an Everything 4-H guide for pre-teens and teens!
4-H is the place you belong, lead, learn, and serve in the community where you live!
A new school year or the start to a new season can mean lots of new activities to choose from. Maybe you're headed to junior high or high school this year, trying out new interests, or just looking to change things up. Here are some questions to help decide which activities might be right for you!
What do you want an activity to do for you? Are you looking to meet new friends, develop a skill, get work experience for a future job, or just get out of the house? If your goal is to make new friends, something solitary like stamp-collecting (we're sure this is totally still a thing) might not be the way to go. Make sure your activity is a good fit for what you're looking to get out of it.
It seems obvious, but this is a good place to start. Don't worry about drilling down too much to find what fits all your interests at once (twilight underwater hockey for example), but think big picture. Do you like to be active? Prefer small groups or big groups? Do you want an activity with community service? See what matches up with what you want to do.
Your school might be a great source of possible activities, but don't miss activities at local park districts, community organizations, or clubs like Scouts or 4-H. Knowing all of your choices is a big part of choosing!
These could be time-based like "No Thursday night activities because I need that time to study for my Friday quiz." Or transportation limitations like "There's no way I can make it across town on my bike by 4:30 every week." Or just emotional limits like knowing when your plate is too full. Activities are meant to be fun and engaging but not add extra stress or burden to your life!
Now is the time in your life to try new things. If it's a great fit, great! If it's not, that's okay too. It's okay to explore new things, especially at this phase in your life. Also, it's okay to try something even if it just ends up being a short-term activity. You never know if you don't give it a try!
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This means that 4-H members pledge to be open to new and different ways of thinking by critically assessing new information, making new judgments, and exploring new thought processes!
This means that 4-H members put others before themselves. You commit to being loyal to each person you meet and they know that if they need help, they can count on you!
This means that 4-H members play a part in their community's success and they understand their value to the greater good in a global society. In 4-H you have individual and group opportunities to impact your community, country, and world!
This means that you pledge to take care of you! Making sure your health is a priority whether that's through good nutrition, sleep, mental health, or more!
4-H members pledge their...
4-H has a lot to explore to help you find your "spark" ~ an interest or skill that lights your fire and helps you find joy, energy, and purpose! Not sure where to start? Take our quiz to start your 4-H adventure!
Start Here!
Do you love spending time outside?
Do you enjoy working with animals?
Do you enjoy meeting new people?
Would you rather
Would you rather Spend time exploring new technologies, creating experiments, and discovering the basic elements of programming?
Would you rather
Would you rather Plan a hike, explore the wilderness, and learn about nature?
Spend time taking charge, making plans, help run events and completing projects?
Spend time following the news, learning about current events, and finding ways you can make a change in your community?
Spend time expressing yourself through art, performing, and learning about design and color?
Spend time exploring science of food in your own kitchen laboratory, food preservation, and how food goes from farms to tables?
Spend time learning how to stay healthy and fit while helping others do the same through first aid, sports nutrition, and healthy habits?
Spend time caring for animals, studying animal behavior, and learning about animal health.
Head to page 8 to see how you can find your spark as you develop your love of animals by learning about agricultural science topics such as veterinary science, biotechnology, and raising and training animals!
Head to page 16 to see how you can find your spark as you share your voice, influence, and decision-making ability in your community and world.
Head to page 24 to see how you can find your spark as you learn about civic affairs, build decision-making skills, and build your confidence in relating and connecting to other people!
Head to page 30 to see how you can find your spark in creative arts! From filmmaking to photography, show off your artistic expression and communication. 4-H has everything you need to let your creativity shine.
Turn to page 36 to see how you can find your spark as you get first-hand experience in utilizing alternative energy, spend time outdoors, and keep exploring your love for nature!
Turn to page 44 to see how you can find your spark as you build your communication, decision-making, goal-setting, and leadership skills, all while learning how to become a strong food advocate!
Turn to page 52 to see how you can find your spark as you follow your love for health and wellness, and learn the skills to help you and others make healthy decisions and lead healthy lifestyles.
You got STEM!
Turn to page 58 to see how you can find your spark as you learn more about science, technology, engineering, and math with fun, hands-on programs.
my name is
Work up close and personal with animals! The skills you'll learn through animal sciences include responsibility for living things, perseverance to stick with a task until completed, initiative to start projects and get them done, detail, organization, and decision making ~ the skills employers say are most often missing in the workforce today. But you can develop them early through 4-H!
What do you do in a livestock project?
Most youth sign up for livestock projects because they are interested in raising an animal. If that's you, you may be wondering what you'll do!
If you don't want to raise an animal, there are still great ways to participate in Animal Sciences and LOTS to learn!
But if you are interested in raising an animal, you may be wondering what you'll do!
In a livestock project, you'll raise and care for an animal
daily: doing chores, taking care of grooming and feeding, and making sure your animal is healthy.
You'll also need to train your animal to be shown in a safe and calm manner, doing things like making sure it’s comfortable around people and noises, and can be led and exhibited.
Throughout this process, you'll develop routines, put in early mornings or late nights, and exercise a lot of patience and understanding. You also need to set goals and work towards them!
Some draft horses can pull up to 8,000 pounds.
Horses can jump almost twice the height of their rider.
Horses have a wide range in height. They are measured in “hands,” which is equivalent to 4 inches.
The fastest horse in the world was a thoroughbred who ran 43.97mph
Nearly everyone once played with a toy stick horse called a hobby horse. Did you know that there are competitions for people using hobby horses? Riders on their hobby horse simulate show jumping and dressage.
Grab the reins on the Illinois 4-H Livestock Ambassador Team!
Do you have a passion for Animal Sciences? The Livestock Ambassador Team might be for you! Become a role model and advocate for the livestock industry. On this team you'll help...
• Planning Statewide Junior Livestock Conferences
• Organizing Regional Livestock Clinics
• Running Livestock Skillathons
• Assisting with State 4-H Livestock Events
• Advocating for the livestock industry
• Serving on agricultural youth boards (YEA, Junior Association, State Fair)
• Get involved with State Fair activities (Commodity Carnival, Governors Auction, Ag Day, Tours, etc.)
