because my friend has attended the meetings and will now be baptized!” At a Dinner with the Speaker event, church members invited their friends to a specially prepared dinner banquet hosted by the church. The speaker for the series shared a short devotional and then invited people to the series. At Nampa, nearly 60 guests attended the dinner because of member invites.

John Bradshaw and Wes Peppers preached live at the Nampa church, while Eric Flickinger preached at nearby Meridian, and Douglas Na’a preached at the Ontario church. The remaining churches either livestreamed the Nampa series or a live speaker preached using the It Is Written sermons. Two thousand people pre-registered across the conference, and more than 1,000 visitors attended the series at all the locations. Those who pre-registered and could not attend were followed up with and invited to study the Bible.

Pastor Robert Costa, speaker for Escrito Está, coordinated with Hispanic churches to preach a series of reaping meetings in Nampa. Robert Costa presented dynamic messages, and God’s Spirit moved hearts. More than 40 were baptized as a result, and more made decisions for baptism. It was exciting to witness God moving in all areas of the work.


“It works! One of my co-workers came to the meeting because I invited them using the [seven-step invitation] plan.”

Miraculous stories came in from across the conference as people shared how they heard about the meetings. One such story came from Rolando and Nicole. Rolando owns a car detailing business, and Nicole is a hospital administrator. They began watching It Is Written TV about a year prior to the meetings. At one time, Rolando had been involved in gangs, and he had two gun wound scars to prove it. “My life was a mess, and I knew I needed to change,” he said. Nicole was a heavy drinker, and they both sensed an emptiness in life that nothing seemed to fill. As they watched It Is Written TV, it became clear that God was working. Their relationship with Him increased, and they gradually saw chains break that had previously bound them. They began to visit local churches and were thrilled to learn that It Is Written would be coming live to the area. As Rolando and Nicole attended the meetings night after night, their

18 It Is Written impressions

hearts yearned more and more for God. They decided to follow Christ in all the truth they learned. “How can we deny God’s transformative love? He has changed us, and we never want to look back. We are so grateful that It Is Written played such an important role in our journey to accept Jesus,” they said. Through your partnership with It Is Written, people like Nicole and Rolando are reached for the kingdom of God. Precious souls were snatched out of Satan’s hand!

William was an ordinary guy living an ordinary life till disaster struck. “You have a rare form of blood cancer, and you likely won’t live more than 5–7 years,” the doctor said. William began to contemplate what was really important in life. Two years later, he experienced a massive heart attack but miraculously survived. One year later, things got even more serious when an undiscovered aneurysm burst in his brain. Realizing how quickly things can shift and how fragile life can be, William began a careful search for something more. Soon, he became frustrated at the seeming confusion about God and religion. William prayed and asked God to help him: “Wherever you are, please help me to find and know what is true.” The next day, William received a flier in the mail for Revelation Today: The Great Reset. Taking the flier as an answer to his prayer, he attended every night. His heart was filled with joy as he found the messages easy to under stand, Bible-based, and Jesus centered. “Pastor Bradshaw pointed us to both Jesus and the Bible,” he said. “I

had found everything I was looking for and believe the best is yet to come.” At the end of the series, William was baptized.


Leading up to the series, a full 12-week SALT (Soul-winning And Leadership Training) program was conducted on the campus of Gem State Academy. This was the first time since its inception that a full SALT course was held remotely. More than 20 people took part in the program, which included classes on Bible doctrines and prophecy, personal and public evangelism, and more. Twice per week, the students conducted outreach and gave Bible studies. “This course has changed my life,” said James. “I have learned how to better help my church move forward in mission. I am so excited to implement what I have learned.”

As the series came to a close, there was joy in heaven and earth as more than 200 people were baptized from the united effort. In a time when public evangelism is often scrutinized, God demonstrated that the public preaching of His Word still brings fruit when churches prepare using His methods. People are still hungry for the gospel. David Prest, president of the Idaho Conference, stated, “This is the most ambitious initiative we have ever attempted in the history of our conference. We have never had better results, and we will reap souls from this work for years to come. I am thankful to It Is Written for making the investment in our conference. God has truly done wonders.”

God works everywhere His people ask Him to. He is working in large and small conferences and churches. He is working in hearts that others might deem unreachable. He worked in Idaho, and He can work in your church, too. It all begins with bowing our heads and being willing to be used. Would you be willing?

