Imagine Kids Magazine 14

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PROFILE 05 Do’s and Dont’s when planning an event MY HEALTH 06 Diet and Snacking for Healthy Teeth 08 Benefits of Raising Bilingual Children 10 Reconnecting Kids with Real Food

Editor-in-Chief / Editora en Jefe: Isabel González Art Director/ Directora de Arte: Patricia Ochoa /

GOURMET 12 Citrus Berry Smoothie/ Oatmeals

Graphic Design / Diseñadora Gráfica: Daniela Díaz /

MY FAMILY 14 Activities For Kids 16 Imagine’s Toy Testing Lab 17 Are you a writer? by Ayesha Ali (age 14) 18 LEGO Fun Facts

Sales/ Ventas: On the Cover / Nuestra Portada: Grace Amstutz, Madison Amstutz and Valentina Rubio Cover Photography / Portada: Laura Sanz by appointment (713) 591-9598

MY EVENT 19 Expo MOM 20 Summer Fest 21 Celebrating Easter

Distributed by / Distribuido por: Eduardo Pizzino /

MY PARTY 22 Alexander Py 23 Clhoe Elise Nguyen 24 Outstanding Young Houstonians CONTENIDO ESPAÑOL: MI SALUD 27 La importancia de una buena alimentacion 28 A Desayunar todos 30 Nutrición en el desarrollo mental de los niños MI FIESTA 32 Juan Ignacio Palacios 33 Sophia Valentina Avendaño 34 Sophia Lopez 35 Dariana y Daniela Padrón

Credits/ Créditos

Director / Directora : Marianellys Noble

IMAGINE KIDS MAGAZINE: Phone/Telefono: 1888-885-7712 E-mail: NN Production LL is not to be held liable for the content of the publicity of the products advertised. 2010 Ivycrest Ct Houston TX 77077 All rights reserved to IMAGINE KIDS MAGAZINE TEXAS



DO’s and DONT’s when planning an event Interview with Laura Sanz

With the holiday season approaching, a lot of us are planning events. We had a chance to chat with Laura Sanz, owner of Eclat Events about the DOs and DON’Ts of planning an event or party. Eclat event offers full production event planning so we knew Sanz would be an expert on the subject! Where do you get your inspiration from? Is there a lot of research?It could be from anything beautiful. I am obsessed with beautiful things so it could come from a beautiful decorated space, a place where I have been or maybe a beautiful picture found on a blog or in a magazine. Is it hard to get all the information from clients when asking their preferences?Sometimes it is challenging because clients may have several ideas, but they do not know how to incorporate them as one. That is where I come in and give them a more creative idea based on all the information they have given me. What are your tips for throwing a super-stylish party?A good color palette, a clean look, a sophisticated menu, a signature cocktail drink, a cute dessert table and the music to set the mood. Have you ever changed a client mind or preferences ? How are you able to do that ?I try to guide my clients towards the things that, based on my experience, I consider key for having a successful party. What do you take into account when planning an event?The client’s budget, 04

the audience of the party and, if it is an outdoor event, the weather. I always like to have a plan B in case of wind or rain. Houston’s weather is very unpredictable. What is your main concern when planning an event? My main focus is to fulfilled the expectations of a client. The client satisfaction is my priority. Some DO´s and DONT´s of planning an event Do have an emergency kit: safety pins, glue guns, etc. Be prepared for anything to happen! Do make a timeline of events to keep everyone on the same page. Do collaborate with people in your area: Building relationships are very valuable, and you gain support for each other. Do use social media to your advantage. Pinterest is a savvy tool to share the results and layouts of your event. Don’t base an event off of your wants as a planner, base it on your guests needs. Eclat Events creates one-of-a-kind dessert bars that complement the overall aesthetic of your event. More importantly they offer full production event planning for weddings and corporate events as well as event staffing. 05

