Impressions Autumn 2015, Issue 4

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W W W. I T I S W R I T T E N . C O M

impressions AUTUMN 2015


It Is Written




Changed: Stories of Hearts


God Gives the Increase

Touched in Miraculous Ways


on the cover

It Is Written

RESOURCES IMPACT LIVES It Is Written resources are designed for eternal impact. From engaging Bible study guides to powerful sharing pocket books, and dynamic media, It Is Written witnessing tools are changing lives.

aspects 04

Director’s Desk


Mission Report


Escrito Está


SALT: Gathering the Laborers


My Place With Jesus


It Is Written Bible School


Staff Highlight



God Gives the Increase 2




Changed: Stories of Hearts

Touched in Miraculous Ways

impressions magazine AUTUMN 2015 ISSUE 4 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Annalyse Hasty ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2015 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written and My Place With Jesus are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Escrito Está is a trademark of It Is Written, Inc.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA

notes 12

Partnership Highlight






Planned Giving





November 3 — 8

El Salvador

Escrito Está holds Evangelistic Series in Suchitoto, El Salvador.

November 6 — 8


It Is Written Partnership Weekend event in Palm Springs, CA.

November 10 — 15


Escrito Está holds Evangelistic Series in Puebla, Mexico.

November 13 — 15 It Is Written Partnership Weekend event in Monterey, CA.

November 20 — 22 It Is Written Partnership Weekend event in Orlando, FL.

December 4 — 6 It Is Written Partnership Weekend event in Gatlinburg, TN.

save the date March 20 — April 2, 2016


It Is Written’s 60th Anniversary Evangelistic Series in Gweru, Zimbabwe.

October 7 — 28, 2016

It Is Written hosts Evangelistic Series in Boston, MA.

Director’s Desk

Almost 110 years ago a British scientist studying ocean currents placed more than 1,000 bottles in the North Sea. George Bidder—at one time the president of the Marine Biological Association in the United Kingdom—wanted to learn where the ocean would carry the bottles. Each one contained a note asking to the finder to tell the Association the details of where it had been found. Over the years, about 600 of the bottles were discovered. But just recently another of the bottles was found by a woman walking on the beach on a German island near the Danish border. After breaking it open she returned the enclosed postcard to England and was duly sent the British shilling promised to all finders of one of George Bidder’s bottles. It is believed that message in a bottle is the oldest ever found. We at It Is Written, are committed to sharing God’s message—not in bottles dropped in the ocean but in more ways than we have ever done before. In addition to reaching the world with our weekly television program and daily devotional in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language, as well through public evangelism, What the world needs is not a message as It Is Written’s newly-established in a bottle but the message of salvation publications department is producing an increasing amount of through Jesus Christ. resources for study and sharing. The new It Is Written Bible Studies, The Great Controversy, sharing books on a variety of subjects, the It Is Written Every Day Bible, our new Bible Quiz Book and an array of other materials make it easier than ever to share It Is Written resources with a world hungering to know Jesus. God has urged us to share His final gospel message with “every nation, kindred, tongue, and people” (Revelation 14:6). Jesus is coming back soon. What the world needs is not a message in a bottle but the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. The resources highlighted in this issue of Impressions will help you share Jesus effectively with others.

John Bradshaw

Speaker & Director



Connect your loved ones with the Source. Ministry resources from It Is Written can provide an open door to share Christ’s unfailing love. Give those you care about the gift of a relationship with the Source of everlasting love.

A simple gift can change a life forever.



STORIES OF HEARTS TOUCHED IN MIRACULOUS WAYS It Is Written is on the frontlines of understand the book his brother loved, Tom mailed the card in. A little while ministry. Each month there is an later, a Bible worker followed up with and his eyes were opened to the average of 240,000 page views on him truth inside the Bible. The Bible worker from people in over then invited Tom to the It Is Written Revelation Today meetings in Edmonton, 70 different countries. It Is Written Canada. Tom attended and was baptized reaches every city in the world through at the conclusion of the series. daily and weekly Bible-based broadcasts Seeds Sown 30 Years Ago Caroline and her family began studying in 12 languages. Multi-year evangelistic the Bible with a young man from a local projects happen in many countries, church about 30 years ago. The Bible teacher would bring his old reel-to-reel reaching the remotest places for Jesus. projector and show them slides and teach Often we hear stories of hearts touched them about the Bible. Caroline and her family came close to making a decision for in miraculous ways. Here are some of Jesus, but never took the step. Three decades later, Caroline and our recent favorites: The Gift of a Bible

When Tom’s brother passed away, his sister gifted Tom with his late brother’s Bible. This was the first Bible Tom had ever owned. He desired to understand this new book but was unsure how to study it. About that time Tom got a card inviting him to receive Bible studies. Eager to 6


her family heard ads on the radio for a Revelation seminar. Caroline and her two daughters decided to attend in person, while her ill husband stayed at home and watched the series on TV. Once again this family heard God’s truth. This time, however, they did not let the opportunity pass them by. Mother, father, and three adult daughters all made a decision for Christ. At 82 years old, Caroline was baptized.

Signing for Eternity

The Revelation Today series in Edmonton provided translation for the hearing impaired. Fern, our sign language translator, shared the messages every night. As there was often only one person needing sign language translation, there was a question as to whether Fern’s services would continue to be needed.

“All day I’ve been…crying, and praying to God to send me someone. Now you all are here.” The decision was made to continue with sign language translation regardless of how many people used it. We didn’t realize, however, whom God intended to reach through the sign language translation. When the series was over, Fern accepted God’s message with a joyful heart and became a part of God’s last-day church.

In Answer to Prayer

Two evangelism students from the It Is Written SALT program were out knocking on doors in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area. Markus and Joshua were doing free health assessments and offering Bible studies. While visiting one neighborhood, the two men met Joe. After a short conversation they conducted the health assessment and learned that Joe had been addicted to crack cocaine for 40 years, and had quit just two PHOTO (LEFT): JONATHAN SHIM PHOTO (RIGHT): SUPPLIED BY SALT

weeks ago. Joe told Markus and Joshua about how he was struggling and that he was searching for answers and help. Joe told them “All day I’ve been listening to preachers on the radio, crying, and praying to God to send me someone. Now you all are here.” The three men dropped to their knees as Joe cried and prayed a beautiful prayer giving his life to God and asking God to change him. After the prayer Joe said, “Now I know that there must be a God up there somewhere.”

YouTube Ministry

After watching related videos on YouTube, the site recommend that Robert watch It Is Written’s YouTube channel. After discovering the wealth of content, Robert devoured every sermon posted by It Is Written on YouTube, including the 22 episode Revelation Today series from Las Vegas, Nevada. Prior to discovering these videos, Robert’s first marriage to his college sweetheart ended in divorce. “I was devastated. Skipping a lot of the story and fast forwarding to now: It was the sermons that rekindled my love for the Sabbath and my beliefs,” Robert said. “I have since recommitted in my heart, mind, and life to embrace my beliefs. I’m a changed man because of It Is Written and what God is doing through you.”

Keep Praying! Revelation Today—The Mysteries Revealed evangelistic series just ended in Chattanooga, TN. Please pray for those who have been baptized and for those who are still making decisions for Jesus.

Mission Report



person’s last words are usually words that have profound significance—both to the speaker and to the listeners. This certainly was the case with Jesus’ last words before returning to His Father in Heaven. Speaking to His disciples He said, “you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” It Is Written has always taken those words to heart by enthusiastically proclaiming Jesus both at home and around the world. The year 2016 will be no different. It Is Written is planning to conduct two big evangelistic meetings. One in Zimbabwe, Africa, and the other in Boston. The meetings in Zimbabwe will take place in the heart of the country in the city of Gweru, from March 20 to April 2, 2016. Since this series is part of 8


It Is Written’s 60-year anniversary, Pastor Chris Holland, speaker of It Is Written Canada, and Robert Costa, speaker of Escrito Está, will be joining Pastor Bradshaw, as well as seven other evangelists. Our goal is to reach the entire city with an expected nightly attendance in the tens of thousands. We are praying for 10­­–15% of the city’s population to attend one of our meetings. Back in “Jerusalem,” the dates for the It Is Written meetings in Boston are October 7–28, 2016. Since Boston is a unique city with a rich cultural diversity and significant traffic challenges, the evangelism team has decided to run these meetings a bit differently. Instead of renting a large venue and inviting everyone to attend there for three weeks, we’ve decided to run 60 meetings at the 60 participating churches scattered throughout greater Boston. We believe this approach will enable us to better reach the entire city and empower the pastors to “fight the good fight” in their own armor. Now, of course, you may wonder where It Is Written will fit into all of this. Thanks to amazing technology, Pastor Bradshaw will be present at every location from a central Boston location. From there he will open God’s Word and proclaim the truth that changes lives. I have met with the leaders and pastors in both Zimbabwe and Boston. While they are very different in culture, language,

etc., there’s one thing they clearly have in common: a passion for evangelism. And they’re all excited to be partnering with It Is Written to reach their respective cities for Jesus. Likewise It Is Written is very excited and honored to be working alongside all these faithful men and women. Together we anticipate a marvelous harvest for the Lord. Although these meetings are many months away, everyone involved understands that the success of these evangelistic meetings depends on what happens now. Thus, people on two continents are presently on their knees pleading with God for a rich harvest. In addition, they are also rolling up their sleeves and diligently working in their respective fields building relationships with people in the community. No stone is being left unturned. You probably don’t live in either Gweru or Boston, but you can still have a tremendous impact upon what happens there by faithfully including these It Is Written evangelism projects in your daily prayers. We’ve all noticed road signs alerting drivers of what is ahead. I think the road on this journey reads: “Miracles ahead.” I cannot wait.

Our goal is to reach the entire city with an expected nightly attendance in the tens of thousands.

YVES MONNIER is the Director of Evangelism for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.

During It Is Written’s first trip to Zimbabwe the team was greeted by a warm community eager to know Jesus. This meeting was the beginning of the groundwork leading up to the series in 2016 .

