Impressions Fall 2020, Issue 20

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impressions PAGE


Evangelism Undistanced 06 24

Eyes Opened

Introducing ACTS 20:21

Lessons from the Garden

Similarities between gardening and evangelism

on the cover

16 Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, It Is Written evangelism thrived online. Two Hope Awakens Bible workers share their experiences.

aspects 04

President’s Page


Mission Report


Escrito EstĂĄ


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight




Eyes Opened

Introducing ACTS 20:21


Lessons from the Garden Similarities between gardening and evangelism


impressions magazine AUTUMN 2020 ISSUE 20 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Ellen Hostetler

calendar John Bradshaw, president NOVEMBER

Online Partnership on It Is Written TV (See schedule on page 31.)

DEC 4—6

Partnership Weekend Gatlinburg, Tennessee (live broadcast)

DEC 13 — 15

ReCharge: Evangelism Growth Retreat

ASSISTANT EDITOR Cassie Hernandez ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2020 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written, Escrito Está, My Place With Jesus, and SALT are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Except otherwise noted, scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGNED TO SHARE This Impressions magazine is designed to be shared with your friends, family, and neighbors. When you are done reading it, please pass it on.

notes 05

Escrito Está Report


Partnership Highlight






Planned Giving


Tributes & Memorials

JAN 24 — 29 No Limits: A Life of Power Evangelistic Series 2021

Eric Flickinger, associate speaker JAN 23 2021

Evangelism Rally, Minnesota

Donavon Kack, It Is Written evangelist OCT 23 — NOV 21

Evangelistic Series Chattanooga, Tennessee

Evangelistic Series JAN 15 — Chadron, Nebraska FEB 13, 2021

Jason Morgan, It Is Written evangelist OCT 30 — NOV 21

Evangelistic Series LeGrange, Texas


A Public Evangelism and Church Growth Retreat

December 13–15, 2020

Become an effective soul-winner With guest trainer Dr. Henry Wright

President’s Page


Time Is It?

John Bradshaw President

I woke in a haze one day unable to figure out what time it was.


It Is Written impressions


hile working a long series of overnight shifts at a radio station many years ago, I woke in a haze one day unable to figure out what time it was. The light coming through the curtains indicated it was either daybreak or sunset. The clock said it was 7:30. Was that a.m. or p.m.? It took me what seemed like a long time to solve the mystery. I simply didn’t know what time it was. And it seems that’s where many people find themselves today: not knowing what time it is. We have been talking about the return of Jesus for generations. Where are we in the stream of time? We are late in the history of the earth. What, then, is our urgent need? Do we need more information about sin in the church? The latest information about conspiracy theories? Deeper insights into the workings of Babylon? What we need most is the righteousness of Christ. Someone once said that the message of the third angel is the message of justification by faith. It is Jesus and His transforming presence that we desperately need. Without the righteousness of Christ, heaven is merely a dream, “a finished work” merely a catchphrase. As you partner with It Is Written through your prayers and financial support, please know that It Is Written is committed to proclaiming Christ and His righteousness. Thank you for joining with me and my team for a truly finished work.

The Leap of


Despite not being able to travel for filming, the It Is Written media production team was able to film several new It Is Written programs locally that aired in September. In “The Leap of Faith,� John Bradshaw goes hang-gliding! Watch the episode at






n the other end of the line, a voice said, “Hope Awakens was such a blessing to our church.” Then he went on to say why. I expected him to say, “because we had a bunch of leads,” which they had, or, “because we had baptisms,” which they also had, but that’s not what he went on to say. “Hope Awakens was such a blessing to our church because it mobilized our church members as I’ve never seen before.” In a time of lockdown and social distancing, when little was supposed to happen, this church and many others experienced something unexpected: a revival due to greater evangelistic fervor. A period that had the potential to be a loss turned out to be a period of substantial spiritual gain. I never stop being amazed at how God can turn defeats into victories. Revelation Today: Hope Awakens opened our eyes to the infinite YVES MONNIER is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.


It Is Written impressions

possibilities of virtual evangelism. Thanks to technology, we can now reach millions of people with God’s amazing message of love. That’s why the It Is Written team decided to fully commit to virtual evangelism by planning not one series of meetings, but six over the span of 16 months (September 2020 to December 2021). We’ve called this journey ACTS 20:21. Why the name ACTS 20:21? Three reasons. First, like the early Christians described in the book of Acts, It Is Written is passionate about sharing Jesus with people. Second, because our journey spans the years 2020 and 2021. And, third, because the text found in Acts 20:21 perfectly fits our mission: “Testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” ACTS 20:21 is not merely a bunch of meetings strung together with the hope that something good happens along the way. ACTS 20:21 is based on the evangelism cycle, where each meeting builds on the previous one until the “reaping” series in October 2021. That’s when we anticipate that churches who have prayerfully

