Illinois Holstein Herald - Summer 2021

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Holstein Herald

Summer 2021

Illinois Holstein Herald

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Magen Busker Selected as 2021 National Young Distinguished Junior Member Finalist From the time I was born, you would find me in our milking parlor. I guess you could say I was raised in a barn. The farm was a partnership between my grandpa, my two great uncles, and my great aunt. The farm is located along the Pecatonica River. At that time, we had a 206-cow free stall barn. The milking parlor was a double 12 herringbone parlor. In my very first years, you could find me in my stroller or pack-n-play in the parlor. As I grew up, I would pick-up the microfiber towels to take them to the washing machine. Later on, my responsibilities graduated to chasing cows to the front of the parlor, getting the cows in from the pastures, getting the cows into the holding area, and scraping out the stalls. As time went on, there were several major changes to our farm. In 2009, we built a new cold housing, curtain-sided calf barn with 108 stalls. Prior to this, calves were housed in an indoor building with small crates where we had several issues, mostly pneumonia-related. Then, in summer 2010, the farm flooded to the point where we had to move every animal to a couple different facilities. Luckily Larson Acres, located 45 miles away, was able to take the cows to their place. The yearling aged animals went to what was then our heifer facility, and the calves went to my first cousin Kim’s house where we made pens in a machine shed. In 2013, my two great uncles and my great aunt were getting older and didn’t want the responsibility of taking care of the dairy cows. Also, my aunt, two uncles, and my mom were taking on a larger part of the operation-wanting to be included more in the management and decision making of the operation. So, it was decided that my great aunt and great uncles would take some land and most of the machinery and continue to farm the land for crops. The new partnership for the dairy would consist of my grandpa, my mom, my two uncles, and my aunt. This partnership would get the cows, some land, and a few pieces of machinery. Following the restructuring, there needed to be a shift in responsibilities. I started to feed calves with help from my Mom, Jennifer, and my Grandpa, Glen. My Uncle, Glen Arthur, would feed cows, Uncle, Jason, would handle field work, Aunt Becky would handle herd health and reproduction, and we hire employees to milk for us. Prior to the separation, we fed milk replacer to our calves. Utilizing a pasteurizer was something we had discussed previously, but were not able to put into practice. In March

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2014, with my mom and myself feeding the calves, were we able to switch from using milk replacer to using a pasturizer. We felt that by switching, the pasteurized milk would be better for the calves due to feedIng actual milk versus a powdered replacer as well as being able to use milk from our treated pen. Over a short period of time, the pasteurIzer would pay for itself. When a calf is born, I am responsible for giving it 1cc of Muti Min, Inforce, First Defense Tri-Shield, and 10cc of Colostridium Perfringens types C and D antitoxin as soon as possible after birth. I also use a refractometer to test our colostrum, so that each heifer calf born recieves four quarts of the best quality colostrum. Calves recieve another bottle of mid-range quality colostrum 12 hours later. Each calf receives free choice grain at three days old. Calves are gradually increased to be fed one gallon of pasteurized milk twice a day until they are eight weeks old. The following week they recive a half gallon of milk twice daily and then are weaned. I assist with dehorning calves at three weeks old with Dr. Larson’s dehorning paste. I have done both parts; clipping the hair around the horn and applying the paste. In 2016, we started building our new facility that we moved into on April 10, 2017. We expanded to a 700-cow free stall cross vent barn with a double 12 parallel milking parlor that can be expanded to a double 20. We also switched from milking two times a day to milking three times a day in August 2017. This building has allowed us to provide higher cow comfort, gain efficiencies, and increase milk production. Since the expansion, I started helping with registering our cattle. On top of that, I helped with herd health and veterinary work such as retained placenta, displaced abomasum’s(DA), and vaccinations. I have wanted to be a vet ever since kindergarten, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to start with more vet work. We used to have the vet do all of our DA surgeries and I would always be eager to help the vet do them. In order to save money, we have started to roll and tack cows on our own. My grandpa has tacked all of the cows, but I hope to learn soon. When we do a roll and tack, I am normally the one who holds the cows head down. I help a lot with vaccinating the heifers. We have a vaccination schedule that aligns vaccinations with when the heifers are moved to a different barn. When I was only one year old and could walk, I showed my first Holstein in pee wee showmanship with the help of my uncle. Since

then I have shown regularly at the Northwest Black & White Show, Winnebago Co. Fair, Stephenson Co. 4-H Show, and Stephenson Co. Fair. When I was 10, I was honored to show at Illinois State Holstein Show. Prior to this, I attended the show and competed in the Little Miss Holstein Contest winning in 2011 and 2012. Someday I hope to be the Illinois Holstein Dutchess. A couple years later, in 2017, I got my first experience on the colored shavings with my Holstein Senior 3-year-old, Scottmore Doorman 3875-ET (White Mikki) and my 4-year-old Schaufine GW Atwood Lala at World Dairy Expo. I will never forget that the shavings were green that year. Later that year, I got to take the six hour drive down to show at North American International Livestock Expo(NAILE). This was one of my favorite experiences ever. The first year we went, we just showed in the junior show. I was so proud of my 150,000 lbs. cow, Hosto Glen Skittles who placed first in her class. Skittles was also Nominated Jr. All American. Along with showing, I am a member of the Country Cuzins 4-H club. In my 4-H club, I have held a variety of different offices including president, vice president, secretary, and recreation co-chair. I help younger 4-H members with their 4-H projects. I have competed in 4-H dairy cattle judging and 4-H dairy quiz bowl. In my club I have been on different committees including chairman of dairy promotion, Dairy Day’s Parade float, and dairy window display. I am a member of the Northwest Junior Holstein Club. I love competing in dairy bowl. My first year I was so nervous but, as I got older, I was able to get over that. I have been in the Top 10 individuals four times. I was selected to go to nationals for the first time in 2017. I was selected as the alternate which meant that I went to national convention and competed in jeopardy. When I was 15, I was on the national dairy quiz bowl team that placed fourth. When I was 12, I wrote a speech and competed at our state contest. I won and I was chosen to go to nationals. I didn’t place, but I loved the opportunity. My future is not certain, as I am young with many options ahead. Someday, I hope to come back and own at least part of the family farm but, first I want to go to college. I am still exploring the possibility of becoming a veterinarian.

