International Journal of Current Medical Science and Dental Research (IJCMSDR) Volume 1 Issue 1 ǁ May-June 2019ǁ PP 06-10 ISSN: 2581-866X ||
Using Jigsaw and Problem-SolvingTasks to Enhance English Speaking Ability Kamollapat Chaisongkram Kalasin University
ABSTRACT : The purposes of this research were: 1) to study and compare the English speaking ability before and after learning through Jigsaw and Problem Solving Tasks of undergraduate students at Kalasin University, and 2) to study the students’ attitudes towards teaching English speaking using Jigsaw and Problem Solving Tasks. The sample consisted of 23first-year undergraduate students at Kalasin University, Kalasin Province, in the second semester of the academic year 2019. The research was a one group pretestposttest design. The research instruments included 12 lesson plans, an English speaking ability test and an attitude questionnaire. The experiment lasted 12 weeks, 2 hours a week, or 24 hours for all. The mean, percentage, standard deviation and t-test for Dependent Samples were used for data analysis. The findings of this research were as follows: 1) The students’ pretest and posttest English speaking ability scores were 25.04 % and 83.19% respectively. The students’ posttest score was found significantly higher than that of the pretest at the .01 level. 2) The students’ attitude towards teaching English speaking using Jigsaw Task was at a very good level.
KEYWORDS:English Speaking Ability, Jigsaw Tasks,Problem Solving Tasks, Attitude I.
Now English has become an international language all over the world that is useful for many goals in communication. Moreover, English is the most widely spoken language globally. To be able to speakEnglish enables people to be successful in doing jobs, further studies, politics and economics. Therefore, learning English to speak can create good relationship among people in diversity cultures and learn about cultures.In teaching and l earning English language to communicate that a main factor, speaking skill is one ofthe four language skills which becomes vital for human beings in communicating. In addition,Ur (1998) proposed that among the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), speaking becomes the most important since it indicates that a person has known that language concisely. Speaking skill transfers ideas, understanding, objectives and feelings to listeners in daily life, not only in educational field but also the business fields. Speaking English skill is a major significance in the process of learning English. The speaker must have knowledge of the vocabulary, grammar, expressions, structure and use fluently, correctly and appropriately.However, it is complex procedure in mastering this skill since it takes time for practice.Communication task types has been generated from the interactant relationship, interaction requirement, goal orientation and outcome option and the potential impact of the opportunities for learners.A number of language teaching has been proposed by various language theorists (Canale & Swain, 1980; Savignon, 1983; Hedge, 2000; Harmer, 2001) There is the one which is consistent to current language teaching context particularly in EFL context where students learn and practice the English language only in the classroom. That is Task-based language learning which has been proposed by Ellis (2003) in 3 steps: 1) Pre-task, 2)During-task, and 3) Post-task. The purpose is to bring in tasks prepared by teachers in providing students opportunity to learn and expose to the language within the classroom environment which the teacher has constructed. Through the process of task-based instruction, students are able to learn and use English speaking under the teacher’s supervision purposively.According toPica, Kanagy & Falodun (1993) has encouragement to language teaching context using five different tasks which include jigsaw, information-gap, problem-solving, decision-making, and opinionexchange are introduced. In using tasks for implementation in the language classroom, the outstanding research conducted by Harmer & Surguine (1987)stated that jigsaw task is particularly representative. Students are commonly asked to work in group of four and pairs completing the particular. The students have to interact among the group trying to share and exchange the information they need in order to complete the whole story. In other types of jigsaw task, students are asked to work in pairs using pictures, maps, or dialogues. While acting the jigsaw task, the speaker must be able to usethe accent, and the words with accuracy according to rules in English in various levels, as well as can use the body language appropriate to point or direct to speak English by
|Volume 1| Issue 1 |