Diet and Snacking For Healthy Teeth Dr. Elsa Echeverri

What is a Healthy Diet? For children a balanced diet naturally supplies all the nutrients they need to grow. This includes the following major food groups: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Meat & Beans, Milk How does my child’s diet affect their teeth? Children need a healthy diet for proper tooth development and healthy gums. A diet high in sugars and starches may place your child at high risk for tooth decay. These foods include breads, crackers, potato chips, sodas and even juices and most milk products! How do cavities form? We all have bacteria in our mouths. This is simply part of life. Every time you eat a meal the bacteria feed on sugar and they secrete acids that can eat into a tooth (demineralization). In between meals, saliva helps to wash away some of the sugars and remineralizes the “soft” tooth. When teeth are not given the opportunity to remineralize, a cavity forms. Should I stop giving my child food with sugar or starch? Not necessarily. Try to limit the amount of time it takes for your child to finish a meal or a snack. Snack and mealtime should be for a defined period while your child is sitting at the table. Discourage 06

Dr. Briceno

your child from snacking while playing, which will help you also limit the number of snack times. Milk has many healthy vitamins that help your child grow, but it also contains sugar. It is important to discourage your child from falling asleep with a bottle of milk, and avoid any sugary add-ins like strawberry or chocolate flavors. Which foods are good for my child’s teeth? Hard fruits and vegetables like carrots, celery and apples help mechanically remove some plaque from teeth and actually help to keep your child’s teeth clean! What can I do to help my children have a safe diet for their teeth? Check how frequently they eat foods with sugar or starch. You should try to select and serve food wisely. Limit juice and other sweetened liquids to 6 oz of juice a day. Keep in mind that sticky foods, such as dried fruit or toffee, are not easily washed away by saliva, or water. Helpful Hints: Make sure your child brushes their teeth 2-3 times a day Encourage your child to rinse with water after snacking and meals if brushing is not possible Chewing sugar free gum helps increase saliva production which helps wash away plaque and sugar Ask your pediatric dentist to help you assess your child’s diet. 07

Benefits of Raising Bilingual Children Isn’t it amazing how children’s brains absorb everything? This is also true for learning languages. It is proven that children in the early years of life can learn several languages at once with ease. “The idea that children exposed to two languages from birth become confused or that they fall behind monolingual children is a common misconception”, says Janet Werker, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia who studies language acquisition in bilingual babies. “Growing up bilingual is just as natural as growing up monolingual,” said Werker, whose own research indicates babies of bilingual mothers, could distinguish between languages even hours after birth. In her article “Can Preschool Children Be Taught a Second Language? Jeanette Vos Ed. D states that preschool years are vital years. In addition to developing a lifelong ability to communicate with more people, children may derive other benefits from early language instruction, including improved overall school performance, and superior problem-solving skills. Knowing a second language ultimately provides a competitive

advantage in the workforce by opening up additional job opportunities. Students of foreign languages have access to a greater number of career possibilities and develop a deeper understanding of their own and other cultures. Children who receive second language instruction are more creative and better at solving complex problems. Americans fluent in other languages enhance our economic competitiveness abroad, improve global communication, and maintain our political and security interests. (Excerpted from the ERIC/CLL parent brochure “Why, How, and When Should My Child Learn a Second Language?”) Consequently, it would be a waste not to use a child’s natural ability to learn during his or her most vital years, when learning a second language is as easy as learning the first. Childhood development programs have the opportunity to encourage early learning and development. Patricia Dvorak CFC Bilingual Academy Director 09

Reconnecting Kids with Real Food by Gabrielle Welch,NC,CHHC

I had a five- year- old child recently look at me like I was crazy when I told him the baked chicken we were having for dinner was actually chicken: he had never seen chicken in any other form than a nugget. I also had a little girl ask me if there is such a thing as a “Cheetos tree”. This is not a joke. Why would it occur to them that food would actually come from a livingbreathing animal or grow out of the ground? Nothing on their plate above is the color of real food. No fruits, no veggies. And this is how the majority of our kids eat every day. No wonder they’re sick. Do apples and carrots and ground beef magically appear on supermarket

shelves? Where does the food we eat come from? When your child eats something, does she understand that it originally came out of the ground from a seed or that it was recently a living, breathing animal? Sadly, many children are so far removed from where their food comes from that they don’t associate the chicken that they eat out of a fast food bag or on the dinner table with the chicken in the farmyard, or French fries with an actual potato. Most children have never even been to a farm or even a farmer’s market. It’s our responsibility to teach our kids the difference between real food and fake food and to give them the good choices they need so their brains and bodies can learn and grow. Fake food in a wrapper or bag has been highly altered and processed to make it taste good. We must educate our children about the difference between whole foods, like and apple or a carrot, and processed foods. And yes, you can do it on a budget. So cut down the Cheetos tree, trash the nuggets and throw out the fake fruit in a plastic bottle (juice!). Consistently offering your kids healthy options will help them to understand that real food tastes good on its own: it doesn’t need help. 11