Escrito Está

Touching Lives


Changing Hearts


vonne was a young lady from Panama who moved with her family to Canada. She studied accounting and found work in Toronto. A devout Catholic, she felt her life was perfect until a serious illness kept her bedridden for several months. During that time, Yvonne evaluated her life and her future and also watched a lot of television. One of the programs she began watching was Escrito Está, It Is Written’s weekly Spanish program. This awakened in her a desire to learn more about Jesus and the Bible. One night, Yvonne had a dream. It seemed to her that Jesus was before her and said, “You are not alone; look to Me.” She awoke impressed and comforted by the dream. Later that day, as she watched Escrito Está, it occurred to her that she should call the number on the screen and request the book NANCY COSTA is a Planned Giving consultant with It Is Written. She lives with her husband, Robert, in Silver Spring, Maryland.



being offered. The phone number was for a local church in Toronto, and the young man who answered offered to deliver the book to her himself. She balked at the idea, not wanting any visitors, but he insisted, assuring her it would only be a five-minute visit. “Those were the five minutes that changed my life,” Yvonne said. She began reading the book and not long after, had another dream. God showed her that He had a plan for her life and had more light to show her. She continued watching the program, and God’s Spirit continued to work in her life. Then Yvonne had a third dream. She saw three people knocking on her door. In her dream, she knew they were coming to give her three books with a message from Jesus. Two books were placed in her right hand, and a third book with a picture of Jesus on the cover was placed in her left hand. That very afternoon, the Toronto church members felt impressed to do follow-up visits and divided into groups. Three young people stopped by to see Yvonne. They had a short visit, and as they stood to go, they handed her three books and placed two

“Accepting Jesus and walking in the light of His truth is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me.”

in her right hand and one in her left. She immediately recognized the picture of Jesus on the cover! Speechless with wonder, she realized that God was visiting her through these young people. Three years passed and Yvonne recovered from her illness. She continued studying the Bible and watching Escrito Está. Then she heard that the speaker of the program, Pastor Robert Costa, would be holding meetings in Toronto, and she decided to attend. The truths presented were clear and straight from the Bible, but Yvonne struggled with change. Then, one night at the meeting, she heard the prophetic message of Revelation 14, and realized the time to make a decision had arrived. But she loved her way of life and her church and was gripped with resentment at this new truth that demanded change. After the meeting, Yvonne refused to shake the pastor’s hand, vowing never to return. She was angry, but God was working in her heart, and one phrase the pastor had said kept repeating over and over in her mind, “God knows your heart; you are not here by chance. If you’re looking for truth,

don’t go to a church to search for truth—go to the Bible. Then search for the church that follows the Bible.” Yvonne went back to her Bible and studied some more. A few months later, when Pastor Costa returned to conduct follow-up baptisms, she approached him and said, “I’ve come to ask your forgiveness. I was mad at you and at God that night, but I have asked God to forgive me, and now I’m asking you. Accepting Jesus and walking in the light of His truth is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me.” Yvonne was baptized, but she wasn’t baptized alone. Her mother, also a devout Catholic, was baptized with her. The change in both of them amazed Yvonne’s sister so much that she began studying the Bible, and she and her two sons were baptized a short time later. “This is God’s work,” Pastor Costa said. “He is the one who goes ahead of us changing hearts. I just preach the message.” Visit to learn more about Escrito Está and watch TV programs and devotionals in Spanish.

Partnership Highlight


Partnership Each year It Is Written hosts seven special events around the country for our Partners. This year, our first sold-out weekend event was held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Over 200 people attended. The weekend began on a high note with an inspiring message from the North American Division Secretary, Dr. G. Alexander Bryant, and a ministry update from Pastor and Melissa Bradshaw. A new and dynamic projection backdrop featured special highlights throughout the weekend. On Sabbath, guests were inspired by Pastor Bradshaw’s message, “Legacy.” They were then challenged to leave their own legacy of souls saved as he shared It Is Written’s current and upcoming projects. In the evening, we filmed the first episode of It Is Written’s new television program, Line Upon Line. Sunday morning continued our spiritual high with a breakfast message titled “Occupy” from Pastor Bradshaw, encouraging us to be faithful in sharing Christ’s love until He comes. “Inspiring” was the common theme we heard from our Partners throughout the weekend. This inspiration keeps the passion for soul-winning alive. Doug and Priscilla Haydon, Partners since 2005, shared that same enthusiasm. “We attend because it validates our passion for soul-winning and allows us to connect to what It Is Written is



doing,” Priscilla said. “We love hearing the updates, the music and the testimonies.” The Haydons first became involved with It Is Written in 2005 when the ministry conducted an evangelistic meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. According to Doug, the event was life-changing. “We volunteered to help with the meetings, and the experience launched our lives into a different direction.” Since then, Doug and Priscilla are very active in their local community:


“Attending a Partnership weekend makes us want to go home and be more evangelistic ourselves.” church member visitation, women’s ministries, Sabbath School teaching, and Helping Hands ministries. With all these worthy projects demanding their time and recourses, we asked why the Haydons chose to support It Is Written so faithfully. Their answer was immediate: “We see It Is Written reaching all over the world. And we want to be a part of that global impact.” Evangelistic inspiration is also the theme for Partners Dr. Derek and Elma Heldzinger who have been involved in church planting since they were inspired by an It Is Written evangelistic series in 1995. “Our whole family loves Partnership,” Elma said. “Our children attended before there were children’s programs and loved it. Now several of our children are Partners too.” “Attending a Partnership weekend makes us want to go home and be more evangelistic ourselves. We always leave on a spiritual high,” Dr. Heldzinger said.

This spiritual high lasts as Partners return home and share with their friends how God is using their support to spread the gospel. As we ended our weekend in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee, Dr. Heldzinger summed up the feelings of so many Partners when he said, “I support It Is Written because its mission is my passion.” Thanks to our Partners, that passionate mission is changing the world.

