Spring Arbor University - Stuck on SAU

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Ev idence - Stuck on SAU

s w e N L A C LO ! y r e v o c s i D g n ! i U k A c S o t Sho k c i t S s t n e Stud


e evidenc s c i h p a r hotog ormou in the p mpus with en a l p x e ed to to ca nt. halleng tudents stuck c n e comme h o t s W d g e n n i rts decli show hnston ed repo clearly o m J r , i f e n g p o a n Spri are c s of t , there higanÕ s dent, piece y c r i e v M o o c t i is k es cking d rsity pr ing stuc In a sho ts are becom t leave. Unive egations nÕ all den that stu iversity and ca arily to these bor ring Ar w n p g U S n r i Õ o d o t b n Ar spo tuck be, is re you mean, Ô s e e B . r D do Ò What ts being asking, n e d u Ó t ? s sity me ruth of Univer ss the t y, Beebe beca of e r d d a o niversit ushed t vidence When p taped to the U there was no e lly at physica nd insisted th n here!Ó a d go dents flustere like that goin that stu e c g n n e i d h i our Ò anyt solid ev an at most of ing h t i w th ed et onfront U more head of mark ey , When c sly stay at SA s th e ecause iversiti ou i b n r u e e t r d s e n y h a m es tay ir s colleg s, Ò Students s se we have fa rship nationÕ y u la a a s ere bec l aid and scho hnston h o J y a t m s i T hey and ancia here. T to jobs ong fin r s t r re s o a o love it d d at set fi pen s an h e o t c l i l s r i e p s w s . Cla ou s that tuition Degree ross the nation you feel like y n . m a r g pro ls ac d a to here e schoo . A campus w verywhere, an t a u d a r g ds se lesÕ min hristian to peop m day one. C at.Ó th fro belong ings on top of h t of little

What Makes Us

Stick? p. 1-2 More than mos t schools, our st udents return for mor e. HereÕ s whyÉ

For Brain and Fu

Campus Riot

p. 3-6 Wild, crazy and insanely legal • Things to do. • The Freshman Bend. Curious? Good.

The Pre-Profess

ional Programs p. 11 • The (3-2) En gineering Prog ram • Pre-Dental p. 12 • Pre-Law • Pre-Med/Pre -Vet • Pre-Physical Therapy

Faith On Campus

p. 7-8 Faith on campu

s, faith in the w


The Majors

p. 13 • Accounting • Business Administration • Management Information Systems p. 14 • Mathematics • Physics • Computer Science p. 15 • English • Communication • Film Studies

p. 16 • Art • Graphic Design • Visual Communications p. 17 • History • Spanish • Social Work p. 18 • Sociology • Psychology • Social Studies p. 19 • Education • Special Education/ Learning Disabilities • Exercise & Sport Science

Game Face

p. 23-24 You know, spor


Study Abroad

p. 25-26 Sometimes you just have to go out and see for yourself.

Financial Aid

p. 27 Making it poss


p. 20 • Biology • Chemistry • Biochemistry p. 21 • Philosophy & Philosophy/ Religion • Christian Ministries • Music p. 22 • Worship Arts • Youth Ministries

Also on p. 22: • M is s io ns • U nd ec id ed ?

Fast Facts

p. 27 In case it comes up in a game show som eday.


p. 28 Careful. People who come here , well, come here .

Maps and How To Get

p. 28


Table of Conten ts

ture p. 9-10 Hang on, weÕ re going through the academic stuffÉ • What is CORE curriculum?

What makes us so adhesive? We don’t want to brag (yes, we do), but there’s a little index that most colleges don’t talk about. It’s called “retention.” It means “who stays.”


Mike Folkert

Leah Polk

Andra Morrell

Laura Hawkins

Business Administration


Youth Ministry

Business Administration

“There’s something called ‘core group’ at Spring Arbor. Right away you have 15 people that you could call friends. Spring Arbor makes it really easy for freshmen to adjust to college life. I think the first day I was on campus, I realized it was the place for me, and I loved it.”

“I like to be involved in everything. I didn’t think a big state school would give me the same opportunities to be involved. Also, I’ve talked to my friends at other schools and it seems I get more one-on-one attention from my professors here. I could go to a state school and save money. I debated it a lot. But I’m connected here—like this is where God wants me. I see my friends at other schools dropping out and I know there is no comparison. This is the foundation for the rest of my life. I don’t take that lightly.”

“I came from a different culture than most people here. More urban. And I was nervous coming to college. In high school you’re not able to express your faith—at least not where I come from. But here, being able to learn together and share your faith together just makes your mind more open. In the context of learning, this place opens your mind up, too. The professors are understanding, but not casual with academic standards. They’re persistent. They make sure you know the information. They want to get you to that place of excellence. It’s helped me get to a different level.”

“I always said I wouldn’t go to Spring Arbor—too much of a family thing. My dad convinced me to come. He thought there was something awesome going on here. I said I’d try it, and within the first couple weeks, I knew that I wanted to stay. I could feel myself being lifted up by the people around me and being encouraged, and I could feel myself growing. I love that you know your classmates here. Everyone talks before or after class. And the professors believe in the person you can be—which makes you want to strive to become that person.”

Sure,Êwe Êc ouldÊg oÊ findÊt heÊk idÊ whoÊ lovesÊ thisÊ schoolÊ andÊ quoteÊ himÊ asÊ heÊ gushes,Êa ndÊwe Êwi llÊd oÊt hat.ÊBut Ê whatÊ youÊ needÊ toÊ knowÊ isÊ thatÊ weÊ haveÊ anÊ abnormallyÊhi ghÊnumb erÊo fÊg ushers.Ê PeopleÊ loveÊ itÊ here.Ê

Why?Ê Well,Ê meetÊ theÊ gushers:Ê

DanÊL ane

IngrahamÊ TwinsÊ (ChristineÊ &Ê Courtney)

MicahÊ Lancaster

AliÊ Padrutt


Exercise and Sport Science


Special Education

Ò TheÊp rofsÊa reÊs mart,Êc hallengingÊa ndÊ fun.ÊA ndÊt heyÊr eallyÊc are.ÊE venÊt houghÊ ourÊs tudent-to-facultyÊr atioÊi sÊi mpressive,Ê itÕ sÊm oreÊt hanÊt hat.ÊT heyÊg iveÊt heirÊ time.ÊI tÕ sÊs omethingÊy ouÊc anÕ tÊp utÊi nÊt heÊ handbooks.Ê If a problem or some issue comes up—people won’t give up on you here. And they’ll motivate you to challenge yourself to grow.ÊI Êl oveÊh owÊ they teach confidence here. Even as a sophomore,ÊI Êf eelÊt heyÕ reÊp reparingÊm eÊ forÊ whenÊ IÊ graduate.Ê IÊ feelÊ inspired,Ê driven.Ê IÕ mÊ aÊs trongerÊC hristian,Êa Ês trongerÊl eaderÊ andÊa Ês trongerÊs tudent.Ó

Ò WeÊl oveÊi tÊh ere,Ê evenÊt houghÊw eÊ didnÕ tÊ startÊh ere.ÊI nÊh ighÊs chool,Êt eachersÊt oldÊu sÊ onceÊy ouÊ getÊt oÊc ollegeÊ yourÊt eachersÊ arenÕ tÊ goingÊt oÊc areÊa boutÊy ou.ÊB utÊw eÊw antedÊt oÊ playÊb asketball,Ês oÊ weÊ wentÊ withÊ that,Ê andÊ woundÊu pÊa tÊa Ên on-ChristianÊ campus.Ê Ê WeÊ didnÕ tÊl ikeÊi t.Ê Spring Arbor has a really high Christian atmosphere and that’s what we needed, so we came here. You experience so much here and it’s so positive.ÊT heÊa tmosphereÊi sÊp ositive.Ê TheÊp eopleÊa reÊ positive.ÊI tÕ sÊl ikeÊ theÊ

Ò OnceÊI Êg otÊ here,Ê thereÊ wasÊ somethingÊ aboutÊt heÊp eopleÊ thatÊ justÊ drewÊ myÊ attentionÑ somethingÊ hereÊ thatÊ wasnÕ tÊ anywhereÊe lse.Ê I knew that if I went somewhere else, I’d be missing something.Ê MyÊ futureÊ isÊ stillÊ aÊ walkÊ ofÊ faithÊr ightÊn ow.Ê IÕ mÊ inÊ theÊ darkÊ walkingÊ andÊ hopingÊt hatÊ aÊ stoneÊ isÊ placedÊ inÊ frontÊ ofÊ meÊe achÊs tep,Ê butÊ IÕ mÊ readyÊ forÊ anything.Ê ItÕ sÊa Ês mallerÊ schoolÊ soÊ itÕ sÊ easierÊ toÊ getÊ toÊ knowÊm oreÊ people.Ê I don’t know how to explain it, but you grow together as a family here.Ê ItÊ doesnÕ tÊ matterÊ whereÊ IÊ go.Ê I’m establishing my confidence here.”

Ò WhenÊ IÊ cameÊ toÊ visitÊ theÊ campus,Ê IÊ justÊ sortÊ ofÊ fellÊ inÊ loveÊ withÊ it.Ê It’s a smaller school that’s growing rapidly and has a lot to offer, including technology that’s pretty advanced for a school of its size.Ê IÕ mÊ goingÊ intoÊ education.Ê The teachers here are in the field, so theyÊ knowÊ whatÕ sÊ goingÊ on.Ê TheyÊ giveÊ usÊ personalÊ storyÊ afterÊ personalÊ storyÑ andÊ nothingÊ speaksÊ moreÊ thanÊ that.Ê FinancialÊ aidÊ isÊ anotherÊ bigÊ draw.Ê TheÊ amountÊ ofÊ grantsÊ andÊ scholarshipsÊ thatÊ SpringÊ ArborÊ offersÊ isÊ amazingÊ andÊ itÊ paidÊ forÊ aÊ goodÊ chunkÊ ofÊ myÊ education.ÓÊ



I T H E R E , YO U P R O D N I T F Arbor Games • Myster y Date N B A

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G IT. O I N • Broomball E D rch Fest T B t • Po N ’ e Fe s L D Cultu r


U est • O Y spel F


Welcome Ê

toÊ CampusÊ SpringÊ Arbor,Ê DormÊ SpringÊ Arbor,Ê Off-campusÊ SpringÊ Arbor,Ê andÊ all-around-

awesome-place-to-beÊ SpringÊ Arbor.Ê Yeah,Ê itÊ looksÊ likeÊ aÊ wildÊ time,Ê andÊ itÊ is.Ê BecauseÊ SpringÊ ArborÊ peopleÊ areÊ hereÊ toÊ beÊ good

and great


students more campus riot > 4

IsÊ ourÊ goodÊ ChristianÊ funÊ betterÊ thanÊ anotherÊ collegeÕ sÊ goodÊ ChristianÊ fun?ÊÊ Ga or Arb



We hope not.

OurÊ prayerÊ isÊ thatÊ everyÊ campusÊ acrossÊ theÊ nationÊ wouldÊ haveÊ regularlyÊ scheduledÊ riots,Ê blasts,Ê shindigs,Ê breeze-shootingÊ sessions,Ê pizza parties and fiestas…

...great people who think it’s cool to be friendly. AndÊ friendlyÊ spreads.Ê ItÊ leadsÊ toÊ peopleÊ looseningÊ up.Ê ThenÊ theyÊ startÊ crackingÊ up,Ê milkÊ comesÊ outÊ peoplesÕ Ê noses,Ê andÊ theÊ nextÊ thingÊ youÊ C h op

F tob er

e st

knowÊ peopleÊ areÊ throwingÊ wordsÊ aroundÊ like,Ê Ò close-knitÓ Ê andÊ Ò IÊ loveÊ itÊ hereÓÊ andÊ ÒI Õ veÊ learnedÊ soÊ much,Ê myÊ faithÊ isÊ soÊ muchÊ strongerÓ Ê andÊ Ê

“I hope I never graduate, so I can stay here forever and ever.”Ê Ê MaybeÊ theyÊ donÕ tÊ sayÊ thatÊ lastÊ thing.Ê TheÊ pointÊ is:Ê amazing,Ê wild,Ê funÊ thingsÊ happenÊ here.Ê Because of the people. 5

Campus Clubs • American Choral Ê DirectorsÊA ssociation/Ê SAUÊs tudentÊc hapterÊ • Art Club Ê • By the BookÊ • Chamber SingersÊ • Chapel BandÊ • Concert BandÊ • Concert Choir • CrusaderÊ( studentÊ newspaper) • EchoÊ( yearbook) • “EPIC” (television show) • Epsilon Chi Ê (educationÊs ociety) • Heed the ManÊ • History Club Ê • Intramural Sports Ê (menÊa ndÊw omen) • International Student Organization • Jazz BandÊ

TheseÊa reÊ people

• Kindred SistersÊ • Multicultural Student Organization • Music Club Ê • Music EnsemblesÊ • O Logos Book Club • Psi Chi (psychology Ê honorÊs ociety) • Psychology ClubÊ • Social Work ClubÊ • Sociology ClubÊ • SIFEÊ • Spiritual Life RetreatÊ • Student SenateÊ • Student AssociationÊ • Student Ministries • Tau Chi (chapter of SigmaÊT auÊD elta;Ê internationalÊE nglishÊ honorsÊs ociety) • Writer’s ClubÊ • WSAE & KTGG Ê

who are ready to be

moreÊt hanÊt heyÊwe reÊi nÊh ighÊsc hool,Ê whoÊ areÊ readyÊt oÊsha reÊwho Êt heyÊa reÑt

I f yo uÕ ve ac c umula te d a co uple (o r a co uple doze n) bro chure s fr om o th er co lleg es, go th ro ugh th em an d tr y to find som et h in g like th is ...

