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ILHYEON YEO (MICHAEL) Student No: 583928 Semester 1/2012 Group 8

Chapter 1 - Ideation

Natural process: Tornado

Formation of tornado starts with two type of winds, strong mid-level wind and weak low-level wind. When mid-level wind and low-level wind interacts together, it produces a cycling air particles in the centre of two winds. This cycling air particle develops as a mesocyclone. As result of two type of winds blowing horizontally, at initial formation of mesocyclone is lying horizontally. Most of mesocyclone disappears at this stage, but some of them stands up vertically due to ascending air caused by warm ground and cool atmosphere. This stood up mesocyclone develops to larger size, which later becomes a tornado.

Time lapse -Tornado

Key Concepts from Tornado Generally thinking about tornado, people think about it’s destructive characteristic rather than how it’s formed as tornado destroys everything. As result, if I apply it’s characteristic as main focus, it will create a non literal model and yet demonstrating nature of tornado. Therefore, I thought to make my model as focusing more on it’s destructive characteristic and less on it’s natural forming process.


First Proposal - abstract

First Proposal - sketch

In first proposal, I wasn’t really thinking about tornado’s mechanism or characteristic, but tornado’s forming process. As result, this model produced nearly no reasons on why I have made it this way, that the form itself contained very literal form of natural process of tornado that my model starts with two arms (two winds) to sphere (massive thunderhead) and ending with tail (tornado).

Second Proposal - abstract

Second Proposal - Sketch

Second Proposal - Plasticine

First Proposal - plasticine

In second proposal I’ve tried to focus more on tornado’s mechanisms to remove it’s literal form. This model is done back to front, absorption to chaos. The strips at the back are set to be focused on one end and spread on the other end. I did this because of the wind flow during the tornado that tornado absorbs everything into the centre. Furthermore, the front part are quite massy and ugly as to demonstrate the chaos from tornado that tornado destroys everything and disturb nature. However, this doesn’t demonstrate the aggressiveness and it’s form isn’t stable.


This two towers are designed by the designers and architects at the ARXX studio and built based on tornado. This architecture well portrays tornado’s “aggressiveness” through the panelling of protruded pyramids around the building.

The beauty of this architecture on left, designed my DBI design is that shifting of peak of wave in each layer creates a ‘movement’ within the design.

Gold Coast – wave building

Even though this architecture demonstrates flow and smooth movement, I was still inspired by this building because the idea of showing movement was very significant to my design to demonstrate rapid speed of tornado. In addition, this smooth and flowing movement can be changed to rapid and rough movement depending on different variation of waves.

The Gullwing Twin Wind Towers

Since this architecture was based on same natural process, it inspired my in a lot of ways. One of most valuable inspiration I’ve gained from this was that the design itself doesn’t necessarily represents all the characteristics or concepts of tornado, but the characteristics can also be shown through paneling. Therefore, enlarged my design options and more precise demonstration of contexts.

Final proposal and reflection on this module

The final proposal is divided into wave (top part), body (middle part) and tail (end part). The reason that it is in three different part is that these parts each demonstrate different characteristic of tornado.

Final Proposal - abstract

Firstly the wave part, by the inspiration of gold coast wave building, I have integrated variation of wave peaks of wind blow from tornado to demonstrate rapid speed of tornado. Secondly the body part, this part represents the centre of tornado that the 6 waves on top are focused at front and back to emphasise the absorption and overwhelming speed of tornado.

Final Proposal - Sketch

Lastly the tail part, the spiky tail is there to portray all destruction and distortion of tornado, which leads to chaos. Furthermore, as result of idea from precedent, I was able to divide aggressiveness with other characteristics described above and decided to demonstrate aggressiveness on panelling rather than it’s form as i thought it was best way to show tornado’s aggressiveness.

Final Proposal - plasticine

reflection During this module, the relationship between form and context was very important to design my model. This is because when there is a certain context, for example ‘tornado’, there are certain ways to form a model, for example tornado is destructive, powerful, aggressive, thus a smooth and soft design won’t fit in to this context, but rather a rigid and stiff design. Therefore, context influence form by providing a fundamental ideas that sets type of design which the design relates back to context.

