Impressions Summer 2016, Issue 7

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Surviving San Bernardino

How one woman’s trauma is leading hearts to Jesus

Meeting Needs in Mongolia



From New York to Zimbabwe Wild Encounters Bring Viewers Closer to Christ


on the cover


From New York to Zimbabwe

Wild Encounters Bring Viewers Closer to Christ

It Is Written began in a small studio in New York. Sixty years later, the ministry has grown, but people are harder to reach with the gospel than ever before! How does It Is Written stand out in a saturated market? Discover how creative methods and wild explorations in Zimbabwe are drawing people to Jesus.

aspects 04

Director’s Desk


Mission Report


Escrito Está


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight




06 Surviving San Bernardino

How one woman’s trauma is leading hearts to Jesus.

Meeting Needs in Mongolia

impressions magazine SUMMER 2016 ISSUE 7 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Annalyse Hasty ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2016 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written and My Place With Jesus are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Escrito Está is a trademark of It Is Written, Inc.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA



August 3 — 6


It Is Written Exhibit at ASI Convention in Phoenix, AZ

August 22 — December 17 SALT, It Is Written School of Evangelism, fall session in Collegedale, TN

September 4 It Is Written’s 60th Anniversary Celebration Event in Collegedale, TN

September 9 — 11 It Is Written Partnership Weekend Event in Gatlinburg, TN

September 16 — 18 It Is Written Partnership Weekend Event in Gettysburg, PA

September 30 — October 2 It Is Written Partnership Weekend Event in Orlando, FL

October 4 — 11 It Is Written Pioneer Tour in New England Visit for details

October 14 — 29

notes 12

Partnership Highlight








Planned Giving

John Bradshaw speaks at Revelation Today Evangelistic Series in Boston, MA


SALT 365

Learn how to effectively share your faith with It Is Written’s practical, engaging, free online evangelism training. Visit to sign up and watch videos.



Director’s Desk

The King of BEASTS


ne of the special features of It Is Written’s television programming over the past 60 years has been shows filmed on location. In recent years we have increased our emphasis on location programming, taking viewers to key Reformation sites in Europe and other visually-stunning locations in countries such as New Zealand, Australia, Costa Rica, and the United States. One of the most memorable programs in It Is Written’s history saw George Vandeman bring a tiger onto the set in our California studio. The real excitement came when the tiger lunged at George, who appeared to only narrowly escape attack. Celebrating our sixtieth birthday this year, we wanted to honor Elder Vandeman and tip our hat to that memorable program. As regulations now prohibit bringing big cats on set, we would have to go to where the cats are. And as Providence would have it, in March of this year we held evangelistic meetings in Zimbabwe, a land where lions roam. At Antelope Park—a privately-run animal sanctuary and conservation center just outside Gweru, the site of our meetings—I had the opportunity to walk and interact with a pair of real, 20-month-old lions. When I first came face-to-face with these incredible 4

It Is Written impressions

The real excitement came when the tiger lunged at George… creatures I felt a mixture of exhilaration— lions!—and terror. Lions! I was fascinated by how easy it was to get comfortable in the presence of animals which in all reality could easily have killed me without warning. After being with them only a few minutes, I felt comfortable enough to walk beside them, rub their backs, and hold them by the tail! The Bible says that the devil “as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). As I experienced in Zimbabwe, it’s possible to become casual in the presence of a lion. It’s also easy to fail to recognize the danger of being in close proximity to the enemy of souls—and too often that has had tragic consequences. Watch for “The King of Beasts,” filmed on location in Zimbabwe, and other upcoming on location programming presented by It Is Written.

John Bradshaw

Speaker & Director


It Is Written went to the Soviet Union to tape an 8-part series titled “Empires in Collision.� This TV program became the first produced in the western hemisphere to be given a time slot on Soviet television.


First broadcast in the Middle East.


George Vandeman retired, passing the torch to Pastor Mark Finley.

1993 Pictured below: In 1993 It Is Written was airing in Russia. To follow up, Pastor Finley traveled to Moscow to preach in the historic Olympic Stadium. Over 250,000 Bible studies were mailed and 150 local pastors participated in this massive crusade.

Pastor Finley presents Jesus at the Kremlin and Moscow Olympic Stadium.

Timeline continues on page 31


Amanda Gaspard (left) and her sister Lindsey.


How One Woman’s Trauma Is Leading Hearts to Jesus


ecember 2, 2016, started out just like any other day. My morning was filled with e-mails and phone calls. Later in the day, I was working on a project a few feet away from my cubicle. I thought I heard my desk phone ring, but I wasn’t quite sure. A few minutes later, I reached into my pocket for my cell phone. Eight missed calls. My heartbeat quickened. Was something wrong? I called my husband Erick back. As he spoke, the worst feeling I have ever experienced brought me literally to my knees. “Amanda’s been shot, Lindsey,” he was saying, the panic in his voice matching the chaos in my head. “There was an active shooter at her work.” I was waiting for the words, “But don’t worry, she’s okay.” They never came. I was sobbing, pleading with God to let my sister still be alive. My coworkers rushed to help me, picked me up off the floor, and 6

