Impressions Spring 2016, Issue 6

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16 06 24

Hope 650 Baptized in Zimbabwe for Gweru

Compassion Boston

Rally unites laborers for October series

Paper Miracles

Bible School partners with churches to reach their communities

on the cover


Hope 650 Baptized in Zimbabwe for Gweru A team of speakers and volunteers spent two weeks at 10 sites in Gweru, Zimbabwe, hosting evangelistic series and health clinics—650 were baptized at the end of the series. The team was also able to film several new TV programs, and get up close and personal with some furry friends!

aspects 04

Director’s Desk


Mission Report


Escrito Está


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight




Compassion Boston

Rally unites laborers for October series


Paper Miracles 2

It Is Written impressions

Bible School partners with churches to reach their communities

impressions magazine SPRING 2016 ISSUE 6 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Annalyse Hasty ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2016 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written and My Place With Jesus are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Escrito Está is a trademark of It Is Written, Inc.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA



May 20 — 22


John Bradshaw speaks at Gulf States Conference Camp Meeting in Lumberton, MS

May 27 — 29 John Bradshaw speaks at Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Camp Meeting in Portland, TN

June 10 — 12 John Bradshaw speaks at Dakota Conference Camp Meeting in Bismarck, ND

June 17 — 19 John Bradshaw speaks at Southern New England Camp Meeting in South Lancaster, MA

June 22 — 25 John Bradshaw speaks at Upper Columbia Camp Meeting in Spangle, WA

July 1 — 3 John Bradshaw speaks at Northeastern Conference Camp Meeting in Hyde Park, NY

July 8 — 10 John Bradshaw speaks at Oklahoma Conference Camp Meeting in Wewoka, OK

July 13 — 17


SALT, It Is Written School of Evangelism, summer session in Collegedale, TN


Partnership Highlight






Planned Giving

join It Is Written team members for a free training seminar.



Learn how to reach your community for Jesus.

This Summer

Visit for a location near you! SPRING 2016


Director’s Desk

Something Must Be Said John Bradshaw

Speaker & Director

A little child was stuck and could die! Something had to be done.


It Is Written impressions


n 1987, the nation—and much of the world—looked on as a desperate rescue mission unfolded in Midland, Texas. An 18 month old girl had fallen down a well in her aunt’s backyard, and was wedged in a space only eight inches wide, 22 feet below the ground. Rescue seemed impossible, but inaction was unthinkable. A little child was stuck and could die! Something had to be done. Imagine how God feels when He looks from heaven and sees so many of His children hopelessly stuck in sin, while a proven rescue method exists to save every one. Jesus came into to the world “to seek and save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). One day as Jesus was ministering in Tyre and Sidon, a Canaanite woman begged Him to relieve the burden of her demon-possessed daughter. Yet Jesus’ xenophobic disciples—who had accepted a soul-winning ministry—urged Jesus to send away this woman in desperate need. Jesus gave her a startling answer. “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs” (Matthew 15:26). We know how the story ends. The lady’s daughter was miraculously delivered. But there’s a detail often missed in the hearing of this story. When the Canaanite woman cried out to Jesus, she said, “O Lord, Son of David.” Why would a woman from Canaan address Jesus in that way? Clearly, she had heard of Jesus, and knew enough about Him to believe He could—and would be willing to—save her daughter. Someone had been speaking to her—or near her—about Jesus. Someone had shared their faith with others. Someone had been talking. God’s people must continue talking. Has anyone heard you speaking about Jesus? An urgency similar to that experienced by the nation for the welfare of a baby girl should grip God’s people with a concern for the lost today. Billions of God’s children are stuck in sin and must be rescued. Inaction is unthinkable. As It Is Written turns 60 this year, our mission is the same as it has always been. So many people are stuck and must be rescued. Something must be said.


It Is Written moved from New York to the Media Center in Thousand Oaks, California. This 19-acre complex included offices and production studios for It Is Written and other media ministries.




Watch for details!

George Va ndema n a nd George Knowles, former It Is Written field services director, came up with the idea of the Revelation Seminar as a way to follow up with viewers. Pastor Vandeman led participants through eight hours of Bible study, highlighted by a vegetarian luncheon. People often drove more than 100 miles to participate, and during the next 10 years more than 200 seminars were held.


The first “How to Live With a Tiger� program aired. This program became an icon of the ministry and inspired other big cat appearances on the show in the years to come.

Timeline continues on page 31





egative 9 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s what the thermometer read on Sabbath morning, February 13, in Boston. It was the coldest recorded temperature in decades for the area. On that frigid day we had a city-wide evangelism rally scheduled. We wondered if the severe temperatures would keep people away. Boston, Massachusetts, is It Is Written’s current evangelism project in North America. We’re calling this project Compassion Boston, which will culminate this coming October in a massive series of public meetings in 50 different locations. The success of all these meetings depends on the work that is done in advance just like the farmer who diligently prepares his field to ensure a plentiful harvest. Consequently, the churches have been involved in numerous bridge-building activities in the community. Also, a bold Bible work initiative

The success of all these public meetings depends on the work that is done in advance just like the farmer who diligently prepares his field to ensure a plentiful harvest. has been launched under the leadership of It Is Written’s Bible work coordinator, Jack Phillips. The Bible work strategy for Boston is direct: Follow up Bible study leads and train church members on how to do it. One of the easiest and best ways to find people interested in Bible truth is through Bible study request card mailings. The Roxbury neighborhood of Boston was selected for the first mailing. Since Boston is not known as a bastion of Christian faith, we were not sure what to expect from this initial mailing. Mailings like this usually yield about one response per thousand cards mailed—22,000 cards were mailed and so the YVES MONNIER is the Director expectation was to receive maybe 22 cards back. To of Evangelism for It Is Written. date we have received over 150 cards back—seven He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism per 1,000. Praise God. The message is clear: People, projects around the world. even in Boston, are searching for answers to life’s


“The Lord is calling for a work to be done in the city of Boston. If you will move out by faith in this work, God will greatly bless you. There need be no great outward demonstration, but work quietly and earnestly. The Lord will help His humble, earnest workers. Make determined efforts. Say continually, ‘I will not fail nor be discouraged.’ ”

Evangelism, page 392


is married to Crystal. He has worked as a Bible worker for various ministries and conferences. He is now coordinating the Bible work for It Is Written with Compassion Boston.


big questions—a fulfillment to the wonderful words found in the book Evangelism, page 394: “The light has been given that the truth should go again to the Eastern States where we first began our work, and where we had our first experiences. We must make every effort to spread a knowledge of the truth to all who will hear, and there are many who will listen. All through our large cities God has honest souls who are interested in what is truth.” Back to our rally on a very cold day in Boston. Would anyone show up or would people simply remain bundled up by a fire at home? People showed up. Six-hundred people from across the city of Boston braved the extreme chill and showed up at the Chevalier Theatre in Medford, a few miles from downtown Boston. There everyone was warmed by words of encouragement from church leaders, testimonies of God’s awesome power, and vibrant music. What especially warmed people’s hearts was John Bradshaw’s stirring sermon challenging young and old to take an active role in Compassion Boston. During his presentation John revealed the outcome of the first Bible study request card mailing. As you can well imagine, people were amazed and enthusiastically praised God. Of course it’s one thing to be excited about the cards; it’s another to actually have people willing to diligently follow them up. However, as a result of John’s strong challenge, an army of volunteers responded. The prayer for more laborers (Matthew 9:38) was answered right there and then—a heartwarming miracle in the midst of a polar blast. Jack and his team are right now training church members across Boston on how to follow up Bible study request cards. A wave of genuine excitement is taking over. Indeed, something very special is happening in Boston. We can’t wait for the harvest in October. SPRING 2016


Mission Report

Caring Hands



ission: Mongolia is a three-year medical evangelistic mission project that follows Jesus’ example. How can you fail following Jesus’s example? You can’t. You do your best planting seeds and let the Holy Spirit do the harvesting.

DR. GORDON GUILD is a regular volunteer and Partner of It Is Written. Dr. Guild has attended It Is Written medical mission trips to India, Mongolia, and Zimbabwe. He uses his many years of experience as a family practice doctor.

When we go to Mongolia we begin by attending to the people’s physical needs. Daily we hold medical clinics and we provide a variety of medical services. Secondly, we address their soul and emotional needs. And thirdly, we focus on their spiritual needs with nightly “Jesus Talks.” The average lifespan in Mongolia is 68 years. They are hard-working people who work mostly outdoors in a harsh, cold environment. Heart disease, stroke, and liver and stomach cancer, are leading causes of death. Unlike in the warm or hot climates of common mission countries around the world, parasites are negligible in Mongolia. If you go to Africa the chief complaint is a cough or pneumonia; in Central America it’s gastritis; in Mongolia, kidney problems! Although kidney disease is high, most of the patients also have musculoskeletal problems, which we treat with manual medicine. While in Mongolia I spent my mornings in a government clinic serving the gynecological needs of the patients. My afternoons


It was a challenge to share Jesus to a country of 97 percent non-Christians (85 percent Buddhist), many who had not ever heard the name Jesus or who even knew who He was. With the healthcare needs met, the doors were open to healthy living talks

and spiritual food. At each nightly “Jesus Talk” the community center was full with enthusiastic Mongolians. At the conclusion of our meeting an elderly woman came up to me to have her picture taken with her new It Is Written Mongolian Bible in hand. She said, “When

With the health care needs attended to, the doors were open to healthy living talks and spiritual food. I worked at the community center clinics we had set up doing family medicine, treating everyone from babies to senior citizens. The community centers are the legal name given to the churches, because the Mongolian government rarely gives permission for churches to be built. The people were warm, gracious, and appreciative of the care. The children were given Beanie Babies after their exams, which brought smiles and much joy. At the end of the office visit it was rewarding to pray and invite the patients to our evening health and “Jesus Talks.”

you come back, I won’t be smoking!” Jesus was working in her life! How special is that? What a privilege it is to be an instrument for Jesus. Not everyone is able to go on a mission trip, but still you can support the spreading of the gospel by your gifts and prayers, and help fulfill our mission. If you do have an opportunity to provide mission service in your homeland or abroad, don’t miss the opportunity—it will change your life. It is more blessed to give than to receive, and I can assure you, you will be the one most blessed. SPRING 2016


Escrito Está

A Mighty

MISSION Sometimes we have to go beyond the beliefs we grew up with...


he year was 1522 and the Waldensian people in the Italian Alps were being persecuted for studying the Bible and aligning their beliefs with God’s Word. Geoffrey, a brilliant young priest, was one of 12 monks assigned to study the Reformers’ heresies and try to counteract them. But the more he studied, the more he and his fellow priests became convinced that the Waldensian people had a solid biblical base for their beliefs. The 12 monks had been given a special mission—to visit all the main cities of Italy and expose the errors of the Reformation. But as time passed, Rome began to hear reports to the contrary. The men were sympathizing with the heretics! Geoffrey and his friends were thrown in prison for five long years. But Geoffrey’s father had been a militant supporter of Rome as an army captain during the bloody crusades, so his son was given a second chance and sent to France as a papal representative in the king’s court. There, he continued his study of the Bible and was exposed to many new ideas.

On April 4, 2016, Escrito Está celebrated 22 years of ministry.

When word came of a Waldensian massacre in Provence, Geoffrey felt his heart break. He knew he had to make his decision and renounce the church that he loved. He resigned from his job in Paris and secretly traveled to Geneva, then a center of the Reformation. Geoffrey would have remained there for the rest of his life, but the Waldensian people of Italy needed an Italian-speaking preacher, and Geoffrey Varaille returned to Italy—at 50—to become one of the powerful, but lesser-known, preachers of the Reformation in his native country. There’s a lot more to this story, but this is just a taste of one of the new programs Escrito Está has filmed on location in the Waldensian Alps and will begin airing this month. Each program is designed to lead the viewer to examine their life and their beliefs. “The Waldensians understood that sometimes we have to go beyond the beliefs we grew up with,” said Pastor Costa. “We feel people are ready to examine their faith and their beliefs, and to go beyond the faith of their parents if necessary, to obey God.” This series from Escrito Está will soon be available on or for purchase from It Is Written. CAROLINA BONILLA is the Administrative Assistant for Escrito Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanishspeaking community with the gospel.

Pastor Costa and the Escrito Está team film in the Waldensian valley.

Upcoming Events April 6 — 10


Evangelistic Series in Chiapas, Mexico

April 22 — 24 Robert Costa speaks at ArkansasLouisiana Conference Camp Meeting

May 18 — 22


Evangelistic Series in Tijuana, Mexico

May 23 — 30


Evangelistic Caravan in Colombia

June 1 — 4 Evangelistic Series in Reno, Nevada

Partnership Highlight

What do you love the most about being an It Is Written Partner? “We love being a part of sharing God’s Word throughout the world.” —Don and Carolyn Bohlman, Oregon








“It Is Written provides a way for me to partner with God in spreading CA the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. I am part of the It Is Written team in that endeavor through prayer, financial support, and other means of spreading the gospel.” —Scott Parmele, Oregon




“I have seen how personally “My wife and I and financially believe in the ministry of It Is Written responsible the group is with and the mission the It Is Written projects they NM are vested in. AZ budget. No money is wasted. It is It Is Written keeps very easy for me to us informed with what they are doing generously support It Is Written. The and where our projects have been contributions are outstanding.” being used.” —Keith and Lily Wilson, Oregon

—Luella Nelson, California


“We love the fact OK that by partnering with It Is Written, we can know that our money is being used in ways that TX will change lives all over the world.” —Lowell and Wanda Jordan, California

If you would like to learn more about becoming an It Is Written Partner visit 12

It Is Written impressions

“During the summer of 2015, we incurred over $5,000 of unexpected expenses. My wife and I discussed whether we would be able to continue to partner with It Is Written. After giving this matter prayerful consideration, we both felt we should continue to trust the Lord and do what we know He wants us to do. He has promised to provide for our needs.” —Johnny and Ellen Walker, North Carolina

“We support It Is Written because it is the means the Lord used to bring us into the Sabbath truth.” —Ernie and Jeanice Riles, North Carolina





“We that IL IN believeOH It Is Written proclaims the gospel MO message in a veryWV interesting KY manner using the latest technology to reach TN as many people groups around the AR world as possible. SC It is thrilling to see how God uses MS AL “We love being GA Partners LA because it our funds. We look gives us great joy to forward to meeting our brothers and see people come to sisters from all over salvation through the world when the work that Jesus comes to take It Is Written does.” us home.” —Elma and Derek Heldzinger, Tennessee


—Vann and Beverly Camp, Florida

PA “My dad found the truth through It VA Is Written and because of that, my family, my siblings, NC and their families have the opportunity to make the choice to follow God and live eternally with Him someday! I am very grateful to my Father in Heaven, my father here on earth, and to It Is Written!” —Jeff Warcholik, Connecticut


“It Is Written has provided an extra avenue to work for Jesus. Even though I am now retired, I’m not ready to just sit in the pew and watch. God is asking for labors for the harvest.” —Wayne and Arleen Johns, Pennsylvania




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Cover Feature


Hope for Gweru

650 Baptized in Zimbabwe


rom March 20 to April 2, the It Is Written team conducted 10 simultaneous series of meetings around the city of Gweru, located in the center of Zimbabwe. In the midst of this evangelistic series, the ministry celebrated its 60th anniversary on March 25, the day of the first-known It Is Written television broadcast.

A Combined Effort

From left to right, Chris Holland of It Is Written Canada, Gary Kent of It Is Written Oceania, and John Bradshaw celebrate 60 years of ministry.


It Is Written impressions

The team in Zimbabwe consisted of a videographer, volunteer doctors, and a team of speakers. The list of speakers for the ten sites included It Is Written Speaker/Director John Bradshaw and his son Jacob. The remainder of the meetings were covered by Chris Holland of It Is Written Canada; Gary Kent of It Is Written Oceania; It Is Written Evangelism Director Yves Monnier; It Is Written Trust Services Representative Curt Dolinsky; SALT Director Alan Parker; and Pastor of the Chattanooga First Church

Dale Tunnell. In addition to the It Is Written team there were three local pastors covering sites. “It was truly a blessing to have so many members of the It Is Written family together in Zimbabwe preaching the Word of God on such a special anniversary,” Yves Monnier said. “The sermon presentations were appreciated, and every evening we had people making decisions to accept Jesus and to be baptized.” In addition to the evangelistic meetings, health clinics were also conducted. Dr. Gordon Guild of the It Is Written volunteer team gave practical health presentations each night and the reaction was very positive. He told children’s stories for 150 to 200 eager children, and his stories were a highlight.

“…every evening we have people making decisions to accept Jesus and to be baptized.” It Is Written also collected Beanie Babies to take to the children in Zimbabwe. A total of 4,235 were donated in the weeks before the series. Each site handed out the toys on different nights. “At each location around the city we saw God do great things, and I’m extremely

grateful He made this event possible through the prayers and support of those who uphold It Is Written,” John Bradshaw said. “Each person was carefully followed up and nurtured. Each one who made a decision for Christ was enrolled in a small group.”

Filming New Programs

In addition to the meetings and health clinics, It Is Written also used their time in Zimbabwe to film several new television programs. Over the past 60 years during their time as speaker/director of It Is Written, both Pastor George Vandeman and Pastor Mark Finley were able to film with big cats for the It Is Written TV program—Vandeman with two tigers, and Finley with a lion. In honor of the 60th anniversary John Bradshaw filmed a television program at a local, private game reserve called Antelope Park. Antelope Park is a conservation park and it has a breeding



program through which lions will be returned to the wild. “Filming with lions and lion cubs was a special experience, and very much in the tradition of It Is Written, which has featured tigers and lions in broadcasts in years gone by,” John Bradshaw said. “Walking with two-year-old lions, petting them, and even holding them by the tail was almost surreal, and it will make for compelling television to share Jesus.” The team also filmed another program, one at Great Zimbabwe—the old ruins of a kingdom from the 12th to the 15th centuries. The team spent the mornings filming then headed back to Gweru in the evening to host the meetings.

In spite of torrential rain at the start of the series, thousands regularly attended meetings at ten locations throughout Gweru, Zimbabwe.


It Is Written impressions

Fishers of Men

At the conclusion of the series on the final Sabbath afternoon, 650 people were baptized in a local swimming pool. Many pastors baptized people simultaneously, and afterwards the team was able to distribute Bibles to each of those people who were baptized. “One of the new disciples of Jesus caught my eye: a striking-looking man, with a chiseled, well-defined face, perhaps about

50 years old, dressed in a white shirt with a look that suggested joy and earnestness,” Pastor Bradshaw said. John shook the man’s hand and wished him well. The man exclaimed to Bradshaw, “Now we will be fishers of men!” “That statement affected me,” John said. “He had only recently come to faith in Christ, and the intention of his life was now well-defined for him. Now he is

a fisher of men, now a soul-winner. His mission now is to share with others what he has learned about His Savior.” Please continue to pray for all the people touched during the Hope for Gweru series. Another baptism is already scheduled in the area as a result of the meetings. Watch for updates about the new It Is Written television programs filmed in Zimbabwe!

