2010 Vol 1, April

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INNER LIGHT MInistries Journal

Journey Home

Volume 22 Number 1

April, 2010

by Jim Gordon, President of ILM


(from Experiencing The Divine Meditative Retreat, 4/19/07)

here does God dwell? God dwells at the Spiritual Eye Center at the seat of the soul. There’s no place for us to go to find God. We don’t have to look to heaven and hope that somehow we are getting God’s attention. We don’t have to try to do and be the right thing so that God will look at us, and say, “Okay, job well done.” All we have to do is realize that we are God. We are Divine. We are God’s creation and God’s children. God created us out of the divine, living, loving Essence that is God. All we have to do is find out how to begin that journey back to the seat of the soul. All we have to do is to begin to wake up in meditation and to know who we truly are – not the mind, not the emotions, not the imagination or body … but soul. Our direction in life, up until now, has been focused downward and out into creation. But now, at this point in time on our journey, God is saying, “Now is the time to come Home.” And just when as we first came into creation, the Holy Spirit came forward and stood with us in that action to support us, to hold us, to assist us on our journey, the Holy Spirit is again with us to assist us on our inner and upward journey back Home. Up until now, the soul didn’t need to be focused on waking up, because our journey was to go into creation and to experience God’s creation, and in that way, understand more fully God and His manifestation. Now that we have fulfilled that which God has given us to do, God wants us to come Home. It is time for each of us to wake up now and to know that we are soul. For many of us, we have felt the ‘longing for Home’ since we were children. There was something inside of us that said, “This isn’t my home. I long for God.” The meditation Path of Sound and Light that we share in ILM is an answer to this inner longing. If we would

put the simple action of focusing inward and upward to where the soul resides in a daily practice of meditation, we would begin to experience, to hear the inner sounds, see the inner light, and know the inner truth in a way that we will never be able to experience with our eyes open and going out into the world. The Path of Sound and Light truly is a dynamic movement of the Holy Spirit. It is the Grace that we all call out for, that we long for and hope is available to us. But many of us have felt unworthy of God’s grace. “I’ve done so many bad things in this lifetime,” we may say. “Just tell me what I have to do to make it right, God.” Well, guess what? There’s nothing we have to do because we’ve done nothing wrong. God loves us just the way we are, right now, because we were perfect at the moment of creation and that perfection has never changed. The Divine in us is perfect. And the Spirit of us, the soul, is perfect and that’s all God knows, that’s all God sees in us. God doesn’t look at our mind or our emotions or our body and identify that with who we are. God knows us as that which God created, and that is our soul. God looks at all of us as one light, as one creation, as one manifestation – as His child. That’s the amazing thing that people discover on this pathway. As they go inside and begin to meditate, and they begin to let go of all those things that stand between them and the Lord that dwells at the spiritual center – all their beliefs, all their emotional trauma, all their imaginations, all their body stuff – that pathway clears up inside, and they begin to come closer and closer to their own Divinity within and realize the loving that they are – it truly is an amazing time of transformation. So, if we can begin to remember that we, as soul, are perfect right now, and that there’s nothing we have to do other than to wake up and know our own soul, know we are a child of God, and know that we are the living, loving essence of the Lord, we will have begun traveling the journey Home.

Loving It All by Brian Yeakey, Vice President of ILM


(from The Pearl Of Great Price Retreat, 9/30/06)

here’s someone that I verbally play a little rough with and when an insult is directed my way, I’ll say, “Thank you. I deserved that.” Well, recently there was a person who was observing our interaction, and he started to see how this worked because, in the past, he would always say, “No, no, deflect those things. Deflect – that’s protection.”

what I had just put out there, and brought it back home. I just reached out and grabbed it right back, and as soon as I did I just opened up and started laughing – because I knew that when we take responsibility for all of our reactions, that that’s when we get the freedom. It’s when we stand in reaction, when we defend, protect, lash out trying to hurt others before they hurt us, that we are always going to be caught in that cycle of fighting.

What do we say about Spirit? We say, move forward with complete vulnerability and openness. There’s no need for protection because when you have complete openness and vulnerability, that’s freedom. Nothing can truly harm you. All these things that we think are negative, bad, terrible, evil – those things can truly not harm us, not the “real” us when we are living in a state of unconditionally loving vulnerability.

So when we find ourselves going into that reactive place, take a moment and reach out, grab onto it, and just bring it right home. It’s that simple. It’s that quick. Believe me, when we do that in the moment, we won’t need to do the forgiveness later on. Forgiveness is for the things in the past that are still stuck and blocked within our consciousness. Through forgiveness and Loving, these things are healed and brought back into balance; they are no longer part of our consciousness, and we are no longer stuck and living in the past. We can come present, be in the Loving, and just keep living in the moment.