Summer 2021

FROM THE PRESIDENT As I write this article, we have a heat index of 102 degrees. Just three short months ago, I was complaining about the cold weather. Isn’t it amazing how quickly the weather can change? By the time you read this, the 2021 National Holstein Convention in Lancaster, Pennsylvania will be in the books. Be sure to look for the results of all of the Junior contests. I am sure that the Juniors will represent us very well, as always. And hopefully our very own Jerry Smith will find himself named a National Director. Best of luck Jerry!! Once the National Convention is over, the State Show will be right around the corner. This year, the shows will be held at the Logan County Fairgrounds in Lincoln. The Junior Show will be on Thursday, July 8th, followed by the Open Show on Friday, July 9th. Best of luck to all exhibitors!! Because of COVID last year, we were unable to have a State Convention and Annual Meeting. Therefore, we will have a brief Annual Meeting on Wednesday, July 7th, immediately following the 1 pm exhibitor’s meeting. Please feel free to join in. Well, that’s really all I have to say, but Stephanie will be mad if I don’t use up my quota of space, so I guess I will tell you all a little story. A couple years ago, as I was walking through the cow lot, just minding my own business, I suddenly felt something crawling down the leg of my bib overalls. And we’re not talking about a spider here - this sucker is about the size of my hand!! So I said to myself “Self, this can’t POSSIBLY be good.” Being the quick thinker that I am, I wrap both hands around my knee like a tourniquet, because, well, I DO NOT want this guy to turn around and head back north again!! I then realize that it has now descended into my rubber boot, so I quickly devise a plan. My plan goes like this: I will kick my boot as far as humanly possible. I then put my plan into action. Folks, I think I could punt for the Chicago Bears!! As my boot goes sailing thru the air, end over end, I hear something go “plop” into a pile of cow manure. It was my phone. My PHONE!!!!! Oh my gosh!! It wasn’t a rat after all – it was my PHONE!!! I think to myself, WOW, what a huge relief, as I pick my phone out of the cow pie and hop on one foot across the manure-laden cow lot to retrieve my other boot. I let out a chuckle and said – to no one in particular – “this might make a pretty good story someday.”

Steve Irwin

2021 Illinois Holstein Association Annual Meeting on July 7th The Executive Committee voted to hold the Annual Meeting at the State Show since the State Convention was cancelled. The Annual Meeting will be held Wednesday, July 7th on the show ring bleachers following the conclusion of the exhibitor meeting (approximate start time 1:30pm). While copies of the agenda and annual meeting reports will be available at the meeting, we will also email to the membership ahead of the meeting and encourage you to review ahead of time to help make the meeting more efficient. We hope to see you there! Illinois Holstein Herald

DUTCHESS DOMAIN Happy June Dairy month Illinois Holstein Association! June Dairy month not only provides a great outlet to connect with consumers, but I believe it also marks the start of warmer weather, the end of planting season 2021, first cutting hay is beginning to be taken off, herds being let out to pasture, and of course the start of show season - and for these reasons and more it is definitely my favorite month out of the year. Since the last Herald I have had the opportunity to attend and participate in a few Junior activities such as the 2021 IJHA Spring Thing as well as the PDCA Calf Sale and Junior Showmanship Clinic. It was great to see so many young and intelligent Junior Holstein Association members at Spring Thing this year. Thank you to the parents, coaches, and especially to our junior advisors for making the event happen this year and good luck to those representing Illinois in Lancaster, Pennsylvania this summer! The PDCA Calf Sale has always served as a great opportunity for our juniors to find some great pedigreed heifers and this year certainly lived up to that legacy. In addition to some great heifers on the sale bill, junior members also were able to participate in a showmanship clinic before the sale where they watched a clipping and fitting demonstration as well as led heifers in a showmanship training session. Thank you to the PDCA, U of I Dairy Club, chair Darren Ropp, and all those who made the auction possible. It has been a pleasure serving as your Dutchess this year. Wishing you a warm summer as well as happy and healthy herds and families!


Allyson S. Aves

NATIONAL DIRECTOR UPDATE What a difference a year can make! At this time last year, we were in the middle of the pandemic which not only changed work prodigal for many workers but almost shut-down the entire country from the usual normal! Holstein USA also was affected many ways. Classification was on hold, on farm visits were stopped, cattle shows were cancelled for several months along with some events being cancelled for the entire year. At our recent March Board meeting, the news was very upbeat! The business activities of your Association did a great job of catching-up by the end of the year. Even though registrations and transfers were down, classifications were up considering not one cow was scored for a month! The bottom line dollar was very respectable after taking everything considered. Now for the real positive news! There will be a convention this year including junior activities such as dairy bowl, speech contests and dairy jeopardy. The Pennsylvania Holstein breeders have had to stand the test of time to bring forth this year’s meeting as well as the Holstein USA staff! This year, the delegates will elect or re-elect some National Board Directors. I want to thank Holstein USA members everywhere for the honor and privilege to represent you the last seven years! I enjoyed every minute serving you, the membership, meeting many new friends and renewing old acquaintances! Thanks again and help keep your Association moving forward!

