by Jim Gordon, President of ILM
(from the talk, Living Each Day From Soul - 9/20/05)
editation is a way to begin a process of re-alignment. For lifetimes, your body, your imagination, your emotions and your mind have been at each other’s throats. “I’m in charge.” “No. Wait a minute, you don’t have anything to say about this.” “Go away. Leave me alone. I’ll do this.” Each one of them has been fighting for position and power and authority in this physical creation; the war is going on inside of us all the time. As we get older, we begin to just settle into the battle that’s going on inside, and eventually there’s one that seems to win over the others. For some of us, it’s the emotional nature: we just follow after whatever the emotional nature moves us to do. For others it’s the mind — the mind has won. For others it’s the imagination — we’re caught up in all these images, all these imaginations inside of us, and we’re chasing after those. And for others, it’s the physical body and the cravings of the sensual nature that run us, that lead us into the world to fulfill themselves. And so, in meditation, one of the first things that takes place is an alignment of those elements that are the ‘physical nature’ — the physical, the imaginational, the emotional, the mental, and the unconscious … instead of fighting for supremacy, they start to come into alignment. And the way that happens is: in meditation we look above them; we simple look above them to our true self, to our true nature. By looking above them we don’t give them attention, we don’t give them power, we don’t allow them authority in that moment. And they’re going to struggle for awhile and say, “Wait, wait. I’m supposed to be in charge here! What are you looking up there for? I’m the one you’re supposed to look to!” But as you look up in the one-pointed focus of meditation and you begin to chant the Name of God, you are knocking at that “tenth door” of the spiritual eye center, inviting God in: “Please open the door. Please let me come into you.” And in that one pointed focus, all of our energy, all of our attention, all of our consciousness, and all of our loving is ever focusing up-up-up above the elements of this level of creation, above our body, our imagination, our emotions, our mind and our unconscious. And over a period of time
— the amount of time is different for each one of us — as we meditate every day, holding our attention above all of those elements, they begin to automatically fall into alignment. We do not have to do anything else. We do not have to go anywhere, we do not have to say anything to anybody or fulfill anything in this world — it happens automatically. That’s the beauty of this action; that’s the beauty of the Sound and Light meditation. And when that inner door opens, and that Light and Sound of the Eternal fill you fully, everything that you have ever felt in the way of separation or loneliness or longing is answered, because that Light and Sound fill you to the fullest, fill you to overflowing — and nothing in this creation has authority over you from that moment on. You wake up in that moment, that truly “I am a child of God, and God dwells in me as I dwell in God.” You wake up into the knowing of that. But then what happens is that we come out of our meditation. We’re sitting in alignment, and we get up and start to walk away from our meditation — and for a moment we are still in the alignment, for a moment we are still at the seat of the soul, for a moment the soul has an element of action over all the others, and we feel fulfilled, and whole, and loved, and complete in that moment. And then … our focus, out attention, starts to move back down into the old habit patterns of this creation, and we begin to focus right back where we used to focus before. If it was the emotional nature that was running us, we go there. If it’s the mind … we go there. The Persian mystic Rumi said it so well: “Wake up, and don’t go back to sleep!” There’s a warning in that, and the warning is this — as long as you’re in a physical body, you can go back to sleep. As long as you’re in a physical body, you can be attracted back into the sensual nature, back into the imagination, back into the emotions, back into the mind, and they can have dominion over you … you can go back to sleep. That’s what happened to the soul so long ago when it first came down into this creation. It came down and fell asleep … and we are living the great dream. This worldly existence is the great dream; it isn’t really true. It’s a dream. And the Lord is ever calling out to us, “Wake up. Wake up. Time to come home. Wake up, and then stay awake.” (AWAKENING continues on page 3)
by Brian Yeakey, Vice President of ILM
How do we find that river within? Well, actually it’s up to us to get the waters moving, to stir the waters in order to get the flow going so that we, in a sense, bring ourselves into that ‘main river’. And we do that by sharing our loving with God, with the Voice of God that we are, as it begins to call out in Loving in order to once again connect and merge into that Greater Voice. That’s all we have to do. Simply by calling out in Loving, by Loving the Lord God within in Spirit — not outward in prayer and ritual but inside of ourselves. This reaching out, this extending the loving of who we are, is what opens that door and connects us back into that current, that Sound Current, that Current of both the Sound and the Light.
ollow me. I am the Pathway of Sound and Light. Follow me. That’s what the Voice of God says. That’s what this pathway is — the Voice of God bringing the soul Home. It says, “Follow me. I am the Pathway of Sound and Light. Follow me.” And that’s the inner journey — the calling. The sound is the Voice of God. What we call the Sound Current, the Sound of Spirit, the Audible Life Stream — that truly is the Voice of God that speaks to the soul to call it Home. And as the Voice speaks, we literally, as soul, can hear that still small voice, even in the English language! It will communicate with us in any language it needs to in order to bring us to that place of awakening and back into the fullness with Itself.
