Impressions Autumn 2019, Issue 18

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Walk With Us

A Photo Tour of the New It Is Written Headquarters

Dripping with God’s Grace

Stories of changed lives from Phoenix, Arizona

When the Will Won’t Put your will on the side of Christ

on the cover


Walk With Us A Photo Tour of the New It Is Written Headquarters

In September 2019, after two years of construction, employees moved into the new It Is Written headquarters in Collegedale, Tennessee. Allowing for studio, office, and warehouse space to be under one roof, the building also expands and improves the efficiency of studio and warehouse capabilities. Join us for a photo tour of the new It Is Written headquarters.

aspects 04

President’s Page


Mission Report


Escrito Está


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight



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Dripping with God’s Grace

Stories of changed lives from Phoenix, Arizona

When the Will Won’t Put your will on the side of Christ

It Is Written impressions


impressions magazine AUTUMN 2019 ISSUE 18 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Ellen Hostetler

calendar John Bradshaw, president NOV 22

It Is Written Grand Opening in Collegedale, Tennessee

DEC 6—8

Partnership event in Gatlinburg, Tennessee

DEC 15 — 17

ReCharge evangelism retreat in Cohutta Springs, Georgia


Speaking in Duluth, Georgia

FEB 29

Evangelism training in Portland, Tennessee

MAR 26 — 29

ASI Southwest Spring Convention in Cleburne, Texas

APR 17 — MAY 16

Evangelistic series in Indianapolis, Indiana

ASSISTANT EDITOR Cassie Hernandez ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2019 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written, Escrito Está, My Place With Jesus, and SALT are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Except otherwise noted, scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ET SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGNED TO SHARE This Impressions magazine is designed to be shared with your friends, family, and neighbors. When you are done reading it, please pass it on.

notes 05

Escrito Está Report


Partnership Highlight






Planned Giving


Tributes & Memorials

Eric Flickinger, associate speaker APR 17 — MAY 16

Evangelistic series in Indianapolis, Indiana

�eCHA�GE Your Evangelistic Ministry A Public Evangelism and Church Growth Retreat

December 15–17, 2019

President’s Page

What’s D

uring the autumn of 1957—a year after It Is Written was founded—a television quiz show called What’s It For? aired on NBC. A panel of contestants were asked to figure out the purpose of certain inventions. John Bradshaw In Collegedale, Tennessee, in the fall of 2019, a new buildPresident ing was dedicated on a parcel of land that many years ago was intended to be the site of a church-run hospital. A fair question to ask would be, “What’s it for?” The new It Is Written ministry headquarters is a means, not an end. It doesn’t exist to bring praise to a ministry or a church. The new headquarters—office space, a warehouse, studios, and more—exist for the purpose of sharing Christ The new headquarters—office with the world, for proclaimspace, a warehouse, studios, and ing the everlasting gospel while there is still time for more—exist for the purpose of the message to be heard. I’m extremely grateful that sharing Christ with the world. God has blessed us in this process. But while the completion of the building is the end of a construction project, this is really a beginning. The beginning of intensified ministry, of more effective outreach, of working to share Jesus with more people than ever before. Thank you for being part of the It Is Written story. The greatest chapters are still to be written. With your prayers and continued support, we will see God use this new building for His glory.


It Is Written impressions

It For?

Inspire others with your support. Purchase your own tribute brick, and be a part of the new It Is Written headquarters! Visit for details. AUTUMN 2019




hen I was a child, my favorite part of the meal was dessert (actually, it still is). Likewise, the best part of the work of evangelism is the baptisms. When the person being baptized comes up out of the water, dripping, so to speak, with God’s grace, their bright, happy smiles say it all: “I’m one with God.” That moment never grows old, and it is why It Is Written does what it does. Of course, behind every baptism is a story. Let me tell you four of those stories from our evangelism project in Phoenix, Arizona.


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“Nothing Is Going to Keep Me From Jesus!” When Debbie received the handbill announcing the It Is Written Revelation Today meetings at the Mesa Convention Center, she immediately decided to attend. Not only did she determine to attend, but she also invited her mom to join her as well. Together they loved what they were learning, and when it came time for a decision, Debbie marked on her decision card that she wanted to be baptized. She consequently met with one of the pastors and readied herself for the big day. Everything was going smoothly until the day of her baptism. On that day, her car was “borrowed” without permission; she accidentally locked herself out of her apartment (with her phone on the other side of the door); her boyfriend had a medical emergency; and, to top it off, the main highway leading to the venue where the baptism was going to take place was shut down because of an accident. Some people might have decided that today might not be a good day to be baptized. Not Debbie. She said, “Nothing is going to keep me from Jesus!” She arrived late and a bit frazzled, but she was baptized. Change of Plans Minerva, an evangelical pastor and Escrito Está viewer, was so excited when she heard that Escrito Está was coming to Phoenix to conduct a special series of meetings. However, the dates for the meetings overlapped with a scheduled trip overseas. Without a second thought, she decided to change her travel plans


It Is Written impressions


is going to keep me from Jesus!” and attend the meetings. She did not miss one presentation and, before it was over, made the decision to be baptized. She’s now eagerly sharing with her church the wonderful truths she discovered at the Escrito Está meetings. She will gladly tell you that this was the best change of plans she’s ever made. An Amazing Turnaround Tom barely tolerated his wife’s church involvement. All this stuff was not for him. When she decided to attend the Revelation Today series, she invited him to go with her, and like a cat getting a bath, he grudgingly went with her. To her surprise, he loved the presentation and actually wanted to attend the next one and the next one and the next. God performed an amazing turnaround in his life to the point that he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Halfway through the series of presentations, Tom had to go to jail because of a past offense. The night before his incarceration, he was baptized. Even though he’s now behind bars, he’s enjoying spiritual freedom like he has never had before.

YVES MONNIER is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.

A Little Child Shall Lead Them The Miller family was in turmoil. Mom and Dad were struggling. The kids were not getting along. Things were going from bad to worse when they received a Revelation Today handbill. “Why not attend this program as a family?” they reasoned. The family attended the first presentation and were blessed. They attended a second one, and they liked it too. However, life happens, and thus they were not sure about continuing to go. That’s when the youngest Miller, a little boy, begged them to go because he really liked the children’s program. And so the Millers kept attending—and on the final weekend, the family was baptized. So far, 687 people have been baptized, with at least 50 more baptisms anticipated before the end of the year. This is evangelism at its very best. *All names have been changed. AUTUMN 2019


Mission Report


Cajamarca, Peru

n June 9, I was on my way to Cajamarca, Peru, from the Atlanta airport. I had butterflies in my stomach, and my heart was skipping beats. It was my first mission trip, and I had a big responsibility to It Is Written and the local people in Peru. When we landed in Peru, we were all exhausted but that quickly vanished when we were met with overwhelming love from the local pastors, our volunteer translators, and the local church school. From that moment on, I knew God was going to be right by my side the entire time. No more butterflies. God was in control. The next morning, Friday, we prepared for our first day of the medical clinic. After months of planning this mission trip from my desk in Chattanooga, I was about to see

it all come together. Many decisions needed to be made; stations and doctors, including a local dental surgeon, had to be assigned. Medicines and glasses had to be set out, and the patient line was growing longer by the minute. I stopped for a quick moment and felt God telling me, “One step at a time.” It was extremely hot during the day but that didn’t deter people from attending. We saw nearly 200 people the first day. We were able to help people of all ages. One woman fainted, and we discovered through our examination of her that she was being abused, emotionally, physically, and sexually. Thankfully, the woman consented to reporting the incident and receiving treatment. Before we knew it, it was five o’clock. The whole team was exhausted, but our hearts were touched by the many individuals who trusted us enough to let us help them. On Sabbath morning, we had speakers assigned to share Jesus at 12 different churches. I was translating for the speaker,

One Step

at a

MARIA RAYBURN is the evangelism administrative assistant for It Is Written. For two years, Maria has helped coordinate mission trips and other evangelism projects. She has three daughters, Noemi, Gabby, and Adalie.

Brian, assigned to Sabogal Central. This was his first time preaching and my first time translating an evangelistic series. As I was sitting up on the platform waiting for our turn, I felt nervous. As the congregation sang, I began to pray. I heard Brian’s name announced, and we both stood. Immediately, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Just like that, I had peace. Nothing but calmness. Day after day, our team, although tired, was always ready for another hard day’s work. Medical clinics in the morning and preaching at night. At every site we visited, a long line of people waited to be seen. Some patients would arrive as early as 4:00 a.m. On the last day of the clinic, we moved our location to the inside of a penitentiary. Being inside a foreign prison was a first for most of us. We didn’t know what to expect, but we were all ready to help each individual. Each of the 150 prisoners showed appreciation that we came, and they each received an El Camino a Cristo (Steps to Christ) book with a smile. Our last Sabbath in Cajamarca came too soon. It was a bittersweet day—our last meeting with our churches, our new

Maria’s experience can be yours! Join an It Is Written mission trip in 2020. For details visit: families. At one location, there was a baptism planned for seven people who had made decisions during the week. After two baptisms, the local pastor made an appeal for anyone else who wanted to make a decision for Christ. Eight more people rose to their feet. Fifteen precious souls were baptized that morning. And every other site had baptisms as well. What an experience! What a blessing! I will never forget my first mission trip, the team, the pastors, the translators, the hotel staff, the sweet smiles on the children’s faces. I will never forget these people who welcomed us with arms open wide. They will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Immediately, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Just like that, I had peace. Nothing but calmness.

Time AUTUMN 2019



Escrito Está


or over a year, Escrito Está has been working to reach the Hispanic communities in Phoenix, Arizona, in preparation for the evangelistic meetings that took place in October 2019 with Pastor Robert Costa. Since the project started, Hispanic churches have adopted evangelism as a way of life, 365 days a year. For much of the year, church members focused on small group ministries. When Pastor Costa came to Phoenix for a rally in February, he encouraged leaders with testimonies of evangelism efforts from around the world. All ages were present, including children, who were especially excited to try the My Place With Jesus Bible study materials. Spring arrived, and churches continued building friendships and engaging their


KAREN MATAMBO is from Zimbabwe and grew up in England, Scotland, and America. She is the Bible work coordinator for Phoenix, Arizona.


It Is Written impressions

communities in various ways. Before long, it was time for a reaping series in various satellite churches. At one church in Mesa, 16 friends made a public declaration of their love for Jesus through baptism. One of the girls, Sheneid, only 10 years old, came to me excited to introduce her best friend, Isa, who just moments prior was also baptized. I remembered Sheneid because she was the most excited to use the My Place With Jesus Bible Guides just two months prior. What I didn’t know was that this young girl was preparing to share Christ with her best friend and praying for her to also choose Him. And she did! “How does it feel to see your best friend baptized today?” I asked. “It feels amazing!” Sheneid responded, beaming with joy. There is something heart-warming about seeing a young child understand and experience the beauty of leading a friend to Christ. Another person baptized on that day was

Top: Helpers Sheneid and Paulina at the It Is Written table. Bottom: 150 graduates and leaders of the small groups ministry.

When we make friends for Jesus, the church grows. At the Hispanic camp meeting in June, Pastor Costa joined us once again. We held a graduation for those who were baptized in the spring–150 in total. Oh, you should have been there for the celebration! Each person received a bag with three It Is Written Bible Study Guides and two

Not even an hour had passed since the baptisms, and he was already looking for missionaries to reach more friends for Jesus.

Cathy, who for years watched her husband go to church on the Sabbath but didn’t go herself, until now. Cathy knew she wanted to be a part of the Mesa church family because of the warm friendship and love she received from her church sisters. They visited, prayed, studied, and enjoyed fun family activities together. At the end of the baptisms, the pastor made a bold appeal for anyone who wanted to study the Bible and start preparing for baptism to raise their hands. At least 13 more hands were raised! The head elder, hungry to see more hearts won to Jesus, recognized that this was only the beginning and said to the new members, “We’re ready to start preparing for Escrito Está in the fall. Can you help us get ready?” Not even an hour had passed since the baptisms, and he was already looking for missionaries to reach more friends for Jesus.

children’s lessons to share with their friends. And it worked: 200 more friends graduated in October! Thank you for your prayers for the meetings in Phoenix. The churches’ energy and efforts paid off as hundreds attended Pastor Costa’s meetings. Over 177 have been baptized, and many more are preparing for baptism. “Our goal in Phoenix is not to make members, but to make disciples who, in turn, will make more disciples who follow Jesus,” shared a local pastor. The churches’ commitment to evangelism doesn’t stop with baptisms. It continues every single day. We invite you to join us in making a fresh commitment to Jesus today.

Robert Costa, speaker/director NOV 23 — 30

Evangelistic series in Buenos Aires, Argentina

MAR 28 — APR 4

Evangelistic series in Costa Rica

APR 5 — 11

Evangelistic series in Van Nuys, California

Partnership Highlight

/Zest/: (noun) great enthusiasm and energy

ELLEN HOSTETLER is the development director for It Is Written. Ellen and her team plan the yearly Partnership weekend events.


It Is Written impressions


or almost four years, the Olive East church in Merced, California has been running an energetic mission support program: ZEST. Any church member can bring a charity or ministry idea to the program’s coordinator, Loren. Once the idea is approved, that member is given time during the church service to raise funds for their project. I first met Loren by phone in 2016. The program had just started and Loren and his church had raised enough money to sponsor 104 surgeries for the It Is Written Eyes for India program. “No doubt about it,” Loren shared, “the idea of giving someone eyesight for just $75 is a world-class opportunity.”

I could tell Loren was passionate about making a difference and excited to see his church get behind the program. But I didn’t realize what would happen next. They took on new projects, one after another. The projects actually turned into witnessing opportunities and family members and friends of church members were excited to participate. This excitement was a byproduct of the church members’ passion. “It is a wonderful thing to see the sacrifice of the church

family as they step up financially, project after project,” Loren shared. “Several have told me that the ZEST report is their favorite part of the weekly church service.” The church has held two campaigns for Eyes for India, and one for the It Is Written Mission: Mongolia program; as well as campaigns for mission projects in Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, and several local projects.

“The idea of giving someone eyesight for just $75 is a world-class opportunity.” The congregation hasn’t used traditional methods like dinners or sales to raise funds, but they have motivated each other. Several church members have offered matching gifts, while other people have pledged portions of their personal sales. “One person was selling their bicycle collection,” Loren recalled, “and pledged $75 for each bicycle sold.” The church’s zest has spread to their Spanish congregation, also worshiping at the Olive East church. “Since the inception of the ZEST program,” Loren explained, “I have made presentations to them each week with the help of a translator. This has resulted in many new friendships and fosters unity as we work together.” In January 2019, Loren and his church family began a second campaign for Eyes for India. As a result, they funded 107 eye surgeries. Loren called me just as the church’s treasurer was cutting the check. “My fellow church members, Greg and Renee, are going to be in the Chattanooga area in a

couple weeks,” Loren told me. “Could they meet you and deliver the check in person?” We set up the meeting. A few weeks later I drove to the new It Is Written headquarters site in Collegedale, Tennessee, and met Greg and Renee. We put on hard hats and walked through the building and discussed the ministry that would soon be taking place in that space. Then our conversation turned to what this church had been doing faithfully for almost four years. As they handed me the church’s most recent check for Eyes for India, I felt like their ministry impact equaled anything done in the building behind me. It wasn’t a big church, but they were making a huge impact. As we parted, I asked Renee and Greg about their impression of the ZEST program. “It has opened the eyes of our church family,” Renee replied, “and allowed us to experience the joy of helping others. It has been a spiritually invigorating experience.” Later, as I filled Loren in on my meeting, I asked what kept him energized. “Leading out in this program has provided purpose for my life,” Loren replied. “It is what gets me up on Sabbath morning because I can’t wait to share a new project or update with the congregation.”

Follow the Olive East church’s example and get your church or small group behind a project that changes lives. Order the It Is Written Eyes for India fundraising kit. It’s simple and easy to use. Call 888-664-5573 to order. AUTUMN 2019



Study Guides Discover and share God’s optimal plan for health using the new CREATION Life Study Guides from It Is Written and AdventHealth. CREATION Life is a scientifically researched, biblically based way to improve health and well-being. This framework for living an abundant life will help you live healthier, be happier, feel stronger, and experience trust in a new way.


It Is Written impressions

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“These study guides are excellent. We’re using them in our small group meetings on Wednesday evenings. They grab your attention with excellent graphics. With the Bible texts, it draws you into a closer relationship with God, realizing if we follow His plan for living, we receive health benefits today in addition to salvation. I highly recommend these study guides. ”—Harry

Order online

at or call 888-664-5573 Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. ET

Cover Feature 1 • New Headquarters


BY CASSIE MATCHIM HERNANDEZ, marketing assistant

After two years of construction, employees moved into the 41,000-square-foot building in September. The main entrance features a walkway with memorial and tribute bricks purchased by ministry supporters. (See more about the bricks on page 5.)

Walk With Us

A Photo Tour of the New It Is Written Headquarters

2 2 • Ruth McKee Worship Room Every day begins with worship at It Is Written. Now we have a dedicated worship room in which to do so. The ministry’s 40 local employees join in person, with field representatives joining by video.

The It Is Written of tomorrow is here. After 63 years, It Is Written finally has its own home. Previously headquartered in California, the ministry moved to Tennessee in 2014 and began leasing separate office and warehouse spaces in Chattanooga. In September 2019, employees moved into the new building located in Collegedale, Tennessee. The building allows for office, studio, and warehouse space to all be under one roof. The space greatly expands and improves the efficiency of studio capabilities and provides room for future growth. “Another major advantage is the increased ministry effectiveness this move brings us,” said John Bradshaw, president of It Is Written. “We can not only do more than ever for God, but we can also now be more efficient than ever.” A grand opening of the new headquarters was held on November 22, 2019. Join us for a photo tour of the building and get a glimpse of your It Is Written ministry.

3 • President’s Office The first religious television program to broadcast in color, It Is Written is also the ninth-longest running television program in the United States. Sixty-three years ago, George Vandeman founded It Is Written. Today’s president, John Bradshaw, now uses Pastor Vandeman’s desk, continuing to share with the world the same message of hope in Jesus.


4 • Evangelism


From left to right, Yves Monnier (the evangelism director), Douglas Na’a (the SALT director), Maria Rayburn (administrative assistant), and Eric Flickinger (the associate speaker) share the gospel all over the world through SALT education, evangelism campaigns, preaching and sharing tools, and mission trips.


6 • Information Technology From left to right, the information technology department is made up of Austin Covrig, Steve Kibwage, Kent Thomas, Josh Cundiff, and Kenny Fluence. In addition to providing technical support for the ministry, the department also creates our mobile apps, creates and maintains the It Is Written websites, and maintains the network that serves It Is Written TV.

5 • Escrito Está Escrito Está has been reaching the Spanish-speaking world for 25 years. Through evangelism campaigns and television, radio, online, and print content, Speaker/Director Robert Costa and his team (Junior Reis, left, and Carolina Bonilla, right) work tirelessly to make the gospel message available to as many people as possible.



7 • Classroom The large classroom will serve many purposes, with a prominent one being the current ingest project. Working with some of the ministry’s 80 volunteers, like Chester Caswell (left), Christina Harriman (right) manages the digitization of It Is Written classic programs from magnetic, D2, and Betacam tapes to files that can be reedited and mastered for use on It Is Written TV. Volunteers save the ministry countless dollars and work hours.




Sierra Roberts Tibor Shelley Michael Bell

8 • George E. Vandeman Studio and Art & Maria Wilson Studio From 500 to 5,000 combined square feet, the studios are one of the biggest features of the new building. The additional space allows for multiple sets to be built and stored at a time. The media production department films, produces, and edits It Is Written programming distributed via broadcast and radio stations and It Is Written TV. On average, It Is Written produces over 650 videos each year.

“We can not only do more than ever for God, but we can also now be more efficient than ever.”

9 Zach Kast

9 • Rolland & Virginia McKibbin Master Control


It Is Written impressions

The video master control room is the central point through which all of the It Is Written content is generated and played out for our viewers to see. During recording, staff members monitor video from this room and audio from the adjacent audio control room. The media production department also has the unique ability to send and receive ultra high definition video from the video control room, as well as broadcast live video.

10 • My Place With Jesus Melissa Bradshaw leads My Place With Jesus, the It Is Written children’s ministry that originally began as an interactive website. Since then, it has expanded to offer a smartphone app, a children’s Bible, Bible study guides and other study materials, a children’s evangelism program, bookmarks, and much more.

Shan Kimbley Cassie Matchim Hernandez Jocelyn Anderson



11 • Development and Planned Giving & Trust Services It Is Written is a donor-supported ministry. Ninety-six to 98 percent of the funds that support evangelism, publishing, and media production come from individuals who are passionate about reaching souls for Christ. Planned giving provides estate planning and an array of financial resources for investment. Development also offers updates on the impact donors are making on individual lives through our Impressions magazine, monthly letters, and Partnership weekends.

Sean Bellman, Jeff Blumenberg, Olan Thomas, Cynthia Stephan, Curt Dolinsky

12 • Publishing The publishing department consists of customer service and shipping. Working together, the teams do everything from creating products to taking orders to shipping items. One of the many ways the new building allows for greater productivity is that all inventory and storage are under one roof.


14 • Roy & Leona Berglund Museum and Resource Center For the first time, It Is Written offers a resource center, where customers can purchase It Is Written printed resources, T-shirts, and other items on-site. This space also doubles as a museum and features old media production equipment, archive documents, and other relics of the ministry’s history.


Michael Prewitt Jennifer Sarria

13 • Creative Services The creative services team impacts everything It Is Written does. They add visual appeal, clarity, and readability to resources, evangelism materials, magazines and newsletters, promotional items, website and social media graphics, mobile apps, event graphics, branding, and more.


My Place With Jesus

Sleep A Sure Defense Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 2


s getting enough sleep really as important as they say it is? Sleep has been studied in various ways for many years. As a result of these studies, we have been given some guidelines to follow that will help us get the right amount of sleep. We all know that when you haven’t had enough sleep, your brain becomes clouded. As well as creating frustration and grumpiness, a lack of sleep has an effect on how well you are able to focus and perform in school. Without the proper amount of sleep, you’re not able to make good decisions, concentrate, or remember things easily. Did you know that your body was created with its own internal soldiers? Killer cells are a type of white blood cell that attack infections introduced into your body. When you don’t get enough sleep, the population of those killer cells decreases by 70 percent! MELISSA BRADSHAW is the My Place With Jesus director at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area.


It Is Written impressions

How effective do you think an army would be if only 30 percent of its soldiers were fighting a battle? In the very same way, when you get too little sleep, your body finds it harder to keep you healthy. Sleep is looking pretty important, don’t you think? Here are a few things you can do that will help you get better sleep: • Get daily exercise. • Start your bedtime routine earlier. • Avoid caffeinated and sugary foods. • Avoid screen time or similar energizing activities a half hour to an hour before bed. God wants you to be happy and healthy, and one very sure way to achieve this is to get plenty of sleep. We want our minds to be clear so they can be guarded from the attacks of the enemy, so we need to be sure to get plenty of sleep. With the proper amount of sleep, we will be able to stand strong when we are tempted.


Here are some sleep recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation.1 Preschoolers (3–5 years) Recommended: 10–13 hours No less than 8 hours, no more than 14



School-aged children (6–13 years) Recommended: 9–11 hours No less than 7 hours, no more than 12 Teenagers (14–17 years) Recommended: 8–10 hours No less than 7 hours, no more than 11

Help Tommy choose good habits for a better night’s sleep. Start

Like us on Facebook! AUTUMN 2019


Community Connection

N-dee-lee-lee for Jesus I

DR. STEVE KIBWAGE serves in the information technology department at It Is Written writing software. He is a teacher and an elder in his local church and lives in Tennessee with his wife and children.


It Is Written impressions

n a remote village in the south of Kitui, Kenya, is a community called Ndilili (N-dee-lee-lee), known for its dedication to education and juicy mangoes. Earlier this year, two nearby churches lavished the community with the love of Jesus. Church members began visiting their neighbors and studying the Bible with them. My family and I were invited to join these churches for evangelistic harvest meetings in June, but when it was time to leave for Kenya, most of the other people planning to go on this trip had backed out. As we boarded the plane, it was just me and my two children, Joel and Ella. What could the three of us do? God was going to have to show up in a powerful way. I wanted to bring It Is Written and My Place With Jesus Bible study guides with me, but 80 lesson sets are expensive, and they take up a lot of space. God provided and sent someone who covered all the costs. The It Is Written publishing team carefully packed the cartons to keep everything below the airline-mandated 50-pound

What could the three of us do? God was going to have to show up in a powerful way.

limit. With our Bible study guide boxes, personal belongings, and two music keyboards donated by local church congregations, we set out on a God-protected and Holy Spirit-empowered mission. The meetings were held in the open air in a shopping center area. There were a couple trees that provided shade in the afternoon, but it was still hot during the five-hour meeting that started at 3:30 p.m. People eager to attend found a seat in the meeting area, but many more listened from their storefronts or connected residences. Laden donkeys, chickens, and other small farm animals meandered in and out among the congregation each evening, but none were dissuaded. In fact, the congregation size grew each night as more and more people joined those in the main meeting area. Each meeting included Bible study, prophecy from Daniel and Revelation, and Christian living principles in two local languages—Kikamba and Kiswahili. I was able to speak Kiswahili in public for the first time in 30 years, and God blessed with an attentive and understanding audience. The children weren’t neglected either. Joel and Ella helped present the My Place With Jesus Bible Guides and played games with children at another meeting location set up just for kids. During the day, the local pastor, church members, and I visited and encouraged church members and meeting attendees. We answered Bible questions, listened to concerns, provided counsel, and prayed with people. At the end of the last meeting, five Sunday church pastors requested Bible studies. Twenty-one souls gave their hearts to God and requested baptism. One of the newly-baptized members even gave land to build a local church building in Ndilili. My children and I returned home grateful for a God who blessed our small efforts in a big way and honored to play a role in sharing Jesus with the people of Ndilili. AUTUMN 2019




When the Will

Won’t R

eports are published every day discussing the dire state of health in the Western world. A British scientist recently stated1 that in just 20 years, the average older Briton will be suffering from four serious diseases, such as dementia, cancer, coronary heart disease, and diabetes. Not one of four diseases. Four diseases per person. In the United States, there is ongoing discussion about what has been referred to since Richard Nixon was president as a health care crisis.2 The Wall Street Journal reported last year that the cost of health care will soon consume 20 percent of gross domestic product. Both the Trump and Obama administrations have described the nation’s current health care direction as “unsustainable.” And that matters to Christians, as the Bible tells us the body is the “temple of the Holy Spirit” and that we “are not [our] own” (1 Corinthians 6:19). John wrote to his readers wishing that they “may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul God’s intent is that we prospers” (3 John 2). God’s intent is that we thrive spiritually and thrive spiritually and physically, and the two physically, and the two experiences are linked. Of course, good health is not always easy experiences are linked. to attain or maintain. Perfectly healthy people come down with cancer for reasons that cannot be understood. People do contract illnesses through no fault of their own, and other often rare illnesses seem to “just happen.” Your genes can let you down. Yet there is plenty we can do to gain an advantage in the battle against ill health. We can eat right, get enough exercise, gather 1 2


It Is Written impressions

Willpower only goes so far when you attempt to harness the power of the will.

for corporate worship, trust in God, drink enough clean water, avoid meat, cut out sugar, get enough sleep, have a positive attitude, and avoid caffeine and processed food. Simple, right? Well, the fact is it’s not so simple. Even when you know what’s best, it isn’t always easy to do what’s best. And that’s because of one simple matter: the will. There are times when the dessert seems to be too good to refuse, when “just one” turns into “I just ate way too much,” and when the spirit is willing to walk, run, or ride, but the flesh is weak, and yet another day without exercise passes by. The truth is, when it comes to taking care of the body, the greatest need is a strong connection with God. Willpower only goes so far when you attempt to harness the power of the will. It’s only a matter of weeks until people will again be making New Year’s resolutions—to lose weight, to quit chocolate, to go to the gym. And it’s only a matter of weeks and a few more days until those New Year’s resolutions fail. Again. Every endeavor in the life of a Christian requires the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Fighting spiritual battles in your own strength is doomed to fail. The key to a joyful Christian experience is, as Paul said, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). God doesn’t ask us to fight the enemy in our own strength. Paul stated that “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). Which means that no one has to be “strong enough” to quit coffee or alcohol or red meat or Coca-Cola. That person simply has to be willing to turn his or her will over to God and ask that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, God’s will is done. When you’re fueled by God’s power and not your own, you’ll find there’s a limitless supply of strength available, strength that will see you successfully through your spiritual battles. Philippians 2:13 says, “It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” The answer to the health care crisis—or any other crisis you may experience—is to surrender to the will of God. Christ in you. It’s what everyone needs. And it’s what God wants for you.


Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

Good morning, my dear brother and sister. I have been following your videos on Facebook. I am all the way from Guyana, South America. You have truly inspired me in many ways. Continue to do the Lord’s work. — Guyana Thank you so much for this ministry. My boyfriend and I really love It Is Written TV and watch almost every day. We used to watch more documentaries or true story movies, but we haven’t needed to watch much of those because we get awesome stories, biblical truth, and encouragement from your videos. My boyfriend has been watchAround six years ago when ing videos on his own time now too, ever since I shared the website with It Is Written held a series him. Praise God! It’s brought us closer in Las Vegas on the book together and to God. — USA I am so glad you talked me into getting the [My Place With Jesus] Bible. It’s the first time my 10-year-old had said, “I just love this Bible!” I bought him thumb tabs for it, and I’m about to order the color-coding stickers. — USA

of Revelation, my neighbor watched it on his iPhone and was baptized. He is now an active member in our large College View church. — Nebraska

Just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the wonderful Every Word daily devotionals you send me. I always enjoy watching them. I watch them every day on TV, but I really enjoy watching them on my PC. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry. Take care and God bless. — Australia Overwhelmingly inspirational! What a blessing to see how the Lord is blessing people through It Is Written! — Tennessee

Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us! Simply email

Staff Highlight


Although he’s only been at It Is Written for a couple months, James has already had a major impact on the team through his humility, cheerful attitude, and organized leadership. As shipping supervisor, James manages inventory and the warehouse and makes sure all orders are shipped in a timely fashion, protected from potential handling damage, and cost-efficient. He joined It Is Written during its time of transition from the old headquarters to the new. Starting a new job in the middle of a move might be difficult for most people, but James jumped right in. “He faced the challenge head-on,” said Jasmin Mendez, who works in the shipping department. “He not only had to guide the [moving] process, but in the midst of all of it, he needed to be trained as well. He has handled it great.” James and his family moved to the Collegedale, Tennessee, area about a year and a half ago for his wife’s job. Initially unemployed for several months, James found a job but didn’t feel fulfilled in it. “My wife knew I wasn’t satisfied and sent my resume to It Is Written,” James said. Being new and having to learn the products, software programs, and processes is a challenge, but with God, his family’s encouragement, and his team’s help, he is able to succeed. “The most wonderful thing I’ve come across at It Is Written is the loving staff,” James said. “It is apparent that there is a business component to the ministry, but it doesn’t trump the

ministry’s overall purpose or the way things are conducted.” James views his job as a unique part of reaching people for Christ. “That can only be done by reading and hearing about Him,” he said. “So as a shipping supervisor, I am literally spreading the gospel message all over the world.” The publishing team appreciates his contributions. “He brings a wealth of experience that blesses It Is Written, and he is a very hard worker!” said Chad Starr, publishing director and James’ supervisor. “He has team spirit, and he is always willing to lend a hand. We are very thankful James is a part of the It Is Written team.”

Get to know James: What is your favorite type of food? I really enjoy Caribbean, Latin, Greek, and Italian.

What was your first job? Selling magazines and books at a local K-Mart.

What’s the best advice you’ve been given? One of the two things my mother told me right before she passed away was, “Get to know Him.” That advice needs to be the starting point for everyone. It’s in getting to know God that everything else falls properly into place.

BY CASSIE MATCHIM HERNANDEZ, marketing assistant



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Call or email us to learn all the ways we can help you see a great end to 2019 and a clear giving vision for 2020.


Let us know if you have included It Is Written in your estate plan so we can thank you. Copyright © 2019 Crescendo Interactive, Inc. Used by permission.

Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone, please visit or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Alldread, William by Michael Rosas Archie, Lafaye S. by Delphane Booze Barnes, Sarah Baird by Debra Stevens Bralliar, Floyd by L. Clark Gould Brown, Sharon by Dessa Hardin Cantrell, Jacque by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper Chalker, Paloma by Mrs. Donna L. Lopez Cox, Kenneth by Mr. Richard Johnson Critti, Maria by Armando Sirocchi Crook, Stewart by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper Hiatt, Ross by Mr. and Mrs. Cresente G. Valido Hunt, Marvin Franklin, Pastor by Linda S. Duncan, Roberta Jupp, Batesburg-Leesville Three Angels Company, and the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Kind, Lois by Arda Blevins Madson, Dick by Mrs. Nathalie Bischoff Malito, Juanita by Holly W. Cischke

IN HONOR OF Adarme, Sam and Helen by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adarme Ashlock, Jim, Sgt. by Richard D. Lippert

Massey, Bachan S., Pastor by Mr. and Mrs. Amit Bachan

Brandon by Bert Logan

McClure, Frances by Mrs. J. Rita Vital

Carroll, Sterlyn and Edna by Achilles B. Carroll

Mom, Dad, and Brother by Mrs. Maureen A. Baksh-Griffin

Jolliffe, Edolene by Mr. and Mrs. Henri Pelletier

Nelson, Olive by Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Marifjeren

Lippert, Dick, Sgt. by Richard D. Lippert

Owsley, Sue by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper, Millie M. Hickman, Connie Sparlin, Ozark Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mrs. J. Rita Vital, and the Collegedale Community Seventh-day Adventist Church

McMillen, Matthew by Era McMillen

Peasley, Ken by Mrs. Carol Peasley Reiswig, Jim by Mrs. Bettigene D. Reiswig Thornton, Tom by Eleanor J. McKay Weemes, Faye by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper

Oyanedel, Humberto, Pastor by Olivia Miranda Parker, Heidh J. by Carol Parker Richard, Jacquelyn by Caral Richard Roda, Antonino and Mercedes by Pedro Roda To see the complete list of tributes and memorials, please visit

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written. Your memorial or honorary gifts help share the gospel with the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be listed on the Tributes web page and may be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient’s name and address.





ll my life I have struggled with my weight. At my heaviest, I weighed 445 pounds. I have tried many diets, and I was able to lose some weight by rigidly counting calories, but it wasn’t sustainable. A few years ago, I was hired to work on a documentary film called Eating You Alive, which was about the healing benefits of a whole-food plant-based diet. At the time, I was still eating meat, cheese, and a lot of processed food. The filmmakers never required me to make a change, but after seeing the effect that eating this way had on the lives of others, I felt compelled to give it a try. In just a year, I lost over 100 pounds. I got off my blood pressure medication. I was sleeping better, thinking clearer, and I was more energetic and active than ever before. I also met people around the CHRISTOPHER EMERSON works in the media production department at It Is Written. He is originally from Duluth, Minnesota, and graduated from Southern Adventist University with a degree in film production in 2013.


It Is Written impressions

Victory country who had adopted a whole-food plant-based diet and reversed chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, lupus, and even certain forms of cancer.

I was sleeping better, thinking clearer, and I was more energetic and active than ever before. In Genesis 1:29, God said: “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” The Lord designed the human body to run on plants. When we eat the way He designed us to, we can experience the health and well-being He wants for us. I know that out of love for me, God put me in a situation where I would be able to learn how to be healthy, and He is actively working in all of our lives to lead us towards blessings richer than we could ever hope for. We just need to submit to His plan.

Giving sight to the blind


here are endless ways that you can raise funds to support It Is Written projects like Eyes for India. Whether it’s a small group project or birthday fundraiser, you can make a big difference in the lives of others and have a great time doing it. This kit provides everything you need to make your fundraiser a success!

Call 888-664-5573 or go to to learn more.


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