I know that sometimes the hardest thing to deal with is when we feel the urge to go into reaction, to defend ourselves, to lash out in order to “hurt them before they hurt us.” But if we really want the freedom, then right in that moment of reaction just say, “Thank you.” Even when the negativity is coming at you, simply say, “Thank you.” Move into gratitude. Be grateful for the negative.

A great part of our journey is healing the past, opening that door, and allowing the Loving to heal all those wounds on all those realms within us. We don’t have to avoid the pain anymore. We just have to stop where we are, and just start loving it all. And if we don’t know how to do the Loving or know what the Loving is, that’s just fine. That’s why Jim and I are always talking about meditation – because it’s when we begin to hold our focus in meditation at the seat of the soul, that our soul begins to wake up. That’s when we’ll know the Loving, the pure, unconditional Spiritual Loving, the Spiritual Heart, which is here, at the seat of the soul.

Being grateful for the negative – now there’s a stretch! But it’s all just a journey. It’s challenging at times, I know, but it can also be a lot of fun. That’s why I like to play with this – but in that playing, I never lose focus or lose track of what the ‘game’ really is. I know when I go into my reaction, and I do have my reactions. I remember an inner experience on another level, on another realm, where there was this one guy who was being a real jerk. I became reactive and upset with him and said, “You’re such a jerk!” And as soon as I said that, I could feel the energy because it was in me. That was my reaction – and I knew in that moment that I just trapped myself by going into reaction. So, right away I said, “And I’m a jerk for calling you one.” What I did was ‘claimed it’ and at the same time took back exactly

So focus on the Spiritual Heart, the true Loving, and not the loving of the world. It is through meditation that the Loving will just wake up. It’s simple really. In doing the meditation daily we will allow the Loving inside us to awaken, and the things of the past, the things of the world, will begin to slip away. 2

I nner L ight M inistries


Classes & Programs: Spring – Summer ‘10 Presented by Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey in Austin, Texas:


For additional information, call 512-306-1056.



Jim and Brian’s weekly class is held on Sundays, 3-5 pm at the ILM Center, Franklin Sq. Bldg, 3724 Jefferson, Ste. 100.

Each class includes spiritual teachings, practical exercises, group discussion, and meditation. Jim and Brian help participants to become more deeply aware of the Spirit within. No charge.

Talks on CDs Now Available:

My Journey Of Becoming A Spiritual Teacher Excerpt from My Journey Of Becoming A Spiritual Teacher:


true teacher of this Path of Sound and Light is one who has fully merged into the Heart of God; and from that the greater fullness of God’s Loving can be shared into the world. It is the Voice of God that draws the soul home. That Voice is reflected in the physical voice of the teacher which is the anchor point for the Living Word, that Living Voice. This is what we call the Sound – the Light and the Sound. The Sound we hear in the voice of the teacher begins to draw us home and begins to remind us not only through the words, but also to remind us through the Love. This is the true reminder – the Loving that comes through the voice. So if you hear, or see, or feel that Loving, that’s what you want to follow because it will lead you Home, into the fullness, the oneness, of God. – Brian Yeakey

(Tape now a CD) A Frequency

Of Change For A New Millennium

Excerpt from A Frequency Of Change For A New Millennium:


his frequency offers the opportunity for every person to really change, to become more of that which they truly are in Spirit, and to allow “that which they truly are” to manifest on all the levels of consciousness. This means that change will take place physically, imaginationally, emotionally, mentally, and unconsciously – in order for the greater perfection, which is a part of this higher frequency, to come forward and manifest itself. And that greater perfection is a realignment inside each of us that allows us to align to the greater Being, that greater part of us which is the soul, which is our perfect loving. – Jim Gordon

Order Information & Postage Payment: To order these CDs and other ILM products please visit our website (see page 7).


(ILM Calendar continues on pages 4-10)

Experiencing The Divine – A Meditative Meditative Workshop Workshop and and Retreat Retreat A facilitated by Jim

Gordon and Brian Yeakey


in Fort Wayne:

Choose one of two weekend workshops:

Weekends: #1May 22-23 or

May 29-30


Time of Events for each weekend: Saturday: Meditation 9 am-12 noon, and Teaching/Q&A from 2-6 pm* Sunday: Meditation 9-11:30 am, and Sharing from 11:30 am-1 pm* at the ILM Midwest Center, 220 Insurance Ave., Suite F:

To register for one of these weekends contact: Steven McAfee at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at mcafeesa@aol.com.

in Hawaii:

