Semi-custom Layout Design and Simulation of CMOS NAND Gate

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Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

Semi-custom Layout Design and Simulation of CMOS NAND Gate Aseemjot Brar Student, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Jasdev Singh Sandhu Institute of Engineering and Technology Kauli, Patiala, Punjab, India-140701

Abstract:-In this paper a CMOS NAND gate layout has been designed and simulated using 90 nm technology. The layout has been designed using two approaches namely fully automatic and semicustom. In fully automatic technique NAND gate schematic is developed which is converted into its equivalent verilog file for automatic layout generation. In semicustom technique layout has been developed manually to optimize area and power. It can be observed from the simulated results that semicustom layout results in 74% saving in area consumption by consuming almost same power as compared to fully automatic design. Keywords: VLSI, CMOS Technology, layout, area.

1. INTRODUCTION In this paper, new methods for area reduction in 90 nm technology have been proposed. The reinforcement of integrated circuits is challenged by higher area and power consumption [1]. Emerging need for miniaturization is responsible for attraction of attention to high performance VLSI designing. Therefore trading off power and area performance in nanometer scale integrated circuits is also becoming popular [2]. Scaling increases speed, performance and reduces area and power consumption [1]. Due to explosive growth of VLSI industry, the demand of area efficient devices has increased. As NAND gate is basic circuit element so such demands can be fulfilled [3]. MICROWIND provides both front end and back end VLSI circuit designing. In front end it has DSCH in which schematic is designed at gate level and transistor level and a verilog file is generated in DSCH and further verilog file is compiled by MICROWIND back end designing tool to reduce area. In this paper two design flows are used for implementing NAND gate. NAND gate is designed using two techniques namely, fully automatic and semicustom. In fully automatic design DSCH 3.1 was used to design schematic of NAND gate and its behavior was simulated. Using verilog based netlist file the layout of simulated NAND gate is generated which is later simulated using MICROWIND 3.1 to analyze the performance. The DSCH 3.1 provides user friendly environment for logic design and fast simulation with delay analysis [4]. DSCH 3.1 is used as logic circuit designer. MICROWIND designs and simulates the circuits at layout level. The MICROWIND tools feature enhanced editing commands, different views and an analog simulator. The MICROWIND provides DRC to check each and every step for proper designing in semicustom layout diagram [5]. A logic gate is an essential physical device that implements a Boolean function. They are significant building block for efficient performance of circuits [6].

2. NAND LOGIC Fig 1 show a two input CMOS NAND gate. It consist of two series n-MOS transistors between output Y and GND and two parallel p-MOS transistors between output Y and Vdd. If either A or B is ‘0’ at least one of the n-MOS transistors will be OFF, breaking the path from output Y to GND. But at least one of the p-MOS transistors will be ON creating a path from output Y to Vdd. Hence, the output Y will be 1. If both inputs are ‘1’ both the n-MOS transistors will be ON and both of the p-MOS transistors will be OFF. Hence the output will be ‘0’ [7]. The truth table is given below in table 1.

Fig 1 CMOS NAND gate Table 1 Truth table of NAND gate





Pull down network OFF

Pull up network

Output Y


















3. NAND LOGIC SCHEMATIC The schematic design of the NAND gate is created using transistor in DSCH 3.1. When the circuit is constructed it is simulated and we get the schematic output. Schematic of NAND gate is shown in Fig 2.

Fig 2 Fig 2 DSCH Schematic of NAND gate

NITTTR, Chandigarh

EDIT -2015


Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

The output of the schematic can be verified using timing diagram option available in DSCH as shown in Fig 3.

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

The parameters like area can be checked using properties option. So to reduce area size semicustom design flow is used. In this design flow schematic part is eliminated. 90 nm foundry is selected. The semicustom layout is generated using inbuilt n-MOS and p-MOS from layout generator in palette. The semicustom layout of NAND gate is shown in Fig 7.

