Impressions Autumn 2017, Issue 12

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impressions PAGE

18 the R efOr matiOn rev iV eD Just one mile from the Vatican



God works powerfully among the Roma people


What is faith? How faith shaped the Reformation

on the cover

18 r ev iV e D

the R efOr matiOn Just one mile from the Vatican

To commemorate of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, It Is Written returned to Europe. Two parallel series took place — one in Luther’s Germany where the Reformation began and the other in Rome, Italy, a place where much of the Reformation controversy centered.

aspects 04

Director’s Desk


Mission Report


Escrito Está


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight



24 2



God works powerfully among the Roma people

What Is Faith? How faith shaped the Reformation

It Is Written impressions

impressions magazine AUTUMN 2017 ISSUE 12 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Annalyse Hasty ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2017 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written and My Place With Jesus are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Escrito Está is a trademark of It Is Written, Inc.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006



John Bradshaw, It Is Written Speaker/Director OCTOBER 25 — 31

Evangelistic series in Rome, Italy


Partnership weekend in Palm Springs, California

NOVEMBER 10 — 12

Partnership weekend in Portland, Oregon

NOVEMBER 17 — 19

Partnership weekend in Monterey, California


Partnership weekend in Gatlinburg, Tennessee

DECEMBER 10 — 17

Ministerial training in Nassau, Bahamas

423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA

notes 12

Partnership Highlight






Planned Giving



Eric Flickinger, It Is Written Associate Speaker OCTOBER 13 — 31

Evangelistic series in Stuttgart, Germany

NOVEMBER 10 — 18

Evangelistic series in Edinburg, Texas

JAN 23 — FEB 20

Evangelistic series in Greenville, Tennessee

Robert Costa, Escrito Está Speaker/Director OCTOBER 25 — 28

Evangelistic series in Las Palmas, Canary Islands

NOV 20 — 29

Filming in Valparaíso, Chile

JAN 12 — 14 & 19 — 21

Evangelism training in Costa Rica

Director’s Desk




‌they had no idea they were at the very church where one of the greatest figures of the Protestant Reformation ministered almost 500 years ago.


wo American tourists happened upon our team while we were filming 500, a series on the Reformation, in a tiny village in Gloucestershire, England. I assumed they were there out of interest in the great English Reformer, William Tyndale. I was surprised to learn they had no idea they were at the very church where one of the greatest figures of the Protestant Reformation ministered almost 500 years ago. A long-time resident of Little Sodbury — who lives just 50 yards from the church — had no idea his village had anything at all to do with Tyndale. The monument to Tyndale, just 10 miles away, is rarely visited. It’s indicative of how so many people remember — or don’t remember — the Reformation. The most significant religious and political upheaval of the last thousand years brought the light


of the gospel, and the Bible itself, to the world. Men like Tyndale and Luther and Calvin and Zwingli changed the world. Tyndale’s translation of the Bible provided the vast majority of the language that is found in the King James Version today. As he was about to be executed, Tyndale prayed aloud, “Lord, open the King of England’s eyes.” Two years later, King Henry VIII mandated that every church in England should contain a copy of the Scriptures, which was largely Tyndale’s scholarship. Henry VIII’s eyes were opened in the 1500s. Eyes must be opened again, to see and appreciate the beauty and power of the gospel. The greatest reformation — the reformation of the human heart—is still needed. As God lit up the world 500 years ago, He will soon do it again as the everlasting gospel goes to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. Jesus is coming back soon. To view the 500 series, visit

John Bradshaw

Speaker & Director AUTUMN 2017







he country of Bulgaria is home to beautiful mountains, breathtaking vistas, fragrant roses, brilliant sunflowers, and some of the most wonderful people that you could ever hope to meet. About 60 miles southwest of the capital city of Sofia, the ruins of a hilltop Roman fortress overlook the city of Kyustendil. Just outside of the city proper, in a little low area, is one of the largest Roma (Gypsy) neighborhoods in Bulgaria. Roughly 15,000 Roma live in the neighborhood, a somewhat random collection of brick and plaster homes. Some roads are paved, while others are dirt. As the sun begins to set, horse carts delivering ERIC FLICKINGER is the associate speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across North America and around the globe.


It Is Written impressions

water clip-clop along the streets, weaving in and out of traffic. Mercedes-Benz, Opels, and Trabants squeeze through the often narrow streets. Roma youth sport the fashions of the day as they walk in small groups in the gathering darkness. Stray dogs laze along the sidewalks or approach you timidly to see if you have any food for them to eat. It’s a fairly normal evening in the Roma neighborhood of Kyustendil. But something extraordinary is happening on Burevestnik street. In fact, the street is completely blocked and rapidly filling with people. A stage has been erected in the middle of the intersection on Preslau Lane and hundreds of chairs have been set up in neat rows, completely filling the street. Floodlights, strapped to telephone poles are flipped on, illuminating throngs of people who are making their way to the event. Soon, a crowd of over 1,000 has gathered, the seats are all taken, and

hundreds more are standing. What has drawn them here? An It Is Written Bible prophecy seminar is about to begin. The members of the Kyustendil Church have been diligently sharing their faith with their neighbors, and their efforts are being richly rewarded. Many residents of the neighborhood have been taking Bible studies every week and are now in attendance at the seminar. A local church elder welcomes the crowd, offers a short prayer, and then introduces my translator, Natalia Katsarova, and me. Natalia is a Bulgarian first-year med school student from Sofia, who has chosen to dedicate five hours of her already fartoo-precious time every evening to help translate the meetings. She is driven an hour and a half to Kyustendil, translates for me for two hours, and then goes back to Sofia after the meetings so that she can attend her med school classes the following day. Also going above and beyond the call of duty are Pastor Biser, six church elders, and 74 deacons. Every evening they set up the chairs, the screens, the projectors, and the sound system. Then take it all down to do it again the next day.

seminar, 52 people made the decision to enter the waters of baptism. The work of spreading the gospel continues in Kyustendil as those who were newly baptized are now beginning to share their new-found faith in Christ with their friends. At the conclusion of the seminar, not only were 52 people baptized, but also 450 more requested Bible studies so that they too could be baptized. In the not-too-distant future, Jesus will fulfill His promise to return and gather His own to Him. And there can be no doubt that a great cloud of saints will be ascending from this Roma neighborhood outside of Kyustendil, Bulgaria, to meet Him.

Every evening, for 10 straight days, the street is filled with hundreds of their friends and neighbors, longing to learn more about Jesus. But the results of their dedication are well worth the effort. Every evening, for 10 straight days, the street is filled with hundreds of their friends and neighbors, longing to learn more about Jesus. Night by night, more people make decisions to dedicate their lives to Jesus. At the end of the AUTUMN 2017


i Mission Report


Mongolia Philippines March 14–25, 2018

July 13–29, 2018

We are looking for 15 health professional volunteers to run a clinic near the city of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. Clinics, set up at a church, are one of the best ways to build bridges with a population that is 97 percent non-Christian. The past four It Is Written mission trips have had a profound impact on the church’s work in Mongolia. Join It Is Written in Mongolia for an unforgettable evangelism experience.

We are looking for 500 evangelists and lay evangelists. Yes, you read correctly, 500! The Central Luzon Conference has slots for 500 evangelists and is praying for a harvest of 50,000 souls. Come and join Pastor John Bradshaw and It Is Written as we loudly and boldly proclaim the everlasting gospel in the Philippines. It Is Written will provide you with the sermon manuscripts and slides. All you need to do is claim an open slot, prepare, preach, and enjoy the great results.

Sign-up deadline: February 1

Sign-up deadline: May 17

$500 deposit due at sign up Remainder due: March 1 Total cost: $1,300*/person

Payment due: June 19 Total cost: $750*/student

*Airfare not included.

Phone: 423-362-5846 Email:


It Is Written impressions

*Airfare not included.

Phone: 423-362-5846 Email:


ime has come to open up the floodgates of blessings. Over the years, It Is Written has generally done all of its evangelistic projects solo—in other words, without the active participation of friends and partners of the ministry. That is changing! Having been so invigorated by the work of evangelism all over the world, It Is Written has decided to include volunteers in our evangelism trips so that more people can share in the blessing personally.

South Africa

October 5–21, 2018 We are looking for 30 evangelists and lay evangelists. It Is Written is joining forces with local church leaders to reach the Gauteng province for Christ. This province includes two of the biggest cities in South Africa: Johannesburg and Pretoria. These two cities and their surrounding areas have a combined population that exceeds 12 million people. Be part of an evangelistic effort that will make a major impact in South Africa. It Is Written will provide sermon manuscripts and slides. Sign-up deadline: August 28 $500 deposit due at sign up Remainder due: September 5 Total cost: $1,600*/person *Airfare not included.

Phone: 423-362-5846 Email:

“To see the Holy Spirit working is such a deep blessing that will be with us forever.” The response from those who have gone on It Is Written mission trips so far has been amazing. One of the volunteers who went with It Is Written to Moldova summed it up perfectly: “To see the Holy Spirit working is such a deep blessing that will be with us forever.” Furthermore, the mission experience had such an impact on another volunteer that he decided to conduct an evangelistic series in his home church. His life has forever changed. If you want a piece of the action and want a share of the blessings, then join in one of our three mission trips in 2018: Mongolia, Philippines, or South Africa. Come and experience what It Is Written has been experiencing for decades. YVES MONNIER is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.



Escrito Está

2 Grace Stories

of God’s

ESCRITO ESTÁ AIRED ACROSS MEXICO Marcos was watching one of his station that had aired the program favorite TV channels—Azteca TV. It and said he wanted the program aired is one of his favorites because he mannationally by Azteca TV. ages all of the Azteca channels in Mexico, The manager of the local station and as often as his schedule permits, he replied, “But sir, that’s impossible. These monitors their content. people can hardly pay for the local staA religious program had just begun, and tion. They will never be able to afford it as usual, he half-listened as he handled nationally.” other projects on his desk. Marcos replied, “Then Then something caught his we’ll syndicate it.” “But sir, that’s attention. The speaker was And true to his word, this talking about the Sabbath past October, Escrito Está was impossible.” as the day of rest. Marcos launched nationally through paused what he was doing Azteca TV for all of Mexico— and listened all the way through. The proat no additional cost! gram was It Is Written’s Spanish program, Pastor Costa said, “We have to present Escrito Está, with Pastor Robert Costa. the whole truth from God’s word, Being Jewish, Marcos was intrigued. because we are not in this alone. The He had never before heard a Christian Holy Spirit is working on the other side, speak about the Sabbath as the day of convicting hearts.” rest. He immediately called the local But there’s more. The Spanish satellite station, Enlace TV, which is seen around CAROLINA BONILLA is the the world from Costa Rica, recently administrative assistant for Escrito increased Escrito Está’s programming Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanishfrom once a week to twice due to high speaking community with the gospel. viewership. We praise God for what He is doing through Escrito Está! 10

It Is Written impressions

HEALED BY GOD’S WORD Gustavo was discouraged. He had suffered from diabetes for years, and as a result, had lost his eyesight and was on dialysis. There were very few bright spots in his day. One of them was Escrito Está. He discovered the program one day by accident, and every day he would ask his caretaker to play Escrito Está online so he could listen to the programs. Slowly, a ray of hope began to emerge in his heart, and he began to pray for healing.

Está. After some searching, God led him to the church in his city in Poughkeespsie, New York. He was welcomed by the members with open arms, and for several months studied the Bible with them. Then he learned that Pastor Costa would be visiting the church to present a week of evangelistic meetings. He was thrilled, and convinced God was doing this just for him. He decided to be baptized on the last Sabbath of the meetings.

Slowly, a ray of hope began to emerge in his heart, and he began to pray for healing.

Every day, as he listened to the programs, he would ask God to heal him. Three years went by and he slowly improved until he no longer needed dialysis. But he still couldn’t see. One day he prayed, “Lord, if you were able to heal my kidneys so I could continue learning about you, please restore my eyesight so that I may see the Escrito Está program.” Little by little his eyesight returned. Gustavo was overjoyed and grateful to God. He decided to find the church of Escrito

“Gustavo’s story is fascinating, and I had the privilege of seeing him baptized along with 27 others at the close of the meetings,” Pastor Costa said. “His health was restored and now he is sharing his faith with others.” We praise God for what He is doing through Escrito Está to reach the Spanishspeaking world for Jesus. To listen to the programs or access our Spanish resources, please visit AUTUMN 2017


Partnership Highlight

Pancakes, Parrots, and Partners Highlights from this year’s Partnership weekends


t’s 7:00 a.m. on Sabbath morning. A bright blue light flashes on a large projection screen and then another and another. The two side screens fill with an image of a young man giving his life to Christ in the waters of baptism and the words 2017 Partnership settle into focus on the center screen. Instrumental piano music fills the ballroom, candles flicker on 32 round tables set for Sabbath breakfast. The It Is Written Partnership Sabbath is about to begin. The tranquility of early Sabbath morning is soon energized by active conversation over biscuits and gravy, fresh pineapple, and orange maple pancakes. ELLEN METCALF is the development director for It Is Written. Ellen and her team plan the yearly Partnership weekend events.


It Is Written impressions

The fellowship is only broken by a rousing, four-part harmony, a cappella rendition of We Will Glorify the King of Kings. Guests join in the song and then sit back for a Sabbath full of encouragement and inspiration. It Is Written hosts seven special spiritual retreat weekends for our ministry Partners all over the country. Partners support the ministry financially with a gift of $1,500 or more annually. In September, Partners gathered in Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Pastor Bradshaw shared stirring messages about how God can and wants to use us to do incredible things. The Emmanuel Quartet, Naomi Jackson, and Scott Michael Bennett sang uplifting music that often left the audience and sometimes the musicians themselves in tears—overwhelmed at the love of an amazing God for His children. On Sabbath morning, Pastor Bradshaw gave Partners and their guests a behindthe-scenes look at the ministry’s projects

“Very spiritual and uplifting weekend. Loved the music so much! It spoke to my heart!“ “Awesome weekend. Proud to be a part of It Is Written.” over the past twelve months and explained new initiatives going forward. Partners heard story after story of how their support of the ministry is touching lives for Jesus Christ—sometimes in the United States, sometimes in places like Moldova or Mongolia. Pastor Bradshaw shared the vision for the future It Is Written headquarters and evangelistic and humanitarian projects

planned for places like Italy, Germany, South Africa, and the Philippines. Current Partners committed to supporting the ministry for another year and guests joined as first-time Partners. Each weekend the prior year’s commitment was announced and Partners were challenged to exceed that this year. And they did! Sabbath evening, Pastor Bradshaw announced the total to a celebratory and rousing response rendition of Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow. In between meetings, families enjoyed the venues—looking for bears in Gatlinburg, enjoying the historic ambiance of Gettysburg, or taking a nap in newly refurbished rooms in Orlando. On their way back for the next session, parents dropped their children off in the “jungle” where parrots, monkeys, elephants, and giraffes told them the stories of an incredible God who has amazing plans for their young lives. Sabbath afternoon featured an old-fashioned hymn-sing led by the weekend musicians. The audience heartily joined in singing favorites like How Great Thou Art and Great Is Thy Faithfulness. A panel discussion followed, featuring parents and children’s ministry leaders who have a passion for seeing our young people stay connected to Jesus Christ. “Quite literally, our Partners and supporters make It Is Written possible,” said Charles Reel, treasurer for It Is Written. “Together we want to share the gospel with the world and see Jesus return. These weekends bring the It Is Written family together.” Four more Partnership weekends are planned this year in California (2), Oregon, and Tennessee, and it’s not too late to register. Call 800-479-9056 to sign up.

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the Reformation Visit for more resources on the Reformation. Items on sale through November 20, 2017.






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$19.99 To order, call 888-664-5573 or visit Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EST


Learn the story of the Reformation and why it matters today more than ever. Join Pastor John Bradshaw on a unique journey in the footsteps of the Reformers with nine new, must-see, on-location programs titled 500. Titles include: 1. 500: The Protestant Reformation 2. The Celtic Connection: Saint Patrick and Ireland 3. A Lamp Unto My Feet: William Tyndale and England 4. Rome and the Reformation: The Catholic Church and Rome 5. “Here I Stand!”: Martin Luther and Germany 6. The Counter-Reformation: Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits 7. A Wall of Separation: The Puritans, Roger Williams, and the New World 8. Tell It to the World: William Miller, Daniel, and Revelation 9. Finishing the Reformation: The Final Gospel Message

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It Is Written impressions

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Cover Feature

the R efOr matiOn

rev iV eD Just one mile from the Vatican

To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, It Is Written returned to Europe. Two parallel series took place—one in Luther’s Germany where the Reformation began and the other in Rome, Italy, a place where much of the Reformation controversy centered. ROME SERIES

In Rome, from October 25 to 31, Speaker/ Director John Bradshaw preached an evangelistic series titled Solo Cinque. Solo Cinque focused on the five premises of the Reformation, known as the Five Solas. These are five Latin phrases that emerged during the Reformation to summarize the Reformers’ theological convictions about the essentials of Christianity: Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); Sola Fide (faith alone); Sola Gratia (grace alone); Solus Christus (Christ alone); and Soli Deo Gloria (to the glory of God alone). “It’s really a special privilege to be able to share the message of the Bible in Rome. The city is so historic. So much has happened here that impacted Christianity and the world. God has worked through these meetings,” John said. Mariarosa Cavalieri, It Is Written’s evangelism coordinator in Rome, trained 18