When we begin to perceive and to hear that Voice of God, there’s also a Radiance, a glow of the Light that automatically comes from the Sound, and as we pay attention to that inner Sound, we’ll automatically begin to see that inner Light — to see the inner glow first as our own soul, and then to experience the greater Light of God.
That Voice of God is the movement of Loving. It is the very living-loving Essence of the Lord. It is through learning to hear It within that we come to know what It is, and it is in that knowing that we follow the Voice more and more. In the beginning we may not know It, but through the vehicle of the spiritual teacher we come to understand and know what that Voice is. Through the spiritual teacher that Voice of God is made known. Make no mistake — the true Voice of God is the living-loving Essence that moves through that vehicle we call the spiritual teacher. That is the pathway. The true teacher is that Voice of God — not the physical voice of the teacher, not his-or-her personality, but that which speaks through the vehicle. That is the Voice to follow. Always, always, always, follow that inner Voice of God. Meditation is simply the technique or the way by which we can begin to open, to recognize, to understand and perceive all the workings of that inner Voice — through the Light we see, through the Sound we hear, through the movement of that Spirit within, through all the experiences both in the body and out of the body. That Voice of God is the River of Loving, and it appears in meditation like a river. We may have inner experiences, whether in a dream state, or out of body, or in a vision while meditating, of being in a river that gathers and pulls us in its current toward its source, to where it is going. All we have to do is get in the river. But to get in we have to be able to recognize where the river is.
So always remember to begin your meditation simply by sharing your loving with the Creator within, because that’s the movement that will bring things alive and awake within you, where you will really come to know, to wake up, to experience that movement of Loving, that Voice that is calling you Home. So you will experience the Voice that says, “Follow me. I am the Pathway of Sound and Light. Follow me.” The “following” is simply allowing yourself to move along with however and wherever that Sound and Light move you, to wherever that experience brings you. It’s simply following — that’s really all you have to do. You don’t have to make anything happen. There’s no forcing or pushing or pressuring here; it’s simply relaxing and sharing your loving, and allowing yourself to move into that Current of Loving that is God bringing you Home.
And you will hear that inner Voice of God speaking to you, calling you Home. It may appear as all the inner sounds we speak of in ILM: of moving water, and bells, or of musical instruments. But ultimately you will hear a Voice just like you may hear each other’s voices — the Voice speaking directly to you as soul … and you will (LOVING continues on page 15)
For additional information, call 512-306-1056.
Jim and Brian’s weekly class is held on Sundays, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm at the ILM Center, Franklin Sq. Bldg, 3724 Jefferson, Ste. 100.
Each class includes spiritual teachings, practical exercises, group discussion, and meditation. Jim and Brian help participants to become more deeply aware of the Spirit within. No charge.
CHRISTMAS POTLUCK PARTY: Join us for ILM’s Christmas celebration on SATURDAY, DEC 15th beginning at 4 pm at 203 Buckeye Trail in Austin, Texas. Everyone is welcome!
It’s a potluck so bring a dish to share. For more information call Laura Doggett at 512-306-1056.
(ILM Calendar continues on pages 4 - 8)
And this creation, this physical creation, and all that it is made up of, is going to fight. “I’ve been in charge how many lifetimes? I’ve had authority over this body how many years? Are you kidding? I’m not going to give it up to you now, soul. We’re going to fight this out!”
As you are chanting the Name in meditation, the true Loving, the Loving that God has for us, each of us, as soul, transforms everything. All these other parts of the physical self that have been at war with the soul, that have been fighting the soul, that have been in charge and keeping the soul down here, now come into alignment with the Loving flow and say, “And now, what can we do for you? What’s next? I sure do enjoy living in this loving with you. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this.”
But in time, as your meditation practice continues, that voice of challenge, that voice of battle, changes. And eventually it looks up and says, “And now, what can we do for you?” Why the change? Because the loving transforms everything.
