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IJEEE, Vol. 1, Spl. Issue 1 (March 2014)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

A Review of different Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks 1

Maninder singh, 2Varun Marwaha

1,2 1

Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, Indo Global College of Engineering, Punjab, India,

Abstract: In this paper we review basics of wireless communication its features, characteristic, fundamental ,applications etc along with its area of research , scope of improvement and prominent attributes. Wireless communication is not aimed to just general communication as in multimedia services but have found underlying use in industrial application and is embedded with different hardware equipment for robotic application . Current wireless multimedia services , for example, may include 2G,3G and 4G cellular radios, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies. Another category of which use wireless technique is in VANET i.e vehicular Ad hoc Networks ,iMANET i.e. internet based mobile adhoc networks MANET i.e. mobile ad hoc network. We will also discuss about active research topic mainly MANET in wireless such as improving and achieving high data rates on given width of channel, improving quality of signal by controlling and limiting losses and errors produced as a result of scattering, interference and multipath propagation. Keywords: iMANET, Wi-Fi, 4G, Bluetooth, Ad hoc. I.


Wireless communication is activity of conveying information between two or more points or terminals without having any physical connection between them i.e. medium is either air or vaccum. In actual communication takes place with help of electromagnetic waves and strength and frequency of electromagnetic waves depends upon number of factors as on distance between two points, environmental factors etc.Claude chappe of france was first to design practical system for communication purpose called semaphore system, conveyed information through visual singnals. Then era of wired communication came Paul Schilling pioneer of electrical telegraph , Alexander Graham Bell inventor of first practical telephone. Giant leap in communication was in 1895 ,when Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi successful in making first radio telegraph or wireless 1906 first WARC i.e. world

administrative radio conference was held in order to coordinate different inventions in wireless technology. 1915 first wireless voice transmission between new York and san Fransco took place. Marconi discovered short waves in 1920 , which got reflected back from ionosphere . Edwin H Armstrong 1933 discovered frequency modulation. In 1946, First interconnection of mobile users to public switched telephone network (PSTN) was established. Major reformation In wireless technology took place in 80’s and 90’s ,with introduction of Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) in 1983 deployed in US using duplex channels. Followed by introduction of packet switched services i.e. SMS and GPRS in early 90’s along with SPREAD SPECTRUM techniques like CDMA. Overview in this portion we are going to take general idea of different prominent wireless techniques. 2G 2g signify second generation wireless technology. 2g working parameters are defined by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) i.e. protocol , frequency range etc. it was followed by 2.5g which in addition contained packet switching technology. 3G 3g signify third generation wireless technology. 3g provide higher data rates as compare to 2g.It working technology is spread spectrum mainly CDMA. Current 3G systems have been established through ITU’s project on International MobileTelecommunications 2000 (IMT-2000). 4G 4g signify fourth generation wireless technology. 4g provide higher data rates as compare to 3g.It is new technology and deployed only in few counties due to backward compatibility problems.Wimax (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is example of 4g technology .

International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


These technologies are much familiar to everyone as compare to technology like MANET , InVANET. Let us discuss these technology briefly one by one . MANET A mobile ad hoc network is abbreviate as MANET. In this technology a temporary wireless network is established which configure itself to perform particularly task. Each device in a MANET is free to move independently in any direction, and will therefore change its links to other devices. Ex Bluetooth . InVANETIntelligent vehicular ad-hoc network (InVANET) is another term for promoting vehicular networking. InVANET technology is best example is Wi-Fi .

Throughput using DSR i.e. Dynamic Source routing Protocol .

II. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Among given technologies MANET is most active topic for research work considering scope of improvement in this technology. Clearly a MANET is wireless technique that can be performed without having any pre-existing infrastructure in which each node or terminal act as router. But to coordinate or establish or rout link between two terminals we need to follow some sort of instructions,rules i.e. protocols. A wireless ad-hoc environment introduces many problems such as mobility and limited bandwidth which makes routing difficult.

Comparison between DSR and AODV

Hence efficiency and accuracy of system can be determined on basis of QoS i.e. quality of service parameters like Throughput (It is the average rate of successful message delivery over a communication channel), Delay ( It is a time required for packets to reach to destination node from source node) and Fairness (it defines channel utilization by users). There are three types of Ad hoc Routing protocols. They are pro-active protocols, active protocols and hierarchical protocols. For comparison purpose we will take the few protocols from each type. They are Dynamic Source routing Protocol (DSR), Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), Ad hoc on demand Distance vector protocol (AODV) and Ad-hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing (AOMDV). Let us view some graph showing performance of MANET using different protocols.

III. METHODOLOGY We can use some simulation software which can mimic real life scenarios for performance evaluation. For example we can use network simulator NS-2.34 for simulation purpose.To compare different ad-hoc routing protocol, it is best to use identical simulation environments for their performance evaluation. IV. CONCLUSION In this paper we are concentrated on MANET As MANET is active research topic and we can study it under different conditions and various parameters to get more accurate results.

International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


Future work will include deep study and analysis of MANET parameters. REFERENCES 1.

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International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


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