It Is Written impressions


and organized over 100 members from five churches across Rome for the series. They spent more than one year preparing for the bridge-building series, Solo Cinque, which was held barely one mile from the Vatican. The series climaxed on October 31, the day when 500 years ago Martin Luther nailed his history-changing theses. The short October series has paved the way for a longer series which will follow in May 2018. There have been powerful evidences of God at work in Rome. In the meantime, the devil was also at work trying to slow down the positive momentum. Only one month before the series, the largest participating church had a fire, possibly caused by arson, that caused considerable smoke damage. The members, however, were undeterred in their service to the Lord. “The church was full on opening night and got more full every night. People were so thankful to hear that eternal salvation

is graciously given by God to all who desire it: No penance or works required. Now we are getting ready for the full-message series in May 2019. It’s exciting to watch God at work,” It Is Written Evangelism Director Yves Monnier said. GERMANY SERIES

In Stuttgart, Germany, Associate Speaker Eric Flickinger presented an evangelistic series titled Macht. Glaube. Hoffnung. Was würde Luther uns heute sagen? (Power. Faith. Hope. What would Luther say to us today?). The series ran for three weekends from October 13 to 29. Pastor Flickinger explored the origins of the Reformation and the similarities between Luther’s time and our world today.

“God has worked through these meetings.” The series was the culmination of months of much work, prayer, and diligent preparation. Under the faithful leadership of Hartmut Winschaft, It Is Written’s evangelism coordinator in Stuttgart, hundreds of people attended the series each night. A broad advertising campaign invited the entire city to Liederhalle, a convention center in the heart of the city, to hear God’s word resonate like it did 500 years ago. “Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther kindled the fires of a reformation that has impacted nearly every area of life in the Western world,” Eric Flickinger said. “Now, we have had the privilege of carrying his torch forward in Germany, the very birthplace of the Reformation.” Please pray for the people of Germany and Italy. To donate to this evangelistic outreach, visit

Macht. Glaube. Hoffnung. Was würde Luther uns heute sagen?




My Place With Jesus

“But Peter said to him, ‘Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money!’ ” ACTS 8:20


he grace of God and of the holy father is at your gates,” the messenger cried as he walked through the streets announcing the arrival of Tetzel, a monk from the church of Rome. “The grace of God and of the holy father is at your gates!” Heinrich and his mother stepped out their front door and joined the gathering crowd that reverently followed Tetzel as if he were God Himself. The common people in Heinrich’s day were poor, and because they couldn’t read they relied on the priests of the church to teach them about God. Standing behind the podium before the people of Juterbog, Germany, Tetzel began. “By this guarantee of pardon I hold in my hand, you will receive forgiveness of all the sins you will hereafter desire to commit. Repentance will not even be necessary if you purchase one of these.” Tetzel continued with an increasing urgency. “This guarantee of pardon has power to save not only the living, but also the dead. As soon as your money drops to

MELISSA BRADSHAW is the My Place With Jesus coordinator at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area.


It Is Written impressions

the bottom of my money chest, the one for whom you have purchased this pardon will be released from the pain of purgatory and make their way to heaven.” Heinrich was amazed! “Mom, did you hear that?” He whispered. “Can we please buy one for Father?” “Son, we are so poor. I don’t know how we can afford it. We have very little money left from what your father earned before he died,” Heinrich’s mom whispered back. Many people like Heinrich and his mother were forced into deeper poverty by a desire to save themselves and their loved ones. There were many educated men in the church who were outraged by the selling of Tetzel’s pardons or indulgences. One of them was a monk named Martin Luther. Although there were others who were against these false teachings, Martin Luther  took it upon himself to speak out against the selling of indulgences. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a list of 95 things to the Castle Church door in Wittenburg, Germany.


Luther Puzzles

Solve the puzzles in the same way you would numeric Sudoku. Each of the letters M, A, R, T, I , N (in the top puzzle) and L, U, T, H, E, R (in the bottom puzzle) are found once in every row, column, and 2 x 3 box.































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These 95 things were biblical points that disagreed with the teachings of his church. Even though he was kicked out of the church as a result of his protest, Luther’s boldness began what is now referred to as the Protestant Reformation. Because of Luther’s desire that everyone understand what the Bible said, he translated the Bible into German, the language of the people. When Luther first came across a Bible in a university library, he spent every spare moment to read from its pages. How much time do you spend reading your Bible? How well do you know what it says? This year we celebrate 500 years since the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Join the celebration by reading the Bible made available to us by the bravery of those like Martin Luther. Spend time every day reading the Bible so you can know Jesus as your closest Friend, and God’s plan and purpose for your life and future.

Community Connection


A New

Vision An interview with new SALT Program Director Douglas Na’a

Pastor Douglas Na’a (DN) is the SALT program director. He took on this position July 2017. Recently, Doug sat down with Impressions editor Annalyse Hasty (AH) to share his vision. AH: How has the SALT semester been going so far? How many students do you have? DN: The SALT semester has been excellent so far. We have a group of 23 talented and committed students from all across the NAD and overseas, Tahiti to be specific. Each of the students are faithful in learning the Bible and how to win souls. AH: As the new director, what have you learned since coming to SALT? How has it challenged you? DN: As the new director I have learned that SALT is not just another school of evangelism. SALT is a school of evangelism that works. It’s practical and has proven results. This has challenged me to get the word out and let people know. I know that there are so many people searching for a practical soul-winning program that works. AH: What do you see in the future for SALT? What is your vision for the program? DN: I see SALT consistently expanding and growing every year. This year at Summer SALT, our one-week soul-winning intensive program, we had our largest enrollment ever of 120 students. This is just a foretaste of what’s to come. The reason I believe SALT can grow every year is because of the quality of the program it offers and the caliber of the teachers that teach the classes. SALT instructors are second to none, with the likes of John

Bradshaw, Eric Flickinger, and Southern Adventist University professors. My vision is to see SALT produce proven quality soul-winners, students that will faithfully win souls in any context they may be in. Whether they are a Bible worker, church pastor, or a professional, SALT graduates will be thoroughly familiar with soul-winning principles that can lead people to Jesus. AH: Tell me a short story of an impactful moment you or a student had while at SALT. DN: One of the exciting things that happens at SALT is when students share testimonies about their door-knocking experience. One particular testimony is when SALT students came across some Mormon missionaries. After having Bible studies with them, the missionaries

“SALT is a school of evangelism that works. Its practical and has proven results.” acknowledged the truth and validity of the Sabbath. They were invited to attend church and even stayed for potluck. This shows the impact that SALT has on the community. AH: Any upcoming trips or things students/ supporters can get involved in? DN: SALT has upcoming training weekend appointments at churches and schools. We do weekend training at churches and teach Bible classes at schools. We would love for Partners and supporters to help out by getting us connected to their local churches for weekend trainings or Sabbath worships. Interested in connecting with SALT? Call 423-236-2034 or visit AUTUMN 2017



What Is O

ctober 31, 2017, marked the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. It Is Written’s new TV series, 500, takes an in-depth look at the reason the Reformation began, as well as the key issues in the Reformation (visit for more). The Reformation placed the Bible in the hands of everyday people and presented the gospel to the world. While Rome taught that one’s works are meritorious in the plan of salvation, Martin Luther and others presented the Bible teaching that salvation is received by a sinner “by grace alone, through faith alone” in Jesus Christ. It was while he was ascending the Scala Santa in Rome that Martin Luther heard in his heart the words of Romans 1:17. “The just shall live by faith.” Luther’s insistence that salvation came by faith and not works led him to write his famous 95 Theses 24

It Is Written impressions

Fait which sparked the greatest religious and political upheaval of the last 1,000 years. So what is faith that it became the fulcrum of the Protestant Reformation? Perhaps the plainest definition of faith found in the Bible is Hebrews 11:1, which says that faith is “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” In other words, you believe you have the desired object — in Luther’s case, salvation — not because you see it, but because you have faith that you have it. This life-changing teaching is demonstrated again and again in the Bible. In Matthew 8, a Roman centurion approached Jesus with a heartfelt request. “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented” (Matthew 8:6). When Jesus told the man He would come to His home and heal the centurion’s slave, the man protested. “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come

BY JOHN BRADSHAW, Speaker/Director


A false concept of faith today . . . is the difference between spiritual life and spiritual death. under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed” (Matthew 8:8). He explained to Jesus that while his own authority as a centurion led others to act upon his word, He believed Jesus’ word alone had the power to bring healing to his servant. “When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!’” (Matthew 8:10). What made the man’s faith so remarkable to Jesus was that he was a Gentile, and not a Jew. He wasn’t raised “in the church.”