Chapter 2 - Degitalisation

Starting digitalisation

To digitalise my design, I’ve used slicing and tracing method for contouring. Again, I’ve divided model into three parts wave, body and tail. Original Model

Firstly wave part, because it had same 2D shape throughout the design, all i needed to know was where the circles are located. Therefore, i didn’t use slicing method, but instead tracing method, thus i can figure out where the circles are located.

Digitalised tail Digitalised body

Secondly body part, as this model is to be worn on head, thus the bottom of body needed to be caved in. This produced irregular 2D shape, therefore required to do slicing method to find out what type of 2D shape needed to loft. Slicing

Lastly tail part, in this part one modification is made due to limitation on Rhino that the model became just one whole shape rather than strips. Therefore, characteristic of tornado, chaos, need to be demonstrate on paneling. For same reason with body, it used slicing method.

Digitalised wave Combined


Paneling - Experiment

To familiarize with panelling tools I’ve tried to use different types of panels such as 2D/3D panelling, 3D custom, offset boarders.

Final paneling - Wave

For wave, I have decided to use 3D panels to engage with aggressive concept of tornado because, 2D panels had lack of showing aggressiveness and 3D custom was lack of flow of design.

Final 3D paneling for Wave

From the inspiration of “The Gullwing Twin Wind Towers”, the precedent I described above, I was able to conduct aggressiveness with my panelling. This was done through triangle based pyramid with decreasing number of pyramid in each strip from peak to each ends. I’ve choose triangle based pyramid to describe aggressiveness because this combination of triangles not only fit with Rhino, but also it looked very stiff and strong. When all waves gathered (picture 2) the spikes from pyramid pointed at different directions that created a aggressive image, just like a image of tornado destroying everything. Furthermore, decreasing number of pyramid, from inspiration of “Gold Coast Wave Building”, the precedent I described above, produced a turning effect to each strip just like the Wave Building. This was done as it portray the rapid speed of tornado which reinforced aggressive sense within the model. Another modification had to be made, the number of wave had to be reduced from 6 to 4. This was done as I didn’t think of increased width due to paneling, thus there wasn’t enough space for 6 wave to fit in.

Final 3D paneling for Wave (all togetehr)

Final paneling + Precedent - Body Designed by Wojciech Kakowski, Natalia Paszskowska, Marcin Mostafa. The design had a mechanical multiplication of convention-approved set patterns. The structure is to draw on and make reference to tradition, but with it’s contemporary reinterpretation to create extension into the present day. The lighting for this architecture uses multi-coloured light seeping through patterns which makes attractive and eye-catching exterior in both day and night. Also reversely, for inside people, the sun shine through and chisel the patterns with light and shadow in the space under the vault.

Final paneling pattern


I was interested in the complex and yet well structured panelling in this architecture. Specially I was inspired by the lighting of this architecture. This complexity was very suitable as this body represents centre of tornado that it need to support the ideas on wave and tail. To do that, I’ve used 2D panelling as this is best to demonstrate complexity. 3D panelling and custom wasn’t enough to produce a complexity. My 2D pattern was quite simple that it was just spiralling pattern, but it was complex enough when it applied to body with offset face boarder. Moreover, there was enough light shining out in all sorts of directions, which enhanced complexity.

2D paneling + offset face boader

Final paneling + Precedent - Tail

These two lantern are classical design of lantern. However these lantern creates explosive image with chisel of light and shadow.

Pyramid alkazar trous

These images inspired me with incorporating panelling with chaotic image. At initial, I was just thinking to locate all LEDs to body part, but as result of this inspiration I decided to lay one LED to tail. This enhances the demonstration of chaos in the model as evident in “lighting� picture that the directions of beam of light are different. Therefore, when this idea implemented to actual model, many number of light beams will point in all sorts of directions which creates chaos.

3D paneling + offset face boader


Round birdcage

Prototype + Reflection <- Prototyping the pyramids to see whether it is stiff enough. It was quite stiff that if this was done on actual model, it would demonstrate aggressiveness well.