Here are some things you can do in 4-H to explore Animal Sciences!
Explore an animal sciences spark sheet!
Complete an animal sciences project!
Give a demonstration on animal sciences
Join in a celebration with your club for a day/month for animals like National Dairy Month, National Dog Day, and more!
Join your local Junior Breed Association
Organize a club community service event and volunteer at a local animal shelter
Help at a local livestock show Spend a day with a veterinarian
Scan the QR code for a step-by-step on how to make your own ice cream at home!
Explore the Pathway on pages 12 & 13 and make a wishlist of experiences you'd like to take part in at the county, state, and national level!
Explore the Animal Sciences spark sheets to try out different projects! If you have a space to raise an animal, the animal sciences projects you can explore include: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goat, Meat Goats, Poultry, Sheep, and Swine! If you don't, there are still lots of ways to get involved!
Explore local Horse Speaking, Horse Judging, Hippology, Horse Bowl, Livestock Skillathons, Livestock Judging, Dairy Judging, and Poultry Judging events, or explore the Veterinary Science project. You could also...
• Join an Animal Sciences Special Interest Club
• Participate in local competitions and exhibits
• Participate in Livestock Judging Contests & Quiz Bowls and Team Challenges
• Participate in Livestock Skillathons
• Attend Animal Science Project Workshops
• Exhibit at 4-H Shows, Fairs, and other 4-H Exhibitions
• Participate in Fitting and Showing Clinics
• Participate in regional Horse Bowl, Hippology, Horse Speaking, and Horse Judging contests
• Take Youth Quality Care for Animals training
• Become a County Workshop Instructor
• Become a Show Assistant or Jr. Superintendent
State Poultry Judging - Learn what makes a good egg as you compete for prizes in the Illinois 4-H State Poultry Judging Contest
State Dog Show - Compete at the state level in both obedience and showmanship!
State Livestock Judging Contest - Learn to identify breeds of livestock and help make decisions which improve local herds and show off your knowledge in this contest
Livestock Skillathon - Test your skills and ability in the identification of feeds, retail meat cuts, equipment, hay, and breeds of livestock
Dairy Quiz Bowl - Compete in an academic-like quiz bowl while you demonstrate your knowledge of the dairy industry
Dairy Judging - Demonstrate your knowledge of the dairy industry by ranking classes of dairy cattle
Hippology Contest - Demonstrate the breadth of your knowledge and understanding of equine science, and in particular the practical application of this knowledge and skill in a friendly, competitive setting
Horse Judging Contest - Enhance your knowledge of horse health, breed characteristics, management, and feeding
Horse Bowl Contest - Demonstrate your knowledge of equine-related subject matter in a competitive setting where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail
Horse Speaking - Gain self-confidence, courage and persuasiveness; share ideas with others; and develop the ability to speak in public to inform others about horse-related subjects and the 4-H Horse project
Exhibit your animal at the Illinois State Fair Livestock Show
Holstein-Friesian Association Award - for youth enrolled in the Dairy project who exhibit Holstein dairy animals at the county 4-H show
Sustaining the Future Award - created to recognize 4-H members who have exemplified outstanding leadership within the agricultural industry
Superior Young Producer Scholarship The program is sponsored by the Illinois State Fair. Three $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year in dairy; and nine scholarships are distributed among beef, sheep and swine project members.
Statewide Scholarships - Earn an educational scholarship for your work in Animal Sciences
Individual Experience Award - Earn statewide recognition as you gain 4-H experiences!
Apply for an Experience, Excel, or Engage Club Award
Qualify to exhibit your non-livestock Animal Sciences project at Illinois State Fair - display your project work in front of thousands of State Fairgoers
Join a state Junior Livestock Association
Join the Livestock Ambassador Team - Develop leadership skills and share your passion for livestock on a state level through planning and assisting with State 4-H livestock events
Serve on the Youth Education in Agriculture State Board
Serve on the Youth Education in Agriculture Committee - This committee helps not only provide quality programs for agricultural education in Illinois, but also helps prepare youth for careers in the agriculture industry
Become a Project Assistant at the Illinois State Fair
Junior Livestock Conference - Get hands-on experience in the science and disciplines of livestock production and exhibition
Compete at the state level to earn your place in national competitions!
National Dairy Judging Competition • National Livestock Judging Competition • National Poultry Judging Competition • National Horse Judging • National Hippology • National Horse Bowl Contest • National Livestock Skillathon • National Horse Speaking • National Junior Breed Association
Or attend:
• National Shows for all species of livestock
• National AgriScience Summit
• National 4-H Dairy Conference
And more! New National organizations, committees, events, and leadership opportunities just for 4-H members present themselves each year!
See if your 4-H club can begin a sister club program with an International 4-H Club where you can share ideas in animal science practices around the world while you learn about other cultures and gain skills in presenting to international audiences!
This national program recognizes four confident young leaders with diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives in 4-H’s core pillar areas: agriculture, civic engagement, healthy living, and STEM.
Each year, Pillar Winners will experience an exciting year of telling their 4-H story and celebrating their leadership. Winners receive: $5,000 higher education scholarship • Opportunities to showcase their 4-H impact story • All-expenses paid trip to National 4-H Council event • Networking opportunities with 4-H celebrities and other prominent alumni • Recognition as the official 4-H youth spokesperson for their pillar
Whether it's showing livestock or your exhibit at your county fair, or heading to State Fair, your new favorite season just might be fair season!
At State Fair, award-winning 4-H members display their non-animal general project work during three amazing days of the Illinois State Fair at the Orr Building!
Here's what you can expect if you're chosen to advance to the State Fair General Project Show.
Morning of your show day:
• Dress in cool, comfortable clothes and shoes, grab your project, and head to the State Fairgrounds in Springfield!
• 8-9am - drop off your project at the Orr Building on the State Fairgrounds. Find out your judging time for later in the day.
• Explore the fair! Check out the butter cow, grab a lemon shake-up, and ride a few rides (use the 4-H Scavenger Hunt to guide you through the ultimate fair experience!) And stop in the Livestock Barns to cheer on other 4-H members exhibiting their animals!
During the day, your project could be seen by thousands of fairgoers visiting the Orr Building.
• A few minutes before your judging time, make your way back to the Orr Building!
• Time for judging! Get ready for your live interview with a project expert! Find out how you can learn and grow in your project area in the coming year.
Project pick-up time: Check your project for awards, judging notes, and scoring. Start making plans to explore this project next year or explore something new!
It's for all things 4-H! Fair season is your time to shine and show off all of your hard work in your project area including livestock!
Show off all your hard work to fairgoers and meet with an expert in your project area to discuss what you learned and help shape the path for what you'll learn next!
my name is
Develop your leadership and decision-making skills as you prepare for your next adventure! Get prepared for your future and learn more about what skills will help make you a successful adult. 4-H career and leadership programs will help you develop confidence and leadership skills to be a leader today and tomorrow!
Everyone has leadership skills they can build on! Building your leadership skills can seem scary or unachievable, but 4-H teaches us that nothing is unachievable. Here are three easy ways to build your leadership skills.
Who have you seen use good leadership skills? This could be an older sibling, teacher, coach, or celebrity! Contact them and ask if you can meet with them and talk about what they do in their leadership role. This could be a past 4-H leader, your manager at work, a family friend, or an older 4-H member. During this networking meeting, ask the person to share any tips with you they have learned along the way about leading others. There will likely be things that you can take away from the meeting and start doing yourself!
Do you love teaching? Are you planning to become a teacher or educator someday? Explore how Teen Teachers can help you explore your spark now and set you up for success in the future!
• You will be a role model for young kids who share your passion!
• You will expand your own knowledge by working with experts in the things you like to do.
• You will get practical training that you can use in college, in your career, and throughout life
In your 4-H club this could be the recreational officer, refreshment officer, or reporter of your club. These smaller leadership roles give you good experience so you can work your way up to bigger leadership roles such as president of your 4-H club or a class officer at school. Head to page 20 to check out some of the ways you can start building your leadership in 4-H!
Take our What's Your Leadership Superpower quiz on page 50 to find out more about what makes you a great leader!
Just doing small things to improve your leadership skills will have a big impact and help you get set up for success for leadership positions down the road!
Illinois 4-H projects let you get hands-on experiences in the areas that interest YOU! To learn more about projects, scan the code or head to:
Take the lead on the Illinois State 4-H Youth Leadership Team!
Are you ready to:
• Plan and lead conferences
• Walk the halls of the Illinois State Capitol talking to legislators
• Represent Illinois 4-H at state and national events throughout the year
• Serve on advisory councils and committees such as the Illinois 4-H Foundation Board of Directors and the Illinois Farm Bureau Youth Education Committee
• And more!
Ready to lead now? Join a county federation or ambassadors team, get experience leading workshops in your county, gain public speaking experience, hold leadership positions in your club, or help plan events to help get ready for future leadership roles!
Are you ready to take the lead? Here are some things you can do in 4-H to build your career and leadership skills!
Explore a career or leadership development spark sheet!
Complete a leadership project!
Actively participate in club meetings and discussions
Lead a demonstration or workshop at your club
Take on a leadership role in your club such as Recreation Chair or Reporter
• Explore the Career & Leadership Development spark sheets to try out different projects
• Explore the Build your Future, Entrepreneurship, Financial Future, or Leadership projects
• Join a 4-H Federation - Federation is the banding together of youth from different clubs into one representative group. Leadership training, decision making, county or unit event planning, and socialization are the focus of Federation members
• Take on an Executive leadership role in your club such as: President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer
• Join your county's Expansion & Review Committeethis committee provides recommended changes and new approaches to programming to help provide opportunity for all to youth in the county
• Take on an auxiliary leadership role in your club such as Reporter, Recreation Chairperson, Sentinel, Librarian, or Sergeant at Arms
• Become a County or Multi-County Group Officer
• Become a County or Multi-County Group Committee Chairperson
• Join a Special Interest Club
• Attend a workshop to help get you ready for your future career or to help build your leadership
• Participate in local competitions and exhibits
• Become a County 4-H Ambassador
• Become a County Workshop Instructor
• Complete a Career or Leadership Development spark sheet
• Become a Show Assistant in the Career/Leadership project areas
• Connect with your local 4-H staff to participate in new workshop, committee and event opportunities every year!
Join the Youth Leadership Team - Teens receive training in leadership development, team-building, public presentations, and more. You’ll actively participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Junior Leadership Conference, including planning and teaching workshops, leading mixers and recreational activities, reviewing budgets, and developing marketing and promotional pieces.
Illini Summer Academies Planning Committeehelp plan one of 4-H's biggest events and have a voice in making the event the best it can be!
University of Illinois Collegiate 4-H - activities can range from working directly with state, county, or local 4-H groups to serving as volunteer leaders for projects, educational workshops, contests, judging competitions, or assisting with service projects.
Teen Teacher - get hands-on education experience as you become a role model for younger kids!
Become a Project Assistant at the Illinois State Fair and help keep the judging process running smoothly at our biggest state event!
Deb Stocker Scholarship - this scholarship is for exceptional Youth Leadership Team members
Earn a Leadership or Project Learning Club Award
Statewide scholarships - earn an educational scholarship for your work in Career/Leadership
Individual Experience Award - earn statewide recognition as you gain new and diverse 4-H experiences
Experience, Excel, or Engage Club Awardget recognition for your club's work!
Qualify to exhibit at Illinois State Fair - display your project work in front of thousands of State Fairgoers
Attend National 4-H Congress - this five-day national conference is an opportunity for youth from across the country to develop their leadership skills. Members have the opportunity to go to trainings, listen to nationally recognized speakers, participate in community service projects, and network with 4-H members from across the United States.
Attend a 4-H Multi-State MEET (Mingle Event for Excelling Together) - MEET is a unique opportunity for upper-level 4-H members to network with each other, build lasting connections, and learn about 4-H across the nation.
