ILC News Monthly

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Edition 20 April 2012 Price $1.000 Recargo por zonas extremas: $ 300 para la I, II, XI, XII y XV regiones.

English in Chile / Chile in English



Game Over for González


Politics. There You Go Again.....................................................................................................................4-5 Business. Bracing for the Storm ................................................................................................................ 6 Business. Varying Degrees of Wealth ........................................................................................................ 7 Indigenous Focus. What is Indigenous Development?............................................................................ 8 News. To Shop or Not to Shop .................................................................................................................... 9 News. Giant Magellan Telescope Starts with a Bang ............................................................................ 10 News. Discrimination Battleground......................................................................................................... 11 Sports. Eyes on London: Chile’s Olympic Contenders........................................................................... 12 Feature. Game Over for Fernando González .......................................................................................... 13 Feature. Expomin 2012........................................................................................................................ 14-15 Interview. Teiji Fujii – Bringing Eastern Influence to Chile ................................................................... 16 News. Skateventure through Peru and Chile.......................................................................................... 17 Column. Soltera in Santiago - The Blind Date........................................................................................ 18 Column. Pepe’s Chile – Symbols of Chile................................................................................................ 19 Crossword Puzzle ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Entertaiment. Festival Viña 2012 from a Gringo’s Perpesctive ............................................................ 20 Entertaiment. Getting Amped for Lollapalooza Chile 2012 .................................................................. 21 Travel. Patagonia Safari ...................................................................................................................... 22-23 Column. Where to Find your Million-dollar Business Idea ............................................................. 24-25 Art. Art Latte – Service with Style ............................................................................................................. 26 I Love Chile Recommends ................................................................................................................... 26-27


PUBLISHER Daniel Brewington EDITORS Sharon Ewing Matt Niner SPORTS EDITOR Daniel Boyle TRAVEL EDITOR Jonathan Franklin ONLINE EDITORS Daniel Boyle Matt Niner CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER Pamela Lagos SALES & MARKETING May Ipinza SUBSCRIPTIONS Claudio Navarro JOURNALISTS Nick Levine Laura Seelau Ryan Seelau Darren Kaiser Tom Bradanovic Nicole Zandi Daniel Boyle Christopher Clarke Matt Niner Pamela Lagos


Welcome to the April edition of I Love Chile. If you are a new reader, we know you’ll find interesting articles here. If you are a long-time reader, you’ll enjoy seeing the most recent work of some of your favorite authors. The April edition of I Love Chile marks the end of summer as vacation is over and the students head back to school. Just as one season morphs gently into another, here at I Love Chile, the climate of the world around us is bringing the paper edition to new places. Last month, we added icons like the ones found on ski slopes to indicate the reading difficulty for each article. The on-line edition of the print copy was born in February, 2012. This month, you’ll find a brief summary of the contents of each article under its title. We are very excited about these changes and hope you will approve. I’m Sharon Ewing, the copy editor for the print edition. Matt Niner and Daniel Boyle, whom you met in the last edition, will be editing the print edition of the I Love Chile newspaper. Each of us will be writing editorials from time to time, bringing you our views on current topics. Late February and March saw the end of summer in Chile as all the schools begin their new year. More than just a source of information, the school experience teaches our kids to make decisions for themselves, to make choices that will affect them



COLUMNISTS Bridget McAndrew Colin Bennett Ken Shields Mamiko Ito Pepe Rawlinson

throughout their lives. Learning the discipline of making decisions is as important as the material benefits that result from such decisions. Our choices shape our lives.

I Love Chile Group Ltd. Copyright © I Love Chile Newspaper Limited 2012. All rights reserved. Loreto 6 - Of 2 - Bellavista Office Chile: +56 (02)979-1009 Office USA: 518-632-4199 General Inquires: / AdverCsing:

PHOTOGRAPHERS Ricardo Salcedo Daniel Brewington Julia Dose DESIGN Alfonso Galvez TRANSLATIONS Jose Miguel Galdames Nicole Mege RADIO STATION MANAGER Brandon Spence 3



THERE YOU GO AGAIN… ›› As current events unfold, the government again shows its tendency to badly prioritize issues of national importance, demonstrating that it may be out of touch with the times.


By Nick Levine arch has come and Chile gradually returns to its routine. Kids and young people go back to school and university (let’s hope they can actually have classes this year), people have to pay reenrollment fees, school supplies, uniforms and car licenses, and of course they have to try to figure out how to pay for the vacation they couldn’t really afford in the first place. While regular people worry about these things, politicians are getting ready for their own back-toschool season, maneuvering for position and trying to set the agenda for the year. In this context, the government has once again shown its inability to control the public agenda, repeatedly shooting itself in both feet and opening unnecessary cans of worms. For example, the government and the governing Alianza por Chile coalition attempted to make big news of the recently-released study on the problems following the massive earthquake that hit south-central Chile on February 27, 2010. On paper, it was a textbook example of a situation to be exploited: Most of the country was still on vacation


ILCNEWS / POLITICS and it was a chance to get in a few good jabs at the opposition as the government prepared to mark its second anniversary in power. The problem is, as events the world over have repeatedly shown over the last year or so, the governments’s textbook is out of date. This government has consistently shown that it is unaware of this fact and needs to go back to school. For example, it tried to combine the earthquake report with a presidential tour of areas affected by the disaster to highlight the flaws in the previous administration’s reactions, as well as its own achievements in reconstruction efforts. This strategy was an attempt to weaken former President Michelle Bachelet and any potential intention she might have to run for office again. However, it neglected a number of details. First, the responsibilities of the former authorities, while perhaps real, are not at the top of the public agenda. The fact is that few people react well at 3:30 in the morning. Additionally, while all death and destruction is lamentable, the damage compared to other disasters on a similar scale was relatively minor. In addition, this government came to power less than two weeks after the earthquake, so its promises and performance with reconstruction are far more relevant to the public debate. People are aware that nobody was actually to

“Events the world over have shown that the government’s textbook is out of date.” blame for the earthquake. However, there are specific authorities in charge of recovering from it. Furthermore, the issue of blame for flawed reactions (whether it was by the government, the Navy, etc.) is totally subjective, while issues like reconstruction can be examined in context and with contrasting statistics, even if this is also a subjective process. For example, President Sebastián Piñera explicitly promised that no families would have to spend more than two winters in so-called “villages”, which is merely a quaint term for “shelter camps”. The fact is that regardless of the progress made, there are families that will spend a third winter in “villages” this year, proving that politicians can be held accountable for their promises. In addition, by focusing on Bachelet, it opened up the 2013 presidential race unnecessarily, when political coalitions of all colors are negotiating their strategies for this year’s municipal elections. Almost immediately there was a flurry of announcements about potential presidential candidates and

at least six people have already declared their intentions to run. This naturally contributes to the so-called lame-duck syndrome, needlessly moving it ahead a full year. Finally, this strategy also confirmed once again this government’s total detachment from current events in the country. While all this was going on, the conflict in the Aysén region was simmering, demanding the attention of the authorities. Already in January, the government’s new conflict analysis unit had warned of potential problems there, though it was wrong about the scope of it. Still, since the student protests and the conflicts in the Magallanes Region last year, people familiar with these issues have been warning about regional conflicts. Instead of touring the earthquake zone, the president would have done well to spend his time in that area, showing a proactive attitude and trying to prevent future conflicts with a concrete plan for the country’s isolated regions. Times have changed. Governments need to pay more attention to public opinion. This administration has shown its lack of flexibility and creativity, in addition to its habit of choosing police enforcement over dialogue. Above all, it has shown itself to be out of touch with the times, bringing to mind Ronald Reagan’s famous comment “there you go again” and demonstrating the authorities repeated mistakes. ILC