So meditate every day. Chant the Name of God everyday. The call is now for you to come Home. Come Home, come Home, come Home. Wake up every day and stay awake. Don’t go back to sleep. Don’t go back into the dream. Wake up and come Home.
(continued from page 1)
by Jim Gordon
ILM presents:
in Hawaii
Sunday, January 27, 2008 MEDITATION & SEMINAR with JIM GORDON and BRIAN YEAKEY
SHARING AND MEDITATION: 10:00 am-12 noon Lunch break SHARING AND Q&A: 1:30-5:30 pm WHERE: Ohana East Hotel, Waikiki, Hawaii
Ohana East Lobby Conference Room Park in the Ohana East garage located at 2375 Kuhio Avenue. Parking will be provided by ILM. DONATION ONATION For further information regarding this event please contact: Nadine Ferraro at 808-988-7509.
January 20 - February 14
Jim and Brian will be available for appointments, and for initiations for those who have been approved. To schedule appointments with Jim or Brian please call Laura Doggett at 512-306-1056. 4
Experiencing The Divine – A Meditative Retreat
facilitated by
Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey
Before it’s too late ... sign up for: Austin, Texas:
COST: Single Occupancy – $350
at Red Corral Ranch Renewal Center
Wimberley, Texas
Thursday, March 20 at 6 pm thru Sunday, March 23, 2008 at 1:30 pm
Double Occupancy (per person) – $275 If you would like to sign up for this retreat go to the ILM website ( or contact ASAP: Laura Doggett at 512-306-1056.
or for: Kalamazoo, Michigan: at Yarrow Conference Center
COST: Single Occupancy – $425
Augusta, Michigan
Double Occupancy (per person) – $275 If you would like to sign up for this retreat please contact: Steven McAfee at 260-485-2167.
Thursday, May 15 at 6 pm thru Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 1:30 pm 5
For additional information, call Laura at 512-266-9400 or 512-658-4117 or email: TORIES UNTOLD: Jim and Brian talk about Loving, Acceptance, and Forgiveness in every talk S they give. Through our writing in S U , we first-handedly get to practice and experience Loving, TORIES
Acceptance and Forgiveness in the events of our lives, letting go of the past so that we can open more fully to the Divine. As a bonus, the process of writing also prepares us in the present, as well as laying a foundation for the future, keeping us more aligned and in the flow of God’s Loving. These weekends are magical! Try it for one weekend and see for yourself. No experience necessary! You just have to show up!
TEXAS: 2008: JAN 19, MAR 1, MAY 3, SEPT 6, NOV 15 (Stories Untold-Texas will meet at Tom and Laura’s home: 14618 Mansfield Dam Ct., #16) MICHIGAN: FEB 15-17
Yarrow Augusta, Mich. APR 25-27 Breeze Inn Saugatuck, Mich. 2008: JUNE 15-21, AUG 22-24, OCT 24-26, DEC 12-14
$125 $125
Join Tom and Laura at their new home at Mansfield Dam on the 1 Friday of every month to watch a movie with a spiritual message. If you have a favorite movie that speaks to you, we’ll add it to our list. Come early (6 pm) and have a fresh bowl of homemade soup and slice of Great Harvest bread. Movie starts between 7:30 -8:00 pm. Everyone is welcome. Bring nothing but your beautiful self. No charge. st
2008: JAN 4, FEB 1, MAR 7, APR 4 (ILM Calendar continues on next page) — the INNER LIGHT MINISTRIES Website
You don’t have to be in Austin to attend the Sunday classes! is is being being offered offered to to share share the the basics on ILM, an organization dedicated to teaching The Path of Sound Sound and and Light, Light, and and to to enable enable everyone everyone interested interested to to purchase purchase ILM ILM books, books, tapes tapes and and CDs CDs online. online. It It is is now now simpler simpler and and faster faster to to gain gain access access to: to: ** Audio Audio versions versions of of ILM’s ILM’s weekly weekly Sunday Sunday Morning Morning Classes Classes in in Austin, Austin, Texas Texas ** All All past past and and present present ILM ILM Newsletters Newsletters ** Information Information on on ILM ILM Initiation Initiation into into The The Path Path of of Sound Sound and and Light Light ** Online Online registration registration for for some some ILM ILM workshops workshops and and retreats retreats
There is also a special section for ILM Initiates Only.