Fig 3 Timing diagram of NAND gate

The equivalent verilog file of the stimulated NAND gate is created in DSCH as shown in the Fig 4.

Fig 7 Semicustom Layout of NAND gate

Input connections are made using polysilicon and output using metal contact. This design flow leads to area reduction. The output is driven using analog simulation as displayed in Fig 8. Fig 4 Verilog file of NAND gate 4. Layout Design Simulations After creating verilog file it is compiled in the MICROWIND. After compiling verilog file fully automatic layout is generated on the screen as shown in Fig 5.

Fig 8 Analog simulation of Semicustom design of NAND gate.

. Fig 5 Fully automatic layout of NAND gate The output is driven using analog simulation as shown in Fig 6. The analog simulated graph shows the power consumption. Different characteristic parameters of NAND gate can also be seen in the analog simulation.

5. Comparison of Parameters In this analysis the comparison between the parameters of the two layout techniques is done that is fully automatic and semicustom. The comparison of parameters in tabular form is shown below in Table 2. Table 2 Comparison of Parameters

Parameter Width (µm) Height (µm) Area(µm²) Power ((µW)

Automatic design flow 5.7(µm) 5.0((µm) 28.5(µm²) 1.666(µW)

Semicustom design flow 2.7(µm) 2.8(µm) 7.4(µm²) 1.704(µW)

Fig 6 Analog Simulation of automatic generated NAND gate


NITTTR, Chandigarh


Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

Automatic Semicustom

Bar chart representation of the parameters The bar chart depicts that the area is reduced by using semicustom technique by using almost same power. 5. CONCLUSION This paper presents fully automatic and semicustom techniques to optimize area and power in VLSI design. The layout of NAND gate has been designed and simulated using above mentioned techniques for area and power comparison. Both the layouts have been simulated using 90 nm technology. The simulated results show that semicustom technique based NAND layout consumes 7.4 µm² area as compared to 28.5 µm² in case of fully automatic NAND gate. It can be observed from the simulated results that semicustom NAND gate consumes 1.7 µW power as compared to 1.6 µW in case of fully automatic NAND gate. REFERENCES [1] Pushpa Saini, Rajesh Mehra, “Leakage Power Reduction in CMOS VLSI circuits” International Journal of Computer Applications (09758887), Volume 55-No. 8, October 2012 [2] Dinesh Sharma and Rajesh Mehra, “Low Power,Delay Optimized, Buffer Design using 70 nm CMOS Technology, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Volume 22-No. 3, May 2011. [3] Anjali Sharma, Richa Singh, Pankaj Kajla, “Area Efficient 1-Bit Comparator Design by using Hybridized Full Adder Module based on PTL and GDI Logic, Volume 82-No. 10, November 2013. [4] Meena Aggarwal, Aastha Aggarwal, Mr. Rajesh Mehra, “4-Input Decimal Adder Using 90 nm CMOS Technology”, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) e-ISSN:2250-3021,p-ISSN:2278-8719,VOL.3, Issue 5(May. 2013), || v4 || PP 48-51. [5] Prem Chandra Gupta, Rajesh Mehra, “Design of 8-Bit ALU using Microwind 3.1, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT), Volume 2, Issue 2, May 2014, ISSN No.: 2348-8190. [6] Vibha Soni, Nitin Naiyar, “Evaluation of Logic Families using NOR and NAND Logic gates”,International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Volume 3, Issue 7, January 2014. [7] Neil Weste and David Harris, CMOS VLSI Design, Circuit and System perspective, edition 3, Pg no. 8.

Acknowledgment This research paper is made possible through the help and support from everyone including parents, teachers and friends. Especially I want to dedicate my acknowledgement of gratitude towards the following significant advisors and contributors. Firstly and foremost I would like to thank Mr. Rajesh Mehra for his support, encouragement and to read my research paper and to provide valuable guidance. The product of this research paper would not be possible without all of them.

NITTTR, Chandigarh

EDIT -2015


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