Become an It Is Written Partner with your annual commitment of $1,500 or more and register for an upcoming event today online or by calling 800-479-9056. JEFF BLUMENBERG has been a Trust Consultant for It Is Written for the past five years. He is married to Sharon and they have five children and five grandchildren. They live on the Cumberland Plateau and love homesteading.





By Dr. Wes Youngberg Discover how you can dramatically decrease your risk for cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, and even reverse diabetes. No matter what your age, the concepts presented in these three presentations by Dr. Youngberg have the potential to revolutionize your health. Audio CD • LOLWY-A • US $14.99



John Bradshaw and Dr. David DeRose

John Bradshaw and Dr. David DeRose

Discover that the Great Physician has a divine prescription for stress that will help you successfully negotiate this stress-filled world!

A common-sense look at the subject of fasting and prayer, this book provides helpful Biblical insights that will make the benefits accessible and real.

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Dr. David DeRose shares practical, life-changing health insights drawn from the entire Gospel of Mark. This eight-week presentation series is perfect for use at a church, community center, professional waiting room— or right in your own home. DVD • HEALIN-D • US $39.99

AFTER DARKNESS, LIGHT SERIES Filmed on Location in Europe Packaging may vary.

Hosted by John Bradshaw Explore the history of the Reformation in this engaging eight-episode series. Includes 8 episodes on 4 DVDs. DVD Series • ADLS-D US $39.99 You save $20 by purchasing the complete series. DISC #1 HIDDEN HEROES: When Peter Waldo became a Christian his life took a very dangerous course. SHELTER IN THE STORM: John Calvin spent one more night in Geneva and the world would never be the same. DVD • HHSS-D • US $14.99

DISC #2 THE ROMAN ROAD: It is said that all roads lead to Rome. History and prophecy reveal that many roads still do. BY THIS SIGN: Rome had a major influence on the early church, an influence which continues today.

DISC #3 A MIGHTY FORTRESS: One man stood up against the most powerful church in the world, and altered the course of history. THE COURAGE OF ONE: The story of one man’s courageous stand for the Bible and his separation from the church of Rome. DVD • COOMF-D • US $14.99

DISC #4 THE THIRD MAN: Ulrich Zwingli was the leader of the Swiss Reformation. His commitment would ultimately cost him his life. THE MAN ON THE LEFT: Because of William Farel, the Reformation took hold in Switzerland and Protestantism was advanced.

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Join us on a musical journey throughout Europe featuring The Great Controversy with the Fountainview Academy Orchestra and Singers. This production points you to Jesus, the One who alone can satisfy the deepest longing of your heart. Run time 2 hours, 38 minutes.

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PHONE: (888) 664-5573 • WEB: HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EST



Cover Feature



s a young man looking for spiritual answers to life’s most important questions, Pastor John Bradshaw embarked on a search that would lead him to various churches and any number of spiritual books. “I found much that was good,” John said. “But what I found lacked the ring of solidly Biblical authority—until I found The Great Controversy.” This book traces the battle between good and evil from the time of the destruction of Jerusalem to beyond the Second Coming of Jesus. Relying extensively on history and prophecy, The Great Controversy takes a big picture view of the advance of God’s Word down through the ages.

God clearly knew that this was the right moment for me. The It Is Written edition of The Great Controversy contains a foreword by Pastor Bradshaw and has a contemporary, shareable design with the same timeless content. “My brother had given me two copies over the years beginning when I was 16,” John said. “The books always remained unread. Many years later while living in London, I was desperate to find a meaningful relationship with God. I had asked my brother if he knew where I could find the book he had given me years before. A few days later there was a package and in it copy number three of the book that would change my life. God clearly knew that this was the right moment for me.” Give the gift of transforming power and a deeper understanding of God’s love. 16


By Ellen White with foreword by Pastor John Bradshaw Paperback.

Book • GCJB-B • US $6.99 1–4: US $6.99 each 5–9: US $4.99 each 10–23: US $2.99 each 24–95: US $2.49 each 96+: US $1.99 each Call for bulk pricing.


PHONE: (888) 664-5573 WEB:



he Bible is unlike any other book ever written. Composed over a period of sixteen hundred years by around forty different individuals, the Bible is God’s own communication with humanity. Given not only to exhibit the character of God to the world, the Bible also reveals what God has done to save the human family from the curse of sin. The Bible addresses the major issues facing the citizens of Planet Earth, explaining not only how the world came into existence but also where the world is headed and how it will get there. And while many people today view the future without hope, God promises a glorious future to all who choose to have faith in Him.



Bible • PEWBBL-P • US $16.99 1–9: US $16.99 each 10–23: US $14.99 each 24–47: US $12.99 each 48–95: US $10.99 each 96+: US $9.99 each

This book can transform a life and remake even the most seemingly hopeless soul. The Bible—unlike any other book in existence—possesses the capacity to change a human heart. This book can transform a life and remake even the most seemingly hopeless soul. The new It Is Written Every Day Bible features easy-to-share tools that facilitate deeper Biblical understanding. Inside you will find two lessons from the It Is Written Bible Study Guides, a feature written by Pastor John Bradshaw, and much more. As you read this Bible, our prayer is that you will experience the transforming power of God’s Word in your life. We hope that your light will so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).




Gathering the


SALT provides training for effective outreach


ver the summer, myself and the other participants in SALT had a problem. After working with local churches to mail out Bible study invitations, we had received an unprecedented number of interests in the Chattanooga area (two to three times the normal response)! We had no idea how we would follow up with that many people, but God had a plan! As the fall semester of SALT began, God nearly doubled the number of Bible workers enrolled as students in our program. Because of God’s incredible blessing, we have a dynamic group of students from varied walks of life all ready to follow up on our Bible study interests. There’s Gracelyn, who after thirty years as a teacher in the public school system, felt that God was wanting her to do something more with her life. “I have learned a lot in just the first week and am looking forward to learning much more and gaining experience in winning souls for God’s Kingdom,” Gracelyn said. Matt had grown up a Christian, but then fell headlong into a secular lifestyle



that took him far from God and left him feeling empty and dissatisfied. A year ago a theology student started connecting with Matt and studying the Bible with him. Slowly but surely, Matt’s life began to change. On July 4 of this year, Matt was baptized during a summer camp in Maryland. His theology student buddy then fundraised for him to go to SALT. “I want to bring others to the same light and happiness I have found since giving my life to Jesus,” Matt said. SALT also includes students who are working on getting their religion credits as part of their academic experience at Southern Adventist University. As the only evangelism school to offer full academic credit for all of its classes, students are able to take SALT without lengthening their academic program. While a number of theology students take SALT, we also have students from other disciplines.

As the only evangelism school to offer full academic credit, students are able to take SALT without lengthening their academic program. Nicole is a pre-med student and biology major. She had always wanted to do something like SALT but didn’t know how she could fit it in with her heavy study program. The Lord worked it out so that Nicole was accepted into medical school a year early, which changed her schedule allowing her to attend SALT. “I look forward to incorporating a soul-winning spirit into my future practice,” Nicole said. Darcee is planning on becoming an English teacher and came to SALT because she believes that Jesus is coming soon. “I want to do everything I can to help others know the love of God! I know how empty I feel without Him, and I do not want anyone to experience that pain!” Jose is a nurse who works in the Chattanooga area and decided to take SALT because he wanted to combine the healthcare message with evangelism. Nicholas and his wife Malissa are Native Americans who want to learn how to share the gospel effectively in an indigenous setting. A number of our students are in the program because they recently gave their lives to Christ. Dennis was baptized just months ago in our last SALT program outreach in Dalton, Georgia. William was baptized four years ago and heard about SALT at an It Is Written Partnership Weekend last year. Mike was baptized after a Revival Series in our 2014 Evangelism Field School in North Carolina. Rebecca was helping to lead a motorcycle ministry for her church.

However, when God opened the door she stepped out in faith and moved with her family to Chattanooga so she could attend SALT. All of these students have loved their experience and cannot believe how much they are learning. They want to share their newfound faith with others and possibly enter full-time ministry. Is God calling you to get the training you need to minister more effectively for Him? SALT offers short intensive training in the spring and summer and more comprehensive training in the fall. You can learn

“I want to bring others to the same light and happiness I have found since giving my life to Him.” how to deepen your spiritual walk, understand and defend your faith, and share powerful, life-transforming Bible studies that lead to eternal decisions. Your classes will be taught by a worldclass faculty and experienced soul-winners. You will have the opportunity to participate in dynamic outreach experiences and be part of It Is Written’s worldwide outreach. God has opened doors for others, and if He’s leading you to win souls for him, He will open those same doors for you. To find out more, visit or call (423) 653-9192 DR. ALAN PARKER is the director of the SALT program and the Pierson Institute of Evangelism and World Missions at Southern Adventist University.




My Place With Jesus

“Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise.” PROVERBS 6:6


he Bible mentions nine different kinds of insects. How many of them are you able to think of? Here is the list of insects the Bible refers to: the ant, bee, flea, fly, gnat, grasshopper, hornet, locust, and the moth. If you are surprised that the spider didn’t make the list, then remember spiders are not insects, but arachnids. Arachnids have two body parts while insects have three. Also, spiders have eight legs, while insects have only six. Of the nine insects the Bible mentions, it instructs us to consider one in particular to gain wisdom. Proverbs 6:6 says, “Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise.” I came across a fascinating story. It was about Mr. Royal Dixon, a naturalist, someone who studies plants and animals in nature. Mr. Dixon came across a small, wellweeded rice patch out in the middle of a field. As he looked around, he couldn’t find any other crops. He wondered, “What kind of farmer would plant his rice patch here?” After taking a closer look, Mr. Dixon noticed ants! He noticed a line of ants MELISSA BRADSHAW is the Director of Children’s Ministries at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, TN, area.

going back and forth carrying weeds and grass away from the rice patch. He came to the conclusion that the “farmer” must be the ants and decided he would observe their activity all the way through until harvest. When harvest time arrived, Mr. Dixon watched this colony of diligent ants and was awed by what he observed. He saw ants stationed at the bottom of each ripened stalk of rice, while others climbed the stalks to cut loose the grain and drop it to the waiting workers below who carried it home. The ants continued this process until each stalk was fully harvested and then moved on to the next. It’s not a wonder God encourages us to observe the ant! What are your work habits like? Do you have to be told what to do, or when you see a task, you diligently work until it is completed? Take a walk into your backyard, in a park, or even on the sidewalk and find some ants to observe. See what you can learn from them. When I think of ants, I think of two verses in the Bible, Ecclesiastes 9:10 and Colossians 3:23. Take a moment to look up these verses and consider the ways of the ants and be wise! Watch a video of ants in action at

g Day in E Z A M A s Pip’ to help art to finish

Come play with Dexter!

from st hool. Draw a line his way to sc little Pip find

Visit for more great stories and activities for kids!



1 Ants move an estimated 50 tons of soil per year in one square mile.

Ants can carry up to 50 times their own body weight!





Ants don’t have lungs, they breathe through small holes called spiracles all over their bodies.

u kn





There are over 12,000 known species of ants. Ants live up to 30 years, making them the longestliving insect!

Most ants can survive around 24 hours under water.


Ants have six legs and three main body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen.

7 AUTUMN 2015


God Gives the Community Connection


Several It Is Written Bible workers shared stories from their experiences in Chattanooga during a recent It Is Written Partnership Weekend.

couple months ago during the summer SALT session, students went into various neighborhoods knocking on doors. They asked people about different interests such as health seminars, cooking classes, and finance classes. The last question the students asked was, “Have you considered turning to the Bible for answers?” In essence they were asking them if they were interested in studying the Bible. Two men knocked on Melissa’s door. She wasn’t interested in studying the Bible for herself but she was interested in having a Bible study offered at her workplace. Melissa is a manager at the Salvation Army and wanted to offer classes there. Since then, I’ve been going down to the Salvation Army every Wednesday, and the Lord has opened up doors to study with several people there. God was putting the burden on my heart that the real reason why I was at the Salvation Army was for Melissa. One week, Melissa called me on Monday telling me there was a specific lady that she wanted me to study with. The Lord had something amazing planned because on my way my car started acting up. By the time AAA came and revived my car, I had about 20 minutes before our study time would be over. As I drove, I prayed that God would show me what topic I should study with this lady and if it needed to be different from what I had planned. Despite my late arrival, I was surprised that Melissa decided to sit in on the study to be moral support for the young woman I was studying with. God indeed had me change my study topic at the last minute, but I didn’t realize the impact of it until the closing prayer. As I prayed, both Melissa and the woman I was studying with burst into tears. After the study when Melissa and I were alone, Melissa said, “You know, it’s crazy that you did that study, because that’s exactly what I needed to hear.”

Every time I go to the Salvation Army and no one comes to the Bible study, Melissa and I somehow end up in deep conversation. I almost feel like God has me giving her therapy sessions at times. One day, I was hanging out with Melissa in her office and out of the blue she asked me, “Do you know anyone giving Revelation Seminars?” If you could’ve seen the inside of my mind, my facial expression would’ve had my jaw dropped on the floor. I responded, “Yes, the

ministry that I work for is actually doing one this October.” Needless to say, I was amazed. God was showing me little by little why He had me at the Salvation Army this entire time. A couple months later, God put on my heart to share this testimony at the It Is Written Partnership Weekend in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I got on the stage to share this story. A few minutes after returning to my seat, I saw my friend and “I was praying that God would show me what supervisor, Michelle, I should study with them and if it needed to be running over to me saying, “Janelle, come different from what I had planned.” here, you need to hear this.” I quickly followed Michelle and found a man sitting across from the program director of SALT, with tears flowing down his face. As I approached, the program director looked up at me and said, “This is the man that knocked on Melissa’s door.” Out of all the testimonies I could have shared, God impressed me to share that one, and also out of all the Summer SALT students that could’ve been there in Gatlinburg to hear it, He brought the man who knocked on Melissa’s door. I believe that we really don’t know the impact we may have when we are working for God, but sometimes He’ll give us glimpses, like JANELLE He did for the man who knocked on Melissa’s door. Don’t ever stop ANDRES is a reaching out to others. God needs seed planters, He may need people Bible worker for to water that plant, but ultimately He is the one in charge of making It Is Written and sure it grows. is also a mentor

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6

at SALT. Janelle is originally from Hawaii but now calls Chattanooga, TN, home.




It Is Written Bible School “Would your church like to have new baptisms this year?”

There are four sharing options for the It Is Written Bible School. Your church can mail out It Is Written Lesson #1, an invitation card, or a trifold card (pictured below) to any ZIP codes of your choosing. In addition, Lesson #1 can also be placed in display holders in your community. Each option provides a way to connect with Bible study leads in your community. It Is Written wants to help your church become a thriving center of evangelism.




hen I explained the new It Is Written Bible School to a retired pastor, I asked him, “Would your church like to have new baptisms this year?” He responded emphatically, “Yes! That would be incredible!” The pastor then told me a story: As a young pastor just out of college, he was assigned to a church affiliated with a large hospital. He was very eager to give Bible studies but he wasn’t sure how to get started. He finally came up with an idea. He found some small display holders that he filled with Bible study enrollment cards. He placed one display holder in every waiting area in the hospital. In a very short time he had more Bible study requests than he could handle by himself, so at church on Sabbath mornings he asked for members to help him follow up with the requests. At the end of one year he and his congregation saw 55 souls baptized as a result of this program. This simple concept inspired It Is Written to use the new It Is Written Bible Study Guides and develop the It Is Written Bible School. The Plan Is Very Simple Your church could have a very similar experience using the It Is Written Bible School. There are several ways to get started. Mail a response card or It Is Written Lesson #1 by ZIP code to your community, or like the pastor above, display Lesson #1 in medical offices, fitness centers, beauty salons, car repair shops, libraries, or any waiting room area. Regardless of which option your church selects, each response card or starter lesson will have your local church’s code printed on the back with a postage-paid reply card. The reply cards are mailed to It Is Written and we use the

Also available in Spanish!

Order the It Is Written Bible School online at or call 888-664-5573

church code to forward each request for Bible studies directly back to your local church. The local church members then follow up with the requests and deliver the next lesson in the series. A Refreshingly New Format We have designed the It Is Written Bible School and the corresponding Bible Study Guides to be Christ-centered and easy to use. Already churches participating in this program are reporting that it is flexible, simple, high quality, inexpensive, and cutting edge. Recently I shared the It Is Written Bible School with a local church. After the service, the members were excited. One lady said to me, “This is an answer to prayer. Our church has been looking for new ways of outreach. I believe God sent you here!” Anyone Can Share The Good News! At another church, the members decided to display It Is Written Lesson #1 in physician and dental waiting areas. After obtaining the needed permissions and placing the displays, they realized they had one display left over. The pastor made an appeal for someone to place the one last display holder. To put more emphasis on his appeal, the pastor said, “Even Tom could do this!”

Tom, who had had a stroke, was confined to a wheelchair and his speech was slurred. No one really took the pastor seriously, and they all smiled at the idea. After the church service, Tom went up to the pastor in his wheelchair, and in his stuttering, slurred way he said, “I can do that!” The pastor’s confidence in Tom’s ability was weak, so he gave Tom only five lessons to place in the display holder. Tom placed the display holder in a strategic location and when he went back the next week to check on his display, he found that four of the five lessons had already been taken. Tom was excited and so was the church. Truly, anyone with a desire to serve can be an integral part of the It Is Written Bible School with its simple system. And we are here to help. Learn how you can partner with It Is Written to reach your community with the everlasting gospel today. MAYNARD LEBRUN is a Trust Representative serving It Is Written primarily in the Southeast. Maynard has been married to Ellie for 59 years. They have 4 children, 9 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren.




Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed.

“Every day I watch Every Word. So often God has spoken to me through Every Word when I’ve been down or not known what to do. He speaks to me just what it is I need to hear for that day. It has been amazing.”­— USA “I enjoy watching your TV program. It’s heavenly.” — California, USA “[I] just love reading or listening to your daily devotional down here in Australia. We are very remote and to...hear your words it uplifts us every day. We live in the last days and belonging to such a church as ours is so wonderful. God bless and guide you. You are being used mightily for God’s work. Thank you for your ministry.” — Australia

“Thank you so much for Every Word. It’s a great sermon every morning. I just love it. Thanks again.” — USA “Thanks so much for the daily spiritual refreshing message that I received for the first time in a real long time. It was meant just for me! May God bless you this day!” — USA

“I watched your program where I lived previously. When I moved I couldn’t find it on Cablevision. I just now found your website and am so happy! I love your ministry and will support it as I am able. Keep spreading the gospel! God bless you.” — North Carolina, USA

“Your television series is really inspir[ed] by God. Thank you.” — Georgia, USA “I watch your [TV] program every day with John Bradshaw. It has truly been a blessing to me in my Christian life and it has brought me to a place of repentance and moving forward in Jesus Christ. May God bless this ministry as we look forward to His second return.” — Jamaica



Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us! Simply e-mail

Staff Highlight



“I’m so delighted that my friend Dr. Johnson has accepted the position as manager of It Is Written. I am confident that Jesse will function with the highest integrity and outstanding competence. It Is Written is in good hands.” — Pastor Mark Finley When appointed as manager, Dr. Johnson added managerial duties to his role as It Is Written’s I.T. Director. Jesse’s roots run deep with the ministry as a long time Partner and board member. He is dedicated to It Is Written’s mission. “I believe that It Is Written has been incredibly effective for God’s cause and has a specific role to play in Earth’s final history,” Jesse said. “I rely on God to guide us into the best path to reach the most people for him.” Dr. Johnson, who holds several masters and doctorate degrees in business, education, and technology, is a businessman and entrepreneur with extensive experience in ministry leadership. He has worked with many church conferences helping them to innovate their technology departments. He has served as a technology advisor to the General Conference and was recently the president of ASI Mid-America. Church leaders are excited about his new role. “I was delighted when I learned that Jesse Johnson would be joining the It Is Written ministry,” said Bill Knott, editor of the Adventist Review and Adventist World magazines. “I’ve had the privilege of learning from him and benefiting from his business

and technical counsel for many years, and I can already feel the impact that his skills are having on a ministry I care a great deal about. And to make it even better—he’s a really nice guy! Jesse’s obvious passion for the Lord and His church comes in a warm, convivial personal style that opens doors and creates opportunities wherever he serves.” “Having Jesse as part of our team is a truly exciting development. It will allow It Is Written to be a more dynamic ministry, and it equips us to take on the growth we are experiencing,” Speaker/Director John Bradshaw said. Dr. Johnson is married to Nema. They have four children, three daughters and one son, ranging in ages from 14 to 22 years old. The Johnson family moved from their farm in Missouri to Tennessee when Jesse began his work as manager this May.

Get to know Jesse: What is your favorite dish? Tabouli, a Middle-eastern salad.

What is your hobby? I have several, but one is raising Anatolian shepherds, a breed of guardian dog used to protect livestock.

Who do you look up to? My father. He showed me how to live as God’s man, not just a good man. AUTUMN 2015


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Many donors appreciate the fixed payments of a gift annuity. A portion of the payment may be tax free. To find out your current rate, call today! This information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.

