LEARNING TO RELAX by Jim Gordon, President of ILM
ife is a continual lesson. At least it seems that way for me. I find that I am ever learning from what is present in the moment. And what is present in the moment as I sit here typing this article is: learning another level of taking care of myself. I say learning “another level of taking care of myself” because I have found that lessons in this world have many levels or layers to them. I used to look at my learning as ‘doing, completing, and moving on’ to the next lesson, only to realize that a new level or layer of learning about a ‘previous lesson’ would arise. So now I am ever grateful for the learning experiences I have, and I stay present and aware of the unfolding process in my learning—for the next layer of experience and learning as it unfolds. Another way of putting this might be to say that while in the body and in this creation the work and learning continue, and, “It is done when it is done,” not in my time but in God’s. So, as I said earlier, the lesson present for me now is another layer of learning about taking care of me. I am on vacation as I write this article. I am here to relax and replenish myself. What I find for myself as I write this is: writing “I am here to relax and replenish” is easier than actually doing it. In my daily life I find that my days are very full with activities, overseeing the development and completion of projects, sharing with people, and so much more. So I have developed a daily practice of ‘doing, doing and more doing’! And this is generally good, for this is how I am able to get so much done with grace and ease. But, now I am here on vacation—with a different intention. Rather than ‘doing, doing and more doing’,
my intention here is one of relaxing, enjoying and replenishing myself. I understand the principal in this—and yet I have not given myself the opportunity for much practical experience to draw upon. Often my vacations of the past have been filled with . . . ‘doing, doing and more doing’! This might entail a lot of sightseeing, involvement with others as they busy themselves with activities, and also feeling responsible for those others who are traveling with me. You know, making sure they are having a great time, and not paying attention to the time I am having. So what I find myself doing now is learning about relaxation and paying attention to the lesson that is present for me now, which is learning more about taking care of me. I am finding this to be an unfolding process, one day at a time. The first couple of days here were busy with getting settled in. Then came a moment in time when I realized: my ‘learning moment’ was upon me. I found that I was able to sit back and relax and do nothing or . . . hmmm . . . I could get up, get the car keys and go! My old routine—go, go go! Now there is nothing wrong in ‘going’, in being active while on vacation. This time though, my lesson is about a different ‘doing’, that of relaxing and replenishing. And so I found myself in a struggle inside. There’s this part of me that is use to being active and doing in the world, and now there’s also this part of me calling me to do something different. It has taken a few days for me to begin to understand what it is to relax and enjoy the moment in a way that I have not done before. I decided to do something to assist me in this process of relaxing, so I got out my dictionary and looked up the word “relax.” Well did I get my eyes opened when I read the definition! “Relax: to spend time resting or doing things for pleasure, especially in contrast to or as a relief from the effort and stress of everyday life.” When I saw the (RELAX continues on page 3)
by Brian Yeakey,
a belief system in my consciousness that I was ‘living in’, and the ocean and big, powerful waves represented the Spirit washing away this belief system. The strong, rapid current/river of water moving down the road represented the “Sound Current” taking me on a street/path towards a town that symbolized the next experience for me to have. All I had to do was to get out (let go) of the house and get on ‘the current’ and ride it—it would take me to where I needed to go next.
ILM Minister
ecently I had an inner experience where I was in an ocean-front house with a group of people, watching the waves out back. Suddenly, the waves became huge and powerful and began crashing into and over the house. The waves continued crashing against the house, and the water began rising around it. There were several people in the house with me and we were getting worried. I offered to go get help and headed out the front door. The road in front of the house had become a strong current of water, like a fast moving river, from all the water that had poured into it from the ocean waves. I jumped on top of this river of water, and I rode it like a surfer! As this river of water swiftly moved down the road, I began to move towards the front, the crest, of it. As I neared the crest of this current, I could see how fast it was moving and that it was going to quickly reach a nearby town. At this point, the others who were in the house with me were right behind me, as they’d also come out of the house and were riding this fast and strong current. As they got closer to me, we all started feeling safer and more confident that we were going to be all right. As this feeling of security and confidence grew, the whole experience came to an end. As the dream was wrapping up I found myself talking to some people, telling them how this experience would make a good article for the next ILM newsletter, and that I should call it, “Letting Go of the Past.” So, here I am, doing just that!
To me, this experience was a profound confirmation of all I have to do in my life. That is, to let go (of my old belief systems) and let God, by getting on and riding His loving (the Sound Current). And that God’s loving will wash away what is no longer needed and carry me to what is next. Let me share with you an example of what I mean by ‘letting go of the past.’ Several years ago, the girlfriend that I had at that time and I decided to end our relationship. We tried being friends for several months after that, but discovered that it just wasn’t working. So, we decided to let it go and not see each other at all any more. I went on with my life and she did with hers. As time went by, every so often I would wonder what and how she was doing. At times I thought I saw her when I was out around town, but I was never really sure it was her. Over the months and years, I would have these thoughts about her— just wondering what was going on with her. I didn’t really want to contact her and open things back up. But, I was still curious. So, I always had this underlying curiosity—this relationship from my past was pulling on me in this way. Obviously, I had not let it go . . . I had an attachment to the past, even though the relationship itself was physically done.
Most often, dreams and inner experiences are made up of events and objects that are symbolic of things taking place within us. And it is up to us to interpret what the symbolism means to us in each experience (and sometimes information from an inner experience is very direct, such as the part about this experience making a good newsletter article entitled, “Letting Go of the Past”). To me, this inner experience had to do with letting go of an old belief system and moving forward, on a current that I could ride and which could carry me into a new experience. The house represented
Well, just recently I was having dinner with Jim Gordon and another friend at a restaurant nearby, and in walked this past girlfriend. A certain feeling came over me, and I knew that this was Spirit’s way of assisting me to let go of this curiosity-attachment that I had with her. Instantly, I knew that this answered inside of me my wanting to know how she’s doing. I could feel this attachment that was inside of me come (PAST continues on page 3) 2
BY J IM G ORDON and B RIAN Y EAKEY : For additional information, call 512-306-1056.
Jim’s weekly Austin class is held Tuesdays 7-9 pm,
ILM Center, Franklin Sq. Bldg, 3724 Jefferson, Ste. 100, Austin, Texas No Charge.
Each class includes spiritual teaching, practical exercises, group discussion, and meditation. Jim and Brian help participants to become more deeply in touch with the Spirit within. (ILM Calendar continues on pages 4 - 6)
The Staff of the Shepherd by Jim Gordon
This is a revised and expanded edition, with additional information about Inner Light Ministries and “The Path of Sound and Light.” “The rod and the staff were tools of the ancient shepherds, used to usher their flocks of sheep along. In its symbolic meaning, the ‘rod and staff’ refer to the many tools, or ‘instruments’, by which God ushers us, His ‘flock’, along on our journeys through life. And perhaps the most important of the ‘instruments’ by which God assists us are his many assistants, or agents, which He sends to guide, serve and protect us on our way.” – Jim Gordon
Relax (continued from page 1)
by Jim Gordon
Past (continued from page 1)
words, “to spend time resting or doing things for pleasure,” I had a great eye-opening experience. I thought I knew the definition of relax—but mine had this ‘go-go-go’ still hidden in it. Somehow for me, reading this definition allowed me to give myself permission to relax in a new and wonderful way. I needed this reminder to spend time resting and doing things for pleasure.
by Brian Yeakey
to completion, and I could feel myself ‘letting go of the past’. She never saw me, so we never talked, but I didn’t need to. Just seeing her was enough to free this up inside of me. Over the next few days, I experienced a gratitude that filled me with loving, knowing that this was now complete and that I was free to move on to greater fulfillment in my spiritual journey of life. I hope this helps explain what I mean by letting go of the past, and why it helps us on our journey through life. Those things that we ‘hold onto’, even though they’re finished on a physical level, can hold us back and keep us in the past. For us to be free to be able to truly live in the moment and experience God’s loving, we need to let go of all those things. And as we do, God’s ‘current of loving’ will carry us forward into our own spiritual freedom and greater spiritual fulfillment!
Then, the next thing for me in this process has been to find out just what I enjoy doing for pleasure. Now I am learning a new level and action of doing. What fun, what fun, I am actually having a fun time in a way that I have not had before! Now, the next level of learning in all this is to look up the definitions for “replenish.” I wonder what I am going to find! 3
I NNER L IGHT M INISTRIES CALENDAR PRESENTED BY LAURA KESTEN: For additional information, call Laura Kesten at 512-894-0992. TORIES U NTOLD: Have you heard your “calling” to write? Have you answered it yet? In this S program, we attend to our own personal callings to write—to write from the heart about our life
experiences—our tragedies, our triumphs, our insights, our wisdom, our awakenings, and our opening hearts. We do this through the healing words of our own untold stories as we write them down on paper, and then share them (optional) with a loving, safe and supportive group. No experience is necessary!
