Automated Air Cooled Three Level Inverter system using Arduino

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Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

Automated Air Cooled Three Level Inverter system using Arduino Alok Deep1, Jyoti Singh2, Shimi S.L3 1,2,3

Department of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR, Chandigarh, India

Abstract—The output voltage of a three level inverter is stepped voltage in which the output voltage have three possible values. Such systems can be used to interface renewable energy sources with the grid. Temperature has significant effect on performance of power MOSFETs. Typically, the MOSFETs used as power switches in such applications are a significant source of heat, and the heat energy dissipated by these components must be carefully controlled if operating temperatures are to be maintained. So for the system to work efficiently cooling of MOSFETs is required. This paper proposed an automated air cooled 3 level H-bridge inverter. The system consists of MOSFETs, LM 35 temperature sensor, Optocouplers for isolation. Arduino is used to control the on-off operation of fan. When temperature rises above certain level fan turns on to cool the MOSFETs. Keywords — Arduino, MATLAB, MOSFETs, Optocouplers, LM 35, Cooling Fan.

INTRODUCTION Power Electronics is interdisciplinary and is at the confluence of three fundamental technical areas - power, electronics and control, and is used in a wide variety of industries from computers, chemical plants to rolling mills. The importance of power electronics has grown over the years due to several factors. MATLAB have been used for simulating the power electronic circuits like rectifiers, inverters, choppers and ac voltage controllers. They have the detailed device models and have been able to represent the controller portion of the converter system by its functional features in as a simplified manner as possible. In this paper the simulation and hardware implementation of a three level inverter circuit and cooling of the system has been taken into consideration. A 3 Level Inverter is a high-efficiency power electronic inverter particular, for use with three-phase drives, as a grid-tie inverter for photovoltaic installations or wind turbines and in power supplies [1]. Some industrial applications of inverters are for adjustable- speed ac drives, induction heating, stand by air-craft power supplies, UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) for computers, HVDC transmission lines etc. This converter topology used MOSFET power semiconducting devices it is act as a switches. While designing inverter with power electronic devices cooling of power electronic components is always required because of their high power ratings. In MOSFET when the temperature increases above 25oC the normalized onresistance increases and load current decreases, and hence efficiency of system goes down [2].

To increase the efficiency we design a system to maintain its temperature at 25oC by fan cooling which is controlled by Arduino Microcontroller Board [3]. In section 2 a simplified block diagram of the proposed system and overview of Arduino Uno are discussed. The section 3 describes the proposed work and circuit diagram of system. In Section 4 the flow of process is shown. In section 5, 6 and 7 the MATLAB simulation model, hardware implementation and output waveforms of system are discussed respectively. The Section 8 discusses all the conclusion and future development of project. BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION The goal of this project is to improve the efficiency of 3 level inverter by maintaning the operating temperature of MOSFETs at 25oC. The system consists of a power supply, a cooling fan, MOSFET bridge, Optocouplers for isolation of power circuit from control circuit and Arduino [4-5]. The simplified block diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Block diagram of System Over view of Arduino Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform, mostly based on small, easy-to-use hardware and software [6-7]. It can affect devices, like lights, motors and other actuators by receiving input from sensor. All the action performed by Arduino is programmed to the microcontroller on the board via Arduino programming language and the Arduino development environment. Arduino projects can be stand-alone or communicate with other software applications running on a computer and other types of hardware.

Fig. 2 Arduino Uno Microcontroller Development Board NITTTR, Chandigarh

EDIT -2015


Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

The Adruino Uno board as shown in Fig. 2. The Table.1 shows the specifications of Arduino Uno microcontroller board. Table.1 Arduino Uno specifications Microcontroller Operating Voltage Supply Voltage (recommended) Maximum supply Voltage (not recommended) Digital I/O Pins Analog Input Pins DC Current per I/O Pin DC Current for 3.3V Pin Flash Memory SRAM EEPROM Clock Speed

ATmega328 5V 7-12V 20V

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

The objective is to maintain the temperature of MOSFETs at 25oC. To do this we use fan cooling with the help of Arduino. Whenever temperature increases above 25oC the cooling fan is switched on to cool the system [12]. The inverting program have developed in C code in Arduino which compares the temperature of MOSFETs with 25oC. If it increases above the set value the fan is turned on. FLOWCHART OF PROCESS