The #1 breakfast your kid should be eating before school Citrus Berry Smoothie

This meal-in-a-glass smoothie is bursting with berries and orange juice, healthful sources of carbohydrate and powerful antioxidants. Getting plenty of antioxidant-rich foods makes sense for active people, since free radicals are produced any time the body’s cells process oxygen. 1 smoothie, about 2 cups INGREDIENTS 1 1/4 cups fresh berries 3/4 cup low-fat plain yogurt 1/2 cup orange juice 2 tablespoons nonfat dry milk 1 tablespoon toasted wheat germ 1 tablespoon honey 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract PREPARATION Place berries, yogurt, orange juice, dry milk, wheat germ, honey and vanilla in a blender and blend until smooth.


Oatmeals that Boost Kids’ Brain Power

No matter what type you choose, quick-cooking, steel-cut and rolled oats are equally healthy nutritionwise. Here’s a simple way to make a bowl of oatmeal, and some topping suggestions to make it tasty:Bring 1 cup of water (or nonfat or low-fat milk) and a pinch of salt to a boil in a small saucepan. Stir in 1/2 cup quick-cooking oats and reduce the heat to medium; cook for 1 minute. Remove from the heat, cover and let stand for 2 to 3 minutes. Fun Oatmeal Topping Ideas for Kids Arrange the toppings—raisins, nuts, fruit—in a smiley face or fun shape.Vary the flavor using spices like cinnamon or make it chocolaty with cocoa powder.Dried fruit (raisins, dates, dried cranberries or cherries),Cinnamon,Toasted nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans). Fresh or frozen fruit (berries, peaches,bananas),Plain yogurt,Jam,Applesauce,Ground flaxseed,Milk or soy milk, A little pinch of brown sugar. 13

Activities for kids Jarrett Krosoczka celebrates Children’s Book Week Houston Public Library - May 5, 12:15 pm Jessica Day George signs the Tower, May 8, 5:00 PM PAJANIMALS LIVE IN HOUSTON May 10 6 PM Bayou Music Center .Pajama Play date will feature Squeaky, Sweet pea Sue, Cowbella, and Apollo. 26th Art Car Parade - May 11, 1PM– 3PM .Watch as more than 250 rolling works of art turn concrete into a colorful canvas to celebrate the artist in everyone! Christopher Healy signs The Hero’s Guide to Storming the Castle, his new book for children Wednesday, May 15, 5:00 PM 14

Eoin Colfer signs W.A.R.P. -May 16, LEGO KidsFest is coming to Houston- May 17-19. Reliant Park. Creative hands-on, minds-on fun of LEGO building and experiences together in one activity- and entertainment-packed family event. Bayou Bend Family Day- May 19. Activities, demonstrations, performances, and giveaways abound throughout the home and gardens. John Rocco signs Super Hair-O and the Barber of Doom, May 23, 5:00 PM Comicpalooza - May 24 to May 26. George R. Brown Convention Center . A three-day sci-fi and fantasy extravaganza in Downtown Houston.

Houston Spanish and Flamenco Festival- May 25. Proscenium T h e a t e r. T h e c u l m i n a t i n g performance will feature critically acclaimed dancer La Tania. www. houstonspanishandflamencofestival. com Young Writers Workshop SaturdayMay 25 10:30 AM. Discovery Green Conservancy. Free open writing workshop for kids. The Green Rabbit (El conejito verde) May 28 11AM.Follow the journey of Marisol, who falls in love with the Green Rabbit prince. Colorful masks and audience participation. Bilingual (English and Spanish) Blue Willow Book Store Story time meets each Recurring event every Thursday at 10:00 AM.

how they work, build a water rocket and then launch it. .Children: $20 Adults: FREE state-parks/brazos-bend Camp Blue Willow- June 12, 19, 26 4:00 PM for a fun book-related activity from Kindergarten - fifth grade. Gamemeisters - June 13, 20, 27 4:00 PM for fun with board games. From Kindergarten - fifth grade. 25TH ANNUAL YOUNG INVENTORS’ SHOWCASE - May 18 8:30AM- 3:30PM Children’s Museum of Houston.Children will take imagination to the next level by showing off their inventions in this annual invention competition. The Grand Prize winner will receive a free patent application!

