Energy Efficient Cluster Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network – A Survey

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Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

Energy Efficient Cluster Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network – A Survey Ankita Singla, Deepali CS Department, Guru Nanak College, Budhlada, India Abstract— Wireless sensor network (WSN) is the collection of nodes which sense the environment conditions such as temperature, air pollution, wind etc. and send this information to base station for further processing. In cluster based routing protocol, cluster head (CH) is elected which act as intermediate between sensor nodes and base station. In this paper, we compared the energy efficient cluster routing protocols based on parameters.

lower than the threshold frequency is selected as CH. And threshold is computed by:


Where, P= percentage of maximum cluster heads in network(5%) r= current round Q= set of nodes which have not become cluster heads in last 1/p rounds.

I. INTRODUCTION WSN is the collection of nodes which sense the environment conditions such as temperature, air pollution, wind [1] etc. and send this information to base station for further processing. But how the data should transmit to base station by sensor nodes depends upon a protocol. End user can access the data from base station through internet or satellite as shown in fig 1:

P T(n) = 1 − P ∗ (r mod 1) P 0,



Non-CH node will select cluster head based upon signal strength. Non-CH nodes send their sensed information to their respective CH. CH sends aggregated data to base station. III. ERA In [3] author proposed an ERA protocol. The election of CH is same as a LEACH. But non-CH nodes select CH which has maximum total residual energy of CH and residual energy of node. Maximum Energy Residue Path =Energy Residue Of Cluster Head+ Energy Residue Of Node (2)

Fig 1 WSN Architecture In cluster routing protocol, we divide our network area into number of clusters. In each cluster, one node is selected as cluster head which behaves as an intermediate between other nodes of cluster head and base station. An outline of this paper is as follows. Section II presents the Low Energy Adaptive Cluster Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. Section III presents the Energy Residue Aware (ERA) protocol. Section IV presents the I-LEACH protocol and Section V presents the ELEACH. Section VI presents the Cell-LEACH protocol and Section VII presents the VLEACH protocol. Section VIII presents comparison of routing protocols and section IX describes the conclusion of the paper. II. LEACH In [2] author proposed LEACH protocol in CH is elected based upon probability. Each node chooses a random number between 0 an d 1. If chosen number is NITTTR, Chandigarh

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Simulation results show that ERA is better than LEACH protocol in terms of network lifetime and energy distribution of nodes. IV. I-LEACH In [4] author proposed an Improved LEACH protocol. In this protocol CH is elected based on residual energy of node and distance of node from base station. Each node generates a random number between 0 and 1 which is compared with threshold value. The threshold value is computed based upon position of node relative to base station. We divide network area into four quadrants of equal size. If node and base station lies in same quadrant we calculate threshold value as:∗(





_ _

+ [(1 − α) ∗



Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)

If node and base station lies in opposite quadrant we calculate threshold value as:-

[α ∗ d



(1 − α) ∗






If node and base station lies in adjacent quadrant then threshold value calculated as:-


[(α/2) ∗ d

(α/2) ∗



_ _



Where P is percentage of desired CH, r is current round, α is constant having value 0.75, E _ is remaining energy of node, E _ is initial energy of node and d is distance between node and sink. NonCH nodes select CH based on signal strength. Simulation results show that I-LEACH is better than LEACH in terms of network lifetime. V. E-LEACH In [5] author proposed E-LEACH protocol. In the ELEACH algorithm, CH is not selected randomly as in LEACH and the round time for the selection is fixed. In the E-LEACH, minimum spanning tree between CH is created and CH which has largest residual energy is selected as the root node. So, it considers the remaining energy of the sensor nodes in order to balance network loads and changes the round time depends on the optimal cluster size. In this the CH sends the final data to the sink node by the minimum spanning tree. Results show that proposed protocol increases network lifetime at least by 40% when compared with the LEACH algorithm.

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

Node having highest residual energy in cell is selected as cell-head. And node having highest residual energy in cluster is selected as CH. Each cell-head allocates a limit of time on the basis of time division multiplexing to sensor nodes which have shown interest to transfer data. Sensor nodes of cell should transfer their data to the cellhead in designated time. After receiving information cell-head aggregate their cell information and remove redundant information. Cell-head send aggregates data to CH. After receiving data from cell-heads, CH aggregates the data and sends to sink either directly or through other CHs. To send data from CH to sink, CH keeps the location information of other clusters in its table. By using this table, shortest path is selected for sending data from CH to sink. This method is also used for transferring data from cell-head to cluster-head. Simulation results show that cell-LEACH is better than LEACH and LEACH-C protocol in terms of network lifetime. VII. ID-LEACH In [7] author proposed ID-LEACH protocol where the election of CH is same as LEACH protocol. This protocol forms a tree with base station as root node and cluster heads as its child nodes and so on. Every node calculates its distance and degree from its parent node. Root node generates the binary number of the length multiple of distance a nd degree. Base station assigns a unique ID with binary number to each of sensor nodes. As base station knows ID of each node so base station sends data in single path rather than multiple path which save energy and prolongs network life time. VIII. VLEACH In [8] author proposed VLEACH protocol. In this protocol, cluster contains CH which is responsible for sending data that is received from cluster members to the COMPARISON OF R OUTING PROTOCOLS IN MOBILE WSN

Fig 2 E-LEACH Architecture VI. CELL-LEACH In [6] author proposed CELL-LEACH protocol. In this protocol, network area is divided into sections which are called cells. Each seven near cells form a cluster. Every cell has a cell-head which can communicate with CHs directly. Cell-head is based upon residual energy. 175

sink node. When CH dies, vice-CH takes the responsibility of CH of cluster. In LEACH, CH node dies earlier than non-CH nodes in cluster because of its operation of receiving, sending and overhearing. When CH die, the cluster will become useless because data gathered by non-CH nodes will never reach the sink node. So, new CH need to elected. In VLEACH, viceCHs will become a CH of cluster whenever CH dies. Because of this, non-CH nodes data will always reach to sink node. And there is no need to elect new CH each time CH dies. This will increase the network lifetime of network. In VLEACH, the selection of CH is based upon minimum distance, maximum residual energy and minimum transmission energy. Non-CH node determines its CH based on signal strength. Because greater the signal strength means shorter the distance between them and if distance is less, it takes less energy for transmission of data. Simulation results show that VLEACH increases network lifetime than LEACH protocol. NITTTR, Chandigarh


Int. Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Vol. 2, Spl. Issue 1 (2015)


Protocol Data Transmissi on [2]














CH Election Probabilit y Probabilit y Energy and distance Energy

Selectio n Signal Strength Signal Strength Signal Strength Signal Strength

Energy Probabilit y Energy and distance

Signal Strength Signal Strength Signal Strength

Energy Efficiency

Good Good Very Good Very Good Good Good Very Good

IX. PROTOCOL COMPARISON The papers surveyed have common objective which is to increase the network lifetime. Protocols discussed in above section are compared and presented in Table 1

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

REFERENCES [1] I.F.Akyildiz,W. Su, Y. Sankarassubramaniam, E.Cayirci, “Wireless Sensor Networks: a survey,” Computer Networks(Elsevier), vol. 38, pp. 393-422, 2002. [2] W.R.Heinzelman,“Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks,” Proc. of the 33 rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 1-10, 2000. [3] H. Chen,C.S. Wu, Y.S. Chu,C.C. Cheng, L.K. Tsai, “Energy residue aware(ERA) clustering algorithm for leach-based wireless sensor networks,” Proc. of 2 nd International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, pp. 40-45, 2007. [4] S.H.Gajjar, K.S.Dasgupta, S.N.Pradhan, K.M.Vala, “Lifetime improvement of LEACH protocol for wireless sensor network,” Proc. of the Nirma university Internationalconference on Engineering,IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2012. [5] J.Xu, N.Jin, X.Lou, T.Peng, Q.hou, Y.Chen, “improvement of LEACH protocol for WSN,” Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2012), IEEE, pp. 2174-2177,2012. [6] Y.Arezoo, F.Nabavi, A.Sarmast, “An “Improvement on LEACH Protocol (Cell-LEACH),” Proceedings of 14th International conference on ICACT, pp. 992-996,2012. [7] V.Tortzaban, S.Rahmani, M.Dehghan. “An ID Based Routing Protocol for WSN,” IEEE,2009. [8] A.Ahlawat, V.Malik, “An Extended Vice-Cluster Selection approach to improve VLEACH in WSN,” Proceedings of 3rd International conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, pp. 236-240,2013.

X. CONCLUSION In clustering routing protocols, network is divided into a number of clusters. We can choose different criteria for electing and selecting CHs in the network which influence the network lifetime of network. In this paper, we presented the various we compared the various energy efficient routing protocol of WSN.

NITTTR, Chandigarh

EDIT -2015


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