14(of which 6 provide PWM output) 6 40mA 50mA 32KB of which 0.5KB used by boot loader 2KB 1KB 16MHz

PROPOSED CIRCUIT & ITS OPERATION The circuit diagram for proposed automated air cooled inverter circuit is shown in Fig. 3.The dc power supply taken from the rectifier or from solar or by any other mean [8]. The dc power output is fed to the inverter bridge which consists of four MOSFETs. The temperature of MOSFETs are continuously sensed by temperature sensor IC LM35 [9-11]. ArduinoUno takes the temperature from LM35 and shows reading on display. The gate pulse for MOSFETs is given by Arduino. Optocoupler is used to isolate two voltage level. It is an electronic components that interconnects two separate electrical circuits by means of a light sensitive optical interface. The control circuit consists of microcontroller which operates on TTL logic and the power circuit consists of power MOSFETs of very high voltage (400V) and current rating(10A).

Fig. 4 Flow Chart of Process From the flow chart it can be seen that the temperature is continuously monitored by Arduino via LM35. Temperature sensor checks the temperature of MOSFETs. If the temperature rises above the set value cooling fan gets turn on. And if there is no change or the temperature is below the desired value the fan remain off. MATLAB BASED SIMULATION MODEL The model is implemented using MATLAB/SIMULINK software with the SimPowerSystem Block Set based on computer simulation. Computer simulation plays an important role in the design, analysis, and evaluation of power electronic converter and their controller. The Fig. 5 shows MOSFET based full bridge inverter circuit diagram in MATLAB. In this circuit Vs is 12V, load R, resistance is 200kohm. The output waveform shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 3 Circuit diagram for H-Bridge 3 Level Inverter LM35 gives the present temperature in the form of voltage to the Arduino board. As the MOSFETs switched on continuously it gets heated and affects the output load current as shown in Fig.4 and hence system performance decreases. It can be seen that the load current is maximum at 25oC. 181

Fig. 5 MOSFET Based H-Bridge Inverter in MATLAB

NITTTR, Chandigarh


Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426


Fig. 6 Output Voltage Waveform Triggering Gate Pulses and Inverter Output HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION Here single phase dc supply is given to the three level inverter. It will convert the dc voltage to stepped dc voltage. As shown in the Fig. 7 three level inverter consists of four power MOSFETs (IRF740) for H-Bridge. For triggering of MOSFETs Arduino Uno is used. As the control circuit consists of microcontroller, Optocoupler (MCT2E) is used to isolate the control circuit and power circuit. Power MOSFETs get heated during the operation. So a cooling fan system was to maintain the temperature of MOSFETs at 25oC. Inverter output waveforms on CRO is shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 9 Variation of output current with temperature The simulation of proposed circuit is carried out by gate triggering with MATLAB software and practically implemented. It is observed in Fig. 9 that output current reduces as the temperature of MOSFET rises, load current decreases as the temperature of MOSFETs increases. Maximum current appears at 25o C.

Fig. 10 Variation of Temperature with respect to time The variations of temperature with time are observed from the Fig. 10. It can be analyzed as the temperature of MOSFETs goes high than 25o C the fan turn on and it try to maintain the temperature of MOSFETs at 25o C. As the temperature is maintained at desired value the load current is optimum.

Fig. 7 Three Level Inverter

CONCLUSION & FUTURE SCOPE It is conclude from Fig. 9 that maximum load current from MOSFET and optimum use of the system is at 25o C and from Fig. 10 the stabilization in temperature are obtained. So the Automated Air Cooling System helps the MOSFETs to maintain the temperature at 25o C continuously. Hence efficiency of the system is improved. Fig. 8 Output Waveform of System on CRO

Improvements can be attained in the stabilization of temperature using PID controller because it is more efficient then on-off controller. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank Dr. Lini Mathew, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, NITTTR Chandigarh for guiding us to proceed with this project smoothly.

NITTTR, Chandigarh

EDIT -2015


Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

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NITTTR, Chandigarh


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