Anarchy and Old Lace: the Worlding of the Working Class in Calais This text is first a story, and secondarily a cognitive and political inquiry. The topic is Calais lace, from its illegal import by English labour migrants in the early 19th century, through its customary transmission, to its galvanising effect in the industrial-era workers’ struggle. In Calaisien memory, lace is simultaneously object, industry, lifeblood. Its realisation raised this small port town to, ostensibly, lace-making capital of the world by the 1950s, and is thus variously memorialised and mythologised in their culture. / The following discussion draws from fields of labour process theory and body studies as well as art and literary theory in order to probe the potency of lace-work to a community identity. This historic narrative begins with the success story of the first lace immigrants, their integration, empowerment and succession, before considering the embodied experiences and dynamics of their work and protest.