Illinois Holstein Herald - Spring 2018

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Holstein Herald

Spring 2018

Illinois Holstein Herald

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Hello to IL Holstein members and guests, Wow! I can’t believe I’m writing this. I can still vividly remember the first Illinois Holstein Convention Pat and I attended at Dixon, Illinois. Alan Tucker was President. Jack Bingham was manager at Golden Oaks Farm and he made it very clear we should attend. I was herdsman at Golden Oaks - Antioch. Tuck met us at the door of the hotel, introduced himself, visited with us for a little while, next thing I knew he handed me a sign-up sheet for the committee meetings coming up in January. He told us to sign up for everything we might be interested in and be sure to attend the committee meetings. Tuck told me he would talk to Jack and make sure to give me time off to attend, and he did! Never at that time did I ever dream of someday being elected President of the Illinois Holstein Association. On behalf of the Illinois Holstein Association, I want to thank the Northwest Holstein Club for hosting our convention in early February. Thank you to Meier Meadows for hosting the tour. Wow! What a well planned, thought out facility, nothing like that new stuff! I heard a lot of compliments on the really good food at the banquet. Congratulations to the award winners also! Tyler Carter was awarded the Junior Breeder Award. Sorry you were not able to attend, Tyler. Kevin Erbsen was awarded the Senior Breeder Award. Paula (Erbsen) Bovre was awarded the Distinguished Service Award. All three recipients are very deserving. These awards were all donated by the Bob Butler family. A big THANK YOU to the Butler family. I also want to congratulate Nate Janssen for being honored as the 2018 Young Dairy Leaders Institute Distinguished Alumni Leader by the Holstein Foundation, on February 3 in Phoenix, Arizona. Best of luck to all exhibitors at the Spring Shows coming up. This gives us all something to look forward to especially here in the northern part of the state where we are literally buried under several inches or feet of snow at the time this is being written! I’m looking forward to working with the new board of directors this coming year. The new Executive board consists of Jerry Smith, Aaron Heinzmann, Howard Dust and Jeff Thorman. Last, but not least in all ways, I’m looking forward to working with the newly elected Vice-President, Mr. Steve Irwin! A BIG THANK YOU goes out to Jason Oertel, our Past President, for all the hard work and leadership you have given the Illinois Holstein Association over the last several years of some trying times! I’ll leave you with this: Never buy anything with a handle on it - - - it means work. Until next time,

DUTCHESS DOMAIN Hello Illinois! I hope everyone has stayed warm the past few months! It will only be a matter of time before we are anxious to start planting crops again. I am looking forward to Spring Thing and seeing the friends I have made throughout the years, competing against one another in the various competitions. Seeing this is my last year being an Illinois Junior, I plan to make the most of it! I’d like to remind you of the upcoming events. On April 7th is the PDCA Calf Sale and on April 21st we have the Illini Golden Opportunity Sale in Belvidere. Hope to see you all there! I hope all of you have a safe and productive planting season!

Morgan Olbrich Page 2

Ed Smith

Dear Holstein Breeders, As we near the end of winter, we can start hoping for more comfortable temperatures that will help us forget about the current sub-zero temps, ice and accumulating snowfall. Many states have held their state conventions by now and have recognized outstanding individuals for their amazing accomplishments. Congratulations to everyone! Holstein USA set a new record for the number of registrations and basic ID’s; the old record went back to 2016. Holstein enthusiasm is alive and well! The “State of the Association” report were first shared with the Holstein membership at the Iowa state meeting in February. The entire report can be viewed on the Holstein USA website. It is divided into several segments that can be viewed at your own time and leisure. Holstein USA was the subject of a documentary that aired on RFD-TV. “Holstein America: A Tribute to the National Dairy Farmers” was shown several different times in February. Dairy farmers across the country proved to be excellent spokesmen for the dairy industry and for Holstein USA in particular. A common theme was how Holstein USA was a contributing factor in their successful enterprises. It spoke of the hard work and dedication of their families in continuing to the improve the image and genetics of the Holstein cow. You can view this documentary on the Holstein USA website. Holstein Foundation recently graduated 51 from the YDLI Class 10. We encourage all young dairy famers to consider being part of this educational opportunity. Applications for Class 11 are due on August 1, 2018. The Judges Conference will be held in Madison, WI, on April 26th as part of the Spring Show. Attendance is required once every five years for everyone who wishes to be on the National or Qualified Judge List. After attending the conference, one must complete an application due to Holstein USA in August 2018. The 2019 Judging Conference ill be held in Columbus, Ohio. As your national directors, we have all enjoyed visiting with you as you meet with fellow dairy farmers, family, and business associates. Hope to see many of you at the 2018 National Holstein Convention to be held in Michigan June 29th – July 3rd. As always, feel free to contact us with your concerns or new ideas for improving Holstein USA. Your National Directors, Paul Buhr Dale Drendel Corey Geiger Mark Kerndt Boyd Schaufelberger, President Spring 2018

ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES February 3, 2018 - Freeport, IL