Dinos Alive Exhibit - June 01 to August 11 (Recurring daily) . Prehistoric stomping ground with more than 20 lifelike animatronic dinosaurs.

Juneteenth Celebration - June 19. The day Texas learned of President Abraham Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves.

The Page to the Stage Book Club Saturday, June 8, at 10:00 AM to talk about Alice in Wonderland and meet the cast from The Main Street Theater’s performance of the play.

Freedom Over Texas Festival - July 4.Houston’s official July 4th celebration.Featuring live entertainment and a world-famous fireworks display.

Buffalo Bayou Kayak Trip - June 01, Paddle historic Buffalo Bayou through downtown.

Star Spangled Salute - July 4.The Houston Symphony continues its annual celebration. Festivities include fireworks accompanied by a dramatic 16-cannon salute.

Rocket Day At The George Observatory! June 8 from 10:00 AM. to Noon. Kids learn about rockets and 15

Imagine´s Toy Testing Lab Healthy Meals Puzzle Set by Lakeshore Learning Set includes 2 puzzles each for breakfast, lunch & dinner. A color-coded pouch is included for each puzzle, plus a handy, 8” lunch box to keep them organized! Plus Features * Colorful and interactive game * 6 puzzles in one box * Big pieces for little hands * Storage compartments make it easy to organize, pack and unpack * Introduces new and unknown products to kids

Lakeshore Nutrition CD Interactive Science Activities

Plus Features * The CD promotes healthy learning going one step further by merging education and fun. * Sequencing was a great learning tool. * Involves cooking projects that allow children to make choices. * Introduces new and unknown products to kids.

Lil Helper Baby Bottle Holder One of the products out there designed to help parents do other tasks while their babies are feeding. Babies are able to to turn their head and the bottle safely will release from their mouth but never leave babies unattended.Other plus features are * Useful when you need both of your hands free to do something else. * Kids get to play with the rattle. * Easy to bring anywhere you’re going. * Easy to clean it, is dishwasher safe too. * It works with baby’s natural grip reflex. 16

shares with you a story sent to ARE YOU A WRITER ?

The little bunny and the little mirror by Ayesha Ali (age 14)

Once there was a little bunny. The little bunny wished she could be purple like the bunnies she saw on TV. cartoons Jessica, her owner watched. The little bunny longed to be purple, and often grew sad it couldn’t be like the other bunnies on TV. One day, while the little bunny was eating, she came across a mysterious little mirror under her carrots. She looked at herself in the mirror and grew sad all over again. “I wish I could be purple,” she said to herself. Suddenly, the mirror started glowing. The little bunny felt a whoosh of wind. After a while, she looked into the little mirror and saw she had turned purple! The little mirror was a little magic mirror! This was wonderful! The little bunny was so happy she could hardly contain herself. She trotted all around her cage and obsessed over her new color. Suddenly, the little bunny saw Jessica walk into the room. “Oh my God!” Jessica screamed. “My little bunny is so sick! We have to get her to the vet! Mom!” Jessica rushed out the room. Oh no! The little bunny worried. No no no! I have to do something. The little bunny hurried all around the cage looking for the little magic mirror. After she finally found it, she wished to be back how

she was before, back to her original When Jessica and her mom came back to the room, they saw the little bunny was normal color again and sighed a relief. Today the little bunny learned and important lesson: to to be yourself.


go self. 17

FUN FACTS More than 400 billion LEGO® bricks have been produced since 1949. The LEGO® minifigure represents the world’s largest population of people! Over 4 billion minifigures have been produced in the last 30 years. This is almost 12 times the population of the United States! LEGO® minifigures are out of this world, literally. The 2 Mars Rovers have an image of the LEGO® minifigure etched into their front grill. Approximately 7 LEGO® sets are


May 17 – 19 at Reliant Park

sold each second. There are about 62 LEGO® bricks for every one of the world’s 6 billion inhabitants. Laid end to end, the number of LEGO® bricks sold in a year would reach more than 5 times around the world. There are about 62 LEGO® bricks or every one of the world’s 6 billion inhabitants. 19 billion LEGO® elements are produced every year. 2.16 million LEGO® elements are molded every hour, or 36,000 per minute.