It Is Written impressions

prayed with me. I called my parents in New Hampshire, but they couldn’t talk long because they were trying to reach the police, or the hospital, or anyone who knew what had happened to Amanda. Amanda’s coworker told us that as Amanda lay there in her own blood, holding her hand, she prayed with her. Tears streamed down my face. Could that have been the last thing she had done before she… No, I couldn’t even let myself think the words. Erick picked me up and brought me home. We turned on the TV and watched numbly as CNN broadcasted the horrible news — Amanda and multiple other coworkers had been inexplicably shot in a terrorist attack during an end-of-the-year conference for the San Bernardino County health department. It’s hard to describe the things that go through your mind when you wonder if your

eventually took a few painfamily member is gone. ful steps. Our family comShe’d texted our family that forted each other by singing hymns morning asking us to pray for her around her bedside. I would read the as she led out during the meeting. I’d prayed, Bible to her when she couldn’t sleep from the hadn’t I? I should’ve called more often. I nightmares she experienced. God had never should’ve been a better sister. I clung to every felt closer to us than He did in that hospital shred of faith and prayed that she was still room. Even when we didn’t know what the alive and that I could somehow have a chance future held for Amanda, we could feel His to tell her again how much I loved her. peace and love surrounding us. Hours later — the longest hours of my Months have passed since those first life — we finally got a call from a friend few terrible weeks, and Amanda of mine who, by the grace of God, is recovering slowly. She still was working that day in the suffers from pain and may emergency room at Loma “…as Amanda require additional surgeries. Linda University Medical But her faith is strong Center. Amanda was lay there in her own and her mission is clear. alive. Badly wounded but blood, holding her Amanda has been able ALIVE. I have never been to share her testimony in so thankful to hear some[coworker’s] hand, she unexpected ways. Recently thing in my life. prayed with her.” she and I have started an My husband and I took online project called Peace for the first flight possible out of the Storm where we share Bible Atlanta. After a sleepless night, verses, song lyrics, and devotionals. we landed in California and raced to We have already heard of how these daily Amanda’s hospital room. Shrapnel wounds messages have encouraged people. covered her right side, multiple entrance and In one of the first conversations she had exit wounds from close-range bullets left with my mother after the incident, Amanda large holes in her body. She was so weak and said that she hoped this terrible event could so pale — she’d lost so much blood. I knew we be used to draw people closer to God and had to pray even harder now. She had a long let them know that Jesus is coming soon. way to go — physically and emotionally. I truly believe Amanda’s testimony and Investigators from the FBI came in and It Is Written  —   a ministry our family has out of her room, questioning her for hours supported for many years  —   a re doing just about the incident and the shooter—her own that. I don’t know how much longer our coworker. I listened to her recount the horrific things that happened. I remember when world can survive events like this one, but I know that if we can face these trials with I had to read her the names of her coworkers faith and continue to share God’s love, we who had died, and she literally cried out to can look forward to His second coming with God in devastation. One victim was one of hope and the assurance of salvation. her best friends, and all of them were people she knew and loved dearly. LINDSEY GASPARD QUINONES is a But despite the crushing weight of what marketing communications specialist at had happened, I began to see my sister’s McKee Foods Corporation. It is Written has always held a special place in her incredible faith. She leaned on God in every heart as it was influential in bringing moment — calling on Him as she tried to her late grandfather back to the Lord. move her leg in bed, tried to stand, and



Mission Report



“Evangelism is hard in North America and easy in Africa,” is a statement I’ve often heard. Or, “All you need to do is fill a baptistry over there and people will just run to it and be baptized.” The 650 baptisms that the It Is Written team recently enjoyed in Gweru, Zimbabwe, might seem to prove those declarations to be accurate. However, nothing could be further from the truth. My two weeks working alongside the faithful pastors in Gweru gave me a behind-thescenes glimpse of evangelism in that part of the world. What I discovered was nothing less than amazing. First of all, a pastor in Zimbabwe pastors at least 20 to 40 churches and another 30 or 50 companies (about 4,000 church members altogether or more). In other words, it is not uncommon for a pastor to be the shepherd of 60 congregations that he will be able to visit on average about three times a year at the most. So who runs the churches? How do churches grow in the absence of a pastor? And, what does the pastor do besides preach in a different place every week as a “guest” speaker? The answers to these questions reveal the secret to the extraordinary work of evangelism taking place in Africa. Churches are run by church members. These church members are carefully mentored by the pastor. So, whenever the pastor visits a church, he spends several days in the area visiting and training the leaders of the church in how to properly run a church. In turn these church leaders then visit and train the church members. A significant portion of this training, of course, involves evangelism and the best training is the kind that is done hands-on. Pastor Tunhira, the pastor of the churches where I conducted my evangelistic series, invited me to go on a visit with him to the home of a man

How do churches grow in the absence of a pastor?


It Is Written impressions

who was attending our nightly meetings. He also invited one of the church members he was training to come along. That visit was eye-opening in many ways. The man we visited had many questions—the very same questions I’ve faced as a pastor in the United States. This notion that people in other parts of the world accept everything one preaches without asking questions is untrue. Using the Bible, Pastor Tunhira deftly answered all questions while at the same time training his church member how to handle questions and objections. In like manner, Pastor Tunhira has trained hundreds of church members on how to conduct Bible studies, how to preach evangelistic sermons, how to follow-up contacts, and how to lead out in baptismal classes. By the way, these baptismal classes are hard core. The baptismal candidates are thoroughly trained in the basics of the Christian faith, which includes an emphasis on everyone’s responsibility to be involved in outreach. Anyone baptized knows that he or she is not just getting wet but making a lifelong commitment to serve God. Church members in Zimbabwe take the service part

of their commitment very seriously. Their involvement in outreach is not just an afterthought or something they do if they’re not too busy. No, their participation in evangelism is a priority. Trained and equipped by the pastors, members eagerly share Jesus with anyone they meet. At one of our other evangelistic sites in Gweru, 35 young and old church members decided to camp near the place where the meetings were being held. They could have stayed home and commuted back and forth but instead decided to camp so that they could focus solely on evangelism in that area. Every day they walked up and down the roads, an average of 10 miles each day, inviting people to attend the nightly Bible presentations, distributing Christian literature, and, whenever possible, appealing for people to accept Jesus as their Savior. Among them was a 90-year-old man. He could not walk far but he could certainly pray powerfully, and that’s what he did while others were out and about. In the evening he would lead out in classes to prepare people for baptism. What was the pastor doing during this time? Checking in to make sure that his members were doing what they had been trained to do—and they were. Baptisms in Africa are the result of faithful service just like they are in the United States. The difference, though, is that there are a lot more people involved in faithful service and, thus, there are a lot more baptisms in Africa. Imagine for a moment the number of baptisms possible here if more people were involved in sharing Jesus. Imagine. I went to Zimbabwe to teach—however, as it turned out, I was the one who was taught the secret to successful evangelism. YVES MONNIER is the Director of Evangelism for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.



Escrito Está

Bold Steps IN REAC In April 2016, Pastor Robert Costa was invited to hold a mini series in Motozintla, Chiapas, Mexico. Local church members there have taken following Christ’s method very seriously and the results are amazing. Months before the meetings, local members along with a group of 400 volunteers from different parts of Mexico joined forces to serve between 1,500 and 3,000 people with eye, dental, gynecological, and pediatric care. They also provided free counseling sessions, cooking classes, and religious concerts. Events like these were repeated every three months and generated more than 1,000 Bible study interests. City mayors were so impressed by all the work in the community, they donated the use of the soccer stadium to hold Pastor Costa’s meetings along with 10,000 chairs and a stage with audiovisual equipment included.

The evening sessions were also broadcast at no charge on local TV stations and on four FM radio stations that reached the country of Guatemala. Pastor Robert Costa had the opportunity to visit with the local leaders to thank them and pray for them in their homes and offices. They were touched by his kindness and humility and were first-row attendees each night along with 7,000 to 9,000 people who came to listen to the speaker/director of Escrito Está. Esperanza para Chiapas: Motozintla 2016 (Hope for Chiapas: Motozintla 2016) concluded with 585 baptisms and with the mayor and the religious affairs director requesting Bible studies. Pastor Robert Costa’s next stop was in Caracas, Venezuela, for a rally at a baseball stadium, where the new evangelistic initiative entitled “Lord, Transform Me” was launched. The goal of this initiative is to baptize 1.2 million people in the next five years. Despite the current political, economic, and social unrest in the country, our brothers and sisters in Venezuela are hopeful and welcomed the initiative. Pastor Ted Wilson joined Pastor Costa and preached on

“Lord, we accept the challenge and we are going for more!”

HING LATIN AMERICA the final Sabbath of the meetings. The series concluded with 4,012 baptisms, resulting from small group projects and continuous evangelistic efforts by local churches. During the afternoon, the newly-baptized members were given an opportunity to share their testimonies. One man who spoke to the audience stated that he had been watching Escrito Está for over 10 years and it was that TV program that helped him to make a decision in favor of Christ. Praise the Lord! Venezuela is one of the countries with the largest Escrito Está audience, which airs through four TV networks and on more than 60 local radio stations nationwide. We receive e-mails every week from people asking for online Bible studies and prayer requests. Another important event took place in Puebla, Mexico, where Pastor Costa was invited to hold a series of evangelistic meetings and training sessions for local church pastors. Each night the auditorium was packed with an average attendance of 1,000 people. The meetings concluded with 362 baptisms and more than 1,000 mission-wide.

Presently, Escrito Está is taking another bold step to reach more and more people through new television programs for the hearing-impaired. Pastor Robert Costa will be taping two seasons of “Más que Palabras” (More Than Words), a production that will be adapted to Spanish Sign Language. Lastly, we have released a new series of Bible Study Bookmarks called “Un Futuro con Esperanza” (A Future with Hope), which we hope will be a blessing for you as you study your Bible or for sharing with people who want to learn more about Jesus. CAROLINA BONILLA is the Administrative Assistant for Escrito Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanishspeaking community with the gospel.

Upcoming Events August 3 — 6

London, England

Evangelistic Series and Evangelism School

September 1 — 4

Collegedale, TN

It Is Written 60th Anniversary Event

September 9 — 11

Gatlinburg, TN

It Is Written Partnership Weekend

September 14 — 18 Evangelistic Series

Tenerife, Spain SUMMER 2016


Partnership Highlight

Never Say Never Partnering with a purpose

If you would like to learn more about becoming an It Is Written Partner visit 12

It Is Written impressions


n February 1977, the NASA space shuttle Enterprise made its first test flight off the back of a Boeing 747 in southern California. Enterprise was designed to validate aspects of the shuttle program and underwent nine months of intense functionality testing prior to atmospheric flight. On the other side of the country in Maryland, a NASA employee working on stabilization of communication satellites, and his wife, a church secretary, were going through some testing of their own. Dan and Sue had stopped attending their local Catholic church several years before and they were searching for a new church for their son and daughter’s sake. “We didn’t need religion,” Dan laughed. “But the kids sure did!” Dan and Sue’s neighbors were members of a nearby church and invited them to attend, but Dan had made a firm decision never to join that church. They believed in keeping Sunday as the Sabbath. Dan remembers thinking, “Why would anyone want to join a church that made life so difficult?” Despite his firm decision, Dan just couldn’t say no when the neighbor offered for their pastor to stop by and study the Bible with them. Dan and Sue enjoyed the Bible studies but they knew this just wasn’t for them — Saturday was a shopping day! They decided to attend another local community church instead. Finally at one of their Bible studies, Dan told the pastor that they were going to another church. “It took him aback for a second but he kept his composure and asked if he could keep studying the Bible with us.” Dan couldn’t say no and the pastor kept visiting. As a boy, Dan had attended a Lutheran Bible camp. They had shown the 1953 historical film about the reformer Martin Luther who famously advocated for the Bible to guide a person’s conscience. The film convinced Dan that the Bible was the ultimate authority, not a church or any other person.

Now as they studied the Bible with their neighbor’s pastor, Dan and Sue realized that the Bible did teach that Saturday was the Sabbath. They had to follow God. They tried to rest more on Saturday but something just didn’t feel right. They decided that they needed to attend church where Bible truth was taught. In January 1978, Dan and Sue were baptized into the church they said they would never join. Forward 38 years: Dan is retired; Sue still works as secretary for a local church. Their son has two teenage children of his own and their daughter is a missionary in India. They have never regretted their decision to follow the Bible and they have dedicated their lives to sharing the Bible with others. “I love evangelism,” Dan explained. “We are always busy with some type of outreach in our local church.” Whether it’s giving Bible studies or taking the local college students for a hike after church, Dan and Sue have dedicated their lives to sharing Jesus with their community. Although they stay busy sharing Jesus in their local community, Dan and Sue also

eagerly support evangelistic work around the world. In 1984 Dan and Sue gave their first financial gift to It Is Written. For 32 consecutive years, Dan and Sue have continued to support this ministry. “I love the innovation It Is Written uses to spread the gospel,” Dan said. As It Is Written celebrates its 60th anniversary, we are honored to have Partners like Dan and Sue who have faithfully supported the spread of the gospel for so many years. The space shuttle Enterprise is now retired at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C., but there is testing for another atmospheric flight taking place now as people around the world are given the opportunity to make decisions for Jesus. As we prepare for launch to our heavenly home, it is supporters like Dan and Sue who help us reach around the globe with the good news of salvation.

“I love the innovation It Is Written uses to spread the gospel.”

ELLEN METCALF is the Director of Development for It Is Written. She and her husband Rick live in Ootlewah, Tennessee, with their English Mastiff Bentley. Ellen and her team plan the yearly Partnership weekend events.






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It Is Written impressions

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Cover Feature


From New York to Zimbabwe Wild Encounters Bring Viewers Closer to Christ


inety-seven percent of the world is covered by satellite broadcasts carrying It Is Written programming. Last year 12,000 people in India received cataract surgery that restored their sight; 33,702 free books and DVDs were mailed in the U.S.; and 5,000 Mongolians received a Bible for the first time. It Is Written has grown, by the grace of God, into a truly global ministry. What started as a new idea 60 years ago has now become an organization spreading Jesus to hundreds of thousands of people each year.

Several years later, after TV gained popularity, some businessmen from the church put those videos on air in Midland, Texas. During this “I saw the A Studio in New York time, Pastor Vandeman enormous potential The seed that would went to London, eventually sprout into England, to preach of linking television It Is Written was a evangelistic series and small venture started establish an evangebroadcasts with by a man named Torel lism center there. personal evangelistic Seat. He made a series Shortly after Pastor of black-and-white Vandeman returned from efforts” sixteen-millimeter film London, the church sent sermons for home Bible study. him to hold reaping meetings Torel filmed himself, H.M.S. in Midland. In his memoir My Richards, and George Vandeman preachDream, George wrote, “The result was ing their favorite sermons. actually the beginning of the It Is Written 16

It Is Written impressions

program. I saw the enormous potential of linking television broadcasts with personal evangelistic efforts—visiting the homes of interested individuals there in the city who had watched our program.” As they say, the rest is history. It wasn’t long before Vandeman’s idea began to grow and a group of willing TV producers gathered in a studio in New York City to film the initial episodes of It Is Written. Saturated Market Most of the early episodes were filmed on set, covering Bible topics and offering special music. A decade later, Vandeman drew viewers in using creative techniques like having two tigers on set. Thousands of people responded to these programs over the years. However, as technology expanded, so did content. Now the average American consumes media more than eight hours a day according to a new report by ZenithOptimedia. And a majority is not religious programming. “An increasing number of people live in gated communities or behind impenetrable doors in large buildings. And by 2050, there will be more Muslims on planet Earth than Christians,” Speaker/Director John Bradshaw said. “While many people live within reach of a Bible, they live without a connection with God. The bottom line: it’s getting much harder to physically reach people at all, let alone reach people with the gospel.” So how does It Is Written continue to stand out in a world continually harder to reach?

