Ijeee v1i4 03

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IJEEE, Vol. 1, Issue 4 (August, 2014)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426


Indu Bala, 2Dr. Dinesh Arora


Gurukul Vidyapeeth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Banur, Punjab, India 1

thakurindu405@yahoo.com, 2drdinesh169@gmail.com

ABSTRACT—This paper represent the basic idea of elliptic curve cryptography. Cryptography is the art of hiding information so the network security can be arranged. We explain the communication between cryptography and elliptic curve.ECC uses the public key to give high security and high speed.ECC is very helpful cryptography techniques with implementation of AES and MD5 algorithms. In our study we will we will growth the Rivest ciper with elliptic curve cryptography along with message summary and leading encryption usual techniques. The Rivest ciper will be effected with data aggregation and validation program which will be joined with MD5 and AES.WSN will be checked with RSA and mini signature processes.

process known as encryption. And transforming an encrypted message to its original form is cultivated by process is known as decryption. Cryptography is the science of information security. It concerns with some objectives; Confidentially—the information cannot be understood by anyone for whom it was unexpected. Integrity—the information cannot be modified in storage or travel between sender and intended receiver without the alteration being discovered. Non-repudiation—the producer/sender of the information cannot discard at a later stage his or her objective in the creation or transmission of the information. Verification— process of actually conforming that identity.

KEYWORDS—Elliptic curve cryptography, public key, wireless sensor network, encryption, decryption, MD5.

SYMMETRIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY—Here we use the same key for encryption and decryption. Symmetric key cryptography is easy to count and the public key is more protected compared to symmetric but it is slow. To connecting these two methods, the level of security can be increased. Data Encryption Standard to raise the speed and security level. Each and every node in a network has a combination of key,the

I. INTRODUCTION WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS—Sensor networks are randomly divided networks of limited, weightless wireless nodes, to monitor the physical framework such as light, temperature, current, pressure. These nodes are small in size and communicate in short-lived distances. These small nodes consist of sensing, data processing and communicating fundamentals. Sensor networks produce a powerful improvement over common sensors. The location of sensor nodes need not be engineered or prearranged. Sensor nodes are used in many applications which require regular monitoring, vehicular tracking and emergency medical care systems. Sensor networks are also energy strained network.WSN is the process of propagating a new code image or suitable commands to sensor nodes. CRYPTOGRAPHY—Cryptography is the art of suppressing information so that network security can be provided. It is a exhaustive, complementary subject. It is the major component for security application used to arrange cryptographic services communication over public and unsecured channels. Cryptography focuses on issues of securing messages. The main goal of cryptography is to encode the data to unreadable form and vice versa. Transforming a message to an exhaustive form. In this paper, we study the usage of elliptic curves in cryptography. Cryptographic systems have been used extensively in our daily routine communications to provide us with upraised or grand level of security. Cryptography is applied in many applications such as; internet communication, mobile phones, banking transactions. Transforming a message to an incomprehensive form is cultivated by a International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


private key and the public key. In a public key, every party has a combination of keys, one distributed in public, called as the public key. And other saved in a protected place, known as secret or private key. ASYMMERTICKEY CRYPTOGRAPHY—In public key cryptography, the end to end encryption does not provide a provision for aggregation on intermediate nodes because it is unaware about the private key of sink node. Public key cryptography for hop by hop encryption is not suited for WSN because of computational complexity which consumes more energy in the order of micro joules at each node. MESSAGE ENCRYPTION AT SOURCE NODE—The message to be transferred is initially divided into two regions; aggregation data and required data. Required data region contain the sink is interested in, and the aggregation data region contains the data that is used www.ijeee-apm.com

by the intermediate nodes (between the source and the sink) to fulfill data aggregation.

DECRYPTION PROCESS AT SINK NODE---The 160-bit shared key generated using ECDH is converted to 128-bit key using MD5 and it is obtain as symmetric key toAES for Decryption of the plain text from the recipient

ADVANTAGES OF CRYPTOGRAPHY It assures the message security over internet. It suppresses the message and our privacy is safe. It is used to save critical data from being accessed by hacker. It can used to decrypt or decode processes as well in order to gain access to urgent and basic information. APPLICATIONS OF CRYPTOGRAPHY Cryptography mainly used in ATM cards, computer password and electronic commerce, transmission or storage, threshold system. Used for carrying of messages, protection of data and to give privacy and security in any stage where information is not designed for public consumption. e.g:-business action and private communications. Used to assure message security during transmission. e.g:the use of codes to suppress your identity and transaction details when purchasing goods over the internet via you credit card. It is used to shuffle data so that only certain people who know how to decode it. You could apply this if you needed to sent someone a note but not set the people who transport. II. MD5 ALGORITHM MD5 is known as message digest algorithm. It used cryptographic hash function producing 128 bit hash value.MD5 is designed by Ron Rivest.MD5 is not suited for applications like SSL, certificates signatures that depend on this property for digital security. MD5 used to reserve a one way hash of a password.MD5 is popular and famous hash function used by many people in the world. It has two purposes. Verify the intensity of a file after a specified period of time. Develop hash values for a certain piece of data and stock them for later cross checking if the file has been altered or not.MD5 takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produce as output 128 bit.MD5 algorithm was www.ijeee-apm.com

designed for digital signature applications where a large file must be summarized in a secure manner before being signed with a secret key under a public key such as RSA. MD5 processes a value length message into a fixed length output of 128 bits. The input message is divided into chunks of 512 bit blocks. The message is padded so that length is divisible by 512.The main MD5 algorithm operates on a 128 bit state, splitted into four 32 bit words. RSA—It is the public key cryptosystems and apply for safe data transmission. In this, encryption key is public and different from the decryption key. In RSA, this as symmetry is based on the factoring the production of two big prime numbers. In RSA, stands for Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman. The prime factors must be kept private. Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a message, but with presently published methods. If the public key is big, everybody with the knowledge of the prime factors can feasibly decode the the message. The RSA algorithm concerns three steps; key generation, encryption, decryption. a. Key Generation—RSA involves a public key and a private key. The public key can be known by each person and is used for encrypting messages. Messages computed with the public key can only be decrypted in a acceptable volume of time using the private key b. Decryption—Alice can recover message from ciper text by using her private key III. CONCLUSION In this paper, ECC is very suitable cryptography technique with implementation of AES and MD5 algorithm. With the help of algorithm, we generate the data sequence and this sequence is used as a output of cryptosystem. REFERENCES [1] Anoop MS, “Elliptic Curve Cryptography-An Implementation Guide”, Technical Report, Tata Elxsi Ltd, 2007. [2] Arvinderpal S. Wander, Nils Gura, Hans Eberle, Vipul Gupta, Sheueling Chang Shantz, “Energy Analysis of Public-Key Cryptography for Wireless Sensor Networks”, [3] “Certicom, Standards for Efficient Cryptography, SEC 2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters”, Version 1.0, September 2000. [4] David J. Malan, Matt Welsh, Michael D. Smith “A PublicKey Infrastructure for Key Distribution in TinyOS Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography”, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2008. [5] David Boyle, Thomas Newe, “Securing Wireless Sensor Networks: Security Architectures”, Journal of Networks, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2008. [6] Janakiraman V S, Ganesan R, Gobi M, “Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithm for Robust Network Security”, International Journal on Computer Network and Internet Research, Vol. 7, Issue 1, July 2007. [7] Krzysztof Piotrowski, Peter Langendoerfer and Steffen Peter, “How Public Key Cryptography Influences Wireless Sensor Node Lifetime”, Proceedings of the fourth ACM workshop on Security of ad hoc and sensor networks, October, 2006. [8] Mohammad AL-Rousan, A. Rjoub and Ahmad Baset, “A Low-Energy Security Algorithm for Exchanging Information in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Information Assurance and Security, Vol. 4, 2009. [9] Nachiketh R. Potlapally, Srivaths Ravi, Anand Raghunathan and Niraj K. Jha, “Analyzing the Energy Consumption of Security Protocols”, International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design’03, August 25-27, 2003. International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


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