“Filming with lions and lion cubs was a special experience, and very much in the tradition of It Is Written…”

My Place With Jesus



Watcher “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” M AT THEW 6:26


recently had a fun conversation with a friend who is an ornithologist—someone who studies birds. He knows about all kinds of different birds, and has studied them in lots of interesting places. So I was happy to be able to tell him about a special bird I had seen. On a trip to New Zealand I was blessed to see a kiwi bird. Even though it has little wings, the kiwi is a flightless bird. And it is nocturnal, meaning it comes out only at night. Few people ever see a kiwi, even though it is the national bird and one of the national symbols of New Zealand. They are extremely rare, with one species of kiwi described as being “critically endangered.” Since they are very vulnerable to predators, some kiwi are raised in sanctuaries, like the one I was so fortunate to visit. If you think of a fruit when you hear the word “kiwi” you’re not alone. The kiwifruit was named after the kiwi bird. Kiwis live in remote areas, are very shy, and are the only bird to have its nostrils at the end of their beak (which is very long). The mother kiwi lays the largest egg of any bird in the world in relation to the size of the bird itself. MELISSA BRADSHAW is the Director of Children’s Ministries at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in Collegedale, Tennessee.


It Is Written impressions

Kiwis eat worms, spiders, and insects, which they find in the ground with their long beaks and their extraordinary sense of smell. Their feathers are different from most birds and feel more like fur than feathers, and they’re specially designed to keep the kiwis warm and dry. Unlike many birds, kiwi moms and dads don’t raise their young. While both parents incubate the eggs, newly hatched kiwi chicks are left to survive on their own! One thing that helps them to do this is that the belly of a newborn kiwi is swollen with enough

Come play with Dexter!

Visit for more great stories and activities for kids! yolk to provide food for the chick for several days, meaning that they have time to grow and learn how to forage for food. Although I have seen kiwis in captivity, I was able to do something that very, very few people ever have the opportunity to do—I was able to hold one! Because of what happened on day five of Creation week, we can see many different birds every day. Even “ordinary” birds are beautiful and interesting, and all birds are a wonder of God’s creative power. Whether it is the song of a bird, their beautiful colors, or the incredible way they construct their nests (or in the case of the kiwis, their burrows), birds are a daily reminder that, like my ornithologist friend, God is also a bird watcher and loves and takes care of these amazing little creatures. Take time today to appreciate birds. Listen to the sound of their song, appreciate their beauty, and watch them as they fly. And remember to thank God for them!!

Fascinating Fact: The kiwifruit was originally known as the “Chinese gooseberry,” but the name was changed to “kiwifruit” because business people thought the new name would make it sound more attractive!

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B ird ing Activity

Make a list of the different kinds of birds you see in your yard or throughout your day.

Sunflower seeds will attract: Cardinal, Goldfinch, Blackcapped Chickadee, Purple Finch, Nuthatch, Blue Jay, Northern Mockingbird, and Tufted Titmouse Millet and corn will attract: Common Grackle, House Sparrow, Dove, Brownheaded Cowbird, House Finch, Dark-eyed Junco, and Sparrow Attract hummingbirds by planting: Zinnia, Delphinium, and Salvia



Community Connection

VOLUNTEERS: At the Heart of It Is Written


olunteers have played a prominent role in this country’s history from the very start. To survive the realities of a harsh New World, colonists volunteered to help each other plant crops, build houses, and fight disease. Benjamin Franklin formed the first volunteer firehouse in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1736. And during the Revolutionary War, a volunteer militia, commonly known as the Minutemen, stood up against British soldiers in an act that ultimately helped bring about this country’s independence. Today, nearly one in four Americans has served as a volunteer. It should come as no surprise, then, that It Is Written makes extensive use of volunteers and is grateful for the many hours of service that they provide toward the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ. “It’s exciting to work shoulder to shoulder with the It Is Written team,” ERIC FLICKINGER is the Associate Speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across North America and around the globe.