present and imminent world events. His connected with people and built friendmessage was not one of doom and gloom, ships will have a rich harvest of souls. but of hope and peace. ACTS 20:21 features some of the best The response from churches across the presentations to help churches reach people continent has been overwhelmingly positive: for Jesus in their respective communities. “That’s amazing, can’t wait! God bless Attendance of these online programs will the work you’re putting forth.” be facilitated by a carefully crafted social “I’m excited about all the series to come.” media advertising campaign. In addition “Count us in for to that, members ACTS 20:21.” of the participating We anticipate that Our eyes have been churches have access churches who have opened by what has to cutting-edge virtual prayerfully connected transpired during the evangelism training last six months. Right through SALT 365, the with people and built before our eyes, God online It Is Written friendships will have a has made the way, Bible school. through world events The first of the six rich harvest of souls. and current technolvirtual series of proogy, for Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:14 grams, a 10-part series entitled Answers in to be fulfilled: “And this gospel of the Prophecy, was held October 9-21, 2020. It kingdom will be preached in all the world was the ideal kick-off to ACTS 20:21 with as a witness to all the nations, and then America at a crossroads. More than ever, the end will come.” people are wondering about the present Isn’t it great to be living in times such and future and are desperately looking for as these? answers. Online searches about the end of the world have skyrocketed. Through To learn more about ACTS 20:21, Answers in Prophecy, John Bradshaw visit succinctly connected Bible prophecies to

Coming this January: A revival series that will change your life! For more info and to watch, visit:

“There’s no better way to start the new year.” — John Bradshaw

Mission Report

The Last

Mission Trip J

ust as international travel shut down in Europe, It Is Written mission volunteers arrived in Siberia. It was the middle of March, and the COVID-19 pandemic was just beginning to extend its grasp around the globe. We didn’t know it then, but this was to be the last It Is Written mission trip of 2020. Some volunteers had to leave immediately, but those who could, stayed, and God multiplied their efforts. The small group divided themselves between three cities: Omsk, Novosibirsk, and Ulan-Ude, where they held three evangelistic meetings and three medical clinics. In Novosibirsk, It Is Written volunteers held a comprehensive one-week wellness program. In the morning, for four hours before lunch, they assessed each person’s health through blood pressure and blood sugar checks, and an exercise test. Doctor Ken Mindoro gave daily health lectures from a biblical perspective, including such topics as diabetes, epigenetics, and cancer. He covered eight principles of health and answered group and individual questions. One-onone time was given to each guest, allowing them to ask the doctor questions about their health and lifestyle changes. Each visitor received a health book and diary, and every day before the lectures, instructors and organizers of the program prayed with the guests.

Hear stories from this year’s mission trip to Siberia!

Watch a special video report at

The time invested resulted in a huge blessing. As Ken said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This isn’t his or his family’s first mission trip, but it was their first trip to Siberia. “My wife and I wanted to help people living in Siberia,” Ken said. “We wanted to share principles for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and worship with Jesus together. Next year we plan to come back to Siberia to serve people in new areas.”

Next yea r we plan to come ba ck to Siberia to as. serve people in new a re

One guest, who I will call Natalia, left her address with the It Is Written volunteers and said that she would like to be visited for prayer and further study. The local pastor and his wife arrived at her home and presented her with Steps to Christ. They also prayed for her health and the well-being of her family and grandchildren, listened with interest to the story of her life, and learned about her relationship with the Lord. “Something attracted me to visit this program,” Natalia told the pastor and his wife. “I was invited by my friend who politely and lovingly told me about the love of God. I felt a special atmosphere of kindness and light here.” As a result of their visit, a trusting relationship was established, and Natalia came to find peace in Jesus’ love. She wasn’t the only one. The mission trip week ended with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper with the community and the baptism of five souls who joyfully joined the local church family in Novosibirsk. By March 27, all the volunteers had safely returned home, thankful for the opportunity to fellowship and serve in Siberia. It Is Written hopes to resume mission trips as soon as possible. Visit for the latest information.

YVES MONNIER is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.



Escrito Está

Heavenly Antidote “Could you preach for two Sabbaths in May?” Daniel, a young man in charge of Canal Esperanza, asked me. “The people of Central America are gripped by fear due to the pandemic, and they need a message of hope from a familiar face.” Escrito Está is broadcast throughout Latin America on both Canal Esperanza and Enlace TV. I told him I would be happy to help. The tiny country of Costa Rica is in a constant state of alert due to frequent natural disasters. Now, along with the rest of the world, they face a new and unexpected threat—the invisible but deadly coronavirus. But there is something special about Costa Rica: Canal Esperanza. The channel is a beacon of light transmitting God’s Word to 13 million homes across Central America and the United States. Since the pandemic began, the president of Costa Rica authorized Canal Esperanza as the only official channel to transmit COVID-19 pandemic notifications. PASTOR ROBERT COSTA is the speaker for Escrito Está, the It Is Written Spanish ministry. He also serves as associate ministerial secretary for global evangelism in Silver Spring, Maryland.