AND ... you can now download the talks from the audio section. Some of the recent talks in the audio section that you can listen to are: “rr“Rewriting Inner Script” “Greater Clarity on the Three Fold Path” “Restoration OfGods The Soul” “Radiant Form of Loving” “Experiencing Presence” “What is God’s Initiation” “Resurrection Through Meditation” “In the Flow of the Loving” Check out our recently updated today! 6
Steven offers a series of weekly ILM classes in Ft. Wayne on Tuesday UESDAY CLASS SERIES: nights from 7-8:30 pm at Unity Christ Church. Each series focuses on a specific spiritual topic. Some of our recent topics have included: lost books of the Bible; meditation in the Bible; and the mystical inner path in sacred scriptures. Please call Steven for current information.
More fun community nights are on their way! We’ll provide soft drinks OMMUNITY NIGHT: and munchies. Please RSVP a week ahead so we can plan appropriately. DEC 11 7 pm MUSIC NIGHT-CHRISTMAS PARTY! Steven and Anita’s home Ft. Wayne 2008: JAN 5 AND MAR 1 7 pm MUSIC NIGHT! Steven and Anita’s home Ft. Wayne
No charge No charge
NNER STUDIES:” The following events are open only to those already enrolled in this year-long program. For information about our year-long groups, please contact Steven.
DEC 2 2:30-5:30 pm Brigade of Light room Ft. Wayne Donation LAST meeting of this year’s program, AND the new intro for NEXT year’s program – ALL are welcome!
2008: JAN 6, MAR 2 2:30-5:30 pm FEB 1-3
Brigade of Light room
Ft. Wayne
Fri. 6 pm-Sun. 2:30 pm Yarrow Conference Center Augusta, Mich. $215 double/$300 single
Join us in the “CFK” wrapping party. Pizzas and sodas will be provided.
6:30 pm
Brigade of Light room
Ft. Wayne
UNDAY SERVICES: Steven frequently serves as a guest speaker for various churches and spiritual groups in the Fort Wayne area. If you would like him to speak to your group, please call to make arrangements. The following is presently scheduled.
2008: MAR 23
11 am
Brigade of Light
Ft. Wayne
Community ILM Seminars and Events Worldwide ILM ACTIVITIES in KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN:
For more information on the activities below please contact Carolyn Dailey at 269-327-6851 (or email or Judy Richards at 269-349-3943 (e-mail
G : This group supports our spiritual growth with a group meditation and the study of S ILM books, CD’s or tapes. Come join us for an enriching experience of growing in our loving. TUDY
1st Tuesdays
6:15–8:15 pm
Judy Richards, 4715 Thistle Mill Ct.
No charge
NIGHT: Fun, enjoyable evenings with ILM friends, watching favorite movies with a spiritual
message. Welcome all — yourself, friends and family members! 3rd Tuesdays
6:15–8:15 pm
Judy Richards, 4715 Thistle Mill Ct.
No charge
(Worldwide Calendar continues on next page)
Community ILM Seminars and Events Worldwide ILM ACTIVITIES in KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN: (continued)
Share your blessings with others on Thanksgiving day. Please bring a dish (turkey and dressing provided), and later we’ll watch a spiritual movie. Arrive between 11:00 and 1:00, dinner will be at 1:00. For more information call Penny Miller at 269-664-3577.
Please contact Richard or Trisha LoveJoy at 630.768.8313 (email for more information.
G : This group supports our spiritual growth with a group meditation and the study of S ILM books, CD’s or tapes. Come join us for an enriching experience of growing in our loving. TUDY
3rd Sundays
1:00– 3:00 pm
New Horizons Companies, 490 Woodcreek Drive, Suite D
No charge
ILM MID-WEEK SEMINAR in AUSTIN: Please contact Randy Bass at 512-569-1992 in advance before coming.
APE SEMINARS: A midweek tape seminar is being held in Austin, Texas for those who are unable to participate in Jim and Brian’s regular Sunday classes. The format will be the same as on Sundays, although the meditation and talk will be on CD. Please call in advance — even if it’s just an hour or two before.
7-8:30 pm
ILM Center, Franklin Sq. Bldg, 3724 Jefferson, Ste. 100
No charge
ILM SEMINAR in LOS ANGELES: Please contact Victoria Eng at 310-980-2224 to RSVP before coming.
APE SEMINARS: The focus of each evening is on spiritual awakening, and on supporting one another in experiencing and sharing greater Loving within ourselves and with others. These seminars will be held every other Wednesday at 6 pm at Victoria and Willard Eng’s home in Beverlywood. Please call for exact dates. No charge.
