Efficient Design of Differential Trans- Conductance Amplifier with Sub-Threshold Biasing Stabilizati

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Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

Efficient Design of Differential TransConductance Amplifier with Sub-Threshold Biasing Stabilization in Low Power CMOS Technologies Jasmeen Kaur1, Vishal Mehta2 1


School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Chitkara University, Rajpura, India Chitkara University Research and Innovation Network, Chitkara University, Rajpura, India 1

jasmeen.kaur@chitkara.edu.in, 2vishal.mehta@chitkara.edu.in

Abstract: In this paper, a low voltage differential CMOS trans-conductance amplifier using 180nm on cadence is presented. This design operates in sub threshold region of ±0.5V-1.5V and biasing stabilization has been checked by observing relationship between differential voltage and biasing variations on Nano-scale. Simulation results shows maximum differential output is obtained when biasing current reaches 500nA with CMRR 88db and static power consumption on normal input conditions is 241nW. In this paper, layout of OTA has been presented after verifying DRC and LVS by using assura tool of cadence suite. Keywords- OTA; virtuoso; assura; spectre; bias

I. INTRODUCTION Due to the advancement in technology and rapid growth of the microelectronics circuits, the low voltage, low power and high performance circuits are generally preferred in VLSI industry [1]-[3]. The transconductance Amplifier is one of the basic building blocks of any analog application [4]. The Transconductance Amplifier is widely used in integrated amplifier, filter and discrete applications. The transconductance amplifier has differential voltage input i.e. it takes the difference of the input voltages V1 and V2 which produces the current as output. Hence transconductance amplifier is basically voltage controlled current source. The output current will vary according to the differential input voltage applied while keeping the accuracy and linearity maintained [5]. In recent years, various transconductance amplifier circuits has been purposed having low operating voltage and low power dissipation .The transconductance amplifier differs from conventional operational amplifier in output as output of conventional operational amplifier is voltage whereas in Transconductance Amplifier, output is current [6-9].

where Gm1 and Gm2 is positive transconductance and negative transconductance respectively. Fig 1 shows the Transconductance Amplifier where Vin+ is the noninverting input voltage and Vin- in inverting input. Fig 2 shows the basic concept used in transconductance amplifier with differential inputs V1 and V2. Voltage Vb is used to generate the biasing current Ib in the circuit. Transistor Qb will act as current source. Differential input is used in the circuit which provide better common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), reduce harmonic distortions in the circuit and produce increased output voltage as compared to the single ended Amplifier [11-12].

Fig 1- Transconductance Amplifier

Fig 2- Differential Pair input of Trans-conductance Amplifier

II. BASIC CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION An ideal differential input Transconductance Amplifier has infinite input and output impedance [10]. The ideal transfer characteristics of operational transconductance amplifier is given as Iout1 = Gm1 (V1 − V2) (1) Iout2 = Gm2 (V1 − V2) NITTTR, Chandigarh

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III. PROPOSED CIRCUIT In this paper, a transconductance amplifier with biasing stabilization is designed. Fig 3 shows the schematic diagram of this transconductance amplifier designed using Cadence Virtuoso tool using 180nm technology. In this schematic, transistor M4, M5, M6 and M7 will act as differential transistor. Input voltage V1 and V2 is applied 14

Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

to transistor M4, M5, M6 and M7 whose difference is converted to output current. Rest of the transistors is used as current mirrors. These transistors have same source gate voltages which will produce almost same drain current. Hence, these transistors will act as current mirrors. In current mirror circuit output current is approximately equals to input current.

Fig 5- Transient response of Transconductance Amplifier

Fig 3- Schematic of transconductance Amplifier

Fig.4 represent optimized Layout view of the given schematic which is designed using Cadence tool (Virtuoso layout Editor) and physical verification of layout design is done using Cadence Assura tool.

Table 1 show the amplified output response of the voltage is varied from 0.50V to 1.50V.I-bias is set to 50nA. As shown in the table 1, output voltage will increase with the increase in input voltage. Table 1- Variation of output voltage with input voltage Vin1




0.50 V

-0.50 V



0.75 V
















Table 2 shows the variation of output voltage with the change in biasing current Ibias at differential input voltage Âą0.75V and Vdd 1.8V. Table 2- Variation of output voltage with biasing current

Fig 4- Optimized Layout design of Transconductance Amplifier

IV. RESULT & DISCUSSIONS The simulation of the circuit shown in Fig 3 is done using Cadence Spectre tool in 180nm CMOS technology. Fig 5 shows the output transient response of the given circuit when Âą0.75V is applied at the differential inputs having Ibias current equals to 50nA and Vdd is set to 1.8 V 15




25n A



50n A



100n A



200n A



500n A



Fig 6 shows the DC response of the given transconductance amplifier. Static power consumption of the circuit is calculated using calculator in Cadence Spectre tool and it is approximately equals to 241.93 nW.

NITTTR, Chandigarh


Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

V. CONCLUSION In this paper we represent differential trans-conductance amplifier for low power applications. This amplifier can be used for low voltage transducers, filter designs and ADC circuits. Low power consumption also increases its significance in delta sigma modulator circuits where gain stabilization is required at different varying conditions. REFERENCES

Fig 6- DC characteristics of Transconductance Amplifier

Fig 7 shows the AC response of the circuit which represents the gain and phase change with frequency. Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of the circuit is calculated and is equals to 88db. Table 3 shows the Simulated Characteristics of Transconductance Amplifier. The simulated result shows that the power consumption and CMRR with given characteristics is 241.93nW and 88db respectively.


Table 3- Design specifications Simulated

CMOS technology




Supply voltage


Bias Current

50n A



Static Power Consumption


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Fig 7- AC characteristics of Transconductance Amplifier

NITTTR, Chandigarh

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