Impressions Winter 2017, Issue 9

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A New Day Dawns

Boston evangelism project reignites city


What is God calling you to do?

SALT 365

Seven tips for a great Bible study

on the cover

A NEW DAY DAWNS Boston evangelism project reignites city


Cathy’s life got off to a rough start. When she was five, her violently abusive father beat her so badly she would never be able to have children. Sadness and pain, and a dark cloud seemed to follow her wherever she went. Finally, this past April, she decided to end her life. But then a Bible worker knocked on her door, and her life changed forever.

aspects 04

Director’s Desk


Mission Report


Escrito Está


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight



24 2


SALT 365

Seven tips for a great Bible study

It Is Written impressions


What is God calling you to do?

impressions magazine WINTER 2017 ISSUE 9 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Annalyse Hasty ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2016 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written and My Place With Jesus are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Escrito Está is a trademark of It Is Written, Inc.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA



John Bradshaw, Speaker/Director JANUARY 28

Speaking in Dodge Center, Minnesota


Preaching at the Georgia-Cumberland Academy spiritual emphasis week

FEBRUARY 10 — 12

Rally in Kansas City, Kansas

FEB 16 — MAR 5

Evangelistic Series and Evangelism Training in Moldova

MARCH 16 — 19

Speaking at the Sedaven Camp Meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa

MAR 30 — APR 7

Evangelistic Series at College Place Village Church, in College Place, Washington

APRIL 27 — 30

Speaking at ASI Mid-America in Denver, Colorado

notes 12

Partnership Highlight






Planned Giving



Eric Flickinger, Associate Speaker JANUARY 14 — 22

Evangelism Training in Moldova


Evangelism Training in Stuttgart, Germany


Dodge Center, Minnesota


Rally in Jamestown, North Dakota


Rally in Kansas City, Kansas

FEB 24 — MAR 25

Series in Jamestown, North Dakota WINTER 2017


Director’s Desk


Remarkable Calling John Bradshaw

Speaker & Director


ater in this issue of Impressions you’ll read a remarkable story. It’s the story of a girl raised in terrible circumstances, whose life was unfathomably difficult, who endured things no person should ever endure—and who then found faith in Jesus Christ. One of the most remarkable details of that story is likely to be overlooked: Cathy was reached by two young adults who had dedicated part of their life to ministry.

They were heading out on a mission that would see a life changed for eternity. At the very time when many young people are pursuing a degree or finding a spouse or traveling the world—all perfectly good things—these young people were learning how to be effective servants for Jesus. When those two young adults set out one day going door to door in Massachusetts, they were heading out on a mission that would see a life changed for eternity. I recently spoke with Kevin, a student at SALT. As he and his Bible work partner were leaving a Bible study—with a man involved in the occult—another man in the same apartment building called out to them. “Are those Bibles you’re carrying?” Dan asked them. The Bible workers nodded. Years ago the man had done Bible studies 4

It Is Written impressions

while in prison, and he was sensing the need to return to faith in God. “I’d really like to do these Bible studies you have,” Dan said. “Do you think I’d be able to come to church with you?” Another life powerfully impacted by the grace of God, through two young people who had dedicated a part of their life to ministry. Jesus is looking for people who are so filled with love for Him and fellow human beings that they’re willing to be used in service. Of course, not every servant of Christ must knock on doors. There are multiple fields of service and many roles suited to each person. A man who had only moments before been demon-possessed was told by Jesus that the best thing he could do was tell others what Jesus had done for him (Luke 8:39). The testimony of a woman with a shady past led many in her city to accept Jesus as Messiah (John 4:39–41). A young slave girl directed an army captain to faith in God (2 Kings 5:2,3), and less than 20 years after the crucifixion a handful of believers had “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Jesus said, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). If you’re willing to go, God is willing to use you in life-altering ways. There’s a Cathy and a Dan waiting for their world to be turned upside down. And you’re the person for the job.


ince our first trip to Ulaanbatar in 2015, Mission: Mongolia has impacted hundreds of lives. But we’re not stopping there. In 2017, we are aiming to bring 100 medical professionals to Mongolia to reach many more for Christ. We want you to join us. Visit for details.


Opportunity What is God calling you to do?


ave you ever missed an opportunity? Let something slip through your fingers that you should have grabbed with both hands? It’s one thing if you missed the opportunity to go to the beach or to grab a good deal on eBay. But what if it was the opportunity to introduce someone to Jesus and that opportunity disappeared forever? If you are serious about making a difference in the world, consider this: there are countless professions you could choose from where God could use you to impact the lives of others. Perhaps God is calling you to be a nurse; or a business owner; or a teacher; or a minister, or a full-time parent. There are myriad doors that are open to you right now but one thing is certain: whether you end up being a physicist, an editor, or an accountant, His desire is for you to help increase the population of His kingdom. And if you thought you had to go to seminary to learn how to do that, I have some good news for you. SALT (Soul-winning And Leadership Training) is It Is Written’s school of evangelism and it prepares people to share Christ in relevant ways with the people they meet every day. People like Cathie and Gloria. God directed SALT students Ryan and Tom to their house, where Cathie had only moved in a day before their arrival. Ryan and Tom began to build friendships with the two women, shared the uplifting messages of Scripture with them, and answered their questions. Cathie and Gloria were then invited to attend a Bible prophecy seminar in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where they continued to grow and make decisions to follow Christ. Cathie was convicted to give up a 20 year addiction to smoking and stepped up to ERIC FLICKINGER is the Associate the challenge by bringing her last pack Speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s of cigarettes to the meetings and giving passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across them to the evangelist. Cathie and Gloria North America and around the globe. are now both attending a local church


It Is Written impressions

and looking forward to baptism very soon. All because a couple of guys decided to answer God’s call to come to SALT. So what is SALT? Since its establishment in 2011, SALT has prepared hundreds of people, young and old, to win souls to Christ while answering God’s call in their profession. No other evangelism school has a more highly qualified, experienced teaching staff than SALT. Part of Southern Adventist University, SALT students learn from some of the most well-respected evangelists, Bible workers, missionaries, pastors, and teachers in the church today. With classes taught by It Is Written’s Speaker/ Director John Bradshaw, Dr. Alan Parker, Dr. Barry Tryon and others, students at SALT receive real-world community outreach experience that is second to none and classroom training that prepares them for the reality of soul-winning. The system of soul-winning that you learn at SALT is tried-and-true, effective, and imminently practical. It works…and it will work for you. Depending on what your life’s schedule allows, SALT offers three programs:




16-week complete training program

One-week summer intensive

FREE online training

SALT is a fresh, dynamic evangelism training program that offers fully-accredited college classes, a Bible worker certification, and hands-on training.

SALT 365 is a free online program available 24/7, 365 days a year.

So what is God calling you to do? You may not know whether He is calling you to be a pilot, a doctor, or an astrophysicist, but there is one thing you can know without a doubt: He is calling you to win souls for Him, and He doesn’t want you to put it off for another minute. Visit or call 423-236-2034 to find out which course is right for you.

SALT is It Is Written’s school of evangelism and it exists to prepare people to share Christ in relevant ways with the people they meet every day.

Mission Report




Mission: Mongolia


crowd of eager patients showed up on the first day of It Is Written’s August clinic at the Amgalan Church in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Among them was a grandmother with her lively little granddaughter in tow. After translation, Dr. Van Bignoot, a pediatric ear nose and throat physician from Switzerland, figured out that the reason for the visit was the girl’s inability to properly hear from her left ear. With an otoscope he carefully looked inside her ear and discovered a skin growth called cholesteatoma. The doctor carefully explained to the worried grandmother that all would be well if the little girl received immediate treatment through surgery. Moments later, diagnosis in hand, she hurried to the city hospital. So far, our It Is Written medical and dental professionals have seen over 4,000 patients like this little girl. While this number is wonderful, a valid question comes up: Is what we are doing having an impact beyond meeting the obvious physical needs of Mongolians? Jesus, while very interested in the physical well-being of all, was and is mostly concerned about a person’s eternal future. So, really, how have our mission trips impacted people, Mongolians and volunteers? Here’s the answer in people’s own words… “The blessings received from following the great gospel commission in Jesus’ footsteps by taking His love to the ends of the earth through the ministry of prayer, medical service, and proclaiming His words were awesome and indescribable. The Holy Spirit’s presence was evident by persons committing to follow Jesus and by expressions of relief after prayers offered on their behalf.” —Gloria, nurse practitioner “There is something very special about Mongolia. It is not only the kindheartedness of the people but also the fact that most of them have never heard the name of Jesus. It was mind-boggling to meet so many sweet people who never have heard the story of Bethlehem and see the spark in their eyes when they understood that He was the answer to their challenges. Caring for their physical needs opened the doors of their hearts to the Great Physician. Praying with the people at the clinics and seeing them at night getting to know their Savior was a booster to my personal and professional life.” —Raul, physician

“We experienced the power of the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of our Mongolian brothers and sisters! We will always be thankful for this experience and are richly blessed.” —Bob, optician

in our church and all of them are from the last It Is Written evangelistic meeting. So we have 11 brand new members just because of you guys. Thank you so much.” —Od, pastor in Mongolia

“As we would pray with people, it was interesting to see that the concept of God, and prayer, was so foreign to them, but they were open and willing to be prayed for and open to hearing the message of the gospel. In one week we saw a noticeable increase in attendees at our church. The health message works!” —Michael, principal

“A powerful example was a gentleman who had come to the clinic for help and had been baptized in April 2016 Mission: Mongolia trip. He had already started implementing the lifestyle changes that the physician taught him and he found there was even more he could add to improve his health. He said that he wanted to be an example to the younger members that God could also help them. ‘They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony…’” —Yure, pastor in Mongolia

Caring for their physical needs opened the doors of their hearts to the Great Physician. “About 40% of the people that we had seen in the clinic came back to our evening meeting. The people were appreciative and many hungry to know more about God. It was a blessing to be able to pray with each one and some had tears in their eyes after our prayers.” —Kathy, physical therapist “The trip to Mongolia was such a blessing! It strengthened my faith to see such immediate results from just a few days of personal medical ministry work among people who had never heard Jesus’ name! I witnessed the same patients that I had prayed with and others that had been waiting to be seen coming to the health and “Jesus” talks night after night, and have since seen pictures of their baptisms! Praise God!” —Julia, physician “Our average attendance is just about doubled this year from last year. And this is because of It Is Written work. Last September we had 11 people baptized

“I confess that in the beginning I was just interested to take advantage of the free medical care that the project has offered, but eventually I have found much more than that. Through the Word of God and the welcoming of the church and volunteers I’ve found love, hope, and peace. I’ve found another family, the family of God. Now, what I want most is to share the gospel with my friends and relatives so that Jesus will come back soon.” —Enkhtsetseg, a clinic visitor who shared these words with tears in her eyes. Yes, Mission: Mongolia is having an eternal impact upon so many lives. If you want to be a part of the miracles in Mongolia, please join us in June 2017. E-mail or visit for details. YVES MONNIER is the Director of Evangelism for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.



Escrito Está



The country of Colombia, South America, has long been a stronghold of Catholicism. The early beginnings of other protestant churches at the turn of last century were met with intolerance, persecution, and bloodshed. Today in the capital city of Bogotá alone, there are 236 Sabbath keeping churches, and the work is growing at lightning speed. ESCRITO ESTÁ IN COLOMBIA

The influence of Escrito Está, It Is Written’s Spanish program, is huge. The program can be viewed several times a day on multiple channels. That’s why this past November, when Escrito Está was invited to hold a satellite evangelistic series to be launched from Bogotá, excitement was high throughout the city. More than 3,000 people packed an auditorium with capacity for 2,500. Churches promoted their own meetings, inviting people to watch the series live via satellite from their churches. 10

It Is Written impressions




However, despite Escrito Está’s popularity, the success of this event didn’t happen by chance. The series was preceded by thousands uniting in fasting and prayer weeks before the meetings began. The churches worked in unity to prepare the way for the meetings. There were training sessions, seminars, and health talks. Churches organized into missionary units with pastors, educators, and lay members all praying together. CHANGING HEARTS: HIGHLIGHTS OF LIVES CHANGED Ricardo, a young business professional,

was attending classes at a local community center when he noticed that in another room they were holding a health seminar. He decided to attend. What he heard was so interesting and made so much sense to him that he embraced the health message—and

the members embraced him! He was baptized the last week of the evangelistic series. Esther, another young professional who had completed the online Bible studies and watched the TV program, traveled 11 hours from the other end of Colombia to attend the meetings. She too was baptized.

Jefferson had left the church 20 years before. He felt an emptiness and void in his heart and didn’t know how he could ever return to God and His church. In tears he prayed, “Lord, give me a sign, because I don’t know where to start.” Unbeknownst to him, the day before one of the local pastors decided to start calling the names on a list he had been given of people who might be interested in attending the satellite series! When Jefferson realized it was a pastor calling him, he knew God had responded. He was baptized the last Friday of the series. Mireya, a pastor and theologian from an evangelical denomination had been struggling for years with the Sabbath issue. As a result, she would attend the services on the Sabbath, and then preach to her congregation on Sunday. In preparation for the series, one of the pastors began studying the Bible with her and invited her to attend the evangelistic meetings. At the end of the series, she was baptized by the same pastor who studied the Bible with her.

Lydia, a professor at the Colombia National University, had been searching for the truth. One day she saw Escrito Está’s presentation on the Sabbath. Later she said, “This subject convicted my heart. It was like the pieces of a puzzle finally falling in place. I know the real truth about Jesus.” Lydia was baptized the final week. Hector, the contractor of the stadium where the satellite series was held, was so interested in the building and its purpose, that he decided to study the Bible. Before the meetings began, he knew he wanted to belong to Jesus and he was baptized! When the series ended, more than 3,000 people had been baptized, and thousands more had made decisions for Jesus. God’s Spirit is at work! CAROLINA BONILLA is the Administrative Assistant for Escrito Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanishspeaking community with the gospel.

Robert Costa, Speaker/Director JANUARY 25 — 28

Rally in Edinburg, Texas


Campus Ministries Training in Israel


Missions Festival in Montemorelos, Mexico


Evangelistic Series in Los Angeles, California


Escrito Está celebrates 23 years of ministry

APRIL 5 — 8

Evangelism Training in Mexico City, Mexico

23 years



Partnership Highlight


On Nov. 28, 2016 wildfires ravaged Gatlinburg, Tennessee, four days before It Is Written’s final Partnership weekend event at the local Park Vista Hotel. For over two decades Partnership weekend events have been held there. The event was relocated to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where It Is Written staff and Partners generously filled offering baskets to help the employees at Park Vista who lost everything in the fire. For information about becoming a Partner please call 800-479-9056.


It Is Written impressions


early $4 million was raised by young people last year for philanthropic causes around the world. Millennials are emerging as a generous generation, in touch with the world around them. Online giving platforms such as and report that their highest percent of donors (30%) are between 18 and 29 years old. Young people want to make a difference in other people’s lives. They want to see change.


ELLEN METCALF is the Director of Development for It Is Written. Ellen and her team plan the yearly Partnership weekend events.

It Is Written’s young donors and partners are no exception. Every year we see more young people attending our weekend Partnership events and becoming Partners. I had to ask myself, what inspires people my age to give to a ministry like It Is Written? I support this ministry because I believe in the passion and dedication the It Is Written team has for spreading the gospel. I know that they will do anything and everything to share Jesus with the world. I can see my dollars being put to efficient and productive use. But I’m biased. I work here. My parents have been friends of the ministry for decades. What about other young people? I spent some time asking other millennials why they like supporting It Is Written: “It Is Written is constantly trying new things. A lot of people in my generation don’t watch TV, but It Is Written has stayed relevant and built a solid and engaging online and mobile app presence.” “They aren’t afraid to use new technology and train others how to use it to share the gospel.” “It Is Written makes the gospel accessible on social media which makes it easy to share with others.” “They use up-to-date technology that is comparable with secular organizations but they use it for God.” “It Is Written has a young team and that results in great energy and creativity for spreading the gospel.” Our youngest donor, Pearl is three years old (read about her in the last issue of Impressions) and she raised nearly $350 for blind people in India. As I consider my commitment to It Is Written for this year, I am humbled to remember that “There is no limit to the usefulness of one, who putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart.” (Christian Service, pg. 254). Sources: and WINTER 2017



Attainable Tools Share Your Faith with a Personalized Evangelistic Series


ark watched the evangelist stride group material, but for years what has across the platform. “Man, I been missing is a place they could go to wish I could preach like that,” easily access everything they would need Mark thought. With Bible in hand, the to hold their own professional-looking evangelist called people to commit their evangelistic campaign. lives to Christ. “But where do I even begin?” Well now it’s easier than ever to At 29 years old, Mark knew he had been preach your own evangelistic series with called to preach the advent message to Christ-centered, field-tested sermons, others, but gathering what he would need and cutting-edge graphics customized to do it effectively was proving to be a to your own personal taste and style. problem. He picked up some PowerPoint It Is Written’s Outreach Series Builder presentations from one contains a full evangelistic person, some additional series from Speaker/ If only there was graphics from somewhere Director John Bradshaw, one place he could complete with sermon else, some decision cards from a third source, and scripts, PowerPoint get everything he presentations, handouts from another Keynote would need... location. Not surprisingly, presentations, handouts, the end product looked decision cards, and more. patched together. If only there was one What makes It Is Written’s Outreach place he could get everything he would Series Builder unique is that the scripts need to be able to preach his own evangeand slides are fully customizable, so you listic series and make it look professional. can change the messages to reach people Mark’s dilemma is not an isolated in your unique style. And what makes one. Thousands of young people feel the Outreach Series Builder even better is calling to share their faith; to give Bible that there are three packages to choose studies; to lead out in small groups, and from, including one that is absolutely to preach evangelistic series. The truth is, FREE. Everything a young person (or it isn’t hard to find Bible studies or small pastor) needs to present a professional evangelistic series is in one box and ready for you to use. ERIC FLICKINGER is the Associate Now you may be wondering, how did Speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s Mark end up? Well, truth be told, Mark passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across wasn’t his real name. It was actually Eric, North America and around the globe. and he’s glad he has the Outreach Series Builder to recommend to others today.


It Is Written impressions

Outreach Series Builder is an evangelistic starter pack with all the tools you need to present the fundamental teachings of the Bible to a group of any size! Perfect for   SMALL GROUPS   CLASSES   SERMONS   PUBLIC EVANGELISM

Special pricing available through April 30, 2017 Visit for more information.

Cover Feature

A NE W DAY Cathy’s life got off to a rough start. When she was just five years old, her violently abusive father almost killed her. Although she survived, a subsequent beating left her badly injured. As a result, she would never be able to have children. Her childhood and young adult life were filled with sadness and pain, and a dark cloud seemed to follow her wherever she went. Finally, this past April, she decided to end her life.

But God had other plans for Cathy. A group of Revelation Today Boston Bible workers ordered a mailing of Bible study interest cards to Cathy’s area. She received the invitation in the mail to enroll in It Is Written Bible studies, and with nothing to lose, she signed up. Shortly after, two Bible workers came to her door and offered to study the Bible with her. Again, Cathy agreed. After studying with Cathy for some time and working through several of the study guides, they invited her to attend the Revelation Today evangelistic meetings at a local church.


DAWNS From the moment she stepped inside the church, Cathy felt right at home and attended every meeting. As the meetings at the church came to an end, the Bible workers invited Cathy to the final week of meetings presented by It Is Written Speaker/ Director John Bradshaw.

“I’ve finally found the family I’ve never had.” On the morning of October 29, Cathy joined some 3,000 people throughout the greater Boston area at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center, the venue rented for the final day of what some have identified as the largest evangelistic event in Boston in over 50 years. “Revelation Today: A New Day is Dawning” was the title and theme of a three-week seminar hosted in the city of Boston by It Is Written in partnership with the local churches as part of the Compassion Boston initiative. The series ran from Friday, October 7 to Saturday, October 29, 2016 in over 50 local host locations throughout the

city, with all attendees joining together for the final weekend. And at that final weekend, Cathy and 50 other people gave their lives to Christ in baptism. After her emotional baptism, Cathy shared her story. As she wiped away tears, she said, “But you people loved me. I’ve finally found the family I’ve never had.” AN EVANGELIST’S GRAVEYARD

Tom Murray, the project manager for Compassion Boston, said that the planning for this Revelation Today series began as early as 2010. He went to his local church leadership with a dream to reach Boston, and reached out to It Is Written about doing evangelism in the city. In 2015 It Is Written officially partnered with Compassion Boston to work toward these meetings. “In spite of many who consider Boston to be an ‘evangelist’s graveyard,’ WINTER 2017


“It Is Written’s participation in Boston has had a profound, positive impact on the churches.”

It Is Written leadership responded enthusiastically, creatively, and energetically with us to plan a series that fit the unique challenges and opportunities of the Boston area,” Murray said. One such “fit” was the theme chosen for the series: “A New Day is Dawning.” This affected the tone of the presentations and all visual communication, such as graphics, handbills, posters, and other advertising. Rather than focusing on apocalyptic themes, “What we wanted to do in Boston was share a message that gave confidence and assurance,” It Is Written Evangelism Director Yves Monnier said. All this planning resulted in a multichurch project that involved 55 churches. These churches boasted a diversity of languages: 15 English-speaking, seven French, three Portuguese, and 25 Spanish,

as well as Korean, Mandarin, and Twi congregations. During the three-week series, most churches began by having a local speaker present the first week of meetings, then switched to watching a live-stream of Pastor Bradshaw for the remaining two weeks, until all the churches came together at the Reggie Lewis Center for the final weekend. Twenty-four of the 25 Spanish-language churches joined together in one location for a week of live presentations with Pastor Elias Sarmiento. Besides these 55, 26 more churches tuned into the live-streamed presentations, bringing the total number of involved churches to 74. PREPARATION EQUALS HARVEST

In preparation for the series, It Is Written mailed out 390,159 flyers,

provided 48,090 handbills, 19,995 door hangers, and 1,290 posters that were distributed locally by church members. Social media advertising reached over 18,900 link clicks, with most of those clicks coming from men between the ages of 25 and 34 (women of the same age were just 2 percent behind), according to It Is Written Representative Keith LaRoy. But that wasn’t the only preparation. In the months leading up to this series, It Is Written hired six full-time Bible workers to begin studying the Bible with many people just like Cathy in the Boston area. It Is Written sent out mailers offering free Bible study lessons to several Boston neighborhoods and—while expecting no more than two per thousand to be returned—received back as many as eight per thousand in some areas. By the time the meetings started, the Bible work team had 95 friends in sit-down, in-home studies, and 165 friends receiving dropoff studies every week. A CONTINUING WORK

Now that the Revelation Today meetings are over, church leaders are taking a moment to look back—and to look forward. “Revelation Today Boston was truly blessed by God,” said Pastor Bradshaw. “We saw what happens when God’s people come together, reach out to their communities and share Jesus with people who have become their friends. I’m excited to see that this project was not an end in itself, but part of a great, continuing work God is doing in the Boston area.”

Cathy found hope and assurance in Christ through Revelation Today Boston.

Perhaps the theme chosen for this evangelistic series was more apt than intended. A new day is dawning in Boston: not only in the lives of now more than 80 new believers who now have assurance and hope for the future; not only in the sense that we understand the world to be on the brink of the Second Coming; not only in Cathy’s new meaningful life in Christ; but it seems that a new day has dawned in the Boston church. Yves Monnier commented, “When an evangelistic series is completed, the first question people will ask is, ‘How many baptisms did you have?’ It’s a good question, but there’s a better question: ‘How has the evangelistic series transformed the churches involved?’ Well, from everything I’ve observed and heard, It Is Written’s participation in Boston has had a profound, positive impact on the churches. There’s a belief that evangelism can work even in Boston. There’s a desire to build on the momentum and reach more people for Jesus. It Is Written’s role in Boston may have ended, but the work is far from done. It’s good to see that churches are more than ever energized to do something great.” WINTER 2017


My Place With Jesus

It's All About the

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” PHILIPPIANS 2:5


s a teenager, Robert lost his arms in an accident. Although life for Robert was difficult in the years that followed, he came to the realization that life could go on and he could still live a useful life even though he had no arms. Robert was determined not to give up. Now in his 60s, Robert’s days are still filled with challenges he would never have faced if not for his accident. But in spite of certain inconveniences Robert has found new ways to do old things. He still loads his wood stove, lights the fire, and drives his truck. Engineers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, have been developing “next generation” robotic prosthetics and Robert has excitedly been part of the testing. Surgery to remap nerves from his missing arms allows Robert—when connected to the custom made arm sockets—to control the robotic arms and hands just by thinking about what movements he wants to make. With the aid of these robotic prosthetics, Robert is able to perform the everyday tasks that most other people take for granted. I was reminded of salvation when I read this story. Sin severed us from righteousness MELISSA BRADSHAW is the Director of Children’s Ministries at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area.


It Is Written impressions

and heaven and we were doomed to be lost forever! But God engineered a way to reconnect us to Himself. Through the death of His only Son, Jesus, and our surrender to Him we would regain righteousness and eternal life. When a rock climber is scaling the face of a rocky mountain and loses his grip and falls—that’s okay—as long as he is connected from above. It’s all about the connection. In this journey called life, there will be times when you fall, but if you are connected with Jesus on a daily basis you will experience God working in you to perform His will in your life (Philippians 2:13). No matter how desperate your circumstances may seem, God promises that when you confess your sins He is faithful and just to forgive your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Just as the repentant sinner brought the spotless lamb to the tabernacle and his sins were transferred to the lamb while the sinner walked away forgiven, you can also have the assurance of forgiveness and the full coverage of the righteousness of Christ. The robotic prosthetic arms being developed for people like Robert are not inexpensive. But salvation is free, heaven paid the price for you! What are you doing on a daily basis to maintain your connection?

Promises to

Visit for more great stories and activities for kids!

Remember Philippians 2:13

For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:5

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus . Romans 4:5

But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for rihhteousness . Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and have Himself for me. John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He have His onlh begotten son , that whosoever believeth in Him should not herish but have everlastinh life.

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Community Connection



n July 2016, after seeing the focus group screening for Mel Gibson’s blockbuster film, Hacksaw Ridge, I began plans, using social media, to prepare churches for its release. Comments from the prerelease focus screenings with faith communities included “fantastic,” “a transformational film for a society in trouble,” “a story about what a moral compass should be.” Gauging by the comments I’m seeing in the social media and news stories, Hacksaw Ridge has lived up to these expectations and more. The Desmond Doss website ( has had 131,248 unique visitors since July, with more than 68,000 in the month of November. The Desmond Doss, TCO (The Conscientious Objector) Facebook account has 7,421 followers but actively has close to 13,000 engaged fans representing 45 countries. The Desmond Doss Twitter account has 1,040 followers, many with a military background and new, young fans. A THANKFUL FAMILY

Ten days before the film was released, I received a message on Facebook from Mark Gamroth’s fiancé sharing a recent news article. Mark recently saw an advertisement JEANIE ALLEN is the public relations and social media consultant for the Desmond Doss Council.


It Is Written impressions

for Hacksaw Ridge on TV and realized the movie was about the person who had rescued his grandfather, Henry “Hank” Gamroth, on Okinawa during WWII. In a phone conversation, Gamroth said, “I was so excited, I didn’t sleep at all that night.” Patty Bagniewski, Gamroth’s aunt, followed up with a feature article about her father. I recently spoke with Patty. “The first time I saw Hacksaw Ridge, I cried,” she said. “But after the second time, I really broke down and sobbed. It hit me hard when I realized if it hadn’t been for Desmond Doss, our family wouldn’t exist.” The film helped the Gamroth family realize why it was difficult for Henry to talk about the war, raising an awareness of what our combat veterans go through and the need to provide emotional support and counseling. HOW CHURCHES ARE GETTING INVOLVED

You might be wondering how Hacksaw Ridge is impacting our church. I can’t tell you what every church did, but I can share a story of how two congregations used the movie as a witnessing opportunity. A two-church district in the mountains of Georgia bought 40 kiosks and 9,200 sharing books. They set up in theaters, doctor’s offices, restaurants, universities, and hospital waiting rooms. The theater kiosks emptied quickly and administrators called asking when they would be refilled because people loved the book.

Just before Thanksgiving, the pastor member of your church,” giving them an shared a powerful testimony of how God opportunity to talk about the God they is using these books. One day, Barbara, the serve. Now is not the time to tell them treasurer of another local church from a everything you know. different denomination called crying. She Simply share your personal experience needed to see the pastor immediately. When with Jesus. Not everyone is ready to join our the pastor and his wife arrived, Barbara was church as quickly as Barbara. Our job is to sitting with her Bible open, a Bible study be intentional about building a relationship pamphlet and a sharing book in her hand. and being a loving witness and then allowShe was in tears and deeply convicted of ing the Holy Spirit to convict the heart. the truth of the Sabbath. She mentioned When ready, they will ask for further study. that while reading the book, the Holy Spirit Hacksaw Ridge is providing the common convinced her that she should keep the ground that brings people together, peoSabbath out of ple who may have love for her Savior. never met other“Pastor, I am ready to follow Jesus by She quoted John wise. I’m already 14:15 and then seeing the start keeping all of His commandments.” said, “Pastor, I am of meaningful ready to follow conversations on Jesus by keeping all of His commandments. faith and the search for a deeper meaning The story of Desmond Doss is incredible! I in our existence. Don’t miss out on the want to be faithful and go to heaven!” The witnessing opportunities that Desmond pastor prayed with her to seal her decision Doss’ story is providing our church and before God and left rejoicing after seeing Christians everywhere. God’s Holy Spirit at work. Hacksaw Ridge is the unlikely story that The following morning Barbara spoke is impacting the world! with the pastor of her church and told him of her decision. Since then, she has been witnessing to her friends and relatives. One of her friends joined her at church as she shared her testimony with the entire congregation. The pastor is in the process of studying with Barbara, who will soon officially join the church. I’m convinced this is just the beginning. I believe we will see more people transformed by Desmond Doss’ story and wanting to visit our churches. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?

As your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors watch Hacksaw Ridge, you may be asked about your faith. I’ve spoken with several friends who have been approached by colleagues that stated, “Hacksaw Ridge is about a man who was a


SALT 365 Here are some Bible study tips taken from SALT 365, It Is Written’s free online evangelism training, to help you have a successful Bible study. Whether you are studying with friends, family, or someone in your community, these tips are universal.


Make sure you have the gear you need: •• A visiting partner! Always go in twos. •• Your Bible. •• An extra Bible, in case your student needs one. •• The It Is Written Bible study guide that you will study together —bring your personal copy that you have already studied and completed, a copy for your student, and extra copies in case friends or family members are there and want to join. •• A couple of pens or pencils. •• If conducting a group Bible study, the It Is Written Q Cards. (For more on this tool designed for small group studies, visit our online store at MELISSA LECHLER is the evangelism administrative assistant at It Is Written. After receiving a law degree, she discovered her passion for sharing Jesus and attended an evangelism training school.


Seven tips for a great Bible study

It Is Written impressions

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Do not overstay your welcome. Your Bible study should never run longer than 60 minutes. Spend the first 5 to 10 minutes catching up on the week and sharing prayer requests. Praying together is a great transition into the Bible study, which should take 30 to 45 minutes. Conclude with the appeal question at the end of the lesson, then pray together again. Always leave right after prayer. Don’t stay and chat. Leave them to reflect on the spiritual material you just covered, and give the Holy Spirit that opportunity to impress them of the truth they’ve heard.

If you do not finish a lesson... Some Bible topics may take longer to cover. Some students may have a lot of questions about a particular Bible topic. That’s okay. If you don’t finish a lesson one week, just continue it the next week. There is no race to the finish of the lessons. Let the Lord lead you and your student through the material at a personalized pace. The point is to keep moving forward.

Go through the lessons in order. Do not jump ahead or skip lessons. Even if your student asks questions about future topics, stick to the lessons in order. The content builds on itself. You can always say, “That is a great question! We have a whole lesson on that subject which we will get to soon.” If your student already has a relationship with Jesus, some of the content near the beginning of the lessons may be review for him or her. That’s okay! Don’t skip lessons, but take the opportunity for both of you to renew your commitment to Christ as you study together.

It is okay if you do not know the answer to a question. No one has all the answers! Admitting you don’t know helps the other person to see that you are a Bible student too, just like they are. If your student stumps you, here’s what you can say: “That is a very good question. I don’t know the answer! But I will look and see what the Bible has to say about that and we can talk about it next week.”

Remember it is not about you. Only the Holy Spirit convicts of truth. You are there to share truth from the Bible and be a friend. God is there with you to impress your student, His child, of just what he or she needs to hear that day. Pray, watch God work, and thank Him for what He can and will do!

Join It Is Written’s SALT 365 e-mail list for weekly Bible study training and advice from It Is Written evangelism experts. Sign up at P.S. It’s free! WINTER 2017



Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

“I would like to say that John Bradshaw has been such a blessing to me every time I hear his devotions. He always bring me to a place where I know God is still with me through every moment of my life. I will also keep the It Is Written family in my prayers as well. THANK YOU ALL! GOD BLESS!” — USA “My nephew has been watching your program with us and has accepted Jesus and is going to be baptized.” — Puerto Rico “Your [on location] venue for sharing and teaching the Word [is] wonderful and refreshing. I must admit, as a very visual and nature-loving believer, that I struggle against boredom with the ‘behind the pulpit’ venue. You brought the beauty of God’s words to us with the beauty of His creation and I was refreshed!” — Sacramento, California

“What a blessing this program has been through the years and continues to be. May God continue to lead until Jesus comes.” — USA

“I see you every morning and listen to interesting things you say from the Bible. Your cheerful way of presenting the Word is very refreshing! Thank you!” — USA “I love the Bible and histroy lessons on Every Word! You can learn so much in just 1 minute!” — Nunn, Colorado

“I was born in June of 1956, which is not long after the first airing of It Is Written. I remember my dad watching It Is Written. Dad didn’t go to church with us much. So, the early morning programs were church for him. It was near the end of his life when Dad had a conversion experience and I believe these programs were significantly involved in the remaking of this precious man.” — USA

Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us! Simply e-mail 26 It Is Written impressions

Staff Highlight



Escrito Está is the Spanish-speaking It Is Written. There are new half-hour programs each week and 3-minute daily devotionals every day. There is an entire Escrito Está website and multiple Spanish products available. Few people would ever imagine that behind the scenes of all that is one person. Carolina Bonilla began working for It Is Written over two years ago. As the administrative assistant for Escrito Está, Carolina produces and edits the weekly episodes and daily devotional videos, creates program schedules for broadcasters, updates the Spanish website with news and articles, assists Pastor Costa with preparation for evangelistic campaigns around the world, maintains Escrito Está social media platforms, and much more. “I have so much to do in so little time. The 10-hour day seems too short for all that needs to get done,” Carolina said. However, she has found that prayer is powerful enough to overcome all the challenges that she faces. “After I share with God my insecurities, stress, and fears, I am relieved. He

gives me the assurance that He brought me here and will teach me one step at a time.” Robert Costa is the speaker/director for Escrito Está. He relies on Carolina as his primary contact at the Chattanooga headquarters. “Carolina is talented and fully committed to the fulfillment of the Great Commission,” Pastor Costa said. “It is a delight to work with her. Carolina is a blessing to Escrito Está and a blessing to the millions she is in contact with around the world.” Despite her very important role with Escrito Está, Carolina remains ever humble. “I hope that by what little I can do, many people will have the opportunity to listen to the Word of God in Spanish…and decide for themselves whom they will serve.”

Get to know Carolina What is your favorite meal?

Llapingachos—Ecuadorian potato patties.

How many countries have you lived in?

Two: Ecuador and the United States.

What was your first job?

Cashier at a grocery store, age 16.

What is the best advice anyone has given you?

Surrender your life to Christ each morning. Let that be your first job. WINTER 2017


Planned Giving

Never Too Young for A Will or Trust A young couple died instantly in a head-on auto crash while visiting family in Israel, and had made no provision for guardianship of their two children. They did not have a life insurance policy and were not wearing their seat belts. The children, aged 8 and 4, were in the back seat and survived with minor injuries. A doctor in California was the brother of the deceased mother and was able to adopt the children, whose Israeli paternal grandparents lived in Tel Aviv. Initially the grandparents were insistent that the American-born children stay in Israel and be raised by them. The doctor and his wife were Christian and had children of their own. They flew to Israel and convinced the grandparents to let them raise the children in the U.S., but as a condition they had to agree to raise the children strictly Jewish and send them to Israel every summer for several weeks to visit their deceased father’s family. This made things very complicated for the family and it was a very difficult time for the doctor and his wife. They raised the children just as the grandparents had insisted while at the same time raising their own children as Christian. The doctor later found will papers on his sister’s desk she had planned to finalize when they returned from Israel. Make sure you are prepared for the unexpected. Contact an It Is Written trust officer today to start planning your will or trust. 800-992-2219 This information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.

Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone please go to or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Alexenko, Brent by Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Alexenko Anderson, Ruby by son Mr. Virgil Anderson Bergem, Robert and Dottie by Ms. Sue Owsley Birge, Carmen by Mrs. Rita Vital Burton, Barry and Thelma by Mr. and Mrs. Weakley Cotton, Marilyn by Daniel Cotton Cronin, Carlton by daughter Carolyn S. Cronin Dick, Emma by Mr. and Mrs. Weakley Doss, Desmond For your faithful contribution to our country. —Bobbi Jo Bridges Felton, Charles E. by Mr. and Mrs. Clint Washam Ferster, Elvin A man of integrity and a friend. by Linda Steinke

Janzen, Wayne by Mrs. Rita Vital

Walker, Anthony W. by daughter Dr. Loretta A. Walker

Krause, Rudolf M. by wife Mrs. Shirley Krause

Wallace, Zella by son Mr. Steven Wallace

Kutzner, Waldemar by Mrs. Rita Vital

Washam, Jay Camron by Mr. and Mrs. Clint Washam

Mellor, Florene by Mr. and Mrs. James L. Vickroy Metcalf, Emily by Mrs. Rita Vital Miller, Sharon by Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Alexenko Nelson, Adele by Mrs. Rita Vital Pacchino, Rosemary by mother Mrs. Dorothy Pacchino

Welch, Lee by daughter Ms. Brenda Welch Zinke, Alma by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper HAPPY BIRTHDAY Amador, Donald by wife Ellen Amador Alves, Maria K. by Mille Wood HAPPY ANNIVERSARY

Phalen, Jack by Mrs. Rita Vital

Baldwin, Richard T. by Chaplain Richard T. Baldwin

Rushing, Patsy by Ms. Sue Owsley

Nicholas, Rodney by Ms. Maralyn Thompson

Smith, Emily by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Wheeler


Thomas, Dale by Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Alexenko

Barnes, Steven R. and Gladys by brother Mr. Richard Barnes

Gojilde, Demetria by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ventura

Tornow, Alice by Mrs. Rita Vital

Pierson, Ken and Gloria Merry Christmas from Happy Bear’s staff! God bless. —Mr. Gregory Schleif

Hulsey, Bill by Mrs. Rita Vital

Villasurda, Misael by wife Mrs. Ester Villasurda

Pool, Larry by son Jason Pool

IN LOVING MEMORY OF JUSTIN DAVID WILLIAMS Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Williams donated a 1986 Honda Goldwing motorcycle and matching trailer in memory of their grandson Justin David Williams.

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written Your honorary or memorial gift is helping spread the gospel around the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient's name and address.




s we walk in the spiritual footsteps of ancient Israel, there is much that we can learn from their story. One such lesson is that of Achan’s blunder. Israel had crossed over the Jordan and was about to overtake Jericho. The command came from Joshua to the people saying: “By all means abstain from the accursed things, lest you become accursed when you take of the accursed things, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it. But all the silver and gold, and vessels of bronze and iron, are consecrated to the Lord; they shall come into the treasury of the Lord” (Joshua 6:18–19). Jericho was defeated by a miraculous supernatural demonstration of God’s power. The people’s spirits were high because they knew God was on their side. Shortly after this their confident leader Joshua set his sights on Ai, only sending a fraction of his army. And why shouldn’t he? He just witnessed a total victory without even lifting a finger. Yet, the Israelites were easily defeated by the small city. So Joshua fell on his face before the Lord and begged for an explanation for this Tribe by tribe, then family disaster. The Lord said to Joshua: “Get up! Why do you lie thus on your face? Israel has by family were brought sinned, and they have also transgressed My before the Lord until covenant which I commanded them. For they have even taken some of the accursed there was only one man things, and have both stolen and deceived; left: Achan. and they have also put it among their own stuff” (Joshua 7:10, 11). Tribe by tribe, then family by family were brought before the Lord until there was only one man left: Achan. You see Achan had completely disregarded the command that God gave to not take anything. Seduced by his desire for worldly treasures, Achan didn’t believe the words of God and took the Babylonian garment along with gold and silver. If he truly believed that God meant what He said by taking the accursed things that “all Israel would be troubled,” then he would have thought twice about his actions. 30

It Is Written impressions

Achan’s little decision cost the lives of many innocent soldiers that went up to the city of Ai to overtake it and eventually cost him his life and his family’s lives as well. How often do we make a similar blunder? God has given us plenty of crystal clear commands, yet we willingly choose to ignore them in spite of the consequences that we know are real. Time and time again, we have witnessed God miraculously defeating the giants in our lives yet all too often we think we can get away with things He has told us specifically not to do. The call is the same for us today as it was for the ancient Israel. “The highway of the upright is to depart from evil; He who watches his way preserves his life” (Proverbs 16:17). For we know it is written in Galatians 5 that “the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” I’m sure we can all identify with one or more of the items on this list. These are the ways of the world. The character of Babylon. To which we are told that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But yet how many of us are still seduced by them like Achan who desired the garment of Babylon. Do you desire the character of the world or the pure robe of Christ’s righteousness? Reading further in Galatians 5 the Bible says in verses 22 to 25: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we SCOTT MAYER is the president live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” of Little Light Ministries. Scott is Learn to listen to the Word of God, to believe married to Brenda and they have two the consequences are real, and follow the divine children, Carli (6) and Mason (4). instructions.


SALT See page 6 for more information.


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