2 minute read

Staff Highlight

Jack Phillips


For five years, Jack has proved a pivotal part of the evangelism team, moving to a new city in the United States every 18 months in order to lay the groundwork for each new It Is Written evangelism campaign. Jack has lived in Boston, Kansas City, Indianapolis, and Rochester so far.

“Through working for It Is Written, I am able to equip and encourage individuals in sharing their faith,” Jack said.

Working with local churches, Jack helps them begin the cycle of evangelism and trains them on witnessing to others through friendship evangelism and Bible study. Together, the area churches begin to “prepare the soil” for the evangelism meetings to be held later by an It Is Written speaker.

“The most effective leaders are ones who lead by example,” said Eric Flickinger, It Is Written associate speaker. “When Jack is doing the preparatory work for an evangelistic series, he interacts with church leaders and laity to ensure that people in the community have the best chance possible to hear of Jesus. Rather than telling the members what needs to be done, he goes the extra mile to be an example to them of how to effectively share the gospel.”

Jack joined the team after the project he was previously working on went through a change. He was praying for a new direction when It Is Written called and shared that they had received his name from two different people on opposite sides of the country. “We interviewed,” Jack said, “And on my birthday, It Is Written called to offer me the position!”

Although frequent moving and working with a variety of people and situations can be challenging, Jack gets through it with a prayerful leaning on God. “I seek Jesus and remember that when I trust Him, He will accomplish His plans,” Jack shared.

It Is Written is thankful to have Jack leading the charge.

Get to know Jack:

What is your favorite meal? I love to go to an Indian buffet. What was your first job? I had several. At 10 I had a small lawn mowing business. At 14 I would tutor during the summers. At 16 I started work at a pizza place and worked in various pizza restaurants doing any role in the establishment for the next 12 years. What is the best advice anyone has given you? Look at Jesus, not at people’s failures. What is one thing that most of your co-workers don’t know about you? I lost a tooth playing disc golf.

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