My Events

Ballet Dancers joined the two day show

n 2013 o t s u o xpo H Mom E

Kids had a blast with Ronald Mc Donald

Ronald McDonald

Zumba combines the perfect workout while having fun

Lots of fun Location: Berry Center Activities: Lectures,Play Zones, Craft Stations and Demonstrations Robotics Academy 19

My Events

Wonderful face painting

3 est 201 f r e m Sum

The little ones had a great time

Rain Forest Cafe

Sponsors showed lots of care for the community

Friendly cows playing games to win prizes Activities : Face Painting & Balloons, Bounce House, Rock Wall, Petting Zoo and more Organized by All About Katy and Chick-fil-A Among the prices : An ipod from Drama Kids and 6 months gym membership from YES Fitness 20

Dancing with Chick-fil-A cows a favorite activity among the kids

My Events

Face painting was part of the fun

aster ating E unt r b e l e C gg H Kids E

Magical memories were built

Wonderful Moments

Sharing beautiful family moments

Perfect time for families to get together Event : Celebrating Easter Kids Egg Hunt Location : Lakes of Parkway Activities : Egg hunt and face painting Photography : Alex Gabriel Personal Paparazzi

So many happy faces 21

My Party

Every little girl got the chance to adopt a cute pet

irthday r 7th B en e h g atin guy Celebr Elise N


Such a cute touch to the event

This picture captures the wonderful memories made and the importance of friendship

Theme: Pink Poodle in Paris Activities: All the little kids got a chance to adopt a puppy. All pets got an adoption certificate. They also decorated pink handbags to match with the Paris Theme. They all had a fantastic time dancing the afternoon away. Cake: Susie’s Cake Photographed: Nhan Nguyen Photography Decoration: Sophie Lee 22

Beautiful setting for a special occasion

My Party

Alexander and sister Eva

irthday is 7th B h g in t a y Celebr exander P


Eva enjoying the party

Eva and Blue having fun in the kitchen

Time to sing happy Birthday!

Mario Bross cup cakes Place : Happy Playland Theme: Mario Bross Activities: Fun Boat, Tiny Kitchen and more

Happy Playland’s fun boat 23

Abigail Bard is a model at the American Girl Doll modeling show held annually at the Junior League.She loves singing/dancing/ theater and performs through HITS in the Heights and Elite Music and Fine Arts. She has starred in CATS, Oliver, Annie, Freckleface Strawberry. Her next performance will be Thoroughly Modern Millie.

Sophia Wong began piano lessons at age six. At ten, Sophia performed at a school-hosted talent show where she won 1st place. She has also received the Outstanding Musician award twice and has been accepted into the prestigious American Festival of the Arts Piano Program. Made her debut at Carnegie Hall in New York in March 2013. In addition to piano and singing, she is an all A student.


Young Houstonians Ian Gunther is Going or The Gold! On March 22nd, 2013, 13 year old, Ian Gunther, took 6th place All Around in the Texas State Gymnastics Meet held in Austin. He is currently a member of the Junior National Olympic Team.

Sydney Dukes recently won a regional scholarship to the Hall of Fame Nationals dance competition in Orlando, Florida where she placed 4th overall for her solo jazz routine. At school, Sydney participates in theater productions and has been on the Principal’s Honor Roll since 1st grade



My Health

La importacia de una buena alimentación

Una Buena nutrición es la clave para mantener el cuerpo sano. Muchos estudios revelan que la capacidad intelectual y el rendimiento diario de un niño esta relacionado con el tipo y la calidad de alimentos que les proporcionamos diariamente, es por eso que es muy importante educar a los padres al respecto para así influenciar a los hijos con su rendimiento escolar. El problema de hoy en día, es que la mayoría de los alimentos han perdido sus propiedades nutricionales debido a los procesos de transformación que éstos sufren antes de llegar a consumirse. Por otro lado tenemos una gran variedad de restaurantes de comida rápida que también están acabando y afectando la alimentacion balanceada que una persona debería de tener. Nosotros sabemos que necesitamos 114 Nutrientes básicos al día, entre ellos están los macronutrientes (carbohidratos, proteínas, grasas), micronutrientes (vitaminas, minerales, aminoácidos); y otros que incluyen: fibras, hierbas y otros factores botánicos. La Proteína- Lo elemental. Carnes: Pollo, ternera, cerdo; Pescados: Lenguado, atún, merluza, salmón; Lácteos: Leche, quesos; Suplementos: Proteína en polvo Carbohidratos- La Fuente de Energía Más Rapída. De aquí provendrá la

