IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | October 2017 ISSN (online): 2349-784X
Studies on Properties of Al-Sic MMCs for Making Valves for Automobile Components Nilamkumar S. Patel Phd Scholar RAI University
Dr A. D. Patel Principal Charusat
Abstract Material science and Engineering has experienced a tremendous growth in the field of micron and Nano composites developed with enhanced chemical, mechanical and physical properties. Aluminum based Metal matrix composites (MMCs) are appropriate material for engineering sector which are prepared by powder metallurgy and casting method. The present work describes that AlSiC composite as possible alternate materials with its unique capacity to give required properties for different engineering applications. In this paper, describe the microstructure of Al-6061-T6 (Aluminum alloy) and SiC- 1200 mesh (Silicon carbide powder) composites having 0, 5, & 15 volume percentage are produced by Stir casting method (Liquid metallurgy Route). Mechanical Tests like microstructure, Hardness, Strength etc. will be conducted. After developing MMCs compared properties with various existing material and result revealed that can use this composite material for making valves. Keywords: MMCs, Stir casting method, Valves, Properties, Nano composites ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.
A metal matrix composite (MMC) is consist insoluble alloying with two or more constituents in order. They will be obtained a combination of properties which can’t be achieved by main matrix materials. The main difference between composite and an alloy is, that in composite constituent materials are insoluble in each other whereas in alloys constituents materials are soluble in each other. After developing a new material it has different properties from their constituents. The ceramic particles reinforced with metallic matrix are termed as new generation material and these can be tailored and engineered with specific required properties for specific requirements in engineering purpose. Automobile consists of number of vital components which perform various functions and they are subjected to different forces, thermal loading and stresses. The automobile industry seeks to improve fuel economy, reduce vehicle emissions and enhance performance. It is important to reduce the overall weight of the vehicle for improving the fuel economy. The possibility to substitute alternate material for to improve outlet valve performance is very important components to control flow of fuel and engine performance. There has been interest in aluminium based metal matrix composites (Al-MMCs) for outlet valves and valve seats materials in recent years. In this study, an attempt has been made by study and develops of Al-SiC MMC for outlet valve and valve seats. II. METHODOLOGY Stir casting process is liquid state processing. It is simple and flexible process. In this process, there is mixing of matrix and reinforcement. In this process, reinforcement particles are added into the molten matrix metal. And then the proper mixture is done by hand stirring as well as Mechanical stirring. And then this mixture is allowed to pour into the mould shape. III. MECHANICAL STIRRING SET UP In the below Figure 1 , it is shown the Mechanical Stirring Set up. In this Setup, There is resistance heating furnace, which is work on the basic principle of resistant heating. The Process parameters of stir casting method are listed below. Stirring speed and temperature Stirring time Reinforcement of preheat temperature Blade angle Powder feed rate Preheated temperature of mould
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Studies on Properties of Al-Sic MMCs for Making Valves for Automobile Components (IJSTE/ Volume 4 / Issue 4 / 004)
Fig. 1: Mechanical Stirring Setup
Heating and melting of Al-6061-T6 Alloy by around 750°C which is above the melting point temperature of the alloy. Addition of preheated silicon micron particles for the preparation of the composites. Mechanical stirring at 200rpm for 15 min for the uniform distribution of the particles. Degassing of melt removing the air inclusion in the material. Prepared a Sand mold for to make sample specimen. Pouring of molten material in to the sand mold. Removal the specimen of composite material.
Fig. 2: Sample Specimen before machining
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Specific Yield Strength
Fig. 3: Comparison of Specific yield strength with MMCs
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Studies on Properties of Al-Sic MMCs for Making Valves for Automobile Components (IJSTE/ Volume 4 / Issue 4 / 004)
From the above graph, it can be analysed that MMCs have very high Specific Yield Strength in comparison to other materials. Also it can be seen that as we increase the percentage of SiC, the specific strength of MMC increases. The highest specific strength among all is of Al6061-15%SiC which is 100.36 MPa-gm/cm3. Specific Ultimate Strength
Fig. 4: Comparison of Specific ultimate strength with MMCs
From the above graph, it can be analysed that MMCs have very high Specific ultimate Strength in comparison to other materials. Also, it can be seen that as we increase the percentage of SiC, the specific strength of MMC increases. The highest specific ultimate strength among all is of Al6061-15%SiC, which is 127.797 MPa-gm/cm3. Comparison of density with MMCs
Fig. 5: Comparison of density with MMCs
The above graph shows the comparison of density of different compositions of Al-SiC MMCs. The density increases as the percentage of SiC increases in MMC. The lowest density is 2.65 gm/cm3, which is of Al6061-0%SiC While the maximum density among three is 2.77 gm/cm3, which is of Al6061-15%SiC. VI. CONCLUSION The Al6061-SiC MMCs with 5% and 15% weight fraction produced by stir casting method and the microstructure, chemical composition, density, yield strength, ultimate strength, elongation % were measured and compared with various materials which are used to making different types of outlet valves. Corrosion resistance was also tested. ď€ Hardness, Density, yield strength, ultimate strength are increases with the increase in reinforcement particles of silicon carbide which increases the life of exhaust valve.
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Studies on Properties of Al-Sic MMCs for Making Valves for Automobile Components (IJSTE/ Volume 4 / Issue 4 / 004)
The Elongation % is decreases with the increase reinforcement particles of silicon carbide. Since the elongation percentage is low which will decrease the fatigue load also on an exhaust valve. Development of Al-SiC MMCs for making outlet valves is possible by comparing different properties with existing materials which are used to making outlet valves. Outlet valves are manufactured with casting and forging processes and it is possible both to use processes after developing MMCs, for making outlet valves. Also this research revealed that MMCs of Aluminium alloy 6061 with SiC powder will be produced corrosion resistant material. Hence water particle coming from exhaust gas will generate less corrosion as compare to existing material in the market. Hence water particle coming from exhaust gas will generate less corrosion as compare to existing material in the market. REFERENCES
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