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What’s most read on Wedding Trader...
We’ve had a look back on what you have enjoyed reading the most online. We feel there is always something new to learn from different perspectives within the wedding industry and love sharing it with you. Be it new collections, the latest bridal news, to boutique owners putting forth helpful words of advice...

London bridal fashion week’s best sellers
This story told it direct from the designers’ mouths what actually was their best selling dress from the London show. We heard what and why they feel that particular dress sold so well. Boutique owners were keen to see if they had picked the gowns that were predicted to seriously perform.

Our back issues contain the best advice in the wedding business
From global events that trickle down to affect us, to new ideas that boutique owners are using to their advantage, some of the most succesful UK businesses share their top tips and ideas with us,while brides themselves give viewsob different aspects of finding that dress.
There are training solutions for improving staffing skills, legal problems are examined and advised on, insurance diliemmas looked at in detail,and business pitfalls to be avoided. And every issue, expert advice on the latest tech gear to help streamline your business.
Plus the big names in fashion talk about their products and showcase their new collections. Read all out back issues at www.weddingtradermag.com/issue/

Peta’s Short Stories Thinking Of Opening A Bridal Shop?
We love it when Peta Hunt writes for us and this feature proved to be one of the most popular. This story, launched just before summer, focused on the labels and styles that were delivering the look so many modern brides want, and included adapables that resulted in two looks for one. Another favourite writer of ours is Laura Daly,of Bellissima Weddings. This feature hit the spot for all newbies thinking of opening a boutique, and also proved to be a good read for the more seasoned store owners. Laura’s guidance, and 12 helpul steps to success was advice packed.