He didn’t have the advantage of years of religious training. Yet what he did have was faith. He was convinced that when Jesus spoke, the things He said would happen. Luther believed that sinners receive the gift of salvation by simply having faith that the gift of salvation is theirs, that — as Paul wrote in Romans 10:10 — one “believes unto righteousness.” The teaching of salvation by faith is as important now as it has ever been. It is important that all Christians understand how they are saved. Christianity teaches that through faith in Jesus’ death on the cross believers receive the gift of salvation. At the same time, the system against which Luther protested still teaches that indulgences can be obtained. They teach that many believers must obtain purification for heaven by going to purgatory, and that the church dispenses grace through its system of sacraments. A false concept of faith today — or an inadequate exercising of faith — is the difference between spiritual life and spiritual death. A person who confesses his or her sins to God is said by God to be forgiven. 1 John 1:9 states, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” In spite of this plain statement, some doubt that God would forgive them for what they have done. This is not faith. Faith accepts the promise of God, and claims that promise by believing that what God has said is actually so. True faith in God is an unshakeable belief that His word will carry out all it has promised. This late in Earth’s history it is important for God’s people to have real faith in Him and His word. Jesus is soon to return, and the people alive on Earth at the second coming of Jesus are described in the book of Revelation as those who “keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12). AUTUMN 2017



Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

“I enjoy your broadcasts immensely!! Your travels and teachings are always on target. They relate to my life! Thanks, and God bless.” — USA “I just wanted you to know how much we enjoy your TV program. We especially enjoy the historical programs. God bless.” — USA “I heard you on TV saying, ‘Remember, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4). Those words made me think about what it is to really be a Christian: to live my life according to what the Word of God states. Thanks to God for working through you, I saw the light and I want to thank you for doing such a good job for God as a fisherman like Jesus. — New Zealand

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Staff Highlight



Hundreds of hours of video content is filmed, edited, sorted, and produced at It Is Written every week. Maintaining a standard of excellence in television and overseeing the entire process is Media Production Director Michael Bell. “My day to day job is the sometimes overwhelming task of overseeing all of the video content that It Is Written produces,” Michael said. “Programs such as It Is Written, Every Word, Every Word ASL, and Line Upon Line require an incredible amount of work. However, I am truly blessed to be able to work with an incredible team on the programs that our viewers are able to watch around the world.” The Media Production Department is the largest department at It Is Written, boasting 10 employees. As director, Michael guides the team, goes on-location to film, edits video, and everything in between. Michael was recruited to It Is Written for his reputation of excellence in television production, which he maintains in all of his work as media production director. “Michael has an extraordinary amount of talent. He’s energetic, a problem solver, and is committed. We’re very blessed to have him as part of the team,” Speaker/Director John Bradshaw said. Although Michael works through many daily challenges, there is no where else he would rather put his talents to work. “Working at It Is Written is fast-paced, and strenuous,” Michael said. “But at the end of the day I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what I am doing is directly impacting people’s eternal lives, and there is no better feeling in the world than that!”

Michael on location in Zimbabwe with a furry friend.

Get to know Michael: What is your favorite meal? It’s a 50/50 split between Mexican and Thai food.

What was your first job as a professional? I worked at LifeTalk Radio. I was asked to take a radio program and turn it into a television program.

What is the best advice anyone has given you? Learn to take criticism for what it is and grow from it. Michael has been married to Heidi for 10 years. They have two children, Owen (4) and Evelyn (2). AUTUMN 2017


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Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone please go to or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Bates, Harlan by Mrs. Coral Bates Bischoff, Marvin by Mrs. Nathalie Bischoff Bishop, Wilber A. by Ronald and Colleen Barrow Bivens, Rolland by Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Bivens Borg, Jessie L. by Clara Hansen Brooks, Louise H. by Barb Brooks Carlson, Robert by Dr. and Mrs. Melvin S. England Cinquemani, Vince by the Florida Living SDA Church Coleman, Dee by Mr. Otis W. Parks Davis, Sarah by Ms. Udia V. Foster Donohue, Brittany by Miss Lynelle Wright

Gainey, Frances by daughter Ms. Ann Wilkinson

Read, Aquila by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper

Ghali, Azziza by Hida McClelland

Scott, Bob by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper

Huber, Lloyd by Mr. and Mrs.Fay McPherson

Sharp, Heloise Green by Dudley M. Cobb III

Hyde, Frederic by the Fairplain SDA Church

Sweeney, Mabel Frances by Barb Brooks

Lanz, Elwin D. by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper

Weyenberg, Evelyn by Mr. and Mrs.Fay McPherson

Miller, Leona M. by Mrs. Olga Lang-Rodin


Mountz, Larry by the Villages at Greenbriar Cove, Infinity Healthcare Management Consulting of Tennessee LLC, Ronald and Colleen Barrow, Ms. Helen S. Bledsoe, Ruth R. Brown, Barbara Cadavero, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griggs, Stanley M. Grube, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Guild, Robert and Edna Halstead, Carole J. Harner, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hocking, Lou Ann Miller-Beam, Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote, Vivian Steffen, Donald and Sally Steffy, J. Rita Vital, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wilson