MICHIGAN: OCT 1-3, Pretty Lake, Mattawan; DEC 3-5, Location TBA $125 per weekend TEXAS: SEPT 10-12, NOV 12-14, The Hill Country LightHouse, Dripping Springs, TX $100 per weekend
365 D AYS OF IVING C ONSCIOUSLY : What if you had one year to live? How would you want to live it? Might you want your yearlong journey to be about living each day mindfully, living it authentically, with integrity, and might you have it to include forgiveness, acceptance, and loving? What if you could live each day this year consciously and deliberately? Throughout 2004, our “LIVING CONSCIOUSLY” group will meet the third Sunday of each month. You can still join us NOW!
2-4 pm
ILM Center, Austin, TX
UMINATIVE RETREAT : Experience this overnight in silence, and contemplate Spirit. Take R time to notice your breathing and breathe deeply. Eat slowly and taste your food. Meditate, journal,
read, paint, stretch your body, rest, retreat, ruminate. SEPT 18-19
Sat. 10 am – Sun. noon
The Hill Country LightHouse
EACEMAKER: This powerful and experiential workshop, based on the Iroquois’ legend of the P PeaceMaker, offers us a grand opportunity to let go of negative belief systems and behaviors that no
longer serve us, and in doing so, opening up to embrace a “New Mind,” thus reconnecting with our own ‘peacemaker’ hearts within. Author Jean Houston describes the New Mind as “a radical change in consciousness that opens itself to a new order of health, justice, and sacred power.” Come and experience this very powerful workshop. Auditing PeaceMaker is an awesome experience! OCT 8-10
Fri. 7 pm – Sun. 3 pm
The Hill Country LightHouse
IRCLE OF W OMEN: In September, October, and November, we’ll create and develop ‘Journey C Books.’ A Journey Book is a journal-type book filled with quotes, pictures, drawings—everything that has
meaning for you, that reminds you of Spirit and your connection with Spirit. These books are fun to create, as well as being very powerful in supporting our own personal journey with Spirit.
SEPT 17, OCT 15, NOV 19
Fridays, 7 pm – 9 pm
ILM Center, Austin, TX
No Charge
Join us for a potluck and the movie, Chocolat, in Dripping Springs. We’ll gather at 2:30 pm and eat at 3:00 pm. The movie begins around 4:00 so we’ll finish approximately by 6:00 pm. SEPT 12
Sun. 2:30–6 pm
Tom and Laura’s, Dripping Springs, TX
No Charge
(Note: please be aware that new programs are often scheduled after the newsletter goes to press, and, in rare instances, published schedules may have to be altered. For current information on any event or series, please call the presenter or contact person listed with the program. Thank you.)
(ILM Calendar continues on next page)
I NNER L IGHT M INISTRIES CALENDAR PRESENTED BY STEVEN R. MCAFEE, MIDWEST COORDINATOR: For additional information, call Steven at 260-485-2167. UESDAY CLASS SERIES: Steven offers a series of weekly ILM classes in Ft. Wayne on Tuesday T nights from 7-8:30 pm at Unity Christ Church. Each series focuses on a specific spiritual topic and runs
from 4-6 weeks in length. Some of our recent topics have included: meditation (using Jim Gordon’s book, The Knowing of God), mystical teachings from the kabbalah, a study of first century Christianity, and the stories of Jesus. Please call Steven for up-to-date information on the current series.
OMMUNITY NIGHT: More music nights are on the way! Bring your voice, guitar, drum, or C other musical instrument. Or just come to listen and enjoy! We’ll provide soft drinks and light munchies.
Please RSVP during the preceding week so we can plan appropriately. SEPT 8, OCT 20, NOV 10, DEC 8
7-10 pm
Steven & Anita’s home, Ft. Wayne
No Charge
NOCK” PROGRAM: This is the last meeting of our year-long study group. It has been a K wonderful and fruitful year that has created a genuine sense of community among us. If you missed out
on the “KNOCK” program this past year and would like to be a part of our new study group called “Kindred Spirits,” please see the information in the following paragraph. SEPT 26
2-5 pm
Brigade of Light room, YWCA, Ft. Wayne
THE “ INDRED SPIRITS” STUDY GROUP: (a new year-long study program) Participation in any of the previous year-long study groups is NOT a pre-requisite. This program is open to anyone interested in deepening their spiritual life through individual prayer and meditation along with community study and sharing.
