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Ilhyeon Yeo (Michael) Student Number : 583928 Semester 1/2012 Group 8

Module 2 - Recap

2D paneling

2D paneling

3D custom


Divided in to three parts

2D paneling

3D panieling 3D paneling + offsset face border

In Module 2, degitalisation, for more complex paneling i’ve experimented and develop simple paneling. Than i achieved one main panelings for each parts.

Remodeling for fabrication - identifying issues (body)

2D paneling pattern for body

The immidiate problem was too much faces within one paneling face. Since there is limited and short time for make this model, and there was too much faces to make, so it isn’t possible.

Unrolled face

The Second problem occur when i actually tried to unroll face. Even with small parts been unrolled, there is just too much surfaces that overlap together. This means i had to print out every small faces to create the body, this will lag my building time. Therefore, this paneling wasn’t possible.

Solving issue - body

The problem for body was paneling, thus to solve the issue, i need to change the paneling of body.

2D paneling step 1

To hold on to the concept of tornado, i rearrange the pattern i had. To remove overlapping faces, i removed the rectangle centre and 4 faces around it.

Final digitalisation

2D paneling step 2

Than I tried to combine the left over triangles together. The white line represents the connection.

Final 2D paneling

However, in step 2, there were too small amount of faces were created. Therefore i replaced the largest triangle with two triangles and rearrange them to from the final.


Result of new paneling - body

2D-paneling 2D-paneling - unroll

The new paneling, solved the overlapping faces that when i tried to unroll the faces, it did not overlap anymore. Therefore when i fabricate this, i didn’t need to print each faces, but instead whole strip. This massively reduced making time.

The second outcome was it’s looking. Even though i only use 2D paneling, it created 3D like paneling on side of the model. This significantly influences my model because at initial, i planned to use 6 waves on the top of this body, but i reduced to 4 as 6 didn’t fit. And now this pyramid at side provide missing 2 waves and holds my initial idea.

Prototype - body

Patial prototype of body - top view

Used A4 copy paper to see if there is any collision or holes with the model, prototype is made.

Patial prototype of body - rear view

Setting up files for fablap - body

Unrolled faces for fablab

Limitations - card cutter

not properly cut triangle Ripped off end

Score line

Maybe the most critical limitation for card cutter is that it only can score on one side. Therefore when the model is folded in the other way, it didn’t make a clear sharp line.

There were tears and distorsion with one of my strip. This error normally happens when there is several keen angles in one spot, but for my design it is due to rapid working process that cause card cutter to jam in.

There was one triangle which wasn’t cut properly. WIth the file i sent to fablab didn’t have problem, so probably there was some obstacles that blocked card cutter to cut accurately. It wouldn’t signicantly influence my final design, but I would have to work on to fix this to make sure it doesn’t tear off.

Construction guide - body

Unrolled faces

Body in different colour

Fabrication - body For fabrication, what i did was just to follow the contruction guide.

Huge space left over after the cutting Fabricated body

Around 50% is used for actual model, 3% fablab mistake, 5% for testing out the material property. With the left over bits specially for the picture on left, this could been used to block the massive hole at each end of model. Also maybe saved and use for other crafting. Different unrolling may be used, so each shape of strip can fit each other to reduce the distand between them.

Black 200 GSM 90x60, is used to improve material property, so it can actually holds when other parts are placed.

Remodeling for fabrication - identifying issues (wave)

prototype of wave

prototype of wave

Found out there was problem with the idea of “different number of pyramid on each strip” when i actually tried to make. It seems nothing wrong with above picture, but there was small holes created between two strips. This holes weaken the model and it became flappy.

Due to steep curve on my wave, it produced squashed circle shape on end of model. When it came to connecting with other strips it didn’t fit in and could not be stuck together. Therefore curve needed to be smoothened.

Remodeling for fabrication - Result (wave)

To change the desing of “different number of pyramid on each strip� with keeping my concept of tornado, I draw and recap how tornado works. I changed the length of each strips rather than number of pyramid. Therefore holes are blocked, and thus creating rigid and stiff model.

Brainstorming idea to show the speed of tornado

Remodelled wave

Setting up file for fablab - wave

Construction Guide - Wave

Unrolled faces


Fabrication - Wave

Ivory card 90x60 is used. If there were thinner card than Ivory, that card would been used since it need to be light because if it’s too heavy it may lead to collapse of body.

Cut off faces

By following the construction guide final model is made. The left over bits is used for connection between body and wave.

fabricated wave

Remodeling for fabrication - identifying issues + Result (Tail)

3D paneling + offsset face border 3D paneling + offsset face border

The design itself was a problem since it had similar design with wave. Therefore, changed the paneling of tail.

Again, i wanted to keep the concept, so I model based on pyramid. The changed paneling seems to have problem with collision of faces, therefore a prototype had to be made

There were no collision with prototype, so I decided to use this paneling.


Setting up files for fablab - Tail

The Gullwing Twin Wind Towers

Construction guide - Tail






6 7

8 9


Fabrication - Tail

cut off faces

cut off faces

All of my card has lots of free spaces because when i look through Rhino, the space seem to be fairly small, and because i thought if there is too small gap, the card cutter might not be able to cut well and accurately.

fabricated tail

Ivory card 90x60 is used for tail, for mass deduction this card is used.

Prototype - Body pattern

Final fabrication - Combining and comparison with digital design

Bottom view Bottom view

In the end, there is only three waves on the top of body because not only there was not enough space for it, but also it blocked out too much light. Therefore, the number of wave had to be reduce. For connecting the parts, I used extra papers and use those to connect them in.

Bottom view Perspective view


Two LED in body, and one LED in tail. Since most of light to top is blocked by waves I decided to leave the holes, at each end, open.


Cybertecture Egg

Cybertecture Egg

This is Cybertecture Egg in india that was designed by James Law Cybertecture International. This architecture uses not only concrete, steel and glass, but also some of decent intangible materials of technology, multimedia, intelligence and interactivity. Comparing with other conventional buildigs the egg shape of this architecture has approximately 10~20% less surface area. This means this uses less materials than other building, thus more sustainable. Also the form of the architecture is one that symbolises with optimism about the future and of the 21st Century. The symbolic planet form is further stretched to cater for 13 levels of office accommodation. This is further orientated and skewed at an angle which creates both a strong visual language as well as alleviating the solar gain of the building. The architecture a good example of using computer design, that digital assist creates a building of extremely high quality and geometric sophistication. This building will act like a worthy neighbour to the esteemed neighbouring buildings of the district.


Lewis library

Lewis library

Lewis library

Thie architecture is Lewis library located in Princeton, New Jersey, United States, at Princeton University and is designed by Gehry Partners LLP. The angular steel, glass brick and stucco library is conceived by a creative mind and crafted by the most advanced digital design tools available to today’s practicing architects. Gehry utilized Catia software to model the shapes of the building and to inform the shape of such signature touches as the wavy- lined canary yellow welcome desk. The building is accented with bold colors inside and out. Standing in the library’s highest level, visitors are treated to alternating glimpses of color outside every window- shades of green, purple and orange. A colorful assortment of deep blue, green, yellow and black desk chairs complete the group study and seminar rooms while angular grey tables and chairs finish out the reading areas and common spaces. This is also a good example of advantage of digital assist architecture that it carried out the imagination and ideas in virtual world anddemonstrate what will be the outcome of the model.


Nowadays there are more architecture that is digitally assisted. The most advantage would be rapid overview of accurate design of final model without wasting any resources. Also it has nearly no limitation with design itself. As result, digitally fabricated architectures are more sustainable and creative comparing with non-digital fabricated architecture (For period of start of design to building). However, for my module, the advantage may become as disadvantage since this module has time limitation and one type of material can be used (paper). One most influential factor for fabricating the model was material property, flexibility, mass, transparency, endurance in tension and compression and so on. In digital model, these factor is not considered and as long as it does not collapse or opened, the shape holds. However, for fabrication, these factors need to be considered and by considering these factors into design, it deleted huge possibility of inventive designs. Therefore, to reduce mistakes or failure on final model, prototype need to be made. The prototype not only lay out what will happen with model, but all sorts of little mistakes that did not appeared in Rhino. Another influence was time limitation. As i had to make 3 different parts, i had to put more effort and time to fabricate than people have one whole parts. This meant, I shouldn’t have too complex or too much strips for each parts that it again eliminate different possibility of creative design. When i had to change my panelling, It was challenging to design a panel that wasn’t too simple, but not too complex. Furthermore, since the designing in Rhino, takes about 1 minutes, it was quite hard to compare with real fabricating time. This also lead me to consider more in choosing designs of panels. Fablab was one of effective way to reduce time consumption in fabricating model. Finish cutting off strips from fablap still took fair amount of time, if I couldn’t use fablab to cut my model, I would have gave up on three parts or different panelling, but just design simply.

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