Role of Local Wisdom in Utilization of Resource of Fish in The Aceh Jaya District, Indonesia

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International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS) ISSN-2348 –3733, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2015

Role of Local Wisdom in Utilization of Resource of Fish in The Aceh Jaya District, Indonesia Chaliluddin, Ari Purbayanto, Daniel R. Monintja, Mohammad Imron, Joko Santoso 

Abstract— This research has been conducted in Aceh Jaya district, which aims to reveal the recognition of the positive law in the Republic of Indonesia towards Panglima Laôt as stakeholders in Aceh's local wisdom in the field of fisheries, and reveals the role of local wisdom in creating fisheries development sustained in Aceh Jaya district. The method used is a survey and study of literature by using a questionnaire and analyzed using content analysis. The results show that institutional Panglima Laôt recognition of the positive law of the Republic of Indonesia. To realize the sustainable development of fisheries, Panglima Laôt has a role to maintain and oversee the provisions of customary law and customs, coordinating every fishing effort, resolve disputes among fishermen, decide and organize ceremonies rite laôt, maintain or supervise trees in water front, and Panglima Laôt also acts as a liaison between stakeholders and between fishermen and government and Panglima Laôt also have a role in increasing the adoption of technology in the utilization of fish resources based on local wisdom in Aceh Jaya district.

Keywords: Utilization, fish resources, local wisdom, Aceh Jaya, Indonesia. I. INTRODUCTION

Indonesia is a country that is very rich in cultural diversity, ethnic, ethnicity, and race, there are about 389 tribes who have customs, language, values of local wisdom and culture are different from each other [1]. Some of the values of local wisdom and forms of local knowledge, including customary law laot, cultural values and beliefs that there are some very relevant even to be applied to the process or the rules of the planning and development of the region or regions, such as those found in Bali, Minang, Batak, Javanese, Sundanese, Toraja, Sasak, Nias and Aceh / Panglima Laôt. Tradition, values, culture that regulate some aspects of life, such as; social relationships, rituals of worship, beliefs, myths and traditional sanctions applicable in the existing environment of indigenous peoples. The cultural diversity of Manuscript received March 3,2015. Chaliluddin, Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia, Ari Purbayanto, Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia Daniel R. Monintja, Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia Mohammad Imron, Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia Joko Santoso, Department of Aquatic Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia


the area is a social potential to shape the character and culture of the image separately in each region, as well as an important part of the formation of the cultural identity of a region. In addition, the diversity of the cultural and intellectual property as part of a cultural heritage that should be preserved [2]. Coastal communities in Aceh Jaya district based is socio-cultural a cultural roots of the community group built on a blend of sea maritime culture that is restricted to the values of local wisdom. In an effort to harmonize, maintain, and preserve cultural values and local wisdom in the context of spatial planning, the government needs to do some efforts on various aspects of the levels of spatial planning [3]. In addition, the relationship between culture and the potential of spatial planning, a need to accommodate local cultural values / customs into positive law. Along with the improvement of technology and cultural transformation towards modern life and the influence of globalization, the cultural heritage and local wisdom values of the indigenous peoples to face challenges to its existence [4]. Care should be taken because of the cultural heritage and local wisdom values that contain a lot of local knowledge that is still very relevant to current conditions, and should be preserved, adapted or developed even further. The rules are there to be advice, prohibition, as well as custom requirements specified for a particular activity. In addition to the physical and visual aspects, cultural diversity, social contained in the local wisdom generally verbal and not fully documented [5]. To that end, it is necessary to develop a form of knowledge, management of various types of local wisdom so they can be used as a reference in the process of planning and designing a sustainable form of local wisdom, especially in the utilization of fish resources. Therefore, this study will discuss the role of local wisdom in the utilization of fish resources in Aceh's in general and Aceh Jaya in particular. So that the values of local wisdom can be accommodated well in the regulation or planning the utilization of fish resources. This research aims to; 1) revealed an institutional Panglima Laôt as recognition of local wisdom, values in positive legal in Aceh; 2) revealed the role of local wisdom in creating sustainable fisheries development in Aceh Jaya II. RESEARCH METHODS The research was conducted in Aceh Jaya, covering Sub, Teunom, Panga, Krueng Sabee, Setia Bakti, Sampoiniet and Jaya sub district (Figure 1). This research was conducted using survey methods and literature studies

