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President’s Page

John Bradshaw



My expectation is that, when Pastor George Vandeman founded It Is Written 65 years ago, he did not anticipate we would still be here 65 years later. Every generation has had good reasons for expecting the return of Jesus to happen in their lifetime. A friend’s grandfather once wrote to his young wife and said, “Surely the Lord’s return is near. I have seen man’s inhumanity to man. We do not have much time left.” The letter was written during World War II. What we know for sure is that every day that “Surely the Lord’s passes leaves us with one day less to proclaim the everlasting gospel. That motivates us to work return is near. “while it is day; the night is coming when no one I have seen man’s can work” (John 9:4). Cal left the church many years ago. Last year, inhumanity to man. a friend invited him to watch Hope Awakens,

We do not have the It Is Written online evangelistic series. Hope awakened in Cal’s heart. When Bible workers much time left.” called, he gladly accepted their offer of Bible studies. A dedicated church member began studying with him, and just weeks ago Cal was baptized! This is why we do what we do at It Is Written. We don’t want to mark another anniversary 65 years from now. Let’s reach the world with the good news, and go home!

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