Imagine Kids Magazine 7

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Contents: PROFILE 06 Small steps can go a long way 08 Meeting Dr. Elsa Alfonzo Echeverri 10 The gift of sight MY HEALTH 14 Common dental and orthodontic emergencies INTERVIEW 16 McKenna Sheedy MY FAMILY 20 Recovering childhood 22 My son has an imaginary friend GOURMET 24 Strawberry and chocolate ice cream cake ACTIVITIES 26 Activities for kids REVIEW 28 Adorable and unique memories MY PARTY 29 Angelina Kulbeth 30 Wyatt Stallings 31 Grayson Coveney EVENTS 32 Magical musical morning “A spoonful of sugar” CONTENIDO ESPAÑOL: EN FAMILIA 34 El hijo único MI FIESTA 36 Sofía Sachade

Credits Director: Jhakees Napolitano Managing Director: Marianellys Noble Creative Director: María Lorena Salas Editor-in-Chief: Isabel González Design Director: Daniela Díaz Graphic Design: Patricia Ochoa Sales Consultants: Amy Dukes Adriana Arguelles Mónica Sánchez Laura Moreno Deitra Harris On the Cover: Laith El-Ali, selected in our Casting Event at Imagine Kids Party 2011 Photography: Cover Production/Austin Huck Translation and Editing: Sheila Segnalini Social Events: Beatriz Rodriguez Distributed by: Eduardo Pizzino IMAGINE KIDS MAGAZINE: Phone: 1888-885-7712 E-mail: NN Production LL 14526 Old Katy Rd, Suite 202 Houston TX 77079 All rights reserved to IMAGINE KIDS MAGAZINE TEXAS

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Small steps can go a longway As our children develop and grow in their early stages of life, it is important for us as parents, instructors and friends to educate them in the importance of living an active and healthy lifestyle. All of us in these roles should continuously strive to ‘go the extra mile’ for the enrichment of our young ones.

Five Fun Activities for the Back Yard: 1) Play Wiffle ball or kick ball. 2) Shoot some hoops. 3) Play tag with siblings. 4) Play catch with a baseball or softball. 5) Organize a neighborhood flag football game.

We all know how society has changed over the past few years. Everyone is busier. There is never enough time and it seems everything we accomplish during the day is on-the-fly. It’s convenient to save time by purchasing fast food and having our children be entertained by television and video games. This is the easy way out! It is our duty to lead by example and set a standard of healthy habits so our children can enjoy life to the fullest.

Frozen Ropes Katy encourages both children and parents to eat healthier by making smarter food choices. If fast food is a must, choose grilled chicken over fried chicken and burgers, and choose fresh fruit instead of french fries. The Frozen Ropes staff is playing its part in helping young baseball and softball players pursue an enriched lifestyle with the recent addition of a healthy vending machine and a new program promoting physical ability and nutrition.

Frozen Ropes Katy supports children of all ages attempting to become healthier and more physically fit. Based upon the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, our staff recommends a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Whether it’s riding a bike, swinging a bat or simply walking, an active lifestyle can only create better habits and better health for your child. Along with other sports, participating in baseball and softball promotes an increase in physical activity. Exercise can be as simple as swinging a bat 50 times, running the bases, tracking fly balls or simply playing catch. All of these activities are a simple, effective and enjoyable means of staying active.

Five Simple Nutrition Tips: 1) Substitute two junk food snacks a day with fruit. 2) Choose a sports drink or water over a soda. 3) Choose a baked potato instead of fries. 4) Purchase baked chips over regular chips. 5) Eat oatmeal instead of sugary cereals. Changing the way we live is never easy, but with a little encouragement and some vital knowledge, we can make sure the next generation has all the tools it needs to live a little healthier. Our staff encourages every child to eat well, stay active, and get fit! By Matt Holland, Instructor at Frozen Ropes Katy



Meeting Dr. Elsa Alfonzo – Echeverri Diplomate & Fellow American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Echeverri, received her D.D.S. from Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela in 1982 and went to pursue a specialty in pediatric dentistry at Louisiana State University in New Orleans, LA. It was at LSU that she met her husband, Dr. Juan Echeverri, and started their family. They now have four children: Aquiles, Valentina, Andrea and Daniela. “It has made me a better pediatric dentist to be a mom and a better mom to be a pediatric dentist”, she says. “The two definitely go hand in hand. Because I am a mother I understand what parents are experiencing when they bring their children in for treatment. I also treat my patients with the same care and concern that I would want my own children treated.” Although Dr. Echeverri enjoys treating her young patients, she also understands that treatment starts before and after they enter her private practice. That’s why she works to educate children and their parents about the importance of oral health care and bringing their children in for their first checkup as early as 6 months of age. “We are so concerned with the welfare of children that my husband established an outreach program to provide oral health and overall wellness education to four schools in the area,” Dr. Echeverri says. “Dental caries is an epidemic” she adds. “And what makes it even worse is that 20% of the population has 80% of the problems. This is the 20% that we hope to reach”.


At the Echeverri Dental Center they are not only focused on children who are most in need financially, but also those who are most in need physically and mentally, serving medically complex patients including children with a variety of diseases such as cerebral palsy, cancer and autism, among other ailments. “I get referrals from other dentists who may not be able to handle their treatment,” she says. If needed, Dr. Elsa Echeverri, has access to the facilities of the Texas Children’s Hospital to provide the necessary dental care to the patients who require general anesthesia. Echeverri Dental Center seems to be very unique in its composition, as its approach is to offer care for the whole family with an area dedicated to pediatric dentistry and orthodontic treatment for the younger patients. Parents enjoy being able to bring their children for their dental treatment and, simultaneously, have their dental treatment needs taken care of, all at the same location, and sometimes at the same time. Experience, caring and compassionate treatment is what Dr. Echeverri says keeps her patients happy. “We go by the book and always do our best,” she says. “I think that is one of the keys to our success.” Working with a solid team of professionals doesn’t hurt either. The center has a support staff of 20, many of whom have been with the practice for more than 10 years.

Although Dr. Echeverri enjoys private practice, she also understands it’s important to give back. That is why she has been teaching for over 20 years at the University of Texas School of Dentistry as a Clinical Associate Professor. As a mentor in the graduate program, she has trained many young dentists in her specialty, has authored or co-authored numerous publications, and is quoted in scientific journals due to her past research and publications. She has also embarked on another amazing journey: a yearly mission trip to

Guatemala with the organization Faith in Practice where they volunteer to provide medical and dental treatment to families with extraordinary needs. She has taken her own family and staff as a helping team to provide this service for the Guatemala community treated by Faith in Practice. Echeverri Dental Center 7844 Long Point Rd, Houston TX, 77055 713-956-8767, 09


The Gift of Sight

by Dr. Merkley As busy parents, we are all looking for ways to save time and simplify our life. This includes “freeing” ourselves from those things that tie us down, and limit the things we can and want to do with our children. It is for this reason, among others, that an increasing number of adults are now having LASIK laser vision correction, freeing themselves from the hassle, time, and expense of glasses and contacts. LASIK is one of the safest and most popular elective medical procedures in the world. There have literally been tens of millions of procedures performed. Having personally had the pleasure to give back the gift of sight to thousands of my patients, I can say first-hand that LASIK is truly one of the most miraculous, noninvasive medical procedures available, with far fewer reported risks and complications than sustained contact lens use! We have found over time that patients come to Joffe MediCenter with different hopes, goals and expectations for LASIK. Some patients are simply unhappy with their appearance in glasses – they want to look and feel younger, even “hipper.” We have many new mothers come in for just this reason. Other patients want freedom from the daily hassle and expense of properly maintaining their contact lenses, while others have become intolerant to wearing their contact lenses after years of sustained use. Some of our more active, 10

athletic patients complain about their contacts that they “just can’t take it anymore,” while other patients feel like their “arms keep getting shorter” as they lose their near vision. These are all problems no one wants to have, particularly a busy parent with a demanding schedule. And these are all problems I may be able to treat successfully with LASIK at Joffe MediCenter - painlessly, efficiently and effectively. The healing time for LASIK performed at Joffe MediCenter is incredibly fast, which is important for most busy parents. Many of our patients choose to have their LASIK procedure as soon as possible after their free LASIK consultation. The entire process from the initial, free comprehensive LASIK eye exam to determine if a patient is a safe candidate for LASIK to successful treatment and enjoying seeing clearly again, without glasses or contacts, can all be done in a matter of 2-3 days. Many patients see better immediately following their LASIK procedure than they have in years, and the vast majority of our LASIK patients are driving and back to work the very next day. I have been performing laser vision correction since the industry’s inception in 1995, and have had the pleasure and privilege of helping thousands upon thousands of people regain the miraculous

gift of sight, including fellow doctors, pilots, military personnel, athletes and my own friends and family members. It is truly an honor. I am proud to know that thousands of people have entrusted me with one of their most important assets, their vision. It is a responsibility I take very seriously. Having performed well over 20,000 laser vision correction procedures over a fifteen-year period, I am among the most experienced refractive and corneal doctors in the United States. As a parent of six wonderful children, I am proud to say that

I have personally had LASIK on my own eyes and have performed LASIK on my daughters. I love the lifestyle that comes with being less dependent on glasses and contacts, and the freedom LASIK has given me to participate in so many activities with my children, including, in our family’s case, fishing, hiking, and camping. I hope you, too, will consider gaining the freedom you deserve to be active with your family. For more information about LASIK at Joffe MediCenter and my background and experience, please visit 11


My Health

Common Dental and Orthodontic Emergencies

by Aurora Sordelli What to Do in Case of a Dental Emergency Toothaches Rinse mouth with warm water. Use dental floss to remove any food that might be trapped between the teeth. Sometimes it is helpful to tie a knot on the dental floss to help dislodge the food that is trapped. Do not place aspirin on the aching tooth or gum tissues. See your dentist as soon as possible. Knocked-out tooth If tooth is dirty, rinse it gently in running water. Do not scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments. Gently insert and hold the tooth in its socket. If this is not possible, place the tooth in a cup of milk or cool water. Go to your dentist immediately (within 30 minutes if possible). Don’t forget to bring the tooth! Broken tooth Gently clean dirt from the injured area with warm water. To decrease swelling, place cold compresses on the face in the area of the injured tooth. Go to the dentist immediately. Bitten tongue or lip Apply direct pressure to the bleeding area with a clean cloth or a tea bag. If swelling is present, apply cold compresses. Remember that if you are bleeding, the blood you see is mixed up with saliva and it appears to be more than what it actually is. If bleeding does not stop, go to a hospital emergency room. 14

Objects caught between teeth Try to remove the object with dental floss. Guide the dental floss carefully to avoid cutting the gums. If you’re not successful in removing the object, go to the dentist. Do not try to remove the object with a sharp or pointed instrument. Possible broken jaw Do not move the jaw. Secure the jaw in place by tying a handkerchief, necktie, or towel around the jaw and over the top of the head. If swelling is present, apply cold compresses. Go immediately to a hospital emergency room or call your dentist. What to Do in an Orthodontic Emergency Loose bracket If the bracket or band is still attached to the wire, leave it in place. If uncomfortable, cover it with wax. If it comes out completely, call for an appointment and don’t forget to bring it with you to your orthodontist’s office. Do not connect headgear or elastics to a loose bracket or band! Always notify your orthodontist of a loose bracket or band prior to your appointment. Lost tie wire or elastic tie Call to ask if an appointment is necessary. Do not wear elastics. Soreness from braces If necessary, take the pain reliever that you would use for a

headache or similar discomfort. Ask your orthodontist if it is OK to chew sugarless gum to help with the pain. Wire out of tube Try to place the wire back into the tube with tweezers. If not able to do this, place wax if uncomfortable and call for an appointment. Rotated archwire If the wire is poking in the back in one side, it may have rotated to that side. Try to grab the wire with tweezers and rotate it back to the opposite side. If unable to fix the problem, call your orthodontist for an appointment.