SPRING 2024 19


“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

Psalm 51:10 KJV

At the end of winter, it is common for families to busy themselves with something known as spring cleaning. It is a time when homes are thoroughly cleaned. Winter clothes, heavy blankets, bedspreads, and more are washed and stored away until the next year. Windows and doors are opened to air out the house, while baseboards, floors, and carpets might be cleaned. Dads might find themselves in the garage cleaning up winter items that were used during snowy weather.

Spring cleaning doesn’t always have to take place at the beginning of spring. If there is an unusually warm day in the winter, I might find myself inspired to organize a closet or cabinet that has been a convenient hiding place for stray items.

Drawers and doors are wonderful things. When in a hurry, some people might quickly “clean” their room by hiding their mess in a drawer, behind a cabinet door, or even far back under their bed. But there comes a time when the accumulation of these items becomes a problem. The other

MELISSA BRADSHAW is the children’s ministries director for It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area.

shoe can’t be found in a hurry, the shirt of your club uniform is missing, and where is that book you borrowed from the library? Sound familiar?

When you finally take the time to tackle the mess, you might be excited to discover treasure: shoes, clothes, money, toys, books, and more. And after everything has been cleaned and put away, you might be determined to keep it that way. Life just goes better when things are in order.

I see some similarities between the Christian’s life and spring cleaning. When life gets busy, a person can become sloppy with the time they spend with Jesus. Things like sports, friends, events, and various activities can pile up and crowd out personal time with Jesus. No one can see behind the doors of the heart, but people can see the impatience, bad temper, dishonesty, and unkindness that result from not spending quality time with Jesus on a daily basis.

Maybe there is some spring cleaning that needs to take place in your heart. Maybe you need to sort through the clutter of your daily routine and find the most valuable treasure, Jesus. Let Jesus create a clean heart in you every day. When you determine to put Jesus first in everything you do, you will find that life just goes better.

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20 It Is Written impressions

Tips for keeping your room clean:

1. By making your bed every day, your room will look neater.

2. Don’t let clothes pile up. Fold and put them away.

Spring Cleaning Word Search

Search down, forward, and on the diagonal to find the hidden words.

3. Take a few extra seconds to put things away when you’re done with them. bed better blankets busy clean clothes crowded doors garage heart Jesus mess order organize pile shoes sloppy spring time treasure windows

For answers: Scan the QR code or go to

SPRING 2024 21

Elie’s Journey

In the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Elie’s dream of attending university seemed unattainable due to his father’s limited income. A local pastor encouraged him to pray about it; though Elie did, he had major doubts about faith. Soon after, some university staff members offered to cover Elie’s college expenses. Elie, astounded, began to think: Was God behind these men helping me? Elie’s graduation in linguistics marked a pivotal moment in his life, but health challenges set him back. For months, Elie spent more time in the hospital than at home. As his Christian friends visited and prayed with him, he was touched by their kindness and the healing hand of God. Elie fully recovered and accepted Jesus.

As the years went on, Elie married and started a family. War broke out in their area, and they fled to the bush for safety. Miraculously, they were saved from starvation and execution.

After relocating to a city where Elie was a teacher for several years, a recurring dream prompted him to move to a remote town in the south. Before leaving, Elie consulted his pastor: “How can my family go to a far away town without acquaintances? I’m no pastor—what could my mission be there?” The pastor said, “God will provide.”

Upon arriving, Elie found a church and received accommodation from the pastor’s

Community Connection 22 It Is Written impressions

will provide.”

family. The pastor was burned out, and members had scattered. Elie felt discouraged in his first few weeks, but a small voice encouraged him to stay and work for God. Elie gathered together 30 former church members, and they began to try to understand the Bible together.

One day, Elie discovered a TV channel that explained the Word of God in a way he had never heard. Excited, Elie noted it was called It Is Written TV and emailed them. He prayed: “God, I want to have a solid knowledge of the Bible. Show me this is your plan; please let the people of It Is Written answer me.” It Is Written volunteer Connie Yates responded and has maintained contact with him for over a year now. The two began studying the Bible together over the internet. During this time, Elie gathered questions from his members, such as “What does ‘living water’ mean?” and “How are John the Baptist and Jesus connected?” At first, Elie didn’t want to get into the Old Testament, but one day, he asked Connie, “How do we know this is the real Jesus?” That opened the way for Connie to reference the prophecies of the Old Testament, and Elie is now reading through Isaiah. As Connie sent It Is Written Bible Study Guides, Elie translated each lesson into French to study with the church. Now that Elie had the Bible study guides, the question became how to get him actual Bibles?

Connie and her husband had previously sent French Bibles through the mail, but those were held up in customs for some time by someone trying to blackmail them.

This time, she would try a new approach. During a concert in Kentucky, Connie told the couple sitting next to her that she was studying with someone and was having trouble sending Bibles. Coincidentally, not only was the couple from the DRC, but they were also currently residing in Florida. The couple offered to bring the books to the DRC since they knew the area Elie was in. Thankfully, the French Bibles were released the week this article was written, and Elie personally retrieved them without having to pay. Elie and his church continue to study the Bible today. Their group has grown to 40 adults and 15 children, with the children studying the My Place With Jesus Bible Guides! During a recent trip from Florida to Collegedale, Connie went to a Christian bookstore, skeptical that there would be Steps to Christ books in French. At first, the sales clerk told her there were none, but upon checking, she came from the storeroom saying, “I can’t believe this! I don’t know when these were ordered, but I have a box of 100 Steps to Christs in French!” Connie is now planning to send these books to Elie as well. Reflecting on Elie’s incredible journey, Connie said, “God has prepared this. I often say to myself, ‘OK God, you’re making a pastor out of Elie.’”

CHRISTINE MAGNUSON is the digital marketing specialist for It Is Written. She studied English with an emphasis on professional writing. She enjoys sharing with others how a relationship with Christ makes all the difference.

SPRING 2024 23
Elie and his group members show the French Bibles Connie sent them.


In July of 1981, tragedy struck at a hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. Unlike many disasters, there was no single, major phenomenon that claimed 114 lives and injured hundreds of others. The collapse of two pedestrian skywalks in the atrium of the Hyatt Regency Hotel was due to something small. And preventable.

As revelers gathered in the hotel to take part in a “tea dance,” a fourth-floor walkway crowded with people collapsed onto a second-floor walkway. Sixty-four tons of steel, concrete, and glass collapsed onto the crowd below.

The tragedy was caused by a simple structural failure: The walkways were not adequately fastened in place. A small but significant design flaw meant that the walkways were doomed to eventual destruction. Not an earthquake, a missile strike, or a plane crash. One of the deadliest structural failures in the history of the United States originated with an engineering oversight.

Solomon wrote that it’s “the little foxes that spoil the vines” (Song of Solomon 2:15), a maxim that frequently holds true in major disasters, and always holds true in the greatest disaster of all—the loss of a soul.

Few people fall into sin as a result of a single event. It is rarely an “earthquake” event that leads someone away from faith in God. The descent into apostasy is usually gradual, beginning with a small step, a deviation, a lapse in judgment. David’s calamitous failing began with a look, which developed into something truly sinister. Before long, a

24 It Is Written impressions

woman had been violated, lies had been told, deception had been perpetrated, accomplices had been enlisted, murder had been carried out, a woman lost her husband, and an innocent baby lost his life. All because one action set in motion a chain of events David was powerless to stop.

Sin is a slippery slope, and it is not to be trifled with. The fall of humanity occurred because Eve indulged her curiosity. A war broke out in heaven because a single angel gave rein to his pride. Many a young person has lost their dignity because an evening that started innocently enough “went too far.”

you as deep into the waters of sin as possible, knowing you are more likely to wade slowly into the depths of sin than you are to dive.

But while sin is so deceptive, so insidious, there’s something even greater than the power of sin, and that’s the power of the grace of God. Paul explained to the Romans that “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20). The Psalmist described God as “ready to forgive” (Psalm 86:5), and the most famous Bible verse of all declares that “whoever” believes in Jesus has everlasting life (John 3:16).

“These small things, as the return of Jesus draws near, when added together, amount to something truly monumental.”

Many a marriage has disintegrated because a conversation lengthened and sparks flew. A spark can cause devastation. The Ranch Fire of 2018, at the time the largest wildfire in modern California history, was caused by a spark that came from a hammer driving a metal stake into the ground.

Judas wasn’t born a traitor. But greed grew and grew until it led him to a place in history’s hall of shame. Abraham’s adultery, the results of which have for millennia caused conflict and misery, began with a simple lack of faith. Saul was chosen by God Himself to be Israel’s first king, but the success he enjoyed as Israel’s monarch came when he was “little in [his] own eyes” (1 Samuel 15:17). When pride swallowed up humility, Saul led Israel into disaster, his own life ending in tragedy.

There’s no such thing as safe sin. Every cherished sin, if not surrendered, ultimately destroys a person’s relationship with God, which is why compromising with sin is so deadly. Few phrases are as dangerous as, “What’s wrong with…?” Because Satan never stops with just one sin. His intent is to lead

It is too late in the history of the world to be dabbling with something as utterly ruinous as sin. Jesus is coming back soon. However, focusing on sin has never proven an effective means of overcoming sin. Instead, we would do well to imitate the stricken Israelites, who were encouraged by Moses to look in the direction of a bronze serpent and live.

A look is something small. It isn’t a pilgrimage or a monument. A prayer. An act of simple faith in a God that is able. Jesus said that faith “as a grain of mustard seed” can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). These small things, as the return of Jesus draws near, when added together, amount to something truly monumental.

Small acts of faith will grow and strengthen a life. The classic book is called Steps to Christ, not “Strides to Christ” or “Leaps to Christ.” As Neil Armstrong reminded us when he became the first man to walk on the moon, a step is “small.” But a small step towards Jesus, followed by another, then another, each empowered by the Holy Spirit, will strengthen you to stand for Jesus, now and throughout eternity.

SPRING 2024 25


Feedback from our followers

Thank you so much for all that you are doing in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. All your teachings have richly blessed my spiritual life. —Israel

These are the best taught and most interesting quarterly lesson studies we’ve listened to. Thank you! ❤ —Hawaii

Thank you so much for making videos like this, please make more so I can share it!! I ❤ this one, and the 1 min devotional videos from Pstr Bradshaw I get in my email!!! —Unknown

Appreciate portrayal of the injustice to and suffering of our Black American Brethren (e.g. Tulsa, Black Wall Street, etc.) —California

Mind blown. Heart filled. Praise THE LORD!
❤ Thank you, It Is Written. —Philippines

Watching It Is Written most of the times from Kisumu, Kenya! I like it, I have learnt lots of things that I never knew. —Kisumu, Kenya

I discovered Conversations today! I can’t stop listening to one after the other and I am blessed. Thank you everyone for your testimony. —Germany

Thank you so much for these wonderful messages every day!! They are so comforting. —Mesa, Arizona

Wonderful presentation. I have trouble with memory and concentration so thank you for presenting this in such a simple straightforward way. I really want to know the Bible so this really helps. �� —United States

Hello Pastor John! I love hearing about the transformations and conversions God works through you and everyone connected with It Is Written. He is our Great Miracle Worker �� —Michigan

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Diane Zemsta


Driven and thorough, Diane handles donor relations with care.

In her role, Diane processes donor gifts that come in by mail, phone, and online, working hard to make sure every donor feels listened to and that their donation is managed correctly. “It Is Written would not exist without its donors,” Diane said. “By carefully maintaining donor records and funds, I ensure that donors’ wishes are followed and the work of spreading the gospel can continue.”

Joining the ministry in February of 2019, Diane originally started in customer service before transferring to the development department. She works closely with others in her department, as well as our parent organization in California who manages accounting. Meeting monthly and year-end deadlines for reports can be challenging, but Diane gets through these challenges by staying organized and communicating closely with her teammates. One of those teammates is Jocelyn Anderson, associate development director. “If I sang the praises of Diane’s hard work, I would lose my voice pretty quickly!” Jocelyn said. “She goes above and beyond for our donors and this ministry. Not only is she a pleasure to work with, but one I consider a true friend.”

Diane enjoys working at It Is Written, a place where she is surrounded by other Christians. “It is a blessing to work with fellow believers and be able to pray together and share my faith openly,” she said.

We are glad to have her on the team.

marketing & communications specialist Staff Highlight SPRING 2024 27
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Tributes & Memorials

If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone, please visit or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation.


Allen, Virgil by Marcia Allen

Barrett, Annette by Mindy Segar, and the Roush, Fountain, and Meese families

Barrow, Colleen Marian Parsons, RN by Michael & Cindy McCaughan, Crystal Walker, Linda Gustan, the Trans & the Truongs, Susan Richards, Ellsworth & Sharon McKee, Beverly Joiner, Rita Vital, and Stephen Ruf

Bryant, Traven by Glenward and Desiree Bryant

Bunag, Melba C. by Benjamin Bunag

Burdick, James & Inez by Gayle Heinrich

Croft, Jennifer L. by Jack & Judy Korolsky

Dahlberg, Dick by Adele Dahlberg

Dendy, Marguerite by Robert Dendy

Fried, Irvin & Helen by Karen Lawson

Gibson, Duane by Susan Gibson

Hamilton, Shirley by Brenda Francis

Hart, Henry Lee by Jacqueline Armstead

Hewett, Lucille by Judith Dunscombe

Hooper, David, M.D. by Lynda Hooper

Johnson, Dr. Gaylen, Sr. by Charlotte Dennis, Sheryl Einarson, and Margaret L. Cook