It Is Written impressions

After accepting Daniel’s offer, I began to pray about my messages, knowing that even the titles advertised beforehand would sway people’s interest. For my second Sabbath, I felt convicted to preach on the good news of what Jesus is doing now in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary. Whenever I present this part of the first angel’s message, something special always happens. This time was no exception. Mabel* is in charge of the Office of Protocol, and the government ministers and national press must follow her guidelines. She is familiar with Canal Esperanza and has watched Escrito Está for years. Due to the crisis, she paid close attention to the station. While watching one day, Mabel came upon two things she didn’t like, so she immediately called Daniel, who is also the technician for the National Emergency Commission.

“The preacher repeats the same thing over and over,” she said. Daniel couldn’t cut the program short, but he distracted her by saying, “We’ll be having a special program Saturday with Pastor Robert Costa, and the title is ‘A Heavenly Antidote Against the Pandemic.’” Even though she normally enjoyed watching Escrito Está, Mabel was bothered by the title. Lately, too many preachers were telling people that the virus would not touch them if they just believed. And now it appeared to her that I was headed in that direction. But she was curious, so the next Sabbath, she tuned in. When I presented how Jesus is busy resolving a problem larger than COVID19—the much deadlier problem of sin that affects every person on this planet—she was convicted by the Holy Spirit. “I thought he was going to speak on the pandemic like everyone else is doing, but this is a subject I had never heard before,” she told Daniel. “I was confused about who God was and how He interacted with our world. I’ve had several arguments with God through the years, but now I see the big picture and that makes me nervous. I am not prepared if I were to die today. I don’t have spiritual peace. Besides, why do you keep Saturday instead of Sunday?” Daniel called me as soon as he hung up with her. He gave Mabel a copy of Camino a Cristo (Steps to Christ), and she also began Bible studies. The Bible truth quickly affected her life. In late June, when the government implemented

Phase 3 of their reopening—authorizing churches to open and resume regular services—the health minister was about to announce that all churches would be open starting Sunday. Mabel corrected him and said, “You should announce that starting next Saturday all churches will be open, because according to the Bible, Saturday is the day of rest.” The health minister replied, “I have great respect for the Bible, so if the Bible says that Saturday is the Lord’s day, then we’ll announce that.” This story confirms once again not only the power of the media but also that we must go forward and present the message as God has instructed us. He is the One who works on hearts and convicts those who are open to receive His message.

When I presented how Jesus is busy resolving a problem larger than COVID-19…she was convicted.

*Name changed to protect identity.

Robert Costa, speaker/director NOV 2 — 28

Online Evangelistic Series for California

DEC 12 — 19

Online Evangelistic Series for Nevada

JAN 16 — 30

Online Evangelistic Series for Uruguay

FEB 6 — 13

Online Evangelistic Series for Michigan

FEB 20 — 27

Online Evangelistic Series for Mexico

Partnership Highlight

Virtually Possible “When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” —Margaret Drabble


his year has been filled with disappointments and canceled plans. We would be doing our hearts a disservice to ignore the toll that takes. Solomon acknowledged that “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12). Right now, we are missing some very precious time together with our ministry Partners. Every fall, the It Is Written team hosts seven events in six states. At each event we spend a weekend sharing what the Lord has been doing in the ministry and our lives, and where He is leading us in the year ahead. Our Partners make significant commitments to support the ELLEN HOSTETLER is the development director for It Is Written. Ellen and her team plan the yearly Partnership weekend events.


It Is Written impressions

It Is Written ministry and ensure that truth continues to be proclaimed and lives continue to be changed. These Partnership events have been held without interruption since 1975. That’s 45 years of fellowship, inspiration, great music, and good food. This year, everything changed. As of this writing, we have had to cancel six of our seven events due to state regulations or hotel restrictions. Alexander Graham Bell is credited as saying, “When one door closes, another opens.” It Is Written has found that to be true this year. Canceled in-person evangelistic series opened the door to virtual evangelism that involved hundreds of churches and reached thousands of people who would have never attended an in-person meeting. And we believe that God is doing the same thing with Partnership. On November 6 and 7, It Is Written aired its first Online Partnership. It wasn’t quite

the same, but it opened a door. This year, Online Partnership will air on anyone can join our Partnership event. Invite your friends and Everyone can enjoy the music and stories fellow church members to tune in; It’s and learn about what the ministry is doing. free and available for everyone. But there This is the perfect time for our Partners to is something special just for our Partners. invite all their friends This fall, each and families to tune in Partner will receive a and watch. The event “I am so grateful for the special Partnership aired over the span gift. This includes opportunity to still make a new resources created of two days, once on Friday and two proyear—resources difference in God’s work!” this grams on Sabbath. for adults and Right now, the children plus a 2021 It Is Written team calendar. You can is preparing, albeit a little differently. share these items or use them yourself. Usually we would be loading a truck and We want you to know that we miss you, setting up a hotel ballroom with program and we are looking forward to fellowequipment. This year, we are out getting shipping with you again at an in-person stories—even more than usual! Stories of Partnership event. lives changed, stories of Partners making For now, you can watch Online a difference in their communities, and Partnership on It Is Written TV. See page stories of mission projects completed. 31 for watch information. AUTUMN 2020



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It Is Written impressions

Take charge of your health—mind, body, and spirit! In each presentation, medical experts share practical advice to improve your health and sense of well-being. No gimmicks, no miracle cures, just sound health principles that will give you strength of body and peace of mind. Plus, you’ll learn many of the Bible’s wellness secrets! You really can Take Charge of Your Health!

