ISSN 2394 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2016
Modeling and analysis of barrier/interface charge and electrical characteristics of AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMT for high power Application T.Priya
B.Banu Selva Saraswathy
Department of ECE
Department of ECE
Karpagam College of Engineering
Karpagam College of Engineering
Coimbatore, India.
Coimbatore, India.
Abstract--In In this paper present, a physics based compact model for the 2-dimensional 2 dimensional electron gas (2DEG) sheet charge density (ns) in AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor is developed by considering AlGaN barrier layer. To obtain the various electrical characteristics such as transconductance, cut-off off frequency (fc), of the proposed spacer layer based AlGaN/AlN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMTs) (HEMT is modelled by considering the quasi-triangular triangular quantum well. This model valid for entire range of operation. The spacer layer based AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure HEMTs shows excellent promise as one of the candidates to substitute present AlGaN/GaN HEM HEMTs for future high speed and high power applications. To compare the result with HEMT structure. Keywords: AlGaN/AlN/GaN 2-DEG DEG sheet charge density triangular quatum well, High electron mobility transistor, Electrical characteristics model. 1.
high frequency capability. HEMT transistor are
The High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) is
operate in high frequencies and are used in high
an important device for high speed, high frequency,
frequencies product such as cell phones, satellite
digital circuits and microwave circuits with low
television receiver. Radar equipment and voltage
noise applications. These applications include
converters. An AlN spacer layer is provided
between the AlGaN/GaN layers. Due to the
instrumentation. HEMT is a field effect transistor
wideband gap of AlN spacer layer, its reduces the
incorporating a junction between two materials
two dimensional electron gas electron wave
with different band gap as the channel. The basic
penetration into the AlGaN barrier layer can
structure for a High Electron Mobility Transistor
significantly increase the sheet charge density (ns)
(HEMT) consist of two layers in which the material
drain current and mobility. A novel heterojun heterojunction
with the wider band gap energy (in this case
AlGaN/AlN/GaN was used to to make a HEMT.
AlGaN) is doped and that with the narrow band gap
The insertion of the AlN interfacial layer generates
energy (in this case GaN) is undoped [14]. It is
a dipole to increase the effective
referred to as heterojunction field-effect effect transistor
increase in 2-DEG DEG density. The structure also
(FET). It is two main features are low noise and
computing ng
alloy disorder
EC, by small
ISSN 2394 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2016
improving the electron mobility [9].. GaN based HEMTs is the one of the best device for high power, high temperature and high frequency applications. GaN based device has better power handling capability. GaN has widely used in optoelectronics and microwave applications in i the form of nitride based light emitting diodes (LEDs) especially in mobile phones. The formation of two dimensional electron gas (2-DEG) DEG) in the quantum well is the main principle of the HEMT device
Fig: 1. Schematic diagram of a Spacer layer based
operation. To achieve proper operation of the
AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMTs with gate length Lg, dd
device, the he barrier layer AlGaN must be at a higher
AlGaN barrier and di AlN Spacer layer thickness.