Dale Drendel

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Directors - Term Expires 2022

President.................................................................................................................. Steve Irwin 9400 Meridian Rd., Beason, IL 62512; 217/871-7738; Vice-President................................................................................ Herb Schmiedeskamp 2328 N. 1700th St., Camp Point, IL 62320; 217/242-3920; Treasurer................................................................................................................. Carol Jones 116 W 10th St., Gridley, IL 61744; 815/848-1500; Secretary..........................................................................................................Sarah Lenkaitis 6N707 Corron Rd., St. Charles, IL 60175; 920/517-1942;

Clinton .................................................................. Aaron Heinzmann, Carlyle Clinton .............................................................................Dylan Reed, Vandalia Effingham ............................................................ Kevin Wendling, Altamont Heart of Illinois .....................................................Sarah Butler, Arrowsmith McHenry-Lake ............................................. David Shanks, Garden Prairie Mississippi Valley ....................................................... Jim Schluter, Red Bud Southern ...................................................... Norbert Hasheider, Okawville

618/781-7994 217/254-5397 217/240-6196 309/824-8621 815/790-8406 217/898-5707 618/243-6312

Directors - Term Expires 2023

Executive Members John Erbsen ............................................................................................................. Northwest 10974 Benson Rd., Lanark, IL 61046; 815/275-4990; Aaron Heinzmann..........................................................................................................Clinton 17645 Coles Creek Rd., Carlyle, IL 62231; 618/781-7994; Jerry Smith ................................................................................................................ Northwest 9808 Farm School Rd., Davis, IL 61019; 815/865-5683; Kevin Wendling.........................................................................................................Effingham 13500 N. 400th St., Altamont, IL 62411; 217/240-6196; Past President - Ed Smith............................................................................ McHenry-Lake 43386 N. Scott St., Antioch, IL 60002; 847/372-0602;

Public Relations Coordinator

Boone-Winnebago ........................................... Aaron Mitchell, Winnebago Gateway .....................................................Lucas Clanton, Mulberry Grove Gateway ................................................................... Leon Dorsey, Greenville Mississippi Valley .............................Herb Schmiedeskamp, Camp Point Northwest ....................................................................... John Erbsen, Lanark Northwest ............................................................................Jerry Smith, Davis Tri-County .............................................................................. Ray Hess, Genoa

Holstein Association USA Director Dale Drendel 15N057 Walker Road, Hampshire, IL 60140 · 815/766-0326 ·

815/585-2785 618/322-3523 618/292-9105 217/242-3920 815/275-4990 815/865-5683 815/751-3301

Directors - Term Expires 2024 Effingham ...................................................................... Toby Probst, Wheeler 217/925-5459 Heart of Illinois .............................................................. Carol Jones, Gridley 815/848-1500 Tri-County ..................................................................Richard Meier, Beecher 708/946-6417

Stephanie Hammerly PO Box 813, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 · 608/732-2757 ·

Junior Officers Boone-Winnebago ................................................Allyson Aves, Belvidere 815/312-7835 Northwest ................................................................................Lila Sloan, Davis 815/222-3372

Holstein Association USA Field Representative Tim Ewing 417/818-6455 (MILK) ·

ADVERTISERS B-J-Grove BLM Fall Dairy Bluff-Ridge Bri-Mel Acres Char-La-Don Carter’s Corner Cash, Beth Weas Clearfield Farm Cross-Wake Dairy Dair-E-Land Holsteins DoDel Holsteins Edler Farm Flat-Net Dairy Glendell H. Farms, Ltd.

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Golden Oaks Farm Heinz-Hope Farm Holbric Holsteins Hunter Haven Farms, Inc. Irwindale Holsteins K-J Holsteins Kaco-Vu Koester Dairy Laeschway Dairy Lenkaitis Holsteins Luck-E Holsteins Lucky-King Holsteins Lyonden Farm Mackinson Dairy Farm

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FEATURES Advertisers.....................................................................................................................4 Annual Meeting...........................................................................................................3 Calendar..........................................................................................................................5 Dutchess Domain........................................................................................................3 From the President.....................................................................................................3 Illinois Championship Show....................................................................................5 Illinois Holstein Dutchess.........................................................................................5 Illinois Holstein Futurity............................................................................................5 Junior Journeys................................................................................................... 10,11 Junior Officers & Advisor Team............................................................................ 11 National YDJM Finalist...............................................................................................2 National Holstein Updates................................................................................... 3,9 Obituaries.......................................................................................................................8

Macomber Farm Meier Meadows Mil-R-Mor Mitchell’s Holsteins O-Bee Holsteins Oertel Farms, Inc. Pleasantland Farm Probstland Dairy R-Homestead Farm Raber Farms Ravendale Farm Red Carpet Holsteins Rolling Lawns Farms Schaufine Farms

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Schluter Holsteins Page 7 Select Sires Page 12 Shanks, Philip Page 7 Sunshine Genetics Page 9 Thorman Dairy Farm Page 7 Von-View Dairy Farm Page 7 Wild Genetics/Triple-Hil Sires Page 9 Will-Can-Do Holsteins Page 7 Winter Dairy Farm Page 7 Zehrview Holsteins Page 7

ON THE COVER Featured on the cover of this issue are the Illinois Holstein Juniors at the 2021 Junior Spring Thing in Gridley. View more results on page 11 and check out additional photos on the Illinois Holstein Association Facebook page. Also featured on the cover is Magen Busker, 2021 National Holstein Young Distinguished Junior Member Finalist. Congratulations!