An introductory luncheon meeting will be held on Saturday, October 2 at the Guesthouse Hotel in Fort Wayne. The content, requirements, and enrollment procedure will be presented from 11:00 am-12:00 pm, followed by a question and answer session during lunch from 12:00-1:00 pm. To attend the luncheon meeting, you must REGISTER IN ADVANCE by calling Steven at 260-485-2167. Registrations must be received by Sept. 24. There is no cost to attend the luncheon, but donations will be accepted. Attendance will NOT obligate you to enroll in the program. If you are interested in the program, but will be unable to attend the luncheon, please contact Steven to make other arrangements. INTRODUCTORY LUNCHEON MEETING: OCT 2 11 am-1 pm
Guesthouse Hotel, Fort Wayne
Monthly meetings will take place in the Fort Wayne area on the third Sunday of every month from 2:00-5:00 pm, from October 2004 through September 2005. Weekend-long retreats will take place November 19-21, 2004 and March 18-20, 2005. Complete details will be announced at the luncheon.
T K R : This retreat will introduce the vast field of E Jewish mystical literature known collectively as the kabbalah. The Jewish mystics in these texts had much XPLORING
in common with the early Jesus movement. Their commitment to spiritual life, to an ever-deepening intimacy with God even in the face of adversity, and to following the direction of their “rebbe” (spiritual teacher) can be a helpful inspiration and encouragement for us today to seek out and commit ourselves to a current, living mystical path. English translations of ancient texts will be available for study. There will be periods of instruction, chanting, meditation, group sharing, and journal writing. SEPT 17-19
Fri. 7:30 pm - Sun. 2:30 pm
GilChrist, Three Rivers, Mich. 5
(Steven’s Calendar continues on next page)
For additional information, call Steven at 260-485-2167.
IFT O F KINDNESS RETREAT : Years ago when asked to define Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama replied, “My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.” All cultures have spiritual traditions that speak of the importance of kindness, and we certainly know the value of it in our own lives. This retreat will focus on kindness—in action and in speech. We will learn techniques in the practice of “ahimsa” (non-violence) from India and avoidance of “lashon ha-ra” (“evil tongue” or gossip) from Judaism, along with other practical ideas to assist us in making kinder choices in our everyday, personal worlds.
OCT 15-17
Fri. 7:30 pm – Sun. 11 am
GilChrist, Three Rivers, MI
P ”W : The morning talk will M introduce the basic teachings of Jewish “Merkavah” (“chariot”) mysticism during first century Galilee. In YSTICAL
the afternoon workshop, we will practice some of the chants, prayers, and meditations from both Jewish and Christian mystics of that era. NOV 28
11 am – 4 pm
Lakeshore Interfaith Institute
Ganges, MI
S : ILM Tape Seminars are being offered in the Kalamazoo area at the T home of Carolyn Dailey on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Taped seminars ILM
consist of an opening prayer, a silent meditation and listening to a tape of ILM presentations over the years including Jim Gordon and ministers Steven McAfee and Brian Yeakey. Call Carolyn at 269-327-6851 or email: for directions. 2nd & 4th Tuesday
7-8:30 pm
2485 Brahms Ave.
Portage, MI
S : Steven frequently serves as a guest speaker for various churches and S spiritual groups in the Fort Wayne area. If you would like him to speak to your group, please call to make UNDAY
arrangements. The following are presently scheduled: SEPT 9 SEPT 26, OCT 10, NOV 14, DEC 12
7 pm 11 am
Unity Christ Church Brigade of Light AND
The Spiritual Spiritual Path Path Meditation Meditation & The The Heart Heart of of God God Meditation Meditation The by Brian Yeakey
by Jim Gordon
The Spiritual Spiritual Path Path Meditation Meditation by Jim Gordon: Excerpt from The Lord God, in oneness we come together, and in oneness we move into the action of Spirit. We move into that river of love that is ever present and ever flowing in and around us. We now bring ourselves into a one pointed focus, and a centering, which allows us to move freely and actively in this river of love. And as we step into this river of love and flow with this river of love, we release any and all negativity, imbalances, or karma, that they can be lifted up from us and released back into the nothingness from which they came. And as we continue to move in this river of love we allow the cleansing action to continue taking place, clearing away any and all disturbances, upsettness, judgment, fear—any and all things that stand between You and ourselves. We ask at this time that as we move into this river of love, that this movement of Your loving clear away any and all things that stand between us. That we might come into the greater knowing of who we are in You, and You in us. And that we live more each day, each breath, in the knowing, the living and the loving that is You in us. And for this we do give thanks. To order please turn to the back page for further information.
