Impressions Summer 2020, Issue 19

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Trained for Such a Time As This SALT students are ready to act

Movements: Final, Rapid Is this our wake-up call?







on the cover

A pandemic, tornadoes, and an online attack could not prevent God from reaching tens of thousands with hope.

aspects 04

President’s Page


Mission Report


Escrito EstĂĄ


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight



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Trained for Such a Time As This

SALT students are ready to act

Movements: Final, Rapid Is this our wake-up call?

It Is Written impressions


impressions magazine SUMMER 2020 ISSUE 19 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Ellen Hostetler ASSISTANT EDITOR Cassie Hernandez ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2020 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written, Escrito Está, My Place With Jesus, and SALT are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Except otherwise noted, scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGNED TO SHARE This Impressions magazine is designed to be shared with your friends, family, and neighbors. When you are done reading it, please pass it on.

notes 05

Escrito Está Report


Partnership Highlight






Planned Giving


Tributes & Memorials

calendar John Bradshaw, president JUNE 12 — 13

Online: Montana Conference Camp Meeting

JUNE 22 — 28

Take Charge of Your Health virtual series

JULY 29 — AUG 1

ASI in Orlando, Florida

AUG 26 — 30

Online: All Generations Convention (ASI/GYC Europe) in Poland

SEPT 11 — 13

Partnership in Gatlinburg, Tennessee

SEPT 25 — 27

Partnership in Orlando, Florida

President’s Page



John Bradshaw President

I’m looking forward to seeing God win more souls than ever through It Is Written evangelism.


It Is Written impressions


hen I joined It Is Written, we had two evangelists on staff: myself and my friend and colleague Pastor Robert Costa. Several years ago we were joined by Pastor Eric Flickinger, an experienced evangelist and evangelism trainer. When Pastor Douglas Na’a became the director of our SALT evangelism school, we had four evangelists available to conduct meetings for It Is Written. But now that number has jumped again with the addition of three new It Is Written affiliate evangelists! I’m pleased to welcome pastors Jason Morgan, Donavon Kack, and Christian De Los Santos to our It Is Written team. Jason has been a full-time evangelist for almost 20 years. Donavon is both an experienced pastor and evangelist, who has most recently been working in full-time evangelism in the midwestern states. Christian is the youngest of our evangelists, and he is not only extremely gifted in reaching young people, but also—like Pastor Costa—is bilingual. I’m looking forward to seeing God win more souls than ever through It Is Written evangelism. To have an It Is Written evangelist speak in your area, just ask us. Jesus said long ago that the fields were “already white for harvest!” (John 4:35). The same is true today. Please pray that God uses It Is Written evangelists like never before. We want to see God’s work finished!

Christian De Los Santos

Donavon Kack

Jason Morgan



for Such a Time As This


n March, a Bible worker called asking for help. She had 240 Bible students taking the It Is Written Bible studies, and they were on lesson four, but the coronavirus pandemic made the students and the teachers nervous about sending paper lessons. Did It Is Written have an online version of the lessons? We quickly shared our website,, while she explained that she had been through the It Is Written SALT training and was using our materials for reaching her community. She was training her church members and working to personally follow up with and reach each person taking the lessons. There are Bible workers all over the country as a result of It Is Written SALT training,

and their education is being put to use in a powerful way right now. Last year in July, SALT completed its first on-the-road Summer SALT training in southern Indianapolis. Pastor Douglas Na’a, SALT director, and Jack Phillips, It Is Written evangelism field coordinator, led a group of more than 50 students who wanted to reach their community for Christ in a powerful and strategic way. Most of the attendees were teenagers and came from the local area, plus Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Michigan. Daily practical training included topics like how to have a devotional life, how to make friends and study the Bible with others, how to lead engaging Bible studies, and how to preach Bible-based sermons. Throughout the week, students put their new skills into practice. They led small Bible study groups and used the It Is Written Bible Study Guides. They went out into the community and knocked on doors looking for people interested in studying the Bible. After three days, they had 65 people signed up for Bible studies.