Volume 83, Number 2

Summer 2021

Illinois Holstein Herald is published four times a year (Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter) by the Illinois Holstein Association. Subscriptions for members are included as part of the annual membership dues; $20 per year for non-members. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Illinois Holstein Herald, Stephanie Hammerly, PO Box 813, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965. This issue of the Illinois Holstein Herald was sent to the printer June 21, 2021

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Summer 2021

Visit Us Online!

CALENDAR 7/7 7/7-9 7/29

Illinois Holstein Association Annual Meeting, Lincoln Illinois Holstein Championship Show, Lincoln Mississippi Valley District Show, Mendon

*additional event information available at:

Illinois Championship Holstein Show *NEW LOCATION* Logan County Fairgrounds, Lincoln 2021 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Monday, July 5th - Move-in after 2 p.m. for tack only (no cattle) Tuesday, July 6th - Cattle may arrive after 8 a.m. Wednesday, July 7th - Exhibitor Meeting at 1 p.m. Cattle must be checked in by 2 p.m. Illinois Holstein Annual Meeting will follow (approx. 1:30 p.m.) Illinois Holstein Dutchess & Little Miss Holstein Contests 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 8th - Dutchess Crowning 8:30 a.m. Illinois Championship Junior Show & Showmanship Contest Friday, July 9th - Illinois Championship Show 8:30 a.m. Illinois Holstein 2-Year-Old & 5-Year-Old Futurities Cattle must be off the grounds by 6 p.m. SHOW RULES & ENTRY FORMS Available at FUTURITY ENTRY FORMS Visit Contact with any questions DUTCHESS & LITTLE MISS HOLSTEIN CONTESTS Dutchess Eligibility Contestants must be at least 15 years old and not yet 22 years old as of January 1. Dutchess contestants must be members of the Illinois Junior Holstein Association, but are not required to own a Registered Holstein. Little Miss Holstein Eligibility Contestants must be 6 years of age, but not yet 10 as of January 1 to participate in the Little Miss Holstein contest. Little Miss Holstein contestants must be members of the Illinois Junior Holstein Association, but are not required to own a Registered Holstein. Awards The Illinois Holstein Dutchess will receive a scholarship award. Each Little Miss Holstein contestant will receive a prize package. How to Apply Visit For additional details and to apply, contact: Lori Lyons, Dutchess Chair at (815) 988-7102 or HOTEL INFORMATION Comfort Inn, 130 Olson Dr., Lincoln (217) 735-5800 *mention IL Holstein Assoc. for discounted rate by July 1st SHOW CHAIRS Amy Raber (815) 867-0694 Todd Irwin (217) 871-9800 Illinois Holstein Herald

BREEDER NEWS Congratulations on a Great Spring Show Season! SOUTHERN SPRING JUNIOR HOLSTEIN SHOW Stillwater, OK · April 8, 2021 · Judge: Graisson Schmidt B-J-Grove S-Kick Kola Bear owned by Kyle Clanton Champion Bred & Owned Heifer & 1st Winter Calf RBR-FRM Jacoby Krown owned by Addison & Jacob Raber 3rd Spring Yearling Carters-Corner Dback Really owned by Lane, Brady & Samantha Heinzmann 3rd Sr. 2-Yr-Old Ms ZMP McCutchen Daisy owned by Zach Paul 2nd 4-Yr-Old SOUTHERN SPRING NATIONAL HOLSTEIN SHOW Stillwater, OK · April 10, 2021 · Judge: Ryan Krohlow B-J-Grove S-Kick Kola Bear owned by Kyle Clanton 1st Winter Calf B-J-Grove Unix Commanche owned by Kasey Clanton 2nd Winter Calf Hilrose Redlight Ada-Red-ET owned by Shana & Drew Lueking & Briley & Denver Lenkaitis 3rd Fall Calf B-J-Grove Door Beehive-ET owned by Kasey Clanton 3rd Spring Yearling B-J-Grove Holsteins 1st Junior Best Three Females Golden Oaks Crush Tesla-ET owned by Zach & Brianna Paul 1st Unfresh 2-Yr-Old Ms ZMP McCutchen Daisy owned by Zach Paul 3rd 4-Yr-Old MIDWEST SPRING NATIONAL RED & WHITE SHOW Jefferson, WI · April 30, 2021 · Judge: Mike Duckett Uber-Haven Dfnt Chrome-Red owned by Tyler Carter & Brett Richter Res. Grand Champion, Sr. Champion & 1st 5-Yr-Old BHHD Claim to Fame-Red-ET owned by Price & McIssac HM Int. Champion & 1st Jr. 2-Yr-Old Duckett Alt Lenna-Red owned by Brett Woker 1st Winter Calf Schluter Alt Smickers-Red owned by Joseph Tegeler 1st Fall Yearling Junior Show Schluter Summer Lee-Red-ET owned by Tyler Carter 2nd Sr. 3-Yr-Old MIDWEST SPRING NATIONAL HOLSTEIN SHOW Jefferson, WI · May 1, 2021 · Judge: John Erbsen Ms Atwood Lacey-ET owned by Tyler Carter HM Grand Champion, Res. Sr. Champion & 1st Aged Cow Ms Laces Upgrade Lacie-ET owned by Golden Oaks Farm HM Jr. Champion & 1st Winter Yearling BHHD Claim to Fame-Red-ET owned by Price & McIssac 1st Jr. 2-Yr-Old

2020 Holstein USA Herd of Excellence Award Congratulations to the Koester family on receiving one of the 2020 Herd of Excellence Awards from Holstein Association USA!

