Different teaching methods and special needs education Irmeli Lignell HAMK/Aokk Irmeli.lignell@hamk.fi
Welcome to this course, the main target is that everybody has to clime that three !
Use multisensory teaching O How much do you think
About how your students learn ? O Knowing and understanding learning styles,
is important !
The multiple intelligences O Linguistic O Logical mathematical O Musical O Bodily-kinaesthetic O Spatial –visual O Interpersonal O Intrapersonal
Emotional intelligence
From L.V. Williams, (1983). Teaching for the Two-Sided Mind.
Visual learners O Remember what they see rather than what they hear O Remember diagrams and pictures O Prefer to read and write rather than listen O Have trouble remembering verbal instructions O Need an overall view and purpose before beginning a
project O Like art more than music O Sometimes tune out when trying to pay attention.
What can you do to help learning ! O Take written notes in lectures & class O Use colours to highlight important points O Pay attention to diagrams, charts and pictures in text books O Use mindmaps ( with colours & diagrams) to organise
information for an assignment or for revision for an exam. O Put summaries and mindmaps on the walls in your study
area O Use a wall planner.
Auditory learners O Can follow verbal instructions easily O Like to hear someone explain and like
explaining to someone else O Like debating and discussing with others O Tend to talk to themselves while working O Enjoy reading aloud O Like music more than art.
What can you do to help learning ! O Start or join a study group O Say things aloud to remember information O Use a tape recorder. Record yourself reading texts
and/or discussing issues with others O Read notes aloud when studying and after you have
read something summarise it out loud. O Explain or ‘re tell’ something you have learnt to
someone else O If possible listen to pod casts of lectures.
Kinaesthetic learners or active learners O Often they take notes or even draw pictures
or doodle whilst listening O Remember best what they did O Memorise by walking and seeing O Like ‘hands on’ activities and group
What can you do to help learning ! O Test your learning by applying it or transforming it to
another form. For example use lecture notes or readings to draw a diagram, flow chart or even construct a model. O Start or join a study group O Relate facts or theories to your own experience O Learn or memorise information by teaching or telling
someone else O When studying take frequent breaks. This is also helpful
for the other learning styles.
How to help learning O Auditory learners O Visual learners O Kinaesthetic learners
O Make a mind map, O What can you do to help learning !
Plain Language O Plain language (or clear writing) is a way of writing and
presenting information so that readers can understand it quickly and easily. O Plain language documents are:
> Relevant to the reader > Clear and concise > Easy to follow > Conversational and direct > Designed to be inviting and help readers find important information
Why do we need plain language? O Plain language: O Helps people find the information they need quickly
and easily O Helps people understand what they have to do. O Improves customer service. O Decreases lawsuits. O Reaches more people.
O Plain finnish language O http://papunet.net/selko/aihe/tervetuloa-suomeen/
O Newspaper/Plain language O http://selkosanomat.fi/
News in Plain Finnish O Ylen Selkouutiset: For listeners with Finnish
as a second language, the Finnish Broadcasting Company, YLE Radio Peili offers Selkouutiset, a daily broadcast in plain Finnish with simplified language in slow speed.
Plain Finnish O
Books written in plain Finnish have this sign:
O Books for children in plain Finnish have this sign:
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) O What is AAC? O Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) includes all
forms of communication (other than oral speech) that are used to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas. O We all use AAC when we make facial expressions or gestures,
use symbols or pictures, or write. O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3m8_YmTDDM
Tecnology O The myth O Students with disabilities cannot use the same
technology that typical students use. O The facts O Technology can be the great equalizer in a classroom
with diverse learners O For children with physical disabilities, technology can
give access to learning opportunities previously closed to them.
O Ipad O https://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yvQShGmDeA O Internet O smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices O Computer O Implements and tools
O Impossible
O Or
O I´m possible
O Toisenlaiset frendit/Different friends O http://areena.yle.fi/tv/2155023/#/play