On March 25, 1956, It Is Written aired its first known broadcast, making it the first religious TV program to air in color. It Is Written was filmed in New York, while the administration was centered in Washington, D.C.

The first “How to Live With a Tiger” program aired in 1975. This program became an icon of the ministry and inspired other big cat appearances on the show in years to come.



Wild Encounters Yves Monnier had a thrilling meeting In recent years, a majority of with a visitor there. “He told me that he It Is Written programming has been had been in a difficult place in his life. He filmed on-location. Africa, South America, was a believer in God, but he was the sort Asia, Australia, North America, and of person who wouldn’t attend a church Europe have all been the backdrop of or study the Bible with another person,” episodes teaching the Word of God. Pastor Monnier said. While in Zimbabwe filming “King of The man’s neighbor knew he was interBeasts” John Bradshaw had a special encoun- ested in the book of Revelation and invited ter with one of nature’s apex predators. him to It Is Written’s Bible study series, “We were able to walk with lions and Revelation Today. film with them,” John said. “It was a wild “He told me that he didn’t accept the encounter by all accounts, but the encoun- invitation to attend but he watched the ter we strive to point people towards is the series online. Because he was able to watch one with Jesus.” the series in his own time and at his own On-location filming, digital streaming, pace, he watched the presentations two or mobile apps—all make the It Is Written three times each,” Yves said. program desirable and interesting Whether broadcasting from a small to people in a virtual hurricane studio in New York City or the of consumable media. But savannah in Zimbabwe, the “He was a the heart of It Is Written’s message that It Is Written programming continues continues to bring to believer in God, to be the timeless the world remains the message of the gospel. same. It is the message but he was the sort of Jesus and His love of person who wouldn’t Heart Connection for all humanity. While at a camp attend a church or study meeting recently, the Bible with another It Is Written’s Evangelism Director person.”

Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

“I’ve been meaning to write to say how much I enjoy It Is Written. Mainly the call to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. I love everything that is on the program. The biographies are so interesting. John does such a fantastic job telling about the lives of Christians. It Is Written is such a blessing from God. I appreciate all you do.” — USA “Loving your ministry. Blessings and health to you John. May God’s healing hand be ever on you.” — USA “Always uplifted and strengthened by your ‘spiritual nuggets’ John. May our wonderful Heavenly Father give you health and blessings abundant in your ministry. Hope you enjoyed your trip down under here to Australia.” — Australia

“I have been getting the Every Word ASL video. I really appreciate it very much. God bless you all, especially Melissa for interpreting John’s messages. Thank you!!” — Unknown

“Just want to say, again, how much these Every Word devotionals are appreciated! It may be quite a task, but one that hopefully will continue; they are powerful messages and very much needed at this time in our church and in the world. Thank you so much!” — USA “I really enjoy It Is Written because it has never failed to either amaze me, educate me, or cheer me up when I needed it most. My favorite speaker is John Bradshaw. I absolutely love listening to him every day on the It Is Written app. He has these short 1 – 2 minute clips of life lessons that help guide me in life and really help me think. I definitely think that God made him for a purpose and I can personally say that this work has helped carry me through my toughest times in life. I thank God for sending this network into my life and I thank God as well for being there for me during those tough times. ”­— Atlanta, Georgia

Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us! Simply e-mail



My Place With Jesus

A Race for the Prize “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” PHILIPPIANS 3:14


ave you ever participated in a sporting event or race and competed for a prize? How much time and effort did you put into training? Have you ever heard anyone say, “I could do that!” while watching the athletes perform? Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will host this year’s summer Olympics, and more than 10,000 athletes from over 200 countries are expected to participate. The Olympic games began as early as 776 B.C. when they were held in Athens, Greece. At that time there was only one event, a running race won by a cook named Coroebus. Today the Olympics feature about 300 events from 28 different sports. Swimmer Michael Phelps has been called the greatest athlete who has ever lived. Phelps has won 22 Olympic medals—18 gold, two silver, and two bronze—more than any other Olympic athlete. But he didn’t earn these without effort and hours of training. Athletes train for years and even push through days when they don’t feel like training because their eyes are

fixed on a goal—the prize. To compete at the highest level is serious business! In the Bible, Paul compares the Christian life with a race. In an Olympic event many competitors run, but only one receives the prize. Paul encourages us all to run to win. Just like athletes, we are to take our training seriously by being faithful in all things and staying away from whatever might distract us from winning the prize (1 Corinthians 9:24; Hebrews 12:1). In our spiritual training we have the best Coach, One who has already run the race and won! He encourages us to press toward the goal (Philippians 3:14) and our goal is to spend eternity with Him, our Best Friend, Jesus. Don’t give up! It is important that we train daily by reading His Word, praying for His strength, and keeping our eyes focused on Him. Jesus endured and wore a crown of thorns so we could wear a crown of gold in heaven. Are you willing to carry the torch for Jesus and encourage others along the way?

MELISSA BRADSHAW is the Director of Children’s Ministries at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area.


It Is Written impressions

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Governor John Winthrop’s goal, of the original Massachusetts Bay Colony, was to create the biblical “City on a Hill.”

Community Connection

Reviving the

‘City on a Hill’ It Is Written will be hosting Revelation Today in Boston, Massachusetts, from October 7 to 29. This series will be lead by John Bradshaw and incorporate over 30 individual sites. The following are stories from Bible workers preparing hearts in this historic ‘city on a hill’.


met Cal a couple of months ago. We studied together for some time before two local church members took over studying with him. One week, I had the privilege of joining Cal for one more Bible study. Cal was so excited to see us he waited for us at the entrance to his building. During the study, Cal answered questions with certainty in what God said, reading each verse with confidence. Even decisions came easily for him because he loved Jesus. He was so eager to surrender to Christ he read the appeal out of the Bible study guide himself! It warmed my heart to see Cal’s growing relationship with the Lord. Jesus said “pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Luke 10:2). It’s clear that God has prepared a harvest here in Boston and He wants to use as many as are willing to bring in those He has called.


arry could only meet mornings for Bible study because he liked to hang out on the city streets during the day. I was nervous that he might skip the study because his interest level seemed low. I prayed all morning that I would see a sign of his commitment. When I arrived for the study, he had his Bible ready. But, things were moving slowly and my partner had another study soon. I kept my eye on the clock and debated whether to end the study and pick it up next week, or to wrap up and make an appeal. Something inside me said, “Make the appeal! You may never get to study with him again!” I made the appeal and Harry fervently agreed. When I asked him if we were going to meet the same time next week, he said, “It can be anytime. This is more important.” Praise the Lord! That was my clear sign of his interest.

Visit boston for more information


few weeks ago, I received a call from a woman in Trinidad and Tobago. “I received your number from an old friend of yours,” she said. “I’m looking for a Bible worker to visit my aunt in Boston.” Before long I met with the caller’s aunt. She was very sweet and expressed interest. We scheduled a Bible study time for the following week. I’m floored by the way God works, bringing so many pieces together to reach one soul. I hadn’t seen the friend who shared my number with this woman in four years! He lives in Jamaica and somehow knew this lady in Trinidad and Tobago. Right when she decided to contact someone about her aunt in Boston, I just happened to be there! Only God can work out such a plan. This confirms God’s design for me to be in Boston in His perfect time. When we follow God’s leading, we will never fail. Go forth in faith!

Support this project while your gift has twice the impact! Donations made are matched up to $175,000. Visit or call 1-800-479-9056 today.

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Mo ng olia

Last year, support from Partners helped It Is Written…

C h a tta n oog a , T N

Z i mb a bwe

• Print 5,000 Bibles in the Mongolian language • Baptize close to 8,000 people around the world • Provide 12,000 cataract surgeries in India • Mail nearly 34,000 pieces of free Biblical literature

Your Partnership commitment of $1,500 or more each year will ensure that lives are changed through live evangelistic events, humanitarian projects, quality TV and online programing, and printed resources. Become a Partner today and receive your invitation to a free Partnership weekend with It Is Written.

YOU ARE INVITED Call 1-800-479-9056 or visit us online at for more information.




From April 13 to 24, a group of 20 volunteers and It Is Written staff conducted health clinics and outreach in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Dr. Neeta Hilman was one of the physicians who treated patients during the health clinics. This is her experience.

Meeting Needs in Mongolia


t is 8 a.m., the chill of the morning lingers as we enter the humble church, offering our limited Mongolian to the anxious gathering crowd. “Sain baina uu.” One does not have to be fluent in Mongolian to comprehend the looks on their faces—hope mixed with apprehension. They ask just by looking, “Can you help me or is this another dead end?” I wonder, Lord, what am I doing here? Their longing for help seems greater than our resources. I remember: Me in you the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). She is a part of the older generation, noticeable not only by the years etched in her face but by her “del”—a style of dress non-existent among the younger generation. She takes my hands in hers, commands my attention with the intensity in her eyes and shares how 24

It Is Written impressions

painful her kidneys are. A few pointed questions, examination, and a urinalysis later, I am fairly certain that though she has proteinuria, the source of her pain is musculoskeletal. My translator and I show her a few back exercises, do an ice massage, and she immediately begins to feel some relief. Fruits and vegetables are too expensive with the short growing season, but she agrees to start walking short distances multiple times a day, decrease the salt intake and milk tea, and start to drink water daily. We close with prayer, entreating Jesus, who healed the woman bent for 18 years, to

have mercy on this child of His. Her smile is bright as she kisses my face, “Bayarlalaa.” Her gratitude is evident before the word is spoken. An invitation to the evening meetings later proves fruitful. By Friday, my Mongolian team member is giving the instructions with little direction from me; I can tell as the patients respond. Each morning we awaken to meet many seeking help. The 21-year-old with hypertension who desires to quit smoking but is bound by the invisible cord of his cravings; the 24-year-old with severe anxiety asking for a way out; a young woman in her 30s desiring an abortion. What can we give

Each morning we awaken to meet many seeking help. them? Many cannot afford medications, can they even understand the counsel we provide? And the still small Voice repeats “Me in you the hope of glory.” I give my Bible marked with promises, encouraging the 24-year-old to pray the promises when the fear arises, as I have done when overwhelmed by doubts. She can read some English, and a peace settles over her as we pray that Jesus who calmed the sea would still her anxious heart. Pastor Ooyo promises to contact her tomorrow and provide a Bible in Mongolian in addition to an ongoing friendship. The patients are not the only avenue of blessing. My colleagues who traversed NEETA HILLMAN is married to her sweetheart of seven years, Jim Hillman. She works as a hospitalist at Cumberland Medical Center in Crossville, Tennessee.

the ocean and are sharing the common experience of an outsider in this new world verbalize their questions, their joys, God’s triumphs. They allow me to see through their glasses briefly and it compels me to dive deep into this experience. “An older Mongolian lady gave me a gift, apologizing for the way her friends became angry in the line, and thanked me for what we are doing.” “Did you hear the story of the man who sang? He was a smoker, drinker, fighter, and now he writes praises to God and teaches others the power of God’s Word.” Me in him the hope of glory. At the close of the day, I am humbled by my young Mongolian brothers and sisters who have left children or spouses many kilometers away to labor together on behalf of their fellow lost sheep of Mongolia. It drives me to keep working. Each is compelled by his experience in Christ. We unite, presenting a tangible picture of nail-scarred hands, searching for others who will listen—stronger united than divided. I leave, but they will stay, searching, showing, and telling the story of Christ in them, the hope of glory.

Staff Highlight



With her fun personality, matched with her caring heart, Associate Development Director Jocelyn Mejias brings joy and professionalism to It Is Written’s donor relations. After graduating from the University of Tennessee with a degree in communications and public relations, Jocelyn embarked on her career. She worked in communications, publicity, and fundraising, and after 30 years she wanted to return to Tennessee. “We were planning to move back to Tennessee from New York in 2013, and then decided it was not the right time,” Jocelyn said. “In July 2014, I saw an ad saying ‘It Is Written Is Moving to Chattanooga’ along with several job listings. It was like God was saying, this was the right time!” As associate development director, Jocelyn is responsible for managing the donor database, coordinating registrations for Partnership, and much more. “We’re so blessed to have Jocelyn on our team. Not only did she come into this position with a lot of excellent experience, she’s also relentlessly positive and an absolute joy to be around,” Speaker/Director John Bradshaw said. “Combine that with her genuine love of people and you have a truly unique person who is loved and appreciated by everyone on our team!” Because It Is Written is donor supported, the Development Department is the important engine that keeps the ministry moving. When donors call the office, they 26

It Is Written impressions

often get a taste of Jocelyn’s excellent customer service. Jocelyn and her team make sure that each donor stays informed, involved, and excited about how the ministry is reaching the world. “Jocelyn was born for her position at It Is Written. She loves the ministry and puts her heart into each project assigned,” Development Director Ellen Metcalf said. “Every day as Jocelyn works on a project or develops a system, I praise the Lord that she is a part of this team.”

Get to know Jocelyn: What is your favorite meal? Congri, Cuban style black beans and rice, and fried plantains. What was your first job? Special Events Coordinator at the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce. What is one thing that most of your coworkers don’t know about you? Even though I was born in Bronx, New York, to Cuban immigrant parents, I’ve also lived in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico; Montemorelos Nuevo Leon, Mexico; Alajuela, Costa Rica; and Panama City, Panama!

Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone please go to or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Betat, Heinz by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sigrid Leavitt Bornstein, William by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Mc Crory Butler, Blanche by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Mc Pherson Carter, Mary by Ms. Roberta C. Herd Clarence, Rosa Lee, John, and Walter by Ms. Cheryl Irving Davis, Martha by Eileen I. Curtis and Vicki Jarnes Dennis, Dean and Hazel by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dennis Doreen by Mr. Robert Helin Gheorghe, Petre by son Mr. Aurel Gheorghe

Jongebloed, Maria by mother Ms. Gladys Jongebloed Kent, John R. by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Kent Jr. Kingsnorth, Gwen by Mr. William Jeffery Jr. Lemos, Jacob by Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lemos Monnier, Yvonne by Mrs. Ruth Haller Muirhead, Dorthy by daughter Ms. Sharon Knudson Myers, Gerald B. by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Mc Pherson Neilsen, Joree M. by Mrs. A. L. Gusso Nelson, Kershowv by Mrs. Ruth Haller Offenhauser, Guy and Phyllis by Mr. Jack Hartley

Titus, John and Lillian by daughter Mrs. Sharon Harrell and Clara Hansen Urban, Loren by Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Fortner Whitmill, Joy by Geraldine Hill HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mentor, Nelly-Anne by mother Maryse Mentor Nicoles, Kenny Happy 60th! God bless! by Mrs. Ester Vargas Pipersky IN HONOR OF Brown, Sharon by Ms. Vera Mattox Conrad, Paul and Beverly by Ms. Jan Miller

Smith, Doris by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Mc Pherson

Emde, Bradford by Mrs. Jennie Murray

Higgins, Ivan and Phyllis by Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dieter

Sook, Jung; Yong Choul Chang; and Kim by daughter Ms. Rosalind S. Kim

Leach, Marion by Mr. John Leach

Hooper, David and Wayne by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lind

Steed, Roda by Mrs. Ruth Haller

Jarnes, Haakon and Dorothy by Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Jarnes

Stewart-Lang, Violet by Mr.s Ruth Haller

Grattan, James by son Mr. John Grattan

O’Brien, Celestial and Serenity by mother Judy Moon Touch Therapy Massage Medical Staff by Mrs. Deborah Kutasy

IN LOVING MEMORY OF THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE JUNE 2016 PLANE CRASH IN COLLEGEDALE, TN Suzanne Joyce Silver (grandmother), Todd Sterling Silver (son, pilot), Gerhard Stefan Silver (age 14, son of pilot) • by Mrs. Rita Vital

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written Your honorary or memorial gift is helping spread the gospel around the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient's name and address.