FFA Awards & Recognition Congratulations to all of the Illinois Holstein Juniors on your success with FFA! From officer elections to proficiencies to State and American FFA degrees, we are proud of you! Do you have news to share? Send to Stephanie at or tag the Illinois Holstein Association page on Facebook Page 5


Andy & Tyler Carter 211 IL Route 127 Greenville, IL 62246 618-664-1825 (Andy) • 618-267-1825 (Tyler) Email:

Nelson & Bonnie Heinzmann 618.226.3578 Aaron, Jenn, Lane, Brady & Samantha 618.781.7994

1099 E. Angle Road Dakota, IL 61018 815.821.3789 Dan 815.821.3344 Kyle 815.563.4511 Home Dan & Amber, Lance & Cynthia, Kyle and Brent

The Lenkaitis Family 6N411 Corron Road, St. Charles, IL 60175 -

The Lueking Family 23505 College Rd. Centralia, IL 62801

Doug, Sheila, Shana & Drew 618-322-1186 Don & Marcella 608-495-2238

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Summer 2021


Joe & Inis Probst Toby, Margie, Holly, Katie, Marcus, Macy & Renee Phil, Angie, Megan, Lauren, Austin & Dalton 2817 E 1600th Ave, Wheeler, IL




20244 N. 24th Ave. Nokomis, IL (217)563-2846 David & Lenore Ruppert Marc, Lora, Landon, Kaylee & Logan Hilgendorf

Raber Farms

Doug, Amy, Addison & Jacob Raber Gridley, Illinois 815-867-0694

Philip Shanks

Connie Turley 618.664.3240

Michael & Jennifer Turley 314.308.1005

25303 St ateline Rd, Har var d, IL 60033 (815) 560-7615 Hoof Tr imming Re gis te r e d Hols te ins & Br own Sw is s

Place your Breeder Ad HERE Published 4x/year Contact: Stephanie Hammerly 608-732-2757


The Butler Family

35821 E 900 N Rd., Arrowsmith, IL David: 309-824-2131 Christie: 815-530-0331 Sarah: 309-824-8621

6447 Fitzgerald Rd. Rockford, IL 61102 Kevin & Palma Lyons (815)979-2370 Brian & Lori (815)962-0001 Chris & Shalene (920)563-1082 Dan & Kelly (260)359-1780

Jim & Marvin Schluter Red Bud, IL Marvin - 217.714.1373 Jim - 217.898.5707 Illinois Holstein Herald

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OBITUARIES Genevieve Ellingson

Genevieve Ellingson, 93, of Poplar Grove, IL passed away March 11, 2021 at home surrounded by her loving family. She was born on May 28, 1927 in Dekalb, IL, the daughter of Hugh and Stella (Holiday) Voorhies. Genevieve was a 1946 graduate of Belvidere High School. She married the love of her life, Donald F. Ellingson, on June 22, 1946 at Poplar Grove United Methodist Church. She was a lifelong farmer, but more importantly, she was a mother to four wonderful children. Genevieve was a founding member of the Merry Milk Maids and a dedicated 4-H Leader. She was a member of the PTA, the Farm Bureau Women, and Homemakers. Genevieve enjoyed hosting school field trips, family celebrations, and dairy breakfasts. She coached the Dairy Bowl teams and took them all the way to State and then Nationals. She was also very active in planning for events and reunions for the class of 1946. Most importantly, she loved spending time with her family, and she will be missed by all those who knew her. Genevieve will be dearly missed by her children, Robert (Sandra Brockmann) Ellingson, Terry (Kay) Ellingson, Denny (Janet) Ellingson, and William (Wendy) Ellingson; grandchildren, John (Toni) Ellingson, Brian (Renee) Ellingson, Michael (Mary) Ellingson, Rebecca Ellingson Wydra, Ted (Lara) Ellingson, Steve (Natalie) Ellingson, and Matt Ellingson; 15 great-grandchildren; siblings, James Voorhies, Mary Lou Voorhies, Donna Knox, and Joyce Queen; sister-in-law, Viola Voorhies; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Don; and her siblings, Hugh Voorhies, Jennetta Totz, Jack Voorhies, Shirley Rubert, Annabelle Swanson, Robert Voorhies, and Judy Fisk. The family would like to extend a special thank you to OSF hospice, especially, Mary, Kim, and Jana, for their unending love and support during Genevieve’s final days. The family would also like to recognize Lily, Jurga, and Laura M for their comfort and care. All memorial contributions in Genevieve’s honor may be donated to OSF Rockford Hospice, 9951 Rock Cut Crossing, Loves Park, IL 61111, or to Poplar Grove United Methodist Church, 105 E. Grove St., Poplar Grove, IL 61065.