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Cover Feature




his summer, It Is Written filmed a program called “The Leap of Faith” in which John Bradshaw goes hang-gliding. It was exhilarating—unnerving! He felt a bit like each of us has felt this year: a little out of control and not exactly sure where we will land. It has seemed sometimes that this entire year has been a leap of faith. Hope Awakens, an It Is Written online evangelistic event, aired live from It Is Written studios April 17 to May 16 and took a lot of faith— not just from the It Is Written team, but also from churches and Bible workers. We were doing something new. Our goal was to inspire thousands of viewers from all over North America to take their own leap of faith and entrust their lives to Jesus Christ. Ministry supporters Paul and Carol in Indiana and Rodney and Vinette from Virginia took the leap and became Bible workers for Hope Awakens. Their leap was worth it.

Paul’s Story Paul had a big decision to make: stay at his current job as Senior Vice President for Information Technology for a major bank in Ohio or uproot his family and move seven hours southwest to Indiana to be Chief Information Officer for another bank. He had a lot of benchmarks to compare: company size, culture, cost of living. But Paul added one more item to his list of checkboxes before he handed in his resignation in Ohio: how would this change affect him, his wife Carol, and their three children spiritually? Should he take this leap of faith? Over the past several months, Paul had grown in his personal walk with God. He didn’t want a move to change that. The new job sounded good; the money was better. But on his morning bike ride, he kept asking God what he should do. He reached out to the pastor in Indiana where they would be if they moved and asked him, “What is the church school like? How active is the church in evangelism?” 16

It Is Written impressions

The pastor explained that he served a three-church district and he was happy to tell Paul about their prison ministry, the needs at their local church school, and the major evangelism initiative they were planning to be a part of with It Is Written later in the spring. Paul and his family made the move in February and immediately got plugged in. The church wasn’t streaming services, so Paul got the system up and running. He joined the school board, preached when the pastor was away, and participated in the music ministry. “I saw God at work right away,” Paul recalls. “I was able to plug very specific holes and jump right in. I’m not bored and my spiritual life has only continued to grow.” When the in-person Indiana meetings were canceled because of COVID-19, Paul shifted gears into the virtual Hope Awakens event at full throttle. He and Carol, after just two months in their new church, joined five other members as virtual Bible workers. Paul took over the software database and started organizing the 200 names of people who had registered for the event. He added each name and address to a map within the software and got each Bible worker busy contacting each person. “I knew this was something I could do,” Paul said. “The Lord was providing people to fill in gaps where it was needed. It’s just amazing to see the Lord do that. I remembered the statement that God’s people ‘have a work to do for themselves which they should not leave for God to do for them’ (Ellen G. White, Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 32). I wasn’t going to leave anything undone that I could do!” As Paul, Carol, and the other Bible workers started following up with the people in their area who registered for the event, they quickly discovered that personal phone calls worked best. “All we had to say was, ‘I’m praying for you,’ and barriers broke down,” Paul remembered. Now, months after the event, they still have a

“I wasn’t going to leave anything undone that I could do!”



weekly Zoom meeting where they pray over people’s requests and study together. “Our whole family really got to know the church members through this process,” Paul shared. “I had no idea I would be doing all this, but when you’re working for God, He will provide what’s needed. He wants to see His work succeed.” Even though he was starting a new job, leading over 100 people, settling into a new home, and managing different church jobs, Paul still found time for Bible work. “I think it’s like tithe,” he said. “You put God first and He takes care of it all. I have no stress. I don’t miss things. God creates time.” Paul and his family plan to attend their first Partnership event this fall. Invited by a fellow Partner, they are excited to join with It Is Written as even closer members of the ministry family. Rodney and Vinette’s Story Long-time It Is Written Partners Rodney and Vinette and their four children had planned to drive seven hours from their home in Virginia to Indianapolis for the opening night of Hope Awakens. “So much preparation had gone into this city-wide event. Anticipation and hopes were indeed high!” Rodney shared. But as the theme for 2020 seems to be, their plans changed. “We were told we’d all been exposed to the dreaded, then little-known COVID-19 virus and shortly after the news came, we heard that the city-wide It Is Written evangelistic series was canceled. Canceled! Our hopes were dashed! ‘Oh Lord,’ we thought, ‘what about all Your waiting people in Indianapolis?’ We knew it was time to pray.” While Rodney and his family prayed, It Is Written staff were also prayerfully considering the next steps. “Then it dawned on us,” said Yves Monnier, It Is Written evangelism director. “God had a bigger plan in mind.” Within six weeks, while the country was shutting down, the It Is Written team was buzzing with activity—many working from their homes—as the transition was made to host Hope Awakens online. When Rodney and Vinette heard the news about Hope Awakens, they were ecstatic. “We received the news that God had closed a door, only to open heaven’s skylight!” Rodney said. “The windows of heaven would be open to reach thousands more than before— now, with Hope Awakens online!” Rodney and Vinette immediately enrolled in the It Is Written Evangelism Training School as Bible workers. “There was so much to do!” Rodney recalls. “We joined the 10 sessions of evangelism training. The training was rigorous and intense, but we were energized by the knowledge that it was God who had formulated this new plan.” “Opening night came,” Rodney continued. “We had anticipated this night for weeks. Our family was gathered in the living room 18