August 11-15

beginning Wednesday, August 11 at 6 pm thru Sunday, August 15 at 1:30 pm.* at Saint Anthony’s Retreat Center, Honolulu, Hawaii Saint Anthony’s Cost: Double Occupancy (per person) - $350

For more information contact: Laura Doggett at 512-306-1056 or e-mail Laura at ilmadmin@ilm.org.

in England: November 3-7

beginning Wednesday, November 3 at 6 pm thru Sunday, November 7 at 1:30 pm.* at Earnley Concourse, Earnley, Chichester West Sussex Earnley Concourse’s Cost: Single Occupancy - £365, Double Occupancy (per person) - £350 For more information contact: Susanne Cook at 01444 870838 or Lynn Johnson at 01903 765928. To register contact: Laura Doggett at 512-306-1056 or e-mail Laura at ilmadmin@ilm.org.

* These ending times are approximate. 4

ILM presents:

in Michigan and in Indiana

in Kalamazoo:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Tuesday Study Group Potluck & Sharing

with Jim

Gordon and Brian Yeakey

Time of Event: 5:30-8:30 pm*

Tuesday, April 21

Where: 4715 Thistle Mill Court, Kalamazoo

Saturday, May 15 Open Meeting with

Jim and Brian

Time of Event: 1:30-6 pm* Where: Kalamazoo Center for the Healing Arts For further information in Kalamazoo, please contact Penny Miller at 269-664-3577 or by e-mail at pmiller@mei.net.

in Fort Wayne:

Tuesdays, May 18, 25 and June 1 Tuesday Classes with Jim

and Brian

Time of Event: 7-9:30 pm* at at ILM Midwest idwest Center enter, 220 Insurance nsurance Drive rive,

Suite uite F, Ft t. Wayne ayne Donation onation

For further information in Ft. Wayne please contact Steven McAfee at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at mcafeesa@aol.com. * These ending times are approximate. 5

in Hawaii

ILM presents:

Sunday, August 8 Sharing and Q&A

with Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey

Time of Event: 1:30-6 pm*

Where here: Ohana East Hotel, Waikiki, Hawaii Ohana East Lobby Conference Room Park in the Ohana East garage located at 2375 Kuhio Avenue. Parking will be provided by ILM. Donation onation For further information regarding this event please contact Nadine Ferraro at 808-988-7509.

Wednesday, August 18

Sharing and Q&A with Jim and Brian

Time of Event: 7-9:30 pm*

Where here: Haiku aiku Gardens ardens, 46-318 Haiku aiku Road oad, Kaneohe aneohe, Hawaii awaii 96744 Gathering will be in the Recreation Center next to the pool. There are marked guest parking spots dotted throughout the property or people can park on the street. Best to call me for details.

Please contact Brian Samo Ross at 808-247-3305 or 554-3305 (cell) for information and directions.

Saturday, August 21

Potluck and Sharing with Jim and Brian

Time of Event: Potluck 12 noon-1:30 pm Sharing and Q&A 2-6 pm*

Where here: Mig ig Gaspar aspar’s s Home ome, 59-250 Pupukea upukea Road oad, Haleiwa aleiwa Please contact Mig at 808-638-8153 for information and directions. * These ending times are approximate. 6

I nner L ight M inistries Calendar Presented by Laura Kesten:

For additional information, call Laura at 512-266-9400 or 512-658-4117 or email: LSKestenB@aol.com.

T he Heart of Journaling : (New Name! Previously Stories Untold) Jim and Brian talk about

Loving, Acceptance, and Forgiveness in every talk they give. In The Heart of Journaling we, first-handedly, practice and experience LAF through writing about the events of our lives, releasing the past so that we can open more fully to the Divine in the present. The process of journaling can keep us more aligned and in the flow of God’s Loving. These weekends are magical! Try it for one weekend and see for yourself. No experience necessary! You just have to show up! Sharing is always optional.


JUNE 25-27 SEPT 12-18

ILM Midwest Center Martha’s Cottage

Ft. Wayne, Ind. Saugatuck, Mich.


TBA (10 am-5 pm)


Austin, Tex.

$50 $350 No charge

ILM Texas Community Movie Nights:

Join the ILM community at Laura Kesten’s home on the 1st Saturday of every month for fun, laughter, and to watch an uplifting movie. If you have a favorite movie that speaks to you, we’ll add it to our list. Come early (5 pm) and have a fresh bowl of homemade soup and fresh bread. Bring a dish if you want to add to the menu. Movie starts between 7-7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome. APR 3 (Future dates to be announced.)

ILM.org — the Inner Light Ministries Website • Jim & Brian’s weekly talks – listen on-line or download to your computer or MP3 Over 100 recordings of weekly talks available • ILM Journals – the most recent issue as well as archives • Calendar of Events – find out what’s going on by geographic location or by minister • Order CDs – you can get any and all of ILM’s CDs online • Open-ended Meditations – you can listen to or download edited meditations that allow you to continue meditating for as long as you desire • “Initiates Only” section – find out about Initiates events and listen to talks for Initiates

Updated Initiate’s Handbook Initiates, remember to check out the recently updated version of the Initiate’s Handbook that has just been added to the Initiate’s Only section of the website.

Whether you are newly initiated or a long-time initiate, this most current version of the Handbook contains information that will be of special significance to you on your daily walk on the Path. Check out our recently updated http://www.ILM.org today! 7

(ILM Calendar continues on next page)

I nner L ight M inistries Calendar Presented by Steven McAfee, Midwest Coordinator:

For additional information, call Steven at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at mcafeesa@aol.com.


uesday Class Series: Steven offers classes in Fort Wayne on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30 pm at the ILM Midwest Center. Part of each class is devoted to meditation and the rest of the class is a combination of ILM teachings and group discussion. The focus is upon our inner awakening to divine Loving.


S pecial uesday Classes: Live from Austin! Special live video presentations by Jim and Brian via the magic of technology! JUL 27

7-9:30 pm

ILM Midwest Center


The last two classes in May and the class in June will be special live (not video!) presentations by Jim and Brian. Light refreshments will be served afterward. MAY 18, 25, JUN 1 7-9:30 pm

ILM Midwest Center



ILM ommunity Nights: More fun community nights are on their way! We’ll provide soft drinks

and munchies. Please RSVP the week before so we can plan appropriately. The Child At Heart programs are opportunities for children and the people who love them to come participate in fun activities together in ILM. April’s activity is a craft day for colouring eggs. Materials will be provided.

APR 1 6-7 May 31 Noon-? AUG 18 6-7:30 TBA TBA

Child At Heart: EGG-stravaganza ILM Midwest Center Bar-B-Que Outing Kathy Stark’s home, Fort Wayne Child At Heart: X-press Yourself ILM Midwest Center Coffee House ILM Midwest Center



No charge No charge No charge No charge


The Spiritual Path in Ancient Texts: This series is devoted to the discovery of inner spiritual teachings that are revealed, yet hidden, within the sacred texts of a variety of traditions. Steven will be highlighting texts from sacred literature that contain explicit references to the inner meditative path of Sound and Light and the “Unspoken Name of God.” APR 25



2-5 pm

ILM Midwest Center


Path: Presenting different aspects of the Path of Sound and Light, these programs will

include spiritual teachings, meditation, and discussion. The specific emphasis will change from program to program but the focus will always be on “Walking the Path” – in other words, what is the path and how do we truly live it in our daily lives? This is not an ongoing study series and does not require any ongoing attendance commitment. Each program is independent of the others and is open to anyone who would like to attend. JUL 10, AUG 28 2-5 pm Walking the Path AUG 21 1:30-4 pm Walking the Path at Mother’s Trust aUG 22 1:30-4 pm Walking the Path

ILM Center Ganges, Michigan Kalamazoo Radisson

Donation Donation Donation


Steven occasionally serves as a guest speaker for various churches and spiritual unday S ervices: groups in the Midwest. The following is presently scheduled: apr 4 JUL 11

11 am 11 am

Easter Service Regular Service

Brigade of Light, Fort Wayne Brigade of Light, Fort Wayne

Donation Donation

8 (Worldwide Calendar continues on next page)

I nner L ight M inistries Calendar Community ILM Meetings


Events Worldwide:

Kalamazoo: Call Steven McAfee at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at mcafeesa@aol.com.

G : These groups supports our spiritual growth with a short meditation and the study of S ILM books, CD’s or tapes. Come join us for an enriching experience of growing in our loving. tudy


Tuesdays: APR 13, JUN 8, JUL 13, AUG 10 4-6 pm Judy Richards, 4715 Thistle Mill Ct., Kalamazoo No charge Wednesdays: APR 28, MAY 26, JUN 30, JUL 28, AUG 25 1-3 pm Carolyn Dailey, 2485 Brahms Ave., Portage No charge


aster Dinner/Potluck: Gather at 11 am for dinner at 1 pm. Call Penny at 269-664-3577. APR 4 Penny Miller’s at 11603 Spring Point Drive, Plainwell No charge

N : Fun, enjoyable evenings with ILM friends, watching favorite movies having a spiritual M message. Welcome all – yourself, friends and family members! ovie


MAY 25, JUL 27

Chicago: M


Judy Richards (see her address above)

No charge

Call Loretta Lassandro at 708-481-7751 or send an e-mail to lassandro6@aol.com.