And more! New National organizations, committees, events, and leadership opportunities just for 4-H members present themselves each year!
Speaking for Illinois 4-H - get special advanced training to prepare you to meet with county and state elected officials, potential donors, civic groups, and new volunteers to tell your 4-H story
Illini Summer Academies - get ready for a hi-fidelity college exploratory experience on the University of Illinois campus. You'll attend academy sessions led by university professors and enjoy a variety of engaging activities that provide a taste of just how cool college life can be.
Junior Leadership Conference - join this fun-filled event that provides junior high 4-H members (7th & 8th grades) a look into opportunities in Illinois 4-H and helps start their leadership journey. Members gain skills related to 4-H projects and leadership, such as communication, decision-making, and teamwork while engaging in fun activities.
See if your 4-H club can begin a sister club program with an International 4-H Club around careers and leadership where you can learn about career opportunities around the globe while you gain skills in presenting to international audiences!
Apply for a 4-H Youth in Action Award! This national program recognizes four confident young leaders with diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives in 4-H’s core pillar areas: agriculture, civic engagement, healthy living, and STEM.
Each year, Pillar Winners will experience an exciting year of telling their 4-H story and celebrating their leadership. Winners receive: $5,000 higher education scholarship • Opportunities to showcase their 4-H impact story • All-expenses paid trip to National 4-H Council event • Networking opportunities with 4-H celebrities and other prominent alumni • Recognition as the official 4-H youth spokesperson for their pillar
I'm always telling my friends about:
A. Something cool my animals did
B. A new computer game I just played
C. The great picture I grabbed with my phone
D. A new healthy snack I just made
My favorite thing to do after school is:
A. Playing with my pet
B. Video gaming
C. Drawing pictures on my tablet
My dream vacation would be:
A. Ride horses and sleep under the stars at a ranch in Montana
B. A trip to NASA headquarters in Texas
C. Heading to New York City to visit museums and see a Broadway play
D. Take a hiking tour of a National Park
It's the weekend! What event would you attend on a Saturday morning:
A. A livestock show
B. A robotics competition C. An art fair D. Running a 5K You can always find me:
D. Riding my bike
A. Taking care of my pets and livestock
B. Working on my computer C. Creating new art projects D. Playing sports
If you got mostly A’s Explore a future in Animal Sciences!
Head to page 11 to learn about different careers in this field!
If you got mostly B’s Explore a future in STEM!
Head to page 61 to learn about different careers in this field!
My favorite subject to study in school:
A. Biology
B. Math C. Art D. P.E.
If you got mostly C’s Explore a future in the Creative Arts!
Head to page 33 to learn about different careers in this field!
If you got mostly D’s Explore a future in Healthy Living!
Head to page 55 to learn about different careers in this field!
4-H Legislative Connection lets you connect directly with legislators!
Who are legislators? Legislators are elected officials that make laws and policies. These could be things like laws that help to protect consumers to how much is spent on schools and so much more.
Legislative Connection connects teens with lawmakers for face-to-face conversations where kids can tell them what they care about.
What do legislators want to know about kids like you?
What do you like about school? What do you do in your free time? What extracurriculars mean the most to you?
Ready to change the world? Here are some things you can do in 4-H to build your Global Civic Engagement leadership skills!
Explore the global civic engagement spark sheets
Complete a global civic engagement project
Identify a need in your community ~ present what you find to your club and organize a community service activity to create positive change!
Participate in activities involving important local issues like a town clean-up or meeting about future plans for the town
Organize a tour of the local village, city hall, or courthouse
Where do you volunteer? What causes are important to you? What changes do you want to see in your community or world?
Do you want to attend college or explore a trade? Where do you want to live when you grow up? What is your dream job?
Meet with leadership in your town to create a community service "wish list" - present it to your club and work with your club or another group to help check things off!
Help plan a county 4-H International Night
Write an elected representative and let them know about an issue you care about - use your list on the previous page as a guide for what to write about!
Participate in a club activity to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, Black History Month, Asian American Pacific Islander Month, Juneteenth, Native American Heritage Month, or something else!
Explore the Pathway on pages 28 & 29 and make a wishlist of experiences you'd like to take part in at the county, state, and at the national level!
Scan the code or follow the link to learn how to create your own flag design.
• Complete a Global Civic Engagement spark sheet to start exploring projects
• Share a country's culture, food, crafts, and more as part of a 4-H International Night!
• Explore the Civic Engagement, Service Learning, Collectibles, Exploratory, Family Heritage, Passport to the World, Diversity & Cultural Awareness projects
• Join a Civic Engagement Special Interest Club
• Attend a workshop
• Participate in Just in Time Dialogues in your unitthese are a series of lessons designed to bring youth together to deliberate, reflect, and take action on social justice issues
• Participate in local events about topics that are important to your community
• Become a County Workshop Instructor
• Become a Show Assistant in the Civic Engagement project areas
• Participate in a group service club activity
• Connect with your local 4-H staff to participate in new workshop, committee and event opportunities every year!
• Statewide Scholarships - earn an educational scholarship for your work in Global Civic Engagement
• Earn an Individual Experience Award - earn statewide recognition as you gain new and diverse 4-H experiences
• Earn an Experience, Excel, or Engage Club Award
• Qualify to exhibit at Illinois State Fair - display your project work in front of thousands of State Fairgoers
• Volunteer Cafe Conversations - engage virtually with 4-H volunteers & teens in leadership roles from across Illinois
• 4-H True Leaders in Equity Institute- this event prepares teams to be change agents as we work to help create more welcoming and inclusive environments. This training and leadership opportunity challenges youth to work together to champion equity-related projects to create positive change in your community.
• Participate in Legislative Connection - 4-H Legislative Connection provides 4-H members a unique opportunity to learn about the state legislative process and meet with elected officials to let them know the issues that are important to you!