Shirley A. Zehr

Shirley A. Zehr, 89, of Pontiac, passed away Thursday, April 1, 2021, at 8:14 a.m. at Evenglow Lodge Tjardes Health Center, Pontiac, IL. Shirley was born September 8, 1931, in Pontiac, IL to Adrian “Donald” and Anna (Carstens) Gregory. She married Donald L. Zehr on October 1, 1950. He preceded her in death on July 6, 2019. Surviving are her children, Carol (Skip) Jones of Gridley, IL, Lynn (Mona) Zehr of Graymont, IL, Gary (Tricia) Zehr of Pontiac, IL, Lori (Jeff) Bohm of Graymont, IL, and Jan (Jim) Girard of Pontiac, IL; grandchildren, Heather (Bryan Long) Jones, Brandon (Cathy) Jones, Katie (John) Goulden, Brandey (Mikey) Morse, Amanda (Kim Verdun) Bohm, Russell Zehr, Danny (Courtney) Zehr, Addie (Lucas) Folkerts, Adam (Amanda Schumm) Girard, Rosalee Zehr, and Wyatt Zehr; and great grandchildren, Madelyn, Charlee, Chandler, Ian, Alexa, Aria, Jasmin, Ethan, Brianna, Jayden and Cheyenne. She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband, Don. Shirley was educated in Graymont Schools and a graduate of Pontiac Township High School. She was a lifelong farming wife, mother, and grandmother. She enjoyed raising her family and helping with the family farm. Shirley was a member of Graymont Baptist Church her entire life and was the nursery teacher there for over 35 years. She was a member of the Neighborhood Card Club in Cornell, IL and the Pinochle Club where she enjoyed playing every month for over 60 years. She was also a member of the Rooks Creek Home Extension and served on many church boards and committees through the years. Shirley was an avid seamstress. She enjoyed growing a big garden for canning and doing crafts of many kinds. She cherished time spent with her grandchildren. Memorials may be made to First Baptist Church of Graymont or the Livingston County Ag Fair.

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Pauline Erbsen

Pauline Marie Erbsen, 84, of Lanark went to be with her Lord on April 28th, 2021. She was born December 29, 1936 in Lanark, IL, daughter of Paul & Blanche (Guenzler) Diffenderfer. She married Kenneth Erbsen on August 4, 1957 in Lanark. Pauline graduated from Lanark High School in 1954. Her first job was at Zentner Drug Store where she met Kenneth. Upon marriage her and Kenneth became full time dairy farmers, working side by side until his death in 1994. She and her family continued the farming operation and development of Erbacres Holsteins. She was an active member of the Lanark First Brethren Church where she served as a deaconess, member of Women’s Missionary Circle, and sang in the choir. She also served as a 4-H Leader and was involved in many agricultural activities throughout Carroll County. Along with her family, she was an active member of the Illinois Holstein Association and was honored with their Distinguished Service Award in 2010. Pauline welcomed many international guests into her home over the years and maintained lifelong friendships with these young people. She enjoyed gardening, quilting, baking, and serving others. Her greatest joy was spending time with her family. Survivors include her six children: Paula (Rick) Bovre, Fond du Lac, WI, Kathleen (Bob) Opperman, Rockford, IL, Kevin (Wendy) Erbsen, John Erbsen, and Carl (Becky) Erbsen, all of Lanark, IL, and Carla (Jon) Mickey, Taylorville, IL, nine grandchildren: Justin (Brenda) Opperman, Megan (fiance Travis Schafer), Connor, Nathan, Nevin, Payton, Delana Erbsen, Tanner and Drew Mickey, and six great-grandchildren: Adalynn, Leighton, Willah, Justus, Evers, and Haddon Opperman. She is also survived by sisters MaryAnne (Bill) Dailey, Alice (Dave) Nix, and Janet Gruhn, along with many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband Kenneth, parents Paul & Blanche Diffenderfer, and in-laws Theodore & Emma Erbsen. A memorial has been established in Pauline’s memory.

Elmon L. Koch

Elmon L. Koch, 89, of Tremont, passed away on May 3, 2021, at home. He was born in Tremont, IL, on June 1, 1931 to Dan and Mary (Baurer) Koch. He spent nearly all of his life working on the family farm where he was born, first with his brother Dan and sons, and later with his own sons, Kappy and Chuck, and grandsons. The farm has been in the family since 1893 and is a registered Centennial Farm. He attended Antioch School through 8th grade and then graduated from Tremont High School in 1949. He served as a medic in the U.S. Army from 1953-1955. In 1958, he took over ownership of the family farm with his brother Dan. He spent his life building the family dairy from 20 to over 275 milking cows. He came to the farm every day he physically could until the very end. The dairy remains a top performing farm today. He married Janice Bolliger from Tremont on March 18, 1956. God blessed them with 5 children, 17 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren. He put his faith in Jesus as a young man and was an active member of the Apostolic Christian Church in Tremont all his life. He enjoyed serving on the Tremont Historical Society Board. His hobbies included collecting marbles and dairy-related antiques. His family will especially miss his kind heart, his sense of humor, and hearing performances of I’m an Old Cowhand and Darling Nelly Gray. Surviving are his wife, Janice; five children: Paula (Marv) Wagenbach, Kappy (Gayle) Koch, Chuck (Cathy) Koch and Luci Koch all residing in Tremont and Marie (Andy) Williams of Carmel, IN; seventeen grandchildren: (Paula) Lucy Kaiser, Megan Fehr, Nathan and Bethany Wagenbach, (Kappy) Ryan, Sean, and Brody Koch, (Chuck) Lori, Heidi, Elsie Stoller, Angie Schick, and Andrew Koch, (Marie) Hannah, Rose, and Gabe Williams, and (Luci) A’laya and Robert Koch; and three great grandchildren. He is also survived by one brother, Dan (Carol) Koch of Morton, IL and one sister Carolyn Bolliger of Tremont. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Vi Koch and Miriam Frank, and eight brothers: Ralph, Dave, Cleo, Gene, Jesse, Vernon, Gerald and Jim Koch. Memorial donations may be made to Gateway Woods in Leo, IN or the Midwest Food Bank in Normal, IL. Summer 2021


Junior Holstein Transfer National Deadline is July 15 Holstein Association USA extended the Junior transfer “received by” deadline to July 15 for both heifers and cows in 2020. This new deadline for juniors will remain in place for the 2021 show season and beyond. To be eligible to participate in sanctioned Junior Holstein Shows, the July 15 deadline must be met. A transfer deadline of July 15 aligns more closely with most of the other dairy breed associations. The extended deadline also allows Juniors an extra month and a half to purchase their show calves, providing additional marketing opportunities. “We wanted to remind people that the Junior transfer deadline changed last year,” said Kelli Dunklee, youth programs specialist. “It is important to remember the change only impacts Junior Holstein Shows – 4-H and other youth shows may have different deadlines.” This is a “received by” deadline — any ownership transfer not received by the Holstein Association USA office on or before July 15 will not be eligible for Junior Holstein Shows. Adding or dropping any owner after the deadline will disqualify an animal for Junior recognition. If there is a question as to whether a Junior ownership transfer has been completed, be sure to contact the Holstein Association USA customer service or visit to check the ownership status and ensure the transfer was received before the deadline.

Holstein Association USA’s Research Grant Program Accepting Applications Holstein Association USA’s Research Grant Program provides funding to universities and non-profits in the United States performing research studies that benefit the profitability of Holstein cows. Principal investigators with eligible projects are invited to apply until the August 16, 2021 deadline. The program has a special focus on improving the health and profitability of Holsteins through genetics. However, research proposals can address a variety of areas including nutrition, reproduction, dairy foods, and economics. Research proposals of all sizes will be considered, but grants are expected Illinois Holstein Herald

to be funded with in the range of $10,000 to $80,000 per year. Grant durations are expected to be one to three years. “Life is ever changing and research is one way to evaluate potential change. U.S. Holstein dairy producers are among the best in the world and the research grant program seeks to complement their expertise by selecting research projects for funding that look to the future,” says Dr. Roger Shanks, Holstein Association USA genetics consultant. “What new idea can make a difference? Can an old concept be improved? Holstein Association USA seeks to fund innovative research grant proposals.” Four research projects have been funded since the program began in 2017. These include a project from North Carolina State University focusing on using genomic information to manage inbreeding, a three-year project from the University of California, Davis which examines breeding Holstein cows for the slick hair gene to improve heat tolerance, and a two-year study on double ovulation and twinning in lactating Holstein cows from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2020, a project from The Pennsylvania State University focusing on the genomic evaluation of diet digestibility was selected. More information about the grant guidelines and process, current projects, and applications can be found at www.holsteinusa. com/programs_services/research_grant. html. With questions or for more information contact Dr. Roger Shanks at researchgrants@

attendance for both meetings, an additional $1,000 graduation bonus check will be provided to the scholarship recipients to help offset costs of being off the farm. The Horace Backus YDLI Scholarship will be provided to two dairy producers from anywhere in the U.S. This fund was created by Tim Abbott, Frank Conyngham, Joel Hastings and Dave Rama to honor Horace’s legacy and encourage dairy producers to attend YDLI. The Robert L. Cain Memorial Scholarship will be given to one dairy producer in the Southeast region. Cain served as a field representative and then Area Manager for Holstein Association USA for 40 years. “We believe YDLI is extremely beneficial for dairy producers and well worth the time away from the farm,” says Jodi Hoynoski, Holstein Foundation Programs Manager. “In addition to these scholarships, dairy producers are encouraged to seek sponsorship from companies they do business with to help offset the cost of attending.” Visit to download the YDLI Class 12 application, as well as view more detailed information on the program. With questions or for more information, contact Jodi Hoynoski via email, or 800.952.5200, ext. 4261.

Wild Genetics

Dairy Producer Scholarship Opportunities for YDLI The Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI), a cornerstone program of the Holstein Foundation, is a nationally recognized threephase leadership and communication skills development program for young adults (ages 22-45) working in the dairy industry. Fulltime dairy producers that apply for YDLI will be considered for three full-ride scholarships that come with an additional cash bonus upon graduation. Dairy producers working with all breeds of dairy cattle, and allied dairy industry members, are encouraged to apply. YDLI Class 12 will have on-site meetings in Fort Worth, Texas February 15-18, 2022 and February 14-17, 2023. Applications are due August 1 and may be downloaded from the Holstein Foundation website, Dairy producers that are Holstein Association USA members applying for YDLI are automatically eligible for scholarships and do not need to fill out a separate application. If selected, the scholarships will cover the registration fee, airfare, hotel and any other travel costs associated with attending both the 2022 and 2023 meetings. Upon successful

Kris Wild 608-214-3259

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June Dairy Month!

David Fischer Honored with Distinguished Leadership Award David Fischer is the deserving recipient of Holstein Association USA’s 2021 Distinguished Leadership Award. He spent his career helping dairy farmers while working in extension for the University of Illinois. Dave’s passion for the people, the dairy industry, and the Holstein cow shines through in everything he does. Dave’s career as an Agricultural Advisor and State-wide Dairy Educator with the University of Illinois Extension spanned four decades. His work has touched the lives of many dairy enthusiasts, young and old, in Illinois and across the nation. Speaking at Dairy Day workshops, serving as a consultant for farmers, and developing educational programs were all part of his role. Working with 4-H youth programs has always been important to Dave. He coached highly successful dairy quiz bowl and dairy judging teams for over 30 years and served as a judge for many shows. He also spearheaded youth development programs such as the Superior Young Producer Award and Illinois 4-H Quality Assurance and Ethics program. Dave was raised on a farm in the heart of dairy country in southern Illinois, where participation in the 4-H dairy program

