Impressions Autumn 2016, Issue 8

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Mission: Mongolia

Fulfilling An Ancient Request

Divine Appointments


It Is Written Anniversary

on the cover

Mission: Mongolia

Fulfilling An Ancient Request


In 1266 the Mongolian emperor, Kublai Khan, asked for 100 Christians to visit and teach his people. 750 years later we are responding to this ancient request.




Director’s Desk


Mission Report


Escrito EstĂĄ


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight



Divine Appointments

It Is Written Anniversary


impressions magazine AUTUMN 2016 ISSUE 8 EXECUTIVE EDITOR  John Bradshaw EDITOR  Annalyse Hasty ART DIRECTOR  Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2016 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written and My Place With Jesus are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Escrito Está is a trademark of It Is Written, Inc.

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October 13 — November 5


Which Way, America? Evangelistic Series in Chattanooga, Tennessee

October 14 — 29 Revelation Today in Boston, Massachusetts

November 4 — 6 Partnership Event in Palm Springs, California

November 11 — 13 Partnership Event in Portland, Oregon

BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT SUBSCRIPTIONS

November 18 — 20 Partnership Event in Monterey, California

It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800

December 2 — 4 Partnership Event in Gatlinburg, Tennessee


December 28 — 31 John Bradshaw speaks on December 31 at GYC Conference in Houston, Texas


Turning Points

For sixty years, countless lives around the world have been touched by the ministry of It Is Written. Turning Points: Incredible Journeys in Grace shares some of those stories.


Partnership Highlight









Planned Giving (888) 664-5573 AUTUMN 2016


Director’s Desk

The John Bradshaw


of Right Information

Speaker & Director

Did you hear about the plane that landed on the wrong continent? And no, that’s not the opening line of a the enemy of souls is sharing the wrong corny joke. A flight leaving from Sydney, information about God. As a result, billions Australia, was bound for Malaysia. of people will be lost eternally. However, the plane landed in Melbourne, In this issue of Impressions, you’ll learn Australia, after pilots accidentally entered about the power of correct information, the wrong coordinates into the plane’s and about It Is Written resources that on-board navigation system. Additional share the truth about God which result in mistakes were made, meaning that the changed lives. people on board didn’t get At church just a few to where they wanted to days ago, I met a lady who I thought I smelled be. The right information was attending church for wasn’t shared. the very first time. She alcohol on him. While that incident was there because she At 6:15 in the morning. had been studying the ended in mere inconvenience, similar errors It Is Written Bible Study have resulted in tragedy. I recall when I was Guides. She shook my hand warmly and a young boy doing an early-morning paper said to me, “Please continue making these route, the newsagent arrived one morning wonderful resources!” I assured her we ashen-faced and uncharacteristically late. I would. thought I smelled alcohol on him. At 6:15 in I trace my own conversion to Christ back the morning. to a sharing resource given to me by a famBefore coming to the store he had been ily member. Wrong information causes lives listening to radio news reports of a plane to be lost. Sharing the right information carrying 257 people that had crashed into will see countless souls in God’s eternal the side of a mountain in Antarctica. There kingdom. were no survivors. Investigations revealed Be blessed as you learn how your that prior to the flight inaccurate coordiIt Is Written ministry is bringing truth— nates had caused the plane to fly off course. and the Truth—to the world, and how you When the wrong information is shared, can participate in spreading the good news tragedy can be the result. In the great of God’s grace and Jesus’ soon return. controversy between Christ and Satan, 4

It Is Written impressions


Shawn Boonstra took the helm as It Is Written speaker/director


Eyes for India was launched


1,500 Godpods delivered to the bushmen of the Kalahari Desert


First broadcast of free video podcasts via iTunes


My Place With Jesus, It Is Written children’s ministry, began


First shipment of Godpods to Papua New Guinea

Timeline continues on page 31



eople. That’s what It Is Written is all about. People serving people. In Boston we have a crew of dedicated Christian people sharing the good news of Jesus with people seeking a better way of life. The best part is how God connects people at the right time and in the right place. It was the end of a busy day for Amy who had been following up Bible study request cards all day long. As she stood at the bus stop waiting for her ride home, she felt impressed to follow up on one more card. The bus that evening was delayed due to heavy traffic. Finally, it arrived and she was on her way to the home of Mr. Jones who, a few weeks earlier, had sent in a card requesting Bible studies. She had already gone to his home twice before, but he had not been there. However, this time Amy felt that things would be different. As she

…they became convinced that God had sent her at that very moment. approached the large apartment building where Mr. Jones lived, a man sitting on the front steps asked her: “Hey, who are you here to see?” “Um… Mr. Jones,” Amy responded. “That’s me!” The man exclaimed. Amy could hardly believe that she had stumbled upon the very person she was looking for. As Mr. Jones and Amy started talking they became convinced that God had sent her at that very moment. “I’ll be honest with you,” he said. “If you had come a little earlier you would have missed me. And if you had come a few minutes later, I would not have let you in.” Praise the Lord for a delayed bus that was right on time. Mr. Jones is now regularly studying the Bible with Amy. 6

It Is Written impressions

Amy’s long day didn’t quite end with Mr. Jones. God still had a surprise for her. As she was walking home she noticed a student wearing a shirt that said “Bangkok” on the front. Since Amy had served as a missionary there for two years, she had to ask, “Where are you from?” “Thailand,” he answered enthusiastically. “Sawatee kha!” she greeted him in Thai. Amazed to hear his own language, the student immediately started conversing with Amy. She discovered they lived near each other and that he desired to improve his English. Amy offered to help him and even invited him to make new friends at a nearby church. He agreed. What a great ending to a long day. Brett had been studying the Bible with Kevin for several weeks. Since Brett’s regular visitation partner was unavailable to go one week, he invited Greg to accompany him without realizing that this would turn out to be providential. At the end of the Bible study, Kevin mentioned his sister, who also recently had started studying the Bible with a group. Brett offered to study the Bible with her and asked for her contact info. Kevin gladly complied. Upon hearing her full name and address, Greg incredulously exclaimed: “That’s your sister?! I’m the one who’s been studying with her!” What are the odds that two siblings, on opposite sides of town, unbeknown of one another, respond to the same Bible study request card and end up studying the exact same life-changing Bible message? The odds are great when God’s in charge. Many more people are experiencing similar things in Boston. People serving people—that’s what It Is Written is all about, wherever the Lord calls us.

YVES MONNIER is the director of evangelism for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.

Revelation Today is coming to Boston, Massachusetts, in October 2016. Visit for more information.




Mission Report

Happy Birthday Pearl


istorians agree that birthday celebrations originated in ancient Egypt. The idea was that when a pharaoh was crowned, he was considered to have transformed into a god. This promotion made their coronation date more important than their birth into the world. The earliest known birthday party is recorded in the Bible in Genesis 40:20 which says, “Now it came to pass on the third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday, that he made a feast for all his servants.” Egyptologist Dr. James Hoffmeier believes this is referencing Pharaoh’s coronation date, since that would have been his “birth” as a god. Since then, cultures have added pieces to what is now the traditional birthday party. Greeks added 8

It Is Written impressions

moon-shaped cakes and candles as a tribute to their lunar goddess. Ancient Romans were the first to celebrate birthdays for common men, but female birthdays were not celebrated until around the 12th century. Today, there are entire stores dedicated to celebrating birthdays, and cakes can be any shape you want. Birthdays are generally a time people come together in honor of someone they love and let that person know how much they care for them. Recently, Pearl turned three. As you would expect, her family planned a birthday party for her filled with her favorite things. What you may not expect is that, for this special three-year-old, Pearl’s birthday party was focused on It Is Written’s Eyes for India project. “Pearl loves watching the It Is Written program about Eyes for India. She probably requests to watch it every day! She even pretends that she is Dr. Prabaka when she plays,” Pearl’s mother Jen said. “This has allowed us to really get her excited about mission projects and being a missionary.” This special three-year-old wanted her birthday party to not be a celebration of her, but rather a time that people could show how much they care about the millions of blind people in India.

“For her birthday, we want to have an Eyes for India theme and request presents be donations to this cause,” Jen wrote in a letter to It Is Written. Jen requested brochures about the Eyes for India project to be sent in time for Pearl’s party. “I was just following counsel on birthdays and special events—and the principle that for your children you must try to replace what the world has to offer

“…you must try to replace what the world has to offer with something better. God provides the creativity!” with something better. God provides the creativity!” Jen said. The It Is Written team packed a box including Eyes for India brochures, My Place With Jesus sunglasses (similar to the ones the patients in India wear after their surgeries), a recorded message from Pastor Bradshaw, and more. “When I read about this amazing family and their sweet three-year-old daughter who wanted to celebrate Eyes for India, I knew

we had to do something special,” said Speaker/Director John Bradshaw. The birthday party was a success. Pearl even had an eyeball cake to practice surgery on, of course. The kids spent time writing get well cards to the patients in India, playing games blind folded, and watching the DVDs from It Is Written. “We were able to sponsor seven surgeries! Praise the Lord!” Jen said. “Thank you for your efforts to encourage my child to be mission minded and share the gospel with those around her and abroad. I know that your thoughtfulness and caring will stay with her throughout the rest of her life.” Inspired by Pearl and Jen’s idea to have a mission birthday party, It Is Written is now organizing a birthday club for kids just like Pearl to have mission-themed birthday parties. A “party box” is being prepared and the official It Is Written Birthday Club web page is underway. “It was our hope to inspire parents and children to be mission minded just in our local community, and it would be really awesome to be able to extend the influence beyond!” Jen said. “Wouldn’t that be so cool if mission birthdays popped up all over the place!?”


Escrito Está

Escrito Está

Reaches Hispanics

in Eur pe


vangelina had stopped attending church years ago. She had drifted away from God when she moved from Spain to Switzerland to find work. It had been a good move financially, and things were going great in her busy life. She felt no need for God or church.