• Become a trained Just in Time Dialogues facilitator
• Join the Illinois 4-H Changemakers Team
• Work as a booth assistant at the International Booth at the Illinois State Fair
• Become a Project Assistant at the Illinois State Fair and help keep the judging process running smoothly at our biggest state event!
Citizenship Washington Focus - Through Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF), teens experience Washington D.C. like never before. Using the nation’s capital as their classroom, CWF connects young leaders from across the country to gain the skills and experiences to become effective change agents.
Attend National 4-H Conference - delegates from the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico attend workshops and work on action plans for national, state, and local 4-H programs. Delegates will have the opportunity to participate in round table discussions and present to federal partner agencies along with the opportunity for delegates to engage with their U.S. Senators and Representatives.
National 4-H Day of Service - venture out into the community to lend a helping hand through fundraising, neighborhood clean-up, beautification projects, and much more in this national event that you can take part in right in your own community!
True Leaders in Equity Institute - become a change agent as you learn how to create more inclusive and welcoming environments
And more! New National organizations, committees, events, and leadership opportunities just for 4-H members present themselves each year!
Attend the Global 4-H Summit - Meet with 4-H youth from around the world to create long-term solutions to strengthen our communities and feed our growing world.
Go Abroad - States' 4-H Summer Outbound programs send American 4-H youth to other countries for a cultural immersion experience. Outbound delegates live with volunteer host families, learning first-hand about a new way of life in the host country and experiencing aspects of daily life that tourists rarely see.
Host an International Student - Make a friend and learn about a new culture when your family hosts a youth from Japan or South Korea for part of the summer!
See if your club can begin sister club partnership with an International 4-H club that you can share ideas and experiences with while you learn about other cultures and gain skills in presenting to international audiences!
Apply for a 4-H Youth in Action Award! This national program recognizes four confident young leaders with diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives in 4-H’s core pillar areas: agriculture, civic engagement, healthy living, and STEM.
Each year, Pillar Winners will experience an exciting year of telling their 4-H story and celebrating their leadership. Winners receive: $5,000 higher education scholarship • Opportunities to showcase their 4-H impact story • All-expenses paid trip to National 4-H Council event • Networking opportunities with 4-H celebrities and other prominent alumni • Recognition as the official 4-H youth spokesperson for their pillar
my name is
From filmmaking to photography, our creative arts programs emphasize artistic expression and communication. 4-H’s visual arts programs include both print and digital media, so you'll have the opportunity to use the latest technology. Our theater programs teach communication skills, creative thinking, improvisation, and writing!
In 4-H you'll get the chance to develop your public speaking skills in club meetings, public speaking contests, Speaking for Illinois 4-H and more! How can your public speaking skills help you shine?
Start a podcast or YouTube channel
Speak confidently for scholarship applications
Help make an impact for causes you care about by giving speeches virtually or in person.
Ready to start creating? Here are some things you can do in 4-H to build your Creative Arts leadership skills!
• Explore the Creative Arts spark sheets
• Complete a Creative Arts project!
• Take pictures at your club events
• Offer to make flyers or social media posts for your club!
• Give a demonstration at your club meeting
Feel prepared for your future career!
Get ready to rock your school presentations
Nail the job interview Take a part in a school performance
Use your phone or ask permission from an adult to use camera. Take a photo of the following. What interesting angles can you try? How can you make this photo unique?
A flower
An insect
A landscape
A body of water
A friend
An animal
A building Food A car
• Organize making posters for display during National 4-H Week
• Write a radio ad, play, skit, or video for your club to perform
• Write a radio ad for 4-H and volunteer to read the ad on air at a local station
• Make a video about a club event
• Conduct a workshop for younger youth on how to do public speaking
• Organize a public service activity like creating and donating quilts to veterans, creating chalk murals for community events, or perform a skit at a local nursing home!
• Develop and deliver a prepared speech at a community event
• Explore the Pathway on pages 34 & 35 and make a wishlist of experiences you'd like to take part in at the county, state, and national level!
• Try your hand at origami! Scan the code for a step-by-step video on how to make an origami lotus blossom!
• Explore a Creative Arts spark sheet to learn more about projects
• Explore the Communications, Creative Writing, Public Speaking, Interior Design, Photography, Theatre Arts, or Visual Arts Projects
• Join a Special Interest Club
• Participate in your County Public Speaking Contest
• Participate in local competitions and exhibits
• Become a County Workshop Instructor
• Become a Show Assistant or Jr. Superintendent
• Connect with your local 4-H staff to participate in new workshop, committee and event opportunities every year!
• Qualify to exhibit at the Illinois State Fair - display your project work in front of thousands of State Fairgoers
• Earn Scholarships - earn an educational scholarship for your work in Creative Arts
• Earn an Individual Experience Award - earn statewide recognition as you gain new and diverse 4-H experiences
• Earn an Experience, Excel, or Engage Club Award
• Become an assistant at the Public Relations booth at the Illinois State Fair
• Become a Project Assistant at the Illinois State Fair and help keep the judging process running smoothly at our biggest state event!
Join the more than 300,000 youth nationwide in shooting sports where you can practice and experience fun, hands-on learning experiences. No experience is required, just a passion to learn and have fun!
Get ready to explore:
Shotgun • Archery: compound and recurve • Rifle: air and .22 small bore • Pistol: air and .22 small bore
Make new friends and gain skills in decision-making, teamwork, self-discipline, self-confidence, and problem-solving!
Ready, aim, lead! Are you ready to advocate for Shooting Sports as a Shooting Sports Ambassador?
On this leadership team, you'll...
• Represent 4-H and 4-H Shooting Sports at special events, at donor/sponsor functions, and with the general public, 4-H groups, community service organizations, schools, and media contacts.
• Serve as a spokesperson for the 4-H Shooting Sports program in your county, state, as well as regionally, and nationally.
• Keep developing your skills in leadership, public speaking, citizenship, community service, public relations, and team building.
• Continue expanding your involvement in 4-H Shooting Sports beyond just shooting skills and competitive events.
Here are some things you can do in 4-H to build your Environment leadership skills!
Explore the Environment spark sheets
Complete an Environment project!
Plan a day hike or outdoor activity for your club
Research an environmental issue in your community, present what you find to your club
Organize a community clean-up or tree planting community service activity with your club
Identify and help solve a local environmental problem
Plan a group visit to a nature center and learn about the creatures that live in that area
Explore the Pathway on pages 42 & 43 and make a wishlist of experiences you'd like to take part in at the county, state, and national level!
Scan the QR code to follow along on a virtual butterfly adventure!
• Explore activities not available in your community
• Make new friendships that will last a lifetime
• Step outside your comfort zone and try new things
• Work as a team
• Access a private fishing lake
• Hang out with other youth and connect with youth mentors!
• Gain outdoor skills
• Unplug from technology
• Gain independence
• Practice environmental stewardship
• Explore careers related to nature
• Live and play alongside people different from you!
As a Counselor-In-Training (C.I.T.) at 4-H Memorial Camp- get hands on experiences as you learn what it takes to be a counselor and what the job interview is like as you take your camp experience to the next level. Grow your leadership skills, helping make it a great camp experience for other youth!
4-H Memorial Camp is located in Monticello, IL on 250 acres!
• Explore the Environment spark sheets to learn more about projects
• Explore the Entomology, Beekeeping, Forestry, Geology, Natural Resources, Outdoor Adventures, Sportfishing, Wildlife, Weather, or Environment Projects
• Become a 4-H Citizen Scientist - Illinois 4-H connects you with researchers who need help collecting data. You might be observing birds, frogs, plants, or weather. You might be collecting samples from local rivers. You might be counting insects. Citizen Scientists provide the hands, eyes, and ears for researchers as they collect and contribute data for important research.
• Join an Environmental Special Interest Club
• Participate in local competitions and exhibits
• Become a County Workshop Instructor
• Become a Show Assistant in the Environment project areas
• Connect with your local 4-H staff to participate in new workshop, committee and event opportunities
• Participate in a State Archery Shoot, State Pistol Shoot, State Rifle Shoot and/or State Shotgun Shoot
• Join the 4-H Hooks Us Together Fishing TournamentFish anywhere, enter catches with your phone!
• Green Communities Tree Program - Get hands-on community service, conservation, and environmental education in this spring program
• 4-H Memorial Camp - Adventure awaits you at every turn at 4-H Memorial Camp. Every day is packed with activities that will challenge you to try new and exciting things.
• Work as a citizen scientist at the state level to collect data that assists researchers for River Watch, iPollinate, and more
• Participate in the Everyday Sportsman's Challenge and complete a fun list of activities
• Earn Scholarships - earn an educational scholarship for your work in the Environment interest area
• Earn an Individual Experience Award - earn statewide recognition as you gain new and diverse 4-H experiences
• Earn an Experience, Excel, or Engage Club Award
• Qualify to exhibit at the Illinois State Fairdisplay your project work in front of thousands of State Fairgoers
• Become a State 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadoryouth who are selected to serve will receive training that will allow them to return to their homes and advocate for the program at the county, regional, and state level.
• Train as a Counselor in Training for 4-H Memorial Camp - get hands-on training and job interview skills for a future role as a counselor. Grow your leadership skills helping make it a great camp experience for other youth!
• Become 4-H Camp Counselor - guide 4-H campers in their camp adventure as you build your leadership and employment skills and make new friends with youth from across the state!
• Become a Project Assistant at the Illinois State Fair and help keep the judging process running smoothly at our biggest state event!
See if your 4-H club can begin a sister club program with an International 4-H Club, where you can share ideas around the environment while you learn about other cultures and gain skills in presenting to international audiences!
New National organizations, committees, events, and leadership opportunities just for 4-H members present themselves each year!
Apply for a 4-H Youth in Action Award!
This program recognizes four confident young leaders with diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives in our core pillar areas: agriculture, civic engagement, healthy living, and STEM.
Each year, Pillar Winners will experience an exciting year of telling their 4-H story and celebrating their leadership. Winners receive: $5,000 higher education scholarship • Opportunities to showcase their 4-H impact story • All-expenses paid trip to National 4-H Council event • Networking opportunities with 4-H celebrities and other prominent alumni • Recognition as the official 4-H youth spokesperson for their pillar
• Become a National 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador and build your presentation and public-speaking skills as you advocate for Shooting Sports!
• Attend National Shooting Sports Competitions
• Become a National Pollinator Ambassador Pollinator Ambassadors receive special training from National 4-H to promote and protect the work of pollinators
• And more! New National organizations, committees, events, and leadership opportunities just for 4-H members present themselves each year!
my name is
Your voice matters! You are an important resource for your community, not just someday in the future, but right now. Through strengthening your communication, decision-making, goal-setting, and leadership skills, you can learn how to become a strong food advocate while gaining skills in cooking, plant sciences, and more!
Space for a pot: Explore growing a: • Tomato plant
• Pea plants
• Jalapeno Plant
• Pepper plant
• Herbs like chives, basil, dill, oregano, and more!
A vegetable bed: Explore growing: A little bit of everything! Plan out your rows on a separate piece of paper -- what will you grow? Where will it go in the bed?
Illinois 4-H projects let you get hands-on experiences in the areas that interest YOU! To learn more about projects, scan the code or head to:
Use what I grow in our menu plan this week
Donate anything we can't use to the food bank
Ask other gardeners in my neighborhood or club for extra donations
Grow and maintain your garden as you explore the Vegetable Gardening project
Check at school or my other clubs for help gathering top requested items: peanut butter, rice, beans, and canned soup to donate to a local food bank
Learn about soil tests and what nutrients to watch for as you explore the Corn project
Experiment with growing different small grains as you explore the Small Grains project
Scout fields for growing conditions as you explore the Soybeans project
Scan the code to learn more about careers you could explore in food sciences!
• Attend the Ignite by 4-H Super Summit in Washington D.C. to develop the skills and knowledge needed for the challenges facing agriculture, food security, and sustainability. Students will work with each other and experts in the agricultural community in this collaborative, hands-on educational setting
Join the National 4-H Ag Innovators Experience Student Leadership Team to help develop and teach youth across Illinois about important topics related to Food Systems.