Join us for meditation. Call in advance so adequate space can be prepared for all participants.

3rd Sunday

4:45-8 pm

3:30-4:30 pm


125 Warwick Street in Park Forest

No charge

Call Jason Baker at 972-571-8511 for dates, times and directions.

: Each seminar will consist of a short meditation and the listening to a class CD by Jim M and Brian. If interested please check with Jason for the most current information and location. eeting

Colorado Springs:



2nd Sunday

Call Teri Sandler at 719-359-9951 (home) or 719-661-0817 (cell).

Connect with community and listen to Jim and Brian’s weekly meditation and talks. 2 pm

Los Angeles:

(call for location)

No charge

Call Victoria Eng at 310-980-2224 to RSVP and get directions.

: The focus of each evening is on spiritual awakening and connecting to the Loving through M listening to an ILM meditation and talk by Jim and Brian.  These seminars will be held every other eeting

Wednesday at Victoria and Willard Eng’s home in Beverlywood. Call for dates

6 pm

London, England:

Beverlywood, Los Angeles

No charge

Call Nanna Brinker at 0207-485-0699 for directions.

: Join us for a short meditation and talk by Jim and Brian and share your favorite spiritual M poetry, music and readings. Our ILM meetings are at 42A Montpelier Grove, London NW5, and start at eeting

4 pm. On May 2nd, however, there will be a 2 1/2 hour meditation – please call for venue and time. Sundays

Apr 4 & 25, May 2 (see above) & 16, Jun 6 & 27, Jul 18, Aug 8 & 29 No charge 9 (Worldwide Calendar continues on next page)

I nner L Light M inistries Calendar Community ILM Meetings

Events Worldwide


Hawaii: Call the contact person for the following events.

1. Call Nadine Ferraro at 808-988-7509, or 551-3123 (cell) for directions. eeting: Share in a one-hour meditation and fellowship opportunity.




6-7:30 pm

Manoa Valley, Honolulu

No charge

2. Call Mig Gaspar at 808-638-8153 for information and directions. eeting: Listen to Jim and Brian’s weekly meditations and talks.

M Tuesdays M

7 pm

North Shore of Oahu

No charge

3. Call Brian Samo Ross at 808-247-3305 or 554-3305 (cell) for directions.


2nd Sunday

Listen to Jim and Brian’s meditations and talks followed by a potluck. 10 am

Kaneohe, Oahu

No charge


ne thing that I’ve done throughout much of this lifetime is to remind myself of who I truly am, especially when I’m in that place of separation. When that tug of war is going on, trying to pull me back down out into the creation of the physical, I walk myself back through all the levels of my consciousness, all the while reminding myself of who I am at each one of those levels. I remind myself again and again that I am soul; I am the living loving essence of the Lord; I am divine. – Jim Gordon

Welcome to Inner Light Ministries Introductory Packet

In this packet you will find ILM’s book Love and Loving,

the CD: An Introduction To ILM, the CD: Understanding The ‘Inner’ Pathway, the CD: Lotus Meditation, ILM’s brochure: Inner Light Ministries Guidelines For Initiation And Initiates, and a copy of our latest newsletter.

All of these materials have been selected to give a newcomer a better understanding of who we are and what we’re about. If you would like an Introductory Packet for yourself or someone else, just let us know. Call us, email us, or write us! Feel free to take a look at our website too: www.ilm.org (for more information see page 7). We are happy to do what we can to assist you on your spiritual journey. Blessings of Peace, Joy and Loving To You! Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey, and The ILM Staff 10

Q& A with



(from Experiencing The Divine Meditative Workshop, 3/21/09)

I can’t understand how a really loving God can ask people to suffer so badly in this world.

into duality and polarity. And just like the father who didn’t want the prodigal son to go into the world, God didn’t want us to partake in the void plane – but some of us decided we wanted to have that experience.


(Jim) When God sent souls into this level of creation, there was absolutely nothing here. God wanted us to come down here and first experience ‘the nothing’, the void. God said, “When you go down there, you’re going to learn about the power of creativity, about the responsibility of creativity, and you’re going to learn about the power of love, and about the responsibility of love. And I want you to experience it all so that you, as soul, will understand fully what it is to be a creator and to love.”

So God didn’t send us here; we chose to come here. We snuck around in the garden and took a bite of the fruit, hiding it from God. And so God said, “Okay Prodigal son, then go into the world and experience it for me; but I will ever be with you, I will ever have my servant with you, the Holy Spirit, and when you are ready, the Holy Spirit will bring you Home.


So, did the people who are suffering cause that for themselves?