ILM SEMINAR in HAWAII: Please contact Nadine Ferraro at 808-988-7509, or 551-3123 (cell) for directions.
SEMINARS: Share in a one-hour meditation and fellowship opportunity on: Monday evenings from 6-7:30 pm in Manoa Valley, Honolulu, Hawaii Bring friends ... newcomers are welcome. No charge.
Please contact Nanna Brinker at 0207 485 0699 for directions. APE SEMINARS: Each evening will consist of a short meditation and the listening to a CD or tape by Jim and Brian. Join us in sharing the path of Loving and awakening into Spirit. All are welcome. Our ILM seminars are at 42A Montpelier Grove, London NW5, on the following dates.
Sundays 4 pm JAN 6 & 27, FEB 17, MAR 9 & 30, APR 20, MAY 11, JUNE 1 & 22
No charge
Please be aware that new programs are often scheduled after this calendar goes to press, and, in rare instances, published schedules may have to be altered. For current information on any event or series, please call the presenter or contact person listed with the program. Thank you. 8
New ILM Meditation and Talk On CD (For more ILM CDs see pgs. 11-12) SOON ON CD – THE
hen some karmas die — when they’re done, when they’re complete and you’ve learned the lesson — then you’ve passed that test and you move on to the next thing. And that “next thing” can be unfamiliar sometimes, because you are so used to doing it a certain way and you’re now having to allow yourself the process of experiencing it in a different way. That can be challenging because we’re so habitualized in the way we’ve been doing it. So a big key to the spiritual journey is that we’ve got to allow ourselves the freedom to experience things in a new way, so we can keep growing and freeing ourselves to travel ever higher into and through the realms of spirit.
— Brian Yeakey
ORDERING INFORMATION: This CD and the following pages of CDs are each $10.00 plus $3 postage and handling per order (not per item). Checks may be made payable to INNER LIGHT MINISTRIES and sent to: ILM, P.O. Box 164332, Austin, Texas 78716-4332. Or you can go to our website to order (see page 6).
Welcome to Inner Light Ministries! Introductory Packet In this packet you will find ILM’s book LOVE AND LOVING, the CD UNDERSTANDING THE ‘INNER’ PATHWAY, the CD LOTUS MEDITATION, ILM’s brochure INNER LIGHT MINISTRIES GUIDELINES FOR INITIATION AND INITIATES, and a copy of our latest newsletter.
All of these materials were selected to give a newcomer a good understanding of who we are and what we’re about. If you would like an Introductory Packet for yourself or someone else, just let us know. Call us, email us, or write us! Feel free to take a look at our website too: (more information on page 6). We are happy to do what we can to assist you on your spiritual journey. Blessings of Peace, Joy and Loving To You! Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey, and The ILM Staff 9
Q& A
(This Q&A is from the “Experiencing The Divine Retreat,” Wimberley, Texas, March 2007 — a continuation from our last journal.)
Q: So, where does the Holy Spirit start? A: (Jim)
The Holy Spirit comes out of the first movement of creative action of God. God’s Divine Loving moved and created all through the action of the Holy Spirit or the Loving.
Q: And the purple light is? A: (Brian) It’s the Holy Spirit in action. In meditation,
if you see the Purple Light, and it is moving around, ever moving — that’s the Holy Spirit. If it’s static, that’s not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is ever moving, ever pulsating. The Holy Spirit is ever moving to draw you into It or to move into you. It is moving to keep you active, to keep you present, to keep you moving forward. If it’s a static light, that’s a part of the physical creation trying to emulate or copy and make you believe it is something other than it is. So if it’s static, say: “God Bless you. I’m doing the real thing.” And don’t follow after the static light, the magnetic light, the copy of the original.
Q: And the Christ, the anointed?
To go along with God, and the Holy Spirit, it sort of sounds like the Trinity. Is there some sort of Trinity? What is the role of the anointed one?
A: (Brian)
You’ve been initiated, right?
