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The Habenichts: 40 Years and Counting

Drs. Herald and Donna Habenicht and Donna, passionate about spreading didn’t have a television in their the gospel, loved what It Is Written was home until 1995, but they are doing in their area and decided to support long-time believers in media ministry! For the ministry’s efforts. Over the years, over 40 years, the Habenichts, residents of the Habenichts have had the privilege Berrien Springs, Michigan, have partnered of befriending each of the It Is Written financially with It Is Written. In doing so, speakers and have supported the ministry tens of thousands of people in innumerable ways. have been introduced to Jesus This is the time to When Escrito Está began through public and media evangelism, and thousands pull all the plugs in 1994, the Habenichts were excited and impressed of people have been healed and give what we with the effective evangelism and ministered to through can during the little produced for the Spanishmission work. In the 1960s, Herald and time we have left. speaking world. Donna’s father worked for the church Donna were medical mission- in Peru and is resting there aries in Puerto Rico. When they returned until Jesus comes. That’s why Donna and home in 1970, they became personally Herald were thrilled when a giving opporacquainted with It Is Written through pub- tunity arose to support a special project in lic evangelism, attending a series by Pastor Peru: motorbikes for pastors. Donna and George Vandeman in the Midwest. Herald Herald’s hearts were touched, and they eagerly contributed $50,000 to purchase CYNTHIA STEPHAN is an It Is Written Field Representative and Planned Giving the motorbikes, giving 50 pastors reliable Consultant. She lives in Wisconsin and transportation. serves in the central United States. When It Is Written began medical mission work in 2013, the Habenichts, reminded of their own experience as medical

missionaries, were determined to continue supporting It Is Written in this new effort. With the help of medical professionals, volunteers, and Partners like Herald and Donna who financially support these endeavors, medical mission trips have since been completed in Mongolia, India, Peru, and all around the world, bringing sight to the blind and restoring health to those in need.

Herald and Donna enjoyed the presentations by Eric Flickinger, It Is Written associate speaker, leading up to the more hands-on experience at It Is Written, and benefiting the ministry with their invaluable time and service.

The Habenicht’s philanthropy is driven by their passion for spreading the gospel, medical mission work, and Hispanic evangelism, and they were inspired by It Is Written as they saw so many lives being transformed in these areas. Herald and Donna have been Partners for a very long

time and, in addition, have set up an estate plan with It Is Written to leave a legacy for the ministry that will continue to impact many lives long after they are gone.

So why should people give to It Is Written? Herald said it plainly, “It is a ministry with a mission. They have wonderful church resources. John Bradshaw is very ambitious, leading with integrity, and the ministry is top-notch. Right now during COVID-19, we personally cannot do evangelism. It Is Written, they are doing far more and reaching thousands of people. This is the time to pull all the plugs and give what we can during the little time we have left.”

Thank you, Herald and Donna, for your ever-faithful support to spread the gospel in these last days of earth’s history.

The Habenichts: 40 Years and Counting

evangelism planned for Indianapolis in April 2020. And they shared the collective disappointment when COVID-19 canceled the in-person evangelism event along with six of the seven Partnership weekends.

Partnership weekends are another aspect of the ministry that the Habenichts are passionate about. For many years, Herald and Donna journeyed to all the Partnership weekends held in the Midwest. They love attending because of the powerful preaching, wonderful music, and most of all, the uplifting testimonies shared by the ministry. When these annual events were no longer held in their area, they were determined to continue their attendance and began making the trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. When It Is Written headquarters moved to Tennessee, Herald and Donna, now retired, made the decision to dedicate a few weeks each year volunteering in person, providing them with an even

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