Spiritual Abundance with ILM Ministers Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey, Laura Kesten and Steven McAfee WHEN: OCT. 22-24 TIME: Friday, 7 pm — Sunday, 12 noon
Potawatomi Inn Pokagon State Park, Angola, Indiana COST: $150 WHERE:
(room and meals included)
C ome join us in exploring
how to experience more abundance in our lives: both spiritually in our spiritual practice, and outwardly in a community of Spirit.
Join the fun, and experience the joy, peace, and loving Spirit has to offer. ILM REGISTRATION FORM: Please fill out this form, and send a check (payable to ILM) along with this registration form to: Steven McAfee, P.O. Box 5139, Fort Wayne, IN 46895.
Spiritual A bundance (Please print.)
N AME ( S ):
CLEARING SPACE by Laura Kesten, ILM Minister
For the next couple of hours, I browsed through shops but didn’t buy any thing, and never had lunch. Then, when standing in line for ice cream, I suddenly realized I didn’t have any money. I smiled, remembering, and excused myself.
his past July, while on an out-of-town trip, I set out walking in search of a bite to eat and a little shopping. As I was ambling along, I heard a woman’s voice ask a question. Wondering if the question was directed at me, I looked back over my shoulder and saw a homeless woman, around 70 years old, looking up from where she sat on a bench. “Can you help?” she repeated. In her lap, she held a small sign that read, “Please, can you make a donation?
Often I’ve heard people say, “If someone asks me for help—I’m right there for them, but if I have to ask for help, well . . . I don’t.” Many of us were taught growing up that it is better to be great givers than to be great receivers, that, “It is selfless to give and selfish to receive.” Yet, in any given day, we are given an abundance of opportunities to do both, give and receive. Asking for money on the streets could not have been easy for this woman, but still she asked. For me, she was such an awesome teacher of what it looks like to ask for help, and then to graciously receive.
I stopped, opened my purse and dug around for my wallet, while my mind pondered about how much to give. $10? 20? I decided $20 would be a good amount. As I folded the $20 bill to hand it to the lady, I heard a voice inside me ask, “What about giving it all?” I reminded myself that it was lunchtime, and what if I saw something I wanted to buy? I again decided $20 would be fine. Fumbling with the zipper on my purse, I heard, for the second time, “What about giving it all?”
In a scene from one of my all-time favorite films, Smoke Signals, Victor, a teen-aged Coeur d’ Alene Indian, slumps in a chair in the kitchen where his mother is kneading fry bread dough. He tells her that a friend of his wants to give him money so he can travel outside the reservation to retrieve his deceased father’s ashes. But the friend has a condition—that Victor bring him along. Even though no other options have surfaced, Victor not only resists accepting his friend’s gift, he also refuses to take him along. As Victor’s mother continues kneading the dough, she talks about making fry bread and how she got the recipe from her mother, who got the recipe from her mother, and that, “Without their help, I wouldn’t know how to make fry bread. Even that Julia Childs . . . she’s a good cook but she gets lots of help.” There’s a moment of silence between them and then he looks sweetly at his mother and says, “So do you think I should take the money?”
At this point, I wanted to know just how much “all” was, so I pulled out all the bills in my wallet and counted it—$156.00. This time I heard my own voice ask: What about giving it all? I tried imagining what would it feel like to give everything I had in my wallet to someone who asked for it, to someone who needed it. I rolled all $156 into a tight bundle and walked over to the woman on the bench with the intention of handing it to her and walking on. But what I found myself doing instead was sitting down next to her, saying hello. For the next hour, we talked and shared our stories. Then I held out my hand, she slipped hers into mine, and we smiled at each other. I slid the folded money into the palm of her hand and told her I wanted to give her a donation, because she asked for it. I told her it was all the money I had in my wallet and that I wanted her to have it. Her eyes opened wide, and she smiled wide showing just a few teeth left in her beautiful grin. I walked on.
