583928_ILHYEON YEO - Module 1

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ILHYEON YEO (MICHAEL) Student No: 583928 Semester 1/2012 Group 8

Natural Process Snowflake Snowflakes had interesting features that attract me. All the snowflakes were based on hexagonal shape and depends on the temperature or huminity, the shape varied from thick and simple to thin and very complex shapes. I was trying to using snowflake as part of my natural process, but because it had too rigid shapes, and i just `couldn’t change this shape into more smooth and bring out complexity. I decided to move to other natural process.

Diffusion Than i tried to do diffusion, but this had too little information and the capacity to create a model was restricted as it was just spreading out of randomly and i just couldn’t interpret this with my design.

Natural Process Tornado



Mostly tornado is formed from thunderhead which contain mesocyclone. When strong mid-level wind and weak low-level wind interacts. This interaction creates cycling air between two winds, the mesocyclone (pic 1). This mesocyclone is lying horizontally and it stands up at certain time. This standing up is caused by the ascending air due to warm ground and cool atmosphere (pic 2). This stood up mesocyclone grows up and when it reaches to ground it becomes tornado (pic 3).

Natural Process

I’ve tried to create tornado to gain deeper understanding with this natural process by using a bottle, fill with water and some detergent, to create bubbles. The thiing that were successful was that i got really close shape with tornado and it’s mechanism that in the real life, air particles are spined around by wind, but instead i used my hands to spin water to form tornado - like shape. There was one thing that wasn’t successful which is showing the powerfulness and aggressiveness through this experiment. To show these mechnisms i need larger scale and better equipment, so it was just impassible to show.

Model 1 From the natural process I brought out a abstract of the process of tornado. I’ve demonstrated the two wind as the wavy line leading to thunderhead, which is the curvy loop. Than this lead to the tornado, the spiral line.

Then I developed model using this abstract. Number 1 represents the winds that interact and produce mesocyclone. The height of these are different because the winds shouldn’t collide but interact each other. Number 2 represents the thunderhead, and finally number 3 represents the concentration of thunderhead due to formation of tornado.

Architecture inspiration

Cybertecture Egg

This architecture is designed by James Law Cybertecture International, has 3 types of line. As egg is symbol for brith, life this architecture uses wind turbine to generate it’s own energy. One spirals from end to end and other spirals opposite way. Last line is the horizontal lines, that these three lines creates unique patterns that absorbs view into the inner building. I’ve got inspired by these lines that leave spaces or holes on surface that cause the model lose surface area. This results in reduction of mass of the model so it doesn’t collape due to high volume low strength and decreased temperature due to LED inside the sphere, body, of the lantern so it can be on for longer time.

Model 1

Model made up with plasticine, Thinking that it had to be wear on the head, the weight had to be reduced, so as I explain earier holes had to be made. Holes had to be made in patterns like cybertecture egg to keep the shadowing to be constant and so there is no too much light coming out or too gloomy. Than balance of the model had to be considered so it doesn’t fall of from head, thats why two arms are holding and keeping the balance. However, this design had a critical flaw that the design is too literal from the natural process, thus it wasn’t not the best one to choose for my model. This model won’t be transparent as enough amount of light is shined through holes.

Model 2

colliding winds, bursting, it’s aggressiveness.

silence, serene


The abstract was from time lapse diagram with Imagination of view of how tornado would form.


Model 2

The second model i’ve developed from tornado. This time I was focusing on the mechanism and process of the tornado that the front part of the model showing the winds colliding and rushing that it’s very aggressive. The middle part showing the slience of the environment that everything goes silence before tornado is created. Than the tail part demostrate the spreading power and destructiveness due to formation of tornado.

Architecture inspiration

This architecture is designed by Vito Hannibal Acconci. Vito got inspired by wormhole that he designed this to connect from car park to outside stage, so the pedestrians feel to warp between car park to stage. The structure is based on the cross linked frames, bottom, and it is shaped so it’s like a snake that the structure is fitted to go around the trees rather than go stright through.

An Yang – Linear Building up in the trees

As this structure harmony with nature it explores mystery and majesty which inspired my to apply and combine with my second model to create overwhelmingness of the tornado.

Model 2

This is the 2nd model i’ve made with plasticine. It is also wore on head. This model will be heavier than the previous one as this will not loose it’s mass due to the surface. However since this has lower level than the previous one it be more balanced and holds the structure. The shadowing will be a problem as it is on the head, it is hard to shine the front rather it will be shining omnidirectional. Also because of the front spiky bit, the light cannot shine through there, but make shadow infront. The front may have high transparency, but it won’t solve the lighting. Due to the fact that this is heavy to wear on head and lighting is hard to controll, i decided not to choose this design.

Model 3

Peace, sincere and slience`

Formation of tornado, gathering around

Absorption and destructiveness of tornado

Model 3

With the 3rd design, I only focused on the mechanism of tornado that it is combination of sincere and aggressiveness. The outer layer of design and the tail demonstrates chaos and overwhelming power of tornado that it destories and absorbs everything near it. However inside of top of the design is plane and smooth as to show the calmness just like the centre of tornado.

Architecture inspiration

This architecture by DBI Design features wave – like movement by the shifting of wave patterns on balcony and laying it on top of each other. The each layer of the building doesn’t move, but through the offset of wavy layers it creates delusion with our eyes to see like as if it’s moving. This leaves great feature that fits with my design to give more smoothness and chaos on the layer.

Gold Coast – wave building

Model 3

This model has the mechanism behine that naked eye cannot see, which is the chaos, powerfulness, and calmness. This model has relatively smaller size than model 1,2 because from model 1 and 2 I knew that the mass takes big part in balancing as it had to be worn on head. Also during the panelling on the inner surface, the light is easy to go out not only front but with omnidirectional. shadows would be controlled as there is enough gap between each line. Also it can increase it’s transparency for light to shine through the gaps. As for these reason i’ve chosen this design as it well suits with the ideas.

Module 1 - Reflection

At the first I was questioning Ball or lecturer that what’s is the point of getting the shapes out of nature? isn’t it just all same?. However as I read and listen to the lecture I found out how nature has it’s own shapes and it was so incredible that these people can bring out this shapes to create a new design. From reading Ball phillip (2011) I got the conceptual idea of how the nature are related to design that it has flow, patterns and shapes This reading was so important that it was foundation of starting the design, and how to look at natural process relate to my own design. As designing subject was first time for me to do, the most valuable thing I learnt is that base on a certain information an abstract is needed. However not just a random abstract, rather with logic and theories behind the abstract that explains what is this about. The techniques to use Rhino was hard and still now i can’t use it properly,but I didn’t know i could make such a complex shapes through it, there was some limitations but it boost my design to be more complex and not literal. I got to find out how to design in the tutorial as i get the feedbacks. Than in lecture i confirm that this idea of abstract is so important that it is the foundation and starting point of designing. Even with paper folding, the video from lecture, the guy in the video gets inspired by just looking at any views and abstract these ideas to create a distinct design of paper folding. However as I starts to design my own idea, and trying to get out the abstract drawing from natural process, with abstract i just couldn’t fit in to my design. Then when I just tried to fit on to design, i got too literal. It seemed nearly impossible to get a design without being literal rather than abstract. However as I started to think back to architectures that is built by inspiration and abstract I compared with the building and my design. Then I found out the difference that I was thinking too much with designing the form of natural process rather getting idea from it can design. This helped me to develop my design in this module and enlarged my view to the shaped in nature.

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