energy level than the conduction band of the GaN channel layer. This conduction band offset transfers
electrons from the barrier layer to the channel layer. The electrons that are transferred are
For the purpose of developing a compact drain
confined to a small ll region in the channel layer near
current model, a continuous unified expression for
the hetero-interface. interface. This layer is called the 2-DEG. 2
ns valid in all regimes of device operation is
The schematic diagram of the proposed Spacer
desirable. The expression for ns valid in the moderate and strong regime 22-DEG can be written as [6]
layer based AlGaN/AlN/GaN N/AlN/GaN HEMT is shown in Fig.1. The equations derived in this work of the
n s,aboveVoff
channel region under the gate contact. The layer sequence from top to bottom is Metal/AlGaN/UID AlN/GaN, with a two-dimensional dimensional electron gas
the AlN layer is the he decrease in alloy disorder scattering leading to an increase in mobility. This is because the electron penetration into the AlGaN is
H(Vgo )
(2DEG) channel formed at the interface between the UID AlN and GaN. The primary advantage of
C g Vgo
H(Vgo )
γ C V Vgo +Vth 1 ln(βV βVgon ) 0 g go 3 q V 22γ C V Vgo 1 th 0 g go Vgo 3 q
reduced due to the higher and also the binary AlN at the interface has no alloy disorder scattering. scattering
The unified charge density model shows the Sheet carrier concentration (ns) both above and below threshold. The term H (Vgo) in the denominator
ISSN 2394 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2016
simulates the non-linear behavior inn the above threshold region [15] given as
γ0 Cg 3 Where, θ . 3 q
capacitance formed between the layers and γ 0 is the experimental parameter extracted from data mentioned in Table 1. Under such assumptions, we get the simplified expression for sheet carrier density
V Vgs Voff Vx ,
Where, go
ε ε εε =Cg (qDVth ),cg 0 InAlN 0 AlN di dd denotes the total capacitance formed on the InAlN
2 Cg Vgo θ (Vgo ) 3 ns Vgo 2 q 3 V 2θ(V θ (V ) go go
barrier and AlN Spacer gives effective gate capacitance due to the addition of spacer layer, Vgs = gate to source voltage, Voff = threshold voltage of
The drain current in the quasi quasi-triangular quantum well is calculated ulated by using the relation [17]. ]. The model can be formulated using the
the device, d d d d i denotes the total thickness
definition of drain current along the channel. To
of AlGaN barrier and AlN Spacer layer, Vx
obtain the drain current model, we started from the
channel potential along x-direction direction from Source to
following physical equation:
Id qwns (x)Vs
drain end, D is the density of states, q=electronic charge and γ 0 experimental data calculated using an AlGaN effective mass of the barrier [6]. The thermal voltage shows less effect on ns in this model and is negligible.
C g Vgo
Vgo Vgo +
Vs = electron drift velocity and μ0 is the low field mobility. In the low-field field region, where the longitudinal electric field along the channel, E is
After solving the new Sheet carrier density equation
Where W and Lg are the gate width and length,
γ o C g Vgo 3 q 2γo 3
2 /3
C g Vgo q
2 /3
less than the critical field ET (E ≤ ET) with
dVc (x) , dx
The electron drift velocity can be calculated as
μ 0E E Vs 1 ET μ 0 E T if
ISSN 2394 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2016
Ec Vsat (μ0 Ec Vsat )
which helps us to develop the following expression where, Ec is the
for drain current Id is expressed as,
saturation electric field, Vc(x) is the potential at any point x along the channel and Vsat is the Saturation drift velocity of electrons. Substituting the above equations we get simplified form,
dVc (x) dV (x) Id 1 μ0qns c wμ dx ET dx 2 Cg Vgo θ(Vgo )3 dVc (x) Id 1 dx qwμ μ V dVc (x) 0 go 2 q ET dx 3 2 go ) Vgo 2θ(V
As the operating power of GaN HEMT device increases, it has also become important to include effects like velocity Saturation and channel length modulation (CLM) into this core drain current model are explained and shown below. Where, is
1 3
t source (Vgs Voff Vs ) 22θ ,
3 2θ dV(x) (Vgo) 3θ c Id 1 dxwμC 0 g V go c `1 dV(x) E dx T 3 (Vgo) 2θ 2 `1 3
The drain current is obtained by integrating the left side along the channel Length Lchannel from 0 to Lg and right side along from Source voltage Vs to drain voltage Vd i.e., From the source end to the
wμ 0 C g LgΔ
, 1 3
tdrain (Vgs Voff Vd ) 22θ , V Vs 1 d E L T g
γ 0 Cg 3 and θ . 3 q
drain end of the channel under the gate will give a simple model of the drain current which can be written as,
Where Vs and Vd are the potentials at the source and drain end of the channel. With a limit Vc (x=0)
Fig:2 Numerical calculation of charge density with applied gate voltage
= Vs and Vc (x=Lg) = Vd and by substitution method
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International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2016
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