The 2017 Fiscal Year Annual Meeting of the Illinois Holstein Association was held February 3, 2018 in Freeport, Illinois. The meeting was called to order by President Jason Oertel with 41 members and guests present. Past Secretary Tina Yagow handed out copies of the minutes of the February 2017 Annual Meeting and Howard Dust made a motion to accept them as printed. His motion was seconded by Herb Schmiedeskamp and the motion carried. Treasurer Carol Jones handed out a spreadsheet of the financial summary from Fiscal Year 2017 and Ed Smith moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Dale Drendel seconded, motion carried. The Holstein USA report was presented as a group effort between Regional Representative Tim Ewing, Director Dale Drendel and National President Boyd Schaufelberger. Tim Ewing mentioned all the reps had their National Sales Rep meeting about a month ago and there is a big push for them to be more accurate with tag orders and they encourage everyone to go through Brattleboro with orders. Tim announced the 40 and 50-year members for Illinois. Boyd Schaufelberger said total identifications are over 72,000 so that was a record year! There were over 384,000 registrations which was up from last year and the most since the 90s. Holstein classifiers are being trained to help classify Guernseys also. February 8th will be a National Program on RFD-TV at 9 pm Central called “Holstein USA” to promote the breed on a national stage. In 3 weeks there will be a Member Update Meeting in Manchester, Iowa which will be videotaped so it can be viewed on the Holstein USA website as well. Dale Drendel reminded everyone that the Complete program continues to grow and be of value to breeders. National Convention will be in Michigan this summer and Illinois will have 5 delegates. Holstein USA approved a grant program to researching inbreeding. Nate Janssen was just recognized as the outstanding YDLI alumni for the year. An Illinois Extension Report was read by President Oertel on behalf of David Fischer who wished to inform the group how the 4-H Dairy Judging and 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl teams have been performing. Illinois 4-H hosted the Superior Young Dairy Producer contest in 2017 and it will be held again in 2018 with three $1000 scholarships to be awarded again this year. Illinois Junior Member Report was given by Connor Erbsen who spoke of the accomplishments of the Illinois Juniors at National Convention in summer 2017. 2018 Spring Thing will be the weekend of the 24th of February. The 2018 Junior Show in Bloomington will be July 19th judged by Norm Nabholz. Current Advisors are Tricia Zehr, Wendy Erbsen and Albert Lenkaitis. OLD BUSINESS Membership: For the 2017 year, the Association included 425 Senior members and 205 Junior members. Membership forms for 2018 were included in the Winter Herald issue members received at the end of December. For Illinois Holstein Herald

2019, the membership committee recommends 1) raise the senior membership by $10 to $40 per member, 2) reduce the rebate back to the clubs on a senior membership from 25% to 10%, 3) raise the junior membership by $5 to $15 per member. The recommendations were approved by the board at the January meeting. PDCA: The 2017 PDCA Calf Sale was held on April 1, 2017 at the Champaign County Fairgrounds. The overall sale average was $1,994.23 with Holsteins averaging $2,355.77. The 2018 PDCA Calf Sale will be held at the Champaign County Fairgrounds on April 7, 2018. Consignments are needed ASAP. This is the 70th year of the PDCA Calf Sale. State Show: The 2017 State Show was held on July 20 and 21, 2017 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington, IL. There were a total of 128 shown in the Open Show and 79 shown in the Junior Show. The 2018 State Show will be July 19-20 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington. Futurity: The 2017 Futurity was held on July 21 with Molly Sloan as the Judge. This was the 50th Anniversary of the IL Holstein Futurity. The 2018 Illinois Futurity Show will be July 20 with Mandi Bue as the judge. Dutchess/Little Miss: The 2017 Dutchess is Morgan Olbrich and Little Miss Holstein is Rachel Busker. The 2018 competition will be held July 18 so start thinking now about any young ladies you can encourage to participate! State Sales: No State Sale was held in 2017. The Illini Futures Sale was held in conjunction with the 2017 State Convention and 9 full lots sold averaging $2,367 and 8 embryo lots sold averaging $221/embryo. The 2018 State Sale is being chaired by Nate Janssen and Brian Wesemann. It will be held April 21 at 10:30 a.m. on Boone County Fairgrounds. Consignments are needed ASAP. Cowbuyer will be available for online bidders. Public Relations: In 2017, there were four Heralds published as well as website updates and social media events promoting association activities including a Herald cover contest and an IL Cow of the Year Contest. For 2018, there will be 2 Holstein Herald magazines and 2 Holstein Herald newsletters. The winter and summer Holstein Herald will be repackaged into a newsletter format. There will also be an effort to make more use of the website and social media since we will be cutting back on Herald issues. Constitution and By-Law Review: Kevin Wendling is chairing a committee to review the constitution and by-laws and to present suggested changes. Herb Schmieskamp moved and Bruce Clanton seconded to approve the Committee Reports, and the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Resolutions by Ron Schaufelberger, Tricia Zehr and Gene McCoy: Be it resolved to approve the acts and deeds of the officers and Board of Directors for the past year. Be it resolved to thank Dale Drendel and Boyd Schaufelberger for serving on the

Board of Holstein USA and representing the members of Illinois Holstein Assocation and other Holstein members throughout the U.S. Be it resolved to thank Morgan Olbrich for her service as 2017-18 Illinois Holstein Dutchess and Rachel Busker for her service as 2017-18 Little Miss Holstein. Be it resolved to thank all officers, employees and state committee chairmen and sitting directors for their efforts and accomplishments this past year. Be it resolved to thank all sponsors and donors for State and District Holstein functions. Be it resolved to thank the coaches and advisors for the Illinois Junior Holstein Association, University of Illinois and Cooperative Extension Service for their effort, influence and accomplishments in supporting the youth of the Illinois Holstein Association, as well as those who financially support the Illinois Junior Holstein Association fundraising activities. Be it resolved to thank the Kris Wild family of Wildvale Holsteins, Winslow, Illinois, for hosting the 2017 State Picnic. Be it resolved to congratulate the Junior & Senior Dairy Bowl teams as well as Jeopardy, Speech Contest, Poster and Scrapbook contestants, as well as DJM finalists for representing Illinois at the National Convention. Be it resolved to support the Midwest Dairy Association and their “Fuel Up to Play 60” program, the in-school nutrition and activity program launched by National Dairy Council & NFL, McDonald’s, Dominos, and Taco Bell and all other initiatives to encourage children to drink milk and include dairy in their diets. Be it resolved to thank Northwest Holstein Club for hosting 2018 State Convention. Be it resolved to thank Jason Oertel for his service as President of Illinois Holstein Association. Be it resolved to recognize the USA Ski Team for making milk the official beverage of the 2018 US Olympic Ski Team. Ron Schaufelberger made a motion to approve the resolutions which was seconded by Steve Kollman and approved by the group. Nominating new directors from Clubs with Directors whose terms are expiring: Sarah Butler will begin her first term for Heart of Illinois Club. Norbert Hashieder will begin his first term for Southern Club. Aaron Heinzman re-elected for second term for Clinton County Club. Dylan Reed will begin his first term for Clinton County Club. Jim Schluter will begin his first term for Mississippi Valley Club. David Shanks will begin his first term for McHenry-Lake Club. Kevin Wendling will begin a new first term for Effingham Club. Jerry Smith moved to seat the Directors and Boyd Schaufelberger seconded. The motion carried. 2019 State Convention will be hosted by Gateway Holstein Club. A motion to adjourn was made by Ed Smith, seconded by Richard Meier, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Tina Yagow, Secretary Page 3


Directors - Term Expires 2019

President....................................................................................................................... Ed Smith 43386 N. Scott St., Antioch, IL 60002; 847/372-0602; Vice-President....................................................................................................... Steve Irwin 9400 Meridian Rd., Beason, IL 62512; 217/871-7738; Treasurer................................................................................................................. Carol Jones 116 W 10th St., Gridley, IL 61744; 815/848-1500; Secretary..........................................................................................................Sarah Lenkaitis 6N707 Corron Rd., St. Charles, IL 60175; 920/517-1942;

Executive Members Howard Dust ............................................................................................................. Effingham 18246 N. 600th St., Shumway, IL 62461; 217/663-2395; Aaron Heinzmann..........................................................................................................Clinton 17645 Coles Creek Rd., Carlyle, IL 62231; 618/226-3606; Jerry Smith ................................................................................................................ Northwest 9808 Farm School Rd., Davis, IL 61019; 815/865-5683; Jeff Thorman................................................................................................Mississippi-Valley 15280 N 1600, Macomb, IL 61455; 309/769-5494; Past President - Jason Oertel.................................................................................Gateway 32633 Delhi Rd., Brighton, IL 62012; 618/779-9060;

Illinois Holstein Herald Editor & Webmaster

Boone-Winnebago ........................................... Aaron Mitchell, Winnebago Gateway .....................................................Bruce Clanton, Mulberry Grove Mississippi-Valley .................................................... Jeff Thorman, Macomb Northwest ....................................................................... John Erbsen, Lanark Northwest ............................................................................Jerry Smith, Davis Tri-County .............................................................................. Ray Hess, Genoa

Directors - Term Expires 2020 Effingham ................................................................ Howard Dust, Shumway 217/663-2395 Heart of Illinois .............................................................. Carol Jones, Gridley 815/848-1500 Tri-County ..................................................................Richard Meier, Beecher 708/946-6417

Directors - Term Expires 2021 Clinton .................................................................. Aaron Heinzmann, Carlyle Clinton .............................................................................Dylan Reed, Vandalia Effingham ............................................................ Kevin Wendling, Altamont Heart of Illinois .....................................................Sarah Butler, Arrowsmith McHenry-Lake ........................................... Ethan Heinzmann, Wauconda McHenry-Lake ............................................. David Shanks, Garden Prairie Mississippi Valley ....................................................... Jim Schluter, Red Bud Southern ...................................................... Norbert Hasheider, Okawville

Stephanie Hammerly PO Box 813, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 · 608/732-2757 ·

Holstein Association USA Directors Boyd Schaufelberger, President 1254 IL Route 127, Greenville, IL 62246 · 618/664-2576 · Dale Drendel 15N057 Walker Road, Hampshire, IL 60140 · 815/766-0326 ·

815/585-2785 618/292-3368 309/769-5494 815/275-4990 815/865-5683 815/751-3301

618/781-7994 217/254-5397 217/240-6196 309/824-8621 847/224-7861 815/790-8406 217/898-5707 618/243-6312

Junior Officers Northwest ................................................................. Connor Erbsen, Lanark 815/275-9138 Northwest ................................................................... Payton Erbsen, Lanark 815/493-2331

Holstein Association USA Field Representative Tim Ewing 417/818-6455 (MILK) ·

ADVERTISERS_______________________________________________ Ainger Farms B&B Bagging B-J-Grove BLM Fall Dairy Bluff-Ridge Bri-Mel Acres Car-Mer Farm, LLP Char-La-Don Clearfield Farm Cross-Wake Dairy Dair-E-Land Holsteins DoDel Holsteins Edler Farm Erbacres Holsteins Evergreen Lawn Farm Flat-Net Dairy Fruendly-Acres

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Glendell H. Farms, Ltd. Glenkeen Holsteins Golden Oaks Farm Heinz-Hope Farm Holbric Holsteins Hunter Haven Farms, Inc. Illini Futures Sale Irwindale Holsteins J-Maker Dairy Farm K-J Holsteins K-Lane Farms Kaco-Vu Kochnook Farm Koester Dairy Laeschway Dairy Lenkaitis Holsteins Luck-E Holsteins

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Lucky-King Holsteins Ludwig Farms Lyonden Farm Mackinson Dairy Farm Macomber Farm Meier Meadows Mil-R-Mor Mitchell’s Holsteins O-Bee Holsteins Oertel Farms, Inc. Platz Dairy Farm Pleasantland Farm Probstland Dairy R-Homestead Farm R-Vision Holsteins Ravendale Farm Red Carpet Holsteins

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Roblee Farms Rolling Lawns Farms Rotesown Schaufine Farms Select Sires Shannondoah Holsteins Smith, Ed Stone Ridge Sunshine Genetics Thorman Dairy Farm Von-View Dairy Farm Wildvale Reg. Holsteins Will-Can-Do Holsteins Winter Dairy Farm Zehrview Holsteins

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FEATURES_____________________ Advertisers.....................................................................................................................4 Board Attendance.......................................................................................................7 Calendar..........................................................................................................................5 District News.............................................................................................................. 11 Dutchess Domain........................................................................................................2 Editor’s Message....................................................................................................... 11 From the President.....................................................................................................2 Illini Futures Sale....................................................................................................... 11

Page 4

Illinois Holstein Board & Annual Meetings.................................................3,6-8 Illinois Senior Holstein Convention..................................................................... 5 Judging Team Results............................................................................................... 5 Junior News................................................................................................................11 Junior Officers & Advisor Team............................................................................11 Junior Reporter’s Message....................................................................................11 Letter to the Editor..................................................................................................... 5 National Board Update............................................................................................. 2

Spring 2018

Visit Us Online!

50 Years of IL Holstein Futurity Winners at the Annual Awards Banquet Back L-R: Dale Drendel, Bruce Clanton, Connor Erbsen, Howard Dust, Boyd Schaufelberger; Front L-R: Kevin Erbsen, Delana Erbsen, Sarah Butler Thank you to Wendy Erbsen for putting together the celebration of 50 years!

Illinois Holstein Association Officers and Executive Members Back L-R: Aaron Heinzmann, Boyd Schaufelberger, Dale Drendel, Jerry Smith, Howard Dust; Front L-R: Steve Irwin, Ed Smith, Jason Oertel Not pictured: Carol Jones, Sarah Lenkaitis, Jeff Thorman

CALENDAR___________________ 4/7 4/21 5/5 6/8 6/29-7/3 7/18-20

Illinois PDCA Calf Sale, Urbana Illini Golden Opportunity Sale, Belvidere Summer Herald Advertising Deadline U of I Dairy Judging Golf Outing, Savoy 2018 National Holstein Convention, Traverse City, MI Illinois Holstein Championship Show, Bloomington

___________ LETTER


Thank you Illinois Holstein Association for honoring me with the 2017 Service award. I’m very humbled to receive this award honoring Bob Butler who was such a tremendous leader for our organization and someone I always looked up to. Thank you to the Butler family for their sponsorship of the award. I firmly believe that the many opportunities our association offers from the junior programs on through adulthood do so much to build leadership skills and establish life long friendships. I strongly encourage our membership to get more involved as there is so much to gain. Thank you again, Paula Bovre

Kaskaskia College Dairy Juding Team Fall 2017 Results The team was invited to judge the Royal Highland Show in Europe! Congratulations on a great year! All-American: 4th Team, 4th Reasons, Kaleb 6th, Hadley 9th, Avery 10th Indiv. World Dairy Expo: 2nd Team, 1st Reasons, Avery 2nd, Kaleb 10th Individuals NAILE: 1st Team, 1st Reasons, Kaleb 2nd, Avery 6th, Hadley 7th Individuals L-R: Coach Aaron Heinzmann, Hadley Ehlers, Kaleb Kruse, Morgan Olbrich, Avery Kotlarczyk

ON THE COVER ______________ Featured on the cover of this issue are (top) 2017 Illinois Distinguished Service Award recipient, Paula Bovre, (middle) 2017 Illinois Junior Breeder Award recipient Tyler Carter and (bottom) 2017 Illinois Senior Breeder Award recipient, Kevin Erbsen. Thank you to the Butler family of Bluff-Ridge Holsteins for sponsoring the awards this year in memory of Bob Butler! Also, thank you to President Jason Oertel for presenting and Dave Fischer for serving as our banquet MC. See pages 20 and 21 of the Midwest Holsteins section for more details on our award winners and to see who received the 2017 Illinois Holstein of the Year Award. Congratulations and thank you for all that you do for the Illinois Holstein Association!

Volume 80, Number 1

Spring 2018

Illinois Holstein Herald is published four times a year (Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter) by the Illinois Holstein Association. Subscriptions for members are included as part of the annual membership dues; $20 per year for non-members. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Illinois Holstein Herald, PO Box 813, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965. This issue of the Illinois Holstein Herald was sent to the printer February 20, 2018

Illinois Holstein Herald

Kaskaskia College Dairy Judging Team Southwest Contest in Ft. Worth, TX 4th Team, 6th Reasons, 1st single division contest with 4-year univ. freshman L-R: Brock Irwin, Alex Walden, Cady McGehee, Patrick Tegeler Page 5

BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 5, 2018 - Bloomington, IL

The January 5, 2018 Board of Directors meeting of the Illinois Holstein Association was called to order at 3:15pm at the Radisson in Bloomington by President Jason Oertel. Secretary Sarah Lenkaitis took roll call with 15 board members, 3 staff, 5 committee chairs and 6 guests present. Herb Schmiedeskamp moved to accept the minutes of the meeting, Ray Hess second and the motion carried. Treasurer Carol Jones presented the Treasurer’s Report. Boyd Schaufelberger moved and Brian Olbrich seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried. Editor Stephanie (Stout) Hammerly spoke about the Illinois Holstein Herald. She thanked the advertisers from 2017. The Winter Herald should be in mailboxes now – the cover includes the photo contest winner, Karen Harms. The photo contest included 11 entries and Karen’s winning entry received 600 likes on Facebook. The Spring Herald deadline is February 5. Stephanie reminded everyone that this is a Midwest issue and a great place to advertise spring sale consignments. Also, Illinois Holstein of the Year nominations close January 10. Upon close, nominations will be posted on the Illinois Holstein Association Facebook page for voting, and the award will be given at the Senior Convention. On behalf of Dave Fisher, Jason Oertel reminded the board of the upcoming IMPA Dairy Summit - Tuesday, January 30 in Freeport, Wednesday, January 31 in Bloomington and Thursday, February 1 in Centralia. Dale Drendel and Boyd Schaufelberger spoke on behalf of Holstein Association USA and updated the board on Holstein USA programs and activities. In 2017, there were a record number of identifications and a 5% increase in Holstein Complete herds. While the number of herds classifying was up 2%, SETS were down 21%. For 2018 National Shows, the fall yearling class and summer calf class will be optional. Aaron Mitchell is on the National JAC Board. Holstein USA is now classifying Guernseys. Connor Erbsen gave the Junior Report. He thanked the board for the $7,500 donation to help pay for the juniors traveling to the National Holstein Convention in Washington. The Illinois Senior Dairy Bowl team were the national champions. Payton Erbsen was a YDJM and Emily Irwin was a DJM award winner. Spring Thing will be held February 24-25 at the Embassy Suites in East Peoria. OLD BUSINESS The 2017 Shows went well. Jason reported numbers were down a little bit, but remained a good show with positive earnings. Kris Wild, Wildvale Holsteins, hosted the 2017 picnic and had a nice turn out. We are looking for volunteers for future years. The Illinois Senior Holstein Convention will be hosted by the Northwest Illinois Holstein Page 6

Club February 2 and 3 at the Stephenson County Farm Bureau Office and Hampton Inn. Registration is due Monday, January 15. 2018 Futures Sale will be held Saturday, February 3. If you have a consignment, contact Ed Smith or Herb Schmiedeskamp. Kevin is chairing a committee to review and suggest changes for the constitution and bylaws. NEW BUSINESS 2018 Committee Reports Dutchess/Little Miss Committee Report given by Jason Oertel on behalf of Lori Lyons There were no Dutchess contests for 2017, so Morgan Olbrich served a second year. There was discussion regarding the age requirement, but it was decided to leave it the same for now. The 2018 competition will be held July 18th in the show ring. Budget: $0 Motion to approve the Dutchess/Little Miss Committee report was made by Ray Hess, seconded by Carol Jones and the motion carried. Futurity Committee Report given by Chairman Darcy Steffes The Illinois Futurity Show will be July 20th with Mandi Bue as the judge. Entries can be submitted using the Google form or by mail. The online entry form will be edited to allow more animals per form – currently only one is allowed at a time. The show will continue to have banners for first place junior-owned and first place overall. Current rules will be checked to include a catch-up fee for 5-year-old class to encourage participation. Darcy will work with Stephanie Hammerly to send reminders via email. Budget: $0 Association funds Motion to approve the Futurity Committee Report was made by Herb Schmiedeskamp, seconded by Ed Smith and approved by the board. Junior Advisory Committee Report presented by Chairman Tricia Zehr Spring Thing will be February 24 and 25 at the Embassy Suites in East Peoria. Emily Sheehan, Briley Lenkaitis and Lila Sloan are on the committee. Nominees for the Kyle Mitchell Award are due February 1 to John Mitchell – more information is available on the Illinois Holsteins website. The juniors will be providing a $10 kick-back to help cover the $25 lunch. Tricia Zehr, Wendy Erbsen and Al Lenkaitis, Jr. are the junior advisors. The junior committee reviewed responsibilities of coaches and advisors and will look to approve them at the February Board Meeting. $5000 for travel and expenses - $2500 for spring thing, $250 allocation for scrapbook. Budget: -$5,000 Motion to approve the Junior Advisory Committee Report was made by Ray Hess, seconded by Dale Drendel and the motion carried.

Membership Committee Report given by Chairman Ed Smith The committee discussed decrease in membership numbers and revenue. Committee looked at neighboring states and found senior memberships start at $50. For 2019, the committee recommends 1) raise the senior membership by $10 to $40 per member, 2) reduce the rebate back to the clubs on a senior membership from 25% to 10% and 3) raise the junior membership by $5 to $15 per member. 2018 membership cards are in the Winter Holstein Herald. Budget: $24,000 gross income Motion to approve the Membership Committee Report was made by Herb Schmiedeskamp, seconded by Brian Olbrich and approved by the board. PDCA Calf Sale Committee Report submitted by Gene McCoy, read by Jason The 2018 PDCA Calf Sale will be held at the Champaign County Fairgrounds on April 7, 2018. The advertising deadline for the Herald will be February 1. March 8 is the consignment deadline and they are looking 25-30 head of Holsteins. The commission will remain at 10%. Discussion included the Jersey Association Juniors having a lunch stand again this year, juniors purchasing a calf will be entered into a prize drawing and breed representatives will provide leaders for calves. Darrin Ropp will looking into having a fitting clinic or introduction to Superior Young Dairy Producer Contest before the sale to encourage junior attendance. Budget: $0 Association funds Motion to approve the PDCA Calf Sale Report was made by Carol Jones, seconded by Dale Drendel and the motion carried. Public Relations Committee Report presented by Chairman Aaron Heinzmann The committee discussed the format of the Holstein Herald and driving more traffic to the website and Facebook. Stephanie discussed opportunities to increase income by developing package ad sales and incorporating an advertising plug in sale consignor letters. She will also check into options/pricing for the Holstein Herald. Proposed changes include 1) repackaging the winter and summer Holstein Herald to a newsletter format, 2) the addition of advertisements on the website and improved linking to breeder websites and Facebook pages improving value and exposure, 3) building sponsorships/promotions package for 2019 and 4) clean-up the free distribution list for the Holstein Herald. In 2018, there will be 2 Holstein Herald Magazines and 2 Holstein Herald Newsletters. Illinois Holstein of the Year competition is open for nominations. Budget: -$5,000 Aaron Heinzmann moved to accept the Public Relations Committee report, seconded by Carol Jones and the motion carried. Spring 2018

State Sales Committee Report given by Chairmen Nate Janssen and Brian Wesemann The State Sale will be held April 21 at 10:30AM at the Boone County Fairgrounds. The committee is estimating they will catalog 80 head and target $175,000 gross income and $2,000 profit. Scott Courtney will auctioneer and staff will include Gary Janssen, Brian Olbrich, Jon Erbsen and one additional person. Commission rate is 15%. Cowbuyer will be available for online bidding. Advertisements will be placed in Herald, Cattle Connection and on Facebook. Long term, the committee discussed working with another local club event in the state instead of holding separate state sale. Committee recommendation is for Executive Committee to begin conversation with CCC & Spring Sizzler after completion of 2018 state sale. Brian and Nate will work with Sarah Lenkaitis to send out a note looking for consignments. Budget: $5,000 profit for State Sale, $2,500 profit for Futures Sale Motion to approve the State Sale Committee Report was made by Aaron Heinzmann, seconded by Carol Jones and the motion carried. State Show Committee Report given by Boyd Schaufelberger for Joe Engel The Open Show will be Friday, July 20 at the Interstate Center in Bloomington and Mandi Bue will judge. Exhibitors can bed down after noon Monday, July 16, and cattle can arrive after 8am Tuesday, July 17. For 2018, judge compensation will be $500 plus cost of hotel room. In 2019 and going forward, this will be adjusted to $350, the cost of hotel room and $250 maximum for expenses. The show will recognize and provide a small award for one CFP production winner for each class (Jr. 3 and older) and name an overall winner for the best 305 day record. If the weather is expected to be hot, the committee will look into get a fan for the crowd. The show will continue to have a Holstein Association field representative to measure topline hair. It was proposed to add a summer Jr. 2 class for 2018 show. The committee discussed ultrasounding, but will not complete for 2018 show. An exhibitor (junior or senior) must bring at least the same number of animals to district show as state show – up to six. If an exhibitor brings six or more to district show, they can bring any number of animals to state show. Budget: $1,000

Illinois Holstein Herald

Motion to approve the State Show Committee Report was made by Boyd Schaufelberger, seconded by Dale Drendel and the motion carried. Jason noted the association is looking at general operations savings and would amended the budget ahead of the annual meeting based on findings. Herb Schmeideskamp made a motion to amend the publication, promotions and website line item to public relations. Ed Smith seconded and the motion carried. Ed Smith moved to approve the budget as amended. Dale Drendel seconded the motion and the motion carried. Motion to adjourn was made by Carol Jones, seconded by Bruce Clanton and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5pm.

Next meeting will be in June *watch your email for details to be sent out in May

Respectfully submitted, Sarah Lenkaitis, Secretary





Sarah Butler HT Bruce Clanton GW P *Dale Drendel HAUSA P Howard Dust EF E John Erbsen NW P Norbert Hasheider SO E Aaron Heinzmann CL P Ethan Heinzmann ML P Ray Hess TR P Steve Irwin VicePres Carol Jones HT P Richard Meier TR P Aaron Mitchell BW P *Jason Oertel PastPres P Dylan Reed CL *Boyd Schaufelberger HAUSA P Jim Schluter MS David Shanks ML *Ed Smith Pres P Jerry Smith NW P Jeff Thorman MS E Kevin Wendling EF Connor Erbsen JrOfficer P Payton Erbsen JrOfficer E * Denotes officer/past president/National board member


Ed Smith

Animal Analysis Associate 43386 N Scott Street, Antioch, IL 60002 Phone: 847-395-5976 Cell: 847-372-0602 Email:

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BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 3, 2018 - Freeport, IL

The February 3, 2018 meeting of the Illinois Holstein Association Board of Directors was called to order by President Jason Oertel with 18 Board members and many guests present. Past Secretary Tina Yagow took the roll and handed out copies of the minutes of the January 2018 Board of Directors meeting. Dale Drendel moved to approve the minutes, Aaron Heinzmann seconded the motion and it carried. Treasurer Carol Jones asked members to review the financial report handouts and Ed Smith moved to accept the Treasurers Report. The motion was seconded by Sarah Butler and carried. Editor Stephanie Hammerly reminded everyone of the upcoming Spring Herald deadline and Carol Jones moved to accept the Editor’s Report. Her motion was seconded by Aaron Heinzmann and the motion passed. OLD BUSINESS In his President’s Report, Jason Oertel thanked Tina Yagow for returning to serve as Secretary for the occasion, Carol Jones for her work as Treasurer, Ed Smith as Vice President and Brian Olbrich as Past President for his guidance and all other members who have helped him during his tenure as President. Junior Advisor and Coach Job Descriptions were distributed. A motion to approve them was made by Aaron Heinzmann, seconded by Richard Meier, motion carried. Junior Association Request for Funds for National Convention Travel – Boyd Schaufelberger spoke on behalf of the Executive Committee and said due to the budget deficit of the Senior Association, it wouldn’t be wise for the Senior Association to donate $5,000 toward the travel for the Juniors, though the Seniors do support Junior

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participation in National Convention. Next year the finances of the Senior Association will be re-evaluated and the situation will hopefully be more favorable for supporting the travel of Juniors to National Convention. Boyd made a motion to turn down the request, seconded by Ed Smith, motion carried. Eastland FFA requested sponsorship of their Dairy Judging Team to go to Scotland. The Executive Board is recommending the Board of Directors make a $1,000 donation from the Enhancement Fund to help sponsor their travel. Howard Dust made the motion, seconded by Aaron Heinzmann, motion carried. Budget Amendment – The Executive Committee is looking into cutting Operating Expenses by having the staff under contract as independent contractors rather than official employees so the Association would save money in taxes, unemployment, workers comp, etc. It would save the Association a few thousand dollars a year. The Budget will not be amended at this time in a motion by Boyd Schaufelberger, seconded by Dale Drendel and approved by the Board. NEW BUSINESS The PDCA depends on the breeds to nominate leaders of their association and it’s Illinois’ turn to provide someone. The nomination will be for someone to serve 2 years as Vice President of PDCA and then they will be promoted to a 2-year term as President. Ed Smith nominated Jason Oertel who declined the nomination. Dale Drendel nominated Aaron Heinzmann who also declined. A candidate needs to be nominated by the April 2018 Calf Sale for installation to take place. Aaron Heinzmann moved to defer

the nomination to the Executive Committee, Ed Smith seconded and the motion carried. Nominations Chairman Jerry Smith nominated Ed Smith for President of the Illinois Holstein Association and then moved to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot. Jerry Smith then nominated Steve Irwin for Vice President of the Illinois Holstein Association. Ethan Heinzmann nominated Aaron Heinzmann, who declined the nomination. Jerry then moved to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot. Steve Irwin nominated Jerry Smith, Aaron Heinzmann, Howard Dust and Jeff Thorman to serve on the Executive Committee of the Illinois Holstein Assocation. Boyd Schaufelberger moved to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot, Brian Olbrich seconded, motion carried. Dale Drendel moved to update the signatory cards for Illinois Holstein Association checking and memorial accounts to include Treasurer Carol Jones and Secretary Sarah Lenkaitis. National Convention and Enhancement Fund signature card authorization shall be assigned to Treasurer Carol Jones and President Ed Smith. All Junior Fund signature authorizations shall be assigned to Treasurer Carol Jones and Secretary Sarah Lenkaitis. Jason Oertel seconded the motion and it carried. 2019 State Convention will be hosted by Gateway Holstein Club. A motion to adjourn was made by Aaron Heinzmann, seconded by Carol Jones and the motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Tina Yagow, Secretary


Spring 2018

Nelson & Bonnie Heinzmann 618.226.3578 Aaron, Jenn, Lane, Brady & Samantha 618.781.7994

1099 E. Angle Road Dakota, IL 61018 815.821.3789 Dan 815.821.3344 Kyle 815.563.4511 Home Dan & Amber, Lance & Cynthia, Kyle and Brent

Illinois Holstein Herald

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Joe & Inis Probst Toby, Margie, Holly, Katie, Marcus, Macy & Renee Phil, Angie, Megan, Lauren, Austin & Dalton 2817 E 1600th Ave, Wheeler, IL


Place your Breeder Ad HERE! Published 4x/year Contact: Stephanie Hammerly, Editor The Butler Family 608-732-2757 35821 E 900 N Rd., Arrowsmith, IL David: 309-475-2131 Christie: 815-530-0331 Sarah: 309-824-8621


6447 Fitzgerald Rd. Rockford, IL 61102 Kevin & Palma Lyons (815)979-2370 Brian & Lori (815)962-0001 Chris (920)563-1082 Dan & Kelly (260)359-1780