Po rch Fes t

S o h er e it is . Yo uÕ re a fr es hm an , th ey sen d yo u w it h 15 o th er fr es hm en up to som e wh o - kn o w s-wh er e- w ay-up- No rth plac e c alle d C edar B en d, wh er e yo u do all so rts o f funk y th in gs. Yo ur ac comm o da tio ns in c lude all th e lush appo in tm en ts an d luxuries th at , w ell, th at yo u c an build yo urself.

heirÊ faith,Ê theirÊ

stories,Êt heirÊhe artsÊa ndÊt heirÊd reams.Ê ThisÊ isÊ whatÊha ppensÊhe re.Ê It’s

why Spring Arbor students stay Spring Arbor students.Ê SoÊwe lcomeÊt oÊa nÊi ncredibleÊe xperienceÊ thatÕ sÊ worthÊha ngingÊa roundÊf or.

Cedar Bend

t tuden New S


ta tio n

ke sure When you go to Cedar Bend, ma n’t want of on e thing: you definitely do you’re a to be a chicken. Seriously. If e chickens human now, sta y that wa y. Th that go to Cedar Bend hate it.


Faith on campus. Faith in the world. This is a cutting-edge fortress of faith in a world that says shucks to believing in anything bigger than the self. Our ministries are different, our approaches are as old as the Bible and as new as tomorrow. Know what that means? It means you come here, try some new things, explore your heart with friends, get strong inside, then take that strength along with a Grade-A education and

get out and bring some light into a tripping and stumbling world.


Many colleges, even Christian schools, downplay the role of God on campus. Why? Because research shows that’s what smart colleges do to market themselves. Nowadays, it’s just smart marketing to take a kind of lukewarm approach to God. It’s called marketing smart, and it makes perfect sense.


We just want to make it clear:

Spring Arbor University’s got the Spirit…

BIG TIME. The reason this campus is so different—that the people are so remarkable and friendly—is that we pull the best part of you up. You won’t necessarily become someone new here. But you just might find some things on this campus that blow your mind—you just might find some things inside yourself that blow your mind. Chapel is a huge part of it. This is a time of song, stories, wisdom and praise. These are things we need. We need a time to reflect and care. Finding that time is going to determine who you are. So we make it easy. We say you have to come. Do people feel like we’re shoving something down their throats? Can’t say no one has ever felt that way, but mostly everyone loves the chance to be fed by the Spirit.


Academics Our students win awards, go on to graduate schools, open businesses and land the jobs that kick off great careers. When you leave this institution of higher learning, you are

going to be ready, confident and successful. We’re going to work together to make that happen. That’s why we’re here. That’s the main reason you’re coming here. We’re a liberal arts university, which means we are going to ask

you to use large portions of your brain, think for yourself, search your soul, test and strengthen your faith, and build the knowledge base of an informed citizen. But we’re not just looking to make sure you’re well-rounded. We’re looking to your future, your career—your ability to “make it.” And we’re also going to see to it you are equipped to hear the words, “You’re hired.” Unless you want to wait, preferring an acceptance letter to grad school. 9

ra s exa gg e o f bo o k Numb er

n n y. ell, b e fu te d to, w

At our CORE

AÊC hristianÊwo rldviewÊmo tivatesÊe verythingÊwe Ê doÊ atÊ SAU.Ê InÊ eachÊ ofÊ yourÊ classes,Êyo uÕl lÊb eÊc hallengedÊt oÊp robe,Êp rocessÊ andÊ establishÊ yourÊ ownÊ viewÊ ofÊ the world around you. You’ll find that especially true in your CORE curriculum classes.ÊAÊse riesÊo fÊsi xÊc oursesÊt hatÊa llÊo fÊo urÊ studentsÊ areÊ requiredÊ toÊ take,Ê theseÊ coreÊ insightsÊa reÊt heÊ foundationÊt oÊso meÊo fÊt heÊ greatestÊ personalÊ rewardsÊ youÕ llÊ realizeÊa sÊa Êst udentÊhe re.Ê YouÊ willÊ stretchÊ yourÊ mindÊ andÊ spiritÊ beyondÊ theÊ comfortÊofÊt heÊwor ldÊyou Õv eÊc omeÊt oÊk now,Ê discoveringÊ anÊ evenÊ biggerÊ worldÊ ofÊp ossibilitiesÊwhe reÊG odÊmi ghtÊuse Êyo u.

CORE 100.Ê ThisÊi sÊt heÊki ckoff.Ê ItÊi ncludesÊt heÊ bigÊC edarÊBe ndÊ excursionÊ (pageÊ 6)Êa ndÊe xploresÊ community,Ê cooperationÊa ndÊ communication.Ê

CORE 200.Ê AÊt ripÊt oÊC hicagoÊ andÊa Êl otÊo fÊhe avyÊ conversationÊa boutÊ someÊo fÊt heÊmo ral,Ê philosophicalÊa ndÊ socialÊi ssuesÊt heÊ worldÊha sÊb eenÊ dealingÊwi thÊ Ê overÊt heÊl astÊf ewÊ decades.Ê CORE 274.Ê GetÊr eadyÊt oÊg o;Ê thisÊi sÊp repÊf orÊ Ê CoreÊ275.Ê

CORE 275.Ê ThisÊ isÊ yourÊ crossÊ culturalÊ experience.Ê YouÊ needÊ toÊ getÊ out,Ê seeÊ pageÊ26. Ê CORE 300.Ê ThisÊc ourseÊi sÊ Ê aboutÊma kingÊyo uÊ awareÊo fÊhi story,Ê literatureÊa ndÊt heÊ BibleÕ sÊi mpactÊo nÊ WesternÊ culture.ÊI tÕ sÊ also about finding aÊd eeperÊf aithÊa ndÊ personalÊg rowth.Ê

CORE 400.

Here,Êyo uÊwi llÊp utÊ yourÊb eliefÊi ntoÊ wordsÊa sÊyo uÊso undÊ offÊo nÊa Êva rietyÊo fÊ issuesÊa ndÊt opics.Ê PumpÊyo urselfÊup Êa sÊ aÊt hinkingÊC hristianÊ beforeÊyo uÊg etÊo utÊ thereÊa ndÊst artÊ spreadingÊyo urÊl ight.Ê

SmallÊ classÊ size Looking for enormous classesÊ whereÊ youÊ canÊ skipÊ andÊ theÊ profÊ wonÕ tÊ notice?Ê OrÊ maybeÊ youÊ justÊ likeÊ theÊ ideaÊ ofÊ remindingÊ yourÊ professorÊ ofÊ yourÊ nameÊ wheneverÊ youÊ manageÊ aÊ quickÊ meeting?Ê EitherÊ way,Ê you’re not going to find it here, and you won’t find teachingÊ assistantsÊ either.Ê OurÊ studentÊ toÊ teacherÊ ratio?Ê Low. 17 to 1.Ê

Not normal. We are. Except for when we’re wireless. • Fiber optic Spring Arbor:ÊS tate-of-the-artÊ gigabitÊ connectionsÊ( meaningÊ superÊh ighÊs peed)Ê Ê throughoutÊc ampusÊa ndÊt oÊ allÊd orms. • Connections:ÊA llÊ dormÊr oomsÊh aveÊ2Êo rÊ 3Ê connectionsÊt oÊt heÊ Internet. • Wireless:ÊN otÊj ustÊw ireless,Ê super-fastÊw ireless. • Mac® or IBM®: Laptop purchase program for Ê hinkPad®Êo rÊ anÊA pple®iÊ Book,®w Ê ithÊ IBM®T fullÊw irelessÊc apabilityÊ andÊo n-campusÊs upport. • mySAU:ÊW hatÊi sÊi t?ÊI tÕ sÊa Êp ortal.Ê WhatÊd oesÊt hatÊm ean?ÊI tÊ meansÊwh etherÊy ouÕ reÊ Ê onÊc ampusÊo rÊo ff,Êy ouÊ canÊg etÊt oÊ allÊt heÊs tuffÊ youÊ need.Ê • No worries:ÊW ithÊf ree,Ê full,Ê on-campusÊs upportÊ forÊ theÊl atestÊv ersionÊo fÊW indows®Êo rÊ Mac®ÊO SÊ ,Ê youÊ haveÊ friendsÊi fÊy ouÊ needÊt hemÑ smartÊt echieÊ friends.

TheÊn extÊs everalÊpa gesÊ mightÊc atchÊyou Êof fÊgu ard.Ê WeÕve Êa ctuallyÊg ivenÊup Êva luableÊsp ace,Êsp aceÊwhe reÊwe Êc ouldÊha veÊ shownÊp icturesÊo fÊsmi lingÊst udentsÊst andingÊa roundÊc ampusÊwi thÊb ooksÊ andÊ eatingÊ atÊ theÊ cafeteriaÊ andÊ replacedÊ itÊ withÊ somethingÊ youÊ mightÊ find handy: information about our majors, the students who are attracted to them, and what kind of careers they could lead toÑ andÊo neÊmo reÊt hing,Êb eforeÊwe Êe venÊg etÊt oÊt heÊma jors,Êwe Õr eÊ goingÊ toÊ talkÊ aboutÊo urÊp re-professionalÊp rograms.ÊWha tÊa reÊt hese?ÊÊ

Turn the page and find out!


Pre-Pros (Pre-professional programs)

Pre-professionalÊp rogramsÊa reÊ Ê forÊs tudentsÊw hoÊk nowÊt heyÊw antÊ aÊc areerÊi nÊo neÊ ofÊt heÊp rofessionsÊ coveredÊo nÊt hisÊp age.ÊT heseÊa reÊ professionsÊt hatÊr equireÊa dditionalÊ schoolingÊa tÊa Êg raduateÊl evel.Ê Ê Our pre-pro programs are your way of getting on the right track, taking the right courses and internships so that you get into the right graduate school.

The (3-2) Engineering Program: Always been into how things work?ÊD oÊ youÊ thinkÊ being the person that figures out ways to make things workÊ soundsÊl ikeÊa Ê goodÊl ife?Ê EngineeringÊi sÊa boutÊu nderstandingÊh owÊt hingsÊ work,Ê planning and designing to see that they do, and fixing them when they don’t. It’s a challenging field and you needÊt oÊb eÊc omfortableÊw ithÊn umbers.Ê ButÊ whenÊ youÊ completeÊt hisÊ program,Ê you will begin a life that’s never boring and very rewarding. What does 3-2 mean? It means your first 3 years are at Spring Arbor, then finish the last 2 years at MSU, Ê UÊo fÊM ,ÊW esternÊo rÊT ri-StateÊU niversity.Ê ThereÊ areÊd ifferentÊk indsÊo fÊe ngineers.Ê Ê WhichÊg roupÊd oÊ youÊ seeÊy ourselfÊb elongingÊ to?

Civil Engineers.Ê TheseÊa reÊt heÊ peopleÊw hoÊ makeÊ ourÊ townsÊ andÊc ommunitiesÊ work.ÊR oads,Êh ighways,Ê bridges,Êt unnels,Êw aterworks,Ê harborsÉ MaybeÊy ouÕ veÊh eardÊ Ê ofÊt heÊM ackinacÊB ridge?ÊT hatÊ Ê wasÊt heÊw orkÊ ofÊc ivilÊe ngineers.Ê Mechanical Engineers.Ê

ItÕ sÊa llÊa boutÊm achines.Ê IfÊ youÊ rebuiltÊ your first engine before you had a license,Êy ouÊ mightÊ justÊh aveÊ theÊ heartÊ ofÊa Êm echanicalÊe ngineer.Ê AndÊ ifÊ youÊ likeÊt heÊi deaÊo fÊ thinkingÊi nÊ aÊ languageÊ ofÊc ubicÊi nchesÊa ndÊg earÊ ratios,Ê youÊm ightÊj ustÊ loveÊ thisÊ science.

Electrical Engineers.Ê

TheyÕ reÊe verywhere:Ê manufacturing,Ê Ê defense,Êc omputers,Êb roadcast,Ê Ê aerospace,Êg overnmentÊ agencies.Ê Ê TheÊl istÊ goesÊ onÊa ndÊ on.ÊB asically,Êy ouÊ Ê find electrical engineers where you find Ê electricity.ÊA lmostÊh alfÊo fÊe ngineersÊ areÊ Ê electricalÊe ngineers.ÊT heyÊa reÊp eopleÊ Ê withÊa Êl otÊ ofÊo ptions.


