International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)
International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI) INFLUENCE OF VISCOSCITY MODIFYING ADMIXTURES ON FRESH AND HARD1401-1402 ENED PROPERTIES OF SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE WITH VARYING DOSAGE OF FLYASH Shraddha1, M.V.Seshagiri rao2, K. Mythili3 1 Research Scholar, Department Of Civil Engineering, Aurora Scientific Technological and Research Academy, Hyderabad India. 2 Professor, Department Of Civil Engineering, JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India 3 Associate professor , Department Of Civil Engineering, Aurora Scientific Technological and Research Academy, Hyderabad India.
Abstract The use of self-compacting concrete (scc) in general building and civil engineering constructions is becoming popular over the years ever since it was invented and guide-lines have been formulated by the efnarc (european federation of national association representing concrete) in 2005. Although in india, we do not have any specific codal provisions for scc similar to normal concrete, considerable research has been done in both development of scc and its applications with various admixtures and fibers to enhance the properties of scc in hardened state. As scc is very sensitive to variations in moisture content and gradation of aggregates, construction sites face difficulties in free flow of scc. In order to overcome this, viscosity modifying admixtures (vmas) have been introduced by the researchers apart from efnarc releasing guide-lines for vma for concrete in september-2006, as extensive studies have become imperative on the role of vma in scc. The primary aim of this study is to explore the influence of vma on fresh and hardened properties of scc with varying dosage of mineral admixture namely fly ash and chemical admixture i.E. Super plasticizer for standard grade scc mixes of m30 grade. It is proposed to design m30 grade scc concrete mix and study in detail the fresh and hardened properties like 3-day, 7-day and 28-day compressive strengths for the mixes with the above variables. The test results of the specimens shall be compared for compressive strength of different mixes of scc and control mix and arrive at specific conclusions on the role of vma in the presence of admixtures. *Corresponding Author: Shraddha , Research Scholar, Department Of Civil Engineering, Aurora Scientific Technological and Research Academy, Hyderabad India.
Published: January 02, 2015 Review Type: peer reviewed Volume: II, Issue : I
Citation: Shraddha , Research Scholar (2014) "Influence Of Viscoscity Modifying Admixtures On Fresh And Hardened Properties Of Self Compacting Concrete With Varying Dosage Of Flyash"
INTRODUCTION GENERAL Present-day self-compacting concrete (scc) can be classified as an advanced construction material. As the name suggests, it does not require to be vibrated to achieve full compaction. This offers many benefits and advantages over conventional concrete. These include an improved quality of concrete and reduction of on-site repairs, faster construction times, lower overall costs, facilitation of introduction of automation into concrete construction. An important improvement of health and safety is also achieved through elimination of handling of vibrators and a substantial reduction of environmental noise loading on and around a site. The composition of scc mixes includes substantial proportions of coarse and fine-grained inorganic materials and
this gives possibilities for utilization of mineral admixtures, which are currently waste products with no practical applications. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE GENERAL Despite its advantages and versatile nature, SCC has not gained much popularity in India, though it has been widely promoted in the Middle East for the last two decades. Awareness of SCC has spread across the world, prompted by concerns with poor consolidation and durability in case of conventionally vibrated normal concrete. All the researchers have developed SCC taking the CA/FA ratio and also considered the limited content of coarse aggregate and more content of fines. But, there are very limited investigations reported considering the size effect of coarse aggregate content in the development of SCC. Keeping this in view, the present experimental investigation is taken up to study the effect of size of coarse aggregate in the development of M70 grade of Self Compacting Concrete. Powder content is the main aspect of a SCC mix design. In the present work, flyash is maximized in the SCC mixes as a filler material. Keeping in view the idea explained above, a detailed and a systematic experimental program is laid down as explained in the next paragraphs. The main objective of the present investigation is: