2008 Vol 3, September

Page 1





by Jim Gordon, President of ILM


(from Experiencing The Divine Retreat, Yarrow, May 2008)

remember once, when I was a small child, I developed a toothache. And I knew I’d have to get a filling. I’d just had two cavities a few months before that were filled, and I hated it. I did not want to go back to that dentist’s chair. And so I started praying to God: “God, please heal my tooth. I don’t want to go back. It hurt too much.” And while I was praying, an inner teacher came in and said to me, “Jim, you’ve got to go to the dentist. He’s got to fill that tooth. God cannot heal that tooth.” And I argued, “No, no! I know that God can heal it.” And the teacher kept saying, “No, you’ve got to go to the dentist!” And so I asked, “Why do I have to go to a dentist when God could do it?” And the teacher said, “It’s a cavity in a physical tooth. God is not going to fill that physical tooth. It’s going to take someone in the physical to do the physical work.” Right then, when he made that statement, I learned a lesson. If you’re in the physical, you look for a physical form to get things done.

And this holds true on the spiritual path, The Path of Sound and Light, as well. The Holy Spirit, that is, the “Sound and Light,” comes down from the realms of spirit into the physical world and aligns itself with someone in the physical form. That someone is a spiritual teacher. In this way the ‘teaching element’ of the Holy Spirit is imparted into the world, so that those disciples who are ready to journey on the inner pathway back home to God can find the teacher and get direct instruction. And as those disciples get to know their teacher, they come to trust and understand what they are being presented, and they begin to do the practice that they are instructed by the teacher to do, in order to see if it’s really valid for them or not. Even if a person is able to have inner experiences on their own, even if a person is connecting into unseen levels, how does he or she know if they’re going in the

right direction inside? And even if this person is getting visited by inner teachers, the person doesn’t know if the teachers are valid or not, if they’re authentic or not … how high are these inner teachers really? The person can get misinformation and be misguided. So having a teacher in a physical form, that the disciple can look to daily, that the disciple can listen to and ask questions of and get directions from, is a very important element in a person’s awakening. And that is why the Holy Spirit becomes the “Living Word,” becomes the “Word made flesh,” at all times on this planet, so that there is someone on this level who can assist those traveling the spiritual path, that disciples can relate to, and trust, and follow. The spiritual teacher does an action with a disciple called “Initiation,” laying on the hands and anchoring the Name of God into the disciple’s physical consciousness. Then the teacher assists the disciple by answering his or her questions, thus answering and quieting the mind and easing the emotions; in this and other ways assisting the disciple to adjust to the meditation practice. And thus the disciple, as a physical being, can begin to trust and honor this pathway and progress upwards on it. The spiritual teacher also helps to develop the disciple’s devotion to God, which is an important motivating and ‘magnetic’ force in the meditation practice. Sometimes it is hard or challenging to love, to be devoted to, ‘some spiritual form out there’ called God. We have no idea where God is. We don’t know what God looks like. Is God really there? We hope so. But if we have someone in the physical form whom we begin to trust and honor, and this person assists us in having inner experiences, then we begin to develop love for that physical form. Now it isn’t truly ‘about’ the spiritual teacher. It’s the Spirit that is present in that physical form that the disciple begins to fall in love with. And that love begins to grow inside of the disciple, and eventually that love leads to the direct relationship between the disciple and God. And then it’s no longer between ‘you and the teacher and God’. It is directly between ‘you and (TEACHER continues on page 3)

BEING OF SERVICE by Brian Yeakey, Vice President of ILM


it was with good intentions, I began to find, even unconsciously, that my ego would take hold of that — the mind thinks it’s all powerful, the mind thinks it’s doing all that, that “I’m creating these wonderful blessings for everybody.” I began to find my own mind, my ego, doing that.

(from Experiencing The Divine Retreat, Yarrow, May 2008)

ere in ILM we talk about the inner meditation practice called The Path of Sound and Light. But did you know that we can carry our meditation into the day too? We can meditate with our eyes open in addition to doing our inner practice — because meditation isn’t about closing your eyes. Meditation is about focusing on God, on sharing your loving with God, and on being open and receptive and vulnerable to receive God’s Loving for you. And the outward, ‘eyes-open’ expression of that is loving one another.

And so, instead of praying and trying to send the light to everyone and be a healer to everybody, I have found that it is most wise to keep all that focus on God. You’ve all heard the phrase: seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and then all shall be given unto you. So when I would become aware of my mind going into thinking it’s the one ‘doing it’, I would turn it around and say, “You know Lord, I give this up to You. I’m going to spend my time focusing on loving You. Heck, if You truly are God then You’re already taking care of everybody, right? Why do You need me to send the light to people?” And I gave up all the praying and sending the light. I began saying instead, “Lord, I’m just coming home to You. I’m just going to love You and to be open to receive Your Loving for me.” And I’ll tell you what. My life became a lot easier when I started doing that, because it freed up my focus into the world. Any time we focus down and out in the world, we bring ourselves there — down and out into the world. Even your flow of sending the light, where does it go? Down and out into the world … and we follow that movement of consciousness. So, as I became aware of that action going on within me, I decided to give it all up. And in that decision to give it up, first I felt a great freedom — because I no longer felt the burden, that focus into the world. And secondly, as I did this, I began to find that greater unfolding into that greater awakening, the greater experience of Spirit.

Loving one another. First of all, that love has to come from within, where, as we practice our meditation, God’s Loving comes to and through us and we love one another. Wouldn’t it be nice if we really did that? Just love one another. What better thing to project than loving, rather than all the illusion and fantasy that our minds often project out into the world. As we love one another it begins to create a space, an opportunity, for those around us to also begin to touch into, to see, to know, to hear, to feel, that movement of loving. That’s the action, the true spirit, of service. In order to do that, to be loving and to express loving through service, truly we must keep our eyes on the Lord. It’s actually not what we do physically but what we do spiritually that opens that door of loving for ourselves, for each other, and for God. And what we must do spiritually is to keep “God first and God only.” Because often the ego will begin to take these very words I am saying and start to think of the outer meditation of service in this way: “I am a light in the world. I’m a great healer. I send the light to everybody. I’m a ‘light bearer’.” And they think that that’s being loving. I hate to say it, but the ego will take anything and begin to parade itself as this wonderful being or master. And that’s not being in the loving flow of the ‘outer meditation’.

A funny thing happened after this … maybe a year after making this switch and just keeping that focus on God, always looking up. All of a sudden one day I felt God’s Love come to me. And I said, “Oh!” But instead of just being for me, all of a sudden the Loving went through me, and then inwardly I saw it go out and assist others. And when I saw that I said to myself, “Ooh, is that how it works?” And so I fully ‘got it’ — when I,

I found that when I went into that focus of praying for others and sending the light to others, even though

(SERVICE continues on page 3) 2





For additional information, call 512-306-1056.



Jim and Brian’s weekly class is held on Sundays, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm at the ILM Center, Franklin Sq. Bldg, 3724 Jefferson, Ste. 100.

Each class includes spiritual teachings, practical exercises, group discussion, and meditation. Jim and Brian help participants to become more deeply aware of the Spirit within. No charge. (ILM Calendar continues on pages 4 - 11)

TEACHER (continued from page 1)

we can give you some answers about where you are. And when the disciple of a spiritual teacher goes inside in meditation, the teacher is with the disciple there as well, taking their hand and guiding them ever onward and upward. This helps take away the guesswork, the uncertainty, for the disciple, inwardly as well as outwardly. The disciple of a spiritual teacher does not have to go wandering alone through the ‘inner forest’, afraid of the ‘lions, tigers and bears’ to borrow a popular metaphor — when in truth, the person may not even be in the forest, he or she may just be standing in front of a tree thinking that there is a forest with all these other things there!

by Jim Gordon

God’ — as it actually always has been. This journey is always about “you and God,” always. The teacher is simply ever there, ever pointing: “It’s God. It’s God. It’s not me. It’s not the physical form; it’s God inside. Connect inside and then go Home.” And so spiritual teachers are going to point the way back to God. They’re not going to say, “Listen to us.” They’re going to say, “Trust your experience. Listen to that Divine Call of the Sound Current, the Holy Spirit, inside.” But if you have questions, if you have doubt, if you have fear, if you have wonder, come and talk to us. More than likely we’ve been where you are, and

The spiritual teacher does a lot for his disciples, from the very beginning of the spiritual journey, all the way along the spiritual pathway … all the way back to the disciples’ original home in the Heart of God.

SERVICE (continued from page 2)

through you, where that action of Loving can move through you and serve whatever it is that God wants to serve, in this world or others. And thus I found that truly the greater prayer I can do for anyone else is to simply love God — then God’s Loving can freely go and assist others in whatever way God wants it to.

by Brian Yeakey

the ‘ego I’, get out of the way, then God can truly use this vehicle of mine to be of service.

I do not have to ask God to help others. I do not have to send light. But I can be of service. I just focus on God and then begin to be aware of that movement of Spirit as it moves in me and through me.

And so, when you keep your focus on God, you create a ‘space’ to allow that Loving to move in you and 3

Experiencing The Divine – A Meditative Retreat 2009 facilitated by

Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey

Register early:

Austin, Texas:

Choose one of two retreat sessions at

Red Corral Ranch Renewal Center Wimberley, Texas 1st Session: Sunday, March 15 at 6 pm

thru Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 1:30 pm


2 Session: Thursday, March 19 at 6 pm nd

RED CORRAL COST: Single Occupancy – $350 Double Occupancy (per person) – $275 If you would like to sign up for one of these retreat sessions go to the ILM website (ilm.org) or contact: Laura Doggett at 512-306-1056. A $50 deposit will reserve a place for you.

thru Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 1:30 pm

(There may be limited availablilty for both sessions.)

In this meditative retreat, Jim and Brian will be taking you

on an experiential journey into the greater knowing of your divine nature. They will be sharing about the meditation practice of The Path of Sound and Light to “experience the divine,” and there will be gracious periods of time for meditation, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

Kalamazoo, Michigan: at Yarrow Conference Center

Augusta, Michigan

Thursday, April 23 at 6 pm thru Sunday, April 26, 2009 at 1:30 pm 4

YARROW COST: Single Occupancy – $425 Double Occupancy (per person) – $275 If you would like to sign up for this retreat please contact: Steven McAfee at 260-485-2167.

Experiencing The Divine – A Meditative Retreat facilitated by

Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey


In Hawaii: at Saint Anthony’s Retreat Center Honolulu, Hawaii:


Double Occupancy (per person) - $350

on Wednesday, August 5 at 6 pm thru Sunday, August 9, 2009 at 1:30 pm. For more information contact: Laura Doggett at 512-306-1056 or email Laura at ilmtx@aol.com.