Dr. Gustavo Salas

mayor parte de nuestras calorías diarias. Pan blanco, azúcar, pastas, frutas, plátanos, arroz, papas, frijoles, zanahorias, manis, lentejas, etc.. La grasa- el enemigo público número uno. Hay dos tipos de grasas, las saturadas y las insaturadas, que a su vez se dividen en subtipos. Sin entrar en más detalles, tenemos que tener en cuenta que nos interesan 3 subtipos de grasas: las monoinsaturadas, las poliinsaturadas y las saturadas. Lo ideal sería introducir una cantidad equilibrada de los tres tipos en nuestra dieta (1/3 de cada), ya que cada tipo tiene sus ventajas y sus contras. Monoinsaturadas: Frutos secos (almendras), aceite de oliva.. Poliinsaturadas: Pescados azules (atún, salmón…), nueces… Saturadas: Tocino, manteca… La clave del exito para obtener una buena nutrición es saber equilibrar y controlar el consumo de grasas, carbohidratos y proteínas. Al mismo tiempo hay que controlar el límite de calorías diarias y tomar en cuenta cuál es su fuente. Además requieres de vitaminas y minerales, que se encuentran en los alimentos y en complementos nutricionales. Gustavo Salas. DDS.,MS Especialista en Ortodoncia para niños y adultos Ashford Orthodontics 27

a Desayunar todos! RIIINNNGGGG! Suena el despertador y el cerebro empieza a preocuparse :”Ya hay que levantarse y nos comimos todo el combustible” Llama a la primera neurona que tiene a mano y manda mensaje a ver qué disponibilidad hay de glucosa en la sangre. Desde la sangre le responden:’ Aquí hay azúcar para unos 15 a 20 minutos, nada más’. El cerebro hace un gesto de duda, y le dice a la neurona mensajera: ‘De acuerdo, vayan hablando con el hígado a ver qué tiene en reserva’. En el hígado consultan la cuenta de ahorros y responden que ‘a lo sumo los fondos alcanzan para unos 20 a 25 minutos’.En total no hay sino cerca de 290 gramos de glucosa, es decir, alcanza para 45 minutos, estamos apurados o nos resulta insoportable comer en la mañana, el pobre cerebro tendrá que ponerse en emergencia Cortisona, hija, saque lo que pueda de las células musculares, los ligamentos de los huesos y el colágeno de la piel’.La cortisona pondrá en marcha los mecanismos para que las células se abran cual cartera de mamá comprando útiles, y dejen salir sus proteínas. Estas pasarán al hígado para que las convierta en glucosa sanguínea. El proceso continuará hasta que volvamos a comer.Como se ve, quien cree que no desayuna se está engañando: Se come sus

propios músculos, se auto devora. La consecuencia es la pérdida de tono muscular, y un cerebro que, en vez de ocuparse de sus funciones intelectuales, se pasa la mañana activando el sistema de emergencia para obtener combustible y alimento.¿Cómo afecta eso nuestro peso? Al comenzar el día ayunando, se pone en marcha una estrategia de ahorro energético, por lo cual el metabolismo disminuye. El cerebro no sabe si el ayuno será por unas horas o por unos días, así que toma las medidas restrictivas más severas.Por eso, si la persona decide luego almorzar, la comida será aceptada como excedente, se desviará hacia el almacén de ‘grasa de reserva’ y la persona engordará.La razón de que los músculos sean los primeros utilizados como combustible de reserva en el ayuno matutino se debe a que en las horas de la mañana predomina la hormona cortisol que estimula la destrucción de las proteínas musculares y su conversión en glucosa. 29

Nutrición en el desarrollo mental de los niños

La leche en el desayuno brinda un aporte importante de energía para todo el día El potencial para el adecuado desarrollo mental de un ser humano depende principalmente de dos factores: el genético y el medio ambiente donde el individuo crece. A su vez, en el medio ambiente participan dos aspectos: la calidad de la nutrición (balanceada y adecuada a la edad de la persona) y el estilo de vida (deporte, sedentarismo, estrés, entre otros.) Cabe señalar que para lograr el óptimo desarrollo mental de los niños, es imperativo que éstos mantengan una nutrición adecuada y balanceada, y una estimulación psicomotríz, aspectos que deben ser supervisados por el pediatra. Hay que considerar que el máximo potencial para un adecuado desarrollo mental se encuentra entre el nacimiento y los 10 primeros años de vida. “De los tres alimentos del día, el desayuno es vital, ya que éste les brinda energía a los niños para concentrarse y realizar cualquier actividad física”, comentó el Dr. Eduardo Álvarez. Está comprobado que un buen desayuno es muy importante para tener un mejor rendimiento escolar, 30

lograr una buena concentración y así aprender más durante todo el día. Una dieta balanceada, brinda una nutrición completa que favorece el desarrollo escolar de los niños, ya que les proporciona vitaminas y minerales claves que ayudan a fortalecer su sistema de defensas; 100% de los nutrientes esenciales recomendados diariamente para el desarrollo mental; y calcio para desarrollar huesos y dientes fuertes. El niño que no desayuna se muestra apático, decaído, irritado y de mal humor, tiene reflejos pobres, dificultad para concentrarse, y en consecuencia, un bajo rendimiento escolar, ya que se presenta una disminución en la locomoción, expresión, memoria, creatividad y resolución de problemas. Algunas de las causas por las cuales un niño no desayuna, son las siguientes: falta de tiempo para prepararlo, poco tiempo para consumirlo, prefieren dormir más, pocas posibilidades económicas, o simplemente por omisión. Pero cuando solo acostumbran tomar un vaso con leche, esto le provee una baja cantidad de hierro, vitaminas E y C, ácidos grasos esenciales y minerales, por el otro lado cantidades no ideales de sodio, potasio, fósforo, calcio, proteínas y grasa saturada. 31

Mi Fiesta

Juan Ignacio feliz de compartir con sus abuelitos Augusto Avendaño, Nelly de Avendaño, Jose Palacios y Elsy de Palacios

años Cumple s . o t 4 u ando s Palacio Celebr gnacio

Juan I

La abuelita Elsy Palacios viajo desde muy lejos para acompañar a su nieto

Muchos obsequios y demostraciones de cariño

Lindos arreglos embellecieron el lugar

El hermoso y delicioso pastel

Motivo: Cars Lugar: Residencia Brisa Marina Pastel: Adriana Pinto Animacion y actividades: Eventos Verde Decoracion: CelebrArte ( 32

Una tarde de divertidas actividades para los pequeños

Mi Fiesta

Augusto Avendaño, Alejandro Avendaño, Dulce Vega Avendaño, Ana Victoria Avendaño, Lili Vega, Joe Vega, Ilean Vega,Marianelly Noble y Nuri Vega

izo de el baut ndaño o d n a r Ave Celeb entina

Val Sophia

Recibiendo el sacramento del Bautismo

Natalie Noble y Sophia Avendaño

Renato Castro, Andre Meza, Alejandro Avendaño y Raymond Avendaño

El precioso pastel parte de la decoracion Iglesia: St. Helen Catholic Church Lugar: Silverlake Clubhouse

Renato y Fabiola Castro con Sophia 33

Mi Fiesta

Sophia con sus padres Michelle Diamond y Hector J. Lopez

a単os Cumple d . o t 4 u n ando s ez- Diamo Celebr Lop


Michelle Diamond, Sophia Lopez acompa単adas por Cindy ,Christian y David Vivas

Raymar Ramirez y Fabiana DaMotta

Sophia pidiendo sus deseos al soplar las velitas

Lugar: Happy Playland Tema: Princesas y Piratas (coronas y tiaras para las ninas y antifaces de piratas para los ninos) Torta: Andreina Sandoval 34

La bella decoracion del lugar

Mi Fiesta

Dariana Padrón

s de pleaño m u c l ón ando e niela Padr Celebr a D

ay Darian

Daniela Padrón

Los niños disfrutaron de el zoologico de mascotas

Daniela y amigos Lugar: Tropical Touch Garden Center Motivo: Cowgirl Torta: Raquel Hernandez Decoracion y Animacion: Adela Cardona 35

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