“The political unrest and the upheaval in the world are unsettling the centuries-old routine of many, and people are looking for answers.” Then she received some devastating news: she had cancer. Months of chemotherapy treatments followed, and through her suffering, Evangelina began to remember her roots and her long-ago friendship with Jesus. She had thrown it all away, and now when she needed Him most, she felt she had lost her connection with God. But there was a ray of hope. Through her lonely nights of suffering and pain, she found herself watching Escrito Está, 10

It Is Written impressions

It Is Written’s Spanish program. She began to feel that maybe there was still hope for her—not just hope of physical healing, but hope that she could find her way back to God. Then she learned that Pastor Robert Costa, the program’s presenter, would be in Zurich, Switzerland, for evangelistic meetings in the city’s Spanish church. Evangelina decided to travel to Zurich to see him. She didn’t miss a single meeting, and finally toward the end of the series got the courage to approach Pastor Costa and tell him her story. “I had a long conversation with Evangelina. She recommitted her life to Jesus and we prayed together,” Robert said. “There are many Hispanics all over Europe, and not just in Spanish-speaking countries. They are living and working in different countries, and they, too, need to hear that Jesus is coming soon. We must reach them with the gospel message.” This past August, Pastor Costa met with 200 Hispanic delegates from across

Europe—both pastors and laypeople alike— who gathered at Newbold College to make plans to plant churches in the countries where they live and work. Despite the secularism in Europe, Escrito Está is helping to prepare hearts and minds to receive the gospel message. The weekly programs and daily devotionals are seen in every country in Europe, wherever Hispanics are found—and they’re everywhere! The programs have been so well-received that Pastor Costa was recently invited to Spain to record 26 special programs for the deaf. “Things are changing in Europe,” he said. “The political unrest and the upheaval in the world are unsettling the centuries-old routine of many, and people are looking for answers.” To illustrate this, Pastor Costa recounted an experience he had at the close of the meetings in Newbold. He was invited to travel for one day to visit a refugee camp in Dunkerke, France. The group left before daybreak with a few students from Newbold College, the church’s senior pastor, and personnel from the South England Conference and from ADRA. “I was not prepared for what I saw,” said Pastor Costa. “We spent the day distributing food and supplies to people who have no country and no home. Many of them are professionals who have fled their homeland due to violence and persecution. Europe is struggling to accommodate them, but it’s upsetting their views and long-held belief system.” Then he added, “I believe that God uses all circumstances to reach people’s hearts.

Even the displacement of thousands who are fleeing to Europe presents opportunities for the gospel to be preached. Everything points to the Second Coming, and we must be about God’s business wherever He sends us.” Please continue to pray for It Is Written’s Spanish program as it expands around the world. It is currently seen in 138 countries through 11,000 stations. To learn more, please visit the Escrito Está website at

Upcoming Events October 23 — 28


Sabbath School Program in West Frankfort, Illinois

November 3 — 13


Evangelistic Series in Bogotá, Colombia

November 16 — 20


Evangelistic Series in Montevideo, Uruguay

November 22 — December 1


Evangelistic Series and Evangelism Training in Concepción, Chile

December 2 — 4

It Is Written Partnership in Gatlinburg, Tennessee

December 7 — 11

Escrito Está Filming in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Partnership Highlight

Easy to Give, and it shall be given unto you: good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over. LUKE 6:38


mployee giving is on the rise in corporate America. Approximately $4 billion is raised for charitable causes each year from employees giving back. Nearly 50 percent of nonprofit organizations reported that their organization grew because their employees were giving back. If employees are engaged in the mission of the organization, they make better employees. They will happily work longer hours and return some of their paycheck back to fulfill the organization’s mission. Fundraisers have recognized the income potential and changed their approach from the traditional United Way campaign. Today many employers offer multiple charities and a plethora of ways for employees to engage. From 10k runs to bake sales, employees can pick a project any time of year and get involved with their work friends. And it’s working. In 2015, 71 percent of Microsoft employees picked from 200 activities and raised $125 million for over 18,000 nonprofits around the world. At It Is Written, we don’t campaign for other charities. We don’t even overtly ask our employees and volunteers to support


It Is Written impressions

our ministry. However, we have found that the Holy Spirit does the asking. Some of our most faithful donors are also employees or volunteers. They spend a good portion of their week working for the ministry and then donate a portion of their bi-weekly check back to It Is Written. This is engagement at its best: genuine and not recruited. Many employees have been giving to the ministry for years—some even before they worked here. Others started once they began their positions and saw the impact It Is Written was having around the world. One employee-Partner shared, “I began giving to It Is Written after I started working for the ministry. My husband and I were amazed by how involved It Is Written was in so many areas of ministry around the world. We can see the Lord’s hand in this ministry in a very powerful way.” In a special way, our employees have an inside view. They can read daily e-mails and letters from viewers of the television program or pick up the phone and pray with someone who is seeking counsel. They hear personally from Dr. Prabhakar about

Everyone of our Partners has a special, behindthe-scenes look at how their gifts are used to spread the gospel at our annual Partnership Weekends. Consider becoming a Partner today. Visit itiswritten. com/partnership for more information.

people in India receiving their sight for the first time. They can visit with Pastor Bradshaw in the hallway and hear the latest news of Bible workers preparing cities for our next evangelistic meetings. This first hand view makes it easy to give. “I can see how the funds are used and I like the direction It Is Written is heading,” one employee-Partner shared. “I know that God is leading.” In 2015, the Federal Trade Commission and law enforcement charged four cancer charities with defrauding donors of more than $187 million. Abuses like these are uncomfortably frequent. Employee-Partners have the added advantage of seeing how their money is used on a day-to-day basis. Another employee-Partner said, “I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the money I donate is being used to spread the gospel, and not used irresponsibly. It is very important to me that a large portion of my offerings go to reach the unreached, and I feel It Is Written is focused on that.” It Is Written is blessed with a wonderful group of employees and volunteers. Many have advanced degrees and professional experience. They could be using their talents and gifts in other, more financially lucrative positions, but they have found a higher calling. They invest their time and their funds in giving the gospel to the world, and the Lord provides for them. They have found and trust a Savior who “is ELLEN able to do exceedingly abundantly above all METCALF is the director of that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20), and development they love watching Him do that in the lives for It Is Written. that It Is Written touches every day. Information taken from; microsoft. com/about/philanthropies; consumerreports. org/charitable-donations.

Ellen and her team plan the yearly Partnership weekend events.




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It Is Written impressions


Faith of Desmond Doss pocketbook The Faith of Desmond Doss not only tells Desmond’s incredible story, but more importantly, it also tells the reader about his faith. Desmond refused to carry a gun, but that doesn’t mean he went into battle unarmed. He faced combat with two things more valuable than any manmade weapon—his Bible and prayer. The message of this small book is that through Bible study and prayer, anyone can develop a relationship with God, and achieve greater faith.

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Cover Feature

Mission: Mongolia Fulfilling An Ancient Request


n the year A.D. 1266, two Italian merchantmen named Niccolò and Maffeo Polo visited the court of the great Kublai Khan, the leader of the Mongol Yuan dynasty, at Dadu, present day Beijing, China. Impressed by his encounter with the men, the Great Khan asked them to return home with a letter requesting 100 educated people to come back and teach Christianity and western customs to his people. It was this request that caused Niccolò Polo to return to Venice and bring his 17-year-old son, Marco, with him on his journey back to Asia and the “Land of the Blue Sky”—Mongolia. Fast forward 750 years. Mongolia is now a nation of 3 million people, with the majority either Buddhist or non-religious. As for Christianity? Only about 3 percent of the population claims the faith of the Bible. It would seem that Kublai Khan’s desire has never truly been fulfilled. Khan could never have guessed, however, that many years later, a ministry called

It Is Written would focus its attention on the country of Mongolia with a life-saving message of hope. Since 2015, It Is Written has been actively involved in humanitarian and gospel work to help Mongolians get a clearer picture of Jesus as their help in this world and their hope in the world to come. An Ongoing Project An inspired writer once penned the words, “The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me’ ” (Ministry of Healing, p. 143). Following Jesus’ example, It Is Written has organized four mission trips over the course of three years to help the people of Mongolia. The humanitarian work began in 2015 with the drilling of water wells at two local churches. We tend to take access to fresh, clean drinking water for granted here in western society, but in Mongolia, it is not

a given. The majority of people who live outside of the cities do not have running water in their homes. In fact, they don’t even have homes in the sense that we tend to think of them. Many Mongolians still live in gers—tent-like structures used by nomadic Mongolians for thousands of years. These gers are typically set up by the thousands in makeshift communities surrounding the cities. To get water, residents in these ger districts will push carts of empty water jugs to a water station, sometimes located a mile away from their home. Today, three churches have hot and cold running water and can

It would seem that Kublai Khan’s desire has never truly been fulfilled. attract people who otherwise might not take notice of them. The humanitarian work continued with three more mission trips. Each mission trip involved healthcare professionals who would provide free medical exams, medication, and eyeglasses to the Mongolians who came to the clinics. The patients would then be invited to come back to the same location in the evening to hear free health lectures, children’s stories, and Jesus talks, given by pastors. The stories that have come from these mission trips have been nothing short of inspirational.

The 131 foot statue pictured right honors Genghis Khan, the founder and Great Khan of the Mongol Empire—which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. Genghis Khan was the grandfather of Kublai Khan.

Lifesaving Work The most recent mission trip took place from August 10 to 17, 2016. A team of 65 people joined It Is Written to provide care at five clinics and an orphanage around Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. With a population of 1.5 million people (half the population of the entire country!), there was no shortage of people in need of help and healing. Mission: Mongolia volunteers came from the United States, Malaysia, Canada, and Switzerland. Medical team members were divided up and went to the Amgalan, Tolgoit, Amazing Grace, and Yarmag churches, as well as a school site.