In England: at Earnley Concourse, Earnley, Chichester West Sussex: on Friday, October 16 at 6 pm thru Monday, October 19, 2009 at 1:30 pm. EARNLEY CONCOURSE COST:

Single Occupancy - £278 Double Occupancy (per person) - £256

For more information contact: Susanne Cook at 01444 870838 or Lynn Johnson at 01903 765928. To register contact: Laura Doggett at 512-306-1056 or email Laura at ilmtx@aol.com. 5

Community Events in AUSTIN:


Join Tom and Laura at their home in Lakeway on the 1st Friday of every month to watch an uplifting movie. Come early (6 pm) and have a bowl of homemade soup and slice of fresh bread. Movie starts between 7:30-8:00 pm. Everyone is welcome. Bring nothing but your beautiful self. No charge. SEPT 5: LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE OCT 10 (2nd Friday): MATILDA NOV 7: GANDHI DEC 5: AWAKENINGS


Coins For Kids

Our Coins For Kids Christmas service project is coming up ... so if you’ve been saving your coins or wondering what you might like to do as an expression of service this year, consider participating with us as we once again go on a joyful gift shopping spree for children in need at Christmastime. Drop off your coins/donation at one of Jim and Brian’s Sunday classes by SUNDAY, NOV 16, or you can mail a check to: ILM, P.O. Box 164332, Austin, TX 78716-4332. (All donations to ILM are tax deductible.)

Shopping DAY will be on SUNDAY, NOV 23 Meet at 9 am at the Super Target at I35 and Parmer. (Wrapping the gifts is not required this year.)

° CHRISTMAS POTLUCK PARTY: Join us for ILM’s Christmas celebration on SATURDAY, DEC 6

beginning at 4 pm at 203 Buckeye Trail in Austin, Texas. Everyone is welcome!

It’s a potluck so bring a dish to share. 6


For additional information, call Laura at 512-266-9400 or 512-658-4117 or email: LSKestenB@aol.com.

Jim and Brian talk about Loving, Acceptance, and Forgiveness in every talk TORIES UNTOLD: S they give. Through our writing in S U , we first-handedly get to practice and experience Loving, TORIES


Acceptance and Forgiveness in the events of our lives, letting go of the past so that we can open more fully to the Divine. As a bonus, the process of writing also prepares us in the present, as well as laying a foundation for the future — keeping us more aligned and in the flow of God’s Loving. These weekends are magical! Try it for one weekend and see for yourself. No experience necessary! You just have to show up!


SEPT 13 OCT 27-NOV 2

9 am - 5 pm 6 day retreat

ILM Center Office Red Corral Ranch

No charge $325

2009: JAN 17, FEB 28, MAY 16, JUNE 27, AUG 22, OCT 4-10 (week-long)


OCT 24-26 DEC 12-14

The Hide Out Yarrow

Saugatuck Augusta

$125 $125

2009: JAN 30–FEB 1, MAR 27-29, MAY 22-24, JULY 11-18 (week-long), SEPT 18-20, NOV 13-15 * * * Also, in Texas, there is a small group of writers who write 2-3 times a month during the week. This is not a workshop but a time to work on your own writing within a group setting of other writers. We meet from 10 am – 6 pm at Laura Kesten’s home in Lakeway. Please contact Laura for upcoming writing sessions. (ILM Calendar continues on next page)

ILM.org — the INNER LIGHT MINISTRIES Website We Have Upgraded The ILM Web Site! To keep up with internet security improvements we recently upgraded the ILM web site.

There’s a

slightly new format for all the same information, including:

• Jim & Brian’s weekly talks – Listen on-line or download to your computer or iPod MP3 • ILM Quarterly Newsletters – The most recent issue as well as archives • Calendar of Events – Find out what’s going on by geographic location or by minister

Listen to our most recent talks: “The State Of Being,” “God First And God Only,” “Live Who You Are,” “Awakening To God,” “Greater Action Of Spirit,” and “The Nowness Of God.”

Note to Initiates:

If you previously set up a Logon to the Initiates Only section, you will need to re-establish your account. Just click on the Initiates Only link in the menu bar, then click on the word “HERE” at the bottom of the Initiates Only Login Area. Fill out and send the application form. You will get an email notice confirming we received your application application,followed, followed,inin5-7 5-7days, days,by byaasecond secondemail emailtotolet letyou youknow your has been Applicants must have the initiation processprocess beforebefore accessaccess can knowaccess your access hasgranted. been granted. Applicants mustcompleted have completed the initiation be cangranted. be granted. Check out our recently updated http://www.ILM.org today! 7

Community Events in FT. WAYNE:


More fun community nights are on their way! We’ll provide soft drinks and munchies. Please RSVP a week ahead so we can plan appropriately. The following events will be at the ILM Midwest Center, with donations accepted.


SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 at 7 pm Bring the apple of your eye to join us for music, fun and food for an Apple Festival Music Night!


WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29 at 7 pm It’s a potluck Halloween party! Wear your favorite costume, brush up on your favorite spook-tacular tunes, and bring a dish from your mummy’s recipe! Join us for a night of howling good fun!


Coins For Kids

Shopping DAY will be on MONDAY, DEC 1. Meet at 7 pm at Wal-Mart on Coldwater Rd.

Wrapping PARTY will be on THURSDAY, DEC 4. Meet at 6:30 pm at the ILM Midwest Center. (Note: pizzas and sodas will be provided.)

Gift Delivery will be on MONDAY, DEC 22. Details TBA

° CHRISTMAS PARTY: Join us for ILM’s Christmas celebration on SATURDAY, DEC 15 beginning at 7 pm at Steven & Anita’s home in Fort Wayne. Everyone is welcome!

You are invited to join in the singing, feasting, and flow of Loving as we celebrate the season. 8


For additional information, call Steven at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at mcafeesa@aol.com.


UESDAY CLASS SERIES: Steven offers a series of weekly ILM classes in Fort Wayne on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30 pm at the ILM Midwest Center. Each monthly series focuses on our inner awakening to the Divine Loving that is the essence of the Holy Spirit. Please call Steven for information about current class topics.


UESDAY MEDITATIONS: Beginning this month, the ILM Midwest Center will be open for silent meditation on Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 6:45. Those wishing to attend are asked to silently enter and be ready to begin by 6:00. After the meditation, participants are free to either leave or to stay for the class immediately following at 7:00. People coming for just the 7:00 class are asked not to enter the ILM suite until 6:45 so as not to disturb those meditating in the meeting room.


Inner Studies is open only to those already enrolled in this program. WORKSHOPS: SEPT 28 2:00-5:00 pm (Dog Picnic /potluck) Kathy Stark’s home Fort Wayne Donation NOV 2 2:30-5:30 pm ILM Midwest Center Fort Wayne Donation This meeting will be the last one of the 2008 Inner Studies program. Thanksgiving potluck to follow. OCT 9-12

RETREAT: Augusta, Mich.


$320 double / $450 single

INNER STUDIES 2009 – A YEAR-LONG STUDY PROGRAM: This meeting is to introduce the 2009 year-long study program and to present the contents, program structure, and meeting dates for the coming year. DEC 7 2:30-5:30 pm ILM Midwest Center Fort Wayne Donation EDITATIONS: We will periodically be offering two and half hour periods of silent meditation at the M ILM Center. Those wishing to attend are asked to silently enter and be ready to begin by 2:30 pm.

OCT 5 DEC 21

2:30-5:00 pm 2:30-5:00 pm

ILM Midwest Center ILM Midwest Center

Fort Wayne Fort Wayne

No charge No charge

P I A B T I : A workshop devoted S to the examination of references to the inner meditative Path of Sound and Light and the “Unspoken Name THE








of God” within the sacred texts of the Jewish/Christian tradition. There will be ample time for questions and answers. SEPT 20

1-5 pm

NOV 14-16

Transformations Spiritual Center

Kalamazoo, Mich. Donation

RETREAT: Seasons, Fetzer Institute

Kalamazoo, Mich.


W T L ’ P T morning talk entitled “What Jesus Didn’t Say.” EACHINGS





This workshop will take place after a You are welcome to attend the entire day and the vegetarian lunch in between, or simply come for the afternoon workshop session. Everyone attending the workshop will receive a copy of the Lord’s Prayer in Hebrew with an English translation. We will be discussing the spiritual teachings and principles which Jesus enumerated throughout the prayer. SEPT 21

2-4 pm

Mother’s Trust Spiritual Center, 6626 122nd Avenue, Ganges, Mich. 9


(Steven’s Calendar continues on next page)


For additional information, call Steven at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at mcafeesa@aol.com.

S : Steven frequently serves as a guest speaker for various churches and spiritual S groups in the Fort Wayne area. If you would like him to speak to your group, please call to make arrangements. UNDAY


The following is presently scheduled. SEPT 21 11 am Mother’s Trust Spiritual Center, 6626 122nd Avenue, Ganges, Mich. After the service, a vegetarian lunch will be available at a minimal cost. After lunch there will be a follow-up workshop from 2:00 to 4:00 entitled, Teachings Within the Lord’s Prayer. OCT 5 11 am Brigade of Light Fort Wayne DEC 7 11 am Brigade of Light Fort Wayne

Community ILM Seminars and Events Worldwide: ILM ACTIVITIES in KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN:

Please contact Judy Richards at 269-349-3943 or Penny Miller at 269 664-3577 or Carolyn Dailey at 269-327-6851 for more information on the activities below.

G : We meet twice monthly to support our spiritual growth with a group meditation S and the study of ILM books, CD’s or tapes. Join us for an enriching experience of growing in our loving. TUDY


1st & 3rd Tuesdays



6:15–8:15 pm

Judy Richards, 4715 Thistle Mill Ct.

No charge

NIGHT: Fun, enjoyable evenings with ILM friends, watching favorite movies with a spiritual

message. Welcome all — yourself, friends and family members! A light meal is provided. SEPT 23, NOV 25

5:45–8:15 pm

Judy Richards, 4715 Thistle Mill Ct.

No charge


HANKSGIVING: Share your blessings with others on Thanksgiving Day. Please bring a dish (turkey and dressing will be provided), and later we’ll watch a spiritual movie. Arrive between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm; dinner will be at 1:00 pm. For more information, call Penny Miller at 269-664-3577.



Please contact Richard or Trisha LoveJoy at 630-768-8313 for more information. TUDY

GROUP: We meet approx. monthly to support our spiritual growth with a group meditation

and the study of ILM books, CD’s or tapes. Join us for an enriching experience of growing in our loving. SEPT 21, OCT 19, NOV 9 1–3 pm 490 Woodcreek Drive, Suite D, Bolingbrook, Illinois No charge


Please contact Victoria Eng at 310-980-2224 to RSVP before coming.

: The focus of each evening is on spiritual awakening, and on supporting one another in S experiencing and sharing greater Loving within ourselves and with others. These seminars will be held EMINARS

every other Wednesday at 6 pm at Victoria and Willard Eng’s home in Beverlywood. Please call for exact dates. No charge. 10

(Community Calendar continues on next page)

I NNER L IGHT M MINISTRIES CALENDAR Community ILM Seminars and Events Worldwide (continued):




1. Please contact Nadine Ferraro at 808-988-7509, or 551-3123 (cell) for directions.


Share in a one-hour meditation and fellowship opportunity on:

Monday evenings

6-7:30 pm

2. Please contact Mig Gaspar at 808-638-8153 for directions.



7 pm

Pupukea, Oahu

No charge

3. Please contact Brian Samo Ross at 808-247-3305 or 554-3305 (cell) for directions.


Listen to Jim and Brian’s meditations and talks followed by a potluck:

Second Sundays

No charge

Listen to Jim and Brian’s weekly meditations and talks on:

First Tuesdays


Manoa Valley, Honolulu

10 am

Kaneohe, Oahu

No charge


Please contact Nanna Brinker at 0207-485-0699 for directions.

: Each evening will consist of a short meditation and the listening to a CD or tape S by Jim and Brian. Our ILM seminars are at 42A Montpelier Grove, London NW5, on the following dates. EMINARS

Sundays 4 pm SEPT 14, OCT 5 & 26, NOV 16, DEC 7

No charge

Welcome to Inner Light Ministries! Introductory Packet In this packet you will find ILM’s book LOVE AND LOVING,


All of these materials were selected to give a newcomer a better understanding of who we are and what we’re about. If you would like an Introductory Packet for yourself or someone else, just let us know. Call us, email us, or write us! Feel free to take a look at our website too: www.ilm.org (for more information see page 7). We are happy to do what we can to assist you on your spiritual journey. Blessings of Peace, Joy and Loving To You! Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey, and The ILM Staff 11

New ILM Meditation and Talks On CD Excerpt from DISCIPLESHIP:


he soul is longing for freedom — freedom from this creation, and freedom from the lessons that this creation holds for us. And the only way that the soul gets free is to begin to experience these lessons. To allow itself to go into them, and experience them fully. We can “avoid” for only so long, and ultimately we will find ourselves walking, step by step, one lesson at a time, through life, experiencing life, and fulfilling life. So rather than avoid, walk forward, keep moving in loving, in acceptance, in gratitude, and find that way to truly live consciously as a disciple. Because that’s what you are! That’s what this pathway is about. It’s not about the world, and it’s not about success in the world. It’s about your soul and your awakening to the Divine that you are. It’s letting go of this world and taking hold of the Truth of that River of Loving. When we do that we truly are fulfilling what we came here to do. And then in that fulfillment we can go on to what God has chosen next for us. – Jim Gordon Excerpt from SIMPLICITY AND JOURNALING:


od is simple. God is the simpliest of all, because God is Loving.

As you begin to rise up above all that is of the physical nature, you will begin to feel, to know, to see, to hear Simplicity ... the Simple Way, the Simple Truth. Once you have begun to feel, to see, to hear, to know that Simple Way, then you’ll have a reference point of inner experience. Until you connect into that place of Simplicity, it’s up to each of us, who really want to go inside in meditation and discover that Path of God, to hold an intention to get to that place of Simplicity. It is to hold an intention. In our meditation, its to ever hold to the intention — of God first. God first. Have no other gods before me, the Lord thy God. It’s putting God first, and letting that intention live in you more than anything else, that leads you to that place of Simplicity. – Jim Gordon




od sent forth aspects of Himself to know more of His creation. And one of the aspects he sent forth is YOU — that divine spark, that soul — to go out in His creation to find out more about Himself. He’s doing that through each of us, living our own individual lives and having our own unique experiences, gleaning that information and taking it back to the Soul. And one day the energy that is your soul will merge back into the Spirit from which it came and no longer be individualized as soul ... and God will know Himself more fully than ever before, because of what you have experienced as a soul. – Jim Gordon

ORDERING INFORMATION: These CDs are each $10.00 plus $3 postage and handling per order (not per item). Checks may be made payable to INNER LIGHT MINISTRIES and sent to: ILM, P.O. Box 164332, Austin, Texas 78716-4332. Or you can go to our website ILM.org to order (see page 7). 12



Q& A



(from Experiencing The Divine Retreat, Yarrow, May 2008)

What is the role of the Christ, the anointed one? Along with the Holy Spirit, and God, it sort of sounds like the Trinity. Is there some sort of Trinity?


practice by which to fulfill the choosing, to be turning home to God.

And then there’s a second term having to do with “the anointed,” which has to do with the teacher. It’s also called the Passing of the Mantel. The spiritual teacher is anointed by the Holy Spirit and given full authority to A: (Brian) You’ve been initiated, right? assist the soul on its return home to God. The spiritual (Questioner) Yes. teachers are anointed by the Holy Spirit. They have received the Mantel by which to become the Living Word (Brian) Then you are the anointed one. The Trinity — that’s how John put it about Jesus. The Living Word is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father is, if is the Holy Spirit. It is the first Word, it is the unspoken you want to say it this way, God the Creator. The Holy Word of God, it is the Word by which all creation Spirit is, in a sense, God’s Loving in action, God’s came into being. And on every realm and every level, expression. And His creation is us, as soul — we are there is someone who represents that Living Word, for “the son.” Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Breaking it the souls to receive understanding, information and down into a Trinity is a way to give expression at this Initiation from that level. And so on the physical level level of understanding, so that we can begin to move there are those souls who are anointed by God to have into the actual experience. In truth it’s just a oneness, the authority to hold the “keys to the kingdom” for the it’s all a movement of oneness, but that’s hard to action of Initiation, and to give that Initiation to those understand through the mind. And so we’ll say things whom God has chosen, those whose time it is to return. like The Trinity to break it down, so the mind has the But the spiritual teacher does not go into the world understanding, so the mind can grasp or get an idea and say, “Okay, it’s you, you’re chosen. Come over that makes it easier to move into the actual experience. here and get initiated.” That’s not how it works. God And when you move into the actual experience of it, in tells the teacher that those who are chosen are going meditation, you’ll realize that it really is all one, and to be ‘marked with a mark’ and that, “You will know simply a movement of Loving … and it’s awesome. this mark and you will recognize them. And they will But again, for terminology’s sake, so that you can get recognize you by your voice. They will recognize you the idea, so you can begin to get into the flow, that’s by the frequency of Loving, and they will be called by what matters. you to listen, to see, to follow. And those who ‘choose back’ are the ones you are to initiate. But they have (Jim): There are two ways we can share the word to ask for it. You do not go running after them. They “anointed.” And I’ll give you both. One is that the have to ask it of you.” They have to ask, because God person who is initiated is an anointed one. In the does not impose His will upon anybody. God offers, Jewish terminology of mysticism, they, the Hebrews, and, when we accept, God will participate. God will were “the chosen one,” and that’s why they used to never say, “Okay, come on, let’s go home.” That just call themselves “the chosen people,” because God had doesn’t happen. But God will say to the teacher, “There chosen them: they were marked to come home at that are these to bring home; if they ask, give it to them. time, and so God brought a spiritual teacher forward, There are these that are going to pretend to be yours; if namely Moses. God brought a teacher forward at that they ask, don’t give it to them, because they will misuse time so that they could come home, and the teacher it.” And so, the teacher just pays attention to that. So said, “You are chosen by God to come home.” But they the teacher is the first anointed, if you will. And then, had to ‘choose back’ by taking Initiation or receiving with that anointing, he then in-turn anoints or initiates the anointing of the Holy Spirit, in order to have the the souls that are ready to go Home. 13 (Q&A continues on page 17)



by Steven McAfee, ILM Minister loves me in the special way a child loves his Papah, his father (or, in this case, grandfather).

he other day I was out running errands when my wife Anita called and asked if I could pick up our four-year old grandson, Jayden, from school. I said that I would, but that I still had some errands to complete before I returned home. I told her, “He won’t want to go to all those places — he’ll be really bored.” She replied, “Are you kidding? He’s four — everything’s an adventure to him!” Sure enough, he loved opening the PO box, enjoyed the drive-up window at the bank, and delighted in walking through the drug store. He was even thrilled when we went through a car wash!

I began to realize that when I’ve felt gratitude, it has usually been for a particular set of circumstances — grateful that my headache went away, grateful I had enough money to pay the rent, grateful for some act of kindness. There was always an object of my gratitude. These days, as I continue to awaken more spiritually, I am finding that, while there are still many specific things in my life for which I am very grateful, more and more I am experiencing gratitude as an energy that moves through me — not triggered by a particular set of circumstances that I label as desirable, but just gratitude for life — and that I am aware of the Loving, and the loving Father, that is with me and in me through it all.

I saw each of these things as just one more task I needed to complete before I could go home. Jayden saw each one as an adventure in itself — each one full of new things to discover, alive with possibility, and filled with the joy of sharing it all with his “Papah.” For those of us traveling on the spiritual path, we also may tend to look at our life in the world as merely a task list of karmas we must finish before we go Home. We do not experience the adventure and the Loving as we move through them.

Don’t misunderstand. I am not pretending that I am happy about everything, or that I enjoy every experience of my life. I wish I could say that is true, but it isn’t. There are still regrets that haunt me from time to time, still things that frighten me, and still many situations I would rather not deal with if I could avoid them. I have plenty of karmas to move through before I go Home. And yet, in the midst of it all, there is a profound and enduring sense of gratitude for the presence of Loving in my life far beyond what I can explain.

We may also try to avoid the particular task that is in front of us to do, and get distressed when we can’t find a way around it. In contrast, while Jayden was eager to get “home” to our house to see “Grams” and to have lunch, he was content to move through whatever he and I needed to do before we got there. In fact, when we finally reached our house, as we came in from the car, he said, “Thank you for taking me with you to the post office and the bank and the store and the car wash, Papah.”

The more I embrace that gratitude within me, the more I find myself opening to Loving. The more Loving I experience, the more grateful I become. Slowly, slowly, I am awakening to the knowing that it does not matter so much where I am or what I am doing; rather, it matters Who I am doing it with. In the body, out of the body, in whatever realm, God is present within me as that moving Current of Loving — a Loving that is real, a Loving I am aware of, and a Loving I can tap into at any time.

What was it he was so grateful for? He’s been to the post office with me before. And the bank. And the drugstore. And the car wash. It wasn’t that he was grateful for those places in themselves. Certainly, being four, such things are more exciting to him than to me, but I don’t think that was what he was thanking me for. Jayden was grateful not for what he was doing, but for whom he was doing it with — me, his Papah. Jayden 14

And here is what amazes me most of all, here is what a lifetime of thankfulness could never adequately express: the true reason that we are aware of Loving, (GRATITUDE continues on page 17)

PUTTING GOD FIRST by Bill Stratton,


ILM Minister

places when I do regularly remember to bring my attention to the third eye or above, such as I have a certain spot in my house and another spot on the road — when I go through them I remember to move my focus up — as well as those moments of the day when I simply remember to go within, chant the Name of God, and be in the Loving. But as nice as all that may be, it really isn’t always present. And so I felt that I needed a better way to remember.

ow often have we heard the phrase God first in Jim and Brian’s seminars? I’m sure if you have been attending ILM Sunday classes in Austin, or have been listening to the seminars posted on the website, you have often heard the phrase: “God first and God only.”

What I decided to do was to simply use post-its to put up notes of “God First” in different places in my house as reminders. At first I chuckled at this because it seemed a little unnecessary, but it also seemed like a good and simple way to keep me in remembrance. So I found nice green (a good color I learned from Jim’s Abundance CD for emphasizing “go” or “do it”) post-its and put up six of them in my home: by my meditation chair, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, at my computer, on the front door, and by my bed. So now as I journey through my home with these postits in place, I am reminded to go inside and choose God first, to focus my intention and move into Giraffe Consciousness, and/or to chant the Name of God.

I have understood that idea as making my meditation a priority and allowing that focus of loving God to center me and carry me through the day. Well, this is true — but, alas, life doesn’t always work that way. My life (I don’t know about yours) has a way of catching me up and interrupting my focus, a way of moving my karmas so that the learning continues, and a way of pulling at my interests so that I just simply … forget God first. I’ve learned, and I continue to learn, that The Path of Sound and Light is a constant choice — a matter of choosing back into God in every moment. It is the idea of ‘eternal vigilance’, which some time ago I thought was perhaps a difficult notion, but now I see as more of an adventure into Who I truly Am. In meditation one day I was inspired to do the best I could to remember to put God first in all that I did that day. It wasn’t long after I finished my meditation, and I was making breakfast and going about my daily work, that I realized that the focus of “God first and God only” was not present in my consciousness. Loving, patience and other qualities were present, but my focus seemed to be more in the world than coming from an internal place focused on Spirit. So I stopped and refocused my intention.

After a few days of doing this, I found that these little green notes started showing up in my consciousness when I was away from my home as well. It seemed as if I had simply created a system that was reminding me, wherever I was, to put my attention on God. It was as if I was being given a gift for having the intention to step forward and “let go and let God,” so to speak. I had made a choice to let go of the way I had been doing things and to allow Spirit to work through me, to guide me, and ... to assist me in simply being. I was in that place of surrender and wanted to live The Path of Sound and Light more fully.

I looked where my attention was and realized that I needed to do something, somehow, to continue to hold my intention of God first throughout the day, to remember somehow to keep my focus at the “third eye” or above, into Soul. When the focus is up into Soul, there is a sense of having an elongated view from above the head, which I learned long ago to call “Giraffe Conciousness.” Now there are times-and-

One morning some time after, I had another experience. As I walked to the shower using my walker, I saw the green note on the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and I found myself moving my focus upward and inward and into a place of … gratitude. Where there had been a slight fear of falling inside of me, not knowing if my leg strength would sustain (GOD FIRST continues on page 17)




ILM Minister

table as me began to share, in what seemed to me to be a rather proud manner, what they were doing for service during their stay. One was filing papers, another was cross-referencing materials at the library, another was working in the kitchen, someone else was transcribing a book written about The Path from one language to another. Then they turned to me and asked what I was doing for service. I shared that mine was meditation. They furrowed their brows at me. Evidently word of my ‘laziness’ got around, and during another meal I was provoked again to share what my service was. I felt embarrassed but I still said it was, “Meditation.” They told me I was selfish to not be doing service. When I reminded them that this teacher and all great mystics have said that the greatest service we could do is our meditation, and that I had come to India for that sole purpose, to do my meditation, to practice devotion, and to learn to not be distracted by the world, they told me … that I should be ashamed of myself.

ears ago I took a trip to India for two weeks to be in the presence of an Indian Sound and Light master, so that I could practice my meditation on a daily basis and become devoted to it. Many people from all over the world come to this particular place to do the same thing. Guests are given a room and meals during their stay and are not required to pay for them. Although it is not a condition of one’s stay, many people volunteer to do service while at the compound in order to give back. The greatest service one can do of course, as stated by Jim and Brian as well as many other teachers of The Path of Sound and Light, is our meditation every day. At the time, I hadn’t yet learned how to meditate consistently each day. Instead I’d get caught up in the mundane activities and interactions of the world, and, even though I intended to meditate every day, the list of never-ending duties and commitments seemed insistent on my immediate attention … and thus my meditation practice usually ended up on the bottom of my list. “Tomorrow,” I’d say as I added something else to the list. “First thing tomorrow,” I’d promise, “I will meditate.”

A few days later, when I heard that extra help was needed in the laundry room for a few hours a day, I, now ashamed that I had not been doing any service, volunteered.

