ILC News Issue 19: February 2012

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Edition 19 February 2012 Price $1.000

English in Chile / Chile in English

Local News all in English

NEWS What makes a maid in Chile Saying goodbye to González Keeping passion alive Chile's global credit rating

Marlen Olivari

I Love Chile Hits the Stage 1

Daniel Boyle & Matt Niner

Photo: Ricardo Salcedo


Letter from the Editors Hello readers, Let me introduce myself, my name is Daniel Boyle, I am an Australian who has moved to Chile. Like my fellow editor Ma? Niner, I am married to a Chilean. I came to Chile for love, so it makes sense to work in a publicaCon such as “I Love Chile”. It has been four months since I arrived in Chile and I am enjoying my Cme so far. I look forward to geHng to explore more of Chile and connect with all the people living here through my work in the publicaCon. As Chile conCnues to grow, we at I Love Chile would like to conCnue to grow with the country. To be a resource both for Chileans and for others who have chosen to live in Chile, or those who are just visiCng. We aim to put our energy in providing posiCve stories about Chile. While this is not always possible, looking on the bright side gives a chance to inspire other people to be proud of Chile. Our namesake, the musical comedy “I Love Chile” aims to do the same thing. You may noCce this month we have gone away from the themed issue. Like they say, “a change is as good as a holiday” and we hope to give our readers some regular monthly features to look forward to. As always, we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in contribuCng, get in touch. Make sure to check our website for daily news and regular features.

Dear reader, It's an honor and a privilege to have found a place among the I Love Chile family and I happily write my first le?er to you, dear reader, as editor of this remarkable publicaCon. This year marks my return to Chile aPer a six-­‐year absence, and I can say that the progress SanCago has made was evident to me almost immediately. Several things are noCceably different now than they were in 2006, when I was here last. First and foremost, all the buses are green! How did that happen? Yes, riding them is sCll frustraCng, but it's a lot safer. Second, the metro goes all the way to Maipú. FantasCc, that's where my wife's family lives! Third, the river doesn't sCnk any more. Extraordinary! I remember when you could smell the Rio Mapocho from three blocks away. Finally, the Parque Forestal looks amazing. The workers who are out there every single day making sure the grass is green and the trees are healthy have been doing a great job. These changes may be superficial, but they are much more important than many people realize.

So, even though it's easy to focus on all the problems that the country has, it's important to take a look from Cme to Cme at the progress you have made, including the li?le things, in the last few years. It was easy for me, because I saw six years of I look forward to engaging with all our readers progress all at once when I got off the plane. Take it from me, over the coming months and years working Chile, you're headed in the right direcCon. with I Love Chile. Daniel Boyle

Ma? Niner 2


Table of Contents

Publisher Daniel H. Brewington

Letter from the Editors


Table of Contents


Politics: The Calm Before the Storm


Politics: La Junta, Patagonia: Tin Shacks Turned to Gold


Environment: Investing in a Low-­‐carbon Future


Environment: Mega-­‐Project Brings Mega-­‐Changes


Indigenous Focus: New Indigenous Representatives Elected to CONADI


Travel Editor Jonathan Franklin

Business: Standard & Poor May Upgrade Chile’s Credit


Business: Why Invest in Chile Today?


Director, Sales & MarkeBng May Ipinza

Entrepreneur: Gled Plays with Chile’s Entrepreneurial Reality


Feature: Clearing the Air: What Makes a Maid in Chile


Feature: I Love Chile: The Musical!


Feature: Marlen Olivari in I Love Chile


Sports: Fernando González Announces his Retirement from Tennis


Arts: The Tempo Keeps On Changing


Chilean Abroad: Santiago to U.K.


Travel: Chilean Antarctic


Food: A Taste of the South


Food: Bye -­‐ Bye Nescafé


Sport Column: Should Claudio Bravo Remain Captain of Chile's National Team?


Woman Column: Fueling the Fire


Love Column: Soltera in Santiago: Stupid Cupid


Culture Column: How to Say Goodbye in Chile


Learning: Puzzle / Learn While you Read


Learning: How to Use this Newspaper


I Love Chile Group Ltd. Copyright © I Love Chile Newspaper Limited 2012. All rights reserved. Loreto 6 -­‐ Of 2 -­‐ Bellavista Office Chile: +56 (02)979-­‐1009 Office USA: 518-­‐632-­‐4199 General Inquires: / AdverCsing: 3

ILCNews STAFF Editors Sharon Ewing Ma? Niner Daniel Boyle Managing Editor Pamela Lagos

Journalists Shonika Proctor Richard Magennis Pablo Retamal Ma? Niner Nick Levine Paul Coleman Titus Levy Daniel Boyle Deborah Kunkel Pepe Rawlinson Marie Vitkova Laura Seelau Ryan Seelau Darren Kaiser Marcelle Dubrel Columnists Bridget McAndrew Colin Benne? Ken Shields Mamiko Ito AddiBonal Contributors Sernatur Photographers Ricardo Salcedo Daniel Brewington Julia Dose TranslaBons Jose Miguel Galdames Nicole Mege


The Calm before The Storm Preparing for the Next Political Hurricane

By Nick Levine

It is in this context that we can expect a number of issues to conCnue affecCng the poliCcal agenda on numerous levels. To give just one example, despite the fact that President SebasCán Piñera has said that a poliCcal and electoral reform is not a priority of his administraCon’s the issue was one of his campaign promises and his own party, Renovación Nacional (RN), has been engaged in talks with the opposiCon Democracia CrisCana (DC) to come up with a mutually However, this is merely the calm before the storm that agreeable proposal on replacing the binomial elecCon begins in March, when officials of all poliCcal colors system, raising hackles in both alliances. return to their jobs with renewed vigor in their a?empts to gain an upper hand in the constant While the Chilean electoral system has long been poliCcal back-­‐and-­‐forth that characterizes all considered an anachronism by foreigners and locals democraCc socieCes. But this year promises to be alike and is one of the last remaining so-­‐called parCcularly intense: municipal elecCons will be held in “authoritarian enclaves” contained in the ConsCtuCon, December and the presidenCal and congressional no real progress has ever been made toward changing elecCons in 2013. The former of these is oPen considered a sort of prelude to the la?er, as it allows the respecCve poliCcal forces in the country to know where they stand with regard to their naConal aspiraCons.

“There is no doubt that reforming the binomial system will not benefit or harm all parties equally, but it is also true that it will break with the current stagnation in Congress and the growing public perception that the legislature is not representative.”


Photo: Courtesy Senado de Chile

Well, summer is here and the streets of SanCago at Cmes seem like those of a ghost town as the capital’s residents flee the city for the many desCnaCons that the country has to offer tourists at this Cme of year. The same is the case with poliCcs, with the faces of previously unknown undersecretaries appearing on TV in replacement of their respecCve bosses as the ministers go on their respecCve vacaCons.


it. On the one hand, the Unión Demócrata Independiente, UDI, also part of the governing coaliCon, iniCally categorically refused to discuss the ma?er, as it believes that the system provides stability. On the other, the government, as well as the UDI and the DC’s allied in the opposiCon Concertación coaliCon all reacted angrily to two “enemy” parCes engaging in talks behind their backs to resolve this situaCon.

that lose representaCon in Congress would have a chance to recover it in regional governments.

Thus, despite the argument that the country faces more pressing issues, the reform of the electoral system is not about to go away, regardless of how distant a memory the dictatorship becomes. Those who oppose it need to realize that doing so is not just to pass judgment on the military regime, but that it will In this context, reforming the binomial is about more than breaking with the dictatorship’s legacy. In fact, the ulCmately provide them with greater legiCmacy and overall representaCon of forces in Congress is unlikely also more freedom in the search for poliCcal alliances and soluCons in the future. ILC to change significantly other than to allow smaller parCes like the communists greater representaCon, but they are sCll unlikely to hold the balance of power. It is about the legiCmacy that the country’s elected representaCves have. Furthermore, it would be a break with the perversity of the current system, which obliges candidates to compete against their own coaliCon allies instead of their more natural poliCcal adversaries. This in turn makes it very hard to engage in the coaliCon poliCcs that the system was designed of foster. For those who fear the potenCal loss of representaCves, likely to affect the UDI the most, there is a clear soluCon to this. It is obvious that changing the binomial system needs to be accompanied by more extensive poliCcal reforms, specifically the direct elecCon not just of regional and provincial council members but also the so-­‐called intendants, equivalent to state governors. One of this government’s main problems has been its inexperience with public administraCon aPer 20 years in the opposiCon and this soluCon would offer parCes the chance to show regional leaderships and their corresponding policy successes and failures when they do not hold naConal power. Power would become decentralized and parCes


Photo: Courtesy Presidencia de Chile

Of course, there is no doubt that reforming the binomial system will not benefit or harm all parCes equally, but it is also true that it will break with the current stagnaCon in Congress and the growing public percepCon that the legislature is not representaCve. In this context, there are infinite alternaCves that have been proposed in the past that could eventually be acceptable to the different parCes involved when creaCve soluCons are applied.

“The current system obliges candidates to compete against their own coalition allies instead of their more natural political adversaries.”


Photos: Paul Coleman

La Junta, Patagonia: Tin shacks turned to gold

Tiny village in Northern Patagonia quickly becoming a hot spot in Southern Chile By Paul Coleman For years, La Junta, now a village of 2000 people, was virtually unknown outside of Northern Patagonia. When my wife, Konomi, and I first came to Chile to buy land in early 2007, the only reference to the village that we ever saw was a brief paragraph in the Rough Guide that described La Junta as ”nothing more than a depressing collecCon of Cn shacks.” Increasingly this ”depressing collecCon of Cn shacks” which we love, is becoming the place to be seen, especially if you're a tourist, or a member of the governing poliCcal party. President Piñera and Laurence Golborne, the Minister of Public Works, came here last October. Just two days ago the Minister was here again, arriving by military helicopter to proudly announce to the gathered crowd that from where he was standing by the bridge that crosses the Rio Rosselot, this very road would be paved for next sixteen kilometers south. In many parts of the world this may not seem like a noteworthy event, but this is not the rest of the world, this is Northern Patagonia, the most remote part of Chile, served and saved by this one, potholed, dirt and gravel road. The Carretera Austral, the great southern highway through the vast wilderness has so far taken thirty-­‐five years to complete. The project to create the Carretera began in 1976 when General Pinochet decided that southern Chile would be more protected from ArgenCnian territorial claims if the people living there were

connected to the rest of the naCon. And so the work on the Carretera began. It was never anything less than an extraordinary undertaking. The trailblazers were the ten thousand workers of the Military Works Department who carved a path through a thousand kilometers of virgin forests, mountains, swamps, cliffs, lakes and fiords, virtually by hand, as the terrain was so extreme that machinery could not reach them. By the year 2000, aPer two hundred million dollars, and five hundred tons of explosives, the road was finally complete... to a point. In truth the road sCll does not link Patagonia with the rest of Chile, a long ferry trip is necessary to reach Puerto Mon? on the mainland. But in the eyes of poliCcians, the road from Puerto Mon? to Villa O'Higgins is as good as built, especially now that land has been expropriated from Douglas Tompkins,

“By the year 2000, after two hundred million dollars, and five hundred tons of explosives, the road was finally complete... to a point.”



who had been blocking its construcCon through Pumalin Park.

Photos: Paul Coleman

“Laurence Golborne's visit lays the first rock in the paving of the next sixteen kilometers of the Carretera Austral.”

Another local tradiCon is loyalty to General Pinochet, who is sCll honored and seen as a founding father of La Junta and the creator of the great road that linked the This recent expropriaCon is one of the reasons why the community with the rest of the world. There is even a President came to li?le La Junta in October, proudly well-­‐maintained, recently painted monument in the announcing that the compleCon of the Carretera was middle of the highway that reminds everybody on the his personal dream and that soon Patagonians would be highway who built it and who it was originally named connected physically and culturally with the rest of the aPer. naCon. With such a history of support for the road and undying In the meanCme there was a cut-­‐back on ferry service loyalty to those who make their lives easier, La Junta is from Puerto Mon? to Chaitén. A subsidy was cut and for an obvious desCnaCon for Presidents and Ministers with a long Cme the ferry company ran only one vessel, big plans. which translated to fewer trucks bringing fewer goods and increased prices. All of a sudden the mainland And so, Laurence Golborne's visit last week to lay the seemed further away. first rock in the paving of the next sixteen kilometers of the Carretera Austral was welcomed by an enthusiasCc But people here don't complain much, they've crowd that included local people who've been working experienced far greater hardships over the past fiPy for twenty years to get the road paved. The Minister years of pioneer life. Less than twenty years ago, the spoke, smiled, signed the necessary papers, shook bridge that President Piñera stood by was not there and hands, hugged old ladies, danced the Cuenca, and people living in farms waded and swam their horses acknowledged the peCCons of those living on the other across the river to reach the village. It's a tradiCon that side of the bridge, the side with the hundred and fiPy is sCll remembered today at the annual La Junta Fiesta. kilometers that sCll need to be paved. ILC



Investing in a Low-­‐carbon Future UK Funds One-of-a-kind Research Center in Chile By Pablo Retamal Universidad Mayor opened a spanking new Low Carbon Economy Research Centre last November. The Centro de Estudios para economía Baja en Emisiones de Carbono or CEEBEC is up and running. It’s role? Provide focused policy research and services that will help advance the low carbon economy in Chile. Top notch academics, economists and sustainability experts staff CEEBEC.

“In 2012 the global economic recovery presents an ideal opportunity for countries to shift towards green and low carbon growth.”

“In 2012, as the world economy is unevenly coming out of the worst crisis most humans alive have ever known, the global economic recovery presents an ideal opportunity for countries to shiP towards green and low carbon growth. Countries that adapt quickly to a carbon-­‐constrained world will be be?er able to deliver lasCng prosperity for their ciCzens.” Says Jose Leal, CEEBEC’s Director. Mr. Leal, a graduate from Sorbonne University in Paris, spent over 30 years advising governments and the UN on environmental economics. With the help of the BriCsh Embassy he

managed to set up CEEBEC under the Faculty of Forestry and Agriculture at Universidad Mayor. “We have a comparaCve advantage as a private University in Chile. We are not just more in-­‐tune with the private sector, we are also part of it, ” adds Leal. Photo: Ricardo Salcedo

CEEBEC was designed in a joint effort between the Chilean Ministry of Environment and the BriCsh Foreign Commonwealth Office. It will provide private and public organizaCons with innovaCve carbon management services and creaCve sustainable



“Countries that adapt quickly to a carbon-­‐constrained world will be better able to deliver lasting prosperity for their citizens.”

soluCons. For example CEEBEC’s carbon footprint unit is now offering companies not just to measure their CO2 but also train their staff in being able to upkeep carbon foot prinCng acCviCes.

fight taking place amongst two communiCes and not far from SanCago.

Chile faces some serious challenges ahead. Few people realize the Nobel-­‐prize winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has rated Chile amongst the three most vulnerable countries to the effects of global warming in the world. Chile fulfills 7 of 9 vulnerability categories and risks deserCficaCon, mass epidemic propagaCons (i.e. malaria outbreaks), catastrophic sea level rises and loss of natural resources (i.e. water). As a ma?er of fact in my last ILC column I talked wrote about a water


Photo: Ricardo Salcedo

The UN’s regional Economic Commission (ECLAC) has produced studies claiming Chile will suffer in its In January 2012, Dr. David Ockwell from the University central regions with 30% less water in less than 50 of Sussex visited CEEBEC. Over the three days CEEBEC years’ Cme. Why? Climate change! So – aPer all, it is staff and Dr. Ockwell established joint research about Cme a less scienCfic and more economic programs the Sussex Energy Group and Chile’s newly climate change research center opened its doors in formed equivalent. In the pipeline from CEEBEC is Chile. We oPen hear of how the low carbon economy research on GHG Emission factors for specific presents opportuniCes and those who act first will be economic sectors, carbon trading diplomas as well as able to capitalize on future remarket trends. Let’s see reinforcement of climate change diplomacy subjects how CEEBEC does in helping Chile accelerate into a within the Environment & Sustainable Development more modern and resilient sustainable economy. ILC Master’s Degree currently offered by Universidad Mayor. The la?er is already being taught by members of the Chilean climate change negoCaCng team and set to mark a precedent as the only degree in Chile training future negoCators specialized specializing on in the United NaCons Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) issues.

For more information on CEEBEC contact: CEBEC Director: Jose Leal (


Mega-­‐Project brings Mega-­‐Changes By Marie Vitkova

Weighing the Consequences of the Hidro Aysén The Hidro Aysén project, supposed to build 5 dams on two of the largest rivers in southern Chile, has been a topic of discussion and several demonstraCons for many months. The esCmated US$10 billion energy project would generate 2,750-­‐megawa?s annually with a capacity that can be extended in the future.

“The project approval is now at the Supreme Court and we expect to have their decision soon.”


Photo: Felipe Cancino

The Hidro Aysén project is a joint venture between two companies, Endesa (a subsidiary of the Italian conglomerate Enel), with a 51% stake and Colbún The idea is that the Hidro Aysén project should help in: S.A. which owns the other 49%. They presented the • solving problems of the energy supply market whole project as an environmentally friendly soluCon to Chile's growing energy needs. President SebasCán in Chile; helping the country to be energy self-­‐ Piñera says that Chile needs a base of large, reliable sufficient power plants that use sources such as coal, hydro, or • it is an sustainable, inexpensive energy source nuclear energy and that renewable energy can't serve • the construcCon of the dam should provide the country's needs cost-­‐efficiently in the short term. new jobs and help the economy of Region XI The official approval of the project on May 9, 2011 On the other side of the coin, the members under the government of President SebasCán Piñera, provoked several demonstraCons and joined together of Patagonia Sin Represas consider this project to be a group of environmental organizaCons and ciCzens of "a project we don't need. It is an ill-­‐conceived project Chile to create the Consejo de Defensa de la Patagonia which is not good for the region", Hernan Mladinic from Fundación Pumalín (Pumalin FoundaCon) says. Chilena (Chile’s Patagonian Defense Council) in order "We have other ways to find the energy that we need," to defend Patagonia under a campaign he conCnues. called Patagonia Sin Represas (A Patagonia Without Dams) Hernan Mladinic also pointed out that there can be something done about the growing energy


consumpCon which creates a demand for new power staCons. As a primary soluCon, he suggests creaCng an energy policy that will take the needed measures for using energy more efficiently. The dam construcCon, if successful, will irreversibly change the region. Hernan Mladinic points out especially: "The negaCve impact on the land and the people who live there and-­‐-­‐will have to be displaced from their land-­‐-­‐ tourism and loss of the value of this prisCne landscape which people are coming to see." Moreover, he objects by staCng that "when the construcCon project is finished, there are going to be 124 people working there to operate the power plant. At this moment, there are something between 3,000 to 4,000 people working in the tourism sector and in long term, the impact would be more on the negaCve side rather than what we would gain." He believes that for Chile in long term, this project is: "CreaCng a problem rather than a soluCon." The Hidro Aysén project in fact, consists of two separate projects: 1.

The dam construcCon, which was approved by the government in May,

2. The transmission line project, a plan of

construcCon for 2,000 kilometers of power lines that should be transferring the electricity to SanCago and north to the mining sector. It's approval is sCll pending.


“HidroAysén should help solve problems of the energy supply market in Chile, helping the country to be energy self-­‐ sufficient.” Approximately 160 kilometers (99.4 miles) of the line is supposed to run underwater. It would start at Río Yelcho and end in Puerto Mon?. From there the line would join with the main electric grid, called the Central Interconnected System (SIC). "That will radically increase the costs of the project," Hernan Mladinic suspects. "The project approval is now at the Supreme Court and we expect to have their decision soon," he conCnues. "The company has announced that they are going to introduce their study for the transmission lines project in the next few months, most probably before March." How the public reacts and how it will change the final approval of the dam project should be clearer aPer that. ILC

Photo: Felipe Cancino

The transmission line is supposed to be 1,912 kilometers long, starCng in the Patagonian town of Cochrane. It would cross seven of Chile's 15 regions.

"The problem of the transmission lines is that they would have to cross people's properCes and naConal parks without giving them any profit," Hernan Mladinic comments about the reason why this project proposal triggered so much opposiCon from the public.



New Indigenous Representatives Elected to CONADI

By Laura and Ryan Seelau

On Sunday, January 15th, CONADI, Chile’s Indigenous

development corporaCon that oversees the administraCon of indigenous policy in most areas, held elecCons to fill eight spots reserved for indigenous leaders on its NaConal Council. In total, more than 30,000 indigenous individuals cast votes all across the country. The eight individuals who won the elecCon will take their posiCons on April 12th and will serve a four-­‐year term. CONADI was created in 1993 with the passage of the Ley Indígena (Indigenous Law). At the Cme of its creaCon, the Indigenous Law also created a NaConal Council that was aimed at incorporaCng an indigenous voice into naConal indigenous policy. The NaConal Council is a seventeen-­‐member body that includes eight elected indigenous representaCves. The remaining nine posiCons are filled by various heads of ministries and presidenCal appointments. The head of the enCre NaConal Council is a presidenCal appointment and is currently filled by a Mapuche man named Jorge Retamal.

In total, as is required by law, indigenous voters elected four representaCves for the Mapuche people (Ana María Llao Llao, Andrés Hernán Ma?a Cuminao, Iván Catalino Carilao Ñanco, and Claudia Pailalef MonCel); one representaCve for the Aymara people (Zenón Vicente Alarcón Rodríguez); one representaCve for the Atacameño people (Wilson Manuel Reyes Araya); one representaCve for the Rapa Nui people (Rafael Hernán Tuki Tepano); and one urban indigenous representaCve (Marcial Collín). In light of the issues CONADI has had over the years, and with the raCficaCon of ILO ConvenCon 169, the next four years should prove to be an interesCng Cme for CONADI and the NaConal Council—likely one of transiCon. ILO ConvenCon 169 introduced into Chile a new and stronger set of indigenous rights, and in its wake, CONADI is being expected to take on increasing responsibiliCes, someCmes on issues for which it has li?le previous experCse and experience. Just last year, the Chilean government put forth a proposal to significantly restructure CONADI and alter its role in the broader scheme of indigenous policy. As the new council members take up the work of the council, they will likely be key actors in determining the future of CONADI. ILC

The lasCng effects of that decision—coupled with other controversies CONADI has found itself in the middle of over the years—could be seen in last month’s vote. Although the elecCon was largely considered a success by government reports, the turnout was lower than expected. According to the 2002 Chilean Census, there are more than 700,000 people who idenCfy as indigenous in Chile (by some other esCmates, that number is well over a million). Of those, approximately 175,000 indigenous individuals 12

Photo: Courtesy Conaripe

Even though CONADI was supposed to increase indigenous parCcipaCon in government, it has rouCnely been met by mixed reviews from indigenous peoples and scholars as to its legiCmacy as a representaCve insCtuCon for indigenous peoples’ interests and how much power it actually has. Part of CONADI’s image problems date to an incident that occurred just five years aPer its creaCon, which many cite as a reason why CONADI has never been fully embraced in the country. In 1998, CONADI’s NaConal Council had to approve some land transacCons in order for the massive Ralco Dam Project to begin. At the Cme, an indigenous individual was the NaConal Director and then-­‐President Frei was worried that the project might be blocked. So, in an act of desperaCon, Frei removed the NaConal Director and replaced him with a non-­‐indigenous person to ensure the votes necessary for the development project would move forward.

were registered to vote in the CONADI elecCons. But when it came Cme to vote for the highest-­‐elected indigenous posiCon in Chile, less than 20% of those registered actually parCcipated. Despite the low turnout, the elecCon was historic in that, of the eight newly elected council members, two of them will be indigenous women—something that has not happened before.


But What Difference Does it Make? Well, it’s good news…or is it? Let’s be careful here. Upgrading credit, which is supposed to be good news, will most likely lead to more borrowing. More borrowing, especially by governments, usually doesn’t have a profit moCve behind it because governments can raise taxes to pay the interest. Is more borrowing what we want in Chile? It may be. If poliCcians here use a be?er raCng to borrow at lower rates to pay off higher rate debts, that would be very wise. It would reduce the budgetary allowance for interest payments, and that money could be used for something more producCve. Chile’s external debt is just shy of US$100 billion. Be?er credit could reduce the average rate by around 1%. If that were to happen, it would mean an addiConal US$1 billion in cash for internal use. Imagine that! In a country of about 17 million people, that works out to a savings of roughly US$58 per year. This is money that is already being spent, folks, and could be refunded to the people either in cash or increased services. OK, so you don’t think 58 bucks is much money. You’re right. What’s more important is that it’s the right direcCon. Here’s a be?er idea: how about paying off US$1 billion each year. That would mean each year, the naCon would have even more money saved in interest, which could pay off even more principal. In just about 40 years, Chile would have no external debt and all the money that used to pay interest could then be used internally, or taxes could be lowered. This would be a major posiCve step, especially in light of the banking crises around the world. Ok, I heard the laugh in the back of the room: “Ken! You don’t really believe that can happen, do you?!” Actually, no. But if I’m going to fantasize, I’m going to make up some really good rules. What do I think may happen? Well, I’m not sure, but I can make some guesses based on history and human nature. Remember Pemex, Mexico’s state-­‐owned oil company? Well, from 1977-­‐1980, Mexico borrowed against the future oil revenues and used most of the money for drilling pla†orms and refining capacity. Where did the rest of the money go? Who knows?


By Ken Shields

PoliCcians and bankers were involved and that money could have gone anywhere. The point is that business profit margins are oPen razor thin and not using 100% of the borrowings for improving the bo?om line is risky at best. Well, oil prices dropped and suddenly Mexico couldn’t service the debt and suffered crisis aPer crisis. Oil was sold at bargain basement prices and those who had cash picked up the profit. This isn’t the only Cme something like this has happened in history. Instead of borrowing and expanding, Mexico should have expanded from profits aPer the profits were in hand. They could have avoided a lot of trouble. I hope Chile will avoid the same trouble and pay off debt instead of acquiring more. Do I think Chile will acquire more debt? Unfortunately, I do indeed. I see the financing of hydropower occurring with new debt. Once again, the profit margins are small. Some Cme in the future, when the internaConal economy has major problems, maybe even a collapse, demand for electricity will drop precipitously (profits will become losses) as mines and other businesses shut down and the money to pay interest won’t be there. Chile will lose control of its power generaCon. There are four reasons I think this will happen. First, there has been so much environmentalist resistance to new hydropower projects that things are geHng desperate. Second, poliCcians are involved and want to buy votes by solving the energy crisis. Third, bankers never want anyone to pay off debt because their interest income dries up. Finally, internaConal business will be severely impacted and foreign sales will dry up, especially for copper, because no one will have money to buy. I said in an earlier column that Chile can probably weather this storm as a primary producer of food and raw materials for clothing and shelter. However, that doesn’t mean that Cmes won’t be difficult. I also proposed an idea of how to develop hydropower without debt financing so control is not lost to foreign investors. If Chile will pay off its debt, Cmes will be much less difficult. The trick is holding poliCcians accountable. ILC

Photo: Julia Dose

Standard & Poor May Upgrade Chile’s Credit


Why invest in Chile today?

Interview with Sercotec Regional Director Emiliano Orueta By Darren Kaiser Over the last 5 years, I’ve spent a lot of Cme traveling throughout LaCn America, Europe, and even parts of Africa searching for green pastures for starCng a business and invesCng in property. A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon Chile. At the Cme, I had no idea that Chile offered one of the most business-­‐friendly environments in the world. I was also unaware that the country is determined to be a center of technology and innovaCon in the coming years. Grants, free trainings, and general assistance available to new companies, both large and small, make the start-­‐up process in Chile much less daunCng and the likelihood of success much higher than in other parts of the world. The result of this progressive approach has been more jobs throughout the country, more goods and services available to both residents and visitors, and increased revenue for the government. Some of the organizaCons that provide help to new businesses and investors include Sercotec, CORFO, ProChile, and Start Up Chile. Today we are meeCng with the Regional Director of Sercotec, Emiliano Orueta, in Rancagua. Sercotec played an integral role in seHng up Chile's first business development center which just opened it’s doors in December.

Why do you think an American or anyone else from around the world would want to invest in Chile today? Emiliano Orueta: Chile today offers the foreign investor a very unique opportunity. The Chilean government provides financial and logisCcal assistance to new businesses and fosters a free, open, and transparent market. We currently have a very stable economy and our government has been very forward thinking, puHng aside money from our copper revenues in the last several years while metal prices have been high. This has given us a very good fooCng for any economic downturns we may see and will help insure that investments made here will have a lot of room for growth in the future.

Can you explain what Sercotec does?

Emiliano Orueta: We are a private corporaCon that administers state funds reserved for new businesses. We work with entrepreneurs and micro/small businesses that are anywhere between just-­‐geHng-­‐ started to ones that are earning up to $1,000,000 USD/ year. We provide seed capital and we help owners and managers obtain informaCon and tools necessary to improve and develop their businesses.

Darren Kaiser from I Love Chile with Sercotec Regional Director Emiliano Orueta at his office in Rancagua

Photo: Darren Kaiser



How do you see the Chilean economy developing over the next 5 to 10 years?

Emiliano Orutea: Obviously our rate of growth will parCally depend on the growth rates of other countries around the world. That being said, we should be able to maintain our rate of growth at somewhere around its currently rate of 6% even with the economic problems so much of the world is seeing. The savings that the government has built up puts us in a very stable posiCon. This stability has already been a?racCng a decent amount of foreign investment and will conCnue to do so, possibly at an even faster rate in the future. The benefits of our friendly business climate can already be seen. Due to our strategy of systemaCcally improving infrastructure, we are be?er able to deliver goods to the world market with every passing year. Even during years that are difficult for the global economy, we should do well, and if/when the global economy does improve, we will be making leaps and bounds.

Can you tell me about a local success story Sercotec has been involved with?

Emiliano Orueta: One local success story here in Rancagua is that of the craP beer company, Copper. The founder came to Sercotec a number of years ago with a business plan. He wanted to start a microbrewery, and had plenty of know-­‐how, but he only had the funds for a very small operaCon. He applied for the first round of our seed capital program and was awarded a grant. He used the money to buy 5 ow, equipment for his brewery and became famous locally where it comes in and where it goes, for the quality of his beer. He has provided help with quality control to other microbreweries throughout 5 Chile and in 2011, he won 2 medals at the Copa places where you will spend money Cervezas de America. is is

How does the economic situaBon of the 6th region compare to other regions in Chile?

Emiliano Orueta: One thing that sets the 6th region apart from most other regions throughout Chile is the El Teniente copper mine. It is the world’s largest underground mine and is located 50 kilometers from Rancagua. We have a large populaCon that earns well above the naConal average because of El Teniente. Most regions in Chile have 1 or 2 important industries but here in the 6th region we have 3, actually 4 these days, those being mining, commerce, agriculture, and our growing tourism sector. We are quite well off because of these.

In your opinion, which industry presents the most opportunity at this moment in Chile?

Emiliano Orueta: ParCcularly in this region, I would say the agroindustry, gourmet foods, and tourism.

I see that Sercotec helped start the business development center that just recently opened here in Rancagua. Are there other business development centers already operaBng in Chile? Emiliano Orueta: As far as being strictly a business development center, this is the first one, it’s a pioneer project. There are other offices that do similar things but this is the first one dedicated to providing all of these services under one roof. ILC

For those with an entrepreneurial spirit or anyone looking to become their own boss someday, more informaCon on Sercotec programs can be found at

cially when you are stressed or sad. Instead, visit places like parks and 5 fer a payment plan or reduction on 5 is the thing that has motivated you in the past to spend money such llment or rewards for oneself? Was it something else ness? Look how you can rebuild and

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Gled Plays with Chile’s Entrepreneurial Reality

Photo: Courtesy GLED

By Shonika Proctor Somewhere between the physical world and the virtual usually is not a relevant use or exisCng consumer world and the creaCve world and the technical world, market that would purchase the product or applicaCon lies the world that Gled built. once it has been discovered. So research is ‘harvested’ for years and the project remains in stealth mode Originally started as a project out of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, UTFSM, (Chile's leading usually while being tested in some high profile North American corporaCon research lab or at a remote Science, Technology and Engineering School) by offshore military facility. classmates Aníbal Valencia, Juan Pablo León, Tomás Mardones and Gonzalo Vallejos, the mulC-­‐award winning company, Gled, has risen to become one of LaCn America’s (and in many regards) one of the world’s leading provider of augmented reality (AR) customized applicaCons.

As Augmented Reality (AR) has yet to be widely adopted in the mainstream marketplace, when you look at compeCCve players and industry pioneers, you must look on an internaConal level as there is not yet one area of the country or world where a company has built a dominant brand name in the AR space.

It is only in recent years (since the la?er part of the 90’s) that Augmented Reality has spun off from the Virtual Reality space and is starCng to be adopted in industries ranging from gaming to transportaCon.

Gled Pioneers the AR Industry in Latin America

Gled received its first major exposure in the world and the world of Augmented Reality when it became the first Chilean team to win the Intel® Challenge (2010). This opened up the opportunity to parCcipate in the Intel® +Berkeley Technology Entrepreneurship Augmented Reality and Disruptive Challenge. IBTEC is a global compeCCon of Technology technological business plans where some of the world's best entrepreneurs and projects in the world Augmented Reality is considered a spin off or an converge. Prior to winning the Intel® Challenge Gled extension of Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality was discovered in the late 1950’s or early 1960’s by Morton had been prototyping and parCcipaCng in numerous locally sponsored compeCCons as a way to gain Heilig, a cinematographer who patented a simulator that provided different sensory opCons. But like most exposure, build their network and further validate their new technologies, no ma?er how cool it seems, there ideas. 16


Photo: Courtesy GLED

It was as early as 2007 when their work started being recognized and discovered in Chile as it was during that year they won Emprendedores.NET, a compeCCon hosted by MicrosoP and UTFSM, and received licenses, office space and seed capital to build their prototype. They later received an honorable menCon and funding at the Santander 100k, which was organized by Santander and Southern Angels from OctanCs. And they were also one of the winning awardees at the Sub35 compeCCon, which is the digital scouCng iniCaCve inspired by País Digital (FoundaCon). The grand prize was a trip to South Korea which they are anxiously awaiCng to depart for in March 2012.

Playing with International Possibilities Currently Gled is best known in LaCn America for their commercializaCon strategies for different customer segments, such as markeCng and adverCsement agencies, soPware developers and brand agencies. They have done a broad range of custom work from designing Augmented Reality games for cereal boxes to a developing a specialty applicaCon for a notebook/laptop cover for Rhein MoCon. Their high profile clients include the who’s who of internaConally recognized mulC-­‐naConal companies such as Chevrolet, Intel and Nestlé among others where they have been able to integrate their flagship products (IVEO Desktop and IVEO Web) into the companies markeCng mix. These programs are capable of adding virtual elements to the real world in many novel and surprising ways, simply by placing printed pa?erns such as [bar]codes, pictures or brands in front of a webcam.

startups SmartBoxTV (, which designs interacCve apps for Smart TV distributors and consumers and MonkeyContact ( which developed an app that allows you to find and aggregate all your contacts across social networks and email pla†orms.

"The first milestone we accomplished in our internationalization process was closing our first international sale (client) with our Between their award recogniCon and their growing mulCnaConal client base, they are constantly affirming technology”, said Gled co-­‐founder, Aníbal Valencia. It was very challenging, and at they are on the cuHng edge of development in this next generaCon technology space. And with a home times seemed impossible, but we did it.”

base of Viña del Mar (Chile), they are shining the light on the depth of talent coming not only out of Chile but Working in the Valley gave Gled the opportunity to also outside of SanCago where much of Chile’s prospect the market, expand their network and learn technological, entrepreneurial and startup from the main compeCtors, and while they loved their communiCes are centralized. experience working with the internaConal In 2011 Gled was selected for Global ConnecBon (a marketplace, they realize that their real and immediate Corfo sponsored program for technological opportuniCes are here in Chile’s rapidly growing entrepreneurs working on internaConal projects). As a technology and innovaCon community. Thus they are selected recipient they received the opportunity to aggressively looking to reach more mulCnaConal firms work out of the Plug and Play Tech Center and companies looking to launch or grow their ( based in Silicon operaCons in Chile and/or LaCn America using hybrid Valley, California region. Plug and Play Tech Center and social engagement markeCng techniques. provides a support ecosystem ranging from funding to As for what’s it like to be an entrepreneur in an shared office space and mentorship to a group of ‘augmented world’ that is as abstract as it is physical, select entrepreneurs chosen from different regions Aníbal says that it is important to fully believe in your around the world. idea but be careful that you don’t get blindsided Gled recently returned from their 3 month stay where because you failed to follow suggesCons by more they also had the opportunity to present at the 2011 experienced people. How’s that for keeping it real? Plug and Play Winter Expo along with fellow Chilean ILC 17


Clearing the Air: What makes a Maid in Chile

Photo: Courtesy Tiburón Films

Are domestic workers the target of discrimination, or is it something deeper? By Matt Niner Most women in the lower economic classes in Chile don't work. They stay at home raising their children, just like millions of other mothers around the world. Since many of them have little education, their opportunities to make money are very limited. It would probably cost their entire salary to hire someone to take care of their house. For the middle class (70-80% of the country), who are able to find jobs that pay more money, it is absolutely necessary to find someone to take care of their homes while they are at work. Since many women work more than 12 hours per day, they have very little time or energy to do the cleaning, cook dinner, help the kids with their homework, go shopping, walk the dog, and all the other things that are necessary to maintain a normal home. As a result, many families depend on the services of a maid. “Maid” is a general term that includes a lot of different things, but refers to a person, usually a woman, whose job is to clean the house, do laundry, and cook meals. If she also takes care of the children, she is usually called a “nanny” (nana in Spanish). A nanny usually works as a part of the family. She becomes, for the wife, the "right hand" and is trusted to take care of the things that are the most important, such as the house and the children. After a few years,

the nanny and the family develop a very strong bond and real love often develops between them. Children who are raised by nannies usually get along better with them than with their own parents! In this sense, a nanny also has a great deal of power. If she decides not to do her job, then the family is paralyzed and cannot do their own jobs because they must return home. What do you tell your boss if the nanny does not show up? Your own job may be at risk because you are so dependent on the. It can be very stressful. According to Chilean law, a nanny can work a maximum of twelve hours per day and must have one free day each week. During the administration of Michelle Bachelet, the law changed and gave nannies the right to have all holidays as free days. Before, this was determined, not by the law, but between employer and employee. Even though it sounds reasonable, many women employers opposed the law. They opposed it because it gave everyone more free days except them. For the middle-class wife, the new law meant that now they had to work even more. Imagine working all day at your job, then returning home to work even more because the nanny isn’t there, and also working on weekends for the same reason. So, when there is a


ILCNEWS / FEATURE Photo: Courtesy Tiburón Films


holiday and you can finally take a day off… you have to work again. From this point of view, it is easier to understand why many middle-class women do not support the laws that prohibit maids and nannies from working all the time. Without a maid, a wife in this situation would have to work all the time herself. To believe that the work schedule should be determined by employer and employee, and not determined by the government, is not discrimination.

was shown on television, she was immediately demonized by the entire city and suffered public humiliation. Not long after, however, it was revealed that the interview was taken completely out of context and she was, in fact, saying that the workers should not have to walk out in the cold when transportation is available. Pérez and her husband have filed a lawsuit against the network.

Of course, this does not mean that discrimination is not a problem in Chile. In fact, you can see it almost everywhere. The divide between rich and poor, light In January, the Chilean media was up in arms about and dark skin, and native and immigrant Chileans is some comments that an upper-class woman made something that cannot be ignored. However, when you about the domestic workers in her neighborhood. Inés look at the relationship between maids and the women Pérez, a resident of the El Algarrobal II apartment who employ them, it becomes hard to believe that complex about 40km north of Santiago, was maids are discriminated against simply because they interviewed by Chilevisión and appeared to have a very are maids. The real problem of discrimination, though discriminatory attitude towards the numerous domestic very real, lies elsewhere. workers who work at her building. When the interview


Director Pablo Cantero Tells Us all About his Newest Espectáculo By Matt Niner You’ve all heard of I Love Chile News (in fact, you’re reading it right now), but now there is something just as amazing: I Love Chile: the Musical! Starring Marlen Olivari and CrisCán Henríquez, I Love Chile: the Musical is an elaborate theatrical spectacle featuring some of the best singers, dancers, and performers that Chile has to offer. This February, the show amazed theater-­‐goers in Viña del Mar with an extravaganza of sight and sound that you would normally find only in Las Vegas. We sat down with the show’s director, Pablo Cantero, who told us all about it.

About the cast People love our star, Marlen Olivari, almost too much! Everybody tells her, “take my baby, take a picture with me!” People love that woman! CrisCán Henríquez is a popular Chilean comedian, who works on Morandé con Compañía, which is a very popular TV show in Chile. He has a lot of popular characters such as Michael Pérez Jackson, an impersonator of a Michael Jackson impersonator. He also has Ruperto, a drunk man who tells off-­‐color jokes, but without any bad words. Henríquez is from a li?le town called Copihue. He was a circus performer at that Cme and one day I went to 20

Photos: Courtesy Cafeína

I Love Chile: The Musical!

ILCNEWS / FEATURE his circus and saw his show. I really liked it, so I put him on TV… and since then he has become a big TV star! Finally, we got Marlen and CrisCán together and I convinced them to create this comedy called I Love Chile.

The shows origins The name comes from a conversaCon I had with Marlen, and she said, “what if we named this project ‘I Love Chile?’” It was the perfect name for the show, because it is so similar to the shows in Broadway or


Las Vegas. The difference, of course, is in the scale of the producCon. We did not want to do the same old thing like in the classic revistas. We wanted to do something different. Chileans oPen do things trying to maximize profits; however, we did the opposite. We took a risk and invested all our money in the show in order to make it look like something you would see at a Vegas casino.


Inspiration for I Love Chile If we really look at Chile, we will realize that we are the champions of solidarity. We created Teletón, which spread from Chile to the world. The Chilean army corp of the United NaCons is helping people everywhere. We have very important people who give everything to the people of the country such as Felipe Camiroaga. When he died, the whole country was devastated. We also had a caring police commander, Mr. Gordon, who died in a helicopter crash while helping in Ecuador. We also have a very popular singer, Violeta Parra, who is very well known in the world because she exposed Europe to all her works. Chile produced Alexis Sanchez, who grew up in a very small town called Tocopilla, and today he is playing for one of the most important football teams in the world. The point is, as Chileans we must allow ourselves to have dreams and try to make them reality. That is how

a country grows up. We have to take risks, which is what we did with this project.

On the production team The people who work in this company are very young, mostly under 30 years old, so they are very ambiCous to grow up in their field. Why are we doing this? Because we want to improve our talents and our skills. We suffered during our school years and the first few years of our careers, where we were forced to do things we did not want to do. So now, we have the opportunity to do what we want to do on stage, even if we don’t earn as much as we had hoped. Our legacy will be there, and those who try to do something similar will have to do it even be?er. We want to fight against mediocrity. That is my main objecCve as a director. I am always trying to push my people to take new risks not be afraid of new things in order to build a be?er country. This is my life… I was born to do this job. ILC


By Daniel Boyle

“I think this is the best moment in my life,” Marlen Olivari says as we sit down to an interview in Vitacura. “I have had an intense career with great saCsfacCon, but since my son was born, I have had a great change. A very posiCve change.” Marlen Olivari and her co-­‐stars have embarked on a new spectacle, “I Love Chile”. The show mixes comedy, theater, circus and acrobaCcs and aims to celebrate all of Chile, in a style that is not seen so oPen in Chile. The performance is heavily inspired by shows in Vegas as well as those of Buenos Aires. The show features twenty five different performers, six of whom were selected locally. “Since I am from the FiPh Region, I wanted local arCsts in the show. We carried out casCngs and we have six people from the area performing with us,” said Olivari. The show covers a variety of topics relaCng to Chile, not only through the performance but also on large LED screens showing images that reflect Chile. The spectacle reflects the whole mixture of Chile, mixing the highlights with the tragedies.

Photos: Courtesy Cafeína


Marlen Olivari in I Love Chile

“I want people feel proud of be Chileans. Besides humor and a 2 hour show, we give them a message sharing with them the most shocking or amazing images the country has gone through the last years, such as the earthquake, floods, our tennis champions, Alexis Sánchez, the miners. We have an audiovisual work in which we show the good, bad, nice and ugly and people get overwhelmed by it, so the message is that we have good and bad things, but we are Chileans and that is how I Love Chile got its name.” The other main star of the I Love Chile show is comedian CrisCan Henriquez, who plays a wide variety of characters including “Ruperto” and “Michael Pérez Jackson”. The stars of the show made sure the spectacle was well publicised throughout the region. Taking to popular beaches such as Reñaca and making people aware of the show. One parCcular lifeguard wasn't so happy about the unexpected performance, expelling the stars of the show from the beach.

“Marlen Olivari, model and TV star talks about the changes in her life that her new son has brought and her new show “I Love Chile.” “We had a bit of a misunderstanding, but we are

friends now. I invited the lifeguard and his family to come to the show this weekend,” she says with a 24


Photo: Ricardo Salcedo

laugh. In regards to promoCon, the team behind the show have no doubt about the best methods. “We have invested a lot of money on adverCsing, so we have filled Viña del Mar with adverCsing on radio, phone calls, television. There must be a lot of adverCsing to catch the eye of the audience. Once people have seen our show, the most important way of adverCsing our show is the word of mouth. People have been our best adverCsing.” Aside from being the star of the I Love Chile spectacle as well as being mother to seven month old Lorenzo, Olivari has also taken up a posiCon as ambassador for a government program against domesCc violence. “I am the public figure in a SERNAM and PDI campaign called A Summer Without Violence in order to support women and people in encourage women in general to report those abuses.” She added “women need to be independent. They need to work so if they are facing abuse, they can leave the situaCon. You need to be independent to take personal decisions in life.”

“I want people to feel proud of being Chileans.” about the proposal. “We have had some offers from New York and Sweden already. I would love to take the show to Chileans living abroad.” As for young Lorenzo, it is planned he will grow up in Chile and proud of the fact. The new mother said “I am going to teach my son he must be proud of being Chilean, because it is a parent's work to teach their children the love for their country and values.” It is likely the Viñamarino will share her love of Chilean seafood with her son. “We have great seafood all through Chile, that is my favorite food”.

When asked who she would most like to have at the When we asked Marlen if she would like to be seen as show, the answer was slightly surprising. “I used to play a role model, she replied that “it would be a honour for basketball as a child. I would love to have some of me to become in such a thing. And I would really love these guys like Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. I used to write down some strategic plays.” It's not only to collaborate in the woman protecCon campaign, basketball that Olivari is interested in either. “I like to especially for the woman of social risk.” watch the Chilean naConal soccer team play. That's when everyone in Chile comes together with the one APer the I Love Chile show finishes its run in Viña at red shirt.” ILC the end of February, the producCon will travel throughout Chile and has already received offers to take the producCon further afield. Olivari is excited 25


Fernando González Announces his Retirement from Tennis Part of Chile's “Golden Era” of tennis, the big hitting Fernando González has decided to end his professional tennis career. Now it is certain: aPer much speculaCon over the past two years, the 31-­‐year old is sure that he will be finishing his career at the Miami Masters event, on March 21. He chose Miami to finish his careers because of the large Chilean populaCon living there and close Ces with the tournament organizer.

In 2007, González reached his best ranking of number five in the world. He spent much of his career overshadowed by players such as Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, but overall he can hark back to a very successful career. Gonzalez, also known as Mano de Piedra (Stone hand) won 11 tournaments and his greatest triumph was the victory in the Athens Olympics, where he combined with Nicolás Massú to win the doubles event. This was Chile's first-­‐ever Olympic gold medal. Massú won gold in the singles with González taking bronze. So let me start a short review of the Chilean tennis player. He received his talent for playing tennis from 26

Photo: Courtesy Diane Krauss

By Daniel Boyle


his father, who was the owner of a tennis club in SanCago. González started playing tennis when he was 7 years old. As a junior, Mano de Piedra achieved the world number one ranking.

Beijing 2008. He managed to reach the final, but was beaten by Rafael Nadal. The silver medal meant he has a gold, silver and bronze to his name over the course of two Olympic Games.

In 2009, Gonzalez returned to Viña del Mar and was crowned champion once again, his fouth victory in the tournament. A variety of injuries have slowed down the great Chilean's career. Only able to compete in ten tournaments in 2011, González The season 2002 became the breakthrough for the dropped to number 298 on the ATP rankings. Chilean, who achieved two tournament victories in Rumours abounded over the past two years that Viña del Mar and Palermo. He ended up this season each game could be his last, but in early February, he in 18th place in the ATP rankings. made the announcement. “I realized that I didn't 2004's success at the Olympics projected him to the have the energy I needed, nor am I prepared to do status of a naConal hero. Alongside Massú as well as all I need to do all I need to do in order to be where I want to be,” he said in a press conference in Marcelo Rios, this was a golden era for tennis in SanCago. Chile. 2005 saw González win three more ATP Ctles. Fernando González had a good career, which the 31-­‐ In 2007, Mano de Piedra reached his first and only year old can look back on with pride. Not only final at a major. The loss to Roger Federer allowed members of the tennis community, but many other him to enter the top five in the ATP rankings. Later Chilean sports starts have noted the loss of González the same year, González finally overcame Federer. as a sad day for sport in Chile. ILC APer the success in 2004, González was chosen as the flag bearer for Chile's Olympic delegaCon in In the year 2000, one year aPer he started his professional career, he won his first ATP Ctle when he defeated Massú at the U.S. Men's Clay Court Championships final in Orlando, Florida.

Photo: Courtesy



The Tempo Keeps On Changing

By Titus Levis

Chilean Music Legend Reflects on an Evolving Industry

Just by walking through the streets of SanCago, it’s easy to see that the city has a vibrant music culture. Posters for upcoming concerts are plastered onto every conceivable surface, announcing the next spate of live-­‐ shows to be played in every corner of the city. Whether it’s a big-­‐name rock concert at the NaConal Stadium, a small, sweaty cumbia show at the Galpon Victor Jara in Barrio Brasil, or an inCmate jazz concert in Bellavista, SanCago has everything a local music junkie could want. According to Chilean musician Francisco “Pancho” Molina, it wasn’t always this way. Ten years ago, when he was living in SanCago, the musical landscape was much different. “Even though the music industry was happening, there were not many bands, not many places to play music,” he explained to me. “It’s much be?er now. New bands, new bars to play in, theaters. Casinos, that’s new for me too.”

the 1990’s. Combining a diverse array of rock and blues-­‐based influences such as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry and Nirvana, the band produced their own unique blend of folk-­‐rock. They translated this mix into mainstream success in the mid-­‐90’s. The group got its start playing concerts in bars and universiCes around Concepción, Chile’s second largest city. Eventually, they moved to SanCago, and added the talents of Angel Parra (son of legendary folk musician Violeta Parra), before releasing their first proper album, Los Tres, in 1991.

In the next few years, their popularity conCnued to grow. The release of their third album, La Espada & la Pared (The Sword and the Wall) in 1995, brought the group a level of internaConal fame and a?enCon that vaulted them to the top Cer of LaCn American bands. That same year, MTV invited them to Miami to perform for their Unplugged series. The band put on a Molina is well acquainted with the music industry, both legendary performance, and the live-­‐album of the inside and outside of Chile. He was the drummer and concert went plaCnum four Cmes within three months one of the founders of Los Tres (We Three), one of the of its release. most popular and influenCal LaCn American bands of 28

Photos: Courtesy Petra Richterova

“More artists were coming to perform in Chile. Maybe it’s because the economy in Chile is strong and solid.”

ILCNEWS / ARTS The band members broke up and went their separate ways in 2000. In 2006, the group reunited, but Molina did not return to take up his post behind the drums. In 2004 he moved to Boston, where he enrolled in the Berklee College of Music, and found work in the dance world, playing percussion for the Boston Ballet and the Boston Conservatory. In 2009, Molina moved to New York, a place that he had been visiCng and recording music in since his days with Los Tres. APer taking a few years to establish

“Santiago has everything a local music junkie could want.” himself in the city, he found the musicians he wanted to play with and started work on a new album. The record, Open for Business (a collecCon of original composiCons by Molina and guitarist Elias Meister), was recorded in Manha?an and released in June, 2011. For Molina, the album is difficult to classify, with the sound moving across a variety of musical genres. “It can be called jazz, but really it’s my vision of world music. It has elements of rock, funk, jazz and improvisaCon.”

In December, Molina returned to Chile to play a series of shows around SanCago. He once again found – as he has on previous trips back to this home country – that the music scene had changed dramaCcally. StarCng in 2004-­‐2005, he said, “more money was coming in to support the live shows. More arCsts were coming to perform in Chile. Maybe it’s because the economy in Chile is strong and solid.” Big name acts may be coming to fill Chile’s music arenas, but Molina does not see any threat of the country’s losing its unique musical idenCty. It’s a tradiCon that includes the folk ballads of troubadours such as Victor Jara, Violeta Parra and Los Jaivas. For Molina, the Chilean tradiCon of mixing music and social consciousness lives on today. “Music is an important part of social movements all the Cme,” he said. “I think [Chilean musician] Ana Tijoux is doing something…it could be somebody like that who is going to come out with an expression of what is happening in the social movement in Chile. But it’s quite different now, because it’s not only in Chile. It’s happening all over the world.” ILC

English(AA(in(Chile 29


Chileans Abroad:

Santiago to U.K. Our first writer is Daniela Reyes Arellano. She is from San\ago but currently living in Chesterfield, England.

about the German guy, yes… he is conservaCve and structured.

WriCng introducCons about oneself is always something really hard to do. I mean, if you give too much informaCon about yourself, people may think you are vain. On the other hand, if I just give you the usual informaCon, you won’t find it interesCng at all, you’ll turn the page and forget about me, which is not the idea!

The three of us are working in a public school in the suburbs of Chesterfield. The truth is that this is kind of a holiday for me! I mean, in Chile I work from 8-­‐9 am unCl 10-­‐11 at night. So, working 12 hours a week is just fantasCc!

Let’s go from the very beginning: my name is Daniela Reyes Arellano, I’m from the not-­‐that-­‐friendly-­‐but-­‐ amazing city of SanCago (yes, despite of what many people think about our capital city, I love SanCago). I’m a teacher of English at the IP Chileno Británico and, at the moment I’m working as a Language Assistant in the UK. I live in a small city called Chesterfield. It is in the middle of England, one and a half hours from Manchester and just 15 minutes from Sheffield. The city is very small, if you compare it to SanCago, but you can find everything you need-­‐ and when I say everything, I really mean it. It has all the nice typical BriCsh stuff that big ciCes like London have: fish and chips, fancy cabs, roundabouts everywhere and even our own Big Ben… ok, in Chesterfield is more like a Small Ben!

Editor’s Note: Here at I Love Chile we hope to get everybody more involved, not just for people in Chile or those who are planning a visit, but also for Chileans who have spread out through the rest of the world. This is the first of our Chileans Abroad section. If you are a Chilean living somewhere else, maybe you would like to contribute to this section. Please get in touch by email –

When I was preparing to come, a lot of people told me that life in the UK was kind of hard and really expensive. To tell you the truth, the first and only thing I thought when I’d just arrived was how hard it will be to get used to the li?le-­‐huge details from everyday life: people driving on their right, supermodels selling meat at the butcher’s, the buses arriving on Cme, people saying ‘hi’ when they see you on the street or even the days, which in winter can last only 5 hours. So, every week on the I Love Chile web site I’ll tell you about the tasty details that make life more entertaining, and of course some useful informaCon about this beauCful and cold island. Then, if you decide to come in the future, you’ll be prepared.

I’m living here with my Chilean boyfriend (I know, I’m really lucky), and with two other two language assistants: Saludos! a French girl and a German boy. About the French girl I can say that yes, she does take showers everyday. And Daniela Reyes A.


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Évi Ý ÕÃ V> Jvi Ý ÕÃ V> *Dcto. para personas naturales que paguen con Tarjetas del Chile, mostrando código solicitado en Dcto. debe solicitarse en punto de venta. Realización del evento y dcto. son otorgados por FEG SA. sin responsabilidad de Banco de Chile. Infórmese sobre la garan a estatal de los depósitos en su banco o en


From Punta Arenas there is a 2-hour flight to Base Frei in Rey Jorge Island (South Shetland Islands). The provider is Antártica XXI, a company leading the way in transport that offers touristic tours with a scientific touch. For more information visit Flights are by DAP airways,

Chilean Antarctic The frozen Continent

The AntarcCc is located in the Chilean Magallanes and AntarcCc Region and it belongs to Chile. Its specific locaCon is between 60 and 90 degrees laCtude south, 990km from the south of Punta Arenas and it is 1,250,000km2. Nowadays, AntarcCca is important because of its unique climate and animals. Both researchers and tourists have increased in the last few years. Discovered 200 years ago, this conCnent has been hidden to humanity since long ago. InteresCngly, many thinkers such as Aristóteles, Eratóstenes and Ptolomeo speculated about it, calling it the Terra Australis Ignota or the Unknown Land in the South. Today, the so-­‐called Frozen ConCnent has achieved a great level of tourism, thanks to broadcasCng about the region by different iniCaCves of Punta Arenas’ companies.

“It is an honor and a privilege to us (NaConal Tourism Service, a.k.a Sernatur), that the city of Punta Arenas was one of the first jumping off points for AntarcCca. It’s one of our more exoCc and a?racCve places in the country,” added Andrea Téllez, Regional Director of Magallanes’ Sernatur. All those tourists who arrive in AntarcCca highlight its beauCful landscapes and extreme weather. It is one of the most visited places by tourists. The things that characterize AntarcCca are its amusing scenarios. It has glaciers, mountains and ice masses, as well as fauna which include whales, elephant seals, crabeater and Weddell seals; Adelia, Papúa and Barbijo penguins; and also a huge variety of birds like the Albatross and Petrel, among others.


Photos: Courtesy Sernatur

How to get there

Photo: Courtesy Sernatur


“Discovered 200 years ago, this continent has been hidden to humanity throughout history.”


Scientific and Ecologic treasure

Located between the 60° and 90° South LaCtude and with an almost circular shape, AntarcCca has a 4,000 km diameter and approximately 14,000,000 km² total area. The Chilean area is 1,250,000 km² located 990 kilometers from Punta Arenas. Towards the center, temperatures vary between -­‐70° and -­‐40°C during August; during February, the warmest month, the temperatures vary from -­‐45°C and -­‐15°C. Coastal area temperatures are higher, varying from -­‐32°C to -­‐15°C in winterCme, while in summer, they reach -­‐5° -­‐ 5°C.


new touristic pole

Whether by sea through Puerto Williams, Cape Horn and the Drake Sea or by air from Punta Arenas, tourism has se?led into AntarcCca. Cruise lines offer everyone combinaCons of cruises which allow people to see by the main sights of AntarcCca. According to the “AntárCca XXI” Chief OperaCng Manager, Diana GalimberC, “the fact that this place is becoming more visited by tourists is an excellent way of preservaCon in itself, since people realize how important this place is because of its unique fauna, for example. We are working on that with the air-­‐cruise project, in which tourists visit this place with a tourist and scienCfic outlook.”

The conCnent is divided into two areas, the main AntarcCc or eastern AntarcCca, which is bigger and older, and the minor AntarcCc or western AntarcCca, recently formed and characterized by the lands and ice poinCng to the North, known as the AntarcCc Peninsula. Visitors arrive here by air on Rey Jorge Island, the biggest from the archipelago and the place where most Two seas and its bays give AntarcCca its characterisCc features: the Ross and Weddell seas. More than 90% of of the scienCfic bases from different countries are located. In that place, tourists can get on a sight-­‐seeing it is covered with ice. It is the highest conCnent on the planet with areas that are more than 2,200 meters high mariCme voyage and can expect to see whales, orcas, seals, elephant seals, sea lions and penguins, albatross, and peaks exceeding 3,000 meters. Here, wind plays a key role since it regulates the global weather, especially and petrels inhabiCng huge icebergs that have broken off from ice masses. ILC the South hemisphere weather.



A Taste of the South

Culinary Destinations Not to Miss in Southern Chile By Colin Bennet Photos: Colin Bennet

It’s February, which means the annual migraCon from the urban jungle of SanCago to the coast, to Chile’s Lake District, to Patagonia and beyond. If you’re heading south, the driving moCvaCon might be the volcanoes, the lakes, the greenery of the region, but there are some excellent food desCnaCons not to be missed. Here are three of them:

Capitan Pastene A must see (and eat). This is Chile’s own Li?le Italy, created in the early 1900’s by about 80 families that immigrated to Chile from Italy to find new opportuniCes in South America. Now a community of about 3000, Capitan Pastene hasn’t lost its roots. Here you have three top quality tra]orias where the food is superb. More than just homemade pasta, two of these spots make their own Prosciu?o, Italian ham aged over three years and full of flavor. Stop by either L’Emiliano or Don Primo for a memorable experience and great food. Even if you’ve traveled extensively in Italy, this place offers something new. Dishes that incorporate Chilean and Mapuche ingredients, like merken, create a blend of Italian Chilean cuisine. It’s worth a night’s stay to sleep off the sheer amount of food you will eat during a visit. It is located about two hours north of Temuco, the nearest urban center and airport, and is best accessed by private car.

Lago Budi Heading east from Temuco, leaving the paved road behind, aPer about an hour and a half you’ll arrive to Lago Budi. Formed aPer a tsunami in the 1960 earthquake, Lago Budi is an inland salt lake surrounded by small Mapuche communiCes that are open to visitors and tourists. Some places even have rukas, the tradiConal home of the Mapuche people. This is an excellent opportunity to experience Mapuche culture first hand. 34

ILCNEWS / FOOD Most of the cabins and rukas in the area include tradiConal meals in their offer. During your stay, head to the dock of Puerto Saavedra, where you can find a fresh and delicious display of seafood cuisine and Mapuche cooking.

Chiloé Chiloe’s gastronomic contribuCon is the curanto-­‐ a colossal mix of shellfish, pork, chicken, sausages, potatoes, fish and more, cooked in either a dug-­‐out


hole or large pot. It serves up enough to feed a small army. But it doesn’t stop there. Try some of the naCve potatoes, the elephant garlic, or a rack of lamb, then have a drink or two in true Chilote fashion. It is a delicious mix of food and local culture. ILC

Colin Bennett is an editor, writer and guide with, a blog and tourism website that offers food tips and tours in and around Santiago. Visit for more info.


Bye -­‐ Bye Nescafé Enjoying the Chilean coffee shop You just can’t beat chillin’ out in a sidewalk café enjoying a cup of joe. This is not an experience to take lightly here in SanCago. It wasn’t all that long ago that there was a percepCon out there about Chile’s coffee scene being somewhat lacklustre.

By Susan Taylor

biggest and best coffee producers in the world, how can you not get a decent cup of coffee in Chile?

Unlike Brazil and Colombia, coffee has never been a tradiConal hot drink down here. It really has been in the last 50 years or so that it has started to take hold A couple of years ago, I wouldn’t have blamed visitors (more on this point later). Before that, tea and a drink for bringing beans from home. Going into a restaurant, called “ulpo” were the choices; Ulpo got its start when at Cmes, meant you got some hot water and some the Spanish conquistadores brought wheat to be Nescafé instant coffee. Thankfully, the Cmes are grown in the south. The Mapuche toasted the wheat, changing in this regard. A couple of weekends ago, I ground it and added it to hot water with some honey. happened to come across the 1st Annual Cafe Expo This was very popular in the countryside, and in some held in Espacio Juventud in Providencia, where coffee parts it sCll is. baristas got to demonstrate the art of making wonderful la?es and espressos. Could it be that About 50-­‐years ago, a group of business men got SanCago is finally shedding this age-­‐old reputaCon of together and decided they would really like to have a bad coffee and is embracing a new atmosphere of place to go in the aPernoons and have their espresso. coffee bean supremacy? A new business was born, Café HaiC, which was soon to be known as the first café con piernas (coffee with You may be thinking like I did when I first got here: legs). This wasn’t any ordinary business as it was a When you are on the same conCnent as some of the coffee shop where the female servers all wore very Photo: Ricardo Salcedo



Cght-­‐fiHng aHre and high heels while offering only conversaCon and fresh-­‐brewed coffee. Other coffee houses soon took off-­‐-­‐ as did a li?le extra clothing in some places (those are the ones with the blacked out windows!). One thing about most of these places is that the coffee is served from a bar and all the patrons are standing. You really don’t have the relaxed, laid-­‐back atmosphere that you find in the cafes in Europe or even next door in ArgenCna. Then again, Chileans never seemed to have had Cme before for big, leisurely moments to enjoy a cup of coffee. Take breakfast, for instance. Back during the 70’s, Nestle started a markeCng campaign that capitalized on this fact by introducing an instant coffee that could be made quickly and anywhere, at any Cme,, with just hot water..

It’s 2012 now, and Chile’s economy is booming. Many Chileans are traveling overseas


Now we get to relax with our favourite cup in the many different cafes throughout SanCago that offer different blends and preparaCons, and I don’t just mean the stand-­‐up kind. Even those diehard fans of Starbucks – impossible not to miss the famous green label even here in Chile-­‐ can have their way. My favourite places are the ones that have hidden paCos and gardens that take you away from the hecCc pace. There are the ones that play a great mix of music and have a nice shaded terrace. You can sit back, relax and chill. So next Cme you go off on a trip, just leave room in your suitcase for other things than coffee. It won’t take you long to find a small cafetería with interesCng alternaCves from around the world. If you’re in Providencia, check out:

Café Espresso-­‐Avenida Pedro De Valdivia 1974

Nice easy going music, light snacks and sandwiches. Really enjoyed the pear and almond tart!

Café Plaza Victoria -­‐ Santa Isabel 052 Right next to the Santa Isabel Metro stop, with a li?le garden paCo in the back. They’ve got delicious European style cheesecake made with rico?a cheese, yum! ILC

Photo: Ricardo Salcedo

Of course, today you will sCll see store shelves lined with Nescafé coffee, but stores and supermarkets are starCng to make room for more and more whole bean stuff (yeah!).

and people are flocking here. More people want to experience what they have enjoyed in other parts of the world.



Photo: Courtesy Presidencia

Each month our sports editor Daniel Boyle will give his opinion on various sports topics. This week he looks at Chile's World Cup qualifying campaign

Should Claudio Bravo Remain Captain of Chile's National Team? With the World Cup being held in Brazil in 2014 and the hosts assured a place, the South American qualifying group (CONMEBOL) is wide open for who will qualify. The top four teams of the nine in the group will move through to the World Cup, while the fiPh team will play off with the fiPh team in the Asian group. Chile currently sits in fiPh.

Teams look for inspiraCon from their captain. The job of the goalkeeper is to keep the goals out and let the team make a counter a?ack from their work. If Bravo is not stopping the goals, can the rest of the team respect him?

What has let Chile down is discipline and defence. The discipline issue is both on and off the field, with the much publicised case in November seeing the dismissal and suspension of five players from the squad.

Some argue that Claudio Bravo is not Chile's best goalkeeper. Jhonny Herrera played a huge part in Universidad de Chile's charge to the Copa Sudamericana Ctle, however Coach Claudi Borghi has stated before the outspoken player is not needed in the naConal squad.

Chile has so far won two and lost two, however both of their defeats have been heavy. 4-­‐1 against ArgenCna and 4-­‐0 in Uruguay, aPer the mischievous five had been dumped from the squad. Chile's captain is Real Sociedad goalkeeper Claudio Bravo.

Bravo took the reins as captain aPer the reCrement of the legendary Marcelo Salas. The next qualifying matches are in June, away against Bolivia and Venezuela. Claudio Bravo will need to lead by example to make sure he remains as captain. 38

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Each month Mamiko Ito will share her opinions on women’s success.

Fueling the Fire

Is it really possible to keep passion alive in a relationship? Many people think it’s normal that passion dies off aPer a few years in a relaConship. It is common that the fire and passion you used to have at the beginning of the relaConship diminishes over Cme, but it is NOT normal that it happens.

“A woman’s job is never done, whether she has one child or seven.”

It is hard for modern women to be always loving and pleasing to our partners. Unlike our mums and grandmas, we have to work as hard as men, come back home and sCll have to cook dinner, clean the house and take care of children. Many women hardly have enough Cme for themselves, let alone being a loving wife, welcoming their husband back home with smile.

environment is really hard for women because it’s not our natural state. Feminine energy is about connecCng, sharing, feeling and giving. The longer we connect ourselves with masculine energy, the harder it becomes for us to switch back to feminine energy. And that’s exactly what kills the passion and romance in the relaConships.

At work, we have to be confident and goal-­‐oriented. We have to focus on result instead of caring about emoCons and the feelings of other people. We have to pretend to be strong and independent. We have to compete, not only with men, but with other women at work who can be your enemy. Working in such

When women become more masculine, we want to be in control. When I start acCng like a commander-­‐in-­‐ chief, I know that I’m in masculine energy. I start to put everything in order and feel overwhelmed with all the things I have to do. And when I’m in that state, I’m far 40


from wanCng to cuddle and be inCmate with my husband. Does it sound familiar to you?