At one of the churches, a grandmother brought her granddaughter in to the clinic because the little girl was complaining that she could not hear well out of one ear. The doctor who saw her was an ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor). After examining her, the doctor discovered a tumor beside her eardrum. He was familiar with this rare tumor and identified it as a cholesteatoma—­a tumor that, if left untreated, would lead to meningitis and eventual death within a year. The grandmother was given the diagnosis on a piece of paper and she, diagnosis in hand, was directed to take her granddaughter immediately to the city hospital to receive a life-saving procedure. And this was only one of two cholesteatomas diagnosed during this most recent mission trip! Truly, lives are being saved by the work that God is doing through Mission: Mongolia. Reaching the Least Likely People who reside in Ulaanbaatar typically live in one of two places: either inside the city proper in apartments or in the surrounding ger district. But there is another area where the outcasts live. The lowest of the low. In the slums people don’t have access to basic medical care, and many

end up dying from otherwise treatable wounds and basic nutrition problems. On the lowest rung of the socio-economic ladder, these destitute souls rarely receive the attention given to the common man. Neglected and forsaken, their lot in life is little more than to exist. But a Christian man named Baaska decided to reach these hopeless people. He purchased an abandoned schoolhouse in this downtrodden area and contacted It Is Written. In most areas of the city, the local governments could grant or revoke permission for our mission teams to conduct our clinics. However, in this neighborhood, because of the purchase of the abandoned school by Baaska, our mission team had the ability to provide virtually any kind of treatment that the people needed. Baaska said, “If you have any problems, just let me know and I’ll take the heat for it.” Every day, Baaska would come to the team’s hotel and pick them up to take them to the school. As a result of this providential arrangement, hundreds of Mongolians who would otherwise be overlooked received life-saving treatments and a glimpse of a Savior who loves them unconditionally. Each evening informational and practical health talks were given to help the Mongolians live healthier and fuller lives.

God is also working in places we never expected in Mongolia. Some of the team’s drivers were non-Christians, but delightful people. One, named Orgil, transported part of the team to their site each day and helped with translation as well. Since his name was difficult for our English-speaking team members to pronounce, they gave him a new English name—Liam. Once he dropped our team members off, he didn’t want to just sit in the van and wait, so he came in to the evening meetings to listen. After several nights, he shared an amazing story with our team. Several weeks prior, he said he had a dream that he would meet a group of people who would give him a new name—an English-sounding name. When Liam looked at the side of the van, he saw the It Is Written logo on it. That logo, he said, he had seen in his dream as well! God is doing incredible things to reach the people of Mongolia! Kublai Khan’s 100 Does this kind of outreach really make an impact for the kingdom of God? Our mission team members consistently found that people who came out to the free clinics during the day came to the evening meetings as well. On the final day of the mission trip, many of them also came to church on Sabbath morning. And even better than that, the churches each distributed about 30 Bibles to new attendees on Sabbath morning. That may not seem significant to those of us who have several Bibles at home, many of which very rarely get used. But these Bibles were not additional Bibles for these Mongolian brothers and sisters. For many of them, it was their very first Bible! Seeing the looks of appreciation and joy on their faces as

they received these love letters from God was absolutely priceless. This mission project still has a significant amount of work that needs to be done. In June of 2017, It Is Written is planning to go back to Mongolia to hold a series with John Bradshaw in order to help harvest all of

…he saw the It Is Written logo on it. That logo, he said, he had seen in his dream as well! the spiritual seeds that have been planted so far. We will also be conducting an enormous health clinic in conjunction with the evangelistic series. How many health care workers will we need to operate this health clinic? Our goal is to bring 100 Christian medical professionals to Mongolia to help share the gospel of Jesus Christ with Mongolians both in word and in deed. And if that number, 100, sounds familiar, it may be because that was how many educated Christian people Kublai Khan requested to come share their faith and culture with his people 750 years ago. This upcoming mission trip is one that has been 750 years in the making! Are you a doctor? A nurse? An optometrist, dentist, or other medical professional who would like to help the Lord make Kublai Khan’s ancient dream come true? If you are, please contact us and let us know. “The Land of the Blue Sky” awaits you. ERIC FLICKINGER is the associate speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across North America and around the globe.



My Place With Jesus

Bring Him Home “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” MATTHEW 28:19 (NKJV)


hloe loved animals so much she decided she would be a veterinarian when she grew up. Any time Chloe found an injured animal she did whatever she could to nurse it back to health. Chloe wanted a dog of her own so much so that dogs seemed to be the only topic of her conversation. Chloe’s parents agreed that if she received good grades at the end of the school year they would allow her to have a dog. Chloe was so excited! She did her best in school and her final report card revealed she had done an exceptional job in her schoolwork. So, the whole family made their way to the local animal shelter so Chloe could choose a puppy to be her very own. The choice wasn’t easy with so many dogs to choose from. But Chloe finally made a decision and chose “Pooch.” He was cute but timid—a mixture of sheep dog and German shepherd. Chloe’s days were filled with play, training, walking, feeding, and loving her puppy. Pooch became a confident, loyal, and loving pet. His self-appointed job was to MELISSA BRADSHAW is the director of children’s ministries at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in Collegedale, Tennessee.


It Is Written impressions

guard Chloe and her two younger sisters whenever they were playing outside. He once fought off a strange dog that came into the yard where the girls were playing. Chloe not only praised Pooch for his love and bravery, but she also acted the role of a veterinarian and carefully washed his battle wounds. When a cocker spaniel puppy named Freckles joined the family, Pooch assumed an additional job: protecting Freckles. Pooch and Freckles became fast friends and there never seemed to be a harsh “word” spoken between them. One day, the girls were playing outside when they realized it had been a long time since they had seen Freckles. Only Pooch responded when they called, so they gave Pooch an important job. “Pooch,” they said, “go find Freckles and bring him home. Go on now!” Pooch seemed to understand what they were saying and off he trotted. A few minutes later Chloe and her sisters saw Freckles running up the road toward home. Right behind him was Pooch nudging him along! Just as Pooch was chosen by Chloe and given a new life and a safe and loving home, Jesus has chosen you and offers a new and eternal home with Him.

There are times when those around us have lost their way to Jesus. But just as Pooch accepted the charge to find Freckles and bring him home, you can be used by Jesus to bring others home to Him. Jesus said, “Go therefore, and make disciples� (Matthew 28:19). Would you let Jesus use you to share His love with others?

Come play with Dexter! Visit for more great stories and activities for kids!

How Well

Do You Know Your

Do gs?

Connect the syllables to name 10 different dog breeds. Grey

Freckles (left) and Pooch.

Our Dog Friends Audio CD Everyone loves stories! If you enjoy stories about dogs, then you will love our new resource, Our Dog Friends. This old-time favorite book is a compilation of dog stories by Ernest Lloyd. A selection of these stories have been read by Pastor John Bradshaw for you to enjoy.




















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Community Connection



the Goal

The 2016 Summer Olympics drew the attention of millions. Nations from around the world sent their best athletes to compete in hopes of bringing home the gold. As they pressed toward their goal, another special group of people pressed toward a different type of prize. Rather than heading to Rio, 76 Seventh-day Adventist lay members flocked from various parts of the nation to Chattanooga, Tennessee, to participate in the 2016 Summer SALT class. Summer SALT is specially designed for busy people looking for intense evangelism training in a short period of time. The fiveday program featured in-depth training on personal and public evangelism, and tools for outreach in the community.


It Is Written impressions

Speakers included professors Dr. Alan Parker and Dr. Philip Samaan; SALT Coordinators Greg Wilson and Janelle Dietrich; It Is Written Speaker/Director John Bradshaw; It Is Written Associate Speaker Eric Flickinger, and more. Faith hit the road when participants went to the streets of Chattanooga. Pairs went door to door for Sabbath afternoon outreach and offered the local community services to meet their needs. The results were astounding! Eighteen people signed up for church-related events like cooking schools and health seminars. Eleven people signed up for drop-off Bible studies and 42 people signed up for personal Bible studies—all within one hour! Not only was there a spark in the hearts of those in the community, but also a flame was lit in the hearts of the participants. Graduates from the Summer SALT class returned to their hometowns on fire and desperately wanting to inspire their home churches. While the greatest athletes in the world prepared for the Olympics, God’s church is actively preparing for His soon return. If you want to learn how to effectively share your faith with those in your community, there is some great news: you can start today! SALT now offers free online training called SALT 365. To start your journey visit

SALT is specially designed for busy people looking for intense evangelism training in a short period of time.

GREG WILSON is the SALT program coordinator. He has been involved in literature evangelism, public evangelism, and young adult ministries. Greg’s passion is in equipping and encouraging others to share God’s Word.

Online Evangelism Training

SALT 365 Learn how to effectively share your faith with It Is Written’s practical, engaging, free evangelism training. Visit to sign up and watch videos.




of Ministry

fter 60 years, It Is Written is the longest running religious television program. Consecutively since 1956 the It Is Written program has broadcast the good news of Jesus Christ across the world. Fast forward to September 6, 2016. In celebration of 60 years of ministry, hundreds of people joined together in the sanctuary of the Collegedale Church on the campus of Southern Adventist University to reflect on God’s providential leading of It Is Written and His guidance of the ministry into the future. Congratulatory messages were brought by video from Elder Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference; and Elder Dan Jackson, president of the North American

Division; as well as former speaker/ directors of It Is Written, Mark Finley and Shawn Boonstra. In a very memorable portion of the program, George Vandeman’s daughter, Connie Vandeman Jeffery, told stories of her father and brought the Bible her father was reading when he passed away. She recounted how his magnifying glass was found resting on Revelation 22:20 which reads, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” In a very touching moment, Connie invited John to preach his message that evening from her father’s Bible. Adding emphasis to John’s uplifting and mission-oriented message about the value of a soul, the afternoon was filled

Experience the 60th anniversary event! Please visit or call 888-664-5573 to order your copy on audio CD, DVD, or Blu-ray.


It Is Written impressions

with inspirational music and singing from Alessandra Sorace, Naomi Jackson, Rudy Micelli, Scott Michael Bennett, Dr. Julie Penner, and the Southern Adventist University Symphony Orchestra. Words of encouragement were also shared by special guests, Gordon Pifher, North American Division Media Ministries vice president; and Dr. Ron C. Smith, Southern Union Conference president. Interspersed with moving testimonies,

At the reception, John and Melissa Bradshaw cut a commemorative cake as attendees shared with one another about the impact It Is Written had made in their own lives. John Bradshaw said, “It was an outstanding event, a celebration of God’s goodness that focused on the work God has called each of us to do. It was a focus on mission, which is what It Is Written is all about. God’s work on Earth is soon

“It was an outstanding event, a celebration of God’s goodness that focused on the work God has called each of us to do.” inspiring music, and stories of God’s providential moving in various ministry projects over the years, the evening’s program concluded with John Bradshaw challenging attendees to be faithful in sharing Christ with others, just as It Is Written has been doing for the last 60 years. The 60th anniversary celebration was capped with a closing prayer which was given, very appropriately, by the Mayor of Collegedale, who watched It Is Written on a neighbor’s television when she was a teenager.

to be over, and this reminded us all how exciting it is—and what a privilege it is—to be part of that work.” As we look back on the history of It Is Written, it seems as if the last 60 years have passed in the blink of an eye. Looking forward, we certainly do not expect to be celebrating the next 60 years of It Is Written’s ministry here on Earth. By God’s grace, we will have that celebration in the kingdom of heaven. ERIC FLICKINGER is the associate speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across North America and around the globe.