Tributes and Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone please go to or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation.

IN MEMORY Allen, Zeke by Mr. and Mrs. Mary J. Wood

Hopper, David and Wayne Brother and Dad by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lind

Bauer, Richard by Mrs. Rita Vital

Jones, Eric by Mrs. Rita Vital

Blanco, Marion by Dr. Jack Blanco

Juhl, Charlotte by Jean Stivers

Burke, Kenneth I. by Mrs. Theresa Burke

Kerbs, Marget by Mr. and Mrs. Adams Kerbs

Carpenter, Conrad by son Carmen Bartow Corwin, Barbara by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell McPherson Cross, Forrest A servant of God and a friend to man by Ms. June Cross Cusson, Julia by grandaughter Ms. Charlene Kinne Davis, Chip by Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Daniels Dickerson, Everat by Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kerbs Graves, Bette Jean by Mrs. Rita Vital Halvorsen, Ron by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell McPherson, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montello Henderson, O R. by Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote Holm, Alfred and Olga by Mrs. Olive A. White

Kyle, Robert Dad was an active humanitarian by Karleen Benavides Mabley, Virginia by Mrs. Coral Bates Miyag, Allyce by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper Monahan, James M. by mother Ms. Virginia Meckstroth Opp, Herbert and Ellen by Robin Marsh Peacock, Ivan by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper Pierce, Ricci by Rhonald Pierce Poole, Paul D. by Mr. and Mrs. David M. Polunas Reiswig, Jim by Mrs. Bettigene D. Reiswig

Reynolds, Handel My brother died in June 2013. Missing him much. by Elder and Mrs. Ludlow Bartley Roy, Margaret by Mr. Michael N. Latona Sandstrom, Don by Mrs. Hildegard Sandstrom Schulz, Alma by Elder and Mrs. Lloyd Janzen Seidel, Werner by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell McPherson Sharp, Norman by Ms. Sharon Hosler Simpson, Lewis D. by Mr. Louis Simpson Smelser, Doyle by daughter Ms. Kathleen Leslie Stacer, Elaine by Dr. Philip Greenaway Thomas, Dale by Mr. and Mrs. Ted N.C. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Lebrun, Mr. Chadwick Starr, Dr. and Mrs. Raymond I. Downs, Ms. Marian Philips, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Vilma Raettig, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Robinson, and Ms. Hazel Wendt

Warren, Phyllis My beloved sister by Ms. Patrice Williams Weber, Melvin by Mrs. Rita Vital Williams, Royce by Ms. Susan Myers and Ms. Beverly Rose BIRTHDAY Adetumbi, Roselyn by Ms. Roselyn M. Marcelle White, Valarie by Mr. Stephen White HONOR Adams, Margaret by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper Barnes, Steven R. My loving brother and his wife Gladys by Mr. Richard Barnes Chelliah, Seth by Mr. Jacob Chelliah Harris, Ben and Arlene by Ms. Sharon Harris Kirkwood, Priscilla by Miss Sarah Kirkwood Konti, Jon A. by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Vavra

Thrash, Agatha by Mrs. Rita Vital

Mother by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beyreis

Villasurda, Misael My loving husband by Ms. Ester Villasurda

Porter, Randall W. by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Vavra




SURPRISES We like to know what we’re in for. We like to prepare.


have a six-year-old son named Justin who is currently much enamored with surprising his immediate family members. He takes great delight in crouching behind boxes, hiding behind doors, or sneaking stealthily behind us and then jumping out and yelling, “Surprise!” And his skills are improving (if his giggling doesn’t give him away). But exuberant six-year-olds and surprise birthday parties aside, we aren’t generally fans of surprises. We like to know what’s coming around the bend. We like to know what we’re in for. We like to prepare. And God, in His mercy and His love, gives us His Word so that we can face the future with a measure of certainty. There has never been a greater predictor of future events. Jesus spent much time in communion with His Father through the study of the Scriptures and prayer. As we consider His life and ministry, we are hard-pressed to find Jesus being surprised by­—well, anything. He was able to know what was coming



Justin and his sister, Noelani.

beforehand and face it with confidence. Perhaps our experience is meant to be a little more like His. “Behold, I have told you before” (Matthew 24:25), Jesus said. He doesn’t want us to end up with the multitudes who will be surprised at the end to find out that they had eternity within their reach and let it slip away. But there is one surprise that we can all look forward to. It’s that glad day when Jesus shows us our mansion in glory and says, “Well done! You made it.” Or maybe we shouldn’t be surprised after all. Let’s spend more time on our knees and in His Word. ERIC FLICKINGER is the Associate Speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across North America and around the globe.

Prayer Partnership in

It Is Written is prayerfully following God’s leading in sharing the everlasting gospel. In places as diverse as Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Bolivia, and at home in North America, It Is Written continues to invite people to walk in the light of the cross and know Jesus, the Savior of the world.

Eric Flickinger Associate Speaker It Is Written

Robert Costa

Speaker / Director Escrito Está

John Br adshaw Speaker / Director It Is Written

For the first time in our history, It Is Written is developing a second weekly television program. Hosted by Speaker/Director Pastor John Bradshaw and Associate Speaker Pastor Eric Flickinger, Line Upon Line will answer tough Bible questions in easy-to-understand, bite-size segments. This dynamic format will make Line Upon Line a great witnessing tool. Watch a clip of this new program at

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