Drayton, Mavis by Mr. and Mrs. Keefe Drayton

Netteburg, Ronnalee by Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bacon

Fast, Eulala by Leonard J. Fast

Pankey, Josh by Bert Logan

Ferrel, Judy by brother Dr. James Ferrel

Parks, Ted by Mr. Otis W. Parks

Fillman, Gerald M. by Dr. and Mrs. Paul Yim

Pierson, Pauline N. by J. Rital Vital

Baldwin, Richard T. by Chaplain Richard T. Baldwin HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rocker, Tracy God is great! by Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Rocker IN HONOR OF Barnes, Steven R. and Gladys by brother Mr. Richard Barnes Brockmann, Susan by David and Brittany Penner Gonzalez, Julia by Bexy Torres Gulliams, Ronald and Cathy by Judith E. Jones Perrin, Kenneth and Clara by Mr. and Mrs. Elden Perrin Perrin, Roy E. and Fern by Mr. and Mrs. Elden Perrin

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written Your honorary or memorial gift is helping spread the gospel around the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient's name and address.


A Matter of

Perspective Perspective


omeone once told me that life would be great if it weren’t for…PEOPLE. People criticize, are hard to please, have unrealistic expectations of others, are impatient, can be very unkind, and that’s just the start of the list. While people can cause much pain, they also can bring so much joy. I discovered a long time ago that the best way to maximize the joy and minimize the pain is to follow the golden rule. And no, the golden rule is not “he who has the gold, rules.” It’s what Jesus succinctly said in Luke 6:31: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In other words: Speak to and of others how you would like to be spoken to and about. Feel about others how you would have them feel about you. Think of others the way you would like to be thought of. Respect others as you want them to respect you.

YVES MONNIER is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.


It Is Written impressions

And then there’s one more: Try to see things as others might see life because things may not always be what they appear to be. That is the one that often trips people up. I came across a little story entitled, “Cookies,” by Douglas Adams, that drives the point home about the importance of perspective: This actually did happen to a real person, and the real person is me. I had gone to catch a train. This was April 1976, in Cambridge, U.K. I was a bit early for the train. I’d gotten the time of the train wrong. I went to get myself a newspaper to do the crossword, a cup of coffee, and a packet of cookies. I went and sat at a table. I want you to picture the scene. It’s very important that you get this very clear in your mind. Here’s the table, newspaper, cup of coffee, packet of cookies. There’s a guy sitting opposite me, a perfectly ordinary-looking guy wearing a business suit, carrying a briefcase. It didn’t look like he was going to do anything weird. What he did was this: He suddenly leaned across, picked up the packet of cookies, tore it open, took one out, and ate it. Now this, I have to say, is the sort of thing the British are very bad at dealing with. There’s nothing in our background, upbringing, or education that teaches you

how to deal with someone who in broad it felt like a lifetime. He took one, I took daylight has just stolen your cookies. You one, he took one, I took one. Finally, when know what would happen if this had been we got to the end, he stood up and walked South Central Los Angeles. There would away. Well, we exchanged meaningful have very quickly been gunfire, helicopters looks, then he walked away, and I coming in, CNN, breathed a sigh of you know…. But in relief and sat back. There’s nothing in our the end, I did what A moment or any red-blooded two later the train background, upbringing, or Englishman would was coming in, so I do: I ignored it. stood up, picked up education that teaches you And I stared at the the newspaper, and how to deal with someone newspaper, took a underneath the sip of coffee, and newspaper were my who in broad daylight has thought, What am I cookies. The thing just stolen your cookies. going to do? I like particularly In the end I about this story is thought, I’ll just the sensation that have to go for it. I tried very hard not to somewhere in England there has been notice the fact that the packet was already wandering around for the last quartermysteriously opened. I took out a cookie century a perfectly ordinary guy who’s for myself. I thought, That settled him. But had the same exact story, only he doesn’t it hadn’t because a moment or two later have the punch line. he did it again. He took another cookie. Having not mentioned it the first time, Yes, sometimes things are not the way it was somehow even harder to raise the they seem, and when the golden rule is subject the second time around. “Excuse followed much grief and irritation can be me, I couldn’t help but notice….” I mean, it saved. It all starts with me putting into doesn’t really work. practice a rule that doesn’t guarantee a We went through the whole packet like pain-free life, but guarantees more joy this. When I say the whole packet, I mean than pain. And that makes life a whole lot there were only about eight cookies, but more enjoyable until Jesus returns. AUTUMN 2017


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