BRACING FOR THE STORM ›› I Love Chile’s resident economist gives his views on the potential for an economic disaster and makes suggestions about what Chile can do to avoid being caught up in a global depression. By Ken Shields


arry Dent, Robert Prechter and Gerald Celente are three of the biggest names in economic trend analysis and forecasting. I really don’t know much about Prechter and Celente, but Harry Dent has a lot of credibility with me. I bought his book “The Roaring 2000s” and read it. He advised people in the U.S. to move from stocks to bonds in mid to late 2008. This was published in 1998. Remember the meltdown of the U.S. stock market that started at the end of September 2008? He called it ten years in advance! Not to mention his other accurate predictions. I know my opinion doesn’t really matter, but I’ve been predicting a currency meltdown for a long time. In fact, in 1980, I started the Shields Mint in an effort to establish a silver-based currency so that everyone would have an inflation-proof alternative. One man I know, Bernard von Nothaus, succeeded in doing just that. However, since an inflation-proof currency is anathema to central bankers, the U.S. government made up some criminal charges (something about silver undermining the value of the dollar) and he’s staring at a possible long-term prison sentence. Governments and central bankers don’t want people to be able to protect themselves from taxation or from inflation, a secret tax. But I digress. The three men I mentioned at the beginning agree that a real crisis is coming, and coming soon. One of them alluded to an “economic 9/11” in the United States. Bad stuff. The European markets are in dire need of a transfusion, which has traditionally come from the U.S. Now the U.S. needs the transfusion. Who can pro-


vide that? The answer is… nobody. That is the final problem. Underneath it all is a debased currency that has stolen purchasing power from the governed for a long time. There is nothing left to steal from the people; they are only barely surviving as it is. History shows us what can happen when more currency is printed with no increase in productivity. In revolutionary France, the new government confiscated all church property and used it as the backing for a new currency called the assignat. The government was bankrupt and desperate. For a while it worked, but the government kept printing more and more assignats beyond the value of the property backing it, causing hyperinflation. Napoleon solved this problem by introducing the franc and, of course, making himself Emperor. Today, the euro and the dollar are in serious trouble. The banks have created more and more currency, matching current debts that are now impossible to pay back. If the debt disappears, so will the money and commerce will halt. That means basics like food will be unobtainable to those in the cities of Europe and the U.S. It also means that a lot of imports and exports between Chile and the U.S. will either slow down or

“Copper prices will plummet and food prices will rise. Count on it.”

completely stop. You’re thinking that China’s economy will prop things up, right? Well, China’s economy is a mirage. It’s based on what amounts to slave labor and its real estate bubble dwarfs the one in the U.S. Copper prices will plummet and food prices will rise. Count on it. When will this all happen? It’s probably a couple of years off into the future, maybe a bit longer. However, the guards on the wall see the enemy coming and are sounding the alarm. We need to listen here in Chile and get ready for the coming economic storm. What can we do? First, rake in profits from copper mining while we can. Invest in our agricultural processes and start developing our own manufacturing base. What can we manufacture? Well, a lot of products that are cast in copper can be started here with backyard foundries, if nothing else. We can grow these foundries as the people running them become more skillful. Let’s recycle as much as we can right now. We should improve technical education so we have machinists, industrial potters, industrial textiles, our own aluminum recycling and production, steel products… you name it. Let’s get started now. We have time to build Fortress Chile to protect the country from the economic devastation that is coming. You ask, “What if you’re wrong, Ken?” OK… So, what if I’m wrong? If we gear up for economic independence successfully and it turns out we didn’t really have to, what then? Well, the standard of living in Chile will be better for everyone, imports will go down and we’ll have skilled labor to export instead of just raw materials. What’s wrong with that? We are in a unique position right now to make Chile better. Let’s do it. ILC



VARYING DEGREES OF WEALTH ›› There seems to be a serious disconnect between what young people study and where the jobs are these days in Chile. Many entry level jobs in Chile pay less than US$1,000 per month, even for college graduates, and repaying student loans on this kind of salary isn’t easy.

By Darren Kaiser


t’s hard to understand why more students don’t choose to study fields that are in high demand right now such as business or engineering. A degree in one of these fields, particularly mining engineering, just about guarantees you a job upon graduation, not to mention a fairly generous salary. Due to Chile’s rapidly expanding economy, there just aren’t enough entrepreneurs and engineers to meet the markets needs. AN ENGINEERING DEGREE Last year only 68 people in the entire country graduated with a degree in metallurgical engineering, according to Qué Pasa Minería, a Chilean mining magazine ( Within the next five years, there should be close to 20,000 new jobs available in the mining industry in Chile. Many companies are already having a hard time filling job vacancies. The human resources department at Codelco Chile has said that there just aren’t enough applicants with the right qualifications in geology and mining engineering. It’s understandable that not everyone wants to study engineering in Chile. Most degree programs are six years long (compared to the average five-year degree program in Chile) and are definitely more challenging than other fields of study. Tuition is also higher than for less technical fields. Still, it seems shocking that more students aren’t studying engineering when you look at what is available upon graduation. The average sal-

ary for a mining engineering graduate in Chile the first year out of school is around US$45,000 per year. With a few years of experience, they make about US$60,000 per year on average. Considering the cost of living in Chile (you can buy a small brand-new apartment in the center of Santiago for under $40,000), that isn’t a bad salary here. It’s well known in Chile and around the world that engineering jobs usually pay higher than average, but what it’s like to work in the mining industry is often misunderstood. People imagine spending eight hours a day in a dusty underground coal mine. These days, especially if you have an advanced degree, that usually isn’t the case, and many positions involve mostly office work. Occasional monitoring trips and lots of planning meetings should be expected. Before the end of the decade, over US$80 billion will be invested in copper and gold mines in the northern and central regions of the country. Those who dedicate the necessary time, energy, and capital towards a degree in engineering or geology should have lots of work options for many years. FOR THOSE LESS MATHEMATICALLY-INCLINED Don’t worry if calculus or linear algebra isn’t one of your strengths, or if six years of studying engineering seems like an eternity. With many sectors of the economy recently growing by close to 10 per cent each year, there are plenty of options for self-starters and people willing to work in business. The Chile Business Investment Alert (

chile-business-investment-alert.html) is one place to find out about the latest market trends and related business opportunities around Santiago and in the central regions. The Invest Chile page from Corfo (http:// is another resource for learning about emerging industries throughout the country, ranging from meat or dairy farming in the Bio Bio region to the film and media industries in the Los Rios region. The sky is the limit and with the right networking, marketing, and lots of hard work, turning a small business in your niche market into a nation-wide franchise is possible within just five or 10 years. One large-scale example of this is the Universidad de Andres Bello, which started with just four degree programs but now offers 59 undergraduate and 70 masters programs. A smaller-scale example would be the English Institute International Center which was started in Viña del Mar less than 10 years ago, and now has branches in Argentina, Spain, and Mexico. The salaries of even mining professionals probably look very meager compared to the founders of those companies. When you are in a country with a stagnating economy, you’ve got to be lucky or very, very talented to grow a business. Being successful in a country with numerous, rapidly expanding industries isn’t nearly as difficult and allows much more room for error. Finding a good education or a solid business opportunity in some parts of the world can be quite difficult, but that’s not the case in Chile. The possibilities are out there, you just need to look for them. ILC





›› Many indigenous communities are in need of economic development, and are looking beyond the traditional ways that they have made money in the past. By Laura & Ryan Seelau


ebruary in Chile is a slow month. School is out and many businesses shut down. The metros and public areas of Santiago are often sparsely populated. News seems to be slower and there seems to be less of it. In short, many people in Chile seem to relax during the month of February. Although many Chileans leave the country during February, many people also head to the tourist hotspots in the country - many of which are located on indigenous lands operated by indigenous peoples. For a growing number of indigenous communities, February is an extremely busy month. A lot of that has to do with tourism. Perhaps even more so than many other industries, people tend to associate indigenous economic development with tourism. There is good reason for that in Chile. After all, the top three tourist destinations in Chile are usually listed – in some order – as Easter Island, Patagonia, and San Pedro de Atacama. One barely needs to know anything about Chile’s history to know that Easter Island is filled with indigenous people (the Rapa Nui) and so is San Pedro de Atacama (the Atacameño). Visits to either location will undoubtedly lead to interactions with indigenous communities and tourist services. On Easter Island, a large number of Rapa Nui people work in the tourism industry. Even though the majority of inhabitants on the island are pushing the government to limit the number of visitors each


year, the economy there is still driven by tourism. Visitors who go there want to see a purely indigenous creation - the Moai statues. Likewise, even a short trip to San Pedro de Atacama will put you in touch with a lot of indigenous culture and tourism options. Whether you visit the ruins of Tulor, or the Pukará of Quitor, or the Valley of the Moon, you are visiting indigenous lands and are seeing sites controlled and run by indigenous communities. Although tourism seems like a natural fit for many indigenous communities and can be a good source of income, it may reinforce stereotypes about what indigenous development really is. Too often, when we work with indigenous communities or government officials and talk about economic development, only two options are presented: tourism and textiles. No one wants indigenous peoples to lose their identity while making money. From our perspective, however, focusing on those two industries can be very limiting in terms of the work available to indigenous peoples. Many people do not want to make indigenous crafts or work in the tourism sector, but if they leave, they are seen as abandoning their culture to some degree. Additionally, some communities simply cannot support either industry and must look for other options. All of these issues raise the question: what does “development with an indigenous identity” really look like? Traditionally, the answer has been that only economic activities centered around indigenous cultures were seen as “development with indigenous

identity”. However, more and more people are realizing that being an indigenous person does not simply mean coming from a specific place with its own unique arts and crafts. It also means being raised with a specific culture and understanding of the world. It is this second part of being indigenous – the part relating to values and beliefs – that is just as crucial to consider when thinking about indigenous development. To put it another way, an industry may be indigenous not just because it sells an indigenous product, but simply because it incorporates the values and traditions of the community it serves. For example, in the U.S. there are tribes that run their own construction companies. While many wouldn’t think of this as “development with identity”, these companies incorporate a whole set of indigenous beliefs and values about how the land and the environment must be cared for in the process, among countless other considerations. The result is a company that looks very, very different from its non-indigenous counterparts. Increasingly, peoples across the world are seeing that being indigenous does not have to limit economic options, but actually provides a basis for innovation. At the end of the day, whether a community is engaging in tourism or construction, the most important thing is to take care of the people and culture involved. As one Canadian tribal leader put it, “Traditionally, indigenous peoples lived a life of abundance and no one was poor or without; whatever we can do to return to that state is indigenous economic development.” ILC


›› The myth of an idyllic life on Chiloé led many tourists and environmentalists to strongly oppose the construction of a shopping mall in one of the island’s major cities. But is this mythology standing in the way of progress?


By Tom Bradanovic


he shopping mall in the city of Castro, on Chiloé Island, has generated an ongoing controversy in the social networks. This bring me back to my teen years living in Ancud and Castro, in the seventies, where I spent four amazing years of personal growth. The photograph that has circulated on the Internet shows a beautiful town full of nice, traditional houses, crushed under a huge mass of concrete that has no relation to the surrounding landscape. Many have cried out in indignation, while Twitter has fuelled the fire. This has happened with ad-hoc experts in architecture, chilote heritage advocates and arbiters of good taste all vocalizing their indignation. It turns out that in Castro I see almost no local opposition to the mall, and most of those who criticize it have never set foot in the city or are merely holding on to memories of a past vacation during one of the few sunny days that occur in that area. Chiloé is famous for myths and legends. Beyond the traditional mythology such as el trauco and la Pincoya, chilotes have developed a contemporary urban mythology that is much more widely accepted than the traditional. This mythology has successfully sold the idea of my beloved island as a sublime place, with two picturesque towns and hundreds of beautiful villages and landscapes, where the friendliest people in the world live in happiness and harmony with nature. In reality, Ancud and Castro are small cities that were destroyed in the 1960 Valdivia earthquake. From time to time, great fires burn entire blocks of the tepa wood houses in which many residents live. People reconstruct them as best they can, but it has resulted in a cityscape that is poor and a bit quirky. The same is true among the villages in the countryside.

There are indeed many beautiful landscapes, like sunset on the bay off the southern coast of Castro, the view from Fuerte San Antonio in Ancud and the volcanoes in the Bay Quellón: Tronador, Puntiagudo, Corcovado and Melimollo. However, this beautiful landscape has its dark side. Hundreds of acres are logged or burned in one of the few places where the native forest remains. Nine or ten months of rain throw buckets of water on your head, while intense thunder and lightning storms prevent people from leaving their houses much of the time. The myth of the tourism potential in Chiloé is not consistent with reality. In my experience, chilotes are similar to people in many other places, but they are as rock-hard as the nature in which they live. I met amazing people there who where tremendously generous, but I do not remember many that were particularly warm or sentimental. Above all, chilotes are storytellers, fed by legends passed down from their great-grandparents that have created the modern legends about their idyllic island customs.

In a place where it rains heavily for most of the year and residents are left with few options about what to do with their time, a mall seems like a particularly good idea. The concept is to construct a kind of indoor courtyard, where people can spend hours shopping, eating, drinking or watching a movie. The idea is especially suited for Chiloé’s urban centers. Although planning gurus recommended building it in the outskirts of the city as to “not destroy the unity of the environment”, most chilotes do not use a car and need the mall to be within walking distance of their homes. If the people of Chiloé have no problem with the mall as it is, we have no right to interfere. I have no doubt that it will improve the quality of life on the island, especially for young people who have so little to do for much of the year. In my day, we would go to the bar and get drunk almost every day. The mall is a welcome alternative to this kind of behavior. I only wish that they would build one in Quellón and Ancud as well. ILC





››The first explosions were made in the preparation works for the Giant Magellan Telescope at the Las Campanas observatory. The observatory is already home to two Magellan telescopes, but the new project, known as the GMT, is expected to change the world of astronomy itself.


he “Big Bang” and the idea of how the universe was formed is something that has fascinated astronomers and the rest of the world throughout time. It was a new “big bang” that signaled the beginning of a new era for astronomy in Chile. The explosion resulted in red, blue and white smoke coming from the top of the Las Campanas peak, a tribute to the support of the governments of Chile, Australia, the United States and South Korea that have helped get the project underway. Aside from support at the national level, the GMT is a joint project between renowned institutions such as Harvard, the Smithsonian Institute, Australian National University, the University of Texas and the University of Arizona, where the giant mirrors for the telescope are currently being constructed under the football stadium. While the current Magellan Telescopes have diameters of 7.5 meters, the GMT will consist of seven new mirrors, each measuring 8.4 meters in diameter. The total light collection area of the GMT will measure an astonishing 24.5 meters. Speaking to ILC News, Dr. Eva Pell, Undersecretary for Science at the Smithsonian Institute, said, “The Giant Magellan Telescope will help us in one of the four goals of the institute: unlocking the mysteries of the universe. This is not our only work here in Chile. We have operations in over one hundred countries covering a wide variety of fields including biology, archaeology and natural history.” A function to see the “big bang” signaled the beginning of excavation work and saw a wide range of dignitaries make the journey into the Andes. Some of the guests included ambassadors from the United States and Australia, the rector of the University of Chile, and representatives from Harvard, the Smithsonian Institute and from astronomy programs at universities throughout Chile. It was not just the select few at the observatory that got to witness the blast. The U.S. Embassy in Chile had a live stream of the event, which was designed to go off at high noon, Eastern Time. For those watching live, as well as those watching online, the short fuse may have caught them by surprise. Dr. Wendy Freeman of the Carnegie Institution, who runs the Las Campanas observatory site, said, “Today marks a historic step towards constructing an astronomical telescope larger than any in existence today. Years of testing have shown that Las Campanas is one of the premier observatory sites in the world, and the Carnegie Institution is proud to host the GMT.” The GMT will allow astronomers to look deeper into the universe with clarity unheard of before. Completion of the project is expected by 2020. After the ceremonies, the guests on the mountain top were able to tour the other Magellan Telescopes currently in use at Las Campanas. As Dr. Charles Alcock, President of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said, “The GMT is something for the future of our children. Imagine the discoveries that will be made by people who are current in elementary school.” The GMT will be ten times more powerful than the Hubble Telescope. ILC



›› Santiago has recently been the battleground for homophobia and discrimination in the Karen Atala custody case and the savage murder of Daniel Zamudio, and has left a desire for greater rights for gays in Chile. By Nicole Zandi


he Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation (MOVILH) has claimed that, “The rights of everyone in Chile are to be given better guarantees of respect.” MOVILH goes on to describe Magistrate Karen Alta’s case as “an international embarrassment” for Chile and praised Judge Atala for her successful eight-year campaign against the Chilean government. The government had denied her custody of her three daughters in 2003 because of her sexual orientation. As well as custody, she also received US$62,000 in reparations. The Inter-American Court of Human

Rights says the Chilean Government violated Atala’s human rights, such as the right to equality and non-discrimination, the right to privacy, the right to the protection of honor and the right of children to be heard. This is a historical case, since it is the first time that the Inter-American Court has interjected in a case over gay rights. However, in the wake of the fatal attack on 24-year-old Daniel Zamudio, there is a feeling that much more needs to be done to secure the rights and protection of the Chilean people. MOVILH President Rolnado Jiminez has said, “The Chilean state cannot afford to have a passive attitude about violence toward homosexuals,” and called an emergency meeting with government officials. One of the many attendees of the candlelight vigil led by Daniel’s family and friends in Parque San Borja commented, “What happened to Daniel was horrible and disgusting and we need to change.” Daniel suffered broken bones, a slashed ear, cigarette burns and swastika carved into

his chest at the hands of four neo-Nazis. He clung to life for as long as his body could endure, but died of his wounds on March 27. Four men have been arrested for the attack. Raúl Alfonso López Fuentes, 25, Alejandro Axel Angulo Tapia, 26, Patricio Iván Ahumada Garay, 25, and Fabián Alexis Mora Mora, 19, will now await trial. President Sebastián Piñera and Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter met with members of Zamudio’s family and Movilh a few days after the attack. Hinzpeter has urged Chilean lawmakers to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression in order to encourage diversity. He said in a statement, “I think the violence displayed in attacking Daniel Zamudio for his sexual orientation is behavior that, as a society, we need to eradicate once and for all.” Singer Ricky Martin gave consistent public support to Daniel and his family during the ordeal, dedicating his Gladd award to them via Twitter. This has given these cases a global platform as numerous people have retweeted Ricky Martin’s sentiments. “No more hate, no more discrimination. I hope that justice is done already. Plenty of light for Daniel and his entire family.” ILC COURTESY: TODOSNUESTROSMUERTOS




EYES ON LONDON: CHILE’S OLYMPIC CONTENDERS ›› English Minister Jeremy Browne arrived in Chile as part of a tour of South America which will also include Peru and Colombia. He visited some of Chile’s contenders for the 2012 Olympic Games in London, England. By Daniel Boyle


s part of his South American tour, Foreign Office Minister Jeremy Browne was invited to tour the facilities of Chile’s Olympic training center, the Centro de Entrenamiento Olímpico de Chile (CEO). He was accompanied on the tour by Chilean Olympic Committee president, Neven Ilic. The minister and a group of reporters toured the facilities where various young athletes were training. As the party walked between training areas for a wide range of sports, the minister chatted with the media and a number of Chilean athletes. The facility provides a training center for a variety of sports and was buzzing with activity in preparation for the games in London. Some of the sports included basketball, volleyball, handball, table tennis, judo and taekwondo, and the center also included fully-equipped strength conditioning facilities. In the table tennis training facility, the minister, who is responsible for all of Latin America as well as the promotion of the Olympics and Paralympics, picked up a paddle and took to the table. Chile has a number of


players qualified in table tennis for both the Olympics and Paralympics, including Berta Rodriguez, who will make her fourth Olympic appearance. The minister told ILC News that he is a big sports fan, but said that his sporting days are mainly behind him. “I’m getting a bit old, I think. You know, sometimes I go running.” After facing one of Chile’s Paralympic table tennis competitors, the minister admitted, “My illusions of one day competing at the Olympics are gone.” During the tour, Minister Browne also discussed other sporting matters, expressing concern for the relegation of his beloved Queens Park Rangers from the English Premier League and commenting on the English rivalry with other countries. “In every sport, beating Australia is imperative. Particularly in cricket, that is one of the most important goals in English sport.” After the table tennis challenge, and wearing a shirt to promote the 2012 Olympic Games in London, the minister resisted doing the same with Chile’s hopefuls in Judo. Instead, he looked on as two young men threw each other to the ground using a range of

grappling techniques. Minister Browne was also able to open a plaque showing support from the British government for an expansion of the training facilities. The new complex will provide facilities for athletes with disabilities and is being built in conjunction with Universidad Santo Tómas. The minister emphasized throughout the tour that he expects London will be the strongest Paralympic event to date. “The Olympics are always a great event, but I believe this will be the best Paralympics ever,” he said. “There will be live television coverage of the whole event and millions of tickets have been sold already.” Aside from promoting the Olympic Games, Minister Browne also visited Finance Minister Felipe Larraín and Foreign Minister Alfredo Moreno as well as the Defense Ministry. Minister Browne felt the earth move at the Defense Ministry, after a temblor (tremor) measuring 4.4 on the Richter scale. It went unnoticed by the Chileans, but was felt by a number of the British touring party. After meeting with Minister Browne, Minister Felipe Larraín announced that later in the year London will hold a “Chile Day”, aimed at promoting businesses in Chile. ILC




By Daniel Boyle hile he never reached number one in the ATP rankings as Marcelo Rios did, “Mano de Piedra” (Stone Hand) can look back at a proud career which led him to the top five in the rankings and victories against Roger Federer, Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic and many others. While his first round loss in Miami finished with a double fault, that was soon forgotten and the tributes to the “Bomber of La Reina” came flowing in. González was presented with a plaque, while the big screen showed tributes from a range of players on the tour including Federer, Nadal and doubles champions the Bryan brothers. The Key Biscayne tournament added another piece to Chilean tennis history. The Florida courts were the place where Marcelo Rios first reached number one, with huge celebrations in Chile and a presidential reception upon his return. While his time on the ATP world tour has come to an end, González plans a farewell tour throughout Chile, with names such as Andy Roddick, who helped organize the “Champions for Charity” series of matches in the aftermath of the 2010 Earthquake in Chile, and Argentine Juan Martin del Potro. Even Federer, who was recently named as “the greatest player of all time”, is on the schedule for a visit to Chile. Federer said during a press conference that he had to play his best tennis to defeat González in the 2007 Australian Open final. That was his only major final and it came right after a straight-sets defeat over Rafael Nadal and a strong win over Tommy Haas in the semi-finals. Federer said of his Chilean friend, “We have known each other for a long time, he was always a hard player and he will be sorely missed on the tour.” Federer was a difficult opponent for González, who only registered one win in thirteen attempts. After finally making the victory after ten losses, he joked to the press, “Nobody beats me eleven times in a row!” Despite losing his final match with a double fault, González fought hard to stay in the game right to the end. After his French opponent took the first set 7-5, he came back with a 6-4 victory in the second. This brought loud cheers of “CHI-CHI-CHI, LE-LE-LE”, even louder, and they became even louder when he came back from two match points down to force a tie break. At the end of the day, González could not regain his best level of tennis. After the match he said, “The past year and a half has been pretty tough for my career. I don’t have the energy to get up in the morning, train like I have to train, travel like I have to travel. I’ve been doing this for many years. If I’m not going to be 100 per cent, I have to do something else.” After injuries had seen him drop down in the rankings, González had already climbed over 70 places in the first months of 2012. Entering the

›› With 11 ATP titles to his name and an Olympic medal of each color, Fernando González can bow out as one of Chile’s greatest tennis players.

“If I’m not going to be 100 per cent, I have to do something else.” tournament ranked at 221, few thought he would go all the way to another ATP title. The fans tried to will him over the line, not just in the crowd, but also through Twitter. “Vamos Feña” became a worldwide trending topic, and following the loss, tennis fans throughout the world expressed their gratitude for

a player that was loved by fans, the media and the other players on the tour with “Gracias Feña”. On the same social network, González wrote after his final match during the ensuing celebrations. Two simple words summed it all up. Game Over.



EXPOMIN 2012 By Christopher Clarke


rom April 8 to April 13 this year, EXPOMIN will again create the opportunity for people within the mining industry to share experiences, interact, and see recent developments throughout the industry and, in particular, of this region. During the five-day event, the fair will receive over 6,000 visitors and bring together national, regional, and global representatives of the mining industry. Diego Hernández, President of the EXPOMIN International Congress 2012, announced that there will be a number of different themes this year. Throughout the five-day fair, EXPOMIN will be addressing Chinese investment in Latin America, the current shortage of professionals and technical experts, safety within the industry, and the challenges brought on by water and energy supply. Another theme this year will be the benefits gained from mining residue. The event will create the opportunity to address many of these challenges and help strengthen the analysis behind these issues through the sharing of experiences. By creating the opportunity for face-toface dialogue, a wide range of representatives within the industry will be able to interact and express their industry’s needs and what they have to offer. In addition, technological advances and requirements will be on display throughout the fair. On each particular day, certain themes will be addressed through specific seminars, conferences, and workshops. Examples of these are the impact of China, risk prevention, water and energy management, and the challenges and opportunities within the Americas. EXPOMIN has been promoting the benefits it can bring to the mining industry throughout the past year in Latin America. Carlos Parada, executive director of the fair, previously stated, “New countries are gaining relevance within the industry and we want all of them to have a presence in this event. This way, they will be able to exchange experiences and discover in person new mining technologies that


›› With the presence of 35 countries, the participation of 5,000 brands, and the attendance of 1,300 companies, EXPOMIN 2012 will be one of the most important mining fairs world-wide and the most important event for the mining industry in Latin America.