It Is Written impressions

excited to watch the program. Seven o’clock came and went. Where was the program? Something had gone terribly wrong! We knew the ministry was under attack, and so we immediately went to our knees to intercede for all the waiting people who had signed up to hear God’s spoken Word.” Back at It Is Written headquarters, the panic was equally as real. What had happened? Was our leap of faith to end in failure? Not a chance. “We were told As technical issues were resolved and viewers began watching, the Bible workers we’d all been got to work. They were reaching out to exposed to the people who were, as Rodney described it, “quickly becoming dreaded, then hopeless in a world riddled with disease, perplexity, economic failure, frustration, and fear. ‘Coronavirus’ was now a little-known household word. Every day the numbers were climbing. The COVID-19 virus country was essentially closed. Everyone was shut in.” “God had seen this coming,” Rodney continued. “The and shortly country was stuck at home with the only access to the outside after the world brought to us through a television screen. Thousands, news came, including the six in our little household, tuned in each night to hear the Word coming to us live, from It Is Written.” we heard that Rodney, his wife, and their fellow church members began to the city-wide pray over every name they received from the database of people watching in their area. They knew that God had orchestrated It Is Written this whole event just to save these people. “After the second evangelistic week of the meetings,” Rodney said, “we contacted each person to receive their prayer requests and to answer questions series was they had. We prayed for Laura who had just gone through a canceled.” divorce, Lanier who had joint pain, and Pierre who was soon to be married and hopeful for God’s approbation. Each person had different hopes and needs. We prayed for them all.” Those prayer sessions began relationships that continue today. Rodney and his family faithfully await the fruit to come. The leaps of faith are paying off. “Thousands received the Word of God through Hope Awakens. Hallelujah!” Rodney concluded. “And for the experiences we shared in the planting of gospel seeds, we say, ‘I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more’” (Psalm 71:14).

IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO GET INVOLVED. ACTS 20:21 is a one-year evangelism cycle initiative offered by It Is Written for churches throughout North America.

To get involved, visit

My Place With Jesus

The Mystery Box T

he teacher had something fun and exciting for the class. She had prepared a mystery box and placed it on her desk. After calling the class to attention, she asked for a volunteer. She was looking for someone who would place their hand in the box—without peeking— to see if they knew what was inside. Immediately the class erupted! “Not me! No way!” the children said. “I’m not sticking my hand in there!” When the class quieted down, Rachael raised her hand and gingerly moved to the front. “Thank you, Rachael,” Mrs. Willis said. “After I place this blindfold over your eyes, put your hand into the box and see if you can tell me what is inside.” Rachael said she was ready. Rachael was nervous. But because she trusted that her teacher wouldn’t possibly ask her to do anything harmful, she slowly reached inside the box. What would you have done? Would you have been as brave as Rachael?

MELISSA BRADSHAW is the My Place With Jesus director at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area.

Life can be a lot like a mystery box. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we can’t see what’s on the other side. We live in a world of uncertainty. There is sickness that’s not understood, family situations that leave us feeling insecure, and other things that cause uncertainty. But whatever the circumstance we find ourselves in, whatever mystery box we find ourselves reaching into, we can have confidence that God is with us! We read stories in the Bible about many people who put their trust in God. God asked Abraham to offer his only son, Isaac, as a sacrifice. Abraham trusted God, and God provided a lamb for the offering. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, and he was falsely accused and thrown into prison. Yet Joseph was faithful to God and was used to save a nation. Daniel continued his daily habit of praying to God, even when he knew it could cost him his life. When Daniel was cast into a lion’s den, God sent angels to protect him. So when you find yourself surrounded by things you don’t understand, trust that Jesus is going to help you through. He is always there for you and will never let you down.

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Activity Below are a few Bible promises to claim and build your trust in Jesus. Fill in the missing words. Then find and circle these words in the word search. For I know the and not of


that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of , to give you a and a . —JEREMIAH 29:11

I am with you

, even to the end of the

. —MATTHEW 28:20

For I, the Lord your , will hold your right will you.’ —ISAIAH 41:13 There is no



; but

, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I

love casts out fear. —1 JOHN 4:18

to me, all you who labor and are heavy , and I will give you Take my yoke upon you and from me; for I am and lowly in heart, and you find rest for your . —MATTHEW 11:28–29


Trust in God Word Search










Search up, down, forward, backward, and on the diagonal to find the hidden words.




