Role of Local Wisdom in Utilization of Resource of Fish in The Aceh Jaya District, Indonesia

minister of marine and fisheries regulations No: 17/Men/2006 minister of marine and fisheries regulations no. 12/Men/2009 Regulatory region of Aceh No. 2/1990 Regulatory region of Aceh No. 7/2000 Qanun Aceh No. 16/2002 Qanun Aceh No. 3/2007 Qanun Aceh No. 9/2008

Source; [6] Figure 1. Map of study sites in Aceh Jaya District

Fishing effort. Fishing Coaching and Development of Indigenous, Habits Institute of Indigenous Peoples and Aceh. The Special Status of Aceh Marine and Fisheries Resources Procedures for the Preparation of Aceh Qanun. Life coaching Indigenous and Indigenous-Customs Traditional Institutions.

This research was conducted by using survey methods and literature review assisted by questionnaire. The data collected Qanun Aceh No. 10/ in this study are primary data and secondary data. The primary 2008 data obtained through interviews with respondents, namely, Source; From various sources Panglima Laôt Aceh (province), Panglima Laôt District, Panglima Laôt Lhok, fishermen and fish traders. Secondary System Rules Panglima Laôt Institutional. Laôt data were obtained from the relevant agencies, such as the Customary law / local wisdom currently applies equally Institute of Panglima Laôt Aceh, and reports the results of across the Aceh Province, but in the implementation and research. Furthermore, the data were analyzed descriptively enforcement Panglima Laôt has the authority to determine the to provide an overview of the role of Panglima Laôt as rules relating to fishing activities. Some parts of the system of customary law Laôt stakeholders (local wisdom) in the rules that apply in Aceh Jaya may differ from other regions. utilization of fish resources in Aceh Jaya. The difference is not in fundamental matters, so as not to cause problems with Panglima Laôt in other regions. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Panglima Laôt in other regions. System rules apply also adapted to the characteristics of the fishery resources to Positive legal recognition of the Republic of Indonesia determine the use of a suitable type of fishing gear. System of Against law customary adat laôt. Customary law Laôt/ rules laôt customary law applicable in Aceh Jaya, namely; local wisdom has been around a long time in Aceh and (1) Agreement abstinence days to go to the sea and the continues to grow along with the growth of indigenous deadline, namely; cultures fishermen in Aceh. Customary law / local wisdom - Eid al-Fitr day, fishing ban for 3 days, which aims to remains adhered to without any coercion and executed in provide opportunities for fishing communities to stay accordance with the cultural values, customary norms in in touch and celebrate, after the whole month of accordance with Islamic law by indigenous fishermen in Aceh fasting in Ramadan, this is in accordance [7], [8], [9]; at the time. The existence of customary law / local wisdom in - Eid al-Adha day, fishing ban for 3 days, which aims to Aceh recognized by positive law, which is the applicable law provide opportunities for fishing communities to stay in Indonesia. Some rules regarding the recognition of the in touch and celebrate the sacrifices on the Moon positive law of to the existence of customary law / local Zulhijjah, this is in accordance [7], [8], [9]; wisdom relating to the management of fisheries resources in - On Friday, ban fishing on Friday influenced by the Aceh shown in Table 1. teachings of Islam, which aims to encourage fishermen Table 1. Regulations governing local wisdom in Aceh to worship Friday prayers and remembrance, this is in Law/Regualtion Concerning accordance [7], [8], [9]; Khanduri Laôt day, fishing ban for 3 days, which aims Law No. 44/1999 The Special Status of Aceh to honor the process khanduri Laôt a great day of Law No. 18/2001 Special Autonomy for Aceh with the fishing, this is in accordance [7], [8], [9]; name of the state Aceh Darussalam - Celebration of Independence Day every August 17, province. which aims to commemorate the Independence Day of Law No. 10/2004 Formation of legislation the Republic of Indonesia and honor heroes who have Law No. 32/2004 Local Government fought for independence, it is appropriate [7], [8], [9]; Law No.11/2006 Governing Aceh (UUPA) - Day Tsunami on each December 26, the day of the Law No.27/2007 Management of Coastal Areas and tsunami at sea ban by agreement of all stakeholders Small Islands. Panglima Laôt issued through Circular Laôt on Law No.45/2009 Fisheries. December 26, 2006, this is in accordance [7], [8], [9]. Law No.32/2009 Environmental Protection and (2) The procedure for fishing with FADs, the interview with Management. Panglima Laôt Aceh Province (H. Bustamam), Laying Government Regulation Conservation of Fish Resources. the deep sea FADs (starting from 5 miles - 12 miles from No.60/2007 the coast) with the provisions of the clump distance A to


International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS) ISSN-2348 –3733, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2015 B is 3 miles FADs; production sharing, when FADs A fish taken by another ship it must be divided by the 1/4 of net operating results to the owner of FADs (Adrianto et al. 2011), but in Aceh Jaya other applicable. Distribution of catches in other people's FADs imposed division of the catch 1/3 of the sale of the fish caught in the FADs; laying clumps in coastal waters (3 miles from shore) FADs placement arranged by each Panglima Laôt Lhok; FADs whose fisherman owners reside outside of Aceh should not be put in Aceh waters (12 nautical mile limit calculated from a point outside the coast of Aceh) compatible with the Law on Governing Aceh (UUPA). (3) The procedure for floating wood, namely; When fishermen see there are some floating wood, then the fisherman may have only one floating timber only (valid legal ownership). If the floating wood that has been marked by a fisherman fish taken by other fishermen, the division result is 1/4 of the sale of fish caught in the floating timber to its owner. (4) The use of trawling, fishing gear with explosives and poisons fish, chemicals that can damage coral reefs and other marine life, destruction of coastal forests and disrupt the sustainability of fishery resources is a violation of customary law Laôt / local wisdom, this is strictly forbidden by Panglima Laôt in Aceh Jaya. To the authorities (the Navy, Police) are required to take decisive action. Local Wisdom role in maintaining and overseeing the provisions of customary law and customs. Laôt customary law (local wisdom) that are discussed in this study is a portion of customary law in Aceh. As a portion of Customary Law in Aceh, the customary law Laôt (indigenous) cannot be separated from the influence of Islamic teachings, this situation is reflected in the legal expression (Moslem) with customary law as to the nature of the substance. Fishermen in Aceh Jaya has been complied Panglima Laôt provisions of customary law as a liability. Similarly, the role of Panglima Laôt to take the decision of the sanctions rare indigenous refused to implement the decision. This condition is caused by the people of Aceh in general terms and comply with customary law. Panglima Laôt role in coordinating every fishing effort. In the fishing effort by traditional fishermen, line and hook fisherman, and fisherman nets in Aceh Jaya district always be coordinate with Panglima Laôt, but not all fishermen in Aceh Jaya are required to coordinate with PAnglima Laôt in carrying out fishing operations, only the awareness of its own fishermen to convey information on to Panglima Laôt. Coordinate any fishing effort by Panglima Laôt not mean Panglima Laôt must sail every day. If there are things that happen in fishing effort, as fishermen using trawl, fishers report to Panglima Laôt. The fisherman report followed up by Panglima Laôt to the security forces and the Department of Marine and Fisheries to take actions / sanctions customs and laws of the State. Panglima Laôt role in resolving disputes among fishermen. Panglima Laôt role in resolving disputes between fishermen or groups of fishermen, both in possession of FADs dispute, the dispute in fishing. To take actions resolve


the dispute, in accordance with the Panglima Laôt guided Laôt custom law. Disputes that often occur in Aceh fishermen are disputes in fishing effort, especially in the capture of schooling fish. To resolve disputes in a Laôt custom law. Panglima Laôt Institute set the hearing on Friday. The trial court called Laôt custom law . In decision-making Panglima Laôt institutions call both parties to the dispute to attend the accompanying witnesses. From interviews with fishermen in several districts in Aceh Jaya, a dispute over fish schools never happen, because each fisherman already know the customs and laws in terms of determining the rights and sharing the results. Against the decision Panglima Laôt, if according to one of the parties has not satisfy the justice, then by the parties concerned may submit the decision to the District Court of the Republic of Indonesia. Panglima Laôt role in organizing ceremonies Laôt customary. Kenduri Laôt including the main ceremony for the fishing community. According Panglima Laôt "Laôt feast ceremony has become a habit for fishing communities in Aceh Jaya to commemorate past and present has experienced a shift in time and order of execution. Laôt banquet ceremony held once a year. In days feast Laôt implemented, fishing is not allowed. The cost for the implementation of festivity ceremony Laôt obtained from donations fishermen and assisted by the Department of Marine and Fisheries Aceh Jaya. Panglima Laôt role as coordinator in the implementation of festivity laot ceremony assisted by community leaders and the entire fishing communities in Aceh Jaya. Panglima Laôt role in maintaining / supervising trees by the beach. Role of Panglima Laôt guard / supervise the trees on the seafront include overseeing mangrove the not felled by the community. The mangrove forest is a community or an individual plant species that make up the plant communities in tidal areas. Mangrove forests are the type that is naturally influenced by the tide, inundated at high tide and free of puddles at low tide. Mangrove ecosystem is a system that consists of biotic and abiotic environment interacting in a mangrove habitat [10]. Excessive harvesting of mangroves not only result in the less catchments, abrasion, and natural disasters such as erosion and flooding, but also result in the loss of the center of circulation and the formation of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and oxygen O2 necessary for human survival [10]. The function and role of mangrove ecosystems is very important that as a place to spawn, nursery ground, shelter and foraging for various types of fish. Therefore, continuity must be maintained. The decline in the quality and quantity of mangrove ecosystems will threaten the habitat preservation and will further threaten the lives of fauna and fish resources. Panglima Laôt in monitoring / maintaining mangrove trees and other trees, felled not by the people in the coastal areas of Aceh Jaya district does not have this obstacle, because the condition of mangroves in Aceh Jaya today are dying and newly replanted after the tsunami hit Aceh. This may be different from the coastal areas in other districts, where the Panglima Laôt experience barriers to watch him, because economic factors are not stable fishing communities in fishing

Role of Local Wisdom in Utilization of Resource of Fish in The Aceh Jaya District, Indonesia

effort in the sea. Panglima Laôt as a liaison role. Panglima Laôt role as a liaison between the fishing community with various parties, be it government, the handler laot and others, in order for the fishing community resource development. These relationships, from village level to district government officials. Panglima Laôt become partners Head of the Village (village chief). This partnership gets legality custom, so in terms of fishermans especially in fishing effort under the absolute control of the Panglima Laôt. Implementation of the provisions of laot customary law, always have their own context. This is the basis and background when offering laot custom law can become a paradigm of future development. In laot custom law, which is emphasized is that the attempt to meet the economic needs must be balanced with the preservation of habitat and ecosystem sustainability. The point is there is always a balance between vertically related processes (Creator) and horizontal (human). It may be that one of the reasons for that is where they live and the need to preserve the environment [11].

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IV. CONCLUSION The conclusion from this research is; Panglima Laôt as holders of laot customary law / local wisdom has a very important role in the utilization of fish resources in the province of Aceh of Indonesia, in general and Aceh Jaya in particular. Both from the aspect of social customs, traditional environmental preservation, traditional feast and custom laot drifting materials; laot Customary law / local wisdom at Aceh and Aceh Jaya in particular was instrumental in bringing about sustainable fisheries development because the values of local wisdom that contains many elements of sustainable fisheries. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank the Panglima Laôt Aceh, Lhôk Calang, Lhôk Teunom, Lhôk Panga, Lhôk Patek and Panglima Laôt Lhôk Jaya for their kind cooperative and assist in the research. Thanks are also due to our colleagues in major fisheries technology, graduate school, Bogor Agricultural University for their kind suggestion in preparing the research.. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]


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