McKay, Lorne D. by Eleanor J. McKay

Ortega, Mary by Christopher Ortega

Peasley, Carol Joyce (Youngs) by Timothy, Stephanie, and Bri Frey, Susan Erickson, and Carole Thomas

Powell, Floyd by Norma Powell, and Mike & Lori Saladino

Ruth, Eva Mae Rexin by Erwin J. Ruth

Stofer, Kerry by The DiDomenico family

Swain, John Marshall by Christopher Mitchell

Swinson, Pastor & Mrs. Art by Marlene Lucas

Thomas, Phyllis by Olan Thomas, Kendall Thomas, Leona Rios, Kathreen Ferguson, Loni Batiste, Jessica Jabola & Stephanie Bonderczuk, Glen Abbott, and Orange Cove SDA Church

Valentine, Maurice, II by Gilbert Chapman III, Mark & Julie Eaton, and Audrey Andersson

Vandeman, Elder George E. by Sherri Hopkins and Jason Hopkins

Yanez, Elida by Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Karamihan Yoh, Judy by David Yoh


Dietrich, Bill & Lorena by Doug Dietrich II

Concepcion, Elino, Modesta, & Adelaida by Luzminda Concepcion

Reynolds, Patricia by James Mathis

Thiry, Carol & Francis by Dr. Craig Seheult

Wrinkle, Joann by JOY Sunday School Class and Judy Turner

To see the complete list of tributes and memorials, please visit

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written.

Your memorial or honorary gifts help share the gospel with the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be listed on the Tributes web page and may be printed in future Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient’s name and address.

SPRING 2024 29
“I dare you to jump.”

I looked at my friend Erica in shock. The rickety old barn, home to wasps and rusty farm equipment, beckoned. We had already been issued a stern warning from Erica’s father to stay out of the barn, but that only strengthened our resolve to go inside again. Now we were outside the barn, looking up at the hayloft window, when she issued her dare.

“I’ll do it if you do it!” I shot back. “Deal!” she said.

We were nine years old, and I was spending one of many summer days at my friend’s house. We decided that I would go first, while she waited down below. I glanced back at the house, then darted into the barn. Holding my breath, I carefully walked up the stairs to the second story, past rusty nails and creaking steps. I picked my way around gaping holes in the floor and arrived at the door’s opening. I peered down at Erica. She was way down there. The building seemed 10 stories tall!

I stood there for a long time. Countdowns came and went. I contemplated leaping into the air and grabbing the hanging door to slow my descent. I extracted promise after promise from Erica that she would jump too. Finally, I jumped.

THUD! My feet smashed into the ground, then the rest of my body slammed into my feet. Oh, my ankles! I crumpled to the ground, crying. Erica took off for the house to get her dad.

Not long after she left, I realized that I wasn’t actually hurt that bad. Fear replaced my tears. I was definitely going to be in trouble now. After what felt like an eternity, Erica rounded the corner of the barn, her father in tow. Apologies and tears poured forth when I saw him.

I still sat on the ground. His mouth pressed into a thin line, Erica’s dad loomed over me…and scooped me up in his arms. He carried me all the way back to the house, making sure I was okay when we got there.

Although I disobeyed, I wasn’t punished. Erica’s dad, and later, my mom, showed me mercy. I am reminded of Romans 5:20, which says, in part, “But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.”

is the marketing & communications specialist for It Is Written. She helps to create and edit content for It Is Written audiences. Cassie and her family live in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
The Devotional
3 Predictions You Can Trust 10 Life and Longevity The New Covenant 24 The Blessed Hope 31 At the Cross 7 From Grief to Hope 14 Coping With Grief Forgiveness 28 Money, Money, Money 5 Clearing the Fog: Understanding Depression 12 Great Characters of the Bible: Mary 19 Turning It Around: Blood Pressure and Health High Fliers NEW 17 NEW 21 NEW 26 2024 3ABN Amazing Facts TV Better Life Broadcasting Network Blue Mountain Television Central Ohio Association of Christian Broadcasters (COACB) Good News TV Hope Channel TBN WDEF (Chattanooga) WHMB (Indianapolis) 3ABN Radio Network LifeTalk Radio Network Radio 74 Network Strong Tower Radio Network WSJL – “Elijah Radio” 88.1 FM (AL) WHNJ – 95.7 FM (FL) Find It Is Written on these channels: Radio TV Mar Apr May ® Watch It Is Written 24/7 on: or Airdates may vary. Consult your local station's schedule for details. SPRING 2024 31
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