“This pandemic has inspired them with the urgency of reaching their neighbors with the gospel.” Another exercise gave the students an opportunity to practice the sermons they had been writing during the week. Many of the students were nervous and worried. A few tears were shed, and many prayers were prayed. They shared their sermons with 6

It Is Written impressions

SALT 365 Learn to effectively share your faith online, for free. Visit to learn more. each other, and their fears subsided as they allowed us to work in a different part of saw their words touch hearts through the the country and learn different cultural power of the Holy Spirit. nuances, while proving that the triedOn the final weekend, the students and-true methods of evangelism work no presented their sermons at churches in matter where we are. the local area in front of friends, family Upheaval in our world right now has members, and complete strangers. The made people ask questions, and it has pastoral leadership and church leaders inspired followers of Christ to answer were amazed at how much potential these those questions in love. They are making young people displayed as they shared sharing the gospel a top priority. what the Lord had laid on their hearts. “People want to use whatever means they At the end of the training, students have to share the gospel,” said Pastor Na’a. celebrated with a graduation ceremony and “This pandemic has inspired them with the received certificates of completion. The urgency of reaching their neighbors with students left closer to God and equipped to the gospel.” share Him more effectively than ever before. God has given us a window to share His They also helped to lay some important love in a powerful way. There are a few incongroundwork for the evangelistic initiatives veniences—quarantine, for example—but that It Is Written has been working on in nothing truly stands in our way just yet of Indianapolis for the past two years. The sharing the love of God with others. Learn local Bible workers picked up where the how to make your efforts count through SALT students left off, and they followed up It Is Written training programs: SALT, with the people interested in Bible studies. Summer SALT, and SALT365. Check out all Early this year, there were well over 500 these options online at Bible studies going on in Indianapolis. TUI SILAFAU is the Outreach Traditionally, Summer SALT has been Coordinator for SALT, the It Is held in Tennessee. Last year, we took it on Written school of evangelism. Her the road, and we are very glad we did. It passion lies in training and mentoring young people in gospel work. Tui is opened doors for people to attend who based in Collegedale, Tennessee. may not have traveled to Tennessee. It SUMMER 2020


Mission Report


at the

Wallowing Post I

JOSEPHINE BIEGLER is the It Is Written India Mission Coordinator. She and her husband live in the Northwest with their three children.


It Is Written impressions

love goals. I love checklists. In fact, my husband claims I can fit anything onto a list. The goal of today is to visit 13 churches. Each newly trained Bible worker will meet myself and my team at his two churches for a special rededication prayer for that house of worship. Ten churches visited: check, check, check. Three more to go. With a clipboard in hand and clear goals in mind, little is deterring my steady progress except the oppressive heat which punches holes in my reserve of energy. The heat is so intense, in fact, that schools all across India are closed. Only when necessary, people venture outdoors. The only way to survive is to lay low, drink plenty, move little, and constantly carry a small towel to wipe the sweat streams that run down your neck and back. Despite the horrid heat, I am excited. Three months ago, the task of selecting 50 closed churches to reopen was completed. I felt very satisfied with the final list. I had done my job with enthusiasm, determination, a great deal of prayer, and if I’m honest, a little sprinkle of personal pride. The daughter of church-building missionaries, I felt confident that I knew what to look for. Coming to a T in the road, we turn sharp right and begin down a narrow village lane. Are we at the very back of a village? I adjust in my seat. The rut-filled road has more than the usual amounts of garbage on either side of it. I sit up a little and scan out my window. Seems like three months ago I visited a church with similar surroundings. How fortunate I rejected that miserable, abandoned church. The garbage continues, and I sit up taller. The surroundings look very familiar. That church had been rejected for good reason. Check list, please. First, it was surrounded by garbage. Second, the ground in front of the church entry was muddy, had numerous wooden stakes, and low dips, signs that it was an active buffalo

In 2019, It Is Written worked with Josephine Biegler and local church conferences to reopen closed churches and staff them with Bible workers in preparation for a medical clinic and evangelistic series in early 2020. Below are the results to date: Churches selected for reopening:


Churches opened as of March 2020:


New church locations selected:


Bible workers employed in these churches:


Villages impacted: February health clinic patients treated: February eye camp cataract surgeries: Villagers attending evangelistic series: Languages Hope Awakens has been translated and broadcast in:






wallow. Third, buffalo poop was splattered everywhere; disgusting. Fourth, a Pentecostal church hut sat within 50 feet of the church. My assessment: “Must be rejected, not revivable.” Case closed. Ten more hard potholes dodged, we turn sharp right again, and there it is. My mouth drops open. It is that miserable, buffalo-wallow, poop-splattered, not-revivable church! I’m in shock. I step out of the car, anger rising. Who overruled my decision to reject this church?! My car companions hurry into the church with villagers also moving that way. I’m confused. Where once church steps were splattered with buffalo poop now an assortment of shoes are scattered. I walk on level ground. No buffalo-wallow wooden stake trips me. The sound of singing draws me in. Reaching the door, I hesitate. Over 30 men, obviously prominent persons in this society, sit on chairs. At least that many women and children sit on mats. I turn back to look at the yard. Yes, the garbage is still piled high, and the Pentecostals still meet in the hut a few feet away. This is that church.