Well, we had never created anything before as soul; before we came down here we were held in the wholeness of Loving, of God, of Spirit – we weren’t living in separation. We came down here separated from Loving, separated from everyone else, and so as we went into creation we created amuck. Some of it worked, some of it didn’t. Some of it was balanced, some of it was in imbalance. And we are held responsible for all those creations that we created. God didn’t create in the true sense that God wished the suffering upon us – we created it ourselves, and we have to live out our creations to the fulfillment that we created them before we can go Home.


Their karmas did – their avoidance to learn and to grow, and the debt being paid for the things they’ve done to others. We have no idea what the soul has ever done that causes it to suffer in these ways, but it’s up to each soul to learn and to grow in its own time, in its own way. Some souls think they have to suffer in order to grow, and so they go to those places where the suffering is available to them so they can grow. Others think they did horrendous things and deserve to suffer so they go there to suffer in order to work that belief system out. When it’s done, they are free.

If we look at the story of the prodigal son – the prodigal son goes out into the world and all the time he is making and losing his fortune, the father is back home just longing for his son to come home, still knowing he had to allow the prodigal son to leave and go into the world and have experience there. The father says, “One of you servants, go out and watch for my son, and when you see him coming, we will prepare a feast.”


So it’s not up to us to alleviate any of the suffering?

A: Yes, if we can donate money to an organization or

go there and truly help, yes. Why not? That’s a great action of service to others. We can offer in whatever way that we can, whatever it takes for us to feel as though we have done our part. There will be others who say that they didn’t create the suffering and they have no responsibility to it; but in truth, we are all connected, we are soul, and in that we are one.

In the story of Adam and Eve in the garden, God sent soul to partake in the garden but then He said, “Wait. There’s one tree I don’t want you to eat from, because the moment you eat from it, you are going to be caught up in polarity, caught up in energies of right and wrong, of judgments, of fear, of separation. Eat everything else but don’t eat from that tree.”

Here in the physical,

the meditation practice is the most direct action we can take to awaken to the knowing of the Divine. – Brian Yeakey

That tree was the void realm, the first realm beneath the soul realm. God didn’t want them to eat from that tree, because it would take them down into separation, and 11

Q& A


Brian A:

(from Experiencing The Divine Meditative Workshop, 3/20/09) Making negative judgments has been something I have been working with. Can you say a little about that?

So working with judgment is wonderful because you really are, now, understanding it in a much greater way – and that’s going to give you a greater freedom. And when you do get free, you will have such a well-working knowledge that it will be easier to stay free. As long as we are in the world these things are going to keep coming at us, so the key is to stay free and keep on going onto what’s next and really get liberated.


A: (Brian) In this process of awakening, not only are

we going to awaken to Spirit but also to judgments, to reactions, to fear, to the illusion and all the other things of the world. One of the things I did, to help myself in all these areas, is I’d say, “Oh, I must be spiritually awakening because I’m becoming more aware of this whole process.”

And this is nice because you’re wanting to grow, you’re wanting to get free, and in that desire, that invitation, you are learning. It’s all unfolding and when you’ve really learned the lesson well, then you’ll be free of it.

Q: I would like to be able to catch myself before I’m

As we come into a greater understanding of how this works, we’ll begin to get free. If we don’t understand how it works, it goes on, unconsciously running us; so by having awareness and understanding, it’s no longer unconsciously running us. It’s not usually until we see what’s going on that we even begin to see other options. Often we want to change, like in addiction where we’ll give up the addiction, and then, all of a sudden, we’ll be doing another kind of addiction. Only when we start to see what’s running us unconsciously can we begin to see the solutions for real change.

fully into judgment and saying things I’d wished I hadn’t said.


Yeah, don’t we all wish for that?

It doesn’t work that way – because then we won’t learn. Learning is through experience. This is a path of experiential learning. We have to walk through it. It’s the only way. It’s not a mind process. We can’t figure it out. And because it’s running unconsciously, we can’t stop it. We couldn’t stop it if we tried, and even if we tried to stop it, we’d set up a whole other pattern of resistance. That’s kind of the judgment of the judgment – the double whammy. I used to do that all the time.

As we move along this spiritual path, all the levels – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual, come into alignment, and even if we’re in reaction or in a judgment, as they all click together in alignment, Spirit can now flood through. And it’s in that movement of Spirit that we have awareness: “Oh, I understand how this works. I understand what I’ve been doing.” And often that’s where we’ll understand the lesson involved … and right behind that, comes the solution. “Oh, this is now how I can do it differently.”

Q: There’s a certain negative feeling that comes with the judgment … I can recognize that feeling, and maybe then, I can make a choice.

A: Yes. Often what I do these days when that ‘feeling’

comes upon me, I just take a break. I’ll go sit or lie down and meditate for awhile so I rise above that feeling; and it’s when I’m in that place of loving and peace that, all of a sudden, I will find Spirit flooding through all the judgment. Because, you see, that alignment I’m describing is really us going up above the discord into Spirit; and when Spirit comes in, the discord comes into alignment. It doesn’t go into alignment on its own. That’s why we keep coming to Spirit, and then Spirit pulls it – it’s like it’s all distorted out here and Spirit pulls it up into alignment. And that only happens through our willingness to participate and our working with Loving.

Karma is unlearned lessons; and so when we learn the lesson, the karma is done. But we just can’t get rid of karma. We come into alignment and get free of our karmas when we are learning by participation, by acceptance, by loving, by embracing – not by judging, or pushing away, or resisting.

Q: I didn’t see all those parts coming into alignment; but when you said that, that’s exactly what it felt like.


Live The Loving;

Live The Gratitude


by Laura Kesten, ILM Minister

Even when the negativity is coming at you, simply say, “Thank you.” Move into gratitude. Be grateful for the negative. – Brian Yeakey

ave you ever felt that you got a pretty good grip on things, that you have most things figured out, that you have control of your life and you know how things fit together? And then, have you ever felt it all just fall apart, nothing makes sense, everything goes haywire and the pieces aren’t fitting together anymore? That’s what my life has been feeling like lately. And everyday, I’ve been trying to scoop up the pieces and put them together again.

When my car was broken into, I was safely in a movie theatre. I was ever so grateful it was just my car that was attacked and not me or the friend I was with. And then I realized that I could put all my other “problems” into that same perspective. For example, I’ve been overwhelmed with some new health issues, but I’m still able to function just-fine; they simply require me to do things a little differently in my life. And so I began to say “Thank you” for all the things in my life that had recently pulled me from my loving, that had pulled me back down and out into the world, and into my emotions.

My personal life is going through big changes. And all kinds of health issues are popping up. I’ve tried fixing my problems by pretending they aren’t really there, pretending they aren’t as bad as I am imagining, and by beating myself up and putting myself down. As a result, I’ve been feeling discouraged and depressed. And then, just when I think I can’t handle one more thing, God decides I can! … and someone breaks into my car – the driver’s side window is shattered, and things are stolen from inside. Ya gotta love God when He gets out the two by four and hits you over the head with it.

Here’s another interesting part for me. I had still been doing my meditation when I wasn’t handling things well. And so I’d thought that if I did my meditation, everything would just take care of itself, that God would “reward” me, that the peace from my meditation would spill into my day, and all the pieces would fit themselves together. But I had still found myself in a dark place … what went wrong?

The security guard is there, the police arrive, and I’m standing there … laughing, and shaking my head in pure enjoyment. “What’s this all about?” I ask God. Three days later, my head feels clearer, the tears have dried up, and I feel peace all around me. My personal life is still in disarray, my health issues are still in the unknown phase, but now I am laughing. What changed?

It’s simple really. I’d forgotten three very important things on this Path to God. First, I had forgotten to “put God first and God only.” When my focus shifted down into my emotions and body, I began putting my problems first – it was my-problems first and my-problems only. Secondly, I’d forgotten to bring the Loving that awakens in my meditation into my daily life. And, thirdly, I’d forgotten who I truly am.

It was the two by four. It was putting everything into proper perspective. Somehow that jolt of broken glass also shattered the dark fog of mind, emotions, imagination, and body … it put me back into a place of openness and vulnerability … and into that space came, once again, the Loving.

We are God’s creation and God’s children. God created us out of the divine, living, loving Essence that is God. All we have to do is to begin to wake up in meditation and to know who we truly are – not the mind, not the emotions, not the imagination or body … but soul. – Jim Gordon

… All these things that we think are negative, bad, terrible, evil – those things can truly not harm us, not the “real” us when we are living in a state of unconditionally-loving vulnerability. – Brian Yeakey

So, what I’ve learned yet again is to always put God first. Problems will come and go so the key is to take the Loving we receive in meditation and continue to live the Loving and live the Gratitude regardless of what is going on moment to moment in our lives.

And, from there, I moved into gratitude. 13

Coming Awake by Steven McAfee, ILM Minister


Brian as they share with us, and we know that same Loving is alive in us as well. We see its Light shining in the faces of our community and watch it dancing through our interactions. That is what has drawn us here. That is what we are learning here. That is what we are coming to know: Loving. That’s all. Just Loving. Nothing more … and nothing less. Nothing less will satisfy us.

he Presence of the Divine comes upon us. A loving look passes from eye to eye – brief … silent … knowing … joyful. It is a moment that transcends the limits of time and space, a moment in which a glimpse of the Divine shines through upon the human stage and transforms those who experience it, an instant of pure connection, of oneness, of genuine Being … and then it is gone.

As disciples, we are committed to building our lives around that Loving, whatever it takes and wherever it takes us. To do so, we must continue to look, not just with our eyes, but also within, to become one with our own soul, and thus be true to what God created us to be. As disciples, we willingly take upon ourselves the inner disciplines necessary to find and live in that endless current of Divine Loving. We meditate. We open ourselves every day to the living power of the Sacred Name and entrust ourselves into the Divine Arms that ultimately will carry us Home. We let go of everything that would make itself into a ‘god’ in our life, and yield the position of ‘god’ to God alone and no other.

It can occur anywhere – in the midst of an embrace, in the course of ordinary conversation, in the expression of spontaneous laughter, or even between strangers across a room. If we are awake to it when it occurs, we know we have shared in something wonderful, and awesome. Something that transcends the day-to-day illusion we live out, and reminds us of what is real and eternal. Another person standing right next to us in the very instant of its revelation may miss it completely and see nothing out of the ordinary at all. But, if we are alert, we catch it. And in the catching of it, we peek behind the curtain that hides reality and we see into the beauty of the Loving that pervades, and yet is hidden, within everything.

While Loving reveals itself in an instant, our coming to live in Loving does not. We move through phases of joy and excitement. We pass through periods of dryness and emptiness. One day we are rock-solid and steadfast … the next we are being shaken to the core. Sometimes we are so clear and so strong that we seem invincible … other times we feel frightened and helpless. In the process of coming to know the Truth of our self, we must begin to see our own illusions – about ourselves, about others, about life. We discover how much of our life we have spent hiding in our fears, lost in our sorrows, escaping today by dreaming of tomorrow, and letting others define our lives.

Such moments cannot be planned, coaxed, or coerced. There is no magic formula that invokes them into our lives. But these moments can be invited by our devotion and our attentiveness. They can be awakened by our spiritual practices of meditation, acceptance, and forgiveness. Experiencing this living essence of Loving is something we long for. But we often misinterpret this longing as a desire to find something outside of ourselves to complete us. Misinterpreting, we seek our “soul mate,” or the perfect job, or the perfect community. We search to find our “purpose” in life or to fulfill our “calling.” But what we really want is to know that loving within ourselves through our own direct experience. And, we want to not only experience it once or twice, but over and over, until it becomes the central focus of our lives. Until we truly live in that Loving.

Eventually we choose to stop struggling, and we begin to allow. We surrender who we thought we were and allow who we are to come forth, allowing ourselves to just be. We surrender even what we thought spirituality was and how it was supposed to look. Then our life begins. The life God has given us. A life awakened, journeying upon the unseen Current of Loving that is the very essence of God moving throughout all His creation and stirring it – including us – awake.

That is what we have an opportunity for here in ILM. We watch the Loving flow through the eyes of Jim and 14

ILM 2009 – Austin, Fort Wayne, Dallas, Hawaii, & England







Inner Light Ministries ®


A Path of Sound and Light

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NNER LIGHT IGHT MInistries Inistries Journal INNER

About ILM I nner Light Ministries (ILM) is a non-profit

organization dedicated to teaching spiritual awakening through an inner practice of meditation. This meditation practice is an inner path through which the soul transcends the physical realms of creation to its true home in the spiritual realms within the heart of God. In spiritual teachings and literature this inner path is often referred to as “The Path of Sound and Light,” “The Path of The Holy Spirit,” “The Path of Love,” or simply as “The Path” or “The Way.” ILM offers initiation into this meditation practice enabling one to fully experience this inner journey of awakening. To provide support for those individuals interested in this path, Inner Light Ministries offers numerous publications, materials, programs, and services, which encourage devotion to God and support a life-long practice of prayer, meditation, spiritual study, and service.


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Donations Donations to Inner Light Ministries are gratefully accepted, and help us support: 1. ILM events, production of CDs, the ILM Journal, and books. 2. Scholarships toward supporting members taking ILM retreats and workshops. 3. ILM’s Christmas time project: Coins For Kids. Checks may be made payable to Inner Light Ministries and sent to: Inner Light Ministries, PO Box 164332, Austin, Texas 78716. Or to make a donation by credit card, go to ILM’s website at www.ilm.org. Donations are tax deductible.

Main Office: Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey, P.O. Box 164332, Austin, TX 78716-4332; Financial Office: Tom Beaver, 14618 Mansfield Dam Ct., #16, Austin, TX; Midwest Office: Steven McAfee, P.O. Box 5139, Fort Wayne, IN 46895

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