always come evil fear future gentle hope laden
























































rest learn love peace perfect thoughts world




For answers: Scan the QR code or go to AUTUMN 2020


Community Connection



Dr. Phil & Joann Hutchins with granddaughter Lexi



t Is Written Partners support the worldwide ministry of It Is Written by making an annual financial commitment of $1,500 or more. But that’s just the beginning of their ministry. Partners are actively proclaiming truth and changing lives in their local communities—often using It Is Written resources to do so—and their stories demonstrate how easily the love of Jesus can be shared. DR. ART AND HEIDI LOPEZ

When Dr. Art Lopez and his wife, Heidi, learned about the It Is Written Every Word cards, they began using them in their Tennessee dental practice for new patient gift packets. “We thought this would be an excellent opportunity to get people acquainted with It Is Written!” Heidi shared. “We hoped they would begin watching the program and, more importantly, begin Bible studies.” As a result, many of their patients have started watching Every Word. “We are convinced that when we bless others by sharing God’s Word, He blesses us personally as well as our business. We have seen our practice grow in a miraculous way,” Art said, “and we directly attribute it to sponsoring It Is Written as well as tithe and offerings given to our church.” JOCELYN ANDERSON is the associate director of development. Jocelyn coordinates all the Partnership events each year and enjoys connecting with donors.


It Is Written impressions

“We realize that God would Dr. Art have us to be & Heidi Lopez personally involved by being His witnesses to those near at hand.” DR. PHIL AND JOANN HUTCHINS

Over several years, Dr. Phil and Joann Hutchins of Washington have purchased copies of the My Place With Jesus Bible, Babylon Rising books, “Prequel of the Bible” DVD sets, Great Controversy books, the “Revelation Today: Hope Awakens” series, and “Faith on Hacksaw Ridge” DVDs to give away to family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers. Professionally, they are retired; spiritually, they are on fire. “We realize that God would have us to be personally involved by being His witnesses to those near at hand,” said Phil. “It is our conviction that these great tools intended to introduce people to Christ can say more in that regard than we ever could in a short conversation.”

Patton family


In California, Michele Cremonese, one of the leaders of his church’s teen Sabbath School class, chose the CREATION Life Study Guides as the curriculum for their weekly study. “Our group meets on Zoom every Sabbath morning to go over each point of the lesson and discuss it as a group,” Michele said. The teens are enjoying the studies. Arianna, one of the teenagers in the group, shared her impression: “It’s cool to learn about all the different things that God created for us because He knew we would need them.” Arianna’s brother, Braeden, added, “It is good advice for spiritual and physical health.” Even teenagers are more aware of health concerns during the pandemic. CREATION Life is practical and pertinent to concerns they and their families have right now.

Michele’s Zoom Sabbath School class


Chris and Rosanna Patton, also from California, received the It Is Written Bible Study Guides as a gift at a Partnership event. They later purchased the box set of 25 lessons. “We are now studying them together as a family,” Rosanna said. She wants to become familiar with the guides so she can study them with others in her community. Whether it is to share with others, use for a church Sabbath School, or review as a family Bible study, It Is Written Partners are committed. This commitment goes above and beyond purchasing products or making donations. Partners are actively using the resources they helped create to share the good news about our soon coming Savior. Partners Phil and Joann sum it up well: “Having well-designed and truth-filled literature to offer others is very much a part of the witness for Christ. It is our hope and prayer that those to whom we minister will become close friends with Jesus and receive an eternal inheritance to bless them forever.” To view It Is Written resources, visit AUTUMN 2020



Lessons from the BY JOHN BRADSHAW, president


ark 4:29 says, “But when the and a plan needs to be implemented. One grain ripens, immediately he of the major reasons so many soul-winputs in the sickle, because the ning endeavors are not successful is that harvest has come.” little preparation is done. Just as a garI was reminded of a lot of important dener cannot expect a harvest without soil spiritual lessons while spending time in preparation and seed-sowing, churches my garden over the summer. As I got dirt cannot expect to win souls without under my fingernails, I was impressed carefully working the ground and actually again by the similarities between sowing seeds. We harvest less than we gardening and should because we evangelism. WE HARVEST LESS THAN WE sow less than we Like evangelism, should. SHOULD BECAUSE WE SOW gardening takes As in evangelism, LESS THAN WE SHOULD. time and effort. there are many You can’t grow a different methods garden and take shortcuts. You can learn when it comes to gardening. You can plant how to be efficient, but gardening isn’t in the ground, raised beds, straw bales, or for the impatient. containers. There is more than one way to Important preparation needs to be done get a harvest, and that is true in reaching before planting can take place. Soil needs people with the gospel. Some growing to be prepared, seeds need to be selected, conditions lend themselves to one method 24