Pre-Dental: This is a great life.Ê OpenÊ yourÊ practice,Ê buildÊ aÊ funÊ andÊ friendlyÊ teamÊ toÊ assistÊ you,Ê Ê andÊ give people a level of medical expertise that will make them smile.Ê AÊ greatÊ dentistÊ isÊ aÊ greatÊ find. People know it. There’s a lot moreÊ toÊ beingÊ theÊ kindÊ ofÊ dentistÊ thatÊ peopleÊ areÊ lookingÊ forÊ thanÊ sticking your fingers in peoples’ mouths. Patients definitely know how to recognize aÊ skilledÊ dentist.Ê ThatÕ sÊ whyÊ thereÊ isÊ aÊ lotÊ ofÊ seriousÊ scienceÊ behindÊ everythingÊ youÊ willÊ do on the way to your first patient. Required undergraduateÊ courseworkÊ includesÊ inorganicÊ andÊ organicÊ chemistry,Ê biologyÊ andÊ physics.Ê Ê AÊ minimumÊ ofÊ twoÊ yearsÊ ofÊ collegeÊ isÊ requiredÊ forÊ admissionÊ toÊ dentalÊ schools,Ê butÊ mostÊ studentsÊ completeÊ four.



Pre-Physical Therapy:

What makes a nation great is the integrity of its legal system.Ê TheÊi ntegrityÊo fÊi tsÊl egalÊ systemÊh angsÊo nÊp eopleÊo fÊc haracterÊa ndÊ principles.ÊI tÕ sÊw hyÊ Spring Arbor is the perfect incubator for anyone headed for law school.ÊU ponÊg raduationÊf romÊl awÊs choolÊ youÊw illÊd iscoverÊt heÊd riftÊo fÊr ightÊa ndÊw rong.Ê YouÊw illÊb eÊe xposedÊt oÊt hoseÊw hoÊo perateÊ aroundÊl oopholes,Êr atherÊt hanÊw ithÊa Ês trongÊ moralÊc ompass.ÊT hisÊ isÊt heÊt imeÊt oÊn urtureÊ Ê aÊs trongÊf oundationÑ beforeÊt hatÊf oundationÊ Ê isÊt ested.Ê

ThereÊ isÊ noÊ doubtÊ thatÊ gettingÊ intoÊ Ê andÊ throughÊ medicalÊ orÊ veterinaryÊ schoolÊ isÊ aÊ hugeÊ challenge.Ê TheÊ commitment,Ê talentÊ Ê and sacrifice required makeÊ theÊ practiceÊ ofÊ medicineÊ theÊ professionÊ ofÊ onlyÊ theÊ mostÊ dedicated.Ê AndÊ competitionÊ isÊ stiff.Ê DonÕ tÊ evenÊ thinkÊ aboutÊ gettingÊ acceptedÊ toÊ aÊ medicalÊ orÊ veterinaryÊ graduateÊ programÊ withÊ anythingÊ lessÊ thanÊ aÊ 3.0Ê GPA.Ê

AsÊ aÊ physicalÊ therapist,Ê youÊ wonÕ tÊ beÊ givingÊ peopleÊ shotsÊ andÊ prescriptions.Ê You’ll be giving hands-on care and the motivation that successful recovery depends on.Ê TheÊ physicalÊ therapistÊ isÊ notÊ aÊ studentÊ ofÊ the quick fix. They partner with time and perseveranceÊ toÊ helpÊ peopleÊ healÊ byÊ strengtheningÊ muscles,Ê tendonsÊ andÊ ligamentsÊ asÊ partÊ ofÊ rebuildingÊ physicalÊ capabilitiesÊ thatÊ haveÊ beenÊ compromisedÊ byÊ injuryÊ orÊ illness.Ê

Pre-lawÊi ncludesÊ studiesÊi nÊp hilosophy,Ê English/writing,Ê communication,Ê historyÊa ndÊ politicalÊ science. Students interested in pursuing a law degree will find excellent undergraduate preparation at Spring Arbor.ÊD esignÊt hisÊ personalÊ programÊi nÊc onsultationÊ withÊ ourÊp re-lawÊa dvisor.

ButÊf orÊt hoseÊ interestedÊ inÊa Êc areerÊw hereÊ medicalÊb reakthroughsÊ can be seen firsthand, andÊw hereÊs ervitudeÊ takesÊ theÊ formÊo fÊs avingÊl ives,Ê Spring Arbor’s pre-med/pre-vet program is a smart choice.

Proactive medicine.

TheÊt ougherÊt heÊs cholasticÊg oal,Êt heÊm oreÊ importantÊ itÊi sÊt oÊh aveÊ theÊs upportÊo fÊ yourÊi nstructors.Ê OurÊ goalÊ isÊy ourÊs uccess.Ê And we’ll give you something you won’t find in every school: time.ÊS mallerÊ classÊs izeÊm eansÊ moreÊ attention.ÊI tÊ alsoÊ meansÊ higherÊ accountability,Êb etterÊ preparation,Ê andÊo ftenÊ anÊ easierÊ adjustmentÊt oÊt heÊp aceÊo fÊ medÊs chool. Additionally,Ê medicalÊs choolsÊ seeÊ themselvesÊa sÊ producersÊ ofÊ ourÊ community’s most influential people.Ê MaybeÊt hisÊ isÊ whyÊ medÊ schoolsÊs tressÊ theÊi mportanceÊ ofÊ theÊk indÊo fÊl iberalÊ artsÊ educationÊ thatÊ SpringÊA rborÊU niversityÊp rovides.Ê

ThisÊ isÊ aÊ growingÊ careerÊ areaÊ andÊ hasÊ becomeÊ veryÊ competitive.Ê ThatÕ sÊ whyÊ carefulÊ curriculumÊ planningÊ andÊ soundÊ academicÊ adviceÊ isÊ soÊ important.Ê Spring Arbor makes sure that you have the time and support you need to chart a course that will lead you to success and job options. SinceÊ youÊ willÊ beÊ goingÊ onÊ toÊ aÊ graduateÊ programÊ inÊ physicalÊ therapy,Ê weÕ veÊ designedÊ ourÊ programÊ toÊ factorÊ inÊ allÊ ofÊ theÊ requirementsÊ ofÊ universitiesÊ offeringÊ masterÕ sÊ degreesÊ inÊ physicalÊ therapy.Ê ThisÊ meansÊ Ê youÕ llÊ beÊ readyÊ whenÊ itÕ sÊ timeÊ toÊ applyÊ forÊ aÊ graduateÊ program.Ê Ê AndÊ readyÊ isÊ good.

AÊ SpringÊ ArborÊ pre-med/pre-vetÊ studentÊ willÊ needÊ toÊ decideÊ earlyÊ whichÊ courseÊ toÊ follow,Ê whetherÊ majoringÊ inÊ biologyÊ orÊ chemistry.Ê pre-med/pre-vetÊ studentsÊ willÊ alsoÊ beÊ encouragedÊ toÊ prepareÊ broadlyÊ forÊ theÊ MedicalÊ CollegeÊ AdmissionÊ TestÊ (MCAT),Ê usuallyÊ takenÊ atÊ theÊ endÊ ofÊ theÊ juniorÊ year. 12

The Majors Accounting:

Your options are wide open.

Pin-striped suits.

See clearly.

In the know.

IfÊy ouÊl ikeÊt oÊk nowÊw hatÕ sÊr eallyÊg oingÊo nÊo rÊ Ê ifÊy ouÊl ikeÊk nowingÊw hereÊt heÊm oneyÊi sÊg oingÊ Ê andÊw hereÊi tÕ sÊc omingÊf rom,Êa ccountingÊm ightÊb eÊ forÊy ou.Ê PeopleÊd onÕ tÊj ustÊh angÊt heirÊs hingleÊa ndÊ becomeÊa Êb ustlingÊb usinessÊa nymore.ÊT hereÊi sÊa nÊ entireÊl andscapeÊo fÊl awsÊa ndÊr egulationsÊa Êb usinessÊ hasÊt oÊn avigate.ÊT heÊa ccountantÊi sÊt heÊg uideÊa ndÊ usually an influential voice in the decisions Ê andÊd irectionsÊp lottedÊb yÊm ostÊc ompanies.Ê Ê 1 TruthÊi s, there’s a lot more to being a bean counter than counting beans.Ê


IfÊy ouÕ reÊ worriedÊa boutÊb eingÊt heÊs tereotypicalÊ accountant,Êd onÕ t.ÊAÊl iberalÊa rtsÊe ducationÊi sÊl ikeÊ Ê anÊa ntidoteÊt oÊb oring.ÊO urÊg raduatesÊa reÊt houghtful,Ê well-readÊa ndÊk nowledgeableÊa boutÊ Êa Êw ideÊr angeÊ Ê ofÊs ubjects,Êi ncludingÊc urrentÊ Ê eventsÊa ndÊs ocio-economicÊ Ê 2 trends.Ê Cool beans.Ê


6 5 7


Management Information Systems:

EveryÊp roductÊ orÊs erviceÊi sÊg oingÊt oÊ haveÊ aÊ valueÊ andÊ aÊ cost.ÊG oodÊb usinessÊi sÊa boutÊ keepingÊ themÊ inÊ balance.Ê ThereÊ areÊa Êm illionÊp roductsÊa ndÊs ervicesÊ allÊ dependingÊ on their ability to earn a profit. What does this mean Ê toÊ theÊS pringÊA rborÊb usinessÊa dministrationÊ major?Ê Ê It means you have a lot of options.Ê

and Programs


Business Administration:

TheÊk eyÊt oÊ movingÊe ffectivelyÊi nÊ businessÊ isÊ knowingÊ whereÊt oÊ concentrateÊy ourÊs trengths:Êw hoÊ goesÊ where,Ê whenÊt oÊi nvest,Êw henÊt oÊd iversify,Ê whenÊt oÊ focusÊ onÊ aÊ niche,Êw henÊt oÊ push,Êw henÊt oÊh oldÊb ack.Ê ButÊt hatÊr equiresÊt hatÊ youÊk nowÊ howÊt oÊl ookÊ atÊ aÊ businessÊt oÊ seeÊ m in Progra rship what it needs in the first place. reneu Entrep YouÊn eedÊt oÊl earnÊ toÊÒ reallyÊs eeÓÊ aÊ g business.Ê ThisÊm ajorÊ equipsÊy ouÊw ithÊ Comin ! 5 theÊs killsÊa ndÊ perspectiveÊy ouÊ willÊ in 200 needÊf orÊt heÊs uccessÊ ofÊt heÊv enturesÊ youÕ llÊt ouchÊd uringÊy ourÊl ifetime,Êa sÊ wellÊa sÊy ourÊ ownÊ personalÊs uccess. ButÊo urÊp rogramÊi sÊa boutÊa Êd ifferentÊk indÊo fÊ personalÊ success.ÊW eÊb elieveÊt hatÊc haracter,Êi ntegrity,Ê andÊ ChristianÊ valuesÊ areÊa tÊt heÊ coreÊ ofÊ successÊ andÊ goodÊ business.Ê ItÕ sÊw hatÊo urÊ UniversityÊs tandsÊ for.Ê EmployersÊ knowÊi t,Êa ndÊt heseÊa reÊt heÊv aluesÊt hatÊa reÊ absolutelyÊ essentialÊf orÊa nyÊb usinessÊt hatÊ wantsÊ toÊ last.Ê TrustÊ isÊ essentialÊi nÊb usiness,Ê andÊo urÊ graduatesÊ knowÊ it.Ê

ThereÊ areÊ allÊ kindsÊ ofÊ organizationsÊ thatÊ areÊ starvedÊ forÊ computerÊ expertsÊ whoÊ understandÊ business.Ê But the ability to do business and an understanding of the logical sequences that make up computer science don’t often occur in the same person.Ê TheÊ resultÊ isÊ incrediblyÊ intelligentÊ computerÊ peopleÊ inÊ businessÊ whoÊ justÊ donÕ tÊ Ò getÊ it.ÓÊ ThisÊ isÊ aÊ degreeÊ thatÊ changesÊ that. TheÊ managementÊ informationÊ systemsÊ majorÊ (MIS)Ê Ê isÊ allÊ aboutÊ aÊ newÊ kindÊ ofÊ professional;Ê oneÊ whoÊ isÊ fullyÊ atÊ easeÊ providingÊ technologicalÊ supportÊ forÊ businessesÊ operatingÊ inÊ theÊ realÊ world.Ê

It’s about time.

AnÊ MISÊ gradÊ doesÊ anythingÊ butÊ operateÊ inÊ aÊ vacuumÊ ofÊ binaryÊ code.Ê ThisÊ personÊ isÊ ableÊ toÊ understandÊ andÊ anticipateÊ theÊ needsÊ ofÊ theÊ businessÊ world;Ê speakÊ intelligentlyÊ toÊ coworkers,Ê clientsÊ andÊ businessÊ partnersÊ aboutÊ solutionsÊ andÊ processesÊ thatÊ canÊ beÊ enhancedÊ byÊ computerÊ technology;Ê andÊ executeÊ andÊ manageÊ theÊ creationÊ andÊ maintenanceÊ ofÊ systemsÊ thatÊ willÊ helpÊ businessesÊ runÊ smoothlyÊ and profitably. Seem like a lot? It is. It’s an exciting skill set to master and it’s one that business is ready and waiting for.

Five-year MBA.

Ask about our five-year MBA track, too. Its nameÊi sÊi tsÊd escription:ÊE arnÊy ourÊ bachelorÕ sÊ degreeÊi nÊb usinessÊa dministrationÊ andÊ yourÊ masterÕ sÊd egreeÊ inÊ businessÊ administration in just five years.





Computer Science:

Strong in math? Strong in future.

Playing to type.

In demand.

The number of applications of mathematics has grown exponentially in the natural, physical and social sciences in the last two decades.ÊI nÊa ddition,Êt heÊ computerÊh asÊt ransformedÊ problemÊs olvingÊi nÊb othÊp ureÊ andÊa ppliedÊm athematics.Ê TheÊm athematicsÊ departmentÊa tÊS pringÊ ArborÊU niversityÊ hasÊr espondedÊ byÊd evelopingÊa Ê programÊd esignedÊt oÊ prepareÊs tudentsÊf orÊ aÊv arietyÊo fÊc areer,Ê andÊg raduateÊa ndÊ professionalÊs choolÊ options.Ê


You know who you are. Maybe you don’t fit the stereotype of a Luke Skywalker/Captain Kirk wannabeÑ butÊy ouÊa reÊ fascinatedÊb yÊt heÊc an-it-bedone-and-howÊq uestionsÊt hatÊ resultÊi nÊ thingsÊ likeÊ peopleÊw alkingÊo nÊt heÊ moon.Ê Forget that! You want an entire colony on Mars.

In demand.

SoÊ ifÊ youÊ likeÊ theÊ ideaÊ ofÊ masteringÊ theÊ scienceÊ thatÊ servesÊ asÊ theÊ underpinningÊ ofÊ allÊ otherÊ sciences,Ê youÊ Ê areÊ curiousÊ andÊ analytical,Ê andÊ wantÊ toÊ honeÊ yourÊ criticalÊ thinkingÊ skills,Ê this is your cup of solid rocket fuel.Ê Plus the difficulty many industries are having finding technicallyÊ trainedÊ people,Ê andÊ theÊ factÊ thatÊ aÊ seriousÊ shortageÊ ofÊ physicsÊ teachersÊ isÊ developing,Ê meansÊ theÊ jobÊ marketÊ isÊ wavingÊ welcomeÊ signsÊ withÊ yourÊ nameÊ onÊ it.Ê Ê Ê Ê

Above most people’s head.

TheÊc ourseÊo fferingsÊo fÊt heÊd epartmentÊh aveÊ traditionalÊp ure/classicalÊo fferingsÊl ikeÊa bstractÊ algebra,Êl inearÊa lgebra,Êr ealÊa nalysisÊa ndÊv ectorÊ calculus.Ê

What are they doing?

HereÕ sÊ whatÊ someÊ ofÊ ourÊ graduatesÊ areÊ doingÊ now:Ê artificial intelligence development for the space industry,Ê WebÊ supportÊ forÊ aÊ nationalÊ retailer,Ê analysesÊ inÊ theÊ healthÊ careÊ industry,Ê systemÊ migrationÊ supportÊ forÊ onlineÊ informationÊ services,Ê networkÊ supportÊ forÊ theÊ military,Ê softwareÊ programmingÊ andÊ analysis,Ê Ê ITÊ inÊ manufacturing,Ê andÊ more.Ê


TheÊ factÊ is,Ê theÊ jobsÊ computerÊ scienceÊ majorsÊ goÊ outÊ andÊ getÊ areÊ diverseÊ andÊ varied.Ê TheÊ oneÊ thingÊ thatÊ isÊ consistentÊ isÊ theÊ demandÊ fromÊ allÊ sectorsÊ forÊ computerÊ scienceÊ peopleÊ whoÊ areÊ strong in areas of analysis and problem solving.


the math.

StudentsÊm ajoringÊo rÊm inoringÊi nÊm athematicsÊ pursueÊa Êv arietyÊo fÊc areers.ÊM anyÊc ertifyÊt oÊ teachÊm athematicsÊi nÊe lementaryÊa ndÊs econdaryÊ schools.ÊAÊg oodÊp roportionÊp repareÊf orÊg raduateÊ schoolÊ inÊm athematicsÊ( ourÊs pecialÊp roblemÊs eminarsÊ areÊd esignedÊt oÊp repareÊo urÊs tudentsÊf orÊt heÊG RE;Ê successÊo nÊt hisÊe xamÊd eterminesÊa cceptanceÊ toÊg raduateÊs chool).ÊS tillÊo thersÊc ombineÊt heirÊ mathematicsÊm ajorÊo rÊm inorÊw ithÊo therÊm ajorsÊ orÊm inorsÊ( suchÊa sÊc omputerÊs cience,Êb iology,Ê chemistry,Êp hysics,Êb usiness,Êa ccounting,Êa ndÊ exerciseÊ andÊs portsÊs cience)Êt oÊp repareÊf orÊ Ê entry-levelÊp ositionsÊi nÊb usinessÊa ndÊi ndustry.Ê

ComputerÊ scientistsÊ areÊ inÊ demandÊ byÊ business,Ê industryÊ andÊ governmentÊ agencies;Ê andÊ this demand is expected to continue.

TheÊ computerÊ scienceÊ departmentÊ hasÊ adoptedÊ aÊ breadth-first approach* to the discipline, exposing studentsÊ toÊ majorÊ conceptsÊ earlyÊ inÊ theirÊ experience.Ê ThisÊ approachÊ isÊ basedÊ onÊ theÊ ACMÊ curriculumÊ guidelines.Ê StudentsÊ applyÊ theseÊ conceptsÊ asÊ theyÊ analyzeÊ andÊ developÊ solutionsÊ inÊ aÊ labÊ setting. *We approach the fundamental concepts of the discipline (algorithmsÊ andÊ dataÊ structures,Ê programmingÊ languages,Ê architecture, software methodology and engineering, artificial intelligence,Ê operatingÊ systems,Ê database,Ê numericalÊ andÊ symbolicÊ computation,Ê andÊ human-computerÊ communication)Ê fromÊ theÊ perspectivesÊ ofÊ theory,Ê abstraction,Ê designÊ andÊ socialÊ context.

EnrollÊi nÊo urÊp hysicsÊp rogramÊa ndÊy ouÊc anÊ earnÊ aÊp hysics/mathÊm ajor,Êa Êp hysicsÊm inorÊ orÊ setÊ yourÊ courseÊf orÊt heÊ3 -2Ê EngineeringÊP rogram.ÊO therÊ optionsÊf orÊs omeoneÊ strongÊi nÊp hysicsÊi ncludeÊ business,Êi ndustry,Ê medicineÊa ndÊl aw.Ê

TheÊd epartmentÊa lsoÊo ffersÊa ppliedÊ mathematicsÊ courses,Ês uchÊa sÊd ifferentialÊ equations,Êp robabilityÊ andÊs tatistics,Ên umericalÊa nalysisÊa ndÊm athematicalÊ modeling. ContentÊ forÊ mathÊ majorsÊ andÊ minorsÊ isÊ consistentÊ withÊ recommendationsÊ ofÊ theÊ MathematicalÊ AssociationÊ ofÊ AmericaÊ andÊ theÊ NationalÊ CouncilÊ ofÊ TeachersÊ ofÊ Mathematics.





The art of observation.

The word is out.

ThereÊ isÊ nothingÊ likeÊ theÊ studyÊ ofÊ English.Ê YouÊ cannotÊ stepÊ closerÊ toÊ aÊ cultureÊ thanÊ toÊ readÊ itsÊ writtenÊ works.Ê ButÊ EnglishÊ isnÕ tÊ aboutÊ dissectingÊ andÊ understandingÊ theÊ world.Ê ItÕ sÊ aboutÊ observingÊ itÊ withÊ skillfulÊ andÊ artisticÊ interpretation.Ê Nothing reveals the wonder and depth of humankind better.Ê

A closer look.

Our goal is to equip our students with the ability to recognize and appreciate good literature,Ê toÊ equipÊ ourÊ studentsÊ withÊ keyÊ evaluativeÊ toolsÊ neededÊ forÊ literaryÊ analysis,Ê andÊ toÊ honeÊ ourÊ studentsÕ Ê competenceÊ inÊ writing.Ê ThisÊ isÊ doneÊ throughÊ theÊ studyÊ ofÊ BritishÊ andÊ AmericanÊ literature,Ê asÊ wellÊ asÊ GreekÊ andÊ RomanÊ classics,Ê andÊ theÊ historyÊ ofÊ theÊ EnglishÊ language.Ê

SpringÊ ArborÊ UniversityÕ sÊ commitmentÊ toÊ empoweringÊ Ò roaringÊ lambs.ÓÊ People who impact the world through creative excellence in the arts is what film studies is all about.

CommunicationÊ isÊ aboutÊ buildingÊ andÊ exchangingÊ ideas,Ê solvingÊ problemsÊ andÊ workingÊ togetherÊ toÊ reachÊ goals.Ê ItÊ startsÊ byÊ choosingÊ aÊ primaryÊ andÊ secondaryÊ areaÊ ofÊ study.Ê Ê

Students in the film studies program will study the historyÊ andÊ aestheticsÊ ofÊ cinemaÊ andÊ willÊ encounterÊ diverseÊ theoreticalÊ perspectivesÊ thatÊ provideÊ aÊ solidÊ framework for critical analysis of film. Although film “production” is not a primary focus ofÊ thisÊ program,Ê hands-onÊ productionÊ skillsÊ areÊ importantÊ andÊ coursesÊ inÊ videoÊ productionÊ areÊ required.Ê FurtherÊ productionÊ experienceÊ usingÊ 16mmÊ film is available through the Los Angeles Film Studies ProgramÊ sponsoredÊ byÊ theÊ CouncilÊ forÊ ChristianÊ CollegesÊ andÊ Universities.Ê Students accepted into this program will spend one semester in California studying filmmaking, screenwriting, production and the film industry.

Your options? Here they are:Ê • Advertising and Public Relations • Broadcasting (TV/radio) • Drama (acting for stage and screen) • Film Production • Professional Writing • Speech Getting skills.

ItÊ helpsÊ toÊ practice.Ê ThatÕ sÊ whyÊ weÊ haveÊ twoÊ studentrunÊ radioÊ stations,Ê aÊ professionalÊ videoÊ productionÊ facilityÊ andÊ aÊ desktopÊ publishingÊ lab.Ê ItÕ sÊ whyÊ weÊ takeÊ onÊ clientsÊ andÊ professionalÊ videoÊ projects;Ê itÕ sÊ whyÊ ourÊ studentsÊ areÊ oftenÊ publishedÊ inÊ bothÊ localÊ andÊ nationalÊ productions;Ê andÊ it’s why we win state, regional and national communications awards every year.Ê

How to find a communications major in the job market.

ItÕ sÊ easy.Ê TheyÕ reÊ everywhere.Ê TheyÕ reÊ inÊ publicÊ relations,Ê broadcasting,Ê corporateÊ communication,Ê publicÊ informationÊ management,Ê employeeÊ communication,Ê trainingÊ andÊ development,Ê printÊ journalism,Ê massÊ media,Ê theatre,Ê business,Ê ministry,Ê governmentÊ andÊ socialÊ services.Ê 15

Two thumbs way up.

ThisÊ isÊ oneÊ ofÊ theÊ mostÊ challenging,Ê excitingÊ andÊ variedÊ majorsÊ anywhere.Ê

Direct objective? A career.

The English major will concentrate in one of three areas: literature, writing or education.Ê FromÊ thereÊ theÊ optionsÊ growÊ asÊ youÊ willÊ beÊ preparedÊ forÊ graduateÊ schoolÊ andÊ careersÊ inÊ education,Ê journalism,Ê publishing,Ê advertising,Ê marketing,Ê publicÊ relations,Ê law,Ê ministry,Ê libraryÊ scienceÊ andÊ more.Ê Ê

Film Studies:

Ê In addition to the required core courses in film, studentsÊ willÊ takeÊ coursesÊ inÊ literaryÊ analysis,Ê visualÊ compositionÊ andÊ videoÊ productionÊ toÊ enhanceÊ theirÊ understanding of film as the most popular art form in contemporary society. The 44 credit-hour film studies majorÊ isÊ designedÊ forÊ studentsÊ whoÊ areÊ anticipatingÊ graduate studies in film and eventual careers in related fields. Students with specific career goals Ê such as art direction, film production Ê orÊ screenwritingÊ shouldÊ considerÊ Ê additionalÊ coursesÑ likeÊ aÊ minorÊ Ê orÊ secondÊ majorÊ inÊ art,Ê EnglishÊ Ê orÊ communication.


Graphic Design:

Visual Communication:

Not just another friendly art department.

Powered art.

More advertisey than artsy?

The skill of art.Ê

This program isn’t here to flesh out a liberal arts agenda.Ê ItÕ sÊ hereÊ becauseÊ artÊ isÊ anÊ enormousÊ partÊ ofÊ ourÊ economy,Ê andÊ thoseÊ whoÊ areÊ skilledÊ andÊ hardworkingÊ areÊ inÊ demandÊ andÊ haveÊ incrediblyÊ fulfilling careers. Our graduates are working as studio artists,Ê illustrators,Ê graphicÊ designers,Ê artÊ directorsÊ andÊ teachers.Ê ButÊ countlessÊ opportunitiesÊ existÊ forÊ creativeÊ peopleÊ withÊ artisticÊ sensitivitiesÊ andÊ training.Ê Understanding art, composition and the tools for production give our students both insight and a unique edge. TheÊ artÊ programÊ atÊ SpringÊ ArborÊ UniversityÊ seesÊ Ê strongÊ technicalÊ skillsÊ asÊ beingÊ essentialÊ toÊ strongÊ creativeÊ expression.Ê OurÊ studioÊ coursesÊ developÊ aÊ Ê solidÊ skillÊ baseÊ inÊ visualÊ andÊ tactileÊ forms.Ê

Prepare for reality.

ToÊ prepareÊ ourÊ studentsÊ forÊ theÊ oftenÊ highlyÊ criticalÊ environmentÊ ofÊ theÊ artistÕ sÊ life,Ê weÊ conductÊ juriedÊ competitionsÊ atÊ theÊ endÊ ofÊ eachÊ semester.Ê ThisÊ exposesÊ studentsÊ toÊ critiqueÊ fromÊ visitingÊ artists,Ê Ê whileÊ showcasingÊ theirÊ bestÊ worksÊ toÊ theÊ community.Ê

AtÊt heÊc enterÊo fÊa dÊ campaignsÊb othÊ inÊ printÊ andÊ onÊ screenÊi sÊa nÊa rtÊd irectorÊw ithÊe xpertiseÊa sÊ anÊ artistÊ andÊg raphicÊd esigner.Ê There is a major need in both the commercial and educational art worlds for graphic designers.

Ready for hire.

WhenÊy ouÊg raduateÊf romÊo urÊ programÊi nÊ Ê graphicÊd esign,Êy ouÊw illÊ haveÊ aÊ marketableÊ skill.Ê InÊa dditionÊ toÊh avingÊ aÊ senseÊ ofÊb ackgroundÊ (youÊ willÊk nowÊt heÊh istoryÊa ndÊd evelopmentÊo fÊ graphicÊ design),Êy ouÊw illÊh aveÊa Êw orkingÊ knowledgeÊ ofÊt heÊm ostÊc urrentÊl ayout,Êd esignÊ andÊ photoÊ manipulationÊs oftware.ÊY ouÊw illÊ alsoÊh aveÊ skillsÊ inÊ concepting,Êv isualÊ problemÊ solvingÊa ndÊw orkingÊ withÊc ommunicationsÊ objectives.ÊU ponÊg raduation,Ê yourÊp ortfolioÊw illÊi ncludeÊn umerousÊs amplesÊ ofÊ yourÊw ork,Êi ncludingÊy ourÊ ownÊl etterhead,Ê CDÊ packagingÊa ndÊm ore.ÊT heÊ graphicÊd esignÊ programÊi sÊ cuttingÊ edge.

Visual communication has more to do with the wayÊ imagesÊ canÊ beÊ usedÊ toÊ sellÊ thanÊ howÊ toÊ makeÊ themÊ pretty.Ê GraphicÊ design?Ê Yes,Ê thatÕ sÊ aÊ hugeÊ partÊ ofÊ thisÊ major,Ê butÊ theÊ otherÊ partÊ includesÊ aÊ solidÊ communicationsÊ foundation.Ê ThisÊ majorÊ isnÕ tÊ aboutÊ doingÊ amazingÊ graphicÊ work,Ê it’s about putting images together in a way that will effectively communicate or sell.

Clipping path to career path.

ThisÊ degreeÊ givesÊ youÊ theÊ basicÊ foundationsÊ forÊ workÊ inÊ advertisingÊ andÊ marketing.Ê ItÊ preparesÊ youÊ forÊ theÊ communicationsÊ youÕ llÊ faceÊ workingÊ inÊ anÊ agencyÊ orÊ onÊ yourÊ own.Ê ItÊ asksÊ youÊ toÊ thinkÊ likeÊ anÊ artÊ directorÊ andÊ acknowledgesÊ thatÊ yourÊ long-termÊ goalÊ mightÊ beÊ toÊ holdÊ theÊ positionÊ ofÊ creativeÊ director.

Equipped to create.

FacilitiesÊ forÊ theÊ majorÊ areÊ housedÊ inÊ theÊ 8,100-squarefootÊ artÊ centerÊ containingÊ classrooms,Ê traditionalÊ studiosÊ forÊ drawing,Ê sculptureÊ andÊ painting,Ê alongÊ withÊ aÊ state-of-the-artÊ computerÊ lab,Ê darkroom,Ê completeÊ woodshop,Ê kilnÊ areas,Ê individualÊ upper-classÊ studioÊ spacesÊ andÊ anÊ artÊ gallery.




Social Work:

What happened and why?

Are we speaking your language?

Learning to give.

IfÊh indsightÊi sÊ2 0/20,Êt hereÊc anÊb eÊ noÊg reaterÊt eacherÊt hanÊh istory.Ê WhileÊa Ês olidÊu nderstandingÊo fÊ historyÊ wonÕ tÊa llowÊy ouÊt oÊs eeÊ intoÊt heÊf uture,Êi tÊw illÊi nformÊ yourÊt hinkingÊa sÊy ouÊc onsiderÊ theÊn atureÊo fÊh umans,Êa ndÊ theÊc onditionsÊt hatÊl eadÊu sÊ toÊp eaceÊa ndÊp rosperity,Êo rÊ sufferingÊa ndÊw ar.Ê

Background? Check.Ê TheÊp urposeÊo fÊt hisÊm ajor,Ê whichÊe mphasizesÊg eographyÊ andÊp oliticalÊs cience,Êi sÊ toÊe quipÊs tudentsÊw ithÊ anÊ understandingÊo fÊt heÊd evelopmentÊo fÊa ncient,Ê medievalÊa ndÊm odernÊc ivilizations.ÊT heÊl essonsÊ ofÊh istoryÊw illÊc omeÊa liveÊa sÊy ouÊc ompareÊp astÊ incidents,Êp oliticalÊs hifts,Ês ocialÊm ovementÊa ndÊw arsÊ toÊd evelopmentsÊi nÊt heÊU nitedÊS tates.Ê A study of history provides an incredibly useful background to all other disciplines in the liberal arts. Your future in history. Ê ThisÊi sÊa Êm ajorÊt hatÊl aysÊt heÊf oundationÊf orÊa Êv arietyÊ ofÊc areersÊi ncludingÊu pperÊl evelÊa cademics,Êh istoricalÊ preservation,Êm useumÊ administration,Êj ournalism,Ê seminaryÊo rÊl aw.ÊA lso,Ê aÊm ajorÊo rÊm inorÊi nÊh istoryÊ preparesÊo urÊs tudentsÊ forÊt eachingÊa tÊt heÊe lementaryÊ Ê orÊs econdaryÊl evels. Closer to then.

ItÊ canÊ beÊ incrediblyÊ edifyingÊ toÊ walkÊ inÊ theÊ footstepsÊ ofÊ historyÑ toÊ standÊ whereÊ theÊ speechesÊ thatÊ changedÊ generationsÊ wereÊ given.Ê ThroughÊ SpringÊ ArborÊ UniversityÕ sÊ membershipÊ inÊ theÊ CouncilÊ forÊ ChristianÊ CollegesÊ andÊ Universities,Ê studentsÊ areÊ eligibleÊ toÊ participateÊ inÊ semester-longÊ programsÊ inÊ Washington,Ê D.C.,Ê CostaÊ Rica,Ê Russia,Ê theÊ MiddleÊ EastÊ (Cairo)Ê andÊ ChinaÊ atÊ littleÊ additionalÊ cost.Ê 17

À HablaÊE spa– ol?ÊT hatÊc anÊb eÊ useful.Ê EspeciallyÊ if you’re interested in international business, finance andÊt rade,Ês ocialÊs ervices,Êm edicineÊa ndÊ emergencyÊ servicesÊ( particularlyÊ inÊt heÊ useÊo fÊ SpanishÊ amongÊ theÊ Spanish-speakingÊ populations),Êt eaching,Ê orÊ ChristianÊ serviceÊa ndÊm issionÊ work.Ê At Spring Arbor University, Spanish study emphasizes a cross cultural approach to learning.Ê InÊa dditionÊ toÊc lassesÊ beingÊs mallÊe noughÊ toÊ allowÊ forÊ plentyÊo fÊp ractice,Êa ctivitiesÊa ndÊ attention,Ê labÊ facilitiesÊ andÊo nlineÊs atelliteÊc omputerÊc onnectionsÊ provideÊ severalÊs tudyÊo ptionsÊa ndÊ aÊ requiredÊs emesterÊ abroad.Ê

IntoÊ yourself?Ê ThisÊ mightÊ notÊ beÊ yourÊ major.Ê Social work is all about helping individuals and families solve problems.Ê ItÊ takesÊ timeÊ andÊ patience.Ê ItÊ alsoÊ costsÊ money,Ê whichÊ isÊ whyÊ partÊ ofÊ yourÊ trainingÊ includesÊ learningÊ toÊ tapÊ intoÊ availableÊ resources.Ê ThisÊ meansÊ socialÊ workÊ isÊ aboutÊ moreÊ thanÊ giving,Ê itÕ sÊ aboutÊ getting.Ê ItÕ sÊ whyÊ weÊ teachÊ youÊ toÊ workÊ withÊ government,Ê businessÊ groupsÊ andÊ communitiesÊ toÊ getÊ theÊ resourcesÊ youÊ need,Ê soÊ youÊ canÊ giveÊ peopleÊ theÊ helpÊ theyÊ need.Ê Ê

esta es la lengua del amor.

Opinion algo academico. Usted parece maravilloso!

The key to success.

WeÕ reÊ committedÊ toÊ socialÊ justice,Ê elevatingÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê diversity,Ê empoweringÊ individuals,Ê familiesÊ andÊ communities.Ê InÊ otherÊ words,Ê weÕ reÊ committedÊ to care. But “care” can be a flimsy emotion to buildÊ aÊ careerÊ on.Ê ThatÕ sÊ whyÊ weÊ seeÊ faithÊ asÊ anÊ incrediblyÊ powerfulÊ engineÊ forÊ peopleÊ inÊ thisÊ profession.Ê WeÕ reÊ notÊ bottomlessÊ pitsÊ ofÊ love.Ê GodÊ is.Ê HeÕ sÊ theÊ keyÊ toÊ betterÊ socialÊ workers.Ê ItÊ takesÊ timeÊ andÊ practiceÊ toÊ developÊ theÊ skillsÊ youÕ llÊ needÊ forÊ yourÊ career.Ê SmallÊ classÊ sizeÊ andÊ plentyÊ ofÊ attentionÊ fromÊ yourÊ profÊ meansÊ youÕ llÊ getÊ it, so by the time you get to your field experience, youÕ llÊ beÊ ready.



Social Studies:

Under the influence.

Learn to care.

Combo deal.

People watching.


Job studies.

WeÊa reÊ socialÊa nimals.ÊW eÊn eedÊe achÊo therÊt oÊ survive.ÊS ometimesÊw eÊn eedÊe achÊo therÊm oreÊ thanÊw eÊn eedÊt hingsÊt oÊm akeÊs ense.ÊW eÊd oÊt hingsÊ asÊg roupsÊt hatÊw eÊw ouldÊn everÊd oÊi ndividually.Ê UnderstandingÊa ndÊp redictingÊt heÊa ctionsÊo fÊ people under the influence of other people, groups, culturesÊa ndÊs ystemsÊ ofÊg overnmentÊi sÊi ncrediblyÊ challenging.Ê And it’s what makes the study of sociology so fascinating.Ê AtÊS pringÊA rborÊU niversityÊw eÊl ookÊc loselyÊa tÊs ocialÊ order, social conflict and social change. We look at significant social issues, how they are shaped, what powersÊt hem,Êa ndÊw hatÊt heyÊm eanÊt oÊu s.ÊW hereverÊ possible,Êw eÊa skÊh owÊs ociologicalÊp rinciplesÊa ndÊ theoriesÊj iveÊw ithÊo urÊf aithÊa sÊC hristians.ÊA ndÊt heÊ departmentÊo fÊs ociologyÊo ffersÊt woÊp rogramsÊ leadingÊt oÊb achelorÕ sÊ degreesÊi nÊs ociology.Ê 1)Ê ÊTheÊt raditionalÊb achelorÊo fÊa rtsÊi nÊs ociologyÊi sÊ recommendedÊf orÊs tudentsÊp lanningÊt oÊp ursueÊ graduateÊs tudiesÊi nÊs ociology.Ê 2) For students with specific interests in social change,Êt heÊb achelorÊo fÊa rtsÊi nÊc linicalÊs ociologyÊ isÊr ecommended.ÊI tÊi sÊd esignedÊt oÊp repareÊt heÊ undergraduateÊs tudentÊf orÊa Ê careerÊi nÊp lannedÊÊ Ê changeÊi nÊr elationÊt oÊs ocialÊs ystems.

ThereÊ arenÕ tÊt ooÊm anyÊt hatÊg etÊ throughÊl ifeÊu nscathed.Ê ThereÊ areÊs omeÊi ssuesÊt hatÊ peopleÊc anÕ tÊ justÊ shakeÊ off.ÊO ftenÊt heÊi ssuesÊw eÊd ealÊw ithÊa ctuallyÊ robÊ usÊ ofÊ our ability to function or live a full life. Learning to help people find solutions to the issues that isolate them is aÊc hallengeÊa ndÊa nÊ enormousÊ responsibility.Ê It also means you have a chance to take the love God gave you and use it to strengthen yourself as you help others find peace.Ê TheÊp sychologyÊ majorÊl eadsÊ toÊc areersÊi nÊt heÊ helpingÊ professions.ÊT heseÊ includeÊe ntry-levelÊp ositionsÊ inÊ crisisÊi nterventionÊ andÊ counselingÊ centers,Ê communityÊ serviceÊa genciesÊa ndÊs ocialÊw orkÊp rograms.Ê InÊc linicalÊa ndÊ hospitalÊ settings,Êe valuationÊ andÊ interventionÊm eansÊy ouÊm ayÊ chooseÊ toÊw orkÊ inÊ substance-abuseÊp rograms,Ê rehabilitationÊs ervices,Ê lawÊ enforcement,Ês ervicesÊa ndÊp rogramsÊ forÊs eniorÊ citizens,Ê youthÊm inistry,Ês ervicesÊ toÊc hildrenÊ andÊa dolescentsÊ withÊs pecialÊn eeds,Ê andÊi nternationalÊv olunteerÊ service.Ê ButÊy ourÊo ptionsÊ donÕ tÊe venÊe ndÊ hereÉ

YouÊ couldÊ sayÊ socialÊ studiesÊ isÊ aÊ liberalÊ artsÊ majorÊ inÊ theÊ contextÊ ofÊ aÊ liberalÊ artsÊ university.Ê DrawingÊ onÊ history,Ê economics,Ê sociology,Ê geographyÊ andÊ psychology,Ê socialÊ studiesÊ delvesÊ intoÊ humansÊ asÊ individualsÊ andÊ asÊ aÊ partÊ ofÊ theirÊ socialÊ order.Ê Ê TheÊ issuesÊ societyÊ facesÊ areÊ multidimensionalÊ andÊ haveÊ rootsÊ farÊ inÊ theÊ past.Ê Our majors graduate with a rigorously informed perspective into a very complicated world.Ê SocialÊ studiesÊ isÊ aboutÊ informingÊ andÊ challengingÊ mindsÊ byÊ preparingÊ studentsÊ withÊ aÊ largeÊ platformÊ ofÊ informationÊ fromÊ whichÊ theyÊ canÊ buildÊ andÊ interpretÊ theÊ world,Ê cultureÊ andÊ politicsÊ ofÊ theÊ day.Ê ForÊ thisÊ reason,Ê itÕ sÊ aÊ solidÊ foundationÊ forÊ thoseÊ withÊ anÊ interestÊ inÊ journalism,Ê politicsÊ orÊ law.Ê ItÕ sÊ alsoÊ anÊ excellentÊ majorÊ forÊ thoseÊ goingÊ intoÊ eitherÊ elementaryÊ orÊ secondaryÊ education.Ê

Going farther.

TheÊp sychologyÊ majorÊa tÊS pringÊA rborÊ UniversityÊ alsoÊ preparesÊ studentsÊ forÊ graduateÊ trainingÊp rogramsÊ soÊ thatÊ theyÊc anÊe mbarkÊ onÊc areersÊa sÊp rofessionalsÊ andÊ leadersÊi nÊc linicalÊa ndÊ counselingÊp sychology,Ê socialÊ work,Êa dministrationÊa ndÊ management,Ê publicÊ health,Êl aw,Ê diplomacyÊa ndÊ foreignÊ service,Êa ndÊa dvancedÊ seminaryÊ trainingÊf orÊf ull-timeÊC hristianÊ ministry.Ê



Special Education/Learning Disabilities

Exercise & Sport Science:

Certified top-notch.

Heart and skill.


IfÊy ouÕ reÊc onsideringÊa Êc areerÊi nÊe ducation,Êt hisÊi sÊo neÊ ofÊ theÊb est,Êm ostÊs uccessfulÊp rogramsÊi nÊM ichigan.Ê (OurÊs tudentÊt eachersÊa reÊr egularÊw innersÊo fÊs tatewideÊ recognition).ÊA ndÊi fÊt hereÕ sÊa Êc hanceÊt hatÊy ouÊm ayÊb eÊ teachingÊ outsideÊt heÊs tate,Êt heÊf actÊt hatÊw eÕ reÊa ccreditedÊ byÊt heÊN ationalÊC ouncilÊf orÊA ccreditationÊo fÊT eacherÊ Education (NCATE) means your Spring Arbor certification will give you more options.* This is a robust education program,Êt aughtÊf romÊa Êp erspectiveÊo fÊe xcellenceÊa ndÊ ChristianÊl ove,Êa ndÊb uiltÊa roundÊy ourÊs uccess.Ê It’s why our students enjoy a very high job placement rate upon graduation.Ê

Something to think about.

ToÊt each,Êy ouÊw illÊn eedÊt oÊd ecideÊo nÊw hichÊk indÊo fÊ certification you will pursue: Elementary. An elementary certification means you’re qualified to teach all subjects from K-5 and Ê gradesÊ6 ,Ê7Êa ndÊ8Êi nÊy ourÊm ajorÊo rÊm inor.Ê Ê

Secondary. A secondary certification covers grades 7-12Êi nÊy ourÊm ajorÊa ndÊm inorÊd isciplines.Ê

Endorsements. What are they?

An endorsement qualifies you to teach in additional areas.ÊE ndorsementsÊa reÊa Êg reatÊw ayÊt oÊm akeÊy ourselfÊ more marketable. K-12 endorsements for both elementaryÊa ndÊs econdaryÊc andidatesÊa reÊa vailableÊf orÊ majorsÊi nÊa rt,Êm usic,Êe xerciseÊa ndÊs portÊs cience,Êa ndÊ specialÊe ducationÊi nÊl earningÊd isabilities. *Students planning to be certified in other statesÊs houldÊc onsultÊ withÊ theÊ SchoolÊ ofÊ EducationÊ earlyÊi nÊt heÊ program.


GotÊ aÊ heartÊt heÊs izeÊo fÊT exas?Ê WantÊt oÊd oÊ somethingÊ asÊg oodÊa sÊi tÊi sÊ challenging?ÊT hereÊa reÊb oysÊ andÊ girlsÊ whoÊn eedÊs omeoneÊ likeÊy ouÑ someoneÊw hoÊ willÊ standÊ byÊt hemÑ someone who draws love and strength from a faith in Jesus Christ. WeÊc anÕ tÊs upplyÊt heÊ heartÊ forÊ specialÊe ducation.Ê ButÊt hereÊ isÊa Êc omprehensiveÊs etÊ ofÊs killsÊw eÊ canÊ equipÊy ouÊw ith,Êi ncluding:Êa Ês olidÊu nderstandingÊ ofÊd iagnosticÊa ndÊ teachingÊm ethods;Ê classroomÊ management;Êw orkingÊ withÊ theÊs pecialÊ needsÊ ofÊ learningÊd isabledÊs tudents;Êa ndÊ developmentÊ ofÊ Ê theÊc ommunicationsÊs killsÊy ouÕ llÊn eedÊt oÊw orkÊ Ê withÊp arentsÊ andÊc olleagues.Ê Additionally,Ê youÊ willÊ takeÊa Êc utting-edgeÊc ourseÊ designedÊt oÊt eachÊ youÊ Ê theÊc ommunicationÊ patternsÊu niqueÊt oÊ learningÊ disabledÊs tudents.Ê

It’s an endorsement.

AnÊe ndorsement,Ê asÊm entionedÊi nÊ theÊb riefÊ onÊ theÊ education major, is a qualification added to either an elementary or secondary certification. This means the special education teacher will be qualified to teachÊi nÊa Êr egularÊc lassroom,Ê asÊw ellÊa sÊ inÊ theÊ learningÊ disabilitiesÊc lassroom.Ê StudentsÊw ithÊt hisÊb ackgroundÊw illÊ alsoÊ beÊ preparedÊ toÊ workÊi nÊs alesÊo rÊ consultationÊ forÊ publishersÊ whoÊ specializeÊ inÊb ooksÊa ndÊt estsÊ forÊ specialÊ students.Ê

In 2003 SAU was first among Michigan’s private colleges for certifying teachers—and third among all Michigan colleges and universities.

SomeÊ peopleÊ likeÊ toÊ sitÊ aroundÊ andÊ relaxÊ aÊ lot.Ê Ê IfÊ youÕ reÊ notÊ oneÊ ofÊ themÊ andÊ believeÊ inÊ theÊ activeÊ Ê life,Ê this is a great major. TheÊ departmentÊ ofÊ exerciseÊ andÊ sportÊ scienceÊ providesÊ professionalÊ preparationÊ courseworkÊ inÊ Ê three areas: teacher certification, recreation and physical fitness management. These concentrations allowÊ studentsÊ toÊ studyÊ aÊ curricularÊ sequenceÊ relatedÊ to their specific career aspirations.

Get a job.

GraduatesÊ ofÊ thisÊ majorÊ haveÊ aÊ recordÊ ofÊ successfulÊ placementÊ inÊ education,Ê recreation,Ê corporateÊ orÊ clinicalÊ settings.Ê AÊ numberÊ ofÊ recentÊ graduatesÊ areÊ employedÊ inÊ cardiacÊ rehabilitation,Ê andÊ othersÊ haveÊ goneÊ onÊ forÊ graduateÊ studyÊ inÊ physiologyÊ ofÊ exerciseÊ Ê orÊ physicalÊ therapyÊ atÊ aÊ graduateÊ level.Ê




Who makes a great biologist?

Bragging rights.

Someone will cure cancer.

ThereÕ sÊa Êk indÊ ofÊp ersonÊw ithÊa Êc hildhoodÊf ullÊo fÊp etÊ frogs,Êj arsÊo fÊb ugsÊa ndÊp ost-rainfallÊw ormÊh arvests..Ê These are people with a fascination for God’s creation and they make great biologists.Ê ThisÊm ajorÊg ivesÊi tsÊs tudentsÊi nformationÊa bout,Ê experienceÊw ith,Êa ndÊi nsightsÊi ntoÊt heÊf ascinatingÊ topicÊo fÊl ife.ÊB iologyÊi sÊa Êp laygroundÊf orÊt heÊc urious.Ê WeÊl ookÊa tÊf unctionsÊo fÊo rganismsÊa ndÊt heirÊp arts,Ê interactionsÊo fÊo rganismsÊw ithÊt heirÊe nvironments,Ê taxonomyÊo fÊp lantsÊa ndÊa nimals,Êa ndÊm echanismsÊ forÊc ontinuedÊs urvival.ÊW hatÕ sÊb etterÊi sÊt hatÊ it can all lead to a great career.


BiologyÊs tudentsÊh aveÊs everalÊc areerÊo ptions.Ê SomeÊs tudentsÊd esireÊp re-professionalÊt rainingÊi nÊ preparationÊf orÊa dvancedÊs tudyÊi nÊh umanÊm edicine,Ê nursing,Êd entistry,Êp hysicalÊt herapy,Êv eterinaryÊ medicineÊa ndÊo therÊm edicalÊp rofessions.ÊO therÊ biologyÊm ajorsÊw ishÊt oÊt eachÊi nÊp ublicÊs choolsÊa ndÊ desireÊa Êb roadÊb iologyÊb ackground.ÊS omeÊb iologyÊ majorsÊ intendÊt oÊc ontinueÊt heirÊe ducationÊi nÊg raduateÊ school, possibly to find careers in research, wildlifeÊm anagement,Êr esourceÊm anagementÊ orÊa sÊc ollegeÊp rofessors.ÊA notherÊo ptionÊ chosenÊb yÊm ajorsÊh asÊb eenÊt oÊe nterÊa Ê biology-relatedÊc areerÊd irectlyÊa fterÊ earningÊa Êd egree.Ê ExamplesÊo fÊt hisÊ optionÊa reÊc areersÊi nÊe nvironmentalÊ fields and medical laboratories.

Chemistry is not only the widest ranging scientific discipline; it is also fundamental to other scientific disciplines.Ê ItÕ sÊ theÊ centralÊ scienceÑ importantÊ toÊ theÊ economicsÊ ofÊ industrializedÊ nationsÊ andÊ representsÊ theÊ fifth largest domestic industry with sales of approximately $200Ê billionÊ perÊ year.Ê ChemistryÊ isÊ anÊ unusuallyÊ comprehensiveÊ singleÊ majorÊ forÊ pre-medÊ students.Ê

Challenge chem.

The chemistry faculty are qualified professionals with significant research and teaching experience. They demandÊ excellenceÊ andÊ willÊ helpÊ youÊ planÊ aÊ programÊ thatÊ leadsÊ toÊ careerÊ success.Ê InÊ additionÊ toÊ excellenceÊ inÊ theÊ classroom,Ê theÊ chemistryÊ facultyÊ recognizeÊ thatÊ researchÊ isÊ aÊ vitalÊ componentÊ ofÊ undergraduateÊ educationÊ andÊ offerÊ researchÊ experienceÊ toÊ allÊ interestedÊ students.Ê

Major success.

BecauseÊ theÊ programÊ isÊ basedÊ onÊ theÊ rigorousÊ guidelinesÊ ofÊ theÊ AmericanÊ ChemicalÊ SocietyÊ andÊ providesÊ aÊ highqualityÊ curriculum,Ê our chem majors enjoy high acceptance rates to graduate and medical schools.Ê GraduatesÊ haveÊ earnedÊ careerÊ opportunities in the fields ofÊ medicine,Ê dentistry,Ê pharmaceuticals,Ê collegeÊ andÊ secondaryÊ education,Ê environmentalÊ science,Ê materialÊ science,Ê engineering,Ê lawÊ andÊ aÊ varietyÊ ofÊ otherÊ industrialÊ areas.Ê

Someone will cure diabetes. Get ready to break new ground.

IfÊ youÕ reÊ thinkingÊ youÊ wantÊ toÊ beÊ inÊ onÊ theÊ solutionsÊ toÊ todayÕ sÊ mostÊ vexingÊ diseases,Ê thisÊ isÊ asÊ goodÊ aÊ placeÊ asÊ anyÊ toÊ getÊ started.Ê GetÊ preparedÊ forÊ workÊ andÊ furtherÊ studyÊ inÊ perhapsÊ theÊ mostÊ excitingÊ areaÊ ofÊ scienceÑ theÊ interfaceÊ betweenÊ biology,Ê chemistry,Ê mathematicsÊ andÊ physics.Ê This major provides students with a broad understanding of life at the cellular and molecular level and prepares them for participation in the amazing biotechnology careers of the future.

New frontiers. Great careers.

PlanÊ onÊ aÊ fascinatingÊ career.Ê ItÕ sÊ whatÊ thisÊ majorÊ preparesÊ youÊ for.Ê OurÊ biochemistryÊ majorÊ givesÊ youÊ everythingÊ youÊ need,Ê includingÊ theÊ hands-onÊ trainingÊ youÊ needÊ toÊ pointÊ youÊ towardÊ aÊ careerÊ inÊ biotechnologyÊ orÊ pharmaceuticalÊ industries.

Additional information.

TheÊ curriculumÊ meetsÊ theÊ recommendationsÊ ofÊ theÊ AmericanÊ SocietyÊ forÊ BiochemistryÊ andÊ MolecularÊ Biology,Ê andÊ requiresÊ aÊ combinationÊ ofÊ selectedÊ coursesÊ fromÊ biology,Ê chemistry,Ê physicsÊ andÊ mathematics.Ê AÊ researchÊ experienceÊ (honorsÊ project,Ê practicumÊ experienceÊ orÊ independentÊ studyÊ project)Ê isÊ requiredÊ ofÊ allÊ biochemistryÊ majors.Ê TheÊ selectionÊ ofÊ optionalÊ coursesÊ canÊ beÊ tailoredÊ toÊ meetÊ eachÊ studentÕ sÊ careerÊ choice.


Philosophy & Philosophy/Religion

Christian Ministries:


Are you chipping away at the big questions? Or are they chipping away at you?Ê

One mission. Many directions.

Skill and expression.

EveryÊp assingÊy earÊa ddsÊq uestionsÊt hatÊw eÊe itherÊ chooseÊt oÊi gnoreÊo rÊe ngage.ÊI fÊy ouÊa reÊt heÊt ypeÊw hoÊ is transfixed by the big questions and can’t turn yourÊb ackÊo nÊt hem,Ê this is a major that engages the toughest issues, and takes on the biggest ideas from now and history. Ê

ThinkÊo fÊi tÊa sÊt heÊS top-and-GoÊ forÊ peopleÊ headedÊ towardÊm inistry.ÊT heÊC hristianÊm inistriesÊ programÊ isÊd esignedÊt o:Êc ultivateÊa Êb roadÊp erspectiveÊ onÊ ChristianÊ lifeÊa sÊm inistry;Ê introduceÊ theÊs tudentÊ toÊ anÊe xpandingÊv arietyÊo fÊs pecialÊ ministriesÊ inÊ theÊ church and society; provide significant preparation forÊs erviceÊi nÊ oneÊo fÊ severalÊv ocationalÊa reas;Ê andÊ helpÊt heÊs tudentÊa ssessÊ whatÊf urtherÊ educationÊ mightÊb eÊn eededÊf orÊe ffectiveÊs erviceÊi nÊ theÊ chosenÊ areaÊo fÊm inistry.Ê


Doing it.


ForÊm any,Êt heÊb rainÊi sÊt heÊp rovingÊg roundÊf orÊf aith.Ê IfÊy ouÊa reÊh eadingÊt owardÊa Êl ifeÊi nÊt heÊm inistry,Êy ouÕ llÊ hearÊa llÊt heÊq uestionsÊt hatÊc hallengeÊp eoplesÕÊf aith.Ê ThisÊi sÊa Êm ajorÊt hatÊp reparesÊy ouÊf orÊt heÊt oughÊ questionsÊa ndÊi nvitesÊt heÊb rainÊt oÊj oinÊh eartÊa ndÊ Ê soulÊi nÊ aÊr ealÊa ndÊt estedÊf aith.Ê

Thinking career?

StudentsÊc ompletingÊ aÊm ajorÊi nÊt hisÊ areaÊa re,Êm anyÊ times,Êi nterestedÊi nÊi mmediateÊg raduateÊs choolÊw orkÊ inÊp hilosophy.ÊP reparationÊi nÊt hisÊa reaÊm ayÊl eadÊt oÊa Ê teachingÊc areerÊi nÊh igherÊe ducation.ÊI tÊa lsoÊp rovidesÊ aÊs olidÊ foundationÊf orÊg raduateÊo rÊs eminaryÊs tudies.Ê And it exemplifies the mission of the University throughÊi tsÊe mphasisÊo nÊt heÊd evelopmentÊ ofÊp racticalÊs killsÊa ndÊp erspectivesÊ forÊp astoralÊo rÊm issionaryÊs ervices,Ê ChristianÊe ducationÊa ndÊ otherÊm inistries.Ê


A primary objective of the Christian ministries program is the meaningful integration of academic and experiential learning of the theoretical bases of ministry, as well as practical skills in ministry.ÊT heÊs tudentÊ isÊ requiredÊt oÊ doÊ vocationalÊ explorationÊi nÊm inistryÊ (throughÊc lassÊa ndÊ serviceÊ experience),Ê asÊ wellÊ asÊa Êf ormalÊi nternshipÊa fterÊt heÊ completionÊ ofÊ mostÊc oursework.ÊT heÊs tudentÊ willÊa lsoÊd esignateÊ a specific area of ministry for concentration in study,Êc ompletingÊt heÊe ssenceÊo fÊ aÊ minorÊ inÊ suchÊ specializationÊ( pastoralÊ ministry,Ê ChristianÊ education,Ê youth,Êr etreatÊa ndÊc amping,Êm usic,Ê urbanÊ ministry,Ê counseling,Ê communicationÊa ndÊ business).Ê

MusicÊ isÊ skillÊ andÊ expressionÊ rolledÊ intoÊ oneÊ discipline.Ê TheÊ skillÊ partÊ weÊ canÊ teachÊ andÊ youÊ canÊ practice.Ê Ê TheÊ expressionÊ part,Ê thatÕ sÊ different.Ê WhetherÊ classical,Ê jazzÊ orÊ contemporary,Ê weÊ believeÊ thatÊ musicÊ isÊ aÊ sacredÊ giftÊ ofÊ expressionÑ theÊ peopleÊ whoÊ thankÊ GodÊ with us are the students you’ll find making music with us.Ê NotÊ justÊ withÊ us,Ê butÊ atÊ chapelÊ everyÊ weekÊ andÊ inÊ churchesÊ throughoutÊ theÊ area.Ê We don’t just thank God for music. We give it back.

Going on.

What do music students “do” here?Ê Lots.Ê WeÕ reÊ intoÊ severalÊ differentÊ kindsÊ ofÊ performanceÊ groupsÊ includingÊ concertÊ choir,Ê chamberÊ singers,Ê concertÊ band, jazz ensemble, jazz combo, flute, saxophone, brassÊ andÊ percussionÊ ensembles.Ê ContemporaryÊ ChristianÊ musicÊ ensemblesÊ areÊ aÊ bigÊ deal,Ê too.Ê PlusÊ youÊ canÊ composeÊ music,Ê arrangeÊ itÑ Ê evenÊ recordÊ andÊ produceÊ itÊ inÊ ourÊ digitalÊ musicÊ studio.

Career venues.

CareerÊ opportunitiesÊ includeÊ teachingÊ musicÊ inÊ schools,Ê ministryÊ inÊ performingÊ groupsÊ and/orÊ churches,Ê andÊ careersÊ inÊ musicÊ businessÊ orÊ privateÊ studioÊ teaching.Ê AÊ bachelorÕ sÊ degreeÊ inÊ musicÊ providesÊ theÊ foundationÊ forÊ graduateÊ studies in fields that require it, such as collegeÊ teaching,Ê artsÊ managementÊ orÊ musicÊ therapy.

Worship Arts:

Youth Ministries:

Digitized change.

We’re talkin’ to you.

WantÊt oÊs eeÊa Ê keyÊ wayÊi nÊw hichÊA mericaÊh asÊ changedÊi nÊt heÊp astÊ2 0Êy ears?ÊG oÊt oÊc hurch. What you’ll see is a new and invigorating life.

Amplified need.

Next,Êt akeÊa Êl ookÊa tÊd enominationalÊ magazinesÊ andÊm inistryÊr elatedÊW ebÊs itesÊa ndÊy ouÕ llÊs eeÊa Ê growingÊn eedÊf orÊc hurchÊv olunteersÊa ndÊs taffÊw hoÊ areÊa bleÊn otÊo nlyÊt oÊl eadÊw orship,Êb utÊa lsoÊt oÊp layÊ anÊa ctiveÊr oleÊi nÊe xtendingÊw orshipÊi ntoÊm eaningfulÊ ministry.Ê TooÊo ftenÊc hurchesÊa reÊh amstrungÊb yÊ theÊl ackÊo fÊa vailableÊp eopleÊw hoÊc anÊp rovideÊ leadershipÊa ndÊe xpertiseÊi nÊt heseÊa reas.ÊE rgo,Ê Ê theÊw orshipÊa rtsÊm ajor.Ê

All that.

WeÊu seÊm usic,Êc ommunicationÊa ndÊ religionÊ coursesÊt oÊp repareÊs tudentsÊf orÊm inistriesÊt hatÊ useÊm usic,Êd rama,Êv ideoÊa ndÊa udioÊ design,Êa ndÊ production.ÊS oÊs ignÊo n.ÊT hereÕ sÊa Êc hurchÊo utÊt hereÊ thatÊw illÊb eÊg ladÊy ouÊd id.Ê

IfÊy ouÊb elieveÊt hatÊt heÊ worldÊ hasÊ enoughÊ proÊ athletes,Ê advertisersÊa ndÊc omputerÊp rogrammers Ñ butÊ willÊ neverÊh aveÊe noughÊp eopleÊw hoÊ knowÊt heÊt hrillÊ ofÊ ChristÑ youÕ reÊ eitherÊa Êl ittleÊc ynical,Êw ildlyÊ optimistic,Ê exactlyÊ theÊk indÊo fÊ personÊ whoÊs houldÊb eÊ spreadingÊ theÊl oveÊ ofÊC hrist,Ê orÊa llÊt hree.Ê It’s not a question of what you’re going to do with your life; it’s a question of what you’re going to do with everyone else’s. It takes training.


Looking to impact other young people at the time theyÊn eedÊ spiritualÊi mpactÊ most?Ê ThenÊy ouÊ needÊ trainingÊf romÊs omeoneÊw hoÊg etsÊ it.Ê AndÊ ifÊ youÊ thinkÊ theÊd ecisionÊt oÊg oÊi ntoÊy outhÊm inistryÊ isÊa llÊ aboutÊ you,Ê youÕ reÊr ight.ÊI tÊs tartsÊw ithÊy ourÊ character,Êq uestionsÊ yourÊc alling,Êm akesÊ youÊ thinkÊi nÊ termsÊo fÊ community,Ê andÊc onstantlyÊ honesÊ andÊc hallengesÊy ourÊ levelÊ ofÊ competency.ÊW eÊc allÊi tÊC 4.ÊA ndÊ youÕ llÊ getÊ toÊ knowÊ itÊ betterÊ asÊy ouÊg etÊ outÊt hereÊa ndÊ lead,Êw itness,Ê care,Ê guide,Êa ndÊs preadÊ theÊl oveÊo fÊC hrist.Ê DonÕ tÊ thinkÊ thisÊ majorÊi sÊc lassroom-free,Ê itÕ sÊj ustÊt hatÊ weÊ donÕ tÊ lockÊ youÊu pÊi nÊ one.Ê

Light up a world.

When you’re done here, you’ll fan the fires of young peopleÊi nÊc hurches,Ê para-churchesÊa ndÊc ampsÊ asÊ Ê theyÊs earchÊf orÊt hemselvesÑ andÊt heirÊf aithÑ inÊ aÊ world that definitely hasÊr oomÊ forÊ aÊ lotÊ moreÊo fÊ GodÕ sÊ love.Ê

Want to Be…a Missionary?

BecomingÊ aÊ missionaryÊ meansÊ youÕ reÊ embarkingÊ onÊ aÊ lifeÊ that is as challenging and fulfilling as any. It also means youÕ reÊ preparedÊ toÊ bringÊ somethingÊ inÊ additionÊ toÊ aÊ strong,Ê loving heart and a unique faith into the field. It means you haveÊ aÊ real,Ê tangibleÊ skillÊ toÊ offer.Ê Eventually,Ê youÕ llÊ getÊ yourÊ assignmentsÊ fromÊ aÊ missionÊ agency.Ê ToÊ beÊ aÊ perfectÊ candidate,Ê youÕ llÊ haveÊ experienceÊ inÊ campusÊ andÊ localÊ ministriesÊ andÊ aÊ backgroundÊ inÊ somethingÊ theyÊ needÊ andÊ canÊ use,Ê likeÊ teaching,Ê socialÊ work,Ê medicineÊ Ê andÊ globalÊ orÊ urbanÊ studies.Ê We’ll help you get ready. Spreading God’s love into the world is one of our first missions.Ê SoÊ yourÊ futureÊ asÊ aÊ missionaryÊ isÊ aÊ highÊ priorityÊ toÊ us.


dÊ ? e r msÊ an a r g u o r nuoÕ vetÊ looskedÊ atÊ allÊ ooffÊ oaudriÊ rpection? JoouinndtÊhe

Yo Êb sure ollege c ill not Ê t r s u e o r y ’ Ê theÊ you ourÊ ofÊ gÊ with f Ê n li in a Ê e e n anÊ areÊ d club.Ê O beingÊ iendsÊ Ê r e f Ê k l a o o ch weÊ m ithÊ highÊ s ar tsÊ w Ê SAU,Ê t t s A Ê Ê t . I Ê g . Ê r thin Ê easie oughÊ a e r l t h sameÊ t t Ê li Ê s a e Ê Ê ntinu cidedÓ esign,Ó ss,Ê co D Ê a l Ò unde y c Ê M Ê 0 ring t REÊ 10 iscove ole lo D h Ò Ê ourÊ CO w , ll a a ng sÊ sÊ weÊ c learni Ê talent , s u t o if proces y g Ê Ê es llÊ rÊ the includ dÊ youÕ iscove n d a Ê Ê , ll andÊ itÊ Õ u u o o nÊ y you.Ê Y erÊ asÊ give h Ê d sÊ care o about u G o Ê i t r a a . h v illsÊ t ctÊ toÊ ci de d e e n d n n o andÊ sk u c yÊ ere owÊ the ome h g c y learnÊ h a m r y thin u e v o e Y Ê . s o do option oing t g h. e r ’ e ur pat o y But w d fin p you to hel 22

Game Face. There was a day when colleges offered sports. Athletes loved this kind of thing. They’d take the field, play to win, push themselves, dig a little deeper, then go back to being a student. Now, colleges slash the sports programs, try to be good at one thing and let the other sports die—which is fine if you’re like the one in a thousand who gets to play. But we think that’s a crock. Not that we’re making cake here and everyone gets to play, but at the end of the day our grads will be tuning into SportsCenter for more than just the scores of one sport.


We believe in sports. We’ve got a lot of

people doing sports here. We play hard, train hard, get tough, and we win. Yeah, we lose, too. But sports is about competition, not domination. So be fierce, take the wins, remember who you are, thank God for opposition, leave it on the field, go to bed, and do it all again tomorrow.

Men’s Varsity Sports Baseball Basketball Cross Country Golf Soccer Tennis Track

Women’s Varsity Sports Basketball Cross Country Soccer Softball Tennis Track Volleyball

Intramurals. Who misses the shot then gets a hug? No one. But if it ever were to happen, it would happen in intramurals. Yeah, there are those who confuse intramural get-togethers with upper-level professional contests, but really intramurals are just about having a blast. We have the top-rated intramural sports program in the nation. Just kidding. Everyone has intramurals. We just have more fun playing them because our students are cooler. And an unusually high percentage of our students join in, too. Spring Arbor offers the following intramural sports for men and women (partial list, options change yearly): Basketball Flag Football Floor Hockey Sand Volleyball Soccer Softball Tennis Volleyball


You need to get out. CORE 275

Cross Cultural Experience You were born. Eventually you got out of your crib. Next thing you knew, you were exploring the whole house, then the neighborhood. Before you knew it, bam! College! Everything is new! These little shocks are good for the system. So why not hit Russia next? Or Scotland? Or Mozambique? This is CORE 275. It’s kind of Spring Arbor’s version of stretching your legs. But it’s going to stretch your faith, too. You will take what you believe into places where your beliefs are almost as foreign as you are. It’s one of the most challenging exercises in “compare and contrast” you can do, whether you’re overseas or examining a subculture here in the U.S.A. Will this change the way you look at the world and yourself? Well, that’s the idea.


You won’t be doing this your freshman year (think junior). But now is a good time to start thinking about it.


Where‌ Going foreign:

Australia Austria Belize/Guatemala Costa Rica China Dominican Republic England Egypt France Germany Hungary Israel

Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Kenya/Ethiopia Mozambique Russia Scotland South Africa Spain Zambia

Going subcultural:

Chicago (immigrant communities) Southwest (Native American communities)


Financial Aid.

Ê Show

me the money.

ForÊm anyÊs tudents,Ê tuitionÊi sÊa Êh urdle.Ê ItÕ sÊ alsoÊ aÊ greatÊ opportunityÊ toÊ fullyÊ embraceÊ theÊf actÊt hatÊy ouÊa reÊa boutÊt oÊm akeÊ aÊ majorÊ investmentÊ intoÊ yourselfÊ andÊ yourÊ future.Ê YouÊn eedÊt oÊu nderstandÊu pÊf rontÊw hereÊ thisÊ moneyÊ isÊ comingÊ from,Ê asÊ wellÊ asÊ theÊ conditionsÊa ndÊr equirementsÊt hatÊa ccompanyÊ it.Ê YouÊ alsoÊ needÊ toÊ knowÊ thatÊ weÊ willÊ makeÊe veryÊe ffortÊt oÊh elpÊy ouÊt hroughÊ aÊ processÊ thatÊ isÊ newÊ andÊ confusingÊ toÊ many.Ê What it really costs. WeÊ canÕ tÊ sayÊ ourÊ priceÊ isÊ cheaperÊ thanÊ UÊ ofÊ M.Ê TheirÊ totalÊ priceÊ isÊ overÊ $15,000,Ê oursÊ isÊ aboutÊ $21,700.Ê ButÊ ourÊ averageÊ grantÊ andÊ scholarshipÊ packageÊ isÊ over $6,000. Theirs is $700.* That makes us, well, we still cost more. AboutÊ $1,400Ê more.Ê SoÊ theÊ questionÊ is:Ê WhatÊ isÊ itÊ worthÊ toÊ youÊ toÊ haveÊ accessÊ toÊ yourÊ professors?Ê WhatÊ isÊ itÊ worthÊ toÊ beÊ taughtÊ byÊ experts in the field instead of a “student teacher”? Actually, thereÊ areÊ aÊ lotÊ ofÊ questionsÊ youÊ mightÊ beÊ askingÊ yourselfÊ rightÊ now,Ê butÊ ifÊ youÕ reÊ askingÊ yourselfÊ ifÊ SAUÊ isÊ aÊ goodÊ value,Ê thisÊ mightÊ interestÊ you:Ê InÊ aÊ comparisonÊ ofÊ studentsÊ surveyedÊ atÊ 75Ê ChristianÊ collegesÊ andÊ universities,Ê the SAU financial aid office earned the highest ranking for student satisfaction. www.arbor.edu/financialaid Learn what’s what with financial aid. Now’s the time to understand theÊ differenceÊ betweenÊ stateÊ andÊ federalÊ aid,Ê grants,Ê promissoryÊ notesÊ andÊ discounts.Ê OurÊ WebÊ siteÊ isÊ theÊ placeÊ toÊ getÊ answers.Ê Ê AndÊ youÊ getÊ yourÊ entranceÊ counselingÊ interactively.Ê Check it out. You’ll be glad you did. Here’s a handy brochure. SomeÊ goÊ throughÊ collegeÊ neverÊ understandingÊ whereÊ theÊ moneyÊ Ê isÊ comingÊ fromÊ orÊ whatÊ theirÊ optionsÊ are.Ê DonÕ tÊ beÊ oneÊ ofÊ thoseÊ people.Ê Call for our financial aid brochure.Ê E-mail a financial aid counselor:

Êf inancialaid@arbor.edu

Phone a financial aid counselor:Ê 800.968.0011Ê

*2004-05 rates from the U of M Web site, June, 2004.

Fast Facts Founded 1873Ê Ê


100-acreÊ mainÊ campus 14Ê regionalÊ campusesÊ


60%Ê liveÊ inÊ on-campusÊ housingÊ MarriedÊ housingÊ isÊ availableÊ Ê


• Undergraduate: 1,450Ê • Graduate: 900Ê • Off-Campus Degree Programs: 1,170Ê • Total Enrollment: 3,520 Ê

Geographic Profile

• 87% from MichiganÊ • 11% from 22 other statesÊ • 2% InternationalÊ

Denominational Profile 24Ê differentÊ denominationsÊ Ê


• 73 Full-timeÊ • 1:17 Faculty-to-student ratio • A majority have their doctorate or Ê terminal degree in their field Ê

FreshmanÊ Retention

80%Ê (AmongÊ theÊ topÊ 10Ê ChristianÊ collegesÊ Ê inÊ theÊ nation)Ê


89% (70% in field directly related to their major) Ê

AcceleratedÊ DegreeÊ CompletionÊ (offÊ campus)Ê • Management and Organizational Ê DevelopmentÊ (BA) • Family Life Education (BA)Ê • Nursing (BS) Ê

GraduateÊ Studies

• MA in Communication (online) • MA in Counseling • MA in Education • MA in Family Studies • MA in Organizational Management Ê (onlineÊ orÊ classroom) • MBA Ê • MDivÊ (inÊ cooperationÊ withÊ AsburyÊ TheologicalÊ Seminary)

OnlineÊ Courses

GetÊ theÊ classesÊ youÊ needÊ fromÊ theÊ comfortÊ ofÊ yourÊ ownÊ homeÊ withÊ SpringÊ ArborÊ UniversityÕ sÊ onlineÊ coursesÊ andÊ degreeÊ programs.Ê Visit www.arbor.edu/online.

UndergraduateÊ Studies

MoreÊ thanÊ 40Ê majorsÊ andÊ programsÊ areÊ availableÊ Ê toÊ undergraduateÊ students.Ê 27


You’ve read this entire book (maybe), you’re narrowing things down, but you’re

just not sure yet. So take a little road trip and check things out. Think of it as a test drive; a taste test. Get a full-blown tour, sit in on classes, show up at chapel, spend the night in a dorm, you can even eat at our cafeteria. Just call the Office of Admissions at 800.968.0011 or e-mail an admissions rep at admissions@arbor.edu and we’ll set it all up.

Note: If you’re already sure this is the place for you, save yourself a few bucks. Skip the application fee by applying online at www.arbor.edu/applyonline.

The Run to Jackson

Jackson, MI. Just down the road and where students like to hang out (when they’re not studying, that is). Will you be one of them? Probably. Why? There are a number of reasons. Maybe you like movies (we’re talking big screen). Or maybe you like to shop (a lot). Maybe eating out is your style: there are restaurants nearby for almost anything you’re craving (if ice cream is what you crave, don’t miss the ultimate brain freeze—a 26-scoop ice cream eating challenge at the Parlour). Interested in exploring the great outdoors? Maybe you’ll golf (there are more golf courses in Jackson than anywhere else in Michigan). Consider escaping to one of the many lakes or trails around, or go skiing and snowboarding when it gets cold. The point is:  There’s plenty to do around here.


From Chicago (203 miles, 3 hrs., 20 min.): Take I-94 East to Dearing Road (Exit 133), turn right, continue South to M-60, turn right on M-60 and continue 2 miles to SAU. From Indianapolis (223 miles, 3 hrs., 50 min.): Take I-69 North to M-60 (Exit 25 toward Jackson), continue 24 miles to SAU. From Toledo (98 miles, 1 hr., 37 min.): Take US-23 North to I-94 (Exit 35 toward Chicago), take I-94 West to M-60 (Exit 136 toward Spring Arbor), continue 7.5 miles to SAU. From Detroit (89 miles, 1 hr., 27 min.): Take I-94 West to M-60 (Exit 136 toward Spring Arbor), continue 7.5 miles to SAU. From Mount Pleasant (110 miles, 2 hrs.): Take US-127 South to I-94, Take I-94 West to M-60 (Exit 136 toward Spring Arbor), continue 7.5 miles to SAU. 28

Walk with God.Ê Stick with us.Ê

Office of Admissions 106 E. Main Street, Spring Arbor, MI 49283 800.968.0011 www.arbor.edu

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