4. Make sacred time with your partner – My husband and I organize a spontaneous hot date night

ReconnecBng yourself with feminine energy is criBcal not only for the relaBonships, but for your well-­‐being. A study shows that stay-­‐at-­‐home mums generally tend to feel happier than working mums. But it doesn’t mean that you have to quit your job and stay at home. These small rituals can make a shiP from masculine to feminine energy quicker and easier, and you can start every month. Whether it’s a night out or 30 minutes aPer your kids go to bed, make Cme exclusively for you feeling happy and loving again. to connect, enjoy and have fun. During the sacred 1. When you return home, change your Cme, don’t talk about work (especially if you are working together) and disconnect yourself from clothes to something that makes you feel iPhone or Blackberry . It’s not about the quanCty, but feminine – LighCng up a candle, playing soothing quality. Be present. music like jazz and bossa nova, puHng your favorite perfume or taking a bubble bath can immediately shiP 5. Go out with girls – meeCng up with my your energy and put smile on your face. girlfriends and talking about everything from a new restaurant in town to the recent vacaCon is a big de-­‐ 2. Reconnect with yourself with yoga, stress Cme for me. Women process feelings and Pilates, meditation or walking in nature -­‐ emoCons by talking and sharing and it’s something ShiPing your awareness to your body and relaxing your men can’t understand. When a frustraCng or upseHng mind have amazing effect on your relaConships. event happens to us, what we need in order to feel be?er is just talking, being heard and a feeling of 3. Let go of control -­‐ I know it’s hard for some empathy. For men, it’s difficult to just listen without women to let go of control when you come home and offering soluCons. (Guys, isn’t that right?) see things sca?ered on the floor, unwashed plates, and piles of laundry. Hire a part-­‐Cme maid or helper, if you 6. Get help from experts – Understanding the can. (Great thing in Chile is a (maid) is much more difference between men and women can liberate us affordable than Japan or the US!). It’s impossible to from frustraCons and unnecessary arguments. “Men meet the same standard as our mums and grandmas are from Mars, Women are from Venus” by John Gray who simply managed the house. Drop your and “Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know” expectaBon. A woman’s job is never done. Whether by Barbara DeAngelis are my top relaConship books. you have 1 child or 7 children, you’d sCll end up giving They are both fun to read. ILC everything. And your partner would probably be happier seeing you more relaxed than being nagged.

“When women become more masculine, we want to be in control.”


Soltera in Santiago: Stupid Cupid Valentine’s Day Isn’t So Lovely for Everyone Okay, so el día de los enamorados came and went this year and if you are anything like me, you’re ready to take Cupid’s arrow and poke him in the face with it.


Head to the Cupid is Stupid SanCago Pub Crawl. Now, even though it may seem like it, especially aPer my last arCcle about Chileans loving to be in relaConships, not everyone is in one. SomeCmes I even wonder if ValenCne’s Day is there for Those who are not were at this event. So dress to the those in relaConships or if it’s there to simply remind nines and next Cme get your fabulous self out and those of us who aren’t, that we are in fact, not. Now, about instead of staying home sulking. It takes place at enough of the cynicism. I’ve compiled a list of things to the Chocolate Club in Bellavista. occupy yourselves with if you find yourself single on next year’s lovey-­‐dovey holiday, so you don‘t end up Take into account that ValenCne’s Day is throwing yourself off of Cerro San Cristobal out of self-­‐ actually a commercial holiday so pity. I was up there contemplaCng it myself, though. businesses can make money from cards, Just kidding. candy, and flowers. Even so, these things are sCll enjoyable. So what do I say? Get up and go buy Have an anC-­‐ValenCne’s day party with your yourself some flowers and chocolates! Whoever said single gal pals. Same goes for the fellas. There you ever needed a significant other to enjoy sugary, is nothing be?er than feeding your face, fa?y goodness? drinking cocktails, and watching movies with others that know what it’s like to be single on this Speed daCng! That’s right. They have a speed couple-­‐oriented holiday. daCng event with salsa lessons at Salsa Brabra at Santa Isabel 0305, the day before ValenCne’s Day. Next year it will be even be?er.




And finally, this one is more of a warning. If you do venture out on the actual holiday itself, please don’t go to some restaurant by yourself. You’ll only be seHng yourself up for couple central to make you feel all the more soltera.


Well, ladies and gents, however you celebrated, I hope you remembered that being single has its benefits. One of them is that you save a lot more money than those in relaConships. You dodged the bullet about having to empty the wallet for dinner, giPs, cards, unnecessary, oversized stuffed bears, etc. Well, I hope everyone had a Happy ValenCne’s Day! Or, hmpf, a happy AnC-­‐ValenCne’s Day for my fellow Singles! ILC




Photo: Julia Dose

Each month PEPE’S CHILE will teach us more about this wonderful country

How to say goodbye in Chile How to say goodbye in Chile is a li?le different from what you may have learned or seen elsewhere. Your basic Spanish class taught you how to say goodbye to someone. You learned to say adios as you depart. In Chile, you won’t typically hear adios. When you depart a friend’s house or leave a group you’ll say chau or chao.

give handshakes (formal seHngs), hugs, or cheek kisses to everyone you are leaving behind (give cheek kisses if you’re a woman or saying goodbye to a woman). Departures are essenCally the opposite of how you greet people in Chile. If you arrive with a flurry of hugs (abrazos) and kisses (besos), that's how you’ll leave, too.

When I first heard this I was a li?le surprised. I thought Make sure you save Cme for a proper departure. You I was in Italy. don’t want to offend anyone. It takes a while to kiss Pronounce chau with the “ch” of “church” and the “au” and hug everyone, especially in a larger group. like the “ou” in “out”. It sounds like “chow”. In addiCon to a single chau farewell, you’ll also hear the rapid double version: chau chau.

English goodbyes in Chile?

Chileans also love to sprinkle in English words occasionally during normal conversaCons. In place of It seems like adios is reserved for a more finalized good chau, I’ve heard the Spanish pronunciaCon of bye where you’ll never see the person again. However, “goodbye” or “bye-­‐bye.” even in those cases, chau is oPen used. However, as a foreigner in Chile, you shouldn’t use Goodbye in Chile is more than words. English words trying to be cute. Say chau and everyone will know what you mean. Remember that in Chile, you can’t just say goodbye and leave. You need to personally say goodbye and 43


Learn While You Read 1





6 7









16 17

1 3 4 10 13 15 16 17


Across More than 90% of it is covered with ice Cup of Joe El dia de los enamorados Drummer and one of the founders of “Los Tres" World Cup 2014 Mano de Piedra Town Alexis Sanchez grew up in The Centro de Estudios para economía Baja en Emisiones de Carbono

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

Down Patagonia Sin Represas Popular Chilean comedian who works on Morandé con Compañía Sercotec Regional Director RN The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people Author: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus Captain of Chilean national futbol squad Chile's flag bearer in 2008 Olympics Mexico’s state-owned oil company Minister of Public Works Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena

We’ve heard from our subscribers that many of you use I Love Chile to teach English. Every arCcle in each month’s ediCon can start a discussion (in English, please!) about travel or food or poliCcs. It is a great way to build vocabulary and to learn English. The new symbols [add link here] a?ached to the arCcles indicate the difficulty of the English used in the arCcle. One of the new addiCons you will like is the crossword puzzle. All of the answers to the clues in the puzzle can be found in the arCcles in the same issue of I Love Chile. To make it more fun for our English-­‐speaking readers, there are clues in Spanish, too.



Celebrating New Year’s


at the sea


Green circle:

Black diamond:

I haven't studied English for too long, and want a nice, easy read.

Of course the greatest potential for this sort of system is in the desalinization and purification of water for simple household usage. With more of the world, even here in Region V, facing increased water shortages, the urgency for a low cost and eco-friendly system will become even greater with time, and Fischmann’s research and development team is already investigating how to make such purification a reality using their technology. “We are developing ways to remove salinity with our system,” Goldsmith said. “Several minerals are being studied a lot, as these kinds of solutions are needed for Chile’s north, where lots of mining takes place. However, we are still early in development for this kind of thing.” ILC

Double black diamond:

English is easy. I'm done studying and want to be challenged!

Puzzle solution




F E 9 R E N O V A C I N 11 A 12 13 N D O 8






Ó N N A C I O N A L P I P H A I 14 T E D R E A L I T Y N W M L 15 R I I A C 17 Í T L C L Q H I L A U O A A U E U N U D 19 Z T O J D I O I D O H O B 22 L A U R E N C E G O L M U B R S E G R G T R A H A A V I Y O A C 5 S C O P A N C H O R P F M I N A T I O N F S T E 7 T A T E I G O Á O C 1


S 20 C T E O 21 E B N B O R N E E A C Z H I A L N D 18



V M O L I N A L E N T I N 10 E M E X ’ S 3

Clínica odontológica Hanke

Z O Á L L I E V Z A R 23 C O N A D I

Did yo u know that th acidic e compo nents dental of the plaque decalc your to ify oth en amel? your te Keep eth cle an at C Odonto línica lógica Hanke !



I am beginning to get comfortable with English and want to take it to the next level.


plant provided increased opportunities. “Our research and development team is developing more applications,” said Goldsmith about the power plant reservoir. “For instance, energy from a cooling system could be used for residential use and other heating. Our lagoons would become a heat reservoir, possibly even a thermal beach for a nearby real estate project.” The use of purified water would prevent corrosion within the heat transfer system, and stop the growth of algae in the system, as well as other problems. “At temperatures above 23 degrees Celsius, conventional water systems couldn’t be used to cool things down in this sort of reservoir,” Goldsmith said.

Across Drummer and one of the founders of “Los Tres" The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people RN Mexico’s state-owned oil company AR (Abbreviation) How to say goodbye in Chile Minister of Public Works Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena

Blue square:

The filtration system has also been sought out by non-real estate interests, particularly after Fischmann visited Babson College in Boston to present its industrial application. One idea he passed along in his presentation was its use in the cooling systems of “thermal” (coal-fired, etc.) power plants. In the United States, heat dissipation for thermal power stations is permitted only through cooling towers. An earlier one-pass cooling method that involved passing river or sea water through a heat transfer system was finally disallowed by the EPA when the impact of pumping warmer water back into a natural system was show to be in general too large. The use of a purified water reservoir to transfer heat out of a power

I'm ready to have a nice conversaCon in English and express my own ideas.

9 10 12 16 22 23



Down 1 Patagonia Sin Represas 2 Cup of Joe 3 El dia de los enamorados 5 Popular Chilean comedian who works on Morandé con Compañía 7 Town Alexis Sanchez grew up in 8 Chile's flag bearer in 2008 Olympics 11 More than 90% of it is covered with ice 13 Female star of I Love Chile Musical 14 Sercotec Regional Director 15 Coach of Chilean national side 17 Captain of Chilean national futbol squad 18 Mano de Piedra 19 Author: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus 20 The Centro de Estudios para economía Baja en Emisiones de Carbono 21 World Cup 2014


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