Staff Highlight



When It Is Written made the trek across America from California to Tennessee, many things changed. One major addition was a new publishing department. Throughout It Is Written’s history, the ministry has always published books, videos, and more. However, having an entire department dedicated to the development of faith-sharing resources was a new venture, and the department required a captain at the helm. “God is amazing. He started leading me to It Is Written in 1994,” Publishing Director Chad Starr said. “I sold magabooks door to door at first. Fast forward, I interned at an Adventist Book Center, then managed an Adventist Book Center, worked at Review and Herald, then started working at It Is Written 20 years later.” As publishing director, Chad is able to use his many years of book sales and publishing experience to oversee customer service and order fulfillment, develop new resources, and do everything in between. “There are so many amazing projects being developed here, my biggest challenge is time. There are just not enough hours in the day to give each project the time it demands,” Chad said. “But I pray and let God lead me and my team on what to make a priority.” Chad is a dynamic leader with energy and passion for God’s work. He oversees eight Chad is married to Mandy and they have two sons, Tyler (15) and Brandon (12).

employees who keep the flow of customer orders going, and who all appreciate his leadership. “Working with Chad is always exciting. I never know what I will be doing on any given day,” Publishing Assistant Rebecca Dawkins said. “Even though he moves at a fast pace, he is really patient and takes the time to teach and explain the method to his madness.” “He’s great to work for, he has a great sense of humor, he listens to my ideas, and is willing to change his mind if a better way of doing things is found,” Customer Service Supervisor Cheryl Monnier said. “He is very supportive and always has my back!” Chad and his team take great ideas and turn them into real products people can use to share Jesus with others. New products are always on the drawing board to make sharing simple and give people effective tools to lead people to Christ. “I work at It Is Written because God called me to work here. It is so rewarding to work at a place where there is so much happening to grow God’s Kingdom.” To see all of It Is Written’s resources, you can view the new catalog online at

Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

“The work that It is written is doing and has done has truly impacted lives and I am a witness. Your gifts, Spirit-filled presentations, and love for humanity has made a great impact to me, my family, and many others whom the Lord will call. May your ministry continue to be blessed.” — USA “My husband and I don’t go out much anymore to visit our church. Your TV presentations fill a void. You are much appreciated. John Bradshaw is an excellent presenter of the Holy Bible. Thank You!” — USA “Last night on TV we saw your program on Eyes for India. May God continue to magnify this vital work you are doing; and also the good programs you have on TV. You speak to the heart, not promoting yourself, but pointing to salvation in Jesus.” — Arizona “I would like to thank you for including me in your efforts to bring the Word of God and joy to the children of Zimbabwe. I have gone through many trials the past three years and being able to help someone in need has lifted my spirits. I only wish I could do much more.” — USA

“God has gifted this ministry in many ways. You are definitely on the first lines for His kingdom.” — Hawaii

Approximately eight years ago my husband had three back surgeries in less than two months, almost died on the operating table, and subsequently has to be in bed 24/7. During that time we discovered It Is Written. Although my husband is still in severe pain, he has been able to return to church. However, your program is still an important part of our Sunday mornings. — Washington

Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us! Simply e-mail



Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone please go to or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Aldridge, Jennifer P. by mother Mrs. Joan L. Philbin Alston, Randy by Ms. Ellen Schatz Bolton, Lillian by Mrs. Rita Vital Bornstein, William by Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote Calcagne, Anna by mother Mrs. Dorothy Pacchino Christensen, Deryl To honor his life of service to others by Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Scoggins Clarke, Nadine by Mrs. Rita Vital Coleman, Catherine by Sharon Krein Copeland, David by Ms. Roberta C. Herd Dendy, Glen and Marguerite by son Mr. Robert Dendy Erickson, Bob by Ms. Sue Owsley Fillman, Orvin by Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote and Mrs. Rita Vital

Gineo, Natalie by Mrs. Rita Vital

Pecoraro, Tommy by aunt Mrs. Dorothy Pacchino

Grall, James We have this hope! by Dr. Craig Seheult

Randall, Jon M. by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murphy, Louesa Peters, and Mrs. Rita Vital

Hammer, Francis by Mrs. Judith F. Metzen and Mrs. Gail Mitchell

Scott, Floyd E. by Mrs. Vonsella Scott

Harrington, Cecil by Pastor and Mrs. Arden C. Mote Hooper, David by wife Ms. Lynda Hooper Hulker, Lois A blessing that made a difference! by Mr. Anthony T. Quire McClain, Thomas by wife Mrs. Linda McClain Mills, Kenneth by wife Betty Mills Moreno, Skip by sister Ms. Rachel Moreno Mulligan, James by brother Mr. Steven R. Goodwin Murphy, Trinity by Mrs. Michelle S. Stegman Myers, Leonard by daughter Mrs. Anita C. Seemann

Ford, Jason by Mrs. Evelyn Nare

Nielson, Joree by Mr. and Mrs. Noel H Shanko

Genstler, Arla by Tamalyn Sorrell

Owsley, Don by Ms. Sue Owsley

Smith, Ronald A. by mother Ms. Kay Lynn Smith Welch, Don and Jean by Ms. Sue Owsley White, Mardell by Mrs. Rita Vital HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emde, Bradford by Mrs. Jennie Murray IN HONOR OF College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church Youth by Mrs. Sandra Ruales Kuster, Cloyd and Beulah by Mrs. Jeanene Otto and Mary Peters Mabley, Virginia by Mrs. Patricia R. Reynolds Ott, Roger by Mrs. Jeanene Otto Peters, Richard Allen by Mary Peters Sosa, Sam and Joy Change lives every day by showing the love of Jesus! by Ms. Tami Sosa

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written Your honorary or memorial gift is helping spread the gospel around the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient's name and address.

Planned Giving

Help further our mission

Charitable Gift Annuity


n my travels as a Planned Giving & Trust a particular date and said, “This is the date Services consultant, I hear many stories when the total of our checks equaled the that don’t have happy endings. Without amount of the deposit we made,” she said. proper planning, bad things often happen, “Look at that date, it is over eight years ago, whereas the opposite is true when thoughtand I am still getting checks every month.” ful planning is prudently done. “I am so grateful that someone came to One day I met with a lady in her 80s who, our home and explained the benefits of a after visiting for a little bit, wanted to show gift annuity to us. I’m sure that if we didn’t me something. She came out of her den with do the annuity that we would have found a ledger that was well worn with use. She something to spend that money on. Now I asked me to sit at the table to show me, in have enough income to stay in my home and line-by-line detail, her monthly income. do all the things that are important to me I wasn’t sure where this was going, but without any worries of ever running out.” I obliged her, and she began to show me Gift annuities are safe and give you a how—many years earlier—her and her late guaranteed income for your lifetime. Interest husband had established some charitable rates are based on your age and marital gift annuities from ministries that they status with rates as high as 9.00 percent. loved. On page one was the deposit and the If you would like more information about date. Under that number was the date the gift annuities give us a call today. first check arrived. Then the date for check two and all the way down the page, with each JEFF BLUMENBERG has been a trust month listed. She turned the page and said, consultant for It Is Written for the past “Do you see all these checks?” five years. He is married to Sharon and they have five children and five grandThen she turned to the next page and children. They live on the Cumberland with her finger scanned down the ledger Plateau and love homesteading. showed me every entry. Then she pointed to 800-992-2219  This information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.



hen Scotsman John Paton made the decision to serve as a missionary in South Pacific island nation now known as Vanuatu, a Mr. Dickson warned him against doing so. “The cannibals!” Mr. Dickson remonstrated. “You will be eaten by cannibals!” Paton replied by saying, “Mr. Dickson, you are advanced in years now. You will soon be laid in the grave and be eaten by worms. If I can but live and die serving

“You will be eaten by cannibals!” and honoring the Lord Jesus, it will make no difference to me whether I am eaten by cannibals or by worms; and in the Great Day my Resurrection body will rise as fair as yours in the likeness of our risen Redeemer.” John Paton saw a need and made the decision. He would go and take Jesus to a people group living in spiritual darkness. Today, Vanuatu is a Christian nation. Several years ago during a visit to Papua New Guinea I went to a village which 50 years before was inhabited by cannibals. A missionary named Len Barnard served in that village and others nearby, after having been warned against doing so by others 30

It Is Written impressions

BY JOHN BRADSHAW, Speaker / Director

fearful for his safety. Today, the village boasts a Seventh-day Adventist church. The people live in peace, without superstition or fear. Cannibalism is a thing of the distant past. While not everyone is called to serve as a missionary in the South Pacific, every believer in Jesus has been commissioned to serve as a missionary. Not only somewhere, but everywhere. It can be easy to forget, but millions of people in this world live without a knowledge of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” How can God use you to bring the light of the gospel into the lives of people living in darkness? Perhaps He is calling you to be part of It Is Written’s medical missionary project in Mongolia, a country that is only 2.5 percent Christian. Ninety-seven and a half percent of the population of Mongolia are non-Christian. Wherever God is calling you to serve Him, it’s worth remembering that Jesus still says, “Go.” God is both wanting and able to use you to introduce another to salvation in Jesus Christ.


John Bradshaw started as It Is Written speaker/director


Every Word daily devotional launched


It Is Written moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee.


Mission: Mongolia project began.


Revelation Today became the  first evangelistic series to stream LIVE on mobile devices


It Is Written celebrates 60 years of ministry

R E AC H ONE MOR E IN YOUR C OMMUNI T Y F OR C HR I S T See page 14 for new Desmond Doss resources

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