Fault Detection In Vehicles Using Sensors

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S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38

Fault Detection In Vehicles Using Sensors S. Praveen Kumar1, N. Pavan Kalyan2, V.Prasanth3, G.T.Naga Sai4 ¹Assistant professor (ECE), SRM University, Chennai, India 2,3,4

ECE Department, SRM University, Chennai, India praveenkumar.se@ktr.srmuniv.ac.in1, pa1kalyan.n@gmail.com2, vankadariprasanth7@gmail.com3, gtnsai@gmail.com4

Abstract— Security as far as transport turn out to be critical as there is huge increment in offers of vehicles all over the place. Each auto maker progressively discovering approaches to consume their business created by repairs. However a large portion of the most well-known repairs can without much of a stretch be stayed away from if proprietors had given careful consideration to the preventive upkeep prerequisites. Getting stranded in the remote region because of vehicle repair is experienced by practically everybody anytime of time. These can be forestalled or getting overhauled at a similar spot is the objective of our vehicle item. The real segments we are utilizing are Thermistor, fuel sensor, Ultrasonic sensor connected with flag molding circuit which is associated with microchip. Motor overheating can be determined to have temperature sensor, fuel level analyzed by fuel sensor and uneven tire is analyzed by utilizing ultrasonic sensor. These sensors will be valuable for keeping the support shortcomings. Keywords— Arduino UNO, Fault Detection, Fuel Sensor, Thermistor, Ultrasonic Sensor. I. INTRODUCTION

In the present day everybody are running behind speed all need to start things out. In such landscapes mishaps are Increasing. Day by day new vehicles are being included the Street. This additionally builds measure of mishap. It appears like that there won't be a day without street mischances. Numerous advancements are being implemented to lessen mischances yet none of them have possessed the capacity to stop them totally, yet they are just ready to diminishing them to a degree. The expressway relationship in Europe and America has been wanting to execute a few gadgets in vehicles which would shield the enthusiasm of travelers. The vehicles are outfitted with air packs, antilock breaking framework and numerous such things. With a specific end goal to do any examination on the crash there is a requirement for the learning of genuine reason for the Accident. The mishaps may happen because of the oversight of Other or issue in the working of the vehicle, for example, Brake disappointment or fire mischances. The by and by accessible components which are consolidated into vehicles are GPS following and mapping. The European Union and U.S, Government are wanting to fuse certain information recorders into vehicles which would record the vehicle parameters. Presently in this venture we can show the qualities like the temperature of the motor, fuel spillage and the state of the Tire in the show gadget. This data may have a noteworthy impact in lessening of mischance. II. OVERVIEW OF THE PROPOSED SCHEME

Our paper portrays about the FAULT DETECTION IN VEHICLES USING SENSORS. We are utilizing AURDINO UNO microcontroller in our venture. At the point when the framework is exchanged on, LED will be ON demonstrating that power is provided to the circuit. At the point when the sensors that we are utilizing as a part of our venture sense any © 2017, IJARIDEA All Rights Reserved


S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38

progressions, they send hinder to microcontroller. To identify the temperature of the motor we require the temperature sensor. This temperature sensor is put on the motor with the goal that it can detect the temperature of the motor. The temperature sensor sends the signs to the flag molding circuit. This flag molding circuit enhances the flag quality so that the flag can coordinate the necessities of the small scale controller. The flag from the flag molding circuit is sent to the arduino Uno microcontroller. To recognize the tire state of the vehicle we require the ultrasonic sensor. This ultrasonic sensor is put over the tire implies it is appended to the auto so it can detect the separation between the tire and the sensor. This ultrasonic sensor sends the signs to the flag molding circuit. This flag molding circuit increases the flag quality so that the flag can coordinate the necessities of the miniaturized scale controller. The flag from the flag molding circuit is sent to the arduino Uno microcontroller. To distinguish the fuel spillage of the motor we are utilizing the water level sensor. This sensor is put on all the conceivable territories of fuel spillage. This sensor detects the fuel. At whatever point it detects the fuel sends the signs to the flag molding circuit. This flag molding circuit opens up the flag quality so that the flag can coordinate the prerequisites of the miniaturized scale controller. This data will be sent to a RF module. The information will be sent to show gadget through RS232 link. We will show the qualities utilizing Microsoft visual fundamental studio. III. COMPONENTS

Arduino UNO: Arduino/Genuino Uno is a microcontroller board in view of the ATmega328P. It has 14 advanced info/yield pins (of which 6 can be utilized as PWM yields), 6 simple data sources, a 16 MHz quartz precious stone, a USB association, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset catch. It contains everything expected to bolster the microcontroller; just associate it to a PC with a USB link or power it with an AC-to-DC connector or battery to begin. You can tinker with your UNO without stressing excessively over accomplishing something incorrectly, most dire outcome imaginable you can swap the chip for a couple of dollars and begin once again once more. "Uno" implies one in Italian and was denoted the arrival of Arduino Software (IDE) 1.0. The Uno board and form 1.0 of Arduino Software (IDE) were the reference renditions of Arduino, now advanced to more up to date discharges. The Uno board is the first in a progression of USB Arduino sheets, and the reference display for the Arduino stage; for a broad rundown of present, past or obsolete sheets see the Arduino file of sheets. The Arduino/Genuino Uno can be modified with the (Arduino Software (IDE)). Select "Arduino/Genuino Uno from the Tools > Board menu The ATmega328 on the Arduino/Genuino Uno comes prearranged with a boot loader that permits you to transfer new code to it without the utilization of an outer equipment software engineer. It imparts utilizing the first STK500 convention (reference, C header files).One can likewise sidestep the boot loader and program the microcontroller through the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header utilizing Arduino ISP or comparable; see these directions for points of interest. The ATmega16U2 (or 8U2 in the rev1 and rev2 sheets) firmware source code is accessible in the Arduino archive. The ATmega16U2/8U2 is stacked with a DFU boot loader, which can be actuated by: On Rev1 sheets: associating the weld jumper on the back of the board (close to the guide of Italy) and after that resetting the 8U2.On Rev2 or later sheets: there is a resistor that pulling the 8U2/16U2 HWB line to ground, making it simpler to put into DFU mode. One can then utilize Atmel's FLIP programming (Windows) or the DFU software engineer (Mac OS X and Linux) to stack another firmware. Or, then again you can utilize the ISP header with an outside developer (overwriting the DFU boot loader). A.

Š 2017, IJARIDEA All Rights Reserved


S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38

Thermistor: A thermistor is an earthenware semiconductor which displays a Extensive change in resistance with an adjustment in its body temperature. The word thermistor is really a compression of the words "Warm RESISTOR". In spite of the fact that there are both positive coefficient (PTC) and negative coefficient (NTC) are accessible, for our application we utilize negative coefficient (NTC) sort thermistor. We utilize this thermistor to quantify transformer temperature which never crosses more than 150øC. We can utilize this thermistor for our application. We utilize this thermistor to quantify transformer temperature which never crosses more than 150øC. We can utilize this thermistor for our application. B.

Ultrasonic Sensor: This is the HC-SR04 ultrasonic running sensor. This prudent sensor gives 2cm to 400cm of non-contact estimation usefulness with an extending precision that can reach up to 3mm. Each HC-SR04 module incorporates a ultrasonic transmitter, a collector and a control circuit. There are just four sticks that you have to stress over on the HC-SR04: VCC (Power), Trig (Trigger), Echo (Receive), and GND (Ground). You will discover this sensor simple to set up.


Highlights: • Operating Voltage: 5V DC • Operating Current: 15mA • Measure Angle: 15° • Ranging Distance: 2cm - 4m Fuel Sensor Water Sensor is an Easy to utilize, reduced and lightweight, high cost of water , beads ID and identification sensors. This sensor is working The standard is to quantify the span of the follow measure of water beads through the line with a progression of parallel wires uncovered. What's more, household and remote Products thought about not just little , intense, and cunningly outlined with the accompanying elements : First, the measure of water to recreate Conversion ; Second, pliancy , in view of the sensor yield simple qualities ; Third, low power utilization , high affectability ; Fourth, can Directly associated with a microchip or other rationale hardware , and the controller board for an assortment of , for instance : Arduino Controller , STC microcontroller , AVR microcontroller et cetera.


Highlights: • Operating Voltage: 35V DC • Operating Current: under 35mA • Type: Analog Sensor • Testing Area: 40mm*30mm RF module The RF TX-434 and RF RX-434 are to a great degree little, and are superb for applications requiring short-extend RF remote controls. The transmitter module is just 1/3 the measure of a standard postage stamp, and can without much of a stretch be set inside a little plastic nook. The transmitter yield is dependent upon 8mW at 433.92MHz with a scope of roughly 100 foot (open territory) outside. Inside, the range is roughly 50 foot, and will experience generally walls. The TWS-434 transmitter acknowledges both straight and advanced sources of info, can work from 1.5 to 12 Volts-DC, and makes constructing a smaller than normal hand-held RF transmitter simple. The TWS-434 is around the span of a standard postage stamp. [7]


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S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38

proposed a principle in which another NN yield input control law was created for an under incited quad rotor UAV which uses the regular limitations of the under incited framework to create virtual control contributions to ensure the UAV tracks a craved direction. Utilizing the versatile back venturing method, every one of the six DOF are effectively followed utilizing just four control inputs while within the sight of un demonstrated flow and limited unsettling influences. The collector likewise works at 433.92MHz, and has an affectability of 3uV. The RWS434 recipient works from 4.5 to 5.5 volts-DC, and has both straight and advanced yields. IV. BLOCK DIAGRAM

Fig.1. Block Diagram of Project


Arduino Board:

Fig.2. Circuit Board of Arduino UNO

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S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38


Ultrasonic Sensor:




Fuel Sensor:

Fig.3. Circuit of Ultrasonic Sensor

Fig.4. Circuit of Thermistor

Fig.5. Circuit of Fuel Sensor


RF Module: RF Transmitter:

Fig.6. Circuit of RF Transmitter

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S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38

RF Receiver:

Fig.7. Circuit of RF Receiver


Flow chart of the algorithm for Thermistor and Fuel Sensor:

Fig.8. Flow Chart for Thermistor and Fuel Sensor

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S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38


Flow chart of the algorithm for Ultrasonic Sensor:

Fig.9. Flow Chart for Ultrasonic Sensor


Flow chart of the algorithm for Visual Basic Studio: Start

Read the values from comport

Separate the values of sensors

Calibrate according to actual value


Temp is normal

If temp >set


Temp is high


Tyre is normal

If dis > set


Flat tyre


Fuel is not leaking

If fuel ==1


Fuel is leaking

Fig.10. Flow chart of the algorithm for Visual Basic Studio

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S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38



A. Interfacing of Thermistor:

To recognize the temperature of the motor we require the thermistor. This thermistor is put on the motor with the goal that it can detect the temperature of the motor. The temperature sensor sends the signs to the flag molding circuit. This flag molding circuit opens up the flag quality so that the flag can coordinate the necessities of the smaller scale controller. The flag from the flag molding circuit is sent to the arduino Uno microcontroller. The qualities are sent to the transmitter and afterward to the recipient with the goal that it can show them in the show gadget. In the show it will show "Motor warmth is high" or "Motor warmth is low". B. Interfacing of Fuel Sensor:

To recognize the fuel spillage of the motor we are utilizing the water level sensor. This sensor is put on all the conceivable zones of fuel spillage. This sensor detects the fuel. At whatever point it detects the fuel sends the signs to the flag molding circuit. This flag molding circuit increases the flag quality so that the flag can coordinate the necessities of the smaller scale controller. The flag from the flag molding circuit is sent to the arduino Uno microcontroller. The qualities are sent to the transmitter and afterward to the beneficiary with the goal that it can show them in the show gadget. In the show it will show "Fuel is spilling" or "Fuel is not spilling". C. Interfacing of Ultrasonic Sensor:

To identify the tire state of the vehicle we require the ultrasonic sensor. This ultrasonic sensor is put over the tire implies it is joined to the auto with the goal that it can detect the separation between the tire and the sensor. This ultrasonic sensor sends the signs to the flag molding circuit. This flag molding circuit opens up the flag quality so that the flag can coordinate the prerequisites of the small scale controller. The flag from the flag molding circuit is sent to the arduino Uno microcontroller. The qualities are sent to the transmitter and afterward to the recipient with the goal that it can show them in the show gadget. In the show it will show "Tire ordinary " or "Tire cut". Presently every one of the qualities are sent to the show gadget utilizing RF module. Every one of the qualities are shown by utilizing Microsoft visual studio.

Fig.11. Project proto type

D. Formulas :

For thermistor: Vd = {V/(R1+R2)}*R2 Š 2017, IJARIDEA All Rights Reserved


S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38

Where R1 is fixed resistor of 4.7 Kilo Ohms R2 is Thermistor Where V1 is potential across at R1 Vd is potential across R2 VIII.


Fig.11. Obtained Result


A working model of FAULT DETECTION IN VEHICLES USING SENSORS framework utilizing an Arduino uno and sensors has been executed effectively. The greatest favorable position of our examination is, at whatever point the sensor is initiated we will be quickly getting the affirmation immediately. This framework finds the blame in vehicle precisely. Therefore, it will spare the valuable time required to discover the blame in vehicles. Advance we can enhance this venture by executing IOT idea. BIOGRAPHY

S.Praveen Kumar Designation: Assistant Professor (OG) Mail: praveenkumar.se@ktr.srmuniv.ac.in Affiliation: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur - 603203

Vankadari prasanth Mail: prasanthvankadari96@gmail.com Affiliation: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur - 603203

G. Tirumala naga sai Mail: saigottumukkala@gmail.com Affiliation: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur - 603203 Š 2017, IJARIDEA All Rights Reserved


S. Praveen Kumar et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications[IJARIDEA] Vol.2, Issue 2,27 April 2017, pg. 29-38

N. Pavan kalyan Mail: pa1kalyan.nagendla@gmail.com Affiliation: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur - 603203

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