ILM’s website team is amazing!! Please let us know if you have any questions or how we could Also in the Self Study section, assist you. there is a worldwide monthly For the August ILM Newsletter focus page for those who would In Loving Service, you are now able to order a like to read longer excerpts from ILM’s Website Team magazine quality hardcopy Jim and Brian’s recent talks. printout by clicking on the icon! We truly hope you are enjoying
Volume 28 – No. 2 | August 2016
your online experience with both the ILM Worldwide Newsletter On the ILM Website you can and nagivating the ILM website. TABLE OF CONTENTS watch recordings of the Live A Word From Jim Gordon ............. 2 Video Broadcasts from Jim A Word From Brian Yeakey ........... 6 and Brian’s Austin classes on A Word From Kelsie Mc Sherry ... 9 the Video Streaming page. A Word From Steven McAfee ....... 11 The Audio Streaming page has Q&A With Jim And Brian................. 13 ILM Ministers .......................................... 15 expanded to include all the Core Tenets ............................................ 18 audios from present back to Texas Retreat Review ........................ 19 2007. The Initiates Only section Events ....................................................... 20 has both audio and video now... Web Stuff ................................................ 23 and ILM’s Audio Library is on New ILM Technology.......................... 24 iTunes Podcasts!! About ILM ............................................... 25
JIM GORDON Jim Gordon is President and Founder of Inner Light Ministries. Jim has served as ILM’s spiritual teacher for many years, and as an anchor point for sharing the Path of Sound and Light through ILM, his teachings have created the foundation of ILM’s focus in the world. He now supports Brian Yeakey as the spiritual teacher for ILM.
Well, so you’ve been doing LAF at this retreat; learning more about how to apply it, how to live it, what it really is in a disciple’s life, but let me share with you how long this has been a part of this action of Sound and Light. Because truly Loving, Accepting, and Forgiving are the tools of the Spiritual Teacher and of a spiritual disciple. They are the means by which the soul can get free. It’s the means by which we break the chains free that hold us in this creation. It’s the key, the Sacred Name, that unlocks the door of the prison. It’s only in using these simple tools that the soul can truly free itself from this creation. Jesus made it very clear in a very simple prayer, the Lord’s Prayer. He laid it all out in simple statements. And I would suspect if we really went back to the time when Jesus was teaching, and knew the Hebrew and the Aramaic, in which he taught, and we looked at the words of the Lord’s Prayer that he said, we would gain even greater insight into what it was he was telling his disciples about these same principles, about these same tools of actions the disciple is to take. In the beginning he lays out that the Sacred Name is everything. “Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.” So he says, “Of everything I share with you, everything that I give to you, everything I direct you to do, the first and foremost is the Sacred Name. For the Sacred Name is everything. The Sacred Name is God eternal. The Sacred Name is your soul. The Sacred Name is the key by which to free the soul to return back to the Father from which it came.” So right there, in just a very few words, he laid it all out very, very clearly. So as you move forward into that prayer, first it’s, “Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.” The second phrase, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” Right there he’s directing us to accept things just as they are; to accept that it’s God’s will that is going before us bringing us into experience, giving us awareness, and to liberate the soul. It’s God’s will, not ours. Thy will be done. “And let it be done on
FORGIVENESS IS THE POWER SOURCE; IT’S THE POWER BY WHICH EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING GETS FREED. earth, in my physical creation, and in Spirit; my soul.” And right there in all of that is a key phrase: acceptance. Accept things just as they are so that truly you can have the experience in this moment of what’s really happening, and glean the truth of what is really happening for yourself, and to learn whatever lessons there are, and to complete whatever actions are incomplete, and to step away from those things that are complete, and to continue moving with those things that are yet to be done. So right there, in two little statements, we have been given a great format by which to live our lives, and ever keeping that Sacred Name before all things. Just as Brian shared, “the greatest thing you can experience, in an out of body experience, is to hear your own soul chanting the Sacred Name,” because the soul knows that is it’s power, that is it’s means by which to liberate itself. And believe me, once you’ve been initiated, your soul is ever chanting that Name whether you’re conscious of it or not. But it’s wonderful to actually get out of body and to really be in your soul, and to hear your soul chanting that Sacred Name to get free and to go Home. And then the third phrase, in the Lord’s Prayer, in which Jesus laid out for his disciples the tools by which to liberate the soul, again, is very simple. “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Forgive. Forgiveness is the power source; it’s the power by which everything, everything gets freed. Without forgiveness we go up just so high, because those
things that we hold judgment on, that we hold fear on, that we hold blame; those things are the anchors, the chains, that bind us into this creation and hold us here. And it is forgiveness that cuts it away; that frees the soul from the bondage of this world. The energy of fear is stronger than any chain that can be placed on your ankle or on your wrist. That cord of fear is very hard to truly sever. It would be easier to pull a group of chains free than it is, sometimes, to free yourself of the fear. But if you can go in, and with the power of forgiveness, forgive the source of the fear – which is often ourselves – the fear can’t stand, the fear cannot remain. The fear dissolves and it’s gone. And then you are free. So it is through the power of forgiveness; the forgiveness of yourself first, the forgiveness of others, and even the forgiveness of God that frees us. And yes, you’ve placed judgments against God. Even if you would like to say, “No I haven’t, I really haven’t”, you have; whether it be in this lifetime or another. And so you also want to forgive that action with God. The easiest way to have that forgiven – and the easiest way, really, for all of it to be forgiven, is to chant the Sacred Name and to allow God’s will into your life. Thy will be done. And then when something in your life doesn’t go quite the way you thought it should, or could, or what you were asking for, stop for a moment and say, “Thy will be done.” If you keep intoning that, and you keep working this action of Loving, Accepting, and Forgiving in your life you’re going to find great freedom in yourself, in the world, and in Spirit. And you’ll find that there will not be those anchors in the world that can hold you in bondage anymore. Truly you will be free; even while in the body. And that’s important to know. This Pathway isn’t a pathway of “wait” and “see”; “wait” until the day you die and find out if it really “worked”; “wait” until the day you die and see if your prayers
really get “answered”. This is a pathway of experience. This is a pathway of taking action, consciously. And in taking action consciously, and putting forth Loving before all things, you are going to see the freedoms come forward; you are going to feel and know that liberation action within yourself. And it will be automatic. It will truly be automatic. After a while you will not have to think about forgiving yourself for something you just said, or something that other people have put upon you. It will just be forgiven, because you will stand in a place of neutrality. And the neutrality that I’m talking about is that place of Loving; that pure Loving of Spirit that you are becoming. And in neutrality, the things that you put out that are of a negative nature, either to yourself or to others, just drop to the floor because there’s no place for it to grab a hold and continue to live in your consciousness. And when people try to put a chain upon you, to hold you in their bondage, it just slips right off. It will just slip right off, or not even be able to connect with you at all, because you stand in that Loving. And in Loving there is only Loving. Now that which is Loving, from another person, or coming from God, or from yourself with yourself, that will activate even more Loving in you – you will feel it, you will know it, and you will move with it. So, as an initiate, doing the Sacred Name, and doing the meditation, doing the LAF, taking responsibility for your thoughts and your feelings, your actions and your reactions, you are liberating your soul. That’s a lot to do, and yet it’s very little. You can do so much in just the time that you meditate everyday if you really give it focus, if you give it attention, if you really participate with it. How many times do you sit in meditation and let the mind take over? “No, no, no, let’s think about this today. Let’s wander and daydream over here. Let’s worry, and fret,
and try to figure things out over there. Why the hell did I say what I just said yesterday? Now I’ve got to go back and see how I can fix it!” Just tell the mind goodbye for right now, “We’re not doing that. We’re here just loving God. We’re here to just live in the flow of the Loving and to be present, in this moment, with God. Be here now! Be still and know that I Am.” That’s the key to all of this action: to be present in the moment. And when you say something, really say it with Loving, with authority, with true knowing that this is something meaningful and powerful for you, that you’re participating in. Don’t just say to yourself, “Oh, I love myself. I’m really a fine person.” Say it in truth. Say it with knowing. And if you don’t really believe it, keep saying it until you do. Because these statements have to live in you in order to have the authority that they really can carry to liberate the soul from this creation. You have the authority; that Sacred Name. That gives you the power over all this creation. It gives you the authority to walk through the darkest places in creation, and to carry forth the light as you walk through there. It gives you the authority to be still, and in that stillness to come awake into the knowing of God. Believe me, nowhere in the physical creation is there a place of stillness. There isn’t. There is chaos. There are ever things in motion, in action and reaction. That’s how this creation came into being, and it only stays in existence as long as chaos is in motion. The only place that we can have stillness is inside of ourselves. Be still, go within, wake up, know the truth, love the Lord, speak the Name inside. And the tools that we’ve given you – the Loving, accepting and forgiving – are the tools by which we do wake up, we do get free, and we do liberate the soul. Believe me, we would give you a lot of other things if a lot of other
things worked better than all of this. But these are the same tools that have been handed down century upon century, lifetime upon lifetime; the very same tools, maybe presented in different phrases, different ways, but the very same tools. They’ve worked for me, they’ve worked for Brian, they’ve worked for others, and they are tools that will work for you. The key is doing it daily. I have done Loving, accepting and forgiving all of my life, as long as I can remember. I remember sitting, at the age of twelve, in my brother’s bedroom. He had come back home after getting a divorce. He was living there, at the house, and we were talking and he was asking me questions about things. And I kept telling him he needed to forgive his wife, he needed to forgive himself for the things he did and for stirring up what he did while she was stirring up what she was doing. And my brother just thought I was absolutely crazy. He said if he were to forgive her he would have to like her again, and he didn’t want to like her, let alone love her. And so he wasn’t going to forgive her because he didn’t want to go there. And I said, “Where you’re going to go, by not forgiving, is much worse.” Ten years later he came back to me. Not exactly ten, but within a time period of about ten years, he came back to me and he said, “All right, I’ve lived in hell long enough. How do I get out of it?” And we talked about forgiveness. And he did it, and in a very short time he was getting free, and he knew it. He could feel it. And he knew it because he could even see the reaction of other people around him responding to him and his energy in different ways, including his ex-wife. So whether you’re an initiate or not, this works. But as an initiate it truly works in a Divine way, because it is Thy will be done. Isn’t that what you really truly want? God’s will to be done. “Well,
I don’t know. I don’t know what God’s will really is. He’s never told me.” Yes He, has! He’s stated it very clearly for all of us to hear and to know. “Come Home. Just come Home as you are. I accept you just as you are right now.” Isn’t that what the story of the prodigal son is all about? “Stop going out and trying to be something you don’t have to be. Stop going out and trying to correct what you feel you’ve done wrong. Just turn around and come Home. I accept you just as you are. I love you just as you are. Just come Home. That’s my will.” And you stand there going, “No, not yet. You don’t understand. You just don’t understand me. You’ve got to understand me. Listen, here’s what’s really going on.” And God just goes, “Okay, do it thy way then, but know that I’m here for you.” God’s will is for you to come Home. That’s it. Just come Home. And the way Home is going in God, going in meditation and living that sacred path. So the things you’ve been learning this weekend are the tools by which to do just this: to love yourself just as you are, to love others just as they are, to accept yourself just as you are, to accept others just as they are, to forgive yourself for you hold judgments against yourself where you don’t love yourself or accept yourself, and to forgive others in those areas where you hold judgment against them, and accept them just as they are. Thy will be done. The God in you is wanting Its will to be done. And God’s will is to live the Loving fully. God’s will is that you know that place of silence inside yourself, and to discover in the middle of that silence the Sacred Name and the power of the Sound and the Light, and to wake up and be liberated, and come Home. Come Home.
BRIAN YEAKEY Brian Yeakey is the Vice President and Spiritual Director of Inner Light Ministries and an ordained ILM Minister. As the Spiritual Director, Brian is responsible for ILM’s overall Mission and Purpose, as well as overseeing ILM’s Ministerial Program.
(FROM THE TALK AT THE LAF WORKSHOP – 06/05/2016) Accepting Responsibility. Are you doing it? Well, that’s what everybody does, right? Turn your nose up, flip the finger, whatever it is, called reaction. So realize there really is a process and that’s how it is in life, here. We’ve been conditioned to shut down and resist, so any time we’re, in a sense, called forward to be responsible, our first initial response is reaction. The problem is we judge the reaction and make it wrong. There’s nothing wrong with reaction, it’s just an automatic response that is programed into the human condition. So part of accepting responsibility is also accepting our reactions. And there’s a process that’s important to understand how this all works if you want that spiritual flow to really open up in your consciousness. I really love how Kelsie started with accepting God’s Loving, accepting responsibility for God’s Loving, and accepting also is receiving that Loving, because that’s really what we’re doing here. So it was really great how Kelsie started that. That’s the real truth of what we’re doing in accepting responsibility. That’s really where we’re going towards in climbing the mountain to get into receiving God’s Loving. And in order to do that, if you understand it’s a stairway to heaven, it’s the stepping stones, climbing that inner mountain, that I was talking about, well that inner mountain inside of ourselves starts right at the physical base. Right even at the chakra system; and you go on up to the imagination, the emotions, the mind, the unconscious mind, and to Soul and Spirit, all even the major chakra centers – that’s climbing the inner mountain, the inner kingdom. And there’s that process to getting to the very top of the mountain to accept or receive God’s Loving, but we’ve got to move in to accept that responsibility in Loving through all these levels. The challenge is that accepting or receiving God’s Loving through all the lower levels is where all the doors are closed; that’s where our resistance is; that’s where our judgments and our fears are. That’s where it’s challenging to accept responsibility, or really, I’m going to keep sharing what Kelsie said, accepting God’s Loving, accepting responsibility for God’s Loving, receiving God’s Loving. When we can begin to accept responsibility in
all these other levels, where all the doors are closed, well, when we can open the door we’re going to get God’s Loving, we’re going to finally receive it. But in order to do that, we’ve got to now go in to accept responsibility for our reactions. And what are our reactions? Well, we all have that; most of them we’d probably call emotional. But even our emotional reactions come out of some mental belief system. And then out of all that, even creates all of our fantasies and our imagination, and out of that comes our physical experience. And so a lot of our experience here is one of, in a sense, I like to say “ricocheting”. That movement of Loving ricochets off all the closed doors, off all of our reactions, off the mind, the emotions, the imagination and the body. That’s why it’s so challenging. In a sense, it’s not just a simple straight and narrow pathway, even though it’s called the straight and narrow, it’s really this ricochet effect that we’ve got to, in a sense, move our way through. And after eons of time of us living that way, it’s called…Have you ever heard of the Gordian knot? Jim created that (laughter). The Gordian knot is that symbology of all these reactions, all these entanglements we’ve created in our journey through this world of time and space. It’s a mess, it’s a big ball of yarn that’s all just tangled up. Those are all of our karma’s, those are all the inner weavings of all our thoughts and feelings, and actions and reactions that we’ve created out of our loving. That’s our loving that is all tied up in a big knot, and in a way we’re unraveling that. Part of the unravelling though, is also just what’s known as the sword of truth, where you just cut right on through it. And the cutting through that, it just releases all those entanglements. That’s why you hear me talk so much about being open, honest, and vulnerable; the truth will set you free. Or, as we know it, the truth will “upset” you
free. Because you get upset first. But if you can understand your reaction “upset-ness” is your first cue, or clue, of where the door is closed; and if you realize that all reaction is actually a blessing, letting you know where a door is closed in your consciousness, all you have to do is go
ALL WE’RE DOING IN ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY IS OPENING DOORS TO ALLOW OURSELVES TO COME BACK INTO ALIGNMENT WITH THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW CENTERED PATHWAY. inside there and open that door. All you have to do is go in and open that door. And how do you open the door? Accept responsibility! Accept responsibility for your reactions; accept responsibility for the actions you took that even created that. Accept responsibility for your thoughts and feelings. What are you so upset about? What are you afraid of? Everything in this creation is based upon fear. Fear is the foundation of this creation. Love is the foundation of Spirit. Fear is the foundation of time and space. That void, that darkness, is all fear. Everything is reflected through the fear here. But everything that is reflected in this world is based upon our own loving creativity that we’ve put into motion, and that motion is moved through our thoughts. We’ve created these belief systems. We’ve created all these thoughts, and then we’ve created all the feelings, and then the fantasies, and the physical experiences. We’ve created those all through our loving. Our loving is Loving; it is neither positive or negative. But yet it’s our loving creativity that created both the positive and the negative. We created it all. So we’ve got to accept responsibility that we are creators, and we’ve created all of our experience, we’ve
created all of our thoughts, all of our feelings, all of our fantasies, and all of our physical experiences. We have created all of that. So when we can accept responsibility for all that we’ve created, that’s what opens the doors, because the doors open in. You’ve heard this before, “The doors open in,” not just here at the seat of the soul, but every level the doors open in. That’s why we say; in and up. All we’ve done is come down from Spirit into this creation, projected out – down and out, down and out, down and out, down and out, through every level, through every chakra, and down and out. We’ve expressed our loving into this world, both positive and negative. In this world positive and negative, they balance each other. But when we’re caught up in the positive and negative, believe it or not, we’re in balance. But it keeps us always trying to keep that in balance, positive and negative, that keeps us swinging back and forth between the two, ever fighting or flighting, ever trying to keep the balance and missing that centered neutral way. And that’s the game here. That swinging back and forth is what keeps us distracted from our center where that neutrality is, where that unconditional Loving is. So all we’re doing in accepting responsibility is opening doors to allow ourselves to come back into the alignment with that straight and narrow centered pathway, rather than the ricocheting back and forth. The ricocheting is like the pendulum. The ricocheting is positive, negative, positive, negative, positive, negative, positive, negative, positive, negative, back and forth, back and forth. Because we’ve closed the doors to that centered place of neutrality! So it bounces, missing because that door’s not open; so all it is, is back and forth. So at some point we’ve got to now go in there and open those doors that we’ve closed so that now all that we’ve created,
of that bouncing back and forth, creating that Gordian knot, can now start to come back to its creator. And when we accept responsibility, that which we put into creation now comes back to its source, which is us. And as soon as it comes into that Loving, well, we don’t call it an illusion for nothing – everything here is an illusion, everything. So as we now accept responsibility and open the door, and we pull all our illusions back to ourselves, as soon as they come into contact with the Loving they literally dissolve, down to our last breath where the body is gone and done. Every thought – some of you have had the experiences and you’ve heard me talk about this over the years, where it’s literally like a cloud, but it looks so real, and then all of a sudden you just fly right through it, or it disperses right before your eyes and dissolves, because that’s the illusion or the reflection we’ve created. And as soon as it comes back, because we’re now reclaiming, we’re accepting responsibility for our projections, as soon as it comes back into our energy field of loving, well Loving neutralizes, Loving forgives, Loving releases those attachments, Loving cuts through all the entanglements. Or, if it’s a lesson that needs to be untangled one string at a time – because in untangling that, we’re going to learn from that – well then, that’s what Loving assists us in doing, is untangling it. And other times Loving just cuts right through it, that sword of truth or the truth will set you free – being open, honest, and vulnerable with yourself, let alone other people, but with yourself especially. So that’s the key to all of this. It’s literally as simple as accepting responsibility.
KELSIE MC SHERRY Kelsie Mc Sherry is ILM’s Executive Administrator, an ILM ordained minister, and the Hawaii Area Coordinator. Kelsie creates, coordinates, and facilitates ILM classes, workshops, and retreats using ILM’s teachings and practices.
I love me with God. What does this mean? I have wanted to love myself fully, unconditionally, for as long as I can remember. I always knew that if I could just love myself, then I would be happy. But “something” always fell short. Loving me would last for a moment and then a thought would come to mind, usually something negative that would pull me away from my center, of loving myself. Or a feeling, an emotion, would come in, again, pulling me down into my emotions and I’d lose myself to the emotions, and then loving for myself would vanish in an instant. This has happened over and over again to the point where I gave up and decided to just focus on doing the meditation and chanting the Sacred Name, and LAF. I gave up on trying to figure out how to love myself. One day, however, in doing the action of LAF, I brought God’s Loving into me and I experienced my loving for me, with God’s Loving. Here’s the story, “up close and extremely personal”. In my daily LAF work, and looking at my “dark stuff”, I have become aware that I have been living in an unconscious pattern of self-abuse. I abuse myself by feeling guilty and ashamed, and being afraid by thinking I have to make everyone feel better, or fix “it”, so that they are happy. I give my power away to others by worrying about them and their feelings, and putting myself last, …and so then I abuse myself by doing for others when it’s not an action of honoring me. I do this because there’s a part of me that believes that this is love and this is how to give love in order to be loved: do for everyone else, regardless of what I want or feel, and then things will be okay and I won’t have to be afraid, and then they’ll love me. If I stand up for myself, I believe I won’t be loved. It doesn’t matter what anyone is saying to me, my abuse belief is: I have their attention so therefore I have their love. As hard as it’s been, I’ve had to own all of this as my “stuff”. There is no one in my life I can blame for my self-abuse. What has been revealed to me is that it is in myself where I feed it. I feed it by being a victim: by feeling guilty, ashamed and afraid of being alone and unloved. It’s a deep dark hole I’ve put myself in, and I’ve had to climb my way out of it. In that climb out of my hole, I realized that if I try to love myself alone, I only fall back into the hole, into the pattern of self-abuse; feeling not good enough (ashamed), unlovable,
wrong (guilty), and riddled with fear. But something wonderful happened. I got angry! I said to Jim and Brian one evening, “I hate the illusion of romance in this creation! I hate the imagination, the emotions, the mind, and the unconscious! I hate the world and the pain it causes! I hate it all! I am so sick of it, so sick of the pain and the separation I feel inside!” And Jim and Brian said, “Seek a relationship with God. That’s the only relationship you really want and really need. That’s the only true relationship.” So I went home and cried, and prayed to God saying, “I want a true relationship with you, Lord.” I asked God to help me find that place inside myself that is my centeredness in Loving. When I woke up the next morning I began meditating and chanting the Name. After a short time, I stopped chanting the Name because inside I knew I needed to forgive myself for hating the world and my imagination, emotions, mind and unconscious. So, I forgave myself for hating it all. Then I began accepting the world as the world is – pain and separation. In accepting the world the way it is, I was at peace. Finally, I shared my loving, from the seat of the soul, to all of the world, for which I have hated. And again, something very wonderful happened…I remembered what Jim and Brian had said to me the evening before, “Seek a relationship with God. That’s the only relationship you really want and really need. That’s the only true relationship.” In remembering this, I invited God’s Loving into me, into all the parts of me that I have hated and didn’t feel loved, and as I focused at the seat of the soul on God, I said these words and did these actions within, “To the physical, I bring Spirit,” and then I allowed God’s Loving to come into my physical body. “To the imagination and emotions, I bring Spirit,” and then I allowed God’s Loving to come into my imagination and emotions. “To the mind and unconscious mind, I bring Spirit,” and
then I allowed God’s Loving to come into my mind and unconscious mind. “To soul, I bring Spirit,” and then I allowed God’s Loving to come into my soul, at the seat of the soul, within me. “To Spirit, I bring Spirit,” and then when I looked up into Spirit, all there was was Spirit. And I felt completely and wholly (holy) in God’s Loving with me, all of me. I experienced that place within where I was fully loving me, because I had consciously asked God to come forth and Love every part of me, of my consciousness, and God’s Loving brought me into a place where I could actually love myself beyond all that has kept me in separation (the physical, imagination, emotions, mind & unconscious). And I realized, I wasn’t loving me all by myself, alone. I was loving me with God. And it was loving myself with God that brought me into experiencing loving myself fully. As I came out of the experience I was restored. I wasn’t hating the world, or all the lower levels of self. I was loving me with God, a union I have sought my entire life. I experienced a moment of what it means to love myself...but I can’t do it alone. I need God. I need to be in relationship with God to love myself fully; to love myself…with God!” Now I know why Jim and Brian always say to me, “You are not alone.” I am not alone because God is with me when I invite God into me, and consciously being with God I can experience loving myself fully in union with God. What I have learned, is that it all happens…with God. I am not alone. I am with God. And loving me with God keeps me in that union within. Then I am no longer in separation with God, and in that union with God I can now begin to live in this physical creation free from the illusion of separation and pain. By daily bringing God into me I am developing a true relationship with God, and it is all about Loving; loving all the parts and aspects of myself with God…and then there’s just Loving, and there I am...with God.
STEVEN MCAFEE Steven McAfee is ILM’s Midwest Administrator and Area Coordinator, and an ordained ILM Minister. Steven creates and facilitates the Midwest ILM retreats, monthly workshops, and weekly classes. He also provides information about questions regarding ILM’s initiation process and its teachings.
Being An Initiate What does it mean to be an initiate? Many of you reading this are already initiates in ILM, but there are many of you who are not. As a long time initiate, I would like to share my experience with you. First, for those of you who are wondering, if it is possible to have your own inner spiritual experiences without being initiated, I can tell you that I certainly did. I have been practicing one form of meditation or other since I was sixteen years old (and that was a long time ago!). I have had my share of experiences, some very quiet and subtle, others quite dramatic. Over the years, I have had experiences - some in meditations and many in the dream state - of profound insights, of beautiful music, of other lives, of other realms of existence, of teachers, and schools on higher levels. I knew and felt the Presence of God within me before I was ever initiated; in fact, it was that very knowing that led me to seek initiation. I wanted more. I wanted to know the fullness. I wanted a more direct knowing of God, and I wanted more of the loving I felt in those experiences, not just a taste of it once in a while. I believed initiation could provide this, and so I choose, as the next step on my journey homeward, to be initiated. Second, does initiation automatically grant you immediate enlightenment and awesome spiritual experiences? Maybe for some, but it didn’t for me. Does it bring you riches, or spare you from suffering and give you an easy life in the world? Well, not so far. Does it make you suddenly a different person – fearless, all-knowing, and always serene? Uh…no (Do I look fearless to you?). So, what does initiation do? What it did for me was give me a powerful tool I could use every day – in my meditations, in my dreams, and in my waking life; a tool that helps me recognize and stay focused on the movement of Loving within me, which is God expressing through me. It helped me to awaken to the reality, not merely the belief, that I am the “Living Loving Essence of
God.” It has given me a different way of looking at the world and at myself in a way that enables me to engage the world more fully, even while being less attached to it. Initiation is helping me see through some of my long-held illusions, which were causing me limitation and suffering. It is helping me overcome my reluctance to confront that in my life which needs confronting, gradually letting go of my need for the approval of others to feel good about myself. And it is helping me to accept the nature of the world as it is, without pretending it is something else, and without the internal pressure to make it conform to what I want it to be. Initiation is a tool for freeing the love within me. It is my allowing the Loving in me to have more dominion in my consciousness. That, in turn, is creating the greater expansiveness, awareness, gratitude, and joy I am discovering in my life. So, after years of seeking God before initiation, and years after being initiated, what can I say? Have I finally found God? As strange as it may seem to say it, yes, I have. Does my soul know God? It does. And it is beyond all I have ever imagined. All this being true, am I now always at peace and completely awakened? No. To stand in the presence of God changes one. Inexpressibly, irrevocably, indelibly – it changes one. Yet, there
is always more: more to know, more to be. And life still does what it has always done – change. Bodies, relationship, careers, finances…everything changes; and not all changes come easily for me. There are still many things my mind does not grasp, cannot grasp, and yet longs to grasp. I live with the knowing of my soul in the midst of my mind’s unknowing. There is still the daily focusing and re-focusing inward and upward on God. There are still the daily duties of life in the world to be handled; the daily letting go of whatever is getting between God and me. There is still the daily arising of the fears, reactions, and illusions that are part of life in a human form; and the daily choice to put Loving first in all I do. I am still me. Life is still life. God is still God – but now I know God is in it all, is in me, is at the core of every experience; which is to say Loving is the living heart of all that is, and I am part of that. I embrace it. I am it. That is what living my initiation is doing for me. I cannot say what is yet to come, but I know that Loving will lead me where I need to go, and I will follow. That is what I have learned. Within, beyond, and above all else: this is a Pathway of Loving. And, in the end, Loving is all that matters.
The longer we meditate, the more s p a c e we give ourselves to awaken .
- Brian Yeakey
Q I run all this harsh judgment on myself, all this
denial of stuff: deny it or “do it” so I don’t deny it. I’m trying to find a way to own it and just acknowledge it and let go of another layer of it, and move it…because I’m tired of it! I’m trying to find the balance in it all.
A (Brian) I’m going to tell you a little secret
right now, because of what you’re bringing up and the process with the last question. Do you know what Jim and I are really doing? We’re just here to sit here and go through the same thing over and over with people until their karmas done. That’s it. Once you get initiated, God’s grace is carrying you no matter how much you resist or struggle. Well, that resistance and struggle is the same thing over and over trying to work itself out. And the more you can avail yourself to that Grace, you’re going to get liberated. That’s all it is. The more you can avail yourself to the Grace, you’re going to get liberated, it’s just a matter of time. So in all of our conversations it is just a way to make the opportunity there for people to open up, and ask to allow the Grace to come in and help them to get free of it. I don’t care how many times we do this, because I know, just because you’re participating, at some point you’re going to get free and then it’ll be done. I did the same thing you guys are doing, right up to the end of 1999, December 26th. I can tell you the day. The day after Christmas, that morning, I was running the same stuff. And then that day, it was done. And that’s all we have to do – we’re going to do that “around and around and around we go”, not even realizing that you’re working through all your karmas, even though you’re judging yourself and being harsh, and you’re thinking you’re “doing it wrong” and “it’s so hard” – I did the same thing. But nonetheless, you’re showing up, you’re meditating, you’re doing the inner work – at least attempting to. And in that, guess what? You’re actually getting freer and freer, step by step. And at some point, all of a
sudden, you’re going to be liberated. I don’t even know why it was the day it was for me. I have no idea why! I was in the thick of the karma working through it in relationship and then all of a sudden Spirit shows me, “You’re done!” “I am? I’m right in the middle of it! I thought I was going to get married and have kids!” “Nope! You’re done!” “Oh, okay!?” Well, luckily Spirit laid out the very next step right in the same experience, and I’m doing that to this day. Each of us are on a similar journey. We’re going to keep on going through whatever the karma is, and at some point it’s just going to be done and we won’t even know why it happened, when it happened, or why, or whatever. That’s why you see me all the time, just like now in the Q&A today, encouraging people to participate, follow those desires, involve yourself, engage, because in your engagement you’re going to get the karma done. And that’s all we have to do. It’s so funny though, when we’re still caught up in the karma we’re always going to have that negative bent where we judge ourselves and are harsh on ourselves, like you said. It’s just the way of the world. The only time I’ve seen a change is when we finally get to the place where we give up; I mean really give up, and Spirit turns us around. Then we literally see the light full-on, and then our consciousness is transformed, and then it’s no longer that type of harshness. There’s still the harshness of the world, but we’re no longer harsh on ourselves. I’m not harsh on myself like I use to be. I still have challenges; I’m tired, but I’m not harsh on myself like I use to be. I’m harsh on you instead (laughter). But really, even when I’m doing that, it’s just to reflect back what’s running in the consciousness, because at some point we have to see what we’re running inside of ourselves. Then when we have the clarity of what that is, then we go, “Oh my God, I see what I’m doing to myself, and so now in that clarity, I see I have other options.” That’s all we’re doing.
Round and round we go! Jim talked about the spiritual pathway as the spiral; that spiraling action of coming out of the Heart of God and down into here (the physical creation). We’re on that spiral on the way back. So in that spiraling we’re going through the karmas, over and over, but always as we do we’re going higher and higher through all the other levels of it, until we are finally done and now we’ve risen fully above it. And so that’s what we’re doing here. That’s why a lot of the same questions, the same process, and really there’s no reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed. I really mean that. I really mean that, even if it looks like I’m frustrated or angry, again, I’m only trying to do that to reflect back, hoping it’ll stir something inside to finally shake it loose. Because that’s all I care about: supporting each soul on it’s journey, to be shaken loose and get it’s freedom.
I know it’s just a matter of time, and it doesn’t matter to me the process. It’ll be energetic and dramatic, or it’ll be soft and quiet. It’s going to be all of that, because that’s what we’re going to go through as a soul, is all of that; from the peaceful and still, to the dramatic and violent. That’s all a part of the the soul’s journey. We just have to be willing to embrace it all, to accept it all, to love it all, and let ourselves keep going along that spiral, realizing that the Grace of God is carrying us through it all. Literally, the Grace of God is carrying you through it all. When you got initiated that Grace was anchored in your consciousness and ever since then you’ve been sitting in the Hand of God, and God is simply bringing you through all these karmas; round and round the spiral, round and round the spiral until the day you spiral out of it all. And it’s God carrying you through it all.
The Path of Sound and Light, Jim began to initiate people into this inner meditation practice. In this way his service in alignment with the Holy Spirit has expanded and has reshaped into today’s spiritual action of Inner Light Ministries: teaching and initiating into The Path of Sound and Light.
Jim Gordon is President and Founder of Inner Light Ministries. Jim has served as ILM’s spiritual teacher for many years, and as an anchor point for sharing the Path of Sound and Light through ILM, his teachings have created the foundation of ILM’s focus in the world. He now supports VP & SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR Brian Yeakey as the spiritual Brian Yeakey is the Vice President teacher for ILM. and Spiritual Director of Inner Jim has been spiritually aware Light Ministries and an ordained since the age of five. At that time ILM Minister. As successor to Jim Jim began to realize that his inner Gordon, Brian serves as ILM’s vision and his understanding of the Spiritual Teacher, sharing the Path things around him were different of Sound and Light and initiating from others. His awareness of people into the meditation Spirit and its action in the world practice with the Sacred Name led him on a great search for of God. As the Spiritual Director, understanding and clarity of God Brian is responsible for ILM’s overall Mission and Purpose, as and the inner spiritual realms. well as overseeing ILM’s Ministerial At the age of 18 Jim was asked by Program. the Holy Spirit to begin being of service in the world. The service He has been a long-time student action that came forward was of mystical teachings and holds a to share with those who showed Master’s degree in Theology, and interest about God, Spirit and a Bachelor’s degree in Business. the inner realms. Jim’s sharing Through his loving devotion and and counseling sessions have dedication to the Spirit within taken him around the world. His all, Brian shares from his own compassion and loving has been experience of spiritual awakening the hallmark of his spiritual service. on The Path of Sound and Light. In 1999, Jim began a new action With humor and compassion he of service as directed by the Holy assists others in finding the loving Spirit. After years of sharing about essence of the Spirit within.
Kelsie Mc Sherry is ILM’s Executive Administrator, an ordained ILM Minister, and the Hawaii Area Coordinator. Kelsie creates, coordinates, and facilitates ILM classes, workshops, and retreats using ILM’s teachings and practices. Through spiritual counseling, Kelsie assists people in working with ILM’s teachings, LAF, and utilizing ILM’s LAF Workbook and Meditation Journal. In the classes and counseling Kelsie offers, she shares her personal experiences of using the tools of meditaiton and LAF: Loving, Acceptance, and Forgiveness, that others might be inspired to find their way in waking up and knowing their oneness with God, and to ‘Live The Loving’ in their daily lives. Kelsie majored in Elementary Education and taught in Thailand and South Africa. She has studied and practiced meditation from the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions for sixteen years. After teaching meditation for over a decade to both adults and children, Kelsie found the Path of Sound and Light through Inner Light Ministries, and has been walking this path ever since.
ILM Minister. Steven creates and facilitates the Midwest ILM retreats, monthly workshops, and weekly classes. He also provides information about questions regarding ILM’s initiation and its teachings.
Laura Doggett is ILM’s Administrative Assistant, and an ordained ILM Minister based in Austin, Texas. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. Since a child, Laura has had a close relationship with God. In 1994, after meeting Jim Gordon, her journey Home to God has been more focused as she has dedicated her life following the Path of Sound and Light through the teachings of ILM. Through her ministry Laura enjoys providing support and guidance to the ILM community. She recognizes that through this ministry, she completes her lifelong desire in being able to assist individuals in discovering a way to align their mind, body, and soul. Laura also considers her ministry to be one of service to others through kindness and Loving.
Henry De La O is ILM’s Comptroller, and an ordained ILM Minister based in Austin, Texas. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, a Master’s degree in Theology, and has completed the Doctorate program in Theology ABD (all but the dissertation). Henry has pursued a spiritual life since boyhood; he has been spiritually focused on the Path of Sound and Light for over twenty years. Henry has been an accountant since the 70’s and has been working as ILM’s Financial Administrator responsible for all accounting, record keeping, and financial reporting since January of 2011. His keen organizational skills and love of numbers keeps everything in the office running smoothly.
Steven majored in both philosophy and theater at Indiana University. He is also a musician and songwriter who uses his music to touch and inspire the heart. Steven has studied world spiritual traditions for over forty years and has taught classes on spiritual development in many parts of the country. His primary interest is in the area of Jewish and Christian mystical teachings, particularly those originating in the generation of Jesus during the first century. He enjoys helping people find the ‘hidden’ connections and references in the Bible that point to the inner Path of Sound and Light, which the followers of Jesus called “The Way.” Steven presently resides in Fort Wayne, Indiana with his wife Ani. They have six children and nine grandchildren, one substantial cat, and one amazingly sweet golden retriever.
As Jim and Brian’s assistant, Laura is the contact person for information regarding ILM, ordering books and CDs, and scheduling initiations. Laura STEVEN MCAFEE handles registration and logistics MIDWEST ADMINISTRATOR ANI MCAFEE for ILM’s meditation retreats in MIDWEST ASSISTANT Austin, Hawaii, and England, Steven McAfee is ILM’s Midwest and Area Ani McAfee is ILM’s Midwest Austin events and classes, and Administrator assists ILM’s Area Representatives. Coordinator, and an ordained Assistant, and an ordained ILM
Wake Up, Wake Up!
Minister based in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She is married and has six children and nine grandchildren. Ani has a Bachelor of Science degree, and taught middle school Language Arts and History for nine years. Her focus as a parent and a teacher has been to teach children to be independent, well adjusted, and productive adults. Ani comes to ILM through her studies in First Century Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. Her ministry is a chaplaincy that provides support and comfort to the Midwest ILM community, to neighbors, to friends and family, and most of all, to Steven. Ani assists Steven by managing logistics for all Midwest events, classes, workshops, retreats, and community gatherings, including class schedules, retreat details, calendars, fliers, and ecards. As chaplain, Ani also provides support as a spiritual caregiver for those who have experienced recent bereavement.
I want you to wake up. I want you to wake up and know who you really are. I want you to wake up and know God as It really is, and live in that, and know that, and have the wisdom of all things revealed to you if that’s what God wants to reveal to you.
I do know one thing that will come forward, and that is the Divine Flow of Loving – that River of Loving where we give and receive and give and receive.
That will come forward for sure, because that is who we are.
We are drops within the Ocean of Loving, and if we can begin to move back into the awareness of that and live in that Divine flow, in that Divine movement, there’s nothing more to live for than that.
~Jim Gordon
From Answer The Call, 03/20/16
Core Tenets
of Inner Light Ministries
THE ACTIONS OF SOUL LIBERATION THROUGH ILM MEDITATION Loving God and Allowing God To Love You By Focusing On The Inner Light and Sound Of God. You Do This Through Chanting The Sacred Name While Holding Your Attention At The Seat Of The Soul.
LOVING, ACCEPTING, FORGIVING (LAF) Loving, Accepting, and Forgiving Yourself, Others, and God.
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS, ACTIONS AND REACTIONS Acknowledge and Accept Responsibility For Your Thoughts and Feelings, Actions and Reactions (Be Honest and Take Ownership).
The first official ILM Initiates Only Meditation Retreat was so unbelievably Spirit-filled that we all left wanting more!! How can one put into words the movement of Divine Loving that flowed through Jim and Brian as we all shared our most vulnerable selves with each other and God. Sharing so vulnerably opened a space for a true movement of surrendering and letting go and allowing God’s Loving in. The sharings covered topics ranging from time and space, and how to love it all, the process of death and not getting called back into this creation, to vulnerable self expression of anger, fear, and letting go of guilt, shame, blame and judgment...all moving us toward allowing the Loving in, and those things that separate us from God to fall away, as we acknowledged and shared them, forgave them and moved into Loving ourselves more fully. Throughout the five days of meditating and sharing, God brought us all through the darkness and into the Light and Sound of His grace and Loving.
JIM AND BRIAN EVENTS AUSTIN RETREAT WITH BRIAN AND KELSIE: ILM MEDITATION & LAF RETREAT DATE: Sept. 22 - 25, 2016 Join Brian and Kelsie, at T Bar M Resort, for a retreat on Meditation and LAF. For more information, please click here.
AUSTIN CLASS WITH JIM AND BRIAN DATE: Check calendar for monthly listings Lake Travis Event Center in Austin, and live-streaming at For more information, please click here.
ENGLAND VIDEO CONFERENCES WITH JIM AND BRIAN VIA SKYPE DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings For more information, please click here.
HAWAII VIDEO CONFERENCES WITH JIM AND BRIAN VIA SKYPE DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings For more information, please click here. INITIATES ONLY MEETING WITH JIM AND BRIAN (AUSTIN, TX) DATE: October 2, 2016 Meeting is open to ILM Initiates Only For more information, please click here. HOLIDAY SERVICE PROJECT: COINS FOR KIDS SHOPPING! DATE: November 20, 2016 Join us as we go on a joyful gift shopping spree for Austin’s children-in-need this holiday season.For more information, please click here.
AUSTIN HOLIDAY POTLUCK PARTY DATE: December 10, 2016 Join us for ILM’s Holiday celebration! For more information, please click here.
MIDWEST VIDEO CONFERENCES WITH JIM AND BRIAN VIA SKYPE DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings For more information, please click here.
WORLD WIDE EVENTS KELSIE EVENTS LIVING THE LOVING CLASS VIA SKYPE (OAHU, HI) DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings Living The Loving Class with Kelsie via Skype. For more information, please click here.
STEVEN MCAFEE EVENTS THE YEAR-LONG WALKING THE PATH PROGRAM (FORT WAYNE) DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings The 2016 Year-Long Program will study the book, The Spiritual Path In Ancient Texts, that is in development by ILM. For more information, please click here.
AUSTIN LAF WORKSHOP SERIES WITH BRIAN AND KELSIE DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings Open to All! We will be working with the ILM LAF Workbook & Meditation Journal, Communion-inAction, Taking Responsibility for our thoughts and feelings, actions and reactions, and much more! For more information, please click here.
UNITY OF FORT WAYNE SUNDAY SERVICE (FORT WAYNE) DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings Steven occasionally serves as a guest minister/ speaker for area churches and other spiritual groups in the Midwest. For more information, please click here.
AUSTIN RETREAT WITH BRIAN AND KELSIE: ILM MEDITATION & LAF RETREAT DATE: Sept. 22 - 25, 2016 Join Brian and Kelsie, at T Bar M Resort, for a retreat on Meditation and LAF. For more information, please click here.
MONDAY CLASS SERIES (FORT WAYNE) DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings Steven offers a series of weekly ILM classes intended to awaken and inspire our loving devotion to God. For more information, please click here.
BRIGADE OF LIGHT SUNDAY SERVICE (FORT WAYNE) DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings Steven occasionally serves as a guest minister/ speaker for area churches and other spiritual groups in the Midwest. For more information, please click here.
AREA REP EVENTS DEERFIELD, FLORIDA, VICTORIA ENG DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings Watch ILM’s Austin live-stream Sunday monthly class. Also offered, a second meeting of meditation and fellowship. For more information, please click here.
AUSTIN, TX, BILL STRATTON DATE: October 31, 2016 Halloween Celebration: Potluck gathering and trick-or-treat sharing. For more information, please click here.
HONOLULU, HI, KATE ROSE DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings Hosting the Living The Loving Class with Kelsie via Skype. For more information, please click here. DALLAS, TX, GERRI BARRICK Recordings by Jim and Brian focus on Meditation and the Path of Sound and Light. For more information, please click here. LONDON, ENGLAND, NANNA BRINCKER 2 hour ILM meditation. For more information, please click here.
HONOLULU, HI, NADINE FERRARO DATE: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month 2.5 hour mediations. For more information, please click here. KALAMAZOO, MI, JUDY RICHARDS DATE: Every month Sunday Study Group: Meetings are combined with potluck. For more information, please click here. PORTAGE, MI, CAROLYN DAILEY DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings ILM Study Group: Meditation and Talk. For more information, please click here.
SUSSEX, ENGLAND, LYNNE JOHNSON DATE: Check calendar for multiple listings ILM Study evenings with Lynne via Skype, for European communities. For more information, please click here.
WEB STUFF CHECK OUT ILM’S WEBSITE ABOUT ILM You can find information about the Ministers of ILM, the Core Tenants, and Teachings of ILM. Learn about Initiation into ILM and download introductory information about ILM.
Click on the purple text boxes ILM has 4 books that you can download or order hard copies, as below to go to those pages on well as over 50 compact discs of talks, meditations, and chantings. the new ILM website.
AUDIO DOWNLOADS Talks from Jim and Brian’s monthly classes, as well as portions of retreats, can be downloaded to your computer.
AUDIO STREAMING Talks from Jim and Brian’s monthly classes, as well as portions of retreats, can be streamed to your computer, tablet or cell phone.
Starting in 2015, we began recording Jim and Brian’s open class meetings in Austin. From this section of the website you can stream the edited class videos to your computer, tablet or cell phone.
NEWSLETTERS Each ILM newsletter, from 1991 to present, is available for viewing. The newsletters are presented in a easy to read format with the ability to enlarge text with a double click.
ILM EVENT CALENDAR Each ILM event, back to the beginning of 2015, is listed in the calendar. By double clicking on the event you can see the event details, including an interactive map and the ability to download the event to your own calendar.
EVENTS BY MINISTER Each ILM event is categorized by Minister to allow quick access to just the events you want to see.
SELF STUDY You can enhance your daily activities with a number of different topics from Loving, Acceptance and Forgiveness (LAF) exercises, to weekly KISS (Keep It Simple Soul) quotes as well as a new Worldwide Monthly Focus from Jim and Brian’s most recent talks.
NEW ILM TECHNOLOGY ILM PODCAST ON iTUNES LEARN HOW TO PODCAST Audio Talks from 2004-2016 can now be streamed from the Internet or downloaded to your computer and played in iTunes. We have added a new technology to ILM called Podcast. Podcast allows you to play and download all the ILM talks to your phone or tablet. We have all the talks on the iTunes store for your iPhone and iPad. We also have the talks on the Sticher Radio Site for your android phone and tablet. By subscribing to the four ILM Podcasts, you can listen to all the talks on your mobile device without needing to download them to your computer first. If you’re brand new to Podcasts, Apple makes it easy to discover and subscribe to shows. It works just like iBooks where you can search and subscribe to new shows. It also has a library where all your downloaded shows are available for easy viewing and listening. The ILM Podcast is a series of audio talks that are referrend to as “shows”. Each show has three episodes that are broken up into three parts: the meditation, Brian’s talk, and Jim’s talk. Click on the “Podcast Help” below to get further information and instructions on how to use the Podcast. To subscribe to the ILM Podcast on iTunes click the links below and then click “Subscribe” on the left hand side:
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Inner Light Ministries (ILM) is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching spiritual awakening through an inner practice of meditation. This meditation practice is an inner path through which the soul transcends the physical realms of creation to its true Home in the Spiritual Realms within the Heart of God. In spiritual teachings and literature, this inner path is often referred to as “The Path of Sound and Light,” “The Path of The Holy Spirit,” “The Path of Love,” or simply as “The Path,” or “The Way.” ILM offers initiation into this meditation practice enabling one to fully experience this inner journey of awakening. To provide support for those individuals interested in this path, Inner Light Ministries offers numerous publications, materials, programs, and services, which encourage devotion to God and support a lifelong practice of meditation, spiritual study, and service.
Contributions to Inner Light Ministries are gratefully accepted, and help us support: 1. ILM events, production of materials and books, as well as the website. 2. Scholarships toward supporting members taking ILM retreats and workshops. 3. ILM’s Holiday Service Project: Coins for Kids (Austin and Midwest) Checks may be made payable to Inner Light Ministries and sent to: 2303 Ranch Road 620 South, Ste. 135-303, Austin, Texas 78734. Or, to make a donation by credit card, go to ILM’s website at ILM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ecclesiastical organization. All donations are tax deductible. Main Office: Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey 2303 RR 620 S., Ste. 135-303, Austin, TX 78734; 512-306-1056, Midwest Office: Steven McAfee P.O. Box 5139, Fort Wayne, IN 46895; 260-485-2167,
INNER LIGHT MINISTRIES A PATH OF SOUND AND LIGHT MAIN OFFICE 2303 Ranch Road 620 South, Ste. 135-303 Austin, Texas 78734 512-306-1056 |
MIDWEST OFFICE P.O. Box 5139 Fort Wayne, IN 46895 260-485-2167 |