Prototype - pyramid

Prototype - pyramid

Reflection <- This prototype was created to see and found out solution to connecting wave and body. It worked by bending extra end bit on wave and sticking it inside body. However, as the prototype wasn’t done with panelling and the size was too small to be sure that it was going to work on actual model. Prototype - Body + Wave

For inspiration, mostly precedents, if there isn’t different media to use, it will be hard and very limited to obtain ideas from it. For example, because there are internet or TV to observe different types of building that maybe in far distance like over sea, it is possible to view many types of building in broad range in short period of time. If a person had to walk or travel to view one building, it will be possible to obtain different ideas within short time. Therefore, these kinds of media support designers to obtain lots of ideas and inspiration in short time that provides millions of options for designs. Another type of media that significant influence on design and refinement would be programs like Rhino. This allow people to design an object without a “real” materials and in short time. Therefore, reducing wastes from failure and time. This technology helps with refinement, for example for my design I was able to try lots of paneling in short period which lead me to refine them and look into them.

Chapter 3 - Fabrication

Remodeling for fabrication - identifying/ solving issues (wave)

prototype of wave

When i tried to make wave I found out that there was problem with the idea of “different number of pyramid on each strip”. First there was small holes created between two strips and thinking about larger scale this holes will get bigger and weaken the model. Secondly, Due to steep curve on the model, it produced squashed circle shape on end of model. When it came to connecting with other strips it didn’t fit in and could not be stuck together. Therefore, I needed to smooth the curve on model.

prototype of wave

Brainstorming idea to show rapid speed

For first and second problem, if i modify these it will definitely lose it’s concept of tornado. Therefore I’ve brainstorm to figure out a way to hold the concept. Generally close lines meaning slow and as lines are further away means fast and quick. Therefore, to show the variation of speed from slow to very quick, instead of changing number of pyramid on each strip, I changed length of each strip with a bit of curve. This held the concept well and it actually worked with fabrication.

Remodeling for fabrication - identifying/ solving issues (body)

The immediate problem was that the pattern had too much faces. Since there is limited and short time for make this model, so it wasn’t possible. The Second problem was overlapping surfaces when i tried to unroll face. Even with small parts been unrolled, there is just too much surfaces that overlap together. This means i had to print out every small faces to create the body, not only this will lag my building time, but also increase my mistakes. Therefore, this paneling wasn’t possible.

2D paneling step 1

2D paneling pattern for body

The solution to these problem was quite simple. I just needed to simplify the pattern. However to hold on to the concept of tornado, i didn’t make a new pattern, but rearrange the pattern I had. Rhino seemed to have problems with rectangle faces, thus i removed them off. Then, what was left were too simple. Therefore I divide the largest triangles with two smaller triangles and rearrange them to from the final pattern.

2D paneling step 2

Unrolled face

Final 2D pattern

Result of new paneling - Wave + Body

The new unrolled face didn’t have any problems.

2D-paneling - unroll

2D-paneling + offset face boader

One interesting fact happened after the change. Even though my paneling was in 2D, somehow at side it created a 3D paneling. This coincidence was a fortune that I was worrying about reduced number of waves. However, now I have this “free” 3D pyramid at side of body, the reduction didn’t affect any more.

The changed wave didn’t have any crashes or problems and conveyed concept of tornado well.

3D paneling

Remodeling for fabrication - identifying/ solving issues (Tail)

3D paneling + offsset face border 3D paneling + offsset face border

Again, i wanted to keep the concept, so I model based on pyramid. However, The changed panelling seems to have problem with collision of faces, therefore a prototype had to be made just to make sure if it hold and stiff.

The only problem it had was it was to similar to design of wave.

There were no collision with prototype, so I decided to use this panelling.



Construction guide - Wave

Unrolled faces


Construction guide - body

Unrolled faces

Body in different colour

Construction guide - Tail






6 7

8 9


Unrolled faces

Tail in different colour

Fabrication -Wave, Body, Tail

Ivory card 90x60 is used for wave and tail and Black 200 GSM 90x60 is used for body. Different card is being used as different type of property is required in each part. Wave and Tail need to be light because it is attaching to body, so to balance the model the weight need to go down. Also with reduction of weight, it still need to be stiff, thus the paper needed to be not so light, not so heavy. Therefore Ivory card is used.

fabricated wave

On the other hand, for body, Black 200 GSM is used because by considering it’s holding lots of weights, it need to be more stiffer than wave and tail. Also from Fablab they said this card is stiffer than Ivory, thus I’ve used this card. The colour of each card were different, but since the option i had was only one, body-black and wave, tail - white, I had to choose different colour. If i have white thick card for body, I would have chosen that card to unify the colours. Fabricated body

After fabrication, I found out that wave had larger width than I thought, so 4 of them didn’t fit in to body. However, with coincidence of creating 3D with 2D panel on body, reducing 1 more of wave didn’t really matter. Therefore, I just stick with this design and size. Furthermore, after fabrication, there were some scraps that left over, these were used as my connection for body and wave and tail. Also I thought to use these to block holes in each ends of model, but since the wave blocks the light, and for that reason i needed more light, I left it open.

fabricated tail


Cybertecture Egg

Cybertecture Egg

This is Cybertecture Egg in India that was designed by James Law Cybertecture International. This architecture uses not only concrete, steel and glass, but also some of decent intangible materials of technology, multimedia, intelligence and interactivity. Comparing with other conventional buildings the egg shape of this architecture has approximately 10~20% less surface area. This means this uses less materials than other building, thus more sustainable. Also the form of the architecture is one that symbolises with optimism about the future and of the 21st Century. The symbolic planet form is further stretched to cater for 13 levels of office accommodation. This is further orientated and skewed at an angle which creates both a strong visual language as well as alleviating the solar gain of the building. The architecture a good example of using computer design, that digital assist creates a building of extremely high quality and geometric sophistication. This building will act like a worthy neighbour to the esteemed neighbouring buildings of the district.


Used 2 LEDs on body and 1LED on tail.

Final model + Reflection

Reflection Fabrication technologies such as card cutter, provide a possible construction of model. For example, for my model, I had 9 card to cut out and if i did this with manually by hands it would took me forever to cut out all pieces. However, using Fablab, ie card cutter, time consumption due to cutting reduced significantly that made possible to build the model in time. Also as card cutter is a machine, it cuts out all the pieces with nearly no mistakes. This will definately improve and refine the final production. Suppose to be on wore on head

On the other hand, these fabrication technology has some limitations such that it constrain what can be constructed. For example, when I got my cards back from Fablab, there was some mistakes such as ripped of strips or not accurately cut triangles. These errors happened as result of jamming or miscalculation of X,Y axis from machine. Therefore, the model had to be more simplier to avoid these errors. Furthermore, as card cutter could only score on side of paper, when i had to fold backwards, it made crumbles along the line. Again to reduce these, I had to reduce the number of reversed folded part.

Chapter 4 - Reflection


From Ball Phillip (2011) i’ve gained conceptual ideas on how to conduct natural process to a design. It wasn’t so easy to do that at first I didn’t know what kind of natural process to choose or what to get out from there, everything i got was too literal. However, throughout modules, I gained ideas from reading and lectures that made me to progress my design with having concept of tornado. Furthermore, with technologies like Rhino or card cutter, it enlarged possibilities and chances to try out designs and refine them. Therefore, at the end creating a satisfactory design and a model. The representation and their material realisations may be mutually dependent because as to understand properties of certain material it broaden a model’s description as material property is quite important to a model. For example, my model used different card as it had different properties. Ivory had lightest weight in options I had, and because my wave and tail needed to be light I had to choose Ivory. Black had bit more weight and thickness than Ivory which was beneficial for body that it needed higher strength than wave and tail to hold them. If I used a A4 paper to build my body, I would described my body as weak, couldn’t hold the weight from wave and tail. However, description completely change when I use Black 200 GSM to it could hold up weight from wave and tail. Therefore, representations and their material realisations are mutually dependent. The learning outcome of this subject was designing process from zero to one fine object. Thought out the modules, and from start, own decisions had to be made to choose, what kinds of natural process? what lines or shapes fits in? what kind of form?. Also for each decision made, a reason had to be explained. These kinds of thinking developed fundamental ideas on designing and by having a actual outcome it encourage to critique and compare and contrast own design with others, thus refining concepts again. As results for further studies and further when taking any designing process it would be easier to engage with it and produce a better and more enhanced design as it had been experienced.

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