Gums growing over braces Brush brush brush! Make sure you brush between your braces and your gums, and rinse with warm salt water to help gums “shrink� back down. Aurora P. Sordelli, D.D.S., M.S.D Orthodontics for Children, Teens, and Adults. 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 234 Houston, TX 77079, 281-759-2929

Poking wire tie Bend wire tie back with a pencil eraser. If unsuccessful, call your orthodontist for an appointment. Poking archwire Cover with wax or wet cotton. Call for an appointment. Loose appliance If you have an expander, a Herbst, a Lip Bumper, or any other appliance that gets loose, do not wait until your scheduled appointment. Call your orthodontist right away to notify them of the loose appliance. 15


“Dear Editor of Imagine Kids Magazine, My name is McKenna. I want to help raise money for the National Psoriasis Foundation. I was chosen as the Houston Ambassador for the 2012 Walk at Stude Park on April, 14, 2012. It is a dream to be in your magazine and to help other kids who fight with the teasing and itching of psoriasis” The following is an extract from her truly inspiring, touching and moving story: “My name is McKenna Faith Sheedy. I am nine years old. I live in Katy, Texas with my mom, dad, and twin sisters. I am in the 4th grade at WoodCreek Elementary. I realized that I had psoriasis in August of 2010. I originally was told that I had eczema when circular sections of my skin turned white. I went to about three more doctors and I was diagnosed with having psoriasis. I saw a pediatric dermatologist and she prescribed a medication that would help make the itching and spots go away. It was very frustrating when the medication did not work and I had to get about twenty more medications to try on my skin. The 16

medications were also very expensive and I felt bad for my parents to have to deal with this.” “While I was at school and daycare, many of my friends did not know what I had. Some people would tease me and ask me if I had a disease. This really hurt my feelings. I went through a period of time when I was very sad and upset. One of my friends knew what I had and she helped protect me from other mean kids. She stood up for me and told other kids to leave me alone. My twin sisters also told others that it was rude to stare and be unkind. My face was also affected by the spots. Most young kids don’t have it on their face, but I did. My mom kept taking me back to the doctor and the doctor prescribed Enbrel for me to take. It was very scary getting shots in my thigh.” “My mom refused to give the shots to me so my wonderful Daddy willingly learned how to do it. It made my mom too upset. The medication has many risk factors and it took my family a long time to decide if it was worth trying it. By the month of January, 75 percent of my body had the plaque circles on it. My pediatric dermatologist taught my dad how to give the shots and by

February I started taking them once a week. By the month of June 2011 my body was cleared up. It was a true miracle. I made the decision to stop taking the shots when we were on vacation and my mom accidentally left them in the fridge and did not pack them. I told my mom that I wanted to take a break from the shots because they started to hurt my thigh and my skin looked so much better. The spot on my thigh would often turn red and itch for a couple of days after I received the shot. I also got tired of getting my blood drawn each month at the doctor’s office. Many times my vein would move or collapse and it hurt. I am so thankful that. “ “I don’t have to get blood drawn anymore because they sometimes had to poke both of my arms to get blood. Some nurses had to get another nurse because they couldn’t get my vein. My mom and the nurses told me that I was very brave! I never cried or screamed during these months of them taking my blood. “ “For the 2011-2012 school year I am honored to be the National Spokesperson for the Houston area. I hope that my story

will help other parents and children who have to go through this. My wonderful Girl Scout leader is supporting me and the troop is planning to walk with me in the spring. I hope that you will read my story and come talk to me about psoriasis. I am very excited to raise money to find a cure for this terrible skin condition. In April of 2011, I raised 1,200 dollars. My goal this year is to raise 2,000 dollars. Please consider walking with TEAM McKENNA ON APRIL 14 AT STUDE PARK and support my efforts by making a donation towards research of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis so that a cure can be found.” Psoriasis affects as many as 7.5 million people in the United States—125 million people worldwide— and is the most prevalent autoimmune disease in the U.S. For more information about psoriasis visit For ways to donate visit For information about this year’s walk call 1.877.825.WALK (9255), or e-mail Questions? Contact Darla Stricklin, Community Development Manager, at 877.825.9255 or e-mail Like us on FB Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Houston 17

My Education In modern society, swiftness, speed, competitiveness, and perfection are some of the standards that many times us, parents, teachers, caregivers, live by and impose on our children. Time is complicated and we perform multiple tricks to take advantage of it, do things at a speed that allows us to complete every single task in life. We seldom take time to feel things, meditate, question ourselves, and establish priorities that guide our choices and the paths through which we steer our children. We forget about every person’s time, but mostly the child’s. There are multiple solutions to this life in the fast lane: yoga is one of them. It is a unique way to infuse serenity and calm in children. The word Yoga comes from the root yuj, which in Sanskrit means to unify, to connect. Through this practice, we establish a connection between body and mind, emotions, intellect and spirit. Since long ago, wellknown teachers in India became aware of the wonders of nature and incorporated those wonders to human movements. In this way, every person, since childhood, can connect with themselves, with their most intimate essence, with others, and with the surrounding world with a unique purity that allows them to feel peace and quietude.