Planned Giving

Prayerfully Planned

Preparation W

e are excited but not alarmed about the signs we see locally and globally that reveal the nearness of Christ’s second coming. It is simply wonderful to be alive to see what Martin Luther and the other Christian reformers longed to see. In these final days of Earth’s history, we have the amazing privilege of investing in the Lord’s work and seeing eternal results. As we plan for the future, we want the funds the Lord has given us to honor and glorify Him. Thankfully there are many financial instruments available that allow us to decide in advance and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, how our assets should be used. Have you taken the time to prepare a legal inheritance plan such as a Last Will and Testament? This is one of the most important plans you will make as God’s son or daughter. All we have and all we are belong to God; making a plan that is approved by Heaven requires intentional design and prayerful consideration. As you take the time to consider your plans for the future, remember that the Lord wants to guide you. Entrust your property to Him and He will direct you. One author explained it this way, “If [God’s people place] their property on the altar and earnestly inquire of God for duty, He will teach them when to dispose of these things” (Counsels on Stewardship, 59). Our incredible Father knows our needs, the needs of our family, and the needs of His children around the world. He will show us how to invest in His work while protecting those we love the most. He wants us to trust Him, to put Him first, and to have “the advancement of His cause prominent” (Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 2, 658). We know that Christ’s Second Coming is both certain and imminent. We want to be ready whether we are here until He returns or if He calls us to rest before He comes. We have today to be responsible for what He has given us. It Is Written has professional consultants who would be honored to explain some of the financial instruments available to you and help you through the process of making a legal inheritance plan. Call us today at 800-992-2219 to set up an appointment. When you call, ask us about the resources we have available. We would love to send you a free copy.


It Is Written impressions

Making a plan that is approved by Heaven requires intentional design and prayerful consideration. THE PREPARATION OF A LEGAL INHERITANCE PLAN CAN SEEM DAUNTING. Start with these simple steps: • Make a covenant with God by prayerfully transferring ownership of all you have to God and listening for His instruction. • Make a legal inheritance plan that will honor God and your covenant with Him. • Saturate each step of the process in prayers of surrender to His will. • Don’t allow anyone to interfere with the plan God reveals to you.




“[Paul] planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.”


n 1 Corinthians 3:6, the Apostle Paul shares one of the most sublime and encouraging truths about the gospel work. You do some of it. I do some of it. Pastors, Bible workers, and evangelists do some of it. But in the end, it is God who pulls it all together and softens the hearts of millions who choose to surrender their lives to Him. The Harrisburg First Church recently held a series of evangelistic meetings, which the pastor and members of the church worked diligently toward. They mailed out Bible study interest cards, followed up with them, did health-related outreach, and invited their friends. Everyone pitched in and did their part. The result? When members Jaime and Cami followed up on an interest card and knocked on Steve and Veronica’s door, they were pulled inside and told how grateful they were that they had come. When Chris was baptized six years ago, she prayed that the Lord would impress her husband, Norm, to do the same. William had been coming to church off and on for over 20 years, but had never seen the whole gospel message come together. Robert and Linda had been watching It Is Written for several years, but had just a few questions left. Every person’s path was different, but in a sense, they were all the same. The Lord reached out to them and helped them make a decision to be baptized during the evangelistic meetings. In the great gospel work, each person plays the role appointed to him by God in order to help others along the road to the kingdom. If we are faithful in sharing Christ and His love with others, God will be faithful and supply the increase, just as He is doing in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ERIC FLICKINGER is the associate speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across North America and around the globe.


It Is Written impressions


• Escrito Está began in April • It Is Written first aired in Brazil


NET ’95 is held—the largest evangelistic series of its time


Adventist Commission Through Satellite (ACTS) 2000 campaign in Chile, Romania, Uganda, Brazil, Los Angeles, and Cuba


ACTS 2000 in Asia and the South Pacific

During the ACTS 2000 evangelistic campaign, the series was distributed in Mongolia via video. The church there had 67 members at the conclusion of the meetings. In 2015, It Is Written launched a new project to reach this frigid Asian country, Mission: Mongolia. Get involved with this three-year mission project by visiting SUMMER 2016





Featuring musical performances by: the Southern Adventist University Symphony Orchestra, Rudy Micelli, Charles Haugabrooks, Naomi Jackson, Alessandra Sorace, and Scott Michael Bennett

John Bradshaw

Robert Costa

WATCH on HOPE CHANNEL and DIRECT TV Channel 368 All times Eastern Daylight Time

Friday, September 30, at 9:00 p.m. Saturday, October 1, at 2:00 p.m.

Friday, October 7, at 9:00 p.m. Saturday, October 8, at 2:00 p.m.

Stream live on your computer at

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