“There are 15,000 women employed in the mining industry today. The aim is to reach 25,000.” 14

will be exhibited here.� EXPOMIN will also talk about the presence of women in the industry as well as creating a forum for young students and professionals that might be interested in entering the mining sector. By doing so, they will address the need for more professionals and technical experts within the industry. The event will attempt to bridge the gap for women interested in entering the mining sector. Today, 15,000 women are employed in the mining industry. The aim now is to have that number reach 25,000. To help place emphasis on this goal, 12 female executives and technical experts will take the stage during the fair to discuss and promote opportunities for women within the industry. Minister Evelyn Matthei, who will be opening on Thursday, April 12, will place special emphasis on this issue. Another key point in addressing the demand for more professionals in the sector is the emphasis being placed on training. There will be special programs aimed at professional and technical formation. Also, 2,000 secondary and university students will be attending the event and will have the opportunity to discover the opportunities available to them in this sector. This event will undoubtedly be a groundbreaking opportunity for the mining industry, not only here in Latin America, but globally, too. Already marked as one of the most important events for this field, Santiago and EXPOMIN will be proud hosts as they address the challenges present in the industry today. ILC






BRINGING EASTERN INFLUENCE TO CHILE ›› Japanese-born branding designer Teiji Fujii stumbled across a property in Pirque and decided that he had to come to Chile. Since then, he has become fascinated by the way Chile can complement his own Eastern styles. By Daniel Boyle



t was really a chance encounter that brought Teiji Fujii to Pirque, the wine growing area on the edge of Santiago. His wife Michelle tells me, “We were coming back from Easter Island and had to stay a short while in Santiago. When we arrived at the airport, the flight had been changed and we had to push the trip back a couple of days. I thought Teiji would be angry, but he was so calm.” Teiji is from Japan. “I grew up in a Buddhist temple. My father looks after the temple and my brother will succeed him. We are the twenty-fifth generation looking after the temple. That was how I grew up - with nature and the mountains.” The Buddhist upbringing also gave him a Zen influence, which can be seen in his work. His birthplace has a long history of craftsmanship, with handmade paper, textiles and knives being some of the most common products. Teiji put his focus into art. He first went to New York in 1986, midway through a Political Science degree. “At that time, the economy in Japan was booming. People were chasing trends from all over the world and coming to Japan. For me, I couldn’t find myself there. I felt I needed to get out of Japan, and maybe something would happen.” A chance encounter with a friend of a friend let him pick up work with some Japanese chefs in the town. Things progressed with the Steyn family, well known in the business world, and he was assigned the job to look after their granddaughter, Antonia, in the hope of giving her a Japanese influence. “I was so frustrated that I couldn’t express myself. After everyone went to sleep, I started drawing my emotions, just to let them out. I made a painting to describe Tokyo, everyone coming to the center, and all the cockroaches. The funny story is that it ended up in a Yamaha piano commercial. I had to go back to finish my studies in Japan. I took photos of all the drawings, and was showing them to some friends in a bar. A stranger came over and asked to look, and he loved the work. He told me he would like to use the photograph in my project. He was the art director for Yamaha.” From there, a series of chance encounters and hard work have allowed Teiji to become a well-known designer throughout the world. “I decided to follow his path. Creating a logo to completely change a corporation’s image was something that appealed to me.” Following on his work with the USPS, Teiji has been involved in campaigns with Lycra, as well as Japanese sports company CR-X, and many others. Finding an oasis in Chile has added new dimensions to life for Teiji and Michelle, both literally and through their work. “People are attracted to the beauty of Chile. You see


beautiful things, and you want to do something to preserve that beauty,” he says as we look over the calm gardens of their property. He continues, “I think there is too much negativity around the world. The current approaches aren’t working. We need to push a more positive attitude, focusing on the beauty. I would like to send a signal; we need to conserve natural beauty. Chile has a unique heritage, and we have a unique opportunity to do something. Some people here may not have a global point of view. Hopefully I can help by adding some Eastern philosophy.” Discovering a place in Chile has also changed some influences behind his work. “My work has a lot of simplicity. Zen is about ultimate beauty. After coming here and seeing layers of natural beauty, you can add more to the element. Zen is all about less, about reducing. I come here and I am learning about adding more. Creating a harmony, that’s a special thing for me. I’m learning a lot from Chile, adding more elements - creating a different harmony.” When I asked Teiji if he would recommend others to come to Chile, there was no doubting the sincerity in his response. “This is really an oasis. I highly recommend coming to this place. You will be happy; you will have a clear head and enjoy the abundance of nature.”




›› When three young men from New Zealand decided they would like to do something to promote sustainable travel, they did it with a difference and began a journey that started near Machu Picchu and took them to La Serena in Chile. The difference was that Alan Carnaby, Troy Bilbrough and Guy Parsons were travelling on long-board skateboards, with everything on their back.


fter learning to long-board in college, the three men from Christchurch have seen themselves become more and more involved with the sport. After Troy had completed a journey from northern Thailand to Singapore, the three longboarders started planning their next adventure. Alan tells me why he decided to join up after seeing the adventure that his friend had in Asia. “The great experiences, meeting all kinds of people, dodging elephants and snakes… I thought that would be an amazing adventure to have. It really inspired me to get involved. I had heard so many great things about Chile and Peru, so I thought it would be a great place to explore.” Over the course of three weeks and thousands of kilometres, the three New Zealanders had their fair share of ups and downs. Sometimes the uphill climbs would last for 25km, while they would use parachutes to control their speeds on the descents. The journey took them through mountains, the Atacama Desert and the coastline of northern Chile. Aside from the literal climbs and descents, there were some scary moments


for the long-boarders. “We had to survive on biscuits for a few days. In a few villages, we arrived at bad times so food access wasn’t good. That was hard, and we actually ran out of sunblock one day and had to rub dirt on our bodies to stop getting burnt.” The project was not just about the adventure, but also about promoting the concept of sustainable travel and the carboNZero programme, which Alan works for. He explained to me what the company does. “We help companies around the world to measure and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions (carbon footprint) with credibility. My role is to help businesses communicate the great initiatives they are implementing to reduce their impact on the environment, and also to help raise awareness of what we do at carboNZero. I found a cool job with a company doing great things,” he said. The most unexpected part of the journey was the people they met on the way. “The one thing we didn’t really plan for was the crazy responses we had from people passing us by or people we met in villages. Some people treated us like aliens, others high-fived us. Others just

tooted their horns angrily and wondered why three crazy guys were in their town on skateboards!” While Alan says that sustainability is not as much in the front of the mind as it is in New Zealand, they found plenty of people along their journey who were supportive of their ideas. As for where the next Skateventure will take them,

that’s still undecided. Guy thinks something crazy is next on the agenda… maybe Antarctica. If you would like to find out more about the journey, head to their Facebook page at where you can find pictures, videos and get in touch with the three adventurous long-boarders.

“We had to survive on biscuits for a few days.”




SOLTERA IN SANTIAGO THE BLIND DATE AND THE CHILEAN CASTE SYSTEM “Nothing is more sexy than being confident in who you are.”


’ll be honest, blind dates freak me out. I mean, you have all that awkward interview-style questioning trying to get to know the other person. All the while, you try to plan an escape route out of the restaurant in case your date is a total creeper. I don’t think anyone describes it better than Vince Vaughn in Wedding Crashers, if you want to check out the Youtube clip below. And I never thought I would go on one until a friend of mine bugged me for a while and told me I just had to meet her brother’s friend. He’d be just perfect for me, she said. He was handsome, smart, and had a good job. Well, let me begin where the date started… I actually got to Tiramisu before him. I had friends who raved about the pizza there and being a gringa from a city full of Italian family-run restaurants, I have a pretty high standard for good pizza. This was legit, by the way, and it has my unofficial stamp of delicious approval. Anyway, I fidgeted with my cell phone pretending to text while waiting for some dark, handsome Chilean to walk through the door at any moment. Trying to not make eye contact with every guy that came in while I wondered if they were my date for the night was quite uncomfortable, but finally I was approached by a tall, dirty blonde, rather gringolooking Chilean. Honestly, this might have been a Chilena’s dream, but come on… he looked like my next-door neighbor from back home. I’m not saying how he looked was necessarily a bad thing; it wasn’t. But


did my friend really think we’d be good together because we both looked “gringo?” I’m in Chile, so I’d like to switch things up. Exotic is different, and sexy and exotic he was not. Well, I thought, maybe he’s got a great personality. So what if he doesn’t look how I thought he would? The guy sits down at the table and this is the first thing he says… “I am so frustrated. Sorry I’m late. I was stuck in a traffic jam. And this woman was so rude to me after I tried to get by her. She even called me a weon. And I couldn’t believe it because she had a nice car, seemed wealthy, and she was blonde.” Oh…my…god. I was on a date with the classist, sheltered, cuico guy. I felt like I found myself in a chapter of “The Great Gatsby” or some tragic Jane Austen book. I mean, who says that? Apparently, he did. I was turned off from him right there and then. Over the rest of the date, he threw in a few more comments that absolutely made me cringe. He went on about how he didn’t really like his trip to Peru because, gasp… there are a lot of Peruvians there! And how he only went to bars and clubs in Vitacura because they attracted a better crowd of people (foreigners, people from that neighborhood, etc.). At one point, he even told me that in Chile, you can tell someone’s social standing by their face. Not their clothes, people, their face. What century did I just step into? And did my friend really think that just because I’m foreign, that I would prefer to be with someone that is a wannabe foreigner who clearly

had no patriotism or respect for his own people? Nothing is more sexy than being confident in who you are, and I can’t stand the type of people here that want to be anything but Chilean. And, unfortunately, there is a great majority of people that tend to boast about their heritage from hundreds of years ago just so they stand out from being the typical Chilean. I don’t care if your great-great grandfather was from Germany. You are Chilean and you should be proud of that. I feel like people have been taught to idolize other cultures while believing that their own culture is subordinate. This needs a serious social change. Chileans are, unfortunately, known for classism (or should I say a caste system), which is very painful to experience. I was told when I first arrived in Chile, “don’t trust people here because if you give your hand they will take your arm.” And you know who told me that? A Chilean! There also seems to be a deep ingrained sense of distrust spread throughout the nation . All you have to do is go shopping and see security guards hired around the block to stop ladrones from stealing razors at the Ahumada pharmacy. I’ll tell you what. I will never date a Chilean who acts like they are embarrassed to be Chilean, or puts other Chileans down because they are in a lower class (or uses the words lower class when speaking about a time after the 1800s). It’s downright pathetic. You’re Chilean. Love it, live it, own it. And your significant other, if they are an intelligent, open-minded human being, will too.


SYMBOLS OF CHILE ›› Every month Pepe Rawlinson gives us a guide to some of the customs of Chile. This month, he explores some of the most iconic symbols of Chile.


ou’ll find the symbols of Chile throughout the country. It is important to understand what they are so you can both appreciate their meaning and speak intelligently about them.

CONDOR The Andean Condor is one of the symbols of Chile that is prominently displayed on Chile’s coat of arms and on the 100 Chilean peso coin. It lives only along the western edge of South America and flies majestically. Its massive wingspan reaches up to 10 feet (3 meters). HUEMUL The huemul, also known as a South Andean Deer, is an endangered species native to the extreme south of Chile and Argentina. The huemul joins the Andean Condor on Chile’s coat of arms. SYMBOLS ON THE CHILEAN FLAG The Chilean flag is also rich in symbolism. The red on the Chilean flag represents the blood spilt in its fight for independence. The white represents the snow-covered Andes that guard the eastern border of Chile. The blue is for the color of the sky. The star represents the governmental powers as they watch over the country.

LOCATIONS AS SYMBOLS Several symbols of Chile are based on the country’s diverse landscapes. For example, you’ll see these iconic symbols used in media to represent their respective parts of the country: • Rapa Nui maoi statues on Easter Island • Peaks of the Andes mountains • The unique, long and slender outline of the country • Snow-capped volcanoes • The towering peaks of the Torres del Paine national park THE CELEBRATION OF INDEPENDENCE Chile celebrates the fiestas patrias in September. During this time, you’ll see symbols of Chile all over the place. Everything is decorated in red, white, and blue. Flags hang from every corner. People enjoy Chile’s national dance, la cueca. Men and women will also dress up in traditional Chilean clothing. Look for men dancing la cueca in classic Chilean huaso attire with a Chilean cowboy hat, shirt, flannel poncho, riding pants, short jacket, riding boots and spurs. Look for the symbols of Chile while you are in the country. You’ll be surprised to see just how commonplace they are in popular culture. Provide d By: The Te ache rsC orne t C rossword Mak e r

ILC News April 2012

Please complete the crossword puzzle below

HOW TO USE THIS NEWSPAPER We’ve heard from our subscribers that many of you use I Love Chile to teach English. Every article in each month’s edition can start a discussion (in English, please!) about travel or food or politics. It is a great way to build vocabulary and to learn English. The new symbols attached to the articles indicate the difficulty of the English used in the article. One of the new additions you will like is the crossword puzzle. All of the answers to the clues in the puzzle can be found in the articles in the same issue of I Love Chile. To make it more fun for our English speaking readers, there are clues in Spanish, too.



ILC News April 2012

Please complete the crossword puzzle below 3



11 14


9 16 1 8 2




GREEN CIRCLE: I haven’t studied English for too long, and want a nice, easy read.


BLUE SQUARE: I am beginning to get comfortable with English and want to take it to the next level.

BLACK DIAMOND: I’m ready to have a nice conversation in English and express my own ideas.

DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND: English is easy. I’m done studying and want to be challenged!



1. Jeremy Brown is a minister for which country? (abbreviation) 2. Current President of Chile 4. Last name of I Love Chile's Travel Editor 5. Undersecretary for Science at the Smithsonian Institute 6. President of Chile from 11 March 2006 to 11 March 2010 9. What is the capital The V Valparaíso Region 14. First name of the author of 'The Roaring 2000's 15. Former singer of Jane's Addiction 16. Abbreviation for I Love Chile 17. What is the abbreviation for the Giant Magellan Telescope

1. Teiji Fujii created the logo for which United States agency 3. A government-sponsored program that was founded to attract encourage global minds to start businesses in Chile 6. Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation 7. One of the most important mining fairs held in Chile 8. Easter Island is located in which ocean 9. Starred in the movie Wedding Crashers 10. Large music festival in Santiago March 31 - April 1 11. What is the largest city on Chiloé? 12. The 2012 summer Olympic Games will be held in what city 13. Mano de Piedra

Solution at






’ll admit, I had no idea what the Viña del Mar Festival was when I first heard about it. I asked my wife, “Is it a concert? Is it a festival? Is it a celebrity get-together?” The problem was, she answered yes to all these questions and it only made me more confused. As a gringo, I don’t know many Chilean celebrities. I just wondered when the music would start. On the other hand, I didn’t even know if the festival was going to feature any actual musicians! However, soon I realized that there would definitely be musicians, and some really, really good ones. I only saw a few of them, though. The first artist I watched was Luis Miguel. The only thing I knew about him was that he was insanely popular throughout Latin America and that women absolutely loved him. I watched about five minutes of his show, then I got bored and started watching El Encantador de Perros with Caesar Millán. Maybe Luis Miguel is a legend, but his music is not my cup of tea. The next day, Camila opened up the show, and I liked them! There is something about reggae music that I just love. Even though Camila is not strictly reggae, they have a mellow, tropical sound that I find addictive. Then came Dinamita Show. Dinamita Show! I don’t know why I laughed so much at them, since my Spanish is terrible and I couldn’t understand them either, but their style of physical humor made me laugh anyway. They were great. Marc Anthony gave me one of the biggest surprises of the entire Viña festival. He is an extraordinary musician. The guy was creative, charismatic,


›› An American music lover has his first experience with the Festival Viña del Mar 2012. It was a perfect mix of wonderful music, terrible music, and comedy that gave one outsider a new point of view on the way Chile puts on a show. and innovative in his music on stage, and also was humble enough to give homage to one of his own musical heroes, Jose Luis Perales. On top of everything, I realized that he has one of the greatest voices of our era, and deserves the highest respect in the Latin American music universe. Why did he waste his time with J-Lo? I don’t understand it. On Wednesday, I only saw Morrisey because I was working late. I arrived halfway into his show, and sat down to watch. I left after about two minutes and immediately started listening to Rage Against the Machine to help me forget him. I can’t stand this kind of terrible love music. I had enough of it with Phil Collins. I didn’t watch the show on Saturday, so I missed Los Bukers, Manuel Garcia, and Zip Zup. Sorry. I was back on Sunday, though, and I have to say that I did not completely hate Luis Fonsi. With my musical background, this was extremely unexpected. Something about him reminded me of Bon Jovi which makes him cool in my book. Prince Royce is the King of Bachata. First I have to learn how to dance it, then I’ll enjoy the music. Just listening to it is too boring. I expect to hear a lot more of him in the future, though. The biggest surprise of the entire festival, without a doubt, came on the last day. A silly man came speeding onto the stage, making circles on a segue, wearing a ridiculous white tuxedo with a derby hat. His name was Bombo Fica, and he immediately captivated the audience with his deep, scratchy voice and engaging personality. I could tell instantly that he was a funny, funny guy. Soon he started talking about life in Chile, in a way that showed that he truly loved his country. Ironically, when you love something so much, you can’t avoid seeing all of its flaws. Right away he started talking about the Transantiago, government bureaucracy, bad customer service, riding the metro, and other aspects of daily life in Santiago. I can’t even remember all of the things he said, but I remember that he made me laugh hard, and, strangely, it made me feel more Chilean to be able to laugh long with the audience. I think it was because the things he talked about were so universal that anyone could relate to them. It demonstrated that, no matter where we are from, the truth is that we are all more similar than we are different. So... does anyone know who is coming in 2013?





By Matt Niner or the second time, Perry Farrell’s alternative music extravaganza Lollapalooza will return to Chile. The two-day event will take place over the weekend of Saturday March 31st and April 1st. Rockers Foo Fighters will be the headlining act, and each day will see a huge variety of music, from the electronic thunder of Skrillex to indie darlings Foster The People to the undefinable sound of Björk and Czech rockers Gogol Bordello. The festival will also feature British band Arctic Monkeys, star DJ Calvin Harris, electro experimentalist Peaches and the extremely catchy MGMT. The festival is about more than just music. Perry Farrell, former singer of Jane’s Addiction, started the festival in 1991 as a farewell tour for the band. The tour ran annually until 1997 and was revived in 2003 when Jane’s Addiction got back together. Last year Santiago was the first step of the festival’s expansion into South America, with a stop added in Brazil this year. Aside from the bands themselves, there is a focus on the environment and sustainability and the Kidzapalooza event, a festival within the festival which will include percussion workshops, skate lessons and many other activities for children and the young at heart, including an official area to build with LEGO. Last year’s Lollapalooza debut in South America saw artists such as Kanye West, 30 Seconds to Mars, Cypress Hill and a range of other stars visit Santiago, and some have criticized the 2012 line-up for not having the same star quality as last year’s event. Others have noticed a softer edge to the line-up, with some of Chile’s metal blogs and magazines saying that the festival is “afraid of metal”. As an “alternative festival”, there is a distinct lack of bands from the metal or punk genres. Festival-goers will have all the information in the palm of their hands, with a new application launched for both iPhone and Android users. Of

›› Lollapalooza has had a reputation for some of the greatest shows featuring some of the best musicians in the world. This year the show returns to Chile, and promises to be just as epic as fans are expecting.

course, the traditional way of scribbling the bands and the times they play on a piece of paper or down your arm will still be popular, but the new app allows you to do all of this directly from your phone. It won’t only be the international stars entertaining the crowd at Lollapalooza. A great number of Chilean acts will also take the stage. There is no doubt that fans at Parque O’Higgins will find a wide variety of entertainment, and not just from the bands.

Check the I Love Chile website in the lead-up to the event, where we are showing a daily music video of each of the bands. You can also vote in our poll about who you are most looking forward to see on the day of the show. Headline act Foo Fighters is in the lead so far. For more information go to the official website –




PATAGONIA ›› A cold and windy ocean safari


By Pamela Lagos

ions, elephants, zebras and hippopotamuses is what I always had in mind for a photo safari. I was invited last December to a Whale Sighting in Patagonia. I had no expectations. I had never heard about it and the closest thing that came to my mind was an old episode of Jacques Cousteau’s show from the 1980s. I packed a small bag with winter clothes, a book, my camera and, of course, my laptop and cellphone. First tip! In a trip like this, there is no cellphone reception. Three days of being completely isolated of the world! (for the first time in 10 years). I was shaking at the beginning and kept looking at my iPhone just in case the signal come back and I could check my email. We started in the Forrest Boat from Fitz Roy Expeditions at Isla Riesco, almost two hours away from Punta Arenas. The boat had absolutely everything that you could need and everything was included. We navigated all night until the Francisco Coloane Marine Park, where the whales travel all the way from the warm waters of Central America to feed in the cold waters of Chile. Suddenly, they called us to the bow. The captain spotted some whales! There we were, in a very quiet part of the Magellan Strait. Except for some birds flying around, we couldn’t see anything. We stayed there for a while, until we saw something like vapor in the middle of the water. It was a whale! I was very excited, but besides the vapor I couldn’t see anything. Then something popped out of the water and I saw a “tail”.


In this area, 100 humpback had been registered, and we helped keep the records updated. For the whales, the design of the tail is their fingerprint. No two whales have the same tail! I spent all afternoon peacefully watching four different whales show me their tails. We followed the same routine the next day. I put on my jacket and went to the bow to wait for something to appear from the deep ocean. I was able to master my photography of whale tails, and ended the day with a “mission accomplished”. In the evening, I was prepared for the same routine. But it was a completely different one. The captain saw something and turned the boat very fast and stopped the engines. Quietly, we started to get closer and closer to another whale waiting to do the classic dive and show us its tail. It didn’t happen. This one wasn’t going anywhere. It was a baby whale. Her mother appeared next to her and both started to swim around us, examining the boat. They kept getting closer and closer. They followed us for about two hours without diving, as if our red boat was their new friend. This time we could almost touch them. We could see their entire body as they were no deeper than half a meter the entire time. A fluorescent green spot always let us know where its fin was when it moved under the ship. When sunset began, our new friends decided to give us a last minute show using the beautiful Patagonia mountains as a backdrop. With our hearts filled with the stony beauty of nature, we went to dinner.

less time here.” - Hector Medina, owner of “Hector’s Private & Flexible Tour Service” Chile obtained for the rescue of the thirtythree miners, which has put our country on the map as a nation that has overcome several tragedies and is ready for whatever vicissitudes may occur in the future. In order to get a better perspective of what is happening in this “rollercoaster” industry, I interviewed a few people who depend on this seasonal income for the success of their business.

It was just before dessert when we saw our two friends still out there showing their tails and playing around. We joked that it was actually our tour guide dressed in a whale custom swimming outside for our entertainment, since there was no way that this could be happening by chance. The way that those two were behaving simply amazed us every time. The laughing stopped after a shout from the captain, who was pointing to the other side of the boat. Orcas! We grabbed our cameras and ran to the bow. I took my camera and started clicking, but didn’t have time to adjust it to the low light.

What must a company do in order to grow in such a seasonal line of work? “First of all, giving quality service in every aspect, which includes working honestly and respectfully towards our passengers. In the end, the concept of seasonal work isn’t something that affects all of Chile; there are many places here that are visited all year round, so the answer is to mention these places within your programs and

As the years go by, the people who work in tourism expect to receive a wider scale of visitors, but it seems clear that the earthquake, the unstable currency, the decrease in cruises and the rescue of the thirty-three miners have changed the impression foreingers have of Chile. Having a ministry of tourism seems to be an essential issue, and little by little we will likely see changes that will allow for Chile to advance on an international level, which can only be of help to those who rely on tourism for their livelihood.

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English AA in Chile 23


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ummer’s almost here and the season has already begun to take shape for those in the tourism industry. High season begins in mid-December and ends around mid-March. Studies show that over the last five years, tourism in Chile has been growing an average of 7% to 9% per year with visitors spending close to three-hundred million dollars per month. However, there have been certain events that have shaken and stirred the industry such as the February 27th earthquake and the decrease in cruise ships that will arrive this year, which went from approximately forty-five per year to the uncertain twenty-eight to thirty that are scheduled to dock this season. One favorable point is the media coverage

of Chile’s Tourism Industry


The Highs and Lows

Six orcas, also known as killer whales, interrupted the peaceful dance of the humpbacks. Their target was the whale calf. The mother whale made a defensive move and chased the orcas away from By Al Ramirez where the baby was. The peaceful whale trywe nothad to observed exclude any that How have the events, which have that all information afternoon had can benefit our country its regions.” occurred throughout this year, affected become a brave warrior. and Being bigger - Rodrigo Gonzalez, General Manager of your company? than the orcas, she made a valiant effort “ChileXclusive Travel & Incoming” On the earthquake: to scare all six orcas out of the area. What areato our do tour youguide, thinkthisneeds According had “... It was in our agenda to provide services more improvement in toursim (tour not been seen before. We went to sleep for an international construction congress, companies, restaurants, hotels, shops, thankful for the experience, but still musums, etc.)? which was going to take place in Santiago truly this past September, being the MOP thinking that maybe our tour guide had an (Public Works Ministry) our main sponsor. “All of them. But, specifically, I think costume in the back and used it to commissions should be regulated because For obvious reasons, the money they had orca the tourists. sometimes it gets out of hand. I am not destined for the congress had to be used amaze commissions for an thoseunusually who take immediately after the earthquake in order against The next morning, to aid the affected regions in the south people to restaurants, hotels, shops, etc., warm and sunny day in Patagonia, we of Chile.” - Cristian Martinez, General this is how it’s done pretty much all around started our journey back to Isla Riesco. Manager of Pacifico Andino Expeditions, the world, but I think 10% is more than be regulated through Urban & Adventure Tours Chile In enough. additionThis to can theonly amazing landscapes, extensive market study weangot lucky again and ourand tripsome backserious was effort from the government.” - Jose Luis On the US dollar exchange rate: joined by three Chilean dolphins that kept Rojas, General Manager of Serviline Pacific andRadio jumping to us for a Viña del Mar, Taxi next Service. “Any kind of important event in Chile swimming will affect my business directly. Lately it long time. Francisco, our bilingual tour has been the instability in the American currency (I charge in US dollars), which guide, was next to us this time, so we were means that we have to charge more. We pretty sure that he wasn’t dressed as a are now less competitive in the South dolphin. All our experiences in Patagonia American market when it comes to were real, amazing and unexpected. Even tourism because Chile is one of the most expensive countries for tourists. That the crew, who do this several times every obviously means that they tend to stay year, were very impressed.




ntrepreneurship is the new trend in Chile. International news such as the BBC, Forbes and The Economist has recently featured stories of young entrepreneurs who came to Chile to start their businesses with Start-up Chile. Start-up Chile is a government-sponsored program that was founded to encourage global minds to start businesses in Chile. Successful applicants receive US$40,000, a temporary 1-year visa and access to the most potent social and capital networks in the country. As the economy in the United States and Europe is still recovering, starting a new business targeting Latin American markets can be a fast track to success.


›› Opportunities for new business are everywhere in Chile. All it takes is a good idea and an entrepreneurial spirit to make your dreams of great wealth become a reality. In fact, business opportunities in Latin America are tremendous compared to the oversaturated and competitive U.S. market. The golden pot is right in front of us, and you could be the next successful entrepreneur to be put in the spotlight by Forbes. Finding a great business idea is the key to launching a successful business. There are opportunities everywhere, but it takes just one great idea to let you live like royalty for the rest of your life. If you are tossing around concepts looking for your million-dollar business idea, start with the

following points: your passion, expertise, experience and knowledge The first place you should look is within yourself. What skills, knowledge and experience do you have that could benefit other people? What are your strengths? What are the things that you naturally share with your friends that they appreciate? Is there any challenge you’ve successfully overcome? For example, if you’ve successfully overcome infertility using natural methods after trying different kinds of therapies and diets, do you think millions of women in the same situation would benefit








Until April 10



*Dcto. para personas naturales que paguen con Tarjetas del Chile, mostrando código solicitado en Dcto. debe solicitarse en punto de venta. Realización del evento y dcto. son otorgados por FEG SA. sin responsabilidad de Banco de Chile. Infórmese sobre la garantía estatal de los depósitos en su banco o en



over and over unless they carried lots of bulky CDs around with them. The iPod came out and completely blew away the competition. Women have a special advantage in finding great opportunities because 80% of home products are bought by women. Who knows? The next big hit may be right in front of you. When a big shift is happening in the law, policies, standards, trends or times, that’s the moment when huge wealth is created. Social media is a grean example of this. Facebook alone has more than 750 million users worldwide (that’s more than twice the population OF the U.S.!) and it is the most visited website after Google. Many businesses recognize that social media has a huge potential for increasing their bottom line, but managing it effectively to get the results they want takes a lot of time and effort. HubSpot is a marketing software company that grew into a multi-million dollar company in a few years by providing solutions to small businesses. Remember, the entrepreneur’s job is to find problems and provide solutions. Put on your thinking cap and start walking around, talking to people in order to find problems. I’llS see you in success magazine! ILC


from your experience? Absolutely! You could write e-books and reports to share the information you’ve gained from your research. If you followed a certain diet, exercise regime or therapy, what about putting them into a home study course? You could also become a sole distributor of related products, and organize talks and workshops. We often take what we know for granted and miss how valuable that information could be when it’s shared with other people. Don’t forget, there are so many people you can help with your knowledge. What pains or frustrations do you experience in your daily life? What are the problems and challenges that people around you are always complaining about? Every frustration is an opportunity to make money. People are willing to pay to get their problems solved. When the pain is bigger and causes a lot of time and money to be wasted, people are willing to pay more to get it solved quickly. Domino’s pizza discovered that one of the biggest frustrations that people had with pizza delivery was the long wait. By the time they got their pizza, it was often already cold. So they offered a “30-minutesor-free” guarantee and it was a huge success. When portable CD players were still popular, people were frustrated that they had to listen to the same songs

SERVICE WITH STYLE By Matt Niner What makes your coffee different than the rest? With Art Latte, we wanted to increase the market for coffee by giving it our own special touch. We like to prepare gourmet coffees, so all our blends are different than the regular ones you will find at most places. I have here some Colombian beans, for example, and the most important thing about them is that they have been toasted very recently so the oils, smell and spirit of the coffee is completely intact. I’ve been working here for three years. I used to be a chef and studied gastronomy, but I never received any formal instruction on this completely different, new art. Actually, they only teach you the basics in school, such where the coffee comes from, the main differences between coffees and about the beans themselves. How did you get your start? The very first barista worked right here at this coffee shop. He studied in England, and has established his own curriculum so that he can train other people to become certified baristas. I’ve always had ties to the coffee market, since my father works with coffee. He is a Café Caribe sales representative, so my knowledge about coffee

›› You can get a coffee almost anywhere, but the Café Plaza Victoria puts its own artistic twist on our favorite hot beverages. ILC News interviewed one of their baristas, Jair Silva. PHOTOS: RICARDO SALCEDO






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07-10-11 1

ILCNEWS / FOOD began from my father’s perspective. I used to go with him on the weekends and watch him at work, but never got involved directly. When I finally got tired of all the stress involved with working as a chef, I reinvented myself and started to work at the coffee shop. How do you put your own style into your coffee? To create the perfect espresso, you must use exactly eight grams of coffee, brewing it in 20 milliliters of hot water for 15 seconds. That is the general rule for making a good cup. If you exceed that time, the coffee can burn. With less time, you cannot generate the perfect fusion. When you prepare Art Latte coffee there are three main figures that appear almost immediately: a heart, a flower or an apple. Once you have those designs, you can start changing them around and creating new ones. For example, you can make a bear from the apple. Everything depends on the barista’s mood, so the bear can have

“Everything depends on the barista’s mood.”

a happy, sad, or angry face! Then we have to prepare the milk, which is not easy since you have to prepare it in perfect conditions at an exact temperature of 65°C (148°F). Since I started working here, I’ve been able to master the technique of drawing with the milk, creating new shapes in the foam and actually improvising with different kinds of designs.




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