It Is Written impressions

more than they do another. You do what Like gardening, the harvest makes will bring the greatest success given the soul winning worth the effort. When a conditions you face. sunflower opens and brightens up a yard, Plants need to be carefully nurtured, when garden-fresh vegetables are served just like souls for the kingdom of God. to eat, or when you share the bounty of A gardener who neglects the garden is a your garden with a friend or neighbor, gardener who harvests little. Plants need the effort that went into growing your to be watered, fed, and cared for. Some food is recognized as being well worth it. people fail to mature as believers simply Although evangelism can be demanding because they were neglected or mistreated. at times, seeing someone give their life Careful nurture is absolutely vital. to Jesus or rise up out of the waters of It becomes painfully obvious when baptism beaming with joy reminds you gardening that pests must be taken care evangelism is what life is really all about. of. A day of inattention can result in a I have been reminded as I’ve worked devastated garden. Shortly after noticing in our garden that, even if there was no some of our tomato plants had been harvest, gardening is good for you. The savaged, we discovered a plump, green, same is true with evangelism. Regardless well-camouflaged hornworm intent on of the results, evangelism is simply good complete destruction. All the effort we for you. And good for the church. had put into growing our tomato plants It’s also important to remember that would have been undone if we hadn’t care- anyone can garden. Just like evangelism, fully watched, you don’t and then moved have to be an IN WITNESSING, WE SHARE, TALK, expert to be swiftly to solve INVITE, AND PRAY, BUT IT IS the hornworm successful. problem. G OD WHO AWAKENS A SPIRITUAL Training cerSomeone told tainly helps, INTEREST AND GROWS SOMEONE which is why us they thought FOR HIS KIN GDOM. hornworms It Is Written were “cute.” invests time The devil is like that. He can appear “cute” and energy in training. But even without to some, but he always brings utter ruin. training, anyone can do something to Like the hornworm, sin can’t always be grow the kingdom of God. If you are willeasily seen, but the devil’s attacks must be ing, you can do great things for heaven. swiftly dealt with. One last lesson from the garden. No Any gardener knows that flowers don’t person ever really “grew” anything. A necessarily mean fruit. It’s one thing for a gardener simply cooperates with laws plant to show promise and another thing God has set in place. God is the Master for it to ripen. It is painfully common for Gardener. In witnessing, we share, someone to look as though they are close talk, invite, and pray, but it is God who to the kingdom of God, only for all that awakens a spiritual interest and grows promise to come to nothing. Not everyone someone for His kingdom. The person who shows promise will fully surrender sharing Jesus is simply working in coopto God. Like tomato blight, tomato horneration with God. God takes our efforts worms, deer, or a bad storm, unexpected and blesses them, and prepares a harvest damage can occur in the new believer’s life. for eternity. AUTUMN 2020



Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

Timely message indeed. We all need to hear this. God bless your ministry. —Unknown Thank you for teaching. I just found this channel, and I am so grateful for watching this study. Praise God for knowing what my needs are! — Unknown I almost always forward Every Word daily devotionals to around 30 people who consistently are grateful for the daily inspirations! Thank you for this wonderful deed that you do! I know it is very hard to come up with a daily topic, but I’m sure that the Holy Spirit inspires you! Thank you for the daily blessings! —Corona, California I truly appreciate the ministry. Praying that God will continue to bless as the ministry is a blessing for all who watch. — Madison, Alabama

Thank you John for your incisive yet sensitive commentary. May the Holy Spirit direct many of my ex-army friends to this video, and may they receive Jesus’ salvation. —New Zealand

I have been blessed with Pastor Bradshaw’s daily devotionals. —Apopka, Florida Thank you for your inspiring teachings. God bless. —Sherman Oaks, California Pastor John, you are totally on the ball today and the info/statistics you gave are very true. I was born in 1981 and have seen, and still remember, MANY changes in technology, devices, food, and social changes. We live in awesome times. —Savannah, Georgia So simple, so satisfying, so refreshing to listen to someone preach Christianity who is what he preaches. —Saint Lucia

Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us! Simply email

Staff Highlight


The Planned Giving and Trust Services team works with individuals and families across the country to make long-term investments and support the spread of the gospel. Sean is one of six on the team, serving the Pacific Northwest region. About two years ago, God provided Sean with an opportunity to work at It Is Written. Since then, he has helped people set up wills, trusts, and other investment instruments along with long-term gifts to the ministry. Sean loves sharing updates about what It Is Written is doing around the world because It Is Written first introduced his wife, and later him, to the truths of the Bible. That has been such “an amazing blessing” in his life, he said. One of the largest challenges of his job is having to console parents whose children and grandchildren have left Jesus and turned their back on the truth. With “a prayerful leaning on the promises of God,” Sean said, he is able to encourage them. By doing his job, Sean knows that he is “working in genuine partnership for the salvation of souls and the upbuilding of the kingdom of God.” He feels like it is truly a calling! “Sean loves what he does, and he does an outstanding job,” said Jeff Blumenberg, planned giving associate director. With his optimistic, mission-focused attitude, Sean makes every donor he works with feel special and loved by It Is Written. BY CASSIE MATCHIM HERNANDEZ, marketing assistant

Get to know Sean: What is your favorite meal?

Mediterranean fare: falafel, hummus

What was your first job? Baskin Robbins

What is the best advice anyone has given you? Listen more. Talk less. What is one thing that most of your co-workers don’t know about you? I worked for several years with ESPN-affiliated radio stations on the East Coast.

Planned Giving

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Rates can range from 4.0% to 6.0%. Minimum deposit of $50,000 is required.



Let us know if you have included It Is Written in your estate plan so we can thank you. Copyright © 2020 Crescendo Interactive, Inc. Used by permission.

Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone, please visit or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF

Burchard, Ruby by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper

Penner, Brittany by Timothy and Polly Nichols, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Sprague, Brendan Brockmann, Carol Brauer, Grace Farag, Robert Kabera, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Howard, Jonathan and Amanda Collins, Kristin Atherton, Ron S. Y. Foo, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon S. Cherne, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Cloete, April Evans, Mr. Norman McNulty, Fay Kazzi, Kristin Leach, Jihye Yoo, Richard Schaffner, Terri Wood, Mrs. Geraldine M. Orr

Butler, Marguerite F. Reed by Ronice M. Butler

Pierson, Don by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper


Cantrell, Elder T. W. by Frank Cantrell

Ramirez, Aura by Anna Marie Menendez

Epp, Elfreida by Ms. Lynda Ikeda

Chesney, Richard by Starkey Printing Company, Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cochran, and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Hall

Ratliff, Annie S. by Mrs. J. Rita Vital

Kempkes, Wanda by Diane Fliss

Seitz, Orville and Ethyl by Mrs. Pauline Danforth

Lowell, Eileen, Sly, and Zorra by Mr. Dennis Lowell

Tubbs, Teddy Terry by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Armstrong

Luksha, Joanne by Mr. and Mrs. John Arroyo

Warnick, Mary Sue by Mrs. J. Rita Vital

McRoberts, Ann by Brigitta Beam

Wilson, Lawrence by Mrs. J. Rita Vital

Baker, John by Mrs. J. Rita Vital Bell, Alfred and Mary by Louise Golden Bernard, Ernest H. by Paul D. Bernard Brown, Judy Scoble by Richard D. Brown

Richie, Ronald A. by Patty Worley

Wilson, Merita Chambers by Mrs. J. Rita Vital Young, John Albert by Lucita B. Young HAPPY BIRTHDAY Quinones, Mikaela Happy first birthday! by Jonathan and Amanda Collins Pastor, Loida by Dr. James A. Pastor Sprague, Rosemary Dr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Brockmann

Foss, Kristy by Janet Munn Hanlon, Dwight by Steven Hanlon Jones, Tammy by Gloria Jones Konschuh, Haddie by Cathy Goslin Noel, Alexander by Karlene Johnson

To see the complete list of tributes and memorials, please visit

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written. Your memorial or honorary gifts help share the gospel with the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be listed on the Tributes web page and may be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient’s name and address.





any years ago, I helped a dear couple with an estate plan. The husband had stage four cancer. Since he had only months to live, I felt nervous. I knew it was important for me to give hope, to be an encouragement and a blessing to a family who must be grieving. But what do I say knowing this man is dying? Lord, I really need you now, more than ever, to help me say the right words, I

Instantly, I had a calm come over me. thought. The hospital bed was set up in the bedroom as the hospice nurse was looking after him for comfort. I quickly said a prayer for God to give me the words to say. Instantly, I had a calm come over me. I was then strongly impressed to just listen. As I sat on his bedside, what a blessing this individual was to me. He shared with me his love for the Lord and the closeness he felt to Jesus. He told stories of how blessed he was and how he has reflected, getting ready to die, on what is truly important. He gave me the best advice that I carry with me to this day. He said, “Cynthia, do you know what true security is? True security is investing in something with eternal value.” His words reminded me of the Bible verse that says, 30

It Is Written impressions

“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2). After my visit, I realized that I was the one who was given hope. I was the one who was encouraged, and I was the one who was blessed. I also realized how much Satan played on my insecurities. Once I listened to God’s voice and focused my attention heavenward, He gave me the peace, calm, and assurance I needed. CYNTHIA STEPHAN is an It Is Written Field Representative and Planned Giving Consultant. She lives in Wisconsin and her territory covers the central part of the United States.

Join us for the first-ever Online Partnership! Replay Schedule November 13

9:00 p.m.–12:00 a.m.

November 14

1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.

November 17

9:00 p.m.–12:00 a.m.

November 18

1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.

November 20

9:00 p.m.–12:00 a.m.

November 21

1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.

November 24

9:00 p.m.–12:00 a.m.

November 25

1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.

LIVE Gatlinburg Partnership will be broadcast live December 4–6. Times to be determined.

Watch Partnership online at and on these platforms (search for “It Is Written” and click the link for the livestream):

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Join the one-year evangelistic journey from It Is Written, featuring virtual series by John Bradshaw. Churches that subscribe will receive direct social media advertising, Bible training, and resources. Learn more on page 6.

Acts 20:21

ACTS 20:21 Schedule Answers in Prophecy

Oct. 9–21, 2020

No Limits: A Life of Power

Jan. 24–29, 2021


Apr. 23–May 5, 2021


Aug. 22–27, 2021

Revelation Today

Oct. 1–23, 2021

Follow-up by church

Oct. 24–30, 2021

*Dates subject to change

P.O. Box 6 Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006




“Testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”


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