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Spring 2018



MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Greetings from Mississippi Valley Holstein Club! Winter meeting and club award recognitions hosted at the Fowler Church on Friday 11/10/17. We had many members in attendance and a great meal was again prepared and served by Kathy Neisen. MVHC Officers for 2018: • Adam Wieman – President • Jim Schluter – Vice President • Nikki Neisen – Secretary / Treasurer • Jim Schluter – Service at Director Level CLUB RECOGNITIONS Club Scholarships awarded - Congratulations to the following – Scholarship Committee updated that both applicants submissions were “Excellent” • Paige Newman • Hannah Wieman Outstanding Junior Girls and Boys (each received a Wal-Mart gift card) • 1st Mckenna Huls • Olivia Schluter • Marissa Newman • 1st Nathan Wieman • Dexter Rufcorn • Taylor Wieman • Marco Dalenger • Marissa Newman Outstanding Senior Girls and Boys (each received a Wal-Mart gift card) • 1st Paige Newman • Hannah Wieman • 1st Jordan Thorman • Tailor Nuehaus Premier Exhibitor Award to Schluter Holsteins Next meeting will be held this summer and will be hosted by the Wieman’s with a TBD date. We would also like to extend a “Congratulations” to Hannah Wieman for earning the University of Wisconsin – Platteville’s Chancellor Scholarship. While attending college Hannah keeps busy with the Pioneer Dairy Club, Dairy Judging Team and Catholic Newman Community. GOOD JOB HANNAH!!! Also “Congratulations” to Tailor who recently enlisted into the Marine Corps Delayed Entry Program. Thanks for your future service and GOOD LUCK!!! Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary to any member over the last and next several months. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!!!!

Sincerely, Angie Newman, Reporter


President: Connor Erbsen Vice President: Peyton Erbsen Secretary: Lane Heinzmann Treasurer: Lila Sloan Reporter: Brock Irwin Adult Advisors: Tricia Zehr Phone: 815-252-5708 Wendy Erbsen Phone: 815-493-2331 Al Lenkaitis Phone: 630-561-9514 Make sure to check the Illinois Holstein website and Facebook pages for up-to-date information on all Junior activities!

ILLINI FUTURES SALE Sales (Consignor in parentheses) Golden Oaks Look Fine-ET................................. $3,000 Dylan Reed (Golden Oaks)

1st Choice Doorman/Solomon x Christel.... $3,000 Ralph Twenhafel (Golden Oaks)

1st Choice Goldwyn x Rayfia............................. $2,200 Steve & Christopher Kollman (Mil-R-Mor)

1st Choice Jordy x Avila....................................... $2,050 Larry Wenger (Kris Wild)

Choice of 2 Winter Calves.................................... $2,000 Dawn Irwin (Holbric)

Lyonden Archrival Momento............................ $1,900 Dylan Reed (Lyonden)

Red Barbwire x Apple........................................... $1,700 Rosalee & Wyatt Zehr (Leslie Shirk High)

Schaufine Pitney Bermuda................................. $1,600 Dylan Reed (Oertel Farms)

K-Star Frazzled Ruth-ET....................................... $1,500 Golden Oaks (Koester Dairy)

Choice from Princess............................................. $1,400 Ralph Twenhafel (Oertel Farms)

Red Byway x Miley.................................................. $1,250 Josh Pudwill (Borgmann & Berby)

Gahms Crush Miss Laurie.................................... $1,050 Allison Lethbridge (Daryld Gahm)

Flat-Top-Vue Merjack Britta............................... $1,000 Laron Martin (Wilson Martin)

Navs Alyssa-Red-ET....................................................$900 Steve & Christopher Kollman (Nate & Gary Janssen)

Gahms Jedi Miss Siena-ET.......................................$900 Steve & Christopher Kollman (Daryld Gahm) Embryos (Consignor in parentheses)

Artist x Muddy........................................................$350/ea Anthony Weaver (Tim & Leah Ziemba)

Diamondback x A S Kicker................................$250/ea Laron Martin (Ziemba & Cole)

Detour x Felice........................................................$250/ea Ritcher (Adrienne Brammeier)

Stormatic & Atwood x Filly...............................$125/ea Laron Martin (O-C-E-C Embryos)

Illinois Holstein Herald

Hello everyone! Juniors, by the time this is printed, we will have enjoyed Spring Thing! Thank you to everyone that participated in the dairy bowl, jeopardy, speech, and poster contests and congratulations to those that qualified for the National Holstein Convention! The 2018 National Junior Holstein Convention is being held in Acme, Michigan. National conventions are a blast, and a great opportunity to meet other Junior Holstein members from around the country. Also, at the state contest, we will elect new junior officers during the annual meeting on the 25th and will have discussed some ideas for fundraising to raise funds for National Convention. Be sure to check our Facebook page and the new Summer Herald for more details.


Congratulations to the 2017 Illinois Holstein Award recipients! Read more about this past year’s award winners in the Midwest Holsteins section. Congratulations to Golden Oaks Farm on having Tang named the 2017 Illinois Holstein of the Year! Although this is only the 2nd year of the contest, I am amazed at how this has really taken off. A few statistics on this contest - - over 11,000 people were reached on Facebook with a total of 925 likes and 51 shares. The power of social media is one that can’t be beat! In 2018, you will notice a transition in Illinois Holstein promotion to more of an online presence. Our goal is to promote your Holsteins not only in the Illinois Holstein Herald and Midwest Holsteins print publications, but also on the Illinois Holstein Association Facebook page and the Illinois Holstein Association website.

Stephanie Hammerly

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Spring 2018

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