It Is Written impressions

said Millie Hickman, who volunteers regularly in our office in Chattanooga, Tennessee. “I know that what I’m doing is making a difference.” Purpose in Service If you have received a pack of our new It Is Written Bible study guides, you can thank a volunteer. Volunteers assemble and box hundreds of Bible study guide sets every week. They also help fill orders, put postage on packages, remove staples from materials to send to prisons, stuff envelopes with letters, unload delivery trucks, inventory products, and shrink-wrap DVDs. And most importantly, they spend time each week praying for the hundreds of prayer requests that come into our office. “Some things I can’t do anymore, but this I can do,” said Doreen Liem, who comes on a weekly basis to help in the office. “I can do this for a few hours each week.” Because of our team of volunteers, It Is Written is able to accomplish a staggering amount of work. One day when there were eight volunteers present, they successfully assembled 550 Bible study sets—that’s over 15,000 individual pieces of literature!

April 20 Volunteer Appreciation Day

Mae Ewald described being an It Is Written volunteer in these words: “I feel like I’m filling my free time with something positive, something worthwhile. The people here are wonderful, we get to listen to good Christian music, and,” she added with a smile, “they have good refreshments.” While many of our volunteers live locally, others help as they are traveling through. Harold and Blanche Oetman were on their way from Michigan to Florida and decided to stop and visit family in Chattanooga. They had some free time during the day and asked if they could help out. They enjoyed it so much, they came in three days a week—for three months! “We felt right at home immediately,” Harold shared. “We were genuinely appreciated by everyone there. We didn’t want to spend our retirement playing golf and wondering what restaurant we would eat at tonight. We wanted to do something significant, something that made a difference.”

Something for Everyone Reflecting on the enormous impact that our volunteers make in the ministry, Pastor John Bradshaw said, “We’ve been so blessed to have a wonderful group of volunteers who

help urge It Is Written forward in the work God has laid upon us. They’re a wonderful, positive group of people who are a blessing not only to our team, but to the huge number of people who don’t even realize our volunteers have made soul-winning ministry possible.” So what does it take to be an It Is Written volunteer? “All you have to do is be willing and have some free time,” Scott Bryson, a

“I feel like I’m filling my free time with something positive, something worthwhile.” volunteer who helps train the volunteers, said. “We’ll find something that matches your interests, abilities, and availability. There’s something here for everyone.” So what are you doing with the free time that God has given you? If you feel like there’s something missing in your life and would like to spend time in an uplifting, Christian atmosphere, making friends, and helping to actively spread the good news of Jesus’ soon return, please contact us. There’s a place for you here as an It Is Written volunteer.




It Is Written Bible School partners with churches to reach their communities


he It Is Written Bible School is the new way It Is Written is partnering with churches to help them reach their communities with the everlasting gospel. Many of the churches now running an It Is Written Bible School are evangelism centers for the very first time! A church in Morganton, North Carolina, did a mailing last November of just under 10,000 It Is Written Mega Mailer Cards. They received 150 responses—a truly miraculous 15 per 1,000 mailed! Pastor Rick Mercer and his wife Cindy described the Bible School as “a positive experience and an amazing opportunity for our church members.” “We had several who were reluctant to go out, but as they have delivered the studies

It Is Written Mega Mailer Card


It Is Written impressions

they’ve gotten excited and have come back asking for more!” Rick added. Just over 1,500 It Is Written Mega Mailer Cards were mailed out in the Spokane Valley, Washington, area in January 2016.

“A positive experience and an amazing opportunity for our church members.” —Pastor Rick and Cindy Mercer

The Spokane Valley mailing has received five responses so far. Five people have replied with an interest in studying the Bible. Praise God! But the most amazing part is that this mailing was not part of a major mailing campaign by It Is Written. It was initiated by an 81-year-old man and a handful of his friends who wanted to reach others for Jesus. It Is Written simply provided the cards at a nominal per-piece cost and mailed them to the designated ZIP code. Now this small group is thrilled to have found five people nearby who are interested in studying the Bible in their search for truth. Amazing!

Several churches have displayed copies of the first Bible Study Guide, specially printed with a reply card on the back, in waiting rooms around their community, and found Bible study interests that way!

That is what the new It Is Written Bible School is all about: connecting church members or churches with people in their local community who want to study the Bible. It Is Written has already facilitated over 80 Bible School mailings of various sizes across the country, and the response rate has been consistently above-average. The It Is Written Bible School is also helping to pave the way for It Is Written’s evangelistic series in Boston, Massachusetts, this fall. The local Boston churches are amazed to find that, after collectively mailing 22,000 of the Mega Mailer Cards, over 169 responses have come in. That is a response rate of almost 7.5 per 1,000, which is far above an average mass mail campaign in the Boston area! Because many people involved are beginning to do Bible studies with members in their community for the first time, It Is Written has created evangelism tools and support for church members as they follow-up Bible study interests. One of the main tools It Is Written provides is the beautiful It Is Written Bible Study Guides. This 25-lesson set covers the foundational truths of the Bible. Authored by Speaker/Director John Bradshaw, these lessons use a question-and-answer format,

with high-quality illustrations and are available in English and Spanish. In addition, It Is Written now offers evangelism training via live weekly webinars! Every Tuesday evening at 8:00 p.m. ET, an experienced evangelism expert hosts a live online meeting to provide evangelism tips and support. Topics include the evangelism cycle, generating Bible study interests, how to follow up on Bible study interests, and much more. To join the live webinars, or to view past webinars, visit MELISSA LECHLER is the evangelism administrative assistant at It Is Written. After receiving a law degree, she discovered her passion for sharing Jesus and attended an evangelism training school.

To find out how your church can become an It Is Written Bible School, call 888-664-5573. If you would like to know more about our webinars, visit or e-mail SPRING 2016



Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

“May God continue to magnify this vital work you are doing and also the good programs you have on TV. You speak to the heart, not promoting yourself, but pointing to salvation in Jesus.” — Prescott Valley, Arizona “I have been shocked after listening to Pastor Robert Costa’s preaching. I’ve known the gospel for several years and for the first time I saw someone speak with such clarity about the Scriptures that I have no doubt that this message is from God. I would like to receive Bible study material. Thank you and God bless you.” — Uruguay “I am doing the It Is Written Bible Studies … it has given me insight into the Bible, plus it is teaching me where to find things better. Thank you.” — Ontario, Canada “I just wanted you all to know how much I like the new logo. Clean, simple, and updated … a fresh look for an enduring ministry. Love it!” — Kentucky

“We very much appreciate your program. The daily devotions start my day off in the right direction. John Bradshaw is a real gift.” — Lake Tapps, Washington

“I would like to thank you for including me in your efforts to bring the Word of God and joy to the children of Zimbabwe. I have gone through many trials the past three years, and being able to help someone in need has lifted my spirits.” — Houston, Texas “The Lord leads this ministry through His Holy Spirit, you can’t improve on that! With John’s sense of humor, his and Melissa’s humility … at the ministry you have a God-ordained leadership team of positivity that trickles down and is reflected in their whole team and their children! Glory be to God!”­— Orlando, Florida

Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us! Simply e-mail 26 It Is Written impressions

Staff Highlight



It has been said many times that evangelism is the focus of It Is Written. Truly, this ministry was founded 60 years ago to share the Word of God with the world. Today, Evangelism Director Yves Monnier stands at the helm of this essential department. “I oversee anything connected to evangelism,” Yves said. “I work with different types of groups across the U.S. and the world— both personal and public evangelism.” Revelation Today meetings, the It Is Written Bible School, mission trips, the Ambassador program, volunteers, and more are covered by the evangelism department. “To work at It Is Written is absolutely exciting. One day is never like the next! It is a juggling act at times,” Yves said. Before coming to It Is Written five years ago, Yves was a senior pastor for 25 years. Born into a missionary family in Brazil, he grew up in Switzerland and Italy before coming to the U.S. in 1975. “I have always been focused on evangelism, even during my time as a pastor,” Yves said.

Get to know Yves:

“Because of that and also because I spoke Italian, in 2009 It Is Written asked me to help with an evangelism project in Rome. When that series of meetings was over, I was offered a full-time position. God truly opened many doors for me to be here.” “It’s an enormous blessing to have Yves as part of our team. He comes to his role with a pastor’s heart—he loves God’s people, and he yearns for those who don’t yet know Jesus,” Speaker/Director John Bradshaw said. “He has an immense job coordinating some really major evangelistic events, and he spends his entire ministry ensuring It Is Written is able to do what it was raised up to do—share Christ with the world. We’re blessed to have Yves as a leader. At It Is Written, evangelism begins with Yves!”

What is your favorite meal? Once in a great while, as a good Swiss, I enjoy fondue. My mother made the best fondue.

What is your favorite thing about preaching abroad? The best part is realizing that we are all one big family of God. You sit in the worship service and the songs they sing in Malaysia, Switzerland, Mongolia, and Zimbabwe, are the same songs they sing back home in the U.S. The people look different, but they have the same bright, happy smile. It brings me so much joy to think of how we are a part of the same worldwide church family and we are united by the love of Jesus and a mission to share Him with others. To me that is the most thrilling.

For 30 years, Yves has been married to Cheryl. Their favorite accomplishment is their two children, Lauren (24) and Daniel (25). Cheryl also works at It Is Written as customer service supervisor. SPRING 2016


Planned Giving

What decisions can you make to leave a great legacy? Consider making a bequest to It Is Written.


Let us know if you have included It Is Written in your estate plan so we can thank you.

Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone please go to or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Alexenko, Brent by Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Alexenko Anderson, Ruby Mr. Virgil Anderson Arnott, Joan Angela E. by Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Arnott Bevill, George and Catherine My parents who taught me to love the Lord, by Mr. Brown Bevill Bowen, Edwin by wife Mrs. Joan Bowen Boose, Jeanne by Mr. and Mrs. John Boose Burchfield-Waites, Patricia by sister Mr. Bobbi Jo Bridges Cook, Olivia by daughter Ms. Dawn Collins Coon, Duane A true lover of Christ, by Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Coon

Dickman, Louie by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper Drieberg, Justin by son Mr. Denver C. Drieberg Ewert, Darlene by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Christensen Farver, William by Mr. and Mrs. Mardian J. Blair Fortner, Myrtle Ellen and B.D. by Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Fortner Halvorsen, Ron One of the truly great evangelists of our time, by Mr. and Mrs. William Abron, and Mrs. Sharon Falvo Ham, Harold by Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Fortner Leach, Jonathan by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper McCormick, Lois by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Constantine

Craig, Christine by Mr. and Mrs. William E. Craig

McKibbin, Virginia by Ms. Elaine Janzen

Curtis, Paul A wonderful brother-in law, by Mr. Phil Davis

McMillon, Doris by daughter Ms. Gail A. Bogle-Munson

Decker, Joan C. by Ms. Anita Collins

Miller, Sharon by Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Alexenko

Dickhaut, Evan by Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Alexenko

Peden, Kim by Mr. David Dungan

Schutte, Elsie J. The true meaning of a wonderful, Christian woman, by Ms. Vonda Bareford Thomas, Dale by Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Alexenko HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dougherty, Phyllis J. 95th birthday! by Phyllis J. Dougherty Fattic, Linda 75th birthday! by Mrs. Janet Mallery IN HONOR OF Balderson, Bonnie My mother who is in a home, by Ms. Kathy Abner Barnes, Steven R. For my loving brother and his wife, Gladys, by Mr. Richard Barnes Bradshaw, John and Melissa We love and miss you! by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Busby Gaspard, Amanda May your testimony win countless souls for Jesus! by Mrs. Chris and Jessica Dellen, and Janette Allen Kyle, Darleene by Mr. and Mrs. Lupe Benavides Vital, Rita Loving servant of God, trusted mentor and friend, by Elizabeth Castle

IN LOVING MEMORY OF THOSE KILLED IN THE SAN BERNARDINO SHOOTING Robert Adams, Isaac Amanios, Bennetta Bet-Badal, Harry Bowman, Sierra Clayborn, Juan Espinoza, Aurora Godoy, Shannon Johnson, Larry Kaufman, Damian Meins, Tin Nguyen, Nick Thalasinos, Yvette Velasco, Mike Wetzel • by Ms. Amanda N. Gaspard

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written Your honorary or memorial gift is helping spread the gospel around the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient's name and address.



BY JOHN BRADSHAW, Speaker / Director

n January 1, 1947, my father was leading a swimming race across a harbor in his small, seaside New Zealand hometown, when he looked behind him and noticed a swimmer in distress. My father turned back in the very rough waters to help, and in so doing he saved a young man’s life. The Royal Humane Society awarded my father a framed commendation for what he did that day. However, Dad never really talked about what he did that New Year’s day. When he was asked about it he’d always say, “Anyone would have done the same thing.” After all, how could you ignore a plea for help from a drowning man? Yet all around us are people who are perishing, wallowing in sin, drowning without hope (or with false hope). Jesus has urged us,

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). While there is still time, the focus of believers must be on reaching the lost with the saving message of Christ’s salvation. On Memorial Day in 2011, rescue personnel in Alameda, California, stood by and watched as a man waded out into the waters of Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach and drowned himself. Budget cuts and a policy prohibiting water rescues meant the would-be rescuers were forbidden from rescuing the man. A man was left to die, while those who could have rescued him stood safely on the shore. My father would have saved him. What will God’s people do for the millions perishing in our midst?

A man was left to die, while those who could have rescued him stood safely on the shore.


It Is Written impressions


It Is Written was nominated for its first Angel Award. Over the next four decades, It Is Written programs received 40 additional awards.


Pastor Vandeman received the Religious Heritage of America Faith and Freedom award for Television Religious Personality of the Year.


“Teleseminar ’81” became the first live satellite uplink evangelistic presentation of its kind, reaching 22 U.S. and Canadian cities.


Video Bible study series released titled Truth for the End Time. This documentary style series was used by pastors and laymen for in-home Bible study.

During the 1970s, George Vandeman began to film more on-location programs, moving away from the limitations of the studio. This new format increased viewership. By the 1980s, the It Is Written television program had more than 600,000 regular viewers.

SUMMER Registration Rates: $99 Standard

Church Sponsorship

Unlimited Registrations

Flat rate* $1,000 *Special offer for churches sponsoring members. Must have ten or more participants to qualify.

Dates: July 13–17 Time: Wed–Fri (6:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m.) Saturday–Sunday (All Day) Location: Southern Adventist University For more information visit:

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