So, I traveled the arduous route to India to sit with a teacher, along with other initiates on The Path, in order to learn and put into practice this kind of devotion. Many initiates had said that it helped them to be with the teacher and away from duties and commitments, away from all that is familiar, away from the endless pull of the world and its television, cell phones, computers, shopping, family relationships … you get the picture. And so everyday I’d sit in front of the teacher and hear him talk about meditation, about devotion, about sitting in meditation for two and a half hours each day; that this was our duty, this was our greatest service. And everyday, I’d practice. Then one day, during a meal, people sitting at the same


Although I enjoyed the service, and it did feel good to give back and be helpful so that others could have their clean laundry on time, I also began to be distracted by yet other projects that were offered to me to do, and which I accepted. Why would I volunteer to do even more? I volunteered because the embarrassment and shame I felt from being ‘scolded by the world’, and, maybe, the familiarity and comfort of ‘staying outside’ as well, outweighed what I knew I should’ve been doing: my meditation, my loving God by expressing my devotion through meditation more and more each day. There I was, living just feet-away from a teacher, and still turning and running from his ‘feet’ (a symbol of the inner form of the teacher) right back into the world. Unlike the voracious outer-world that demanded more and more of me in order to be satisfied, neither my meditation nor God nor a teacher ever demanded anything from me; it is up to us, as Jim and Brian have reminded us many a time, to sit in meditation, to stay awake, and to listen for God’s Voice calling us home. (MEDITATION continues on page 17)

Q& A (continued from page 13)

forward and initiate people.

by Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey

So, in the Bible, the teacher, the spiritual teacher, is also called the Living Word. It doesn’t make us special; it just signifies the authority by which we do the work. And we know that, because we know the exact time when that anointing happened, and we’ve lived that anointing from that point on; we’ve been growing in it from that point on, and understanding how to do that, to anoint our initiates as well. Now, when the teacher dies, he or she passes the Mantel onto someone else; the teacher names that person at that time, and then the Holy Spirit will pass the Mantel to them, and they will begin their journey as one who initiates.

Now, in the Bible, it also says that these are the sons of God. Jesus was called the Son of God, the Son of Man. The one who initiates is the Son of God. Jesus was called the Son of Man because he was also of the world and, in truth, his father was Joseph, his mother was Mary. And he was of the world just as anyone is of the world; but he was also the Son of God. He was given the Mantel of authority to initiate disciples by John the Baptist, and, at that time, he began to go

GRATITUDE (continued from page 14)

are — is because Loving is, ultimately, what we are. It is who we are. Loving is the “Who” that is experiencing the journey of our life — and not only the final joyful leg of the journey when we return back Home, but also every post office, bank, and car wash along the way.

by Steven McAfee

the reason it is always accessible to us wherever we

GOD FIRST (continued from page 15)

strengthening me in this action of putting God first. From what I was viewing inwardly, it looked as if I had over the years created a wonderful and supportive foundation for remembering to choose back into God. And I just needed to remember that it is a step-by-step process that has its own timing in building strength and consistency in my being.

by Bill Stratton

me, I now experienced gratitude for being able to walk that short distance. Since this was a different and light-filled experience in this short journey, I stopped to look at it inwardly, and allowed myself to go deeper with what was present. All of a sudden I started seeing affirmations I have used, such as “I am the Living, Loving Essence of the Lord,” “I and my Father are One,” and so on, and I noticed in my consciousness that they resembled stepping stones to a higher place of awareness, supporting and

Since I’ve been doing this, I have experienced more joy in this journey of my life, as it continues to become more of an adventuresome experience. In putting God first, I have found that I am moving in that flow of Loving. And this flow has become more present with me in the knowing of Who I truly Am.


(continued from page 16)

God first, which means to put God before all else, to practice loving and devotion through meditation every day, to tap into God’s Loving, and then, when we go out into the world, to bring loving into all our other activities — into our duties, our commitments, our responsibilities, into our work and our play, into our conversations and interactions, and into all the many activities and causes of the world.

by Laura Kesten

So, how do we do our greatest service, our meditation, and still be of service in the world? The perfect answer for me is to practice what Jim and Brian say: to do 17



organization dedicated to teaching spiritual awakening through an inner practice of meditation. This meditation practice is an inner path through which the soul transcends the physical realms of creation to its true home in the spiritual realms within the heart of God. In spiritual teachings and literature this inner path is often referred to as “The Path of Sound and Light,” “The Path of The Holy Spirit,” “The Path of Love,” or simply as “The Path” or “The Way.” ILM offers initiation into this meditation practice enabling one to fully experience this inner journey of awakening. To provide support for those individuals interested in this path, Inner Light Ministries offers numerous publications, materials, programs, and services, which encourage devotion to God and support a life-long practice of prayer, meditation, spiritual study, and service.



oving is the transformation to Spirit — to the inward and upward focus. Loving is the action that Grace uses to transform any and all things back into the Loving, or to disperse whatever stands in the way, so that you can truly have that passage back into realms of soul and spirit. It is important to stay awake and stay attentive in your meditation. Keep your attention inward and upward. Keep your spiritual eye focused on God. Be aware when your gaze changes. If it moves from that upward focus into a different angle, a different direction, let it be okay and do what you know to do. Do the loving, the acceptance and the forgiveness. – Jim Gordon

Main Office: Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey, P.O. Box 164332, Austin, TX 78716-4332; Financial Office: Tom Beaver, 14618 Mansfield Dam Ct., #16, Austin, TX; Midwest Office: Steven McAfee, P.O. Box 5139, Fort Wayne, IN 46895

Inner Light Ministries Editorial and Publishing Office P.O. Box 164332 Austin, Texas 78716-4332 Phone: 512-306-1056 FORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTED



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