Life is full of opportunities for us to both be of service to others and to allow others to be of service to us. In my life, it is when I remember to participate in both, giving and receiving, that I feel most in sync with the flow of Spirit in my life. 8
by Steven McAfee, ILM Minister
effort and diligence actually involved in it, they don’t really want that. Similarly, many of us think we want to be on a spiritual path, but do we want to do what it takes to be on one? Are we ready to change our lives? Will we re-arrange our schedules with a new priority—making sure we set aside adequate time for our spiritual practices, to share our uninterrupted affections with God? Will we be willing to “referee” between the calling of our soul and the clamoring of our ego? Are we prepared to re-arrange our home, making a place for our daily prayers and meditation? Will we consider each activity in relation to the impact it will have on our spiritual life—are we ready to really bring God into our lives on a daily, permanent basis? Owning a dog is a small thing in the world, but it is a major commitment of our time, our home, our resources, and our heart. Being on a spiritual path is not a small thing, far from it, and yet how many of us seem to give it less thought, less attention, less time, and less commitment than we give to even our pets? We dog lovers know through direct experience the depth of love, companionship, and joy we receive in return for our commitment to our dogs. Imagine then the return we will experience in giving our hearts, homes, and time to God!
ll my life I have grown up with dogs. My parents had a blond cocker spaniel when I was born, who became my guardian as I grew from a baby into a boy. And when I was a child, I got a puppy named Prince who became my constant companion. We grew up and learned about life together. As an adult, I had a black lab named Sundance, who was a friend to me and to my sons. She never took her eyes off me and wanted to be with me wherever I was. From the day Sundance passed away a few years ago until now has been the only period in my life when I did not have a dog. And I missed it. Well, this past Father’s Day, my wife Anita and daughter Jennifer surprised me with an adorable little golden retriever puppy, whom we named Simcha (“sim-ka”—meaning joyful, and boy is he!). As soon as I saw his face, I was in love. Although the adventure of Simcha and us learning about each other is just beginning, I am struck at the changes he has already brought into our life. We have had to: adjust our daily routine to incorporate lots of potty times to accommodate the smallness of his puppy bladder; build in lots of play and cuddle time to accommodate the largeness of his heart; commit to a daily training time; referee occasionally between his two month old exuberance and our cat’s twenty year old dignified temperament; re-arrange our bedroom to make a place for his “cave” (a large kennel he sleeps in); remember to keep him on a regular meal schedule; continually be aware of where he is; and always consider him in all our plans (what to do with him when we sleep, when we’re working, when we travel, etc.).
Simcha is reminding me that there is a difference between thinking about the spiritual path and actually walking it. Thinking about a spiritual life is a wonderful thing. But when the time has come for us to really live it, our lives dramatically change. Everything in our lives needs to be sorted out: how we think, what we do, how we live—all need re-arranging. What we choose to do with our time and resources change to align with new priorities. We make these changes not because someone on the outside tells us we should, not even because we believe that we will be “more spiritual” if we do. We do the disciplines of the spiritual path because they are what our soul needs to draw closer to that “Face” with whom it has fallen helplessly in love.
Our new life with Simcha reminds me of the process I and others around me have gone through when choosing a spiritual path. Here’s why. Many people say they want a dog, but when it comes down to what it would really mean to have a dog in their life, the 9
I NNER L IGHT M INISTRIES NEWSLETTER ABOUT ILM INNER LIGHT MINISTRIES (ILM) is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching spiritual awakening through an inner practice of meditation. This meditation practice is an inner path through which the soul transcends the physical realms of creation to its true home in the spiritual realms within the heart of God. In spiritual teachings and literature this inner path is often referred to as “The Path of Sound and Light,” “The Path of The Holy Spirit,” “The Path of Love,” or simply as “The Path” or “The Way.” ILM offers initiation into this meditation practice enabling one to fully experience this inner journey of awakening. To provide support for those individuals interested in this path, Inner Light Ministries offers numerous publications, materials, programs, and services, which encourage devotion to God and support a life-long practice of prayer, meditation, spiritual study, and service.
ILM Tapes and CDs
The following seminars are being remastered and will be re-released in the next few months.
KEYS TO INNER COMMUNICATION THE PATH OF NEUTRALITY YOU AS A COMMUNICATOR, YOU AS A CREATOR and A MEDITATION CDs are $9.00 each except for the Abundance I & II CD packet, which is $15.00. Tapes are also $9.00 each . To Order: (Please include $3 per order for shipping and handling.) Checks may be made payable to Inner Light Ministries and sent to: Inner Light Ministries, P.O. Box 164332, Austin, TX 78716-4332. Please include your name, address and phone number. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
Executive Office: Jim Gordon, P.O. Box 164332, Austin, TX 78716-4332; Business Office: Tom Beaver, P.O. Box 1086, Dripping Springs, TX 78620; Midwest Office: Steven McAfee, P.O. Box 5139, Fort Wayne, IN 46895
Inner Light Ministries Editorial and Publishing Office P.O. Box 164332 Austin, Texas 78716-4332 Phone: 512-306-1056 FORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTED