dr_LeArt _The Wings of my Night_105p_ en

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dr. LeArt

The Wings of my Night Olen yรถni siivet

drdr.LeArt LeArt

The Wings of my Night Olen yรถni siivet

LeArt LeArt Helsinki Helsinki 2004/2014 2004

© dr. LeArt “ Olen yöni siivet” Helsinki 2003/2004 kuvat: dr. LeArt taitto: LeArt paino: Painojussit Oy ISBN 952-91-6743-1

OF YOU, MY LOVE A soul’s radiance is endless ever patient as it awaits its true love. Explore the depths of your soul - your visage emits a saintly glow


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Je cherche l'amour — non pour la passion mais pour maîtriser mon coeur. Je cherche le bonheur — non pour une nuit mais pour être ma mère. Je cherche une femme — non pour l'instant mais pour l'éternité.

Ich suche die Liebe – nicht nur für den Körper,

I Seek ETSIN, I seek love

sondern für die Hertz. Ich suche das Glück - nicht nur für eine Nacht, sondern zum Mutterwerden. Ich suche die Frau - nicht nur für einen Augenblick, sondern für immer.

Etsin rakkautta - not mere desire – en intohimoksi vaan -to fulfil myvain heart. sydämen sisällöksi. I seek happiness Etsin onnea - not one night’s pleasure, – en yhdeksi yöksi vaan äidiksi. but a mother for my children. Etsin naista I seek a woman – en hetkeksi vaan iäksi.



- not for a moment - for a lifetime.

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Our Time


The current of time flows, Ajan the wheel of virta time kuljettaa, spins faster. ajan kehrä kiihtyy. I have no time, Minulla ei ole I have you. aikaa, minulla on Sinut.

Our paths were entwined by chance. Meidän on sea tahattomuuden luoma. The waves of theretkemme calm, starlit Meri tähtivalossa on meille tyynesti ystävä is our guide on this journey – kuoma. - our friend


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dr. LeArt


My Only Heart My only heart has been torn open -my tender soul displayed. Deprive me not of my smithy -for flowers still bloom in winter; their sleep filled with dreams of spring.


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RESIFE, You, you and you, RESIFE, everything is in you. And I SINÄ, SINÄ JA SINÄ, -I am in love KAIKKI ON SINUSSA JA – MINÄ RAKASTUNUT.

RESIFE, RESIFE Você, você e você, tudo está em você e - eu estou enamorado.

RESIFE, RESIFE Toi, Toi et Toi, Tout est dans Toi et — moi amoureux.




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OUR LOVE Our love stands on the edge of a knife, as a scythe gleams on the wall. The harvest is yet to come; our crop is not ripe.


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As an echo I lie on my love’s breast -like a whiff of fire in the wind. JATUS RAKKAUDESTA, You are the joy and bliss of my love -my smoldering pit Kuin kaikuna lepään rakkaani rinnoilla -ever ready to caress me – tulen tuulena sammunut sävel. with love’s touch.

Olet onneni riemu ja rakkaus – tervahauta – valmiina turvaamaan rakkaani kosketus.

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dr. LeArt

ENSÉE DE L AMOUR, Comme l'écho je repose à coté de mon amour — je viens comme une melodie étendue comme le vent. Sois la joie de mon bonheur et l'amour — le trou à goudron prêt à défendre la touche de l'amour.

ON DER LIEBE, Ich ruhewie das Echo nah der Geliebten - ich kommeals der Wind, wenn die Weise erlischt. Du bist die Lust und Liebe meines Glück - wie eine Teertonne schützend die Berührung der Geliebten. 17

WITHIN YOU Within you lies fire and flame you are silent yet you make my raging storm turn tame.


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TO YOU SINULLE, I built a bridge over Minä rakensin sillan ylistream yön of night -with belt-leather I wove it tight. – tuin sen nahkalla vyön. YouSinä crossed bridge, heeding my call kuljitthe ylitse sillan -my hands–gave you Sinulle the berries of Fall. ojensin syksyn kypsyvän hillan.

PARA TÚ Yo construí un puente sobre la noche – afirmé lo con un cinturón Tú passó sobre el puente – di a ti la irradiación del carbón.

POUR TOI J'ai construit une pont au dessus de la nuit — je l'ai soutenue avec la ceinture de peau. Tu as traversé ce pont — je t'ai donné la mûre mûrissante de l'automne.

FÜR DICH Ich baue eine Brücke über die Nacht – stürze mit dem Gurt der Haut. Du schreist über die Brücke – ich gebe DIR gleich reifende Frucht von Herbst. 20

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FOR M’LADY In winter, clarity takes seed In spring, heart blooms In summer, is metsiemen, Talvi ontruth seesteen In autumn, love springs to life.

L`hiver est la graine de clarté, kevät kukkia le printemps fleurit dans le sydämen. coeur. Kesä kohtaa L'été rencontre la verité, totuuden, l'automne vit dans l'amour. syksy elää




Der Winter ist der Samen des Klarheit, Der Frühling blüht im Hertzen. Der Sommer trifft die Wahrheit. Der Herbst wohnt in der Liebe.


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dr. LeArt


MY ROCK My burning chair may bend and fall -but you remain, life’s hopeful call


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A DREAM In the house of dreams I sweating lie, at the edge of morn. Your skin is numbed by love -unspoilt yet torn.


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THANK YOU The dying days of a millennium -the last lingering hours. We did it with grace -with love. We did it together. Thank you!


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In You Words give birth to a motion -they echo a call. They rouse the warmth of your body. You recline against my shoulder, my lips caress your belly, as I reach the balmy nectar of your breasts. I live -I do not suffer -of manhood’s frenzied deprivation

NAKED Love rests, its brittle wings are torn -my yearnin’ for you of garments shorn.

MY POEMS My poems are my solitary pleasure; yet I hope, they reveal my love for others.

IN ME I love, I live, I am, I carry -the essence of emotions I touch, I watch, I whisper, I remember -the bell-strokes of love.

I SEE YOU Within you sleeps gratitude’s child, we two are the enraptured souls! You are a spice in the dish of life, we two, with each other, are in love.

THE WISH OF LOVE Tender as a flower love rises it harkens and dreams of a life eternal.

AN ENTANGLED MIND In my mind’s wind-swept plains -I am in love! A man stands at the threshold of summer -in rain, drenched, drunken, -of the swell of her breasts -of love’s fever.

MIND’S EYE Spawned by rhyming words I am in you in your mind’s eye.

YOU, MY LOVE You are the splendour of summer’s asteraceae, you are the dance of Pieris brassicae. You are my summer – and my winter’s whisper. You are my dream – and first snow’s glister.

MORN In the darkening morn -I rest -clinging to you. As I drown into you -I awaken -I do not sleep!

THE WORLD TODAY A stone-marred moon, a cremated sun, a shackled love, a flower-crowned beggar lives within the pain.



Love is an unveiled belly and entwined souls -for tonight.

The seed was sown in summer, your crop ripened in autumn. Now winter covers the plough-lands; I break bread, you are with a child.

OF DEAD LOVE Love is a rusty saw, a bed of stones. Love is a wingless corpse, a cow without bones.

MY INSTINCTS Of the warmth of your mound I’ll craft a horn of plenty.

STRENGTH Forget cognition’s fleeting validity; forever seek for love’s virginity.

LONGING The salty water caresses a strong leg, the sole of a foot. The scorching air trembles on my pale skin. Ashamed I call for You, without defences; I bask in the joy of life and senses.

THE LOVE Love is a hidden mirror. Through it we view life -that one summer -that one love.

HAY MOWER Surrounded by damp summer hay, I am a rusty hay mower; a branch for birds to sing, a hole for moles to dwell, a sanctuary for songs of love and moments of peace.

IN LOVE I am bound in matrimony, unblessed by amen. I am bound by my heart, unharried by pain.

YOU ARE MY SEA At the edge of sea’s foamy crest your ivory hair tumbles, framing the solar glow of your face. I rest in this moment in the azure embrace of your arms.

WHY AM I? Love is the song of life, the gust of emotions. Lack of love is a painful toil, a futile misery. Why am I?

BOUND You have lost yourself in a bygone age. You abandon a cerebral love and let it go. Time has stopped, stuck in a routine, devoid of wings.

THE LABOURS OF LOVE Heart’s shining flame tears against its reins. A torrent of passion smashes its barriers. In the crosscurrent of love heart breaks free of its shackles and passions surge over dams. Love is a fierce glow, an ever-foaming flow. It is crimson, heart-searing fire, and passion’s high, white-waved ire.

LIFE As your breast’s covers are crushed by a surging wave’s flail, I whisper your heart a message; both cold and frail. I am the world past; a new one rejoices at our journey, borne by the waves.

THE PRESENCE OF LOVE Love dwells in my chest it fills me with wonder. Love rips my belly it tears me asunder. It is in my flesh, my knees buckle under. Love makes my blood flow with ferocious thunder.

ALONE My hands do not touch you as I caress your body. My voice is a brief moment lost in the wind. My instincts listen to your eyes. A blank paper turns into a letter.

YOU She fell into a downy sleep dreams wreathed in silence deep. She is the glue in our sheets Restless and alone, my manly lust beats. HARDSHIPS Her sensitivity is a gehenna. Her love made fierce by wisdom’s folly. She is a virginal field.

WOMAN Embedded in a woman’s flesh lie both hatred and bliss. As you caress her, be aware which one claims you! In love, you shall have both.

BATHE, BATHE… Bathe yourself in night’s desire -cleanse your mind for a joyous fire. Come to me after your bath -I shall ease you into a blissful flight, lost in the spell of an eternal night.

HEART Heart is a fine red box within it lies love. Heart! Let truth seduce you gently guide you towards your one true love.

DEODORANT Love and water are DÖDÖ, humanity’s deodorant Ihmisyyden deodorantti on rakkaus ja vesi.

SHAG-HAIRS Of all God’s gifts, love is most precious, as we travel through the rocky road of life, scratching our feet -we, the shag-haired children.

FOR YOU, MY LOVE In this gentle, eldritch night I guide my raft. -without an oar as my heart echoes summer’s rhythm.

NIGHT You invited me to a sermon of seduction. You entwined me in sheets of desire. You plastered me with the milk of love.

A BEAUTIFUL HEART I beheld a beautiful heart -it covered a human being. The heart sang -a song of comfort. The warmth of its ray gave me -a moment, a fragment. The heart covered a human being -Her, a beautiful woman That woman was the heart of another human being

WORDS OF LOVE Give night for a twilight devoid of dark, yield sun for a timeless dawn. While night groans at its existence -my essence soars during restful hours -I dwell in a hidden sanctuary -I am alive! Your face is lit by moonlight as Spring herself joyfully purrs! Love tailors the richest garbs. I yearn for the home of my heart -for the shed of which wind whispers. I will give you eternal summer -a starry night and a solitary isle. We shared a moment -an hour of lovemaking -the road to permanence Seek for your heart’s expanse as you emit virtue’s radiance. Hail, poetic meter, old friend of mine -we have not met for a very long time. I have food to share, both hot and cold, a moment for life and stories untold. Sensuality answers with the rigidness of senses while my senses’ garden emits a bountiful flow -you, my love, are my solar glow. In night’s enchantment I now wish to take part -the scent of emotions is the language of the heart!

My paintings long for spring -earth’s bounty and sea-wind’s sting Spring, herald to summer’s flame -spring, summer’s awakening dame. Like a raging river my blood now flows -garbed in honour, the current grows! Then intuition overtakes thought -wisdom’s seed firmly takes hold. Yet spring still fans my heart’s fire; we are ash and smouldering desire. Five pale duramen of maple -and I am dull, watchful, unable. Imagine the heat of spring’s bower -long for the beauty of your flower The silent light in your eyes brings warmth with its look. The sultry tremble of your lips illustrates my inner book. Lost in the night, I encounter the warmth of a burning heart -Clasping it fiercely, I wander in this fresh heat I’ll take part. I carry you away, held in my embrace. I show you the green meadows -the fields where dreams graze. I trace your curves with my finger Still wearily, vainly I linger. Will our time ever come? Tell me. Tell my reaching hand! Can Laudanum set me free, or must I trust time’s command? Against all laws rebelling I will build you a love’s dwelling

-Deprived of you, I am in tatters lost and bound by limiting fetters. -I am lost -in our hearts? Fragrant flower flutters fiercely feelings fly -searing summer seethes softly senses sigh. Wayward wind wakens lips’ languid light. Hearts hold hoards hidden; halcyon hopes high. With you, my nocturnal girl I go gentle into that good night -united we dream together, our entwined hearts hold tight. I come upon my love in the night -amidst the raging river’s roar -witnessing a castle fall to war -life is a bird’s unaugured soar. You are my bliss as my locks turn hoar. You are a feast for the eyes and summer’s fire! My heart’s delight and winter’s ire! You are a journey without end, a trackless wild -not a fleeting desire, mere pleasure’s child! A heartbeat echoes -a wombful of love -you are a woman opened a cloven shell. Morning embrace and a frowsy head

-thawed of frost, our love’s downy bed My heart flutters under your blankets -silent in the star-lit sky -our tiny flicker glows You appear in my nocturnal musings as time and treasure, as a field I tread, as a cabin hidden amidst woodland shades. Our minds the only limit to our desire -our love, the forge’s eternal fire Longing is love’s sister who dwells inside a solitary heart. Longing is care, worry, compassion. Longing is heart’s anticipation. Only longing’s familiar visit reveals the depths of agony. Covered by night’s mantle I wreathe you with a crown of flowers -I watch you from a secret place, I feel -our life has grace. Grasp me in your hold -come beside me slow -sleep in my embrace, and glow Love into your vein -rhythm into your heart -song into your chest -succumb into the mist of dreams ere the journey begins Longing is not the correct phrase - you are my mind’s facet for my love a stage!

The Winter Solstice -the moon approaches the Earth -full moon -brightness multiplied -I shine with love, I sense, -you emit it as well Rise from night’s mist as moon’s bright ray -slowly turn into a searing flame -by the brine-swept strand -I await you -let us burn together. One does not kindle love -it kindles. During this Yuletide in a shed of emotions I hide -you are the shed, you are its lock, its heart and its lung -our love is still young. Moon crowns you with its silver lace -the very thought a delicate, rosy vase. Has anyone ever told you, -you are my heart’s delight and the red sea’s flood -you are my love and sacrificial blood? A red rose rapturously rising! In a midwinter morning you are a glowing, virginal embrace, -a truth or dare of my heart. I behold the molten depths of your soul -eyes wide open -I awake -to a sultry tremble

My arm knows your slumber well for oft it has been your cradle. You left it your scent, your touch, and an inkling of something I cannot define. A nightshirt covers your perfection -courageous we are in our affection -afraid to grip your silken gown -I grasp the bed’s rim as I lie down. Lying on coverlets, our heat is shared -warmed by love, for snowy winter prepared. Come dark, we’ll play in the moonlight, in forgotten castle halls - at lovers’ night. I shall take you to warmth’s cross -embrace you inside the blue room’s gloss! After this gloom -in light I cannot go on -you belong to another, his heart you grace. My empty bed is lovelorn -mouthing words of friendship -of your touch I am shorn. A frost angel beside me -we held each other close -I awoke -so real, this dream of wintry night -outside they softly fell; snowflakes, icy stars of light.

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