sparked his interest in dairy. He received his bachelor’s degree in animal and dairy science from Southern Illinois University – Carbondale in 1971. Ten years later, he earned his master’s degree in Environmental Studies with an emphasis on livestock waste management from Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville. He stayed true to his early interest in Holsteins, remaining active in the Clinton County Holstein Club and Illinois Junior Holstein Association. Dave was recently named to the Holstein Foundation board of trustees and 2021 will mark his tenth year serving as the moderator of the dairy bowl contest at National Holstein Convention. Dave is a member of the American Dairy Science Association and has served on the board and committees for the Midwest Section. Over the years, Dave’s selfless leadership has been recognized with numerous dairy, agricultural, and extension awards. Just as influential as the incredible service Dave has given during his career, is his character. Dave brings joy to every situation, is known as a confidant and friend, and is a spokesperson for dairy youth. Dave’s impact on the dairy community has been seen for many years and will continue through his service and cultivation of future dairy leaders. The Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes an individual who has made a career of providing outstanding and unselfish leadership for the betterment of the dairy industry. Dave Fischer will be recognized during the 2021 National Holstein Convention in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Have you been keeping up with Illinois Junior Holstein members Briley Lenkaitis and Rachel Scidmore? They were selected as Illinois Dairy Ambassadors for Midwest Dairy. This month, they have shared facts about the dairy industry, attended the Marcoot Jersey Creamery Cheese Festival and Breakfast on the Farm at Kilgus Farmstead, and have been making regular stops for milk and ice cream. Thank you for promoting the dairy industry and sharing your experiences! “Like” and follow the Illinois Dairy Ambassadors page on Facebook!

JUNIOR JOURNEYS Illinois Junior Holstein Association Meeting Minutes March 5, 2021 · Gridley, IL Meeting began at 6:30 p.m. with President Briley Lenkaitis presiding. President Briley Lenkaitis gave a recap on the 2020 NAILE show, Vice President Jacob Raber gave a report on state show and fundraisers held there, Allyson Aves Secretary and Illinois Holstein Dutchess gave a recap on how her year as Dutchess has gone an encouraged others to apply this coming year, Treasurer Addie Raber gave a recap on the 2020 Southern Fall National show, and Reporter Megan Busker gave a recap on 2020 Holstein news. Three new fundraisers were brought to the association. A “Senior Showmanship” and 50/50 raffle at State Show was presented by President Briley Lenkaitais. Motion to approve this fundraiser was made by Madelyn Aves and Seconded by Payton Olbrich. Motion carried. President Briley Lenkaitis also brought forward the idea Page 10

of selling Ropp cheese as a fundraiser. Lars Carlson motioned to approve this fundraiser. Abigail Busker Seconded. Motion passed. Jacob Raber brought forward the idea of an Embryo Shuffle for a fundraiser. Justin Irwin motioned to approve this fundraiser. Alania Dinderman seconded. Motion carried. State Show has been moved to the Logan County Fairgrounds in Lincoln. Allyson Aves and Addie Raber gave a summary of what a Dutchess does in a normal year and encouraged those eligible to apply. The PDCA Calf Sale is to be held April 10th. 2022 Spring Thing committee was formed. We voted on new officers. President Allyson Aves, Vice President Lila Sloan, Secretary Megan Busker, Treasurer Ben Bremmer, and Reporter Alania Dinderman. Motion to adjourn was made by Rachel Scidmore. Hayden Aves seconded. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully, Allyson S. Aves, Secretary

2021 State Show When: July 7th Dutchess Contest July 8th Junior Show Where: Logan County Fairgrounds Lincoln What:

Dutchess Contest Little Miss Holstein Contest Jr. Holstein Meeting IL Jr. Holstein Show

More details will be available at:

Summer 2021

2021 JUNIOR SPRING THING 2021-2022 OFFICERS & ADVISOR TEAM President: Allyson Aves Vice President: Lila Sloan Secretary: Magen Busker Treasurer: Ben Bremmer Reporter: Alaina Dinderman Adult Advisors: Amy Raber 815-867-0694 Angela Kiefer-Paul 618-781-7751 Carl Erbsen 815-275-3101

Make sure to check the Illinois Holstein website and Facebook pages for up-to-date information on all Junior activities!

The Top 10 Junior Dairy Bowl Contestants Jake Ainger, Kyle Ainger, Hayden Aves, Abby Busker, Lars Carlson, Alaina Dinderman, Justin Irwin, Drew Lueking, Jayse Pudwill & Alaina Warkentien

The Top 10 Senior Dairy Bowl Contestants Allyson Aves, Ben Bremmer, Magen Busker, Nevin Erbsen, Briley Lenkaitis, Shana Lueking, Addie Raber, Rachel Scidmore, Lila Sloan & Payton Erbsen

Kyle Mitchell Dairy Bowl Awards (L-R) Drew Lueking, John Mitchell & Addie Raber

Junior Dairy Jeopardy (L-R) 1st Drew Lueking, 2nd Alaina Dinderman & 3rd Kyle Ainger

Intermediate Dairy Jeopardy (L-R) 1st Shana Lueking, 2nd Allyson Aves & 3rd Justin Irwin

Senior Dairy Jeopardy (L-R) 1st Addie Raber, 2nd Briley Lenkaitis & 3rd Rachel Scidmore

Speeches (L-R) Junior: 3rd Ella Dorn, 2nd Mady Aves & 1st Drew Lueking; Intermediate: 2nd Allyson Aves & 1st Lila Sloan

Winning Junior Team (L-R) Drew Lueking, Garret Beal & Evan Beal

Winning Senior Team (L-R) Allyson Aves, Jacob Raber, Lane Schweigert & Addie Raber

View more results and photos on the Illinois Junior Holstein Association Facebook page Illinois Holstein Herald

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Summer 2021

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