Who overruled my decision to reject this church?! Still in a state of bewilderment, I am ushered forward to receive a welcome shawl and ceremonial garland from heads of this village. They express joy over the reopening of this church. And now it’s my duty to rededicate this house of worship. In awe, I stand and lift my arms in dedication over the gathered crowd and pour out my heartfelt prayer of repentance: “Oh loving God, You have chosen to say ‘yes’ to this village. You have chosen to say ‘yes’ to these hungry souls. You have chosen to say ‘yes’ to this house of worship. You alone have overridden the plans of men. You have once again chosen this place as a dwelling for Your Holy presence.” Then, quietly turning my private thoughts heavenward, I pray, “Thank you, Father, for not rejecting me though so much garbage often obstructs the way to my heart. You looked deeper than my externals. You erased ‘rejected’ and say ‘yes’ to me. Amen.” SUMMER 2020


Escrito Está

Planned Last year, we received a request from an It Is Written supporter, Luella Nelson, for Robert Costa to hold an evangelistic series in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Luella is a recently retired nurse who volunteers as an English teacher in that area and was excited to share the gospel of Jesus in her new community. This is her story. I visited Baja California Sur in Mexico for the first time in 2007. A close friend invited me, and I had a successful and lovely visit. So successful that I kept going back! I learned the culture, made friends, and felt at home. On a trip three years ago, I visited with the church school principal to learn more about their needs. During the conversation, I heard myself ask if they had an English teacher. “No, our English teacher is pregnant and will not return in August.” Again, I heard myself say that I was a newly retired nurse, could get certified to teach English in about three months, and could return in August. Oh my goodness! What did I just commit to? I returned to San Diego, California, and immediately immersed myself into the certification process and started making plans to move to La Paz. Miracles began to happen. The Education Department of Mexico sent me a letter inviting me to teach English as a missionary volunteer. God arranged for a sweet couple to rent my home for a few months. Days before my departure, God also arranged for me to trade my car for a different vehicle that would prove 10

It Is Written impressions

Robert Costa, speaker/director Online evangelistic series JUN beneficial. In its first 30,000 miles, for Arizona 6 — 13 I transported concrete, tables, and people across rural Mexican roads. I Online evangelistic series JUL 25 quickly earned the nickname “Luella for New York — AUG 1 Uber” since I transported teachers to and from school and church during AUG that first year. Evangelistic series — Spain 8 — 15 I knew God had me here for more than just teaching English. God has SEP been preparing Baja California Sur for Evangelistic series — Chile 13 — 19 evangelism for years, and the time was right. I spoke with local organizations and church leaders. We wanted to plan a week-long evangelistic series and medical clinic. While attending the It Is Written Partnership weekend in Monterey, California, in 2019, I asked Pastor Robert Costa if he would come and preach the series. Pastor Costa agreed to a series of meetings for October 2020, and we began making plans. Last year, we hired five Bible workers to help prepare hearts, and a group of 35 volunteers traveled here to help with evangelism initiatives. Their work resulted in over 30 baptisms last spring. In February, Pastor Costa visited the area for a rally to further ignite the pastors and members for the reaping meetings that he will give this fall. The meeting hall was full of enthusiastic church members, Bible workers, and pastors. Members shared their plans for the community, Escrito Está distributed sharing cards for one-on-one evangelism, and Pastor Costa presented a heartfelt sermon and an afternoon evangelism training session. I’m so glad that God has brought me to this wonderful part of Mexico. Three years after moving LUELLA NELSON is a retired here, I can only thank God for His rich nurse now teaching English at blessings all along the way. No words can the Colegio Libertad y Saber. express the joy I have received here. Please join me in prayer as we continue to prepare for the meetings this October.

Oh my goodness! What did I just com mit to?



Partnership Highlight




began working at It Is Written six years ago, two weeks before the first Partnership event of the season in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The It Is Written offices had just moved from California to Tennessee. There were piles of boxes everywhere. I had never organized a Partnership weekend before, and I had never been to a Partnership! But I prayed and dove in. That’s when God answered my prayers. Volunteers Larry, Delores, and Carol had been coming to the office on Wednesdays to pray over the prayer requests we received in the mail. They saw how busy I was and asked, “Can we help you?” I breathed a sigh of relief! They helped prepare name tags, made phone calls, and did anything I asked them to do. It was such a blessing! Larry, Delores, and Carol were our first volunteers in Tennessee. In addition to donating hours at our office praying and helping me, these volunteers were also JOCELYN ANDERSON is the associate director of Development. Jocelyn helps coordinate all the Partnership events each year and enjoys connecting with donors.


It Is Written impressions


ministry Partners, supporting the ministry at a level of $1,500 or more annually. Their dedication and willingness inspired others. Today, we have close to 100 volunteers. I want to tell you about just a few of them. Joy, also a ministry Partner, had lost her husband and retired after a lifetime in active ministry. What now? She started volunteering at It Is Written—even though she lives several hours away. “Volunteering at It Is Written put me back in my comfort zone and is a healing balm to my soul,” Joy shared. “I am so grateful for the opportunity to still make a difference in God’s work!” Bill and Nathel have been Partners for nearly 10 years. They began volunteering after Bill retired about three years ago from the It Is Written Planned Giving and Trust Services department. Nathel comes in weekly to call and thank donors for their support of the ministry. She often prays with them and offers words of


encouragement. Bill helps in the media production department, converting old videos to digital files for our It Is Written Classics programs airing online at It Is Written TV.

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to still make a difference in God’s work!” Their reason for volunteering is simple: “We love God, we appreciate the It Is Written ministry, and we have the time,” Nathel shared. “It’s a privilege to share the talents God has given us. The reward of doing this will only be fully revealed when we are home in heaven.” Fifty years ago, Bill prayed for God to help him understand why he was here and where he was going. “The Holy Spirit led me to It Is Written,” Bill explained. “Volunteering is my opportunity to pay it forward so others will also find joy in knowing Jesus.” Sotero and Patti moved to the area in January of last year. We invited them to come to our Partnership meeting in Gatlinburg, where they became Partners.

Patti and Sotero


Now I get to see them often when they come by to help in media production or answer the phone. “Patti and I have always been impressed with the work of It Is Written in winning souls for Christ,” Sotero told me. “So when we moved here, we were convicted to volunteer and help fulfill the mission.” Just a few years ago, It Is Written had a handful of individuals who consistently volunteered. Today, volunteers make a huge impact in our ministry. Last year they volunteered over 2,522 hours! “It’s a real privilege to work with our wonderful team of volunteers,” shared Judy Kunkel, It Is Written volunteer coordinator. “Their willingness to help, their smiles, and the way they support the mission of It Is Written are all such a blessing to us. We are immensely grateful for all they do to reach souls for Christ.” Our volunteers are spreading the message of salvation through Jesus Christ all over the world. As Partners and volunteers, they are actively proclaiming truth and changing lives! If you live near It Is Written, we are always looking for more volunteers. Contact Judy Kunkel at 423-362-5819.


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It Is Written impressions

7 Rest and Recovery 8 A Matter of Trust 9 Beyond the Light 10 Lockdown: A Planet in Isolation 11 The New Normal: A World Without Fear 12 Experiencing Renewal 13 Survival Keys for Challenging Times 14 The Next Superpower 15 A House Divided 16 Ancient Empires, Modern Mysteries 17 A Place of Safety 18 The Final Invitation 19 The Ultimate Destination 20 The Journey

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G od

Cover Feature


ife was interrupted. School went online, church was streamed, shopping was regulated, jobs were lost or moved, and vacations were canceled. It Is Written and local churches had been working in Indianapolis, Indiana, and surrounding areas for 24 months preparing for a series of evangelistic meetings in multiple locations to begin April 17. By March, there were hundreds of people studying the Bible in preparation. Then we were interrupted. On March 18, the It Is Written meetings in Indianapolis went from in-person to online for the whole country. Within 24 hours, gears switched, and God brought people, In early April, our ministry software, and ideas together to create a staff began working from home nationwide campaign much bigger than under stay-at-home orders from we had originally planned. It began with targeted advertising on the Tennessee governor. social media. We gathered our evangelists together and asked them who usually attends their meetings. What is that person interested in? What do they care about? We then brought together another group of people and wrote ads targeting those interests. And then another idea dawned: There are churches all over the country who cannot do evangelistic meetings this spring either. 16

It Is Written impressions

BY ELLEN HOSTETLER, development director

Maybe they would want to join with us and target their local areas too. So we made some calls, and to our surprise, with just a few short weeks to prepare, hundreds of churches signed up. Now the campaign was expecting thousands of attendees. With people quarantined in their homes and uncertain about the future, churches were anxious to join forces and reach the world with hope. Evangelism always hinges on reaching people’s hearts, and that cannot happen very effectively without a one-on-one connection. So, It Is Written started recruiting Bible workers, seminary students, and SALT graduates to be online Bible workers. In early April, our ministry staff began working from home under stay-at-home orders from the Tennessee governor. Zoom calls took up the majority of the day and evening hours as staff worked to do something they had never done before. Thousands of Bible workers also gathered in virtual conference call rooms and received training on how to digitally connect with people who would be attending the meetings. They learned social media etiquette, the use of emojis, and ways to reach people’s needs and answer questions in an online platform. On Easter Sunday, six days before the meetings were planned to begin, a tornado passed by the It Is Written headquarters, claiming

three lives in the county and leaving businesses and homes completely destroyed. Paths of downed trees lined either side of the ministry building. Electricity was interrupted for a day, and internet and electricity didn’t return to some staff members for several days. But the interruption only slightly slowed progress. We expected the devil to show up. And lose. SUMMER 2020


By April 17, thousands of people had registered to attend Revelation Today: Hope Awakens. Momentum was high, the power was back on, It Is Written staff were working around the clock, church members were telling their friends, and pastors and Bible workers were ready to make contact with those attending. The ads had been run, the software was ready, and the cameras were focused. Seven o’clock hit, and we were interrupted again. This We knew Satan would attack, but time by an attack on software we this final straw seemed over the top. were licensing for our event’s online platform. While technicians scrambled to figure out what happened, our team quickly re-routed internet traffic, and thousands of people watched opening night. We knew Satan would attack, but this final straw seemed over the top. Surely God could have prevented that attack from occurring and allowed more people to watch the program. While our team remained positive, there were understandable questions. And then we were reminded of the assuring promise that God’s word will go out and produce fruit, and it will accomplish everything He wants it to do and will never return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). We had worked hard, prayed hard, and planned meticulously, but, “Often our plans fail that God’s plans for us may succeed” (Ministry of Health and Healing, p. 277). The team, pastors, and Bible workers forged ahead. We had thousands of people attending each night. In fact, we had more individuals attending this online series than would have attended on any one night of the in-person meetings in Indianapolis. God was bringing a harvest, and Satan wasn’t going to discourage us. Ministry Partners called to encourage us, and church leaders called to pray with and for us. And the stories started to pour in. One came from someone who found joy in learning about what the Bible says about death: “I’m 68 and do not remember a more intellectual sermon!!! From scripture! It put things into perspective about what the Bible says and it made more sense! Die, sleep, God calls us to go home. And the comma…of course! I was the kid that asked a lot of questions. Well, I will continue to watch It Is Written and this series. I hope I didn’t miss much, because I love to learn about Jesus! Thank you all at It Is Written.” Another story came from a Bible worker who was reaching out to attendees after the meetings: “Last night I received an email from one of my contacts and she shared a complaint she has with the Hope Awakens presentations. She said that she was a former church member and in the last couple of months has started coming back to God. She indicated that she was in the hospital not long ago and a distant 18

It Is Written impressions

relative contacted her local church and asked them to go pray for her. The church member visited her in the hospital and prayed with her. Miraculously she was healed and is now watching Hope Awakens online from home! Her complaint [about the] series was that the presentations are too short! (She’s loving it!)” A pastor in North Dakota called to tell us about a lady who was attending the meetings. Originally, he had tried to connect with her by email. Nothing. Then he texted her our scripted text. She responded. She was deeply hurting because the next day was the one-year anniversary of her 19-year-old son’s death in a motorcycle accident. The pastor had been able to call her, encourage her, and pray with her. He then invited her to the next night’s presentation about death. Again, God’s timing. Satan gets his share of interruptions. But so does our Lord and Savior. He interrupts the work of the enemy over and over again. He interrupts error with truth, despair with hope, and loss with salvation. Hundreds gave their lives to Christ during this series, and countless others are making decisions that will change the eternal course of their lives. The interruptions on both sides of this battle between good and evil aren’t going to let up. It Is Written has bold plans for evangelism in the months and years ahead, and we expect to be interrupted. Interrupted by the events in the final days of earth’s history, interrupted by Satan, sure. But we are expectantly looking forward to our Father’s interruptions. When He interrupts with love, with grace, and with power. When He snatches a soul from the clutches of the enemy and says, “This one is mine.” God’s promise stands: “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Psalm 126:6). That day is coming soon. And when it does, nothing will interrupt our joy and peace.

Top: Melissa Jordan translates Hope Awakens into American Sign Language. Bottom: The It Is Written production crew in Master Control, mixing Hope Awakens for live broadcast.



My Place With Jesus

A Language Worth Learning Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8


t might surprise you to learn that there are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world.1 The 10 most-spoken languages in the world are: English (with more than 1.1 billion speakers), Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic, Bengali, Russian, Portuguese, and the tenth is Indonesian (with 200 million speakers). Then there is the language of Busuu, which is spoken by only eight people in a remote village in Cameroon, Africa! How many languages do you speak? Did you know that you actually use some common words that come from other languages? The English word lemon comes from an Arabic term for “citrus,” mosquito is Spanish for “little fly,” and prairie is a French word for “meadow.” The topic of languages is very interesting. Another fascinating language is Bee-ese. Have you heard of that one? This is the language spoken by bees. Yes, bees talk to 1 most-spoken-languages-in-the-world/ MELISSA BRADSHAW is the My Place With Jesus director at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area.

each other! That’s how they tell each other where to find nectar. The language of bees is actually a dance. If the source of food is nearby, a bee will do what’s called a “round dance.” Although the round dance doesn’t give directions, the bees know a source of food is close by. The bee that scouts out the source of food brings samples of nectar back to the hive to share with the other bees. The scout shares a little nectar with the bees in one section of the hive, does a little dance to show the direction of the source, then moves to another section of the hive and repeats the same treat and dance. This reminds me of Psalm 34:8, where it says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good,” and of Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:19-20, where He said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” When we have tasted of God’s love, patience, kindness, and goodness, we are able to share that with those around us so they can find the source of all happiness—God. Give “Bee-ese” a try, and lead others to Jesus.

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Honeycomb maze Help the bees find their way to the nectar.



Community Connection

and the


ERIC FLICKINGER is the associate speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across North America and around the globe.


It Is Written impressions

ried chicken, race cars, homemade cookies, and…Bible study? Welcome to the Gearheads’ weekly get together in Myersville, Maryland. I was invited to join this inspiring group of race car owners and builders last October. I was sharing the Which Way, America? evangelistic series in the nearby city of Hagerstown, and several men from the group were attending my meetings. For over 10 years, this group of 20–25 hands-on auto enthusiasts has gathered to talk shop, enjoy tasty food, and open the Scriptures. During the day, they build custom-made race cars that typically sell for $50,000-100,000 or more. Then they show and race them at events all around the country. But more than anything, the Gearheads want to be a Christian witness to the people they meet. It was to this special gathering of men that I was invited to share some uplifting messages over the course of three Tuesday evenings. We gathered together in a large garage, surrounded by half a dozen cars in various stages of tear-down or rebuild—each one a perfect marriage between mechanical savvy and artistic expression. Classic American muscle was meeting modern performance ingenuity at the hands of truly gifted craftsmen. Periodically, as one of the men was testing a car, the engine would roar to life, making a deafening noise that shook my bones.

this group of 20–25 hands-on auto enthusiasts gathers to talk shop, enjoy tasty food, and open the Scriptures. But when shop talk was over, the group migrated to a corner of the garage, where well-worn sofas and recliners were arranged around a large coffee table—a sheet of beveled glass laid atop a pair of overturned racing slicks. A prayer was offered, Bibles were brought out, and study time began. We explored topics like last-day events, the importance of perseverance with Christ through the trying days ahead, and surrender to God’s will. As we delved into each topic, insightful questions were posed, Bible passages were looked up, and meaningful contributions were made by various members of the group. This truly was a manifestation of 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The Gearheads’ desire to live their lives to the glory of God was palpable, and their hunger for the Scriptures was equal to their passion for speed on the raceway. My time in Hagerstown and with the Gearheads was much too short. As I departed after my last Tuesday night with them, I thought, Here is a group of men who truly love Jesus and who want their lives to reflect that to the rest of the world. And I wondered what their next Bible study topics would include. I didn’t have to wait long for the answer. Just two months later, I learned that my race car friends had decided that they, as a group, wanted to watch the Bible prophecy presentations from my meetings there in Hagerstown. So now, on a regular basis, the Gearheads get together to enjoy fried chicken, race cars, homemade cookies, and …  watch the Which Way, America? series. I cannot wait to see what hearts roar to life in that shop. SUMMER 2020





remember discovering years ago that hotels offer wake-up calls. Call the front desk, and they’ll have your phone ring at whatever time you desire. Like an alarm clock. Or a rooster! And the reason? You want to be awake. In the last several months, God has given Planet Earth and the church a wake-up call. When the first coronavirus death occurred in early January, few

“How could the entire world be caught up over one issue?” people raised an eyebrow. But we soon discovered this deadly virus would shut down entire countries and threaten to overwhelm medical systems everywhere. We’ve learned a lot: Wash your hands. Don’t expose people to your illnesses. Humanity is highly interconnected. Things can change very quickly. The strongest economy can be brought to its knees by something invisible to the human eye. And perhaps most importantly, the prophecies of the Bible will be fulfilled. 24

It Is Written impressions

In my public ministry, I’ve had many, many people ask me how the prophetic scenario in Revelation chapter 13 could possibly play out. “How could the entire world be caught up over one issue?” “How would we even know who is refusing to accept the mark of the beast and who is not?” Today we know the answers. If ever there was a time for God’s people to be awake to spiritual realities, it is now. God has shown us clearly that the attention of the world can be drawn together over a single issue. He has shown us that governments are willing to go to drastic measures to preserve the common good. And He has shown us that even relatively small issues can turn society upside down. When I say “relatively small issues,” I certainly don’t mean the thousands of people losing their lives. But this


outbreak was not terrorists destroying buildings. Earthquakes didn’t swallow cities. The coronavirus picked people off in ones, not in hundreds. Imagine something that devastated entire communities, that didn’t discriminate between the weak and the strong. If society is going to shut down in order to protect people from a virus, you can be absolutely sure that society will do whatever is necessary to protect people in a time of an all-out crisis. Revelation 13 speaks of a time when the whole world will wonder after the beast. This power will dictate how people conduct their lives. It will prevent people from buying and selling, and it will levy the ultimate punishment upon those who do not conform. Is it even possible to doubt that this might happen? And happen soon? God is allowing us to see that what He said 2,000 years ago is not only possible, but certain. Just weeks ago I wouldn’t have dreamed that whole nations would shut down, people would be fined for walking in the street, media outlets would “name and shame” those who contravene regulations, and neighbors would fight neighbors over walking on the beach or going jogging. But here we are. And it suggests to us that the future will be just what the Bible has told us. We’ve learned some things: It’s unwise to be in debt. People who live in large cities are more vulnerable. We’ve seen there’s no shortage of people willing to pressure others to conform to the will of the majority. We’ve seen that fear makes people do the strangest things. We’ve seen it’s wise to take care of your health. And we’ve seen that faith in a loving God is a powerful thing. As we approach the final days of this earth’s history, it’s important we have what it takes to stand in a time of crisis. No, not stockpiles of food. Not mountains of toilet

If society is going to shut down in order to protect people from a virus, you can be absolutely sure that society will do whatever is necessary to protect people in a time of an allout crisis. paper. Not money in the bank. Anything you can accumulate can be wiped away in moments. What we need is Jesus. In Jesus there is no fear, no lack, but hope and certainty. This is a time to know God like never before, to lean on His Word as your strength and guide, to claim the righteousness of Christ as your own. What we’ve always believed is truer now than when we first believed it. Someone wrote long ago that “the final movements will be rapid ones.”1 We believe that now. The Second Coming is closer than ever. This is a challenging time but an exciting time. Faith in God makes all the difference. 1  Ellen White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 11 SUMMER 2020



Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

Following from Kenya. :) I love your shows. — Kenya May God bless this ministry. We approve all you are doing. — California, USA Hello, I appreciate your emails. My phone data plan is pretty low. Therefore, I tend to open up and thoroughly enjoy your emails when I am connected to WiFi. Then, because your messages are so timeless, well-written, and produced, I save a good number of them. Just one is a mere snack that whets the appetite for more. Then, before I know it, I have enjoyed a complete meal to completely bless my heart, my deepest hunger️. ... Let’s stay on the right track. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe all along your journey. — California, USA

Bible-based instruction on all aspects of our life: physical, mental, spiritual. Uplifting, encouraging—never negative. — Lisbon, Ohio

Listening and reading God’s word as food for our soul and help us to grow our faith and live closer in Him. — Hong Kong So blessed from your Phoenix (Mesa) presentations these weeks. — Kailua, HI [You] share God’s holy words. It is very inspiring! — Philippines I recommend It Is Written because it is inspirational and based on Bible truth, and it points me to better ways of living. Also, these short one minute daily devotionals are packed full of encouragement and admonition for busy people. — Australia This program is a wonderful blessing of God for the whole world to see. — McAllen, Texas

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Staff Highlight


With her ready smile and gentle, hard-working spirit, Lynelle brightens up the customer service department at It Is Written. In addition to processing order requests for It Is Written resources, one of the biggest parts of Lynelle’s job is to manage the It Is Written Bible school. She works with churches to send them Bible study interest cards received from their local mailings. “If it wasn’t for Lynelle, our Bible school program wouldn’t be what it is today,” shared Maria Ford, Lynelle’s supervisor. “Her passion and ability to keep track of people, pastors, and churches is superb. She goes above and beyond to connect interests with the correct church to ensure that their Bible study experience will be the best it can be.” Although other high-priority projects can sometimes take away from her time to be able to work on the Bible school, Lynelle overcomes this challenge by working quickly and accurately to complete additional work given to her. Chad Starr, Lynelle’s director, appreciates her work ethic as well. “She really enjoys her job,” he said, “and goes the extra mile to do it thoroughly.” Lynelle, who has worked for It Is Written for five and a half years, loves working here because she knows that she is helping in a small way to spread the gospel message. “Although I may not be directly giving Bible studies,” she said, “I feel I am helping others learn more about the Bible and become connected to a local church family.”

Get to know Lynelle: What was your first job? My first official job was working as a cashier at my university’s cafeteria.

What is the best advice anyone has given you? Put God first in everything I do.

What is one thing that most of your coworkers don’t know about you? It would be either that I play the piano or that I started to learn how to fly airplanes.

To learn more about the It Is Written Bible school, visit

BY CASSIE MATCHIM HERNANDEZ, marketing assistant




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Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone, please visit or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Beaumont, Marcia by Mr. J. Michael Beaumont Caporale, James by Debra Redmond Cinal, Mary Jane by Robert and Eva Kasznia Crook, Don by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper

Dietel, Julie Elizabeth by B. Marilyn Dietel Doyle, Grace by Mr. Virgil Anderson Falls, Helen by Mrs. J. Rita Vital

Maglowski, Marie by Rose Cippon Meyer, Lowell by Mr. Louis Meyer Neall, Beatrice by Dr. Jack Blanco, Mrs. J. Rital Vital, and Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wygal Oyieke, Jane Ayot by Victor Oyieke Prats, Venerande by Anne Marie Ritchie Rice, Nathan by Mrs. J. Rital Vital Roda, Antonino Z., Pastor by Dr. and Mrs. Pedro L. Roda

Frey, Earl by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weakley

Spiva, Lyle by Mrs. J. Rita Vital

Fuller, Flora Araujo by Sherrie Wendt

Sundin, Ruthy by Ms. Emily Radostis

Graham, Hazel by Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lemos

Tillay, Michael Dale by Elder and Mrs. Gordon Mattison

Kostenko, Connie by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cooper, Craig Montgomery, and Douglas Dietrich Lorren, Clymera by Dr. Robert Lorren

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Maureen by Ms. Maureen A. Gordon Ruth, Shirley by Sheryl Dunn

IN HONOR OF Begum, Pasha by Sufia Salim Brown-Whyte, Veronica by Venecia Whyte-Foster Chan, Vendy by Samson Wong Allen, Georgette by Dr. and Mrs. Luis G. Allen Jesus Christ by Nadia Escobar, Robert Topper, Lawrence Coon, Dennis Lowell, and Deborah Richardson

Kuiper, Amy and Tim by Tony H. Mobley Wells, Kenneth, Jr. by Bert Logan

Mitsuhiro, Mary by Mr. Tim Mitsuhiro Our parents by Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stewart Smith, Andrew by Mary Ann Smith Welser, Hanna by Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Welser To see the complete list of tributes and memorials, please visit

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written. Your memorial or honorary gifts help share the gospel with the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be listed on the Tributes web page and may be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient’s name and address.


Terrified Courage E ight years ago, I was leaving my home in Kansas and heading to Tennessee. I left my family and everything I knew. I had a few belongings and my two daughters. I felt broken, lost, and alone. I drove the 700 miles with some big questions: Why am I here? Why am I doing this? I had come at the invitation of my best friend, but I lacked courage. And without courage, life became a very scary place. I was terrified. When I was only a couple miles away from my friend’s house, God reminded me that I did actually have courage. It took courage to leave what was familiar behind.

It took courage to come to a new state with two little girls. It took courage to start over, make new friends, and build a new life. I knew that God was on my side. I am reminded of the promise in Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous,” He said. “Do not be afraid...for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you”. God was with me and my daughters. I had no idea what He had planned. I started attending church with my friend. She introduced me to a couple who studied the Bible with me. They told me about Revelation Today, an evangelistic series by It Is Written. I attended and was baptized. Now, five years later, I work at It Is Written, helping to bring the same courage I was given to others! God was taking me on an adventure. I’m so glad He did.

God knew exactly why I was coming to Tennessee.

MARIA RAYBURN is the evangelism administrative assistant for It Is Written. For two years, Maria has helped coordinate mission trips and other evangelism projects. She has three daughters, Noemi, Gabby, and Adalie.


It Is Written impressions


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