Yes. (Brian continues) You’re the anointed one. The Father is God the Creator. The Holy Spirit is, in a sense, God’s Loving in action, God’s expression. And His creation is us as soul, the son. Father, son and the Holy Spirit. And it’s all, in the end, the movement of God’s Loving. Breaking it down into a Trinity is a way to give expression at this level of understanding so that we can begin to move into the actual experience. In truth, it’s just a oneness, it’s all a movement of oneness — but that is hard to understand through the mind. So we’ll say things like the Trinity in order to break it down so
the mind has the understanding, so it can grasp an idea that makes it easier to move into the actual experience. It’s when you move into the actual experience that you’ll realize that it really is all one, and simply a movement of Loving, and it’s awesome. Jim: There are two ways we can share the word “anointed.” The first is: the one who is initiated is an anointed one. In the Hebrew terminology of mysticism, they were the ‘chosen ones’, and that’s why they used to call themselves “the chosen people,” because God had chosen them. They were marked to come home at that time, and that brought a teacher forward — God brought a teacher forward, Moses, so that they could come home. And the teacher said, “You are chosen by God to come home.” But the initiate in turn has to choose back by taking initiation — by receiving the anointing of the Holy Spirit in initiation in order to have the practice by which to fulfill the choosing by turning home to God. And then there’s another term having to do with the anointed, which has to do with the spiritual teacher. It’s also called the “passing of the Mantel.” The spiritual teacher is anointed by the Holy Spirit — is given full authority to assist the soul on its return home to God. And that’s the first anointing. The spiritual teachers are anointed by the Holy Spirit; they have received the Mantel by which to become the Living Word. In the Bible, Jesus was passed the Mantel of authority to initiate by John the Baptist; and at that time Jesus began to go forward and initiate people. The Living Word is the Holy Spirit. It is the first Word, it is the Word by which all creation came into being. And on every realm of creation there is someone who represents that Living Word for the souls to receive understanding, information, and Initiation from. So on this physical level there are those souls that are anointed by God, who have the authority to hold the “Keys to the Kingdom” or the action of Initiation, and who in turn give it to those that God has chosen, that it is now their time to return. God will say to the teacher, “There are these to bring Home. If they ask for the way Home, (Q&A continues on page 15) 10
ILM Meditations and Talks On CDs
See page 9 for information about ordering these CDs.
ILM Meditations and Talks On CDs (continued) THE THREE FOLD PATH
(2 TALKS SET - $15)
See page 9 for information about ordering these CDs.
by Laura Kesten, ILM Minister
and it was prepared to fight to the end. Recently I’ve begun to realize that being over-sugared has been affecting my meditations. Instead of keeping my focus on God during my meditation time, I’d easily cave to distractions; I’d focus on my achy, sluggish body, or a headache, before involuntarily slipping into a sugar induced sleep.
’m Laura Kesten … and I’m a sugar addict.
My earliest memory in life is around three — when I’d wake up before the rest of the family and drink my mother’s left over coffee in her cup which was more milk and sugar than coffee.
It was my longing for God that made me realize: God is more important than sugar.
As a child, I was rarely allowed sugar treats, except for the very-occasional ice cream or A&W root beer, or coffeecakes my grandparents brought when visiting. Even though sugary foods were infrequent — or maybe because of it — I developed a sweet-tooth that eventually resulted in illicit behavior: I’d sneak chocolate from my mother’s bedside table; I’d even snitch cookies or cupcakes from my classmates’ lunches.
So, where to start? I tried the herbs, the diet, the affirmations, but I retreated right back to the sugar pit. It was Brian Yeakey who gave me direction: he told me to just watch, pay attention, be aware, don’t judge. So, I did. I watched happily as I indulged in ever larger volumes of sugar. I allowed myself to eat whatever it was I wanted, without judging it. I did this for days, weeks, months.
In college, I’d often skip classes to treat myself to a hot fudge sundae. As a young school teacher, I’d keep mini candy bars in my desk and snack on them all day long. In recent times, if I didn’t have something readily available when I felt a craving, I’d begin a frantic search through the house, ransacking drawers, cupboards, closets, anywhere and everywhere, in pursuit of sweet treats I’d squirreled away somewhere but had forgotten where. Once locating a hoard, I’d nurse on the sweets for the rest of the day until they were gone. Sometimes, in a day, I’d go on the hunt for a second, and even a third, stash.
Brian also said to just love it: love the cravings, love the sugar, love it all. I began to be playful with my addiction, making noises with each bite, saying, “I love you scrumptious piece of butter frosting cake!” I’d eat the treat slower as I loved it. Then, one day, as I was finishing up a piece of cake, I suddenly became aware I was no longer tasting it. I wondered — at what point did I stop tasting it? What if I stopped eating at that point, the point that I was no longer tasting the sweetness?
More than once it had been suggested to me that bouts of lethargy I’d go through — what to say of foggy thinking, irritability, even headaches — were sugar side-effects. I disagreed. Ask me if I had a sugar addiction and I’d have said no. I mean, what’s an excessive amount of sugar anyway? It’s a harmless indulgence. A couple of years ago, I finally admitted that I might indeed have a sugar-problem. First I wanted to blame someone for it, but I realized that blaming was counterproductive. So I began talking about my situation with my friends. They offered suggestions as to what herb would suppress the cravings, or what food combination would help, or what affirmation I should repeat ... but the definitive inner voice in my head had no intention of giving up sugar, 13
I also began paying attention to the relationship between the events happening in my life and the volume of sugar I’d take in. I began paying attention to the way I felt emotionally, mentally, and physically with more, and less, sugar. I became aware of how different it felt to be buying sugar and to be walking away from it. In paying attention, being aware, not judging, and loving it all, I began to make some significant changes. My inner voice began making changes as well. It was saying less of: “Oh, go ahead. You know you want it. It’s been a hard day. You haven’t had that much” … it was saying more of: “Will this support you? Remember, you’ve already had something today. Come on, let’s just walk away.” I realized that by giving up this self-defeating habit, I was gaining something — an even sweeter relationship with God. (CONFESSIONS continues on page 15)
by Steven McAfee,
and more playful consciousness, which was more open to Spirit; we were more aware of Spirit’s movement within us, and we felt freer to respond to that movement. Sweet smiles and tender tears were on our faces nearly every day as we watched ourselves unfold.
ILM Minister
n mid-October I facilitated my first weeklong ILM retreat. It took place with a dozen people at Gilchrist, a wonderful contemplative center in rural Michigan. Participants each had their own modern cabin in the woods. There’s a central meetinghouse for meditations, meals, and sharing. The property has a large labyrinth and a wonderful interfaith garden area. Upon the grounds there is also a small stone chapel, hand-built from local fieldstone, which is a sweet place to meditate or just sit quietly. The entire setting is quiet, lovely and serene.
In my everyday world, I am so distracted and preoccupied with concerns about worldly responsibilities and anxieties that I do not always experience the Loving of God as present. By accepting the space of freedom that this retreat created, I was permitting my awareness to embrace something much larger than my worldly concerns: I was embracing the Loving within me, and I was seeing it more easily in others. I was not “working at it;” it was just opening up within me. All it had needed in order to manifest was the time and space that I had not been giving it. I was not alone in this realization; most of us voiced this very same kind of experience at some point during the week.
The retreat began on a Sunday evening and ended the following Sunday. The focus and title of the retreat was “Sabbatical for the Soul,” and the schedule was very simple, the “official” retreat program being comprised of very few activities. There was a morning group meditation, followed by a silent period for further inner contemplation. There was an afternoon meditation, followed by a session of yoga. With the exception of three group meals during the week, we all ate in our individual cabins. At night, there was a class with some spiritual teaching and group discussion, and of course a few songs here and there. The rest of each day was free time. With such an abundance of unstructured personal time, people were able to relax to a much deeper level than is usually possible in our busy everyday lives. This deeper relaxation and greater freedom with time permitted unhurried meditations, leisurely walks, plenty of time to reflect and write, and time to share with one another or to be in solitude. With such little structure, what could have resulted was: a lack of focus, a lot of scattered energy, and a general feeling of boredom. What actually occurred was something really profound and wonderful. People began to let go of the world. On about the third day together — which would be about the time we’d start getting ready to go home from a weekend retreat — we all realized that there was nowhere we had to go and nothing we had to do. So we began to settle in, to move into a much deeper place within ourselves with a much more pronounced sense of relaxation and peace. As a result of this restful inner state, we experienced a calmer
On the morning meditation of our last day together, I was surprised at how distracted I had become again. My meditation, which had been so wonderful throughout the week, was now out-of-focus, my energy scattered. Afterward, in our final group sharing session, I asked what everyone else had noticed about the quality of their own meditations that morning. The general consensus was that they had been much more distracted. As we discussed it, it became clear that those of us who had the most difficulty in focusing had begun to pack up earlier that morning in anticipation of leaving at lunch. We realized that our attention had gone from relaxing in the Spirit to engaging the world once again. Immediately our meditations were diminished as a result of this divided inner attention. And, I realized, this is true for me everywhere, not just in retreat.