Children can start at age three; from then on, they can connect with and enjoy this practice. Different studies have shown its effects; it helps: acquire better posture and correct breathing, soothe the nervous system, develop self-confidence, learn the true value of human beings, monitor emotions and states of mind, develop the benefits of being present and discovering the inner heart.

One of the main benefits of yoga is that it doesn’t p r o m o t e competitiveness: the child is not asked to be the best during a yoga session. The purpose is to guide her to a close connection that allows her to accept herself, enjoy, and be compassionate with herself and others. In this way, she is able to experience happiness and share it with others. Yoga is an experience beyond words. It involves the child’s heart. Teach her to stop, feel her surroundings and take time to enjoy them. Each child is special, and from infancy, they must discover, feel and believe it.

Time to stop and feel: Yoga as a solution for a child in a fastpaced world


Daniela Méndez - Psychologist 19

My Family

Recovering Childhood The firsts years of life are truly important to establish the tone with our children. They are growing and learning constantly. Keeping their lives simple and with space and time for themselves and ourselves is an excellent way to show them that they are important. Over stimulation invades their lives and the simple “magic” of “being” with others gets lost in the technological complexities of daily life. In spite of our best intentions, we could be harming our child. Children are capable of learning many things, but that doesn’t mean that they need to do everything. Having a full schedule doesn’t mean they are more productive. Children need time to be alone, quiet and in silence; they are learning to interpret and understand the world and we are interrupting that process by filling their lives with activities. Protect their childhood by focusing on their internal development, not on their activities. Children thrive when they feel accepted and loved for whom they are. They develop strong attachments with family members who give them a place in the family and then carry that feeling out into the world. By interacting with family members in different places, they learn about the world and about themselves, and experience the

rewards of “belonging” to a united human group. The role of toys should be to help children discover and explore. The best are those that stimulate their creativity by allowing children to bring their imagination to the “game”. Children are also individuals and hence it’s important to know them before buying them toys. Children are exposed to and learn from the many images, languages, and more in advertisement. However, if there isn’t a balance in their lives with interactions with caring adults and opportunities to play by themselves, their imagination might be affected by the over stimulation. It’s impossible to avoid the rampant consumerism of today’s society. We must create a balance in the lives of young children, giving them many opportunities for rewarding activities that don’t include buying something. It is important to have behavior models, but avoid unreachable “superheroes”. It is important that children’s heroes are real people involved in their lives. This person should have qualities that you wish your child had. Be an example of those qualities. Remember that not all is done with words, children pay more attention to actions. Graciela Italiano-Thomas Child Educator

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My Family

Imaginary friends take the place of parents while they are out working. Don’t worry about your child’s behavior at home. If his imaginary friend starts to take more space, quietly get closer when their conversation starts to understand your child’s needs or fears. Sometimes, those fantasy relationships are applauded or even encouraged by the family, deeming them as child’s play; however, by doing so adults are only reassuring the child’s position instead of helping him break with that illusion. On the other hand, it is not recommended to approach the child with rudeness or disrupt his imagination by talking about reality.


My son has an imaginary friend Your son will possibly feel upset and turn more secretive when playing with his imaginary friend to avoid being scolded. Look at the bright side of this situation: Usually children who play with imaginary friends express some sort of need through their behavior; lack of love at home, or the lack of close friends their same age may create the desire for friendship. The first step is to find time to spend with the child, play with him in the afternoons and make sure he plays with other kids. If you notice that he becomes introvert and aggressive or irritable, the best thing is to seek professional help. 23


Strawberry and Chocolate Ice Cream Cake Serves 12 Prep time: 5 min. Total time: 25 min., plus freezing time Ingredients *1 pkg. (6.3 oz.) GOYA® Chocolate Maria Cookies *6 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted *1½ quarts vanilla ice cream, slightly softened *1 pkg. (14 oz.) frozen GOYA® Strawberry Fruit Pulp, thawed *6 oz. bittersweet chocolate, chopped *6 oz. heavy cream *½ pint strawberries, hulled and halved (for garnish)

Directions For the crust: 1. Add cookies to bowl of food processor. Pulse until cookies resemble fine crumbs, about 30 seconds. Add melted butter; pulse until moist throughout. Transfer crumb mixture to bottom of 9” spring form pan; firmly pat down to make even layer. Cover with plastic wrap; freeze until set, about 30 minutes. For the Ice Cream: 2. Add ice cream and strawberry fruit pulp to large mixing bowl. Using hand mixer, blend until smooth and combined. Using spatula, spread ice cream evenly over the cookie crust, gently pressing down to make even layer. Cover with plastic wrap, pressing wrap directly on surface. Freeze until firm, about 3 hours. For the Chocolate Topping: 3. Add chocolate and cream in large heatproof bowl set over pan of simmering water, making sure bottom of bowl does not touch water. Cook, stirring, until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth and combined; remove from heat. Let sit until chocolate mixture is just warm to the touch. Using offset spatula, spread chocolate evenly over strawberry ice cream; cover with plastic. Freeze until firm, about 30 minutes more. Decorate with strawberries before serving, if desired.


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Activities for Kids

January 14-February 18 The Princess and the Pea (Saturdays) Presented by Company OnStage. Company Onstage Children’s Theater presents The Princess and the Pea by Paul Lavrakas. Running Saturdays at 11am and 1:30pm, January 14 - February 18, 2012. Come cheer them on in this modern retelling of a classic story. January 28-May 20 Balancing Act Presented by Children’s Museum of Houston. Get into the act! Our body and brain work together to help us stay poised. Put your sense of equilibrium to the test in Balancing Act, a new handson and feet exhibit . From teetering toddlers to tight-rope walkers, balance is something we use in our everyday lives. Children’s Museum of Houston 1500 Binz Houston TX 77004 Phone: (713) 5221138 February 11 2012 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM CST Sid the Science Kid Episode at Children’s Museum of Houston gives star treatment with red carpet walk and episode viewing. Open at 9 a.m. Strut your stuff and feel like a movie star as you walk down the red carpet and watch an episode of the award-winning PBS Kids® animated series, Sid the Science KidTM (www. showing on Feb. 11 at the Children’s Museum of Houston. Children’s Museum of Houston 1500 Binz Houston TX 77004 Phone: (713) 5221138 February 5, March 4, April 1 At Holly Woods Boutique Join us the first Sunday of each month for a tea party, $25 p/child includes refreshments, tutu, tiara 26

and wings. Reservations are required. Calliope Center @ Memorial and Dairy Ashford ,14520 Memorial Drive, Suite 110. (Located inside Rose of Texas) Ph: (832) 594-2820 February 11, 10 a.m. American Girl Club Blue Willow BookShop 14532 Memorial Dr - Houston. Texas For more information please visit , February 15, 7:00 p.m. Alex Flinn, Young Adult Author Blue Willow BookShop 14532 Memorial Dr - Houston. Texas For more information please visit , February 16 Open House at the Learning Experience from 4.30 p.m to 6.30 p.m. •Outstanding Infant Center •High Tech Security with real-time Cameras •Unique, Fun Curriculum (Including Computers) 21418 Kingsland Blvd. Katy,Texas 77450 (between Mason and Westgreen) 832321-4418 February 17-19 “The Neverending Story” The book tells of Fantastica, a land of stories being eaten away by the Nothing, and the gripping adventures of Atreyu as he searches Fantastica’s other worldly locals for some way to stop the thoughtless destruction. TIME: Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm, Sunday at 3:30pm All tickets are $5. MAIN STREET THEATER – CHELSEA MARKET - 4617 Montrose Blvd., Houston, TX 77006

February 18, 4 p.m. Winter 2012 Dark Days Tour 4 Young Adult Authors: Cynthia Hand, Courtney Allison Moulton, Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton Blue Willow BookShop 14532 Memorial Dr - Houston. Texas For more information please visit , February 22, 7 p.m. Breathles Reads Tour 4 Young adult authors: Marie Lu, Jessica Spotswood, Andrea Cremer, Beth Revis Blue Willow BookShop 14532 Memorial Dr - Houston. Texas For more information please visit , February 24 - March 11, 2012 AT THE BERRY CENTER Seussical (Musical) In this fun family musical, Horton tries to protect the inhabitants of WhoVille who live on as peck of dust. Join us for a fun romp through a child’s imagination! Music by STEPHEN FLAHERTY and Lyrics by LYNN AHRENS February - March 7 Memorial Athletic Club offers Red Cross Swim Lessons! Registration for Spring sessions are underway. Summer registration begins on March 7th. Most lessons semi private. All taught by Red Cross certified WSI’s. Saturday sessions also available. Information available at or call our swim line at 281-759-1748. March 3 Kids First Saturday, activities include moonwalks, face painting, a caricature artist, and crafts, along with community groups and entertainment geared specifically toward kids. All Ages. Time: 10am- 2pm Cost: Free713.528.8561. www. 3711 Travis Street, Houston, TX 77002 March 3 NatureFest. Enjoy a day of nature education as over forty exhibitors offer the sights, sounds and feel of nature with live animal and aquatic displays, interactive programs, and nature crafts for children. Pontoon boat tours and guided walks will be offered throughout the day. All ages. For

more information call (281) 446-8588 or visit jones. Time: 9:30am 4pm Cost: FREE. Jesse H. Jones Park & Nature Center . March 11 Family Fine Arts Days Each Sunday. Creation Station is a drop-in studio workshop, in which families make their own paintings, sculpture, prints, photographs, and more. For information please call 713.639.7300 or visit Ages: 3-18 Time: 1pm-4pm Cost: Free with Museum admission ongoing. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1001 Bissonnet Street, Houston, TX 77005 March 13 Spring Break Foam Party!! Tuesday Mar 13, 2012 from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM at Sarofim Picnic Lawn Ticket Info: free . Foam fun under the sun! Lone Star Parties will also debut their foam cannons!! Don’t forget to bring a towel, change of clothes, a little swimmer (swim diaper for toddlers) and water socks! For more info visit www. March 8, 5 p.m. Cal Ripken Jr., Juvenile novel: Super Sized Slugger Blue Willow BookShop 14532 Memorial Dr - Houston. Texas For more information please visit , April 3 Toddler Tuesdays: Peter Rabbit Easter Egg Hunt Date/Time: Tuesday Apr 3, 2012 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Venue: Cullen Veranda Ticket Info:Free Admission. For more information visit April 14 Mark your calendars!!! Imagine Kids Magazine Event 2012 , from 12.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. at Discovery Green benefiting Kids Meals. Ticket info: free Admission. A day of fun , where the entire family will enjoy a perfect combination of shows and activities filled with music, color and laughter. Guests will enjoy six hours of entertainment. Including the casting of our next cover plus magic tricks, zumba dancing, face painting, story telling, dynamo appearances and much more. www.imaginekidsmagazine. com. 27


Adorable and Unique Memories Introducing Holly Woods Children’s Boutique and Party Room located inside Rose of Texas, a unique store tucked away in the Calliope shopping strip in the prestigious Memorial area. Offering a unique concept of shopping that holds interest for the entire family. The home furnishing area offers gifts and home decor items while the children’s boutique features fine brands such as Mud Pie, Sweet Baby Jess, Hot Baby and other nice clothing items. You can’t miss the eye catching custom-made Pettis and Tutus that appeal to the little girl in all of us! They come in a funky variety of designs and range in sizes from 0-6X, with larger sizes easily custom-ordered. The fun selection of bows, hats, and headbands offer the perfect finishing touch for that new outfit! Make sure you go downstairs and check out the adorable party room. Children get thrilled when they see the Holly Woods party room, featuring a glitzy runway complete with lighting to model their personally created tutus after their hair & makeup are complete! The party room includes a dress up area, a creative build-a-tutu bar and make up room, along with our runway. Creativity is encouraged and fun is inevitable! Party packages include, but are not limited to, Build a Tutu, Princess Tea Parties and Mini Petting Zoos. The party room is also available for photography sessions, private parties and even sleep-overs for the older young ladies. Come check us out and start making memories! Calliope Center @ Memorial and Dairy Ashford 14520 Memorial Drive, Suite 110. (Located inside Rose of Texas) Ph: (832) 594-2820 28

My Party

Book signing

ay Birthd er 7th h g n ti a Celebr


ina Ku l e g n A

Angelina Kulbeth celebrating her Birthday with Author Marie Elena Cortes and Ella Burklund

Marie Elena Cortes from Kids Write to Know

Angelina Kulbeth & Alex Culligan

Danika admiring her creation

Theme: Winter Wonderland Cake: Bibe GutiĂŠrrez

Danika Sensano, Angelina Kulbeth & Enzo Scionti

Activities: Kids Write to Know (Reading, Face Painting, T-shirt decorating, Book Signing ) 29

My Party

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ay Birthd


Stal t t a y W

Familly time to open presents

Jonathan helps Wyatt to open presents

Raelee, Jonathan and Birthday Boy Wyatt

Location: Wyatts Parents´ House at Katy Theme: Toy Story 30

Woody & Buzz also made it to the party to sign Happy birthday for Wyatt

My Party

The Coveney Family Mckenna, Tony, Presley, Grayson & Shauna

ay Birthd er 5th h g n ti a Celebr



on C Grays

Grayson Coveney

Presley Coveny & Sydney Dukes

Mckenna & Grayson

Place: Biron´s Gymnastics Theme: Hello Kitty Grayson blowing out the candles 31


Children enjoyed with Santa a Magical Musical Morning

of -Chair nd Coechaud a i r ie Barb a Den Karinaevent Vivian orning the ical M �

us f Sugar al Mn c i g a M o ful o o p s A “

Singing tradicional christmas carols

Donna Shen, President of the Houston Symphony League

Place: River Oaks Country Club Activities: Cookies Decoration, Photos with Santa,Exploring musical instruments and singing traditional songs


Norma Jean Brown with Mike Smith

En Familia

El hijo único El pensamiento popular a menudo pinta un panorama poco halagador de los hijos únicos, presentándolos como centrados en sí mismo, para llamar la atención, dependientes y temperamentales. A pesar de estos estereotipos negativos, familias más pequeñas están creciendo en popularidad y la opción de un solo hijo toma fuerza como alternativa. ¿Cómo han cambiado las tendencias en el tamaño familiar? Las cifras más recientes del Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de Salud indican que la tasa de fecundidad para la población de toda América se ha reducido. Aunque las familias en 1970 era en promedio 2,5 hijos, las familias de hoy media de 1,8. Las cifras, además, muestran una fuerte tendencia general, lejos de las familias numerosas y un aumento en el porcentaje de familias con un único hijo. 34

¿Por qué los padres escojen tener un hijo? Cambios en los patrones de la familia, las preocupaciones económicas, y los nuevos roles de las mujeres puede contribuir a los padres de elegir la opción de un solo hijo: • Las tasas de divorcio (más alto que nunca) y la tendencia para que las parejas se casan más tarde en la vida pueden contribuir a corto matrimonio y los niños potencialmente menos en cantidad • La inflación y el alto desempleo, contribuye a que los ingresos familiares se reduzcan y pueden animar a los padres a tener familias más pequeñas La mayoría de las mujeres están empleadas antes de tener hijos. Los beneficios de este ingreso adicional y la participación en las carreras pueden conducir a las mujeres a posponer la maternidad y tener menos hijos 35

Mi fiesta

años Cumple r e 3 u ando s Celebr


ach Sofia S

Sofia con su hermosa mamá

Sofia disfrutando de su fiesta

Michael, Sofia, Angelina y Nicolas Sachade

Lugar: Build a Bear Workshop Motivo: Ositos Cariñosos Torta: Dulces Delicias ( 36

Sofia y Catherine Sachade 37


Guadalupe, Macarena, Elisa y Lucia Rodriguez Tortosa

la o Zapio r贸nim e J y Clara

de Rosca


Lugar: Convivio Tema: Rosca de Reyes


Alvaro Vina y Frank Reyna

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