Connect with your local and state 4-H staff to find out about new national organizations and committees.
• Present to international audiences as a part of an Ag Innovators Experience
• Take part in an International Food Advocacy SPIN Club
• See if your 4-H club can begin a sister club program with an International 4-H Club - Research how to connect your 4-H club to the Global 4-H Network to share ideas in food advocacy
This program recognizes four confident young leaders with diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives in our core pillar areas: agriculture, civic engagement, healthy living, and STEM.
Each year, Pillar Winners will experience an exciting year of telling their 4-H story and celebrating their leadership. Winners receive: $5,000 higher education scholarship • Opportunities to showcase their 4-H impact story • All-expenses paid trip to National 4-H Council event • Networking opportunities with 4-H celebrities and other prominent alumni • Recognition as the official 4-H youth spokesperson for their pillar
Everyone has leadership skills, and there's no one set of skills that makes a successful leader. Lean into your leadership superpower: what are the special skills that make you YOU that you can build on in your leadership journey? Take this quiz to find out ...
My friends always ask for help with:
A. Fixing their stuff
B. The best way to say something difficult
C. An idea for a project at school
D. If I know someone who ...
This weekend you’ll find me
A. YouTubing a science experiment to try
B. Reading a book
C. Dreaming up a new business idea
D. Hanging with my friends
My favorite subject is ...
A. Math/Science
B. English
C. Art
D. Social Studies
My family would describe me as a ...
A. A careful decision-maker
B. Someone who is always talking and texting
C. A risk-taker
D. A people person
I enjoy ...
A. Working on puzzles
B. Making a plan
C. Thinking of new inventions
D. Having a long talk with a friend
A career I think I’d enjoy:
A. Scientist
B. Social Media Manager
C. Inventor
D. News Reporter
Whatever your leadership style, there's a 4-H state leadership team where you can use these special skills that make you YOU! Scan the code to learn about teen leadership in Illinois 4-H
In 4-H, you don't just join, you are part of a community for life!
Get empowered to be healthy – body and mind – with the skills to make healthy decisions and lead healthy lifestyles. Having the confidence and skills to lead healthy lifestyles not only improves overall well-being; it will help you tackle life’s challenges today and become a leader in your life, community, and future career.
Healthy living is all about balance! Trying out new foods, tastes, and textures to help you find the fuel that makes your body feel the best. Are you ready for our A-Z Tastebud Challenge? Mark the foods you’ve tried. Keep looking out for opportunities to try something new! Scan to find out what youth wish people knew about youth mental health!
A Healthy Living Ambassador is a statewide leadership role that serves as a positive role model for healthy living! Someone who walks the walk and talks the talk about living a healthy lifestyle and is excited to help teach others!
Things you might do as a Healthy Living Ambassador:
Physical health is important, but we know mental health is too.
Your Thoughts Matter is a statewide Special Interest Club that teaches teens definitions of common mental health disorders, the impact of mental health experiences, ways to help others, and resources available in their community.
• Help conduct a program at an afterschool site or community location like a school, YMCA, or other after school organization
• Help staff a table or booth at a healthy living event
Create a Zoom class on a healthy living topic to share
• Explore the Healthy Living spark sheets to learn more about projects
• Explore the Child Development, Cooking, Food Science, Sports Nutrition, Food Preservation or Health Projects
• Join a Special Interest Club
• Participate in local competitions and exhibits
• Become a County Workshop Instructor
• Become a Show Assistant
• Connect with your local 4-H staff to participate in new workshop, committee and event opportunities every year!
Earn Scholarships - earn an educational scholarship for your work in Healthy Living
Earn an Individual Experience Award - earn statewide recognition as you gain new and diverse 4-H experiences Earn an Experience, Excel, or Engage Club Award
Qualify to exhibit at the Illinois State Fair - display your project work in front of thousands of State Fairgoers
• Become a State Healthy Living Ambassador - in this statewide leadership role, you'll serve as a positive role model for healthy living!
• Become a Project Assistant at the Illinois State Fair and help keep the judging process running smoothly at our biggest state event!
Join the Your Thoughts Matter Special Interest Clubjoin other teens across the state for a virtual series that will help you learn to define mental health, how to talk about it with family and friends, and how to help yourself and others
Attend the Ignite by 4-H Super Summit - gather with youth from across the US! The Summit provides the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills to address today’s issues around nutrition education, physical fitness, wellness, and emotional well-being.
And more! New National organizations, committees, events, and leadership opportunities just for 4-H members present themselves each year!
See if your 4-H club can partner with a sister club program with an International 4-H Club to share ideas around healthy living while you learn about other cultures and gain skills in presenting to international audiences!
This program recognizes four confident young leaders with diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives in our core pillar areas: agriculture, civic engagement, healthy living, and STEM.
Each year, Pillar Winners will experience an exciting year of telling their 4-H story and celebrating their leadership. Winners receive: $5,000 higher education scholarship • Opportunities to showcase their 4-H impact story • All-expenses paid trip to National 4-H Council event • Networking opportunities with 4-H celebrities and other prominent alumni • Recognition as the official 4-H youth spokesperson for their pillar
my name is
Learn about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) with fun, hands-on programs. We have proof that youth who take 4-H STEM projects believe science helps solve life's problems. 4-H’ers are twice as likely as other youth to want a career related to science and see science as exciting. Even better... 4-H members are twice as likely to say they're 'good at' science compared to their peers.
If you join the Illinois 4-H Mission Command Team, you'll not only join a competitive, special interest club, you'll also:
• Work with the Illinois STEM Team and University of Illinois Aerospace Engineering Small Satellite Team to help develop and test an Arduino-based satellite called a CubeSat.
• Program specific missions for your CubeSat to perform while in orbit.
• Attend a live-streaming launch event in which 10 individuals will represent the team and facilitate the live event from the launch site.
• Become a more critical thinker, creative problem-solver, and intelligent decision-maker.
Learn more about Space Force and walk through the launching, deploying, and monitoring of a satellite!
Here are some things you can do in 4-H to build your STEM leadership skills!
Explore the STEM spark sheets
Complete a STEM project
Get your parent's permission to head to the local library to view the video games you can check out. Make a wish list of what you'd like to play.
Attend a STEM workshop or visit a STEM special interest club
Ask an adult if you can help tune up your lawn mower or another small appliance
Volunteer to host a STEM workshop or exhibition at a local school
Check with your local Extension office to look for an experience to pilot a drone!
Explore the Pathway on pages 62 & 63 and make a wishlist of experiences you'd like to take part in at the county, state, and national level!
Take the STEM Challenge and use the QR code to learn about Rube Goldberg machines ~ create one of your own!
Give a demonstration on what you learned to your club
Are you ready for a mission that’s
Illinois 4-H projects let you get hands-on experiences in the areas that interest YOU! To learn more about projects, scan the code or head to:
weldingasyouexplorethe Weldingproject Discoverjoining,clamping,and connectingtechniquesasyou exploretheWoodworking project
gamesPlaysocialandcompetitive memberswith/againstotherclub andteamsandmoreas youexploretheeSportsproject
Tackle real world missions and tasks that test your abilities as a pilot as you explore the Drones project
• Build a straw and balloon rocket as you explore the Aerospace project
• Fix a flat tire on a bicycle as you explore the Bicycle project
• Demonstrate the basics of Python programming as you explore the Computer Science project
• Build and test circuits, measure voltage, and read circuit diagrams as you explore the Electricity project
• Create an engineering design challenge and build a robot to meet the challenge and more as you explore the Robotics project
• Be able to clean a carburetor and understand carburation as you explore the Small Engines project
• Identify different fuels and oil systems as you explore the Tractor project
• Understand and apply the steps of the Engineering Design Process as you explore the Maker project
• Explore a STEM Spark Sheet
• Explore the Aerospace, Bicycles, Computer Science, Electricity, Robotics, Small Engines, Maker, eSports, or Drones Projects
• Join a County/Unit 4-H Technology Team
• Join a STEM Special Interest Club
• Attend a local STEM workshop
• Participate in local competitions and exhibits
• Become a County Workshop Instructor
• Become a Project Show Assistant for STEM project areas
• Connect with your local 4-H staff to participate in new workshop, committee and event opportunities every year!
State 2
Join the Mission Command SPIN Club - plan, lead, and execute real space missions
• Earn a Scholarship - earn an educational scholarship for your work in STEM
• Earn an Individual Experience Award - earn statewide recognition as you gain new and diverse 4-H experiences
• Earn an Illinois 4-H Electricity Achievement Awardthis award recognizes 4-H members who excel in the electricity project
• Qualify to exhibit at the Illinois State Fairdisplay your project work in front of thousands of State Fairgoers
• Earn an Experience, Excel, or Engage Club Award
• State Robotics Competition - This statewide event is an opportunity for you to compete at the state level as you demonstrate your learning, celebrate your accomplishments, and interact with teams from across the state
Compete at the eSports competition during the STEAM Expo at the Illinois State Fair Compete in drone racing during the STEAM Expo at the Illinois State Fair
Become a Project Assistant at the Illinois State Fair and help keep the judging process running smoothly at our biggest state event!
Join the Robotics Game Design Committee and help design the statewide Robotics Competition
• Attend the Ignite by 4-H Super Summit - learn technical skills, participate in hands-on activities, workshops, and engage with nationally-recognized leaders as well as other youth from across the country
• Participate in a Go For Launch event - get immersed in space curriculum, career pathway training, and learning workshops focused on coding, mechanical engineering, and astronomy
• Participate in the 4-H STEM Challenge - this annual nationwide initiative is meant to inspire kids everywhere to take an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math through hands-on learning activities you can do wherever you are
• Travel to National STEM events with the Mission Control Team!
• And more! New National organizations, committees, events, and leadership opportunities just for 4-H members present themselves each year!
• Qualify for the FIRST World Championship and show your robotics team's skills on a global stage
• See if your club can partner with a sister club in International 4-H where you can share ideas in STEM while you learn about other cultures and gain skills in presenting to international audiences!
This program recognizes four confident young leaders with diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives in our core pillar areas: agriculture, civic engagement, healthy living, and STEM.
Each year, Pillar Winners will experience an exciting year of telling their 4-H story and celebrating their leadership. Winners receive: $5,000 higher education scholarship • Opportunities to showcase their 4-H impact story • All-expenses paid trip to National 4-H Council event • Networking opportunities with 4-H celebrities and other prominent alumni • Recognition as the official 4-H youth spokesperson for their pillar
your interests and learn by doing in Illinois’ largest out-of-school youth organization!
Who can join 4-H?
4-H is the place for all Illinois kids and teens ages 5-18 where you belong and are part of the community!
What is 4-H?
Illinois 4-H is the largest out-of-school youth organization in Illinois, where you “learn by doing” with fun, hands-on activities that teach skills you can use now and in the future!
In 4-H, you get to be you! We welcome everyone from all backgrounds, with all interests, wherever you live. We'll help you learn more about the things you like to do. We'll provide opportunities for you to meet mentors and kids who share your interests. Travel to exciting new places. Check out careers. Explore the world around you while you build up the community where you live.
Where are 4-H clubs and programs? There are 4-H clubs and programs in all 102 counties in Illinois! There are also experiences like online workshops, virtual special interest clubs, and more!
Why 4-H?
In 4-H, you learn about what interests you! Thinking about your future? 4-H also helps build awareness of careers and skills needed to excel in those careers.
All that and more awaits you in Illinois 4-H. Scan the code to tell us a little bit more about your interests in the form below and someone from your local Extension Office will reach out to connect you with next steps to register and find the 4-H experience that's right for you!
Or head to
¿Tiene preguntas sobre esta guía o de los programas de 4-H? Envíenos un correo electrónico a 4HENESPANOL@ILLINOIS.EDU