Is it possible to experience that sense of spiritual freedom during our everyday lives, not just in retreat? I have decided that what I need to do is create a daily “inner retreat” for myself: to create a place of simplicity, of relaxation, of allowing, of becoming “not of the world,” to prepare myself before sitting down to meditate. Here are some of the practical actions that I have found to support my meditation, actions that take me to a place inside myself that transcends the world. These actions go on all throughout my day. I start each morning with a (RETREAT continues on page 15)
of what that is, with the joy, and the gratefulness, and the gratitude. There will be tears of joy and gratitude, believe me. If you haven’t had that already, there will be a day when you will have that, and you will know that.
by Brian Yeakey
(continued from page 2)
know, when the time comes, what that Voice is. You will know that it is the Voice of God bringing you Home. And then you will celebrate. You will experience the joyous moment of awakening to what that is, and the knowing
So allow yourself to follow that Voice of God, the Sound and the Light.
Q& A (continued from page 10)
In the Bible the teacher, the spiritual teacher, is also called the Living Word. On this level, the spiritual teacher is called the Living Word, just as Jesus was called the Living Word at the time. This doesn’t make us special; it just indicates the authority by which we do the work. And we know that because we know the exact moment when that anointment happened, and we’ve lived that from that point on. We’ve been growing in it from that point on, and understanding how to do that.
by Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey
give it to them.” And so, the teacher just pays attention to that. So the teacher is the first anointed, if you will. And then with that he in turn anoints or initiates the souls that are ready to go home.
CONFESSIONS (continued from page 13)
Sugar is not the only thing that keeps me separated from my meditation experience, even though it is one of the main ones. My experience tells me it’s important for each of us to take a look at the various things that distract us from our meditation, from our focus on God. If you find something, like I did … my suggestion is that you follow Brian’s suggestion. It’s working for me.
by Laura Kesten
I certainly have not bagged this addiction altogether. With each new day I remain in process with it.
(continued from page 14)
The retreat experience also helped me realize how important it is for me to feel like I have “enough time” to meditate. So, I am slowly training my mind, little by little each day, teaching it that my meditation time does not belong to the world. I tell myself, “I am giving this time to God. This is our private time to share together. I am not accomplishing a worldly task here, and I am not focusing on getting ready to go perform another task when I finish here. I am free to simply and only spend time with God, and there is nothing else more important in this moment. In this moment, there is nothing else.”
by Steven McAfee
prayer of gratitude for my blessings. And then I remember to send God’s Spirit before me everywhere I go. I inwardly chant the Name of God throughout my daily activities. I mentally bless people I encounter, especially the ones who are not living up to my ideas of how they “should” be treating me. I listen to inspirational music and to audios of Jim and Brian’s talks, which remind me to focus on the Divine Loving within me, rather than on the energy of the world around me. I make sure to allow myself time for spiritual reading and study. And finally, I end each day with a prayer of forgiveness for others and for myself. I incorporate the loving of God into my day as fully as I can, so that my day becomes an extension of my meditation, instead of something completely separate from it.
Each of us can learn, in our own ways, how to create an “inner retreat” for ourselves — a place of simplicity, of relaxation, of allowing. Once we do that, we have given ourselves a real gift, one the world cannot offer or take away: the inner quiet and inner simplicity to experience the Loving of God right where we are. 15
organization dedicated to teaching spiritual awakening through an inner practice of meditation. This meditation practice is an inner path through which the soul transcends the physical realms of creation to its true home in the spiritual realms within the heart of God. In spiritual teachings and literature this inner path is often referred to as “The Path of Sound and Light,” “The Path of The Holy Spirit,” “The Path of Love,” or simply as “The Path” or “The Way.” ILM offers initiation into this meditation practice enabling one to fully experience this inner journey of awakening. To provide support for those individuals interested in this path, Inner Light Ministries offers numerous publications, materials, programs, and services, which encourage devotion to God and support a life-long practice of prayer, meditation, spiritual study, and service.
“ILM has really become a pathway of meditation. It is a pathway for those who are seeking to understand more of the inner kingdoms, the inner regions, the ‘inter-action’ between God and Soul. It’s also a pathway through Initiation — in order to begin to wake up to the truth of who we really are as Spirit.” – Jim Gordon
Main Office: Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey, P.O. Box 164332, Austin, TX 78716-4332; Financial Office: Tom Beaver, 14618 Mansfield Dam Ct., #16, Austin, TX; Midwest Office: